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Plant seed toxicity tests can be used to evaluate hazardous waste sites and to assess toxicity of complex effluents and industrial chemicals. Conventional plant seed toxicity tests are performed using culture dishes containing filter paper. Some reports indicate that filter papers might interfere with the toxicity of inorganic substances. In this study, a plastic seed tray was used. Rice was used as the test species.A comparison of results in the literature and this study revealed that variation of test species, methods, exposure duration, and other factors may affect the test results. The results of this study showed that the order of decreasing toxicity of metal ions was Cu>Ag>Ni>Cd>Cr(VI)>Pb>Zn>Mn>NaF for rice. The test results were similar to those reported in the literature for lettuce Ag>Ni>Cd,Cu>Cr(VI)>Zn>Mn, millet Cu,Ni>Cd>Cr(VI)>Zn>Mn, and ryegrass Cu>Ni>Mn>>Pb>Cd>Zn>Al>Hg>Cr>Fe. The order of decreasing toxicity of organic herbicides was paraquat, 2,4-D>>glyphosate>bromacil.  相似文献   

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv buttercrunch) was used to evaluate and compare the results from two different root elongation phytotoxicity test methods with the same six test substances. Seeds were either germinated in the dark on an inclined filter paper substrate with one end immersed in test solution or germinated in 0.1 strength nutrient solution with a 16 hr light period in a glass bulb mixed and aerated with compressed air. Sodium fluoride, monosodium methanearsonate and monuron reduced lettuce root length at similar concentrations for both methods, while cadmium chloride and 2,4-D root inhibition occurred at concentrations approximately one order of magnitude smaller in the solution culture method than in the substrate method. Two orders of magnitude difference were observed between the two methods for silver nitrate. The results indicate that the solution method is at least as sensitive for all the chemicals tested and much more sensitive for some.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to use higher plants for detecting effluent toxicity. Eight effluent samples were obtained from three industrial sources prior to their entry into a sewer system. The tests were the duckweed reproduction test, and root growth tests using cabbage and millet. The results of repeated phytotoxicity tests were reproducible. Of the three industrial sources, the effluent samples from a specialty chemical industry were the most toxic. For two samples from this source, the IC50 values (the concentrations which caused 50% inhibitory effect) for duckweed were less than 1.6% effluent concentration. The samples from an agricultural product utilization plant were the least toxic. For these samples, root growth tests failed to obtain IC50 values while the duckweed tests showed IC50 values of 91 and 43% effluent concentration. Among the three types of tests conducted, the duckweed reproduction test showed the greatest sensitivity to effluent toxicity, while root growth tests using cabbage and millet had mixed results. Duckweed is recommended as a part of a battery of tests for effluent toxicity.  相似文献   

Elutriate bioassays are among numerous methods that exist for assessing the potential toxicity of sediments in aquatic systems. In this study, interlaboratory results were compared from 96-h Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pimephales promelas static-renewal acute toxicity tests conducted independently by two laboratories using elutriate samples prepared from the same sediment. The goal of the study was to determine if the results from the elutriate tests were comparable between two U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) laboratories when different elutriate preparation procedures were employed by each lab. Complete agreement in site characterization was attained in 22 of the 25 samples for both bioassays amongst each lab. Of the 25 samples analyzed, 10 were found to be toxic to at least one of the species tested by either laboratory. The C. dubia elutriate tests conducted by the National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) indicated that 7 of the 25 sediment samples were toxic, while 8 sediment samples were characterized as such in testing conducted by USEPA Region 6 (Region 6). The P. promelas elutriate tests conducted by NERL determined 8 samples as toxic, while Region 6 tests displayed toxicity in 5 of the samples. McNemar's test of symmetry for C. dubia (S?=?0.33, p?=?0.5637) and P. promelas (S?=?3.0, p?=?0.0833) tests indicated no significant differences in designating a site toxic between NERL and Region 6 laboratories. Likewise, Cohen's kappa test revealed significant agreement between NERL and Region 6 C. dubia (K?=?0.7148, p?<?0.01) and P. promelas (K?=?0.6939, p?<?0.01) elutriate tests. The authors conclude that differences in interlaboratory elutriate preparation procedures have no bearing on the ability of either the C. dubia or P. promelas bioassay testing methods to detect toxicity while yielding similar results.  相似文献   

