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In this study, soil samples (0-5 cm depth) were taken from ten different roadside fields of intensive traffic regions of Van-Turkey in order to determine the effects of heavy metal pollution on enzymes and microbial activities of soils. Basal soil respiration (BSR), arylsulphatase (ASA), alkaline phosphatase (APA) and urease (UA) enzyme activities, and heavy metal contents (Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) of soils significantly changed with 5, 25 and 45 m from the roadside of soil sampling positions. BSR, ASA, APA and UA activities significantly increased while the heavy metal contents generally decreased from the sampling position of 5 m through 25 and 45 m. Significant positive correlations were found among BSR, ASA, APA and UA. Chromium, Mn and Pb contents gave the significant negative correlation with ASA, APA and UA.  相似文献   

Understanding regional variations of soil heavy metals and their anthropogenic influence are very important for environmental planning. In this study, 286 surface soil samples were collected in Fuyang county, and the 'total' metals for copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) were measured in 2005. Statistic analysis showed that Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd had been added by exterior factors, and Ni was mainly controlled by natural factors. The combination of multivariate statistical and geostatistical analysis successfully grouped three groups (Cu, Zn and Pb; Cd; and Ni) of heavy metals from different sources. Through pollution evaluation, it was found that 15.76% of the study area for Cu, Zn and Pb, and 46.14% for Cd suffered from moderate or severe pollution. Further spatial analysis identified the limestone mining activities, paper mills, cement factory and metallurgic activities were the main sources for the concentration of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in soils, and soil Ni was mainly determined by the parent materials.  相似文献   

There are increasing concerns on heavy metal contaminant in soils and vegetables. In this study, we investigated heavy metal pollution in vegetables and the corresponding soils in the main vegetable production regions of Zhejiang province, China. A total of 97 vegetable samples and 202 agricultural soil samples were analyzed for the concentrations of Cd, Pb, As, Hg, and Cr. The average levels of Cd, Pb, and Cr in vegetable samples [Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris spp. Pekinensis), pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.), celery (Apium graveolens), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), cucumber (Colletotrichum lagenarium), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.), and eggplant (Solanum melongena)] were 0.020, 0.048, and 0.043 mg kg?1, respectively. The Pb and Cr concentrations in all vegetable samples were below the threshold levels of the Food Quality Standard (0.3 and 0.5 mg kg?1, respectively), except that two eggplant samples exceeded the threshold levels for Cd concentrations (0.05 mg kg?1). As and Hg contents in vegetables were below the detection level (0.005 and 0.002 mg kg?1, respectively). Soil pollution conditions were assessed in accordance with the Chinese Soil Quality Criterion (GB15618-1995, Grade II); 50 and 68 soil samples from the investigated area exceeded the maximum allowable contents for Cd and Hg, respectively. Simple correlation analysis revealed that there were significantly positive correlations between the metal concentrations in vegetables and the corresponding soils, especially for the leafy and stem vegetables such as pakchoi, cabbage, and celery. Bio-concentration factor values for Cd are higher than those for Pb and Cr, which indicates that Cd is more readily absorbed by vegetables than Pb and Cr. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the possible pollution of heavy metals in vegetables, especially Cd.  相似文献   

Potentially toxic metals in the urban chemical environment impose risks to both ecosystem and human health. Here, we evaluate the labile pools and availabilities of non-anthropogenic Ni, Cr, Co and Mn in soil samples from Thiva town (central Greece) and investigate their associations with common soil properties and geochemical data obtained by the aqua regia and single selective dissolutions. Experimental work included the initial application of the sequential extraction protocol proposed by the European Community Bureau of Reference and chemical extractions with ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid solution and a modified physiologically based extraction test with the aim to obtain the operationally defined fractions of plant availability and human bioaccessibility, respectively. The leachate results demonstrated that despite the significant contribution of residual metal species especially for Ni and Cr, the studied serpentine soils provide chemically labile pools for all the considered elements. Nickel was found to be the most available metal with the order being Ni?>?Cr?~?Co?~?Mn for plant uptake and Ni?>?Cr?>?Co?~?Mn for human bioaccessibility. The aqua regia extractable concentrations are not predictors of elemental availabilities except for Ni bioaccessible data interpreting however only a moderate percentage of the total variance. The incorporation of basic soil properties (mostly total organic carbon), geochemical data for the major elements Ca, Mg and Fe and ammonium oxalate extractable Cr significantly improved the estimations for individual elements entailing the strong influence of the chemistry and mineralogy of soil materials to the release of focus metals from the soil matrix. This study provides for the first time bioaccessible data for serpentine-derived soils that are more realistic for evaluating potential adverse effects on the human health.  相似文献   

