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Existing studies on the economic impact of wildfire smoke have focused on single fire events or entire seasons without considering the marginal effect of daily fire progression on downwind communities. Neither approach allows for an examination of the impact of even the most basic fire attributes, such as distance and fuel type, on air quality and health outcomes. Improved knowledge of these effects can provide important guidance for efficient wildfire management strategies. This study aims to bridge this gap using detailed information on 24 large-scale wildfires that sent smoke plumes to the Reno/Sparks area of Northern Nevada over a 4-year period. We relate the daily acreage burned by these fires to daily data on air pollutants and local hospital admissions. Using information on medical expenses, we compute the per-acre health cost of wildfires of different attributes. We find that patient counts can be causally linked to fires as far as 200–300 miles from the impact area. As expected, the marginal impact per acre burned generally diminishes with distance and for fires with lighter fuel loads. Our results also highlight the importance of allowing for temporal lags between fire occurrence and pollutant levels.  相似文献   

Historic Fire Regime in Southern California Shrublands   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

《Ecological modelling》2005,183(4):397-409
There is a debate on which factor, fuel accumulation or meteorological variability, is the fundamental control of the occurrence of large fires in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Its resolution has important management implications, because if the fuel hypothesis proves to be right, then fire-exclusion would enhance the occurrence of large wildfires, and prescribed-fires would be a useful tool to fight them. On the other hand, if large fires were just a direct consequence of some extreme weather situations, neither fire-exclusion nor prescribed fire would have any influence on the size of wildfires. Here we present a simple model of vegetation dynamics and fire spread over homogeneous areas intended to treat quantitatively this issue. In particular, we wanted to address the following questions: (1) What is the effect that different fire fighting capacities have on the total area burnt and, especially, on large fires? (2) What is the effect that different levels of prescribed fire have on the area burnt in wildfires and, especially, in large fires? The model incorporates meteorological variability, different rates of fuel accumulation, number of ignitions per year, fire-fighting capacity, and prescribed burning. The model was calibrated with fire regime data (mean fire size, annual area burnt, and fire size distribution) of Tarragona (NE Spain) and Coimbra (Central Portugal), and it accurately reproduced both data sets, while allowing for multiple behavioural models and prediction uncertainties within the GLUE methodology. Results showed that for a given region, with its particular characteristics of climate, number of ignitions, and vegetation flammability, there was a fairly constant annual area burnt for different fire-fighting capacities. However, higher fire-fighting capacities resulted in a slightly higher proportion of large fires. There was also a quite constant annual area burnt (prescribed and wild fires together) for different prescribed fire intensities in each region. However, the total amount and proportion of large fires decreased as the prescribed burning intensity increased. So, according to the model, it seems that the total area burnt will be more or less the same despite any effort to reduce it by extinguishing fires or by using prescribed burning. Nevertheless, the effect of the fire exclusion policy slightly enhances the dominance of large fires, whereas the use of prescribed fires greatly reduces the importance of large fires.  相似文献   

Restoration of Landscape Structure Altered by Fire Suppression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is increasing interest in applying landscape ecological research to the management of wildlands, particularly regarding the negative effects of fragmentation and the benefits of corridors. Patch-producing large disturbances, such as fires and floods, produce a spatial mosaic structure in landscapes to which many species are sensitive. Management of the spatial structure of the patch mosaic has seldom been an explicit concern, however, in part because of insufficient knowledge about bow this spatial structure is affected by alterations in the disturbance regime. Yet the patch mosaic structure of many landscapes has been altered by disturbance control (such as fire suppression), and there is substantial interest in restoring natural disturbance regimes in some wildland landscapes. It has been proposed that, in landscapes subjected to decades of fire suppression, simple reinstatement of the natural fire regime may lead to adverse effects because fuel buildup during fire suppression may result in unusually large fires. It has also been proposed that the use of small prescribed fires may be an effective approach to restoration of landscapes subjected to fire suppression. Here I use a spatial GIS-based simulation model to analyze the effects of reinstating a natural fire regime in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Minnesota, after 82 years of fire suppression. The simulation experiment suggests that suppression can be expected to significantly alter landscape structure, but landscape structure can generally be restored within 50–75 years by reinstating the natural fire regime. Unusually large fires would probably hasten the restoration of landscape structure, while small prescribed fires will not restore the landscape but instead will produce further alteration.  相似文献   