The integrated pest management (IPM) modules of pesticide schedule on Basmati rice were validated at field experiments conducted in Northern India for consecutive 3 years (2005–2008). The pesticide residues were found below the detectable limit (<0.01–0.001 mg/kg) in soil and irrigation water samples of Kaithal region. In Dehra Dun region of Uttrakhand, the residues of carbendazim in rice grains and soil were detected below <0.01 mg/kg level. In second year experiments (2006–2007), only four non-IPM soil samples indicated the presence of chlorpyrifos and endosulfan in the range of ND <0.001 to 0.07 mg/kg, out of 45 samples analyzed. Carbendazim applied as seed treatment at Dehradun and Kaithal field trials was found below detectable limit in both IPM and non-IPM rice grains (<0.01 mg/kg) and irrigation water (0.01 μl/ml). Chlorpyrifos was detected in five water samples from Kaithal and one from Pant Nagar in the range of 0.003–0.006 μl/L, α- and β-isomer of endosulfan in the range of 0.005–0.03, and 0.005–0.02 μl/ml, respectively, in one sample from Pant Nagar and two from Kaithal, out of a total of 22 samples. In the region of Uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh during 2007–2008, four non-IPM samples of soil indicated trace levels of endosulfan, out of 16 samples analyzed. The residues were detected below detection limit for carbendazim (<0.01 mg/kg) in soil samples of Dehradun IPM fields and for endosulfan and carbendazim (0.001–0.01 μl/L) in water samples each from IPM and non-IPM fields of Uttar Pradesh. The results of 3-year trials of IPM module indicated basmati rice as safe and economical with pesticide residue-free rice grains.  相似文献   

The environmental impacts of various hydrogen production processes are evaluated and compared, considering several energy sources and using life cycle analysis. The results indicate that hydrogen produced by thermochemical water decomposition cycles are more environmentally benign options compared to conventional steam reforming of natural gas. The nuclear based four-step Cu–Cl cycle has the lowest global warming potential (0.559 kg CO2-eq per kg hydrogen production), mainly because it requires the lowest quantity of energy of the considered processes. The acidification potential results show that biomass gasification has the highest impact on environment, while wind based electrolysis has the lowest. The relation is also investigated between efficiency and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The Tobari Lagoon, located in the central-east coast of the Gulf of California, receives effluents from the Yaqui Valley, one of the most extensive agricultural areas of México. The Tobari Lagoon also receives effluents from nearby shrimp farms and untreated municipal sewage. Surface sediment samples and six different species of filter feeders (Crassostrea corteziensis, Crassostrea gigas, Chione gnidia, Anadara tuberculosa, Chione fluctifraga, and Fistulobalanus dentivarians) were collected during the dry and the rainy seasons and analyzed to determine concentrations of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn). Seasonal variations in metal concentrations in sediment were evident, especially for Cd, Cu, Hg, and Zn. The total and bioavailable concentrations of the five metals are not elevated in comparison to other areas around the world. The percentages of bioavailable respect to total concentrations of the metals varied from 0.6 % in Hg to 50.2 % for Cu. In the organisms, Hg showed the lowest concentrations (ranged from 0.22 to 0.65 μg/g) while Zn showed the highest (ranged from 36.6 to 1,702 μg/g). Linear correlations between the levels of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the soft tissues of C. fluctifraga and C. gnidia, and A. tuberculosa and C. gnidia were found. Seasonal and interspecies variations in the metal levels in filter feeders were found; F. dentivarians, C. corteziensis, and C. gigas exhibited the highest levels, could be used as biomonitors of metals contamination in this area.  相似文献   

