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碱液循环强化电动力学修复氟污染土壤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 V·cm~(-1)电解电压下,利用去离子水及NaOH溶液做电解液,研究了电解液不同循环方式下土壤氟在电动力学作用下的迁移特征,分析了利用碱液循环强化电动力学技术修复氟污染土壤的可行性.结果表明,以去离子水为电解液单独循环时,土壤氟的去除率为20.3%,而以NaOH溶液为电解液时去除率最高可达57.3%,碱性电解液可提高土壤氟的去除率,且随着碱性的增强土壤氟的去除率逐渐升高.电解液的不同循环方式也对土壤氟的去除产生显著影响,两极溶液串联循环时土壤氟的去除率明显升高.可以采用碱液循环强化电动力学技术修复氟污染土壤.  相似文献   

As a new technology used for the cleaning of chromium-contaminated soil, worldwide interest in eletrokinetic (EK) remediation has grown considerably in recent times. However, owing to the fact that chromium exists as both cationic and anionic species in the soil, it is not an efficient method. This paper reports upon a study in which a process using approaching anodes (AAs) was used to enhance the removal efficiency of chromium by eletrokinetics. Two bench-scale experiments to remove chromium from contaminated soil were performed, one using a fixed anode (FA) and the other using AAs. In the AAs experiment, the anode moved toward the cathode by 7 cm every three days. After remediation, soil pH, total chromium, and fractionation of chromium in the soil were determined. The average removal efficiency of total chromium was 11.32% and 18.96% in the FA and AAs experiments, respectively. After remediation, acidic soil conditions throughout the soil were generated through the use of AAs, while 80% of the soil remained neutral or alkalic when using the FA approach. The acidic soil environment and high field intensity in the AAs experiment might have favored chromium desorption, dissolution and dissociation from the soil, plus the mobility of chromium in the soil was also enhanced. The results demonstrate that AAs used in the process of EK remediation can enhance the efficiency of chromium removal from soil.  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤的电动原位修复技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电动力学修复技术作为一种新型的修复技术,由于其处理土壤污染的高效性,近几年来受到了越来越多的关注。综述了电动力学修复技术原理及近几年来其在重金属修复中的最新研究进展,阐述了电动力学修复技术相对于其它修复技术的优势,并指出了电动修复技术中需要克服的技术障碍,探讨了其大规模商业应用的可行性。电动技术能够强化土壤物质的传质过程,能够高效、快速定向迁移土壤中重金属离子达到去除的目的;同时电动技术可以与其它修复技术结合发展出系列组合修复技术,具有广泛的应用前景。从单一电动到复合电动是今后电动力学技术发展的重要方向。目前对污染物质复合电动力学效应下的迁移机理及模型、不同土壤性质(组分、酸碱性等)对于污染物质去除效率及其调控措施的研究仍需进一步深入。  相似文献   

土壤铜镉污染的电动力学修复实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对土壤典型重金属污染修复问题,通过实验方法研究了土壤铜镉污染的电动力学修复效果,并分析其迁移变化特征.实验结果表明,在电场作用下土壤中重金属的质量分数发生明显变化,使得大部分重金属能在电极附近富集而被去除,且土壤的pH值等是影响电动力学修复效果的重要因素.污染物Cd和Cu在电场作用下主要是在阴极附近产生富集,迁移方向由阳极向阴极,表明电场作用加强重金属Cd和Cu迁移效果.当实验电压为0.5 V/cm时,在阳极附近土壤中镉的去除效率为75.1%,铜的去除效率达到77.9%.另外,电动修复中由于阴阳两极的氧化还原反应造成电极附近pH值产生明显变化,其中阳极附近的pH值由开始时的7.5逐渐变小到4.7,而阴极附近则相反,由开始时的7.2逐渐增大到9.4,表明土壤的酸碱条件变化明显.  相似文献   

污染土壤的修复技术研究进展   总被引:56,自引:6,他引:56  
分析了当前我国严峻的土壤环境状况,并从重金属和有机污染物两个方面,全面介绍了当前污染土壤的各种修复技术,包括物理化学修复方法、植物修复方法和微生物修复方法等;对各种方法的修复原理、已取得的研究进展、存在的优缺点及其将来的发展趋势进行了较全面的综述和展望。文章认为,污染土壤修复将是一项非常具有挑战性同时又是一项非常有前途的修复技术,将会对人类健康和经济可持续发展发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

