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Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems a global problem   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Humans now strongly influence almost every major aquatic ecosystem, and their activities have dramatically altered the fluxes of growth-limiting nutrients from the landscape to receiving waters. Unfortunately, these nutrient inputs have had profound negative effects upon the quality of surface waters worldwide. This review examines how eutrophication influences the biomass and species composition of algae in both freshwater and costal marine systems. MAIN FEATURES: An overview of recent advances in algae-related eutrophication research is presented. In freshwater systems, a summary is presented for lakes and reservoirs; streams and rivers; and wetlands. A brief summary is also presented for estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems. RESULTS: Eutrophication causes predictable increases in the biomass of algae in lakes and reservoirs; streams and rivers; wetlands; and coastal marine ecosystems. As in lakes, the response of suspended algae in large rivers to changes in nutrient loading may be hysteretic in some cases. The inhibitory effects of high concentrations of inorganic suspended solids on algal growth, which can be very evident in many reservoirs receiving high inputs of suspended soils, also potentially may occur in turbid rivers. Consistent and predictable eutrophication-caused increases in cyanobacterial dominance of phytoplankton have been reported worldwide for natural lakes, and similar trends are reported here both for phytoplankton in turbid reservoirs, and for suspended algae in a large river CONCLUSIONS: A remarkable unity is evident in the global response of algal biomass to nitrogen and phosphorus availability in lakes and reservoirs; wetlands; streams and rivers; and coastal marine waters. The species composition of algal communities inhabiting the water column appears to respond similarly to nutrient loading, whether in lakes, reservoirs, or rivers. As is true of freshwater ecosystems, the recent literature suggests that coastal marine ecosystems will respond positively to nutrient loading control efforts. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: Our understanding of freshwater eutrophication and its effects on algal-related water quality is strong and is advancing rapidly. However, our understanding of the effects of eutrophication on estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems is much more limited, and this gap represents an important future research need. Although coastal systems can be hydrologically complex, the biomass of marine phytoplankton nonetheless appears to respond sensitively and predictably to changes in the external supplies of nitrogen and phosphorus. These responses suggest that efforts to manage nutrient inputs to the seas will result in significant improvements in coastal zone water quality. Additional new efforts should be made to develop models that quantitatively link ecosystem-level responses to nutrient loading in both freshwater and marine systems.  相似文献   

The relative biomass of autotrophs (vascular plants, macroalgae, microphytobenthos, phytoplankton) in shallow aquatic ecosystems is thought to be controlled by nutrient inputs and underwater irradiance. Widely accepted conceptual models indicate that this is the case both in marine and freshwater systems. In this paper we examine four case studies and test whether these models generally apply. We also identify other complex interactions among the autotrophs that may influence ecosystem response to cultural eutrophication. The marine case studies focus on macroalgae and its interactions with sediments and vascular plants. The freshwater case studies focus on interactions between phytoplankton, epiphyton, and benthic microalgae. In Waquoit Bay, MA (estuary), controlled experiments documented that blooms of macroalgae were responsible for the loss of eelgrass beds at nutrient-enriched locations. Macroalgae covered eelgrass and reduced irradiance to the extent that the plants could not maintain net growth. In Hog Island Bay, VA (estuary), a dense lawn of macroalgae covered the bottom sediments. There was reduced sediment-water nitrogen exchange when the algae were actively growing and high nitrogen release during algal senescence. In Lakes Brobo (West Africa) and Okeechobee (FL), there were dramatic seasonal changes in the biomass and phosphorus content of planktonic versus attached algae, and these changes were coupled with changes in water level and abiotic turbidity. Deeper water and/or greater turbidity favored dominance by phytoplankton. In Lake Brobo there also was evidence that phytoplankton growth was stimulated following a die-off of vascular plants. The case studies from Waquoit Bay and Lake Okeechobee support conceptual models of succession from vascular plants to benthic algae to phytoplankton along gradients of increasing nutrients and decreasing under-water irradiance. The case studies from Hog Island Bay and Lake Brobo illustrate additional effects (modified sediment-water nutrient fluxes, allelopathy or nutrient release during plant senescence) that could play a role in ecosystem response to nutrient stress.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The utilization of plastics has now become a threat to the environment as it generates microplastic particles (<5 mm in size). The increasing...  相似文献   