A total of 16 people died and over 500 people were hospitalized due to diarrhoeal illness in the Bholakpur area of Hyderabad, India on 6th May 2009. A study was conducted with immediate effect to evaluate the quality of municipal tap water of the Bholakpur locality. The study consists of the determination of physico-chemical properties, trace metals, heavy metals, rare earth elements and microbiological quality of drinking water. The data showed the variation of the investigated parameters in samples as follows: pH 7.14 to 8.72, EC 455 to 769 μS/cm, TDS 303.51 to 515.23 ppm and DO 1.01 to 6.83 mg/L which are within WHO guidelines for drinking water quality. The water samples were analyzed for 27 elements (Li, Be, B, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Ba and Pb) using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentrations of Fe (0.12 to 1.13 mg/L), Pb (0.01 to 0.07 mg/L), Cu (0.01 to 0.19 mg/L), Ni (0.01 to 0.15 mg/L), Al (0.16 to 0.49 mg/L), and Na (38.36 to 68.69 mg/L) were obtained, which exceed the permissible limits of the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water quality guidelines. The remaining elements were within the permissible limits. The microbiological quality of water was tested using standard plate count, membrane filtration technique, thermotolerant coliform (TTC), and most probable number (MPN) methods. The total heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 1.0 × 105 to 18 × 10cfu/ml. Total viable bacteria in all the water samples were found to be too numerable to count and total number of coliform bacteria in all water samples were found to be of order of 1,100 to >2,400 MPN index/100 ml. TTC tested positive for coliform bacteria at 44.2°C. All the water samples of the study area exceeded the permissible counts of WHO and that (zero and minimal counts) of the control site (National Geophysical Research Institute) water samples. Excessively high colony numbers indicate that the water is highly contaminated with microorganisms and is hazardous for drinking purposes. Bacteriological pollution of drinking water supplies caused diarrhoeal illness in Bholakpur, which is due to the infiltration of contaminated water (sewage) through cross connection, leakage points, and back siphoning.  相似文献   

In the event of a natural or anthropogenic disturbance, environmental resource managers require a reliable tool to quickly assess the spatial extent of potential damage to the seagrass resource. The temporal availability of the Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery provided a suitable option to detect and assess damage of the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). This study examined Landsat TM imagery classification techniques to create two-class (SAV presence/absence) and three-class (SAV estimated coverage) SAV maps of the seagrass resource. The Mahalanobis Distance method achieved the highest overall accuracy (86%) and validation accuracy (68%) for delineating the seagrass resource (two-class SAV map). The Maximum Likelihood method achieved the highest overall accuracy (74%) and validation accuracy (70%) for delineating the seagrass resource three-class SAV map. The Landsat 5 TM imagery classification provided a seagrass resource map product with similar accuracy to the aerial photointerpretation maps (validation accuracy 71%). The results support the application of remote sensing methods to analyze the spatial extent of the seagrass resource.  相似文献   

Diffusive sampling of methyl isocyanate (MIC) on 4-nitro-7-piperazinobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBDPZ)-coated glass fibre (GF) filters is strongly affected by high relative humidity (RH) conditions. It is shown that the humidity interference is a physical phenomenon, based on displacement of reagent from the filter surface. In this paper, this drawback has been overcome by changing the filter material to the less polar polystyrene divinyl benzene (SDB). A series of experiments was performed to compare the analyte uptake on the two filter materials for different sampling periods and analyte concentrations at both low and high RH conditions. Additionally, the materials were investigated as well for passive sampling of ethyl (EIC) and phenyl isocyanate (PhIC) with NBDPZ and 1-(2-methoxyphenyl) piperazine (2-MP) as an alternative derivatising agent. Using 2-MP, the mean GF/SDB response ratios were determined to be 1.02 for MIC (RSD: 6.1%) and 1.03 for EIC (RSD: 6.8%), whereas PhIC could only be determined on SDB filters. Using NBDPZ as reagent, the negative influence of high humidity disappeared when SDB filters were used instead of GF filters. Even at low RH conditions, sampling with SDB material generally resulted in a higher analyte uptake than with GF filters. The GF/SDB response ratios were independent of sampling time or analyte concentration and were determined to be 0.70 (RSD: 4.7%) for MIC, 0.84 (RSD: 4.5%) for EIC and 0.95 (RSD 5.4%) for PhIC, meaning that the NBDPZ diffusive sampler based on SDB can be used at all humidity conditions without any restrictions.  相似文献   

An assessment of the toxicity of three chlorophenol compounds (2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP), 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) and pentachlorophenol (PCP)), individually and in combinations, was made in deionised water, soil extracts and soils using the lux-marked microbial biosensors: Escherichia coli HB101 pUCD607 and Pseudomonas fluorescens 10586r pUCD607. These biosensors responded to the bioavailable fraction of pollutants enabling a rapid and ecologically relevant toxicity test. Toxicity interaction responses of pollutant mixtures were predicted after individual compounds were assessed. Synergistic interactions were observed in the response of P. fluorescens to all combinations of chlorophenols tested, while the toxicity response of E. coli varied with the matrices tested. Soil characteristics influenced the toxicity response when compared with aqueous solutions. These results highlight the significance of interactive factors and physicochemical parameters when evaluating toxicity. To develop an understanding of pollution derived hazard assessment in soils we need to integrate a wide spectrum of parameters.  相似文献   