An investigation of various heavy metals including the arsenic (As) poisoning in soils and vegetables in five upazillas under Feni district of Bangladesh was performed by neutron activation technique using the neutron irradiation facilities of TRIGA MARK II research reactor at Bangladesh Atomic Energy Research Establishment (BAERE), Savar, Dhaka. A total of 30 samples (15 surface soils and 15 foodstuffs) were studied in five Upazillas namely as, Sonagazi, Dagan Bhuiya, Feni Sadar, Fulgazi and Parsuram of Feni district taking three samples of each kind from each upazilla. Samples of each kind together with the standard reference material (SRM) were irradiated in the same neutron flux and the gamma-rays of nuclides from the irradiated samples were assessed and screened for As, Br, U, Th, Cr, Sc, Fe, Zn and Co in soils and As, Br, Na, K, Cr, Sc, Fe, Zn and Co in vegetables (i.e; eddoe, taro, green papaya, plantain, potato, callaloo, bottle ground and carambola). The measurement of gamma-rays was carried out by means of a calibrated high resolution HPGe detector. The concentration of product nuclides containing in the irradiated samples was determined from the peak count-rates of prominent gamma-lines for the corresponding nuclides. Among all contaminants, only As, Zn and Cr for both samples were focused because of their higher values compared with the local as well as the world typical values. The present results revealed that the mean levels of As in Parsuram, Feni Sadar and Pulgazi upazillas are higher than the world typical value of 2 mg/kg. The mean values of Zn and Cr for all upazillas are higher than the world typical values 32 and 27.9 mg/kg, respectively. For the case of vegetables, the mean concentration of As is found only in Eddoe (5.33 ppm) and Taro (1.46 ppm) collected from Sonagazi and Feni Sadar upazilla; which are higher than the values in Samta (0.1 ppm for eddoe and 0.44 ppm for taro) under Jessore district of Bangladesh. The mean concentrations of Zn and Cr in all kinds of vegetables are higher compared with the existing local values as well as the world typical values. The mean estimated daily dietary intake of As, Zn and Cr from vegetables are found to be 0.105, 12.47 and 3.53 mg respectively, which are higher than the recommended values of some countries. The consumption of toxic metals in vegetables is a risk for public health in the studied area.  相似文献   

On a mathematical interaction model, developed to model metal uptake by plants and the effects on their growth, we introduce a modification which considers also effects on variations of acidity in soil. The model relates the dynamics of the uptake of metals from soil to plants and also variations of uptake according to the acidity level. Two types of relationships are considered: total and available metal content. We suppose simple mathematical assumptions in order to get as simple as possible expressions with the aim of being easily tested in experimental problems. This work introduces modifications to two versions of the model: on the one hand, the expression of the relationship between the metal in soil and the concentration of the metal in plants and, on the other hand, the relationship between the metal in the soil and total amount of the metal in plants. The fine difference of both versions is fundamental at the moment to consider the tolerance and capacity of accumulation of pollutants in the biomass from the soil.  相似文献   

The Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area (SZIA) was used for the spreading of municipal and industrial waste water, which is an economic way of irrigating crops, recycling nutrients and water treatment. Long-term irrigation resulted in a severe metal contamination of soils. To identify the soil phases implicated in retaining the metals, sequential extractions were performed. The most predominant metal was cadmium which was mainly associated with mobile, easily soluble and easily reducible fractions. Copper was mainly associated with the residual, EDTA extractable and moderately reducible fractions. Lead was bound to organic matter and poorly crystalline Fe-oxides. Nickel and zinc were mainly associated with the residual and strongly reducible fractions. Although copper, lead, nickel and zinc concentrations were of minor importance mobile metal concentrations of these metals as well as of cadmium exceeded German trigger values for plant production and plant growth.  相似文献   

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is one of the most successful birds in the urban environment, and has a global distribution. The present study aims to provide baseline data about metals in sparrows from urban environments in the West Bank and to investigate the possibility of using the House Sparrow to monitor metal pollution in urban environments. Concentrations of Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn were measured in different tissues and organs of male and female juvenile (1-4 weeks old) and adult House Sparrows from the West Bank. Tissues and organs had the following order of metal richness: liver > stomach > bone > lung, feathers > muscles > egg contents, brain > heart > egg shell. Significant correlation coefficients were observed for the concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the egg shell and for the egg contents. Male and female Sparrows showed no significant differences in their metal concentrations. Adult Sparrows collected from rural areas were found to have significantly less Cu, Pb, and Zn (but not Cd) concentrations than those from urban environments. In order to investigate metal accumulation with age, metal concentrations were plotted against age stage (egg, 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-week-old juveniles and adults). Significant relationships were observed between age stage and Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations. The results provide some evidence for the potential of the House Sparrow as a biomonitor for urban heavy metal pollution. However, further issues regarding metal physiological regulation and the correlations between metals in the environment and those in tissues of the House Sparrows have to be addressed before recommending this bird as a biomonitor for urban metal pollution.  相似文献   