Climatic Change, Wildfire, and Conservation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Abstract:  Climatic variability is a dominant factor affecting large wildfires in the western United States, an observation supported by palaeoecological data on charcoal in lake sediments and reconstructions from fire-scarred trees. Although current fire management focuses on fuel reductions to bring fuel loadings back to their historical ranges, at the regional scale extreme fire weather is still the dominant influence on area burned and fire severity. Current forecasting tools are limited to short-term predictions of fire weather, but increased understanding of large-scale oceanic and atmospheric patterns in the Pacific Ocean (e.g., El Niño Southern Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation) may improve our ability to predict climatic variability at seasonal to annual leads. Associations between these quasi-periodic patterns and fire occurrence, though evident in some regions, have been difficult to establish in others. Increased temperature in the future will likely extend fire seasons throughout the western United States, with more fires occurring earlier and later than is currently typical, and will increase the total area burned in some regions. If climatic change increases the amplitude and duration of extreme fire weather, we can expect significant changes in the distribution and abundance of dominant plant species in some ecosystems, which would thus affect habitat of some sensitive plant and animal species. Some species that are sensitive to fire may decline, whereas the distribution and abundance of species favored by fire may be enhanced. The effects of climatic change will partially depend on the extent to which resource management modifies vegetation structure and fuels.  相似文献   

The HFire fire regime model was used to simulate the natural fire regime (prior to European settlement) on Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Canaveral National Seashore, and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. Model simulations were run for 500 years and the model was parameterized using information generated from previously published empirical studies on these properties (e.g., lightning fire ignition frequencies and ignition seasonality). A mosaic pattern of frequent small fires dominated this fire regime with rare but extremely large fires occurring during dry La Niña periods. This simulated fire size distribution very closely matched the previously published fire size distribution for lightning ignitions on these properties. A sensitivity analysis was performed to establish which parameters were most influential and the range of variation surrounding empirically parameterized model output. Dead fuel moisture and wind speed had the largest influence on model outcome. A wide range of variance was observed surrounding the composite simulation with the least being 6% in total burn frequency and the greatest being 49% in total area burned. Because simulation modeling is the best option for fire regime reconstruction in many rapidly growing shrub dominated systems, these results will be of interest to scientists and fire managers for delineating the natural fire regime on these properties, the southeastern United States and other fire adapted shrub systems worldwide.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) of northwestern forests (U.S.A.) is diverse, and many species are locally abundant. Most forest amphibians west of the Cascade Mountain crest are associated with cool, cascading streams or coarse woody material on the forest floor, which are characteristics of mature forests. Extensive loss and fragmentation of habitat resulted from logging across approximately 50% of old-growth forests in northern California and approximately 80% of stands in Oregon and Washington. There is a complex landscape mosaic and overlap of northern and southern biotic elements in the Klamath-Siskiyou Region along the Oregon and California border, creating a biodiversity hotspot. The region experiences many low-severity fires annually, punctuated by periodic major fires, including the Biscuit fire, the largest in North America in 2002. In the fire's northern portion, severe fire occurred on >50% of stands of young, managed trees but on only about 25–33% of old-growth stands. This suggests that the legacy of timber harvest may produce fire-prone stands. Calls for prescribed fire and thinning to reduce fuel loads will remove large amounts of coarse woody material from forests, which reduces cover for amphibians and alters nutrient inputs to streams. Our preliminary evidence suggests no negative effects of wildfire on terrestrial amphibians, but stream amphibians decrease following wildfire. Most reptiles are adapted to open terrain, so fire usually improves their habitat. Today, the challenge is to maintain biodiversity in western forests in the face of intense political pressures designed to "prevent" catastrophic fires. We need a dedicated research effort to understanding how fire affects biota and to proactively investigate outcomes of fuel-reduction management on wildlife in western forests.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that shapes of burned areas resulting from fires spreading under uniform fuel and meteorological conditions may be described as ellipses, double ellipses, or ovoids. The adequacy of these shapes (together with simulation outputs) as bases for fire spread models was tested by finding the best fits of each shape to maps of experimental fires and comparing the results with fits given by a rectangle (an unlikely fire shape). Each of the models (ellipse, double ellipse, ovoid, simulation model, and even the rectangle) provided adequate approximations to the fire contours used in the tests. The parameter trends found implied that the fires examined tended to become more nearly elliptical in shape and to have higher eccentricity as they grew.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》1999,114(2-3):113-135
A spatially explicit forest gap model was developed for the Sierra Nevada, California, and is the first of its kind because it integrates climate, fire and forest pattern. The model simulates a forest stand as a grid of 15×15 m forest plots and simulates the growth of individual trees within each plot. Fuel inputs are generated from each individual tree according to tree size and species. Fuel moisture varies both temporally and spatially with the local site water balance and forest condition, thus linking climate with the fire regime. Fires occur as a function of the simulated fuel loads and fuel moisture, and the burnable area is simulated as a result of the spatially heterogeneous fuel bed conditions. We demonstrate the model’s ability to couple the fire regime to both climate and forest pattern. In addition, we use the model to investigate the importance of climate and forest pattern as controls on the fire regime. Comparison of model results with independent data indicate that the model performs well in several areas. Patterns of fuel accumulation, climatic control of fire frequency and the influence of fuel loads on the spatial extent of fires in the model are particularly well-supported by data. This model can be used to examine the complex interactions among climate, fire and forest pattern across a wide range of environmental conditions and vegetation types. Our results suggest that, in the Sierra Nevada, fuel moisture can exert an important control on fire frequency and this control is especially pronounced at sites where most of the annual precipitation is in the form of snow. Fuel loads, on the other hand, may limit the spatial extent of fire, especially at elevations below 1500 m. Above this elevation, fuel moisture may play an increasingly important role in limiting the area burned.  相似文献   