Pauly D 《Ambio》2007,36(4):290-295
The Sea Around Us Project, initiated by the Pew Charitable Trusts in Philadelphia, PA, and located at the Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, started in mid 1999. Its goal was (and still is) to investigate the impact of fisheries on marine ecosystems and to propose policies to mitigate these impacts. Although conceived as a global activity, the project first emphasized the data-rich North Atlantic as a test bed for developing its approaches, which rely on mapping of catch data and indicators of ecosystem health derived from the analysis of long catch time series data. Initial achievements included mapping the decline, throughout the North Atlantic basin, of high-trophic level fishes from 1900 to the present and the presentation of compelling evidence of change in the functioning of the North Atlantic ecosystems, summarized in a 2003 book. The Central and South Atlantic were the next basins to be tackled, with emphasis on the distant-water fleet off West Africa, culminating in a major conference in Dakar, Senegal, in 2002. The project then emphasized the North Pacific, Antarctica, and marine mammals and the multiplicity of tropical Indo-Pacific fisheries before it turned completely global, with all our major analyses and reports (e.g., on the interactions between marine mammals and fisheries, on fuel consumption by fleets, on the catches of small-scale fisheries, on subsidies to fisheries) being based on global studies. Broadly, the work of the project is aimed at a reappraisal of fisheries, from the benign activity that many interested people still perceive them to be, to a realization that they have become the driver for massive loss of biodiversity in the ocean. Moreover, the emphasis on global estimates (rather than local estimates of dubious generality) has allowed the project to contribute to various global initiatives (e.g., developing the Marine Trophic Index for the Convention on Biological Diversity, quantifying marine ecosystem services for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment), that is, activities that we expect to increase and for which we invite collaboration from academia and environmental nongovernmental organizations.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, numerous studies have been conducted on the impacts of air pollutants (air quality) on terrestrial ecosystems (crops and forests). Although ambient air is always composed of pollutant mixtures, in determining the relative air quality and its ecosystem impacts at a given geographic location and time, a predominant number of studies have shown that at the present time surface-level O(3) is the most important phytotoxic air pollutant. Within the North American Great Plains, the precursors for surface-level O(3) are mainly anthropogenic NO(x) and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Texas and Alberta are the top regions of such emissions in the United States and Canada, respectively. This appears to be due mainly to the prevalence of natural gas and/or oil industry in the two regions and the consequent urbanization. Nevertheless, the total emissions of NO(x) and VOCs within the North American Great Plains represent only about 25-36% of the corresponding total emissions within the contiguous United States and the whole of Canada. Within the Great Plains many major crop and tree species are known to be sensitive to O(3). This sensitivity assessment, however, is based mainly on our knowledge from univariate (O(3) only) exposure-plant response studies. In the context of global climate change, in almost all similar univariate studies, elevated CO(2) concentrations have produced increases in plant biomass (both crop and tree species). The question remains as to whether this stimulation will offset any adverse effects of elevated surface O(3) concentrations. Future research must address this important issue both for the Great Plains and for all other geographic locations, taking into consideration spatial and temporal variabilities in the ambient concentrations of the two trace gases.  相似文献   