In this work, the heavy metals cadmium and lead in Kepez harbor were studied with regard to the determination of the environmental pollution levels. Seawater samples of the Dardanelles (Canakkale Strait) were collected from the nearest station to Kepez harbor in July 2007. Then, the concentrations of these metals were determined after simple pretreatment of samples by the proposed inductively coupled plasma?Catomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) method. The analysis of a given sample is completed in about 15 min by the ICP-AES method, and the concentrations of Cd and Pb were found to be 73.80 mg L???1 (relative standard deviation [RSD], 1.07%) and 9.39 mg L???1 (RSD, 0.70%), respectively. The accuracy of the applied ICP technique was checked by recovery studies, and good recoveries were obtained. The pollution levels of Cd and Pb recorded in this study were compared with those in other studies to analyze the water sample in Kepez harbor.  相似文献   

This work describes the results of assessment of the heavy metals, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in urban soil of Guwahati City, India from 31 sites of five different land use types covering residential, commercial, industrial, public utilities, and roadside. Sequential extraction procedure was used to evaluate the relative distribution of the eight metals in exchangeable, carbonate, reducible (Fe?CMn oxide), organic and sulfide, and residual fractions. Of the eight metals, Cd and Co occur in lower concentrations (Cd <?< Co) in all types of land, and concentration variation from one type of land use to another is not much significant for both the metals. Ni presence is more than Co, and the concentrations show some variation depending on land use status. Average Cr and Cu concentrations are ??100?mg/kg, but Cr has a significantly higher presence in industrial land use. The results are similar in case of Pb. The two metals, Mn and Zn have domination over the other metals, and the values are ??300?mg/kg. Industrial and roadside soil contains much more Mn, while commercial soil is most enriched with Zn. Of the metals, Ni has the largest proportion (~42%) bound to the exchangeable fraction and Co, Cr, and Pb also have appreciable proportion bound to the same fraction. A significant amount of Co is associated with carbonates. The reducible fraction has bound considerable quantity of Mn and Zn, while most of Cu is associated with the organic and sulfide fraction. Both Cd and Pb are dominantly associated with the residual fraction. Computation of the mobility factor of the metals indicates Mn to be the most mobile metal present in the soil samples.  相似文献   

The main aim of the toxicity test is to be able to measure toxicity in organisms, and therefore to assess whether a nationally or internationally preset standard is met. LC50 values (median lethal concentration that kills 50% of the population at a given time) or LT50 values (median lethal time in which 50% of the test species died) provide useful information for risk assessment. However, extrapolating laboratory data to actual field conditions is difficult because of changing environmental factors like temperature and salinity. LC50 copper data for Hediste diversicolor treated multifactorially show the plasticity of the worm to environmental variables. Increasing temperature, 12 to 22°C, and increasing salinity, 7.6 to 30.5 reduced toxicity of copper to the worms without sediment. In the presence of sediment increasing temperature and increasing salinity increased toxicity of copper to the worms.  相似文献   

通过乌鲁木齐市2013年2月5日至26日一次重污染天气过程中,在6个采样点位进行细颗粒物PM_(2.5)的采集,并对其中的13种重金属(Cu、Sr、Mo、Cd、Pb、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、As、Hg)含量、Mull污染指数、空间分布以及溯源进行了分析。结果显示:采样期间乌鲁木齐市重金属浓度在0.23~178 ng/m~3之间,浓度水平排序PbMnCrFeAsVCuNiSrCdMoCoHg,其中Cd、Hg、Pb、Cr、As浓度均高于乌鲁木齐市背景值和国内外其他城市水平,且Mull污染指数处于较严重的污染水平;在重金属元素浓度的空间分布上,铁招和南公园点位重金属浓度较高,31中学和市监测站相对较低。  相似文献   