This paper concludes a five-year program on research into the use of a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer for analyzing lead in air sampling filters from different industrial environments, including mining, manufacturing and recycling. The results from four of these environments have already been reported. The results from two additional metal processes are presented here. At both of these sites, lead was a minor component of the total airborne metals and interferences from other elements were minimal. Nevertheless, only results from the three sites where lead was the most abundant metal were used in the overall calculation of method accuracy. The XRF analyzer was used to interrogate the filters, which were then subjected to acid digestion and analysis by inductively-coupled plasma optical-emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The filter samples were collected using different filter-holders or "samplers" where the size (diameter), depth and homogeneity of aerosol deposit varied from sampler to sampler. The aerosol collection efficiencies of the samplers were expected to differ, especially for larger particles. The distribution of particles once having entered the sampler was also expected to differ between samplers. Samplers were paired to allow the between-sampler variability to be addressed, and, in some cases, internal sampler wall deposits were evaluated and compared to the filter catch. It was found, rather surprisingly, that analysis of the filter deposits (by ICP-OES) of all the samplers gave equivalent results. It was also found that deposits on some of the sampler walls, which in some protocols are considered part of the sample, could be significant in comparison to the filter deposit. If it is concluded that wall-deposits should be analyzed, then XRF analysis of the filter can only give a minimum estimate of the concentration. Techniques for the statistical analysis of field data were also developed as part of this program and have been reported elsewhere. The results, based on data from the three workplaces where lead was the major element present in the samples, are summarized here. A limit of detection and a limit of quantitation are provided. Analysis of some samples using a second analyzer with a different X-ray source technology indicated reasonable agreement for some metals (but this was not evaluated for lead). Provided it is only necessary to analyze the filters, most personal samplers will provide acceptable results when used with portable XRF analysis for lead around applicable limit values.  相似文献   

We developed a method to analyze atmospheric SO(x) (particulate SO(4)(2-)+ gaseous SO(2)) and NO(x) (NO + NO(2)) simultaneously using a battery-operated portable filter pack sampler. NO(x) determination using a filter pack method is new. SO(x) and NO(x) were collected on a Na(2)CO(3) filter and PTIO (2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-3-oxide-1-oxyl) + TEA (triethanolamine) filters (6 piled sheets), respectively. Aqueous solutions were then used to extract pollutants trapped by the filters and the resulting extracts were pre-cleaned (e.g. elimination of PTIO) and analyzed for sulfate and nitrite by ion chromatography. Recoveries of SO(2) and NO(x) from standard pollutant gases and consistency of the field data with those from other instrumental methods were examined to evaluate our method. SO(x) and NO(x) could be analyzed accurately with determination limits of 0.2 ppbv and 1.0 ppbv (as daily average concentrations), respectively. The sampler can determine SO(x) and NO(x) concentrations at mountainous or remote sites without needing an electric power supply.  相似文献   

Persistence of dicofol residues in cotton lint seed, and soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A supervised field trial was conducted at the CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar to assess the residues of dicofol on cotton, during Kharif season, 2008. Dicofol (Kelthane 18.5EC) was applied at 500 g a.i./ha (T(1)) and 1,000 g a.i./ha T(2)) after 105 days of sowing of cotton crop (Varity Cotton/H-1226). Soil samples were collected on 0 (1 h after treatment), 3, 7, 10, 15, 30, and 60 days after spray and cotton samples were collected at harvest. Samples were processed and residues were quantified by GC-ECD system equipped with capillary column. Limit of detection and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.001 and 0.010 mg kg(?-1), respectively, for soil and LOQ for cotton lint and seed was 0.020 mg kg(?-1). Initial residues of 0.588 and 1.182 mg kg(?-1) in soil reached below detectable level (BDL) of 0.010 mg kg(?-1) in T(1) and to the level of BDL (0.010 mg kg(?-1)) in T(2) at harvest (60 days after treatment). In 60 days, residues dissipated almost completely (100 and >99%) in both the treatments. Half-life period was calculated as 8.57 days at single dose and 8.69 days at double dose in soil. Residues of dicofol were detected in cotton lint to the levels of 0.292 and 0.653 mg kg(?-1) and in seed 0.051 and 0.090 mg kg(?-1) in T(1) and T(2) doses, respectively at harvest. Residues in cotton seed were below MRL value of 0.01 mg kg(?-1) in both the doses.  相似文献   

