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A mathematical model was constructed to simulate the processes of 137Cs migration in peat soils and its uptake by vegetation. Model parameters were assessed and the pattern of 137Cs distribution over soil profile was predicted in case of peat soils, which are typical of the Russian regions contaminated after the Chernobyl accident. The ecological half-life of 137Cs in the plant-root soil zone was calculated, and a long-term prognosis of the radionuclide uptake by plants was made.  相似文献   

国际上对气候因素引致人口迁移的直接关联性和重要程度一直存在争议.2010年我国西南地区遭受的特大千旱给探索极端气候事件和气候变化移民之间的复杂关系提供了研究背景.在此特大干旱影晌下,当地农村居民是否、以及怎样采用迁移的方式来应对?本文以2010年8-9月在受灾严重的云南省昆明市寻甸县所进行的田野调查为基础,揭示了特大干旱背景下当地农村人口的迁移行为及特征.调研结果表明在所调查的村组并未因此极端气候事件而引起大规模的气候变化移民活动,无论是暂时的还是永久的.为了解释灾后当地农村人口的迁移选择,本文引入“气候变化一人口迁移响应”的基本理论框架模型,考虑公共和私人两个层面的作用,对当地政府、村集体和农户自身的灾后适应行为进行深入分析和效果评价.结果表明在公共层面的各类帮扶和救助下,农户自身亦采取了多样化的适应措施,两个层面适应行为的共同作用缓解了特大干旱给农户生计带来的压力,使得农户家庭成员的迁移并不成为必须的选择.  相似文献   

A detailed comprehensive study on the effects of heavy metals on the biological activity and other characteristics of common chernozem of the southern European facies was performed. This involved the analysis of various microbiological and biochemical indices characterizing soil biological activity, their dynamics, a set of several metals and their different chemical forms, and a wide range of metal concentrations in the soil. New important aspects of the effects of heavy metals on biological processes in the soil were revealed. An integral method was proposed for assessing changes in the total biological activity of the soil on the basis of informative indices used in the monitoring, diagnosis, and indication of soils polluted with heavy metals. Geographic trends in changes of soil resistance to heavy metal pollution were analyzed within the common chernozem subtype and by comparing chernozem with other soils.  相似文献   

The results of studies on the biomorphological features of 22 plant species growing on the southern coast of the Russian Far East provide evidence for the diversity of pathways of their adaptation to stressful habitat conditions. An analysis of the anatomical and mesostructural characteristics of their leaves has revealed representatives of euhalophytes, crinohalophytes, and glycohalophytes among these plants. Adaptation is achieved by means of halomorphosis, haloxerophytism, and development of some heliophilic features accounted for by species-specific manifestations of succulence, the presence of salt excreting trichomes, and thick pubescence. The similarity of these adaptations to those of desert plants is discussed. Along with plants characterized by a high germination rate, species that counterbalance a low efficiency of seed reproduction by active vegetative propagation have also successfully established themselves on the coast. Adaptation to coastal habitats is also achieved due to the diversity of life forms characterized mainly by tap root systems with laterally extending branch roots, creeping shoots, and a high vegetative mobility.  相似文献   

Radionuclides and heavy metals were studied in green, brown and red Black Sea macroalgae by low-level gamma spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry. The samples were collected along the whole Bulgarian coast from 1996 to 2004. The levels have been depending on algae species, locations and year of sampling. The highest 137Cs levels were found in red Ceramium rubrum species from all studied locations, while 226Ra and 210Pb were up to three orders of magnitude higher in Bryopsis plumosa. The data showed that the red algae species (Rhodophyta) accumulate more heavy metals than the other phyla (except for Fe whose values were higher in green algae). The data confirmed that algae are valuable indicators of the environmental contamination. The observed elevated levels were mainly due to Danube, Dnieper and Dnester inputs in the NW corner of the Black Sea.  相似文献   

硝基苯在傍河地下水源地迁移转化的模拟实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黑龙江省佳木斯市傍河地下水源地为主要模拟对象,进行了硝基苯迁移转化的室内模拟实验。结果表明:吸附与生物降解作用是影响硝基苯在含水屡中迁移转化的主要因素。淤泥介质对硝基苯的除去能力较高,砂砾介质对硝基苯的除去能力相对较弱。实验过程中,从进水口至出水口的各取样点依次出现硝基苯浓度峰值,并且随着硝基苯迁移路径的延长其浓度峰值相应变小。硝基苯的浓度峰值在含水介质中的持续时间并不很长,但由于硝基苯解吸附作用的存在,在此后相当长的一段时间里都存在较为明显的拖尾现象。  相似文献   

Based on the survey data of typical villages in Shaanxi Province, China, the effect of social capital on the income gap of farmers’ households was analyzed using the Shapley value of the total amount of social capital and the social capital structure. The results show the following: first, social capital can expand the household income gap, and the effect of this index on the household income gap is 7.54%. Second, the indexes of the social capital dimension can expand the household income gap, and the structural effects of the household income gap on social networks, social trust, and social participation are 3.17%, 3.64%, and 0.65%, respectively. Third, no dimension of the path is the same as the effect on the household income gap.  相似文献   

