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Humanity's future depends on the preservation of natural ecosystems that supply resources and absorb pollutants. Rural and urban productions are currently based on chemical products made from petroleum, which are responsible for high negative impacts on the Biosphere. In order to prevent those impacts, efficient public policies seeking for sustainable development are necessary. Aiming to assess the load on the environment (considering the gratuitous contributions of natural systems—a donor's perspective) due to human-dominated process, a scientific tool called Emergy Evaluation has been applied in different production systems, including crops and farms. However, there is still a lack of emergy studies in the context of watersheds, probably due to the difficulty of collecting raw data. The present work aims to carry out an assessment of Mogi-Guaçu and Pardo watershed, through the combined use of Emergy Evaluation and Geographical Information System. The agricultural and natural land uses were considered, while urban areas were excluded. Emergy flows (expressed in seJ ha−1 yr−1) obtained for all agricultural and natural land uses were expanded for the whole watershed and the emergy indices were calculated. The results show that the watershed has: low renewability (%R = 32%); low capture of natural resources through high external economic investment (EYR = 1.86); low dependence on natural resources (EIR = 1.16); and moderate load on the environment (ELR = 2.08). Considering a scenario where sugar-cane crops, orchards and pasture areas are converted from conventional to organic management, watershed's emergy performance improved, reaching a new renewability of 38%, but it is still not enough to be considered sustainable.  相似文献   

In this paper, a cross-shore profile evolution model, Uniform Beach Sediment Transport-Time-Averaged Cross-Shore (UNIBEST-TC), is used. The model was developed at WL/Delft hydraulic laboratory in the Netherlands. The model is used to predict wave height in a barred beach (Egmond site, The Netherlands) and the results show that there is a good agreement between the measured and predicted values by the model. In the present study, Morlet wavelet is used to distinguish the breaking waves; it is integrated over frequency to provide the temporal variation of localized total energy. The study shows that the local peaks of the energy densities correspond to the events of wave breaking in the predicted–wave time series. Furthermore, the wave energy distribution shows a tendency to decrease in the off-shore direction of the inner bar.  相似文献   

Laminated microbial mats from a sandy beach plain were grown in water-saturated pots in a glass house for six months and then used to assess their effect on the establishment of juveniles of three plant species representing different successional stages in dune slack development. The selected species wereSamolus valerandi, characteristic of pioneer stages,Calamagrostis epigejos, characteristic of more productive, late successional stages, andJuncus alpinoarticulatus, which occurs in a wide range of successional stages. Juveniles of all three species that were placed on top of intact living microbial mats established themselves in the mat.C. epigejos andJ. alpinoarticulatus survived for several weeks but later on their numbers decreased and the total biomass production of the species after six months was poor.S. valerandi, in contrast, grew profusely in intact microbial and algal mats. Heating of the microbial mat by heat sterilization, prior to the experiment, did not improve the performance of the species. When the juveniles were planted in the microbial mats after breaking the surface of the mat, the survival of juveniles ofC. epigejos andJ. alpinoarticulatus was much higher and so was the biomass of surviving plants after six months. Planting ofSamolus in the mats had some positive effect on the survival percentage of the juveniles, but not on the total biomass at the end of the experiment. Slightly lower water tables had a negative effect on the performance of all species. Measurements of the pH in the pots revealed that there were no significant differences in the top layer. Sulphide concentrations were very low in all the pots where juveniles had been planted and also in the pots withS. valerandi. Relatively high concentrations (30–50 μmol/l) were found in pots with poor growth ofJuncus andCalamagrostis plants. These values may exceed toxic levels for these species. Although oxygen concentrations in the pots were generally low, no relation existed between plant biomass and oxygen content, indicating that plant growth was not primarily limited by oxygen stress. These experiments support the idea that microbial mats may assist in extending the life span of early pioneer stages during dune slack succession by inhibiting the growth of species of later successional stages.  相似文献   

The importance of species interactions and recruitment variability was examined during the first year and a half of primary succession (1988–1989) on an exposed rocky seashore near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Previous work suggested that emergent rock on these shores is normally dominated by fucoid rockweeds because predatory whelks control the sessile animal competitors, mussels and barnacles, and because herbivorous littorinids control ephemeral algal competitors. Abundances of all species except seasonal ephemeral algae were very small throughout this experiment and we found no significant effects of carnivory, herbivory, plant-animal competition or plant-plant competition. A slight facilitation of Fucus recruitment is attributed to a thin mat of ephemeral, blue-green algae. Very few other studies have directly manipulated intertidal ephemeral algae. As primary succession may be very rare in this assemblage, these results may be specific to these circumstances, but they highlight the varying importance of species interactions with variable recruitment. In particular, it appears that variations in recruitment success may be important to community structure, even when recruitment is not limited by propagule supply. The scale of the study also provides insight into successional processes occurring after the recent, extensive ice-scour of exposed seashores in this region.  相似文献   