At the last glacial maximum, vast ice sheets covered many continental areas. The beds of some shallow seas were exposed thereby connecting previously separated landmasses. Although some areas were ice-free and supported a flora and fauna, mean annual temperatures were 10-13 degrees C colder than during the Holocene. Within a few millennia of the glacial maximum, deglaciation started, characterized by a series of climatic fluctuations between about 18,000 and 11,400 years ago. Following the general thermal maximum in the Holocene, there has been a modest overall cooling trend, superimposed upon which have been a series of millennial and centennial fluctuations in climate such as the "Little Ice Age spanning approximately the late 13th to early 19th centuries. Throughout the climatic fluctuations of the last 150,000 years, Arctic ecosystems and biota have been close to their minimum extent within the most recent 10,000 years. They suffered loss of diversity as a result of extinctions during the most recent large-magnitude rapid global warming at the end of the last glacial stage. Consequently, Arctic ecosystems and biota such as large vertebrates are already under pressure and are particularly vulnerable to current and projected future global warming. Evidence from the past indicates that the treeline will very probably advance, perhaps rapidly, into tundra areas, as it did during the early Holocene, reducing the extent of tundra and increasing the risk of species extinction. Species will very probably extend their ranges northwards, displacing Arctic species as in the past. However, unlike the early Holocene, when lower relative sea level allowed a belt of tundra to persist around at least some parts of the Arctic basin when treelines advanced to the present coast, sea level is very likely to rise in future, further restricting the area of tundra and other treeless Arctic ecosystems. The negative response of current Arctic ecosystems to global climatic conditions that are apparently without precedent during the Pleistocene is likely to be considerable, particularly as their exposure to co-occurring environmental changes (such as enhanced levels of UV-B, deposition of nitrogen compounds from the atmosphere, heavy metal and acidic pollution, radioactive contamination, increased habitat fragmentation) is also without precedent.  相似文献   

The chemical processes responsible for production of photochemical oxidants within the troposphere have been the subject of laboratory and field study throughout the last three decades. During the same period, models to simulate the atmospheric chemistry, transport and deposition of ozone (O(3)) from individual urban sources and from regions have been developed. The models differ greatly in the complexity of chemical schemes, in the underlying meteorology and in spatial and temporal resolution. Input information from land use, spatial and temporally disaggregated emission inventories and meteorology have all improved considerably in recent years and are not fully implemented in current models. The development of control strategies in both North America and Europe to close the gaps between current exceedances of environmental limits, guide values, critical levels or loads and full compliance with these limits provides the focus for policy makers and the support agencies for the research. The models represent the only method of testing a range of control options in advance of implementation. This paper describes currently applied models of photochemical oxidant production and transport at global and regional scales and their ability to simulate individual episodes as well as photochemical oxidant climatology. The success of current models in quantifying the exposure of terrestrial surfaces and the population to potentially damaging O(3) concentrations (and dose) is examined. The analysis shows the degree to which the underlying processes and their application within the models limit the quality of the model products.  相似文献   

Lake Van in Turkey is the world's largest soda lake (607 km(3)). The lake's catchment area is estimated to be ~12,500 km(2), and the terrestrial input is carried through eolian, riverine, snowmelt and anthropogenic paths. Extent and seasonality of the terrestrial inputs to the lake have not been studied, but it is essential to evaluate its environmental status and to assess the use of environmental proxies to estimate the lake's response to climate changes. This study aims to measure seasonal changes in terrestrial input of natural and anthropogenic origin as recorded by the fluxes of pollen and biomarkers of soil bacteria and vascular or higher plants, as well as petrogenic biomarkers in monthly resolved sediment traps from August 2006 to July 2007. Fluxes of pollen, soil and higher plant biomarkers seem to be related to precipitation and snowmelt in autumn and spring. In addition, dust storms, which are common during the summer months, may have resulted in long-distance transport. Anthropogenic biomarker fluxes indicate year-round petrogenic contamination although some mature biomarker fluxes are higher in summer and in late winter-spring. The relative changes between petrogenic markers indicate variations in the pollutant sources.  相似文献   