乡村企业入城是实现我国城镇化发展的基本路径。利用浙江、河南、四川三省193家乡村企业的实地调查数据,运用多元有序Logistic回归模型进行相关验证,实证分析我国东中西部三个省份的乡村企业入城意愿及其影响因素。通过对调研数据的描述统计发现:有58.55%的乡村企业主有入城意愿,仅有21.24%的乡村企业主不愿意或非常不愿意搬迁,集群环境、土地价格、运输成本等是企业愿意搬迁的主要原因,土地价格政策、当地经济发展水平、产品产销信息、集群环境是影响企业搬迁方向的重要因素,当地的土地、税收和融资等政府政策对于企业是否入城产生重要影响。通过多元有序Logistic回归模型估计结果表明:企业总资产、土地价格、运输成本、集群环境、与政府关系对入城意愿有显著负向影响,税收政策有显著正向影响,这些影响因素主要是通过影响企业的显性成本(土地价格、运输成本),以及企业的交易成本、寻租成本等隐性成本(集群环境、与政府关系和税收政策),进而影响企业的迁移意愿,且浙江、河南与四川三地计量结果差异显著。在上述研究的基础上,本文提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies factors influencing rural-urban labor migration in China,particularly the implementation of rural cooperative medical insurance(RCMI) in the year 2003.With the support of data analysis from the year 2000,2004 and 2006,clear linear correlations are found between gender,income,health condition and rural-urban labor flow,whereas the impact of education and employment status are more complicated.More importantly,results from regression show that the establishment of RCMI in countryside of China not only inhibits rural residents from seeking employment outside the village,but also pulls back rural people who have already worked in cities.When regional dimension is concerned,the pure composite effect of RCMI on rural labor flow is less significant in coastal areas with better economic performance and medical service.  相似文献   


This paper studies factors influencing rural-urban labor migration in China, particularly the implementation of rural cooperative medical insurance (RCMI) in the year 2003. With the support of data analysis from the year 2000, 2004 and 2006, clear linear correlations are found between gender, income, health condition and rural-urban labor flow, whereas the impact of education and employment status are more complicated. More importantly, results from regression show that the establishment of RCMI in countryside of China not only inhibits rural residents from seeking employment outside the village, but also pulls back rural people who have already worked in cities. When regional dimension is concerned, the pure composite effect of RCMI on rural labor flow is less significant in coastal areas with better economic performance and medical service.  相似文献   

目前我国正在积极地探寻经济增长高质量发展,生态环境与经济持续、稳定的和谐发展至关重要。虽然政府制定了相关的环境治理政策,但我国环境治理整体效果仍然欠佳。自从分税制改革以来,地方政府为了获得较高经济效益,会放松对环境管理,导致环境治理高投入低成效。同时,由于区域经济发展不平衡导致政府在制定相关环境治理政策时带有区域性特点,迫使高污染高能耗企业迁移至环境规制相对薄弱的地区,由此产生污染迁移的现象。基于此,对2003—2017年30个省区市(港澳台和西藏除外)环境污染总指数的空间溢出效应进行探讨,构建动态空间杜宾模型研究环境规制、省际产业转移对污染迁移的影响。研究结果表明:①环境规制总体上对环境污染具有显著直接效应且存在正向空间溢出效应,当某省环境规制强度增加,环境污染总指数会降低,从而引起污染向相邻省份转移,造成相邻省份的环境污染总指数上升。②省际产业转移整体上对环境污染具有显著直接效应且存在负向空间溢出效应,当某省的产业转移到相邻省份时,会缓解本省环境污染,却加重相邻省份的环境污染程度。这就需要中央政府加强对于各省区市的环境管控,统筹各区域的联防联治机制。产业转移承接省份在招商引资的过程中不仅要考虑本省环境承载能力和环境治理能力,还要考虑入驻企业自身污染排放处理能力,并将污染排放指数纳入筛选条件。同时,产业转移承接省份要引入企业的生产工艺、技术、研发团队等,运用技术溢出效应提升区域环境治理水平。  相似文献   

Uranium never occurs as a single pollutant in the environment, but always in combination with other stressors such as ionizing radiation. As effects induced by multiple contaminants can differ markedly from the effects induced by the individual stressors, this multiple pollution context should not be neglected. In this study, effects on growth, nutrient uptake and oxidative stress induced by the single stressors uranium and gamma radiation are compared with the effects induced by the combination of both stressors. By doing this, we aim to better understand the effects induced by the combined stressors but also to get more insight in stressor-specific response mechanisms. Eighteen-day-old Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings were exposed for 3 days to 10 μM uranium and 3.5 Gy gamma radiation. Gamma radiation interfered with uranium uptake, resulting in decreased uranium concentrations in the roots, but with higher transport to the leaves. This resulted in a better root growth but increased leaf lipid peroxidation. For the other endpoints studied, effects under combined exposure were mostly determined by uranium presence and only limited influenced by gamma presence. Furthermore, an important role is suggested for CAT1/2/3 gene expression under uranium and mixed stressor conditions in the leaves.  相似文献   

Based on the data of 30 Chinese provinces for the period from 2004 to 2015, this paper expounds the carbon emissions effect of two-way foreign direct investment (FDI) from the perspective of scale effect and factor market distortions. This study uses Kaya identity to decompose carbon emission and construct simultaneous equations model to empirically examine the factor market distortion and the carbon emission scale effect of two-way FDI. The results show that the inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) increase regional carbon emission through scale effect and also exacerbates factor market distortion in China, whereas the outward FDI trends reduce carbon emission and reduces factor market distortions in China. The study also shows that human capital, research and development (R&D), trade openness, and capital accumulation are important determinants of two-way FDI. Therefore, the study proposes that IFDI policies should focus on acquiring green technologies. In addition, the domestic enterprises should be encouraged to participate in global business.  相似文献   

Different components of group effect on the locomotor activity of single common toad and brown frog tadpoles have been studied by estimating the length of their trajectories, the speed of movement, the number of crossings of experimental field zones, and the number and duration of stops. The results show that toad tadpoles are more active than frog tadpoles. Conspecific metabolites added to the water do not change the pattern of their locomotor activity. Under conditions of visual contact with other tadpoles, locomotor activity of a toad tadpole decreases, whereas that of a frog tadpole increases. Thus, tadpoles of the two amphibian species show species-specific behavioral responses to changes in experimental conditions.  相似文献   

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