The intertidal molluscan fauna on a sandy-mud beach in Newport Bay, California, USA, is divisible into two vertically distinct species assemblages which correspond to the midlittoral zone and sublittoral fringe observed on rocky coastlines and exposed sandy beaches. The species assemblage comprising the midlittoral zone is unusual, however, in that the numerically dominant species are not confined to this zone but range downward through the sublittoral fringe. The two species assemblages are vertically separated at +0.5 to +1.0 ft (+0.15 to +0.30 m; relative to 0.0 tidal datum at mean lower low water), which is higher than previously observed for the separation between the midlittoral zone and sublittoral fringe on rocky shores and exposed sandy beaches. The species composition of some of the samples at +0.5 and +1.0 ft (+0.15 and +0.30 m) was intermediate between samples higher and lower on the beach, while several samples were devoid of molluscs altogether. Additionally, the surface sedimentary environment changes in terms of an increased percent silt-clay fraction and higher sorting coefficients below +0.5 ft (+0.15 m). Since infaunal zonation is correlated with tidal height at the substrate surface, environmental factors operative at the surface are probably most important in influencing the zonation on this beach.  相似文献   

Summary This contribution presents an attempt to measure the path of habitat and vegetation succession in a coastal dune system (Kenfig Burrows, South Wales) using remote sensing and GIS. The loss of slack habitats associated with the continuing stabilization of this dune system is a major cause for concern. These habitats support a range of plant species, including the rare fen orchid,Liparis loeselii, as well as other hydrophytes. A decrease in their areal extent implies a reduction in biodiversity. To quantify the overall rate and spatial dimension of these changes, a series of aerial photographs dating from 1962 to 1994 were digitized and analysed in an image processing system. The resultant maps. transferred to a vector-based GIS, were used to derive a transition matrix for the dune system over this period of time. The results indicate that there has been a marked reduction in the total area of bare sand (19.6% of the dune system in 1962, but only 1.5% in 1994) and a decline in both the areal extent and the number of dune slacks. Over the same period of time, there has been an increase inSalix repens dominated habitats, at the expense of pioneer species. Analysis of the habitat maps, together with hydrological data, within the GIS suggests that even the dry slacks have the potential for further greening and to support invasive species. In terms of habitat management however, there is still scope to restore many of the slacks to their original state. It is estimated that at least 24% of the area occupied by partially and moderately vegetated slacks could be rehabilitated.  相似文献   

The largest beach replenishment project ever in France was completed in February 2014 in Dunkirk on the coast of northern France. A volume of 1.5 × 106 m3 of sand extracted from a navigation channel was placed on the beach to build up a 150 to 300 m wide supratidal platform in front of a dike, called « Digue des Alliés », which protects several residential districts of Dunkirk from marine flooding. High resolution topographic surveys were carried out during 2½ years to monitor beach morphological changes, completed by a hydrodynamic field experiment conducted in February 2016. Approximately ?138,200 m3 of sand, corresponding to 9.2% of the initial nourishment volume, were eroded over the nourishment area in about 2 years. An obvious decrease in erosion eastward with a shift from erosion to accumulation was observed, suggesting an eastward redistribution of sand. This longshore sand drift is beneficial for the eastward beach of Malo-les-Bains where most of the recreational activities are concentrated. Hydrodynamic measurements showed that waves and wave-induced currents play a major role on the longshore sand redistribution compared to tidal flows. Strong relationships were observed between cumulative offshore wave power and beach volume change during distinct beach survey periods (R2 = 0.79 to 0.87), with more significant correlations for northerly waves. A slight decrease in erosion during the second year compared to the first year after nourishment suggests that the loss of sand should decrease after an initial phase of rapid readjustment of the beach shape towards equilibrium.  相似文献   

Forest gap models have been applied widely to examine forest development under natural conditions and to investigate the effect of climate change on forest succession. Due to the complexity and parameter requirements of such models a rigorous evaluation is required to build confidence in the simulation results. However, appropriate data for model assessment are scarce at the large spatial and temporal scales of successional dynamics. In this study, we explore a data source for the evaluation of forest gap models that has been used only little in the past, i.e., large-scale National Forest Inventory data. The key objectives of this study were (a) to examine the potentials and limitations of using large-scale forest inventory data for evaluating the performance of forest gap models and (b) to test two particular models as case studies to derive recommendations for their future improvement.  相似文献   