Matson P  Lohse KA  Hall SJ 《Ambio》2002,31(2):113-119
The sources and distribution of anthropogenic nitrogen (N), including N fertilization and N fixed during fossil-fuel combustion, are rapidly becoming globally distributed. Responses of terrestrial ecosystems to anthropogenic N inputs are likely to vary geographically. In the temperate zone, long-term N inputs can lead to increases in plant growth and also can result in over-enrichment with N, eventually leading to increased losses of N via solution leaching and trace-gas emissions, and in some cases, to changes in species composition and to ecosystem decline. However, not all ecosystems respond to N deposition similarly; their response depends on factors such as successional state, ecosystem type, N demand or retention capacity, land-use history, soils, topography, climate, and the rate, timing, and type of N deposition. We point to some of the conditions under which anthropogenic impacts can be significant, some of the factors that control variations in response, and some areas where uncertainty is large due to limited information.  相似文献   

Hühnerfuss H 《Chemosphere》2000,40(9-11):913-919
A review discussing methodical aspects of enantioselective chromatographic separation of chiral environmental xenobiotics as well as examples for process studies reported in literature. The process studies include microbial transformation of chiral pollutants in aquatic ecosystems, their enzymatic transformation in biota, their photochemical degradation, air/sea exchange processes and atmospheric long range transport, and enantioselective toxic effects.  相似文献   

Climate change effects on hydroecology of arctic freshwater ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In general, the arctic freshwater-terrestrial system will warm more rapidly than the global average, particularly during the autumn and winter season. The decline or loss of many cryospheric components and a shift from a nival to an increasingly pluvial system will produce numerous physical effects on freshwater ecosystems. Of particular note will be reductions in the dominance of the spring freshet and changes in the intensity of river-ice breakup. Increased evaporation/evapotranspiration due to longer ice-free seasons, higher air/water temperatures and greater transpiring vegetation along with increase infiltration because of permafrost thaw will decrease surface water levels and coverage. Loss of ice and permafrost, increased water temperatures and vegetation shifts will alter water chemistry, the general result being an increase in lotic and lentic productivity. Changes in ice and water flow/levels will lead to regime-specific increases and decreases in habitat availability/quality across the circumpolar Arctic.  相似文献   

Atmospheric inputs of selected Trace Metals (TM: Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Zn, as well as Al, Fe and Mn) were studied on six forested sites in France. In order to evaluate canopy interaction with atmospheric inputs, TM were measured in both Open Field Bulk Deposition (BD) and Throughfall (TF). Anthropogenic contribution to BD composition is high for Zn, Cd and Sb, reflecting actual TM emissions trends. Canopy greatly influences precipitation composition, through different processes, including assimilation and leaching by canopy, complexation as well as accumulation/dissolution of dry deposition. TM and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) physical fractionation between colloidal and truly dissolved phases was performed with ultrafiltration. Al, Fe, Pb and Cu are found in the colloidal fraction whereas Cd, Ni, Zn and Sb are mostly in the truly dissolved fraction. Chemical speciation predicted with WHAM-VI shows that in throughfall, Al, Fe, Pb and Cu are almost entirely complexed by DOC, whereas Ni, Cd and Zn are present in average 30% in the free metal ion form. TM present in labile forms (Cd, Ni, Zn) interact with the canopy, are cycled in the ecosystem, and their concentration is either slightly increased or even decreased in throughfall. Sb, Pb and Cu concentration are increased through canopy, as a consequence of dry deposition accumulation.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art, limitations, critical issues, and new directions in freshwater plant ecotoxicology. We selected...  相似文献   