土壤石油污染物生物通风修复的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
隋红  茹旭  黄国强  李鑫钢 《生态环境》2003,12(2):216-219
生物通风是一种去污效果好、操作费用低的土壤原位修复技术。文章概述了生物通风系统的结构、设计目的、适用范围和优缺点,详细论述了生物通风的国内外研究现状,包括现场应用、影响因素和强化技术及理论研究,并展望了生物通风在我国的应用前景。  相似文献   

近些年来,有关施加电场以去除土壤中污染物的报道较多,但是关于电动力学对土壤肥力的影响方面的报道很少。文章研究了电动力学(1V·cm-1)对土壤肥力的影响。修复前后测量的指标有土壤有机质(SOM)、pH、电导率(EC)、氧化还原电位(ORP)、有效氮、速效磷、速效钾。镉质量分数约为100mg·kg-1的模拟污染土壤经电动力学处理60h后,镉的平均去除效率为71%。土壤中的有效氮、速效磷和速效钾分别平均增加38.49%、47.55%和26.81%,同时TOC也增加了7.96%。总之,电动力学修复后,土壤的肥力有了明显的提升。研究结果表明,电动力学在有效去除土壤中镉的同时还能提升土壤的肥力,是一种可行的土壤修复技术。  相似文献   

Organic contaminated soils have become a widespread environmental problem, which may lead to a great threat to the quality of agricultural production and to human health. Physical, chemical, and biological technologies have been employed for the mitigation and remediation of organic contaminated soils. This paper reviews the progress of mitigation and remediation technologies for organic contaminated soils and suggests two different strategies for the mitigation of ’slightly-contaminated’ agricultural soils and the remediation of ‘heavily-contaminated’ soils/sites, respectively. On this basis, directions for future research in this field are suggested.  相似文献   

铬(Ⅵ)污染高岭土电动修复实验研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王业耀  孟凡生 《生态环境》2005,14(6):855-859
用电动方法对铬(Ⅵ)污染高岭土的修复进行了实验室研究。选用重铬酸钾作为污染物,配制的高岭土的重铬酸钾质量分数为100mg·kg-1。实验研究了铬(Ⅵ)污染高岭土电动修复的可行性,施加电压和处理时间对去除效率的影响,阴极电解产生的OH-对去除效率的影响及其控制方法,以及铬的迁移和分布规律。实验结果表明,电动修复可以有效去除高岭土中存在的铬(Ⅵ),最高去除效率可达97.8%;高岭中六价铬[Cr(Ⅵ)]以含氧阴离子形式存在,在电动修复过程中向阳极区域迁移;用蒸馏水冲洗和醋酸中和阴极电解产生的OH-,可以提高铬的去除效率。  相似文献   

An alternative to the cleaning-up of agricultural soil contaminated by heavy metals is to avoid their transfer from soil to plant by inoculating soil with selected microorganisms able to biosorb heavy metals. Here, four bacteria species and a fungus isolated from contaminated soils revealed their ability to grow in the presence of high cadmium level. We tested their growth capacity related to pH and Cd concentration on synthetic and soil extract media. The comparison of their growth rate, the biosorbed cadmium rate and the specific biosorption allowed to select the most efficient microorganism to be used in bioremediation.  相似文献   

几种固化剂组配修复重金属污染土壤   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
曾卉  徐超  周航  曾敏  廖柏寒 《环境化学》2012,31(9):1368-1374
选取沸石、硅藻土、海泡石、膨润土和石灰石等5种矿物材料,以6 g.kg-1的浓度分别添加到50 g供试土壤中,熟化两周后进行毒性浸出实验,研究各固化剂对土壤重金属的固化效果.实验表明石灰石对土壤重金属均有较好的固化作用,因此再将前4种固化剂与石灰石以不同质量比组配,并以同样方法研究各组配对土壤中重金属的固化效果,以期得到固化效果优于单一固化剂的组配固化剂.结果表明,几种组配中效果最好的是硅藻土与石灰石以质量比1∶2的组配,土壤浸提液中Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn浸出量较对照分别降低54.3%、100%、27.2%、63.8%.显然,1∶2的硅藻土+石灰石对土壤Pb、Cd、Zn均有较好的固化作用.  相似文献   