Activity rhythms of two cirolanid isopods, Excirolana armata and Excirolana braziliensis, were studied based on both seasonal field observations and laboratory experiments, at an exposed microtidal sandy beach in Uruguay. The natural emergence patterns of both species were observed in the field for 1 year, twice in each season, and correlated to sea level, expected tidal cycles and diel cycles. Laboratory experiments were carried out in order to detect endogenous rhythms of activity and observe how emergence of both species was affected by changes in light and/or sediment thixotropy. We also compared behavioral strategies of sympatric species that occupy different beach levels. Sea level (and thus swash zone position) during field sampling did not follow expected tidal cycles for most sampling occasions. E. armata was observed in activity most of the time, but activity only correlated with sea level on three out of eight occasions, and only once was correlated to expected tidal cycle. Laboratory results showed that emergence under constant conditions was rare; changes in sediment thixotropy stimulated emergence, but the response was not cyclical; light had little effect on this response. On the other hand, E. braziliensis was fairly scarce in the water column, but swimming individuals were observed always during the night. They displayed an endogenous circadian activity pattern in the laboratory which augmented in response to changes in sediment thixotropy. The natural light/dark cycle modulated both spontaneous and response emergence by increasing day/night differences in activity. In this study E. armata, a midlittoral species more exposed to sea level variations, seemed to rely entirely on different physical and/or biological cues to trigger emergence at the appropriate time. E. braziliensis, found mostly in the upper intertidal zone, emerged in a circadian rhythm, which was stimulated by changes in sediment thixotropy and reinforced by light cycles. The results of this study led us to conclude that on microtidal, unpredictable beaches, local physical and biological factors can combine to determine different activity strategies in organisms from different intertidal levels. Received: 23 March 2000 / Accepted: 30 August 2000  相似文献   

A survey of the intertidal biota of a sandy beach on the west coast of South Africa has shown standing stocks of macrofauna, meiofauna and bacteria of 241.23, 200.17 and 663.07 g dry wt m-1 of shoreline respectively, an approximate biomass ratio of 1:1:3. The distribution of the macrofauna was the reverse of the usual pattern, with highest biomass occurring at the level of the current driftline. This appears to be related directly to the ready availability of food in the form of drift algae. Peak meiofaunal numbers were also found below the driftline and it is proposed that meiofaunal distribution is governed by dissolved organic matter (DOM) levels in the interstitial environment. Bacteria were abundant up to 1.2 m below the sediment surface, with the highest concentrations occurring at low tidal levels. The significance of the various biotic components in the energetics of the sandy intertidal is discussed. Turnover estimates suggest that bacteria may account for about 87% of annual production, with meiofauna and macrofauna making up 10 and 3% respectively. Despite this overwhelming importance of bacteria, the macro-and meiofauna probably play a vital role in making small organic particles available to bacteria for mineralization and in optimising conditions for microbial growth.  相似文献   

Eleven populations of the Pan-American sandy beach isopod Excirolana braziliensis, distributed from tropical (9°N) to temperate (39°S) sandy beaches in Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, were analyzed to determine latitudinal variations in: breeding and recruitment patterns, sex ratios, size of ovigerous females and of juveniles and length–fecundity relationships. E. braziliensis exhibited strong latitudinal patterns in all reproductive traits throughout its distribution range. Breeding and recruitment shifted from continuous to seasonal from tropical to temperate beaches, having a predominance of females at higher latitudes. In agreement with the latitudinal gradient hypothesis, ovigerous females inhabiting tropical sandy beaches (low latitudes) were smaller, became sexually mature at smaller sizes and had lower individual fecundity than on temperate beaches. Juveniles were also smallest at low latitudes. Between-ocean comparisons showed very similar reproductive characteristics for roughly the same latitude. These linked reproductive parameters suggest that the intensity of breeding effort is associated with the duration of the breeding season and geographically size-related characteristics of the species. Geographic variations in the breeding and recruitment seasons, as well as in individual fecundity, size structure of mature females and sex ratios, are proposed to have major consequences in explaining local variations in population demography. Our paper also reinforces the notion that sandy beach animals are highly plastic.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

We present a morphodynamic study of an apparently homogeneous rectilinear coast in SW Spain. The study area covers 14 km of mesotidal sandy beaches, interrupted in some places by rocky-shore platforms. The method used consisted of a monthly monitoring of 12 beach profiles during two years. According to the results obtained from the study, which also include granulometric analyses andin situ determination of the beach disturbance depth, three main beach classes have been differentiated: low-reflective beaches, dissipative beaches and rocky-shore platform beaches. Their longitudinal distribution is not linked to their distance to the main source of sediments in the area (mouth of the river Guadalquivir). Instead, a very irregular long-shore variation of morphodynamic beach states appears. It is deduced that this long-shore variation is mainly linked to local contouring conditions (e.g. the presence of rocky shoals which affect wave-breaking processes), and not to the regional long-shore currents prevailing in the zone.  相似文献   