Proper disposal and/or recycling of different industrial waste materials have long been recognized as a prime environmental concern throughout the world, and fly ash is major amongst them. In the present study, we tried to assess the feasibilities of possible effective and safe utilization of fly ash as soil amendment in Indian paddy field and its impact on rice plants, especially at growth and yield level. Our results showed that certain doses of fly ash amendments have significantly improved the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of paddy field soil, and at lower level of amendments, fly ash induced the growth performances of three rice cultivars too. Grain yield and grain quality also responded similarly as per the growth responses. However, differential cultivar response was observed accordingly, and cultivar Sugandha-3 showed higher yield as compared with cultivars Sambha and Saryu-52. Based on the observed results, it was concluded that up to a certain level, fly ash amendments could be beneficial for Indian paddy field and can be utilized as feasible management strategy for the disposal of this major industrial waste.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies showed increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and adverse changes in pulmonary function parameters in poultry workers, corroborating the increased exposure to risk factors, such as fungal load and their metabolites. This study aimed to determine the occupational exposure threat due to fungal contamination caused by the toxigenic isolates belonging to the complex of the species of Aspergillus flavus and also isolates from Aspergillus fumigatus species complex. The study was carried out in seven Portuguese poultries, using cultural and molecular methodologies. For conventional/cultural methods, air, surfaces, and litter samples were collected by impaction method using the Millipore Air Sampler. For the molecular analysis, air samples were collected by impinger method using the Coriolis μ air sampler. After DNA extraction, samples were analyzed by real-time PCR using specific primers and probes for toxigenic strains of the Aspergillus flavus complex and for detection of isolates from Aspergillus fumigatus complex. Through conventional methods, and among the Aspergillus genus, different prevalences were detected regarding the presence of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus species complexes, namely: 74.5 versus 1.0 % in the air samples, 24.0 versus 16.0 % in the surfaces, 0 versus 32.6 % in new litter, and 9.9 versus 15.9 % in used litter. Through molecular biology, we were able to detect the presence of aflatoxigenic strains in pavilions in which Aspergillus flavus did not grow in culture. Aspergillus fumigatus was only found in one indoor air sample by conventional methods. Using molecular methodologies, however, Aspergillus fumigatus complex was detected in seven indoor samples from three different poultry units. The characterization of fungal contamination caused by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus raises the concern of occupational threat not only due to the detected fungal load but also because of the toxigenic potential of these species.  相似文献   

Stormwater discharges from Chollas Creek, a tributary of San Diego Bay, have been shown to be toxic to aquatic life. The primary objective of this study was to provide the linkage between in-channel measurements and potential impairments in the receiving waters of San Diego Bay. This study addressed this objective within the context of four questions: (1) How much area in San Diego Bay is affected by the discharge plume from Chollas Creek during wet-weather conditions?; (2) How much of the wet-weather discharge plume is toxic to marine aquatic life?; (3) How toxic is this area within the wet-weather discharge plume?; and (4) What are the constituent(s) responsible for the observed toxicity in the wet-weather plume? The stormwater plume emanating from Chollas Creek was dynamic, covering areas up to 2.25 km2. Approximately half of the plume was estimated to be toxic to marine life, based upon the results of purple sea urchin (Strongylocentroutus purpuratus) fertilization tests. The area nearest the creek mouth was the most toxic (NOEC = 3 to 12% plume sample), and the toxicity decreased with distance from the creek mouth. The toxicity of plume samples was directly proportional to the magnitude of plume mixing and dilution until, once outside the plume margin, no toxicity was observed. Trace metals, most likely zinc, were responsible for the observed plume toxicity based upon toxicity identification evaluations (TIEs). Zinc was also the constituent identified from in-channel samples of Chollas Creek stormwater using TIEs on the storms sampled in this study, and in storms sampled during the previous storm season.  相似文献   

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