菲是多环芳烃中的代表性物质,具有"三致"效应,而且菲的蒸汽压小,辛醇-水分配系数高,生物可利用性低,是一种持久性有机污染物。随着化石燃料的大量使用,受菲污染的土壤越来越多,研究菲的修复技术对污染土壤的再利用具有重要意义。结合目前国内外研究进展,综述了污染土壤中菲的修复方法,包括物理修复、化学修复和生物修复。针对各种修复方法,阐述了其原理、修复条件、实例应用和优缺点,重点论述了植物修复和微生物修复方法的降解机理和应用,分析了微生物性质,包括氧、营养物、温度、土壤理化性质、共存污染物等环境因素对生物降解的影响。由于溶解性的菲有较好的迁移转化能力,因此表面活性剂的助溶作用适用于各种修复方法,选择合适的表面活性剂可以提高修复效果。在各种修复技术中,物理修复是通过物理技术实现菲的解吸与富集,无污染,但是去除率低;化学修复是使用氧化剂将菲氧化分解成无毒易降解的小分子物质或通过添加化学淋洗剂增加菲的溶解性,提高迁移转化能力,用时短,但是引入其他试剂,容易造成二次污染;植物修复是通过植物的提取、降解和固定等过程实现菲的修复,尤其是植物的根际环境为微生物的生长提供有利的条件;微生物修复以菲可作为微生物生长的碳源为基础,在分解酶的作用下实现菲的降解,但是生物修复周期长,可利用的生物少,而且可能生成毒性更高的中间代谢产物。因此,寻找合适的修复物种,采用基因技术提高生物的修复能力或多法联用、取长补短可提高修复效率。最后,在共降解理论的基础上,结合重金属和有机污染物共存时,一种物质的存在对另一种物质的降解有促进作用,提出了协同降解的概念,寻求对多种污染物有协同降解或共降解作用的修复方法是今后发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

A soil remediation method combining in situ reduction of Cr(VI) with approaching anodes electrokinetic (AAs-EK) remediation is proposed. EK experiments were conducted to compare the effect of approaching anodes (AAs) and fixed electrodes (FEs) with and without sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) as a reducing agent. When NaHSO3 was added to the soil before EK treatment, 90.3% of the Cr(VI) was reduced to Cr(III). EK experiments showed that the adverse effect of contrasting migration of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) species, which limits the practical application of this technique, was eliminated in the presence of the reducing agent. Furthermore, Tessier fractionation analysis indicated that the reducing agent changed the distribution of the chemical forms of Cr. The AAs-EK method was shown to acidize the soil as the anode moved toward the cathode and this acid front pushed the “focusing” region toward the cathode. After remediation, the pH of the soil was between 1.8 and 5.0 in AAs-EK experiments. The total Cr removal efficiency was 64.4% (except in the “focusing” region) when the reduction reaction was combined with AAs-EK method. We conclude that AAs-EK remediation in the presence of NaHSO3 is an appropriate method for Cr-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - This review summarizes the mechanisms for desorbing and extracting cesium (Cs+) from clay minerals and soil. Most techniques use ion exchange with acids,...  相似文献   

本实验强化了零价铁可渗透反应墙(Permeable Reactive Barrier,PRB)技术,分别用还原铁粉、还原铁粉+锌粉、还原铁粉+活性炭为主要的反应介质,以Arcolor1242为靶污染物,对强化的零价铁PRB技术治理多氯联苯污染的地下水的可行性和有效性进行了模拟研究。实验结果表明:在温度10℃,有效孔隙率为61%~67%,水的渗透速度为0.7~0.8 m.d-1的条件下,3个反应柱稳定期对PCBs的去除率分别达到94%、85%、79%,pH值从6.87升高到8.78、10.2、7.93;氧化还原电位从-48.6 mV降到-135、-107、-86.4 mV;出水铁离子的平均质量浓度为0.241、0.129和0.201 mg.L-1,脱氯率平均值为49.6%、72.6%、58.6%。综合考虑处理效果与成本,用零价铁PRB技术治理PCBs污染的地下水是可行的。  相似文献   