As interest grows in the quantification of global carbon cycles, Light Use Efficiency (LUE) model predictions of the forest net primary production (NPP) are being developed at an accelerating rate. Such models can provide useful predictions at large scales, but evaluating their performance has been difficult. In this study, a remote sensing-based LUE model was established to estimate forest NPP. Using the forest inventory data (FID) from the regional forest inventory survey in China and established allometric biomass equations, we calculated the biomass, the biomass increment, and the NPP of Eucalyptus urophylla (E. urophylla) plantation plots in the forestry jurisdiction of the Leizhou Forestry Bureau, Southern China. The FID-based NPP and the NPP from LUE model predictions were then compared to each other. Results show that the NPP from model predictions at a spatial resolution of 30 m × 30 m varied from 0 to 265 gC/(m2 month) and showed regional differences. In addition, the stand age had variable effects on the average individual biomass of the E. urophylla plantation plots. The average individual biomass of the young and mid-age forests increased exponentially and logarithmically with the stand age (R2 = 0.9178 and R2 = 0.8683), respectively. For young and mid-age E. urophylla plantation plots, the LUE model-predicted NPP was fairly consistent with the FID-based NPP, but the model predictions of the NPP were higher than the estimates from FID. Through the analysis of the causes of uncertainty and the possible reasons for the discrepancy between the model-based NPP and FID-based NPP, the FID-derived estimates provided a foundation for model evaluation.  相似文献   

On beaches where natural shoreline variability is significant, beach nourishment is a useful engineering method to augment the dry beach and protect infrastructure and/or unstable cliffs. In this study, a low-cost video monitoring system is used to monitor the shoreline response to a nourishment operation on a dynamic gravel embayed beach in Central Italy. Video-derived shorelines were collected over a 15-month period to measure the evolution of the beach with regards to three specific parameters: the dry beach width, the dry beach area and the beach orientation. Moderate increases in the dry beach width of 3.6 m and 6.7 m across the embayment were observed in response to two different gravel nourishments of approximately 40,000 m3 and 46,000 m3 respectively. The orientation of the beach meanwhile was found to rotate rapidly in the clockwise direction and more gradually in the counter-clockwise direction. Analyses of individual storm events suggest these rapid clockwise rotations are caused by ESE storms, which result in beach retreat particularly at the southern end. The combination of an overall narrow beach width and a clockwise beach orientation is observed to cause a cliff erosion event at a vulnerable point along the embayment.  相似文献   

Summary. Recent economic and social changes in north Mediterranean regions have led to an important rural depopulation. Consequently, meadows developed on abandoned agricultural lands (characterized by high species richness) undergo reforestation. These former fields are mainly colonized by Pinus halepensis Miller, which is known to synthetize a wide range of secondary metabolites, among these, some could influence plant succession through allelopathy. The allelopathic potential of P. halepensis, was tested against two target species (Lactuca sativa L. and Linum strictum L.) with aqueous extracts obtained from different organs (root and needle) taking into account the individual age (±10, ±30 and > 60 years old). Root and needle extracts affected differently germination and growth of the two target species, the responses varying with concentration of extracts, age and organs tested. The strongest inhibitory effect was observed on the germination and growth of L. strictum, exposed to needle extracts of young P. halepensis (±10 years old), and root extracts of older P. halepensis (> 30 years old). These extracts contained several phenolic acids (e.g. 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid), which are known as allelochemicals and their concentrations vary with age and organ tested. Hence, P. halepensis could influence secondary succession through the release of potential allelochemicals in the environment by leaf leachates or root exudates.  相似文献   