The classification and regression tree (CART) model integrated with geographical information systems and the assessment of heavy-metals pollution system was developed to assess the heavy metals pollution in Fuyang, Zhejiang, China. The integration of the decision tree model with ArcGIS Engine 9 using a COM implementation in Microsoft® Visual Basic 6.0 provided an approach for assessing the spatial distribution of soil Zn content with high predictive accuracy. The Zn concentration classes estimated by CART assigned the right classes with an accuracy of near 90%. This is a great improvement compared to the ordinary Kriging method for the spatial autocorrelation of the study area severely destroyed by human activities. Also, it can be used to investigate the inter-relationships between the heavy metals pollution and environmental and anthropogenic variables. Moreover, the research presents model predictions over space for further applications and investigations.  相似文献   

The current study represents the first investigation of the suitability of wolf hair as indicator tissue for metal exposure and accumulation within NW Spanish ecosystems. Dead animals, which were not specifically killed for these purposes, were necropsied, and further toxicological analyses were performed in order to establish the heavy metal content (Pb, Cd, and Zn) in liver, kidney, and hair, by means of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Two different factors, gender and age, were considered in order to determine their influence on heavy metal accumulation. Mean liver, kidney and hair concentrations of both toxic element, Cd (0.528, 2.692, and 0.026 ppm) and Pb (4.108, 0.031, and 0.196 ppm) considered on a dry weight basis, were situated below the established as acute toxicity levels for mammals. The highest concentrations were quantified for Zn, with means ranging from a maximum in hair samples (150.9 ppm) to a minimum in kidney samples (25.81 ppm). When the variable of gender and age were considered, female and adult wolves had higher concentrations of Cd in all the considered organs, although differences were only statistically significant for kidney. Neither the sex nor the age had a significant effect on Pb and Zn concentrations. A significant positive correlation (p?<?0.05) was identified between hair and liver Pb concentrations, as well as between hair and kidney Cd concentrations, thus suggesting the interest of the noninvasive sample for future ecotoxicological biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   

The concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, iron, and mercury in the water, sediment and biota of the Singapore River were determined. The concentration of the various metals in water showed significant variation at different sampling times and there was enrichment of lead content. The spatial patterns of metal distribution in the sediment could be due to the different pollution sources such as exhaust emission from boats and other environmental variables such as clay content of sediment or tide level. In the biota, higher amounts of metals were found in species inhabiting the river bed while organisms of higher trophic level such as free-swimming fishes and crabs accumulated lower amounts. In general, the flesh of fishes and crabs had the least content of metals compared to other tissues. The Concentration of various metals in bivalve, Mytilopsis sallei, which were found extensively in the river did not reflect the pollution distribution.  相似文献   

The use of statistical t tests were used to determine lead, zinc, and cadmium enrichment in various Louisiana sediments. Both absolute metal concentrations and trace metal/conservative metal concentration ratios were used in comparing sampled sites to a 110 m deep background core taken just off the mouth of the Mississippi River. Concentration ratios were used to reduce the effects of certain chemical and physical sediment characteristics on the quantity of metal contained in a given sediment.Results from the comparison of sample sites to the background reveal metal enrichment at several sites. The University Lake sampling sites exhibit both lead and zinc enrichment when using both the concentration alone and ratio methods of comparison. Additionally, cadmium enrichment is indicated in the sediments of University Lake when using only the ratio method of comparison. Several sampled sediments in and around the New Orleans metropolitan area exhibited lead and cadmium enrichment.  相似文献   

The chemistry of heavy metals in sediments with respect to bio-availability and chemical reactivity is regulated by pH, texture, and organic matter contents of the sediments and specific binding form and coupled reactivity of the metals within. To focus on the metal distribution (Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Zn, Co, Cu, and Cr) and behavior in a fresh water aquifer system along with the ecological toxicity parameters, a four-step sequential extraction method was applied on 18 Eastern Ghats’ type sediments from fluorosis-hit Nayagarh district, India. Geo-accumulation index of metals in the sediments indicates that they are practically uncontaminated and/or less contaminated with and Fe, Mn, and Cu; contaminated to moderately contaminated with Pb, Zn, and Cr; and strongly contaminated with Cd. Rather, more than 80 % recovered Cd metal concentration in sediments constitute the labile fractions. Temporal clustering of metal fractions indicates transition metal fraction distribution claiming the sediment pH regulation. Similarly, base metal distribution accounts for organic carbon and soil conductivity due to their greater availability in exchangeable and sulfide fractions. Correlation analysis and factor analysis scores demonstrate lack of inter-relationship between transition group and base metal fractions. High fluoride concentration in ground water is associated with high sodium-bicarbonate-iron affinity with elevated pH values (i.e., >7.0) and high positive factor score with the total iron concentration in ground water.  相似文献   

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