Climate change is likely to act as a multiple stressor, leading to cumulative and/or synergistic impacts on aquatic systems. Projected increases in temperature and corresponding alterations in precipitation regimes will enhance contaminant influxes to aquatic systems, and independently increase the susceptibility of aquatic organisms to contaminant exposure and effects. The consequences for the biota will in most cases be additive (cumulative) and multiplicative (synergistic). The overall result will be higher contaminant loads and biomagnification in aquatic ecosystems. Changes in stratospheric ozone and corresponding ultraviolet radiation regimes are also expected to produce cumulative and/or synergistic effects on aquatic ecosystem structure and function. Reduced ice cover is likely to have a much greater effect on underwater UV radiation exposure than the projected levels of stratospheric ozone depletion. A major increase in UV radiation levels will cause enhanced damage to organisms (biomolecular, cellular, and physiological damage, and alterations in species composition). Allocations of energy and resources by aquatic biota to UV radiation protection will increase, probably decreasing trophic-level productivity. Elemental fluxes will increase via photochemical pathways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Triggered by the requirement of Water Framework Directive for a good ecological status for European river systems till 2015 and by still existing lacks in tools for cause identification of insufficient ecological status MODELKEY (http:// www.modelkey.org), an Integrated Project with 26 partners from 14 European countries, was started in 2005. MODELKEY is the acronym for 'Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on freshwater and marine ecosystems and biodiversity'. The project is funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme. OBJECTIVES: MODELKEY comprises a multidisciplinary approach aiming at developing interlinked tools for an enhanced understanding of cause-effect-relationships between insufficient ecological status and environmental pollution as causative factor and for the assessment and forecasting of the risks of key pollutants on fresh water and marine ecosystems at a river basin and adjacent marine environment scale. New modelling tools for risk assessment including generic exposure assessment models, mechanistic models of toxic effects in simplified food chains, integrated diagnostic effect models based on community patterns, predictive component effect models applying artificial neural networks and GIS-based analysis of integrated risk indexes will be developed and linked to a user-friendly decision support system for the prioritisation of risks, contamination sources and contaminated sites. APPROACH: Modelling will be closely interlinked with extensive laboratory and field investigations. Early warning strategies on the basis of sub-lethal effects in vitro and in vivo are provided and combined with fractionation and analytical tools for effect-directed analysis of key toxicants. Integrated assessment of exposure and effects on biofilms, invertebrate and fish communities linking chemical analysis in water, sediment and biota with in vitro, in vivo and community level effect analysis is designed to provide data and conceptual understanding for risk arising from key toxicants in aquatic ecosystems and will be used for verification of various modelling approaches. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE: The developed tools will be verified in case studies representing European key areas including Mediterranean, Western and Central European river basins. An end-user-directed decision support system will be provided for cost-effective tool selection and appropriate risk and site prioritisation.  相似文献   

A review of the scientific literature on pesticide residues in freshwater and marine zooplankton indicates that despite the great number of pesticides in current use, only residues of the persistent organochlorine insecticides, many of which have been restricted or removed from general use in North America, have been determined. Much of this information is outdated. In addition, with the exception of the Great Lakes on which limited information is available, reports on residues in freshwater zooplankton are rare. Information on residues of the newer, less persistent but heavily used pesticides is lacking. As an alternative to field sampling and chemical analysis of endemic populations of zooplankton, scientists have modeled the bioaccumulation of pesticides in zooplankton using either laboratory microcosms or mathematical equations. However, the extent and importance of trophic transfer to higher food levels through this intermediary group of organisms is still controversial. In addition, the relationship between accumulation of pesticides and toxicity to zooplankton remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Arheimer B  Löwgren M  Pers BC  Rosberg J 《Ambio》2005,34(7):513-520
A hydrological-based model (HBV-NP) was applied to a catchment (1900 km2) in the southern part of Sweden. Careful characterization of the present load situation and the potential for improved treatment or reduced soil leaching were analyzed. Several scenarios were modeled to find strategies to reach the Swedish environmental goals of reducing anthropogenic nitrogen load by 30% and phosphorus load by 20%. It was stated that the goals could be reached by different approaches that would affect different polluters and social sectors. However, no single measure was enough by itself. Instead, a combination of measures was necessary to achieve the goals. The nitrogen goal was the most difficult to attain. In order to be cost-effective, these measures should be applied to areas contributing the most to the net loading of the sea. This strategy could reduce the costs by 70%-80% when compared with implementing the measures in the entire catchment. Integrated catchment models may thus be helpful tools for reducing costs in environmental control programs.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Plastics are synthetic polymers known for their outstanding durability and versatility, and have replaced traditional materials in many applications....  相似文献   

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