Due to complex hydrodynamic and biological inhomogeneities, the phytoplankton species succession cannot be satisfactorily observed, apart from the seasonal blooms which occur in temperate waters. Large flexible plastic tanks have proved to be useful for such observations. In 1972, for 28 days, a phytoplankton succession in nutrient-poor water in the outer harbor of Helgoland was observed in a flexible plastic tank (3 m3). During this period, 3 phytoplankton biomass maxima were formed with many significant correlations. In the first 7 days the ammonia concentration decreased from over 6 to 2 mol 1-1 for 14 days. The nitrate concentration remained in the range of 3–6 mol 1-1 and then fell abruptly to 0–2 mol 1-1. The phosphate concentration was about 0.1 mol 1-1. Lauderia borealis dominated the first period, and its increase was significantly correlated with the decrease in ammonia. The diatom was succeeded by two dinoflagellates, Dinophysis acuminata and Prorocentrum micans. The last period of the experiment was characterized by a stronger development of Rhizosolenia species. The rapid recovery of the crop in the nutrient-poor water points to intensive remineralization processes. The irregular occurrence of ammonia near the surface was correlated with the appearance of Noctiluca miliaris at this depth. It is expected that repetitions of this type of experiment will permit further explanations of statistical correlations which are not yet clear. As a first step, in order to test hypotheses, a correlation analysis was employed to eliminate the statistically non-significant correlations.This work was supported by the Sonderforschungsbereich 94, Hamburg, of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence index (F+DCMU-F-DCMU/F+DCMU) of natural waters was compared to the 14C-determined primary production, and the fluorescence intensity in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (F+DCMU) was studied as a function of extracted and spectrophotometrically determined chlorophyll concentrations. Samples were taken every second week from May through October, 1979, at the station Systrarna situated in a coastal area of the Bottnian Sea. In addition, samples from the Archipelago Sea of the Baltic were collected on board the Finnish research vessel R/S Aranda during the September cruise 1979. The correlations between the fluorescence index and the 14C-determined primary production and between F+DCMU and total chlorophyll concentration were good when samples taken over short time intervals were compared. The shortcomings of both the fluorescence and the 14C methods are discussed. It is concluded that the fluorescence method is useful if it is desirable to follow with high time resolution any changes in the potential for photosynthesis (or primary production) in a water mass over relatively short time periods; e.g. during an algal bloom. The fluorescence method can furthermore be technically developed for automatic monitoring with a high time resolution. Efforts are being made in our laboratory to develop the method further to give information about the in situ rates of photosynthesis rather than the potential for photosynthesis in a photoplankton population.  相似文献   

成都平原蔬菜生产中灌溉水对农药渗漏的影响研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对成都平原蔬菜生产中大量施用农药、大量灌水的特点,首次在国内应用欧洲官方成熟的农药评估模型——PEARL模型,研究评估了成都平原当前蔬菜生产中的灌溉方式对两种不同特性农药的渗漏的影响。杀毒矾(土壤吸附力(KOM)为0 L/kg,半衰期(DT50)为80 d)在没有灌溉条件下,其渗出土体时的最大质量浓度是190μg.L-1,而有灌溉条件下其渗出质量浓度则可达523μg.L-1,是没有灌溉条件下的2.75倍。三唑磷(KOM为200 L.kg-1,DT50为60 d)在没有灌溉条件下,其渗出土体时的最大质量浓度是0.025μg.L-1,而有灌溉条件下其渗出质量浓度为0.13μg.L-1,比没有灌溉时提高了4.2倍。不管有没有灌溉三唑磷在该地区对地下水的污染风险都很小,而杀毒矾的风险则很高。因此,农药的化学特性是影响农药渗漏的最重要的因子。在蔬菜生产中应尽量选用被土壤吸附力强、半衰期短的农药,例如:三唑磷;农药在土壤中的移动载体是土壤水,不合理的灌溉会大大地加大农药淋溶,应当多使用微喷、滴灌等节水灌溉措施,减少使用漫灌等耗水多的原始灌溉方式。  相似文献   

During 1978 and 1979 specimens of Nephtys hombergii in the River Tyne estuary (North East England) became gravid during the winter but did not spawn in the spring breeding season; instead their gametes were resorbed. The drastic effects of these spawning failures were apparent in the population structure in 1980, when the 1978 and 1979 year-classes were shown to be virtually absent, by the size of the individuals in the population and the numbers of growth lines in their jaws. The population structure in 1975, by contrast, indicated that recruitment during the preceding 4 to 5 yr had been good. Spawning was also effective in 1980, and an 0 group was detected in August 1980. Comparable data has been obtained for N. caeca, which occurs in the same beach. It shows that recruitment of this species during 1976–1980 was consistently good, whereas analysis of the age-class frequencies suggests that recruitment of N. caeca was poor in 1973 and 1975. The dominance relationship of the two species in the beach has been reversed during the period 1975–1980. It is suggested that the sympatric distribution of the two species is maintained in part by periodic reproductive failure. The causes of this are not yet known; possible reasons, including the extremely cold conditions experienced in 1978–1979 are discussed. The difference in frequency of the 1978, 1979 and 1980 year classes will now permit a rigorous evaluation of the relationship between the number of growth lines in the jaws and age in N. hombergii.  相似文献   

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