Pollution of the biosphere by the toxic metals is a global threat that has accelerated dramatically since the beginning of industrial revolution. The primary source of this pollution includes the industrial operations such as mining, smelting, metal forging, combustion of fossil fuels and sewage sludge application in agronomic practices. The metals released from these sources accumulate in soil and in turn, adversely affect the microbial population density and physico-chemical properties of soils, leading to the loss of soil fertility and yield of crops. The heavy metals in general cannot be biologically degraded to more or less toxic products and hence, persist in the environment. Conventional methods used for metal detoxification produce large quantities of toxic products and are cost-effective. The advent of bioremediation technology has provided an alternative to conventional methods for remediating the metal-poisoned soils. In metal-contaminated soils, the natural role of metal-tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in maintaining soil fertility is more important than in conventional agriculture, where greater use of agrochemicals minimize their significance. Besides their role in metal detoxification/removal, rhizobacteria also promote the growth of plants by other mechanisms such as production of growth promoting substances and siderophores. Phytoremediation is another emerging low-cost in situ technology employed to remove pollutants from the contaminated soils. The efficiency of phytoremediation can be enhanced by the judicious and careful application of appropriate heavy-metal tolerant, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria including symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organisms. This review presents the results of studies on the recent developments in the utilization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for direct application in soils contaminated with heavy metals under a wide range of agro-ecological conditions with a view to restore contaminated soils and consequently, promote crop productivity in metal-polluted soils across the globe and their significance in phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Sorption characteristics of the Benzimidazole fungicide Carbendazim were assessed in seven different soils using batch equilibrium method and analysed by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The values of adsorption co-efficient Kd ranged from 14.3 to 39.8?µg/mL depending upon unique physiochemical properties of soils. Negative values for Gibbs free energy (ΔG) proposed an exothermic and low interaction between Carbendazim and soil samples leading to physiosorption. Statistical analysis showed a negative correlation of soil pH and Kd (R2= ?0.80) and a positive correlation with organic matter (R2?=?0.77). Activated carbon prepared from Arachis hypogaea (peanut shells) by acid activation for Carbendazim removal from soils was characterised by FTIR spectrometry, indicating the change in functional groups. The highest percentage removal observed was 70% in 5?ppm initial Carbendazim concentration while 65% in 7.5?ppm concentration. This method can be implied in agricultural soils as an efficient and cheap technique for removing the hazardous pesticides from the environment.  相似文献   

应用工厂废弃物—铁屑做原料,探讨不同铁屑投加量对修复不同土壤类型、不同程度汞污染土壤的能力,并与修复水体汞污染作了对比;另外,首次将淋滤法与国际上新兴的土壤、地下水修复技术-PRB技术结合,研究其修复土壤汞污染的效果。结果表明,废铁屑可很快去除水体中的汞,去除率可达93%;在铁屑存在下,能一定程度预防和修复土壤汞污染,在相同水体汞污染程度条件下,时间是影响土壤汞污染程度的主要因素;在CaCl2淋洗液作用下的模拟PRB实验中,土壤有效汞含量降低,同时淋洗液中汞质量浓度低于1μg·L-1。因此,用废铁屑能有效预防和修复土壤汞污染,且将淋滤法与PRB技术联用,与将铁屑直接撒入土壤中相比效果好得多,且不会引起后续的水体二次污染,是一种很有应用潜力、值得深入研究的土壤修复方法。  相似文献   

三种表面活性剂对高浓度DDTs污染土壤的洗脱作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高浓度滴滴涕(DDTs)污染场地土壤为研究对象,采用表面活性剂洗脱试验,比较研究了聚氧乙烯山梨糖醇酐单硬脂酸酯(Tween60)、辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚(TritonX 100)、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)对污染土壤中DDTs的洗脱效率.试验结果表明,三种表面活性剂对污染土壤中DDTs均具有一定的洗脱作用,去离子水对DDTs几乎没有洗脱效果.随着洗脱液中Tween60和SDS质量浓度的逐渐升高,土壤中DDTs的总洗脱效率逐渐增大,一次性洗脱时最大洗脱效率分别为43.60%和34.62%.随着洗脱液中TritonX 100质量浓度的逐渐升高,土壤中DDTs的总洗脱效率出现先增大后降低再升高的变化现象,最大为15.46%.土壤中六种DDT组分的洗脱效率不完全一样,其中Tween60对2,4'-DDD的洗脱效率可达55.12%,对4,4'-DDD的洗脱效率为54.09%;SDS对2,4'-DDD的洗脱效率为59.99%,对4,4'-DDD的洗脱效率为57.10%.试验结果可为筛选适宜的表面活性剂及质量浓度,研发高浓度DDTs污染场地土壤表面活性剂洗脱修复技术的工程应用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

《Chemistry and Ecology》2008,24(2):147-156
The main objective of this study was to investigate the efficiency of different substrates to reduce the extraction of heavy metals concentration in a heavily contaminated soil. Two contaminated soils by Cu and Zn were used to evaluate the effectiveness of eight substrates (calcium carbonate, bentonite, kaolinite, charcoal, manganese oxide, iron oxide, zeolite, phosphate) to reduce metal availability and to study the change of metals speciation in different forms using sequential extraction technique (single step). Sequential extraction technique (single step, 0.11 M acetic acid, HONH3Cl, H2O2+NH4OAc, Aqua regia) was applied on contaminated soils after and before treatment to evaluate metals speciation. Results indicate that the most effective treatments in decreasing available metal concentrations were calcium carbonate, zeolite and manganese or iron oxide. Metal sequential fractionations indicate that the exchangeable fraction of Cu and Zn in contaminated soils can be transformed into unavailable forms after chemical remediation.  相似文献   

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