Populations of plants that rely on seeds for recovery from disturbance by fire (obligate seeders) are sensitive to regimes of frequent fire. Obligate seeders are prominent in fire-prone heathlands of southern Australia and South Africa. Population extinction may occur if there are successive fires during a plant's juvenile period. Research on the population biology of obligate seeders has influenced the management of fire in these heath and shrublands, but work on the effects of the spatial variability of fires is lacking. We hypothesize that extinction maybe avoided under an adverse fire frequency if fires are patchy. We present a model that simulates the effects of spatial and temporal variations in fire regimes on the viability of a plant population in a grid landscape. Seedling establishment, maturation, senescence, and seed dispersal determine the presence or absence of plants in each cell. We used values typical of serotinous Banksia species to estimate probability of extinction in relation to fire frequency and size. We examined the sensitivity of predictions to dispersal, senescence, fire frequency, spatial burning pattern and size variance, and the size of the grid. Simulations 200 years in length indicated that extinction probability was lowest when mean fire frequency was intermediate and mean fire size was large. When fire frequency was high, extinction probability was high irrespective of fire size. Senescence was more important than high-frequency fire as a cause of extinction in cells. Interactions between dispersal, fire frequency, and size were complex, indicating that extinction is governed by intercell connectivity. The model indicates that fire patchiness cannot be assumed to ensure avoidance of extinction of populations. Conservation of populations is most likely when fire patchiness is relatively low—when the size of fires is moderate to large and when burned patches are contiguous.  相似文献   

Various organic compounds in aerosol particles in ambient air near a coniferous forest fire in Boulder, Colorado were identified as molecular markers of wood burning and forest fires. Particle samples were collected by filtering small volumes of air. The samples were analysed using thermal desorption followed by gas chromatographic separation and detection, a highly sensitive analytical method. Several compounds unique to softwood combustion were identified in the samples. Additionally, a predominance of odd-carbon-numbered n-alkanes over the corresponding even-carbon-numbered n-alkanes was observed. This predominance is a well-documented molecular pattern indicative of epicutical waxes in plants.  相似文献   

Over the last years, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) have been identified in the soot of various accidental fires at concentrations which have made an extensive reconstruction of the buildings necessary. In these cases, dioxin precursors like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) or large amounts of other halogenated organic compounds like PCV cable coatings were involved. Dependent on the circumstances of the fire and the materials burnt, the levels of contamination and the congener pattern of the PCDD/PCDF in the soot were different. The analytical results from various accidental fires were evaluated and compared with laboratory data. A hierarchical cluster analysis supports the interpretation of the data and shows that the contamination of the soot from the fire in the Düsseldorf Airport in April 1996 was a mixed contamination primarily caused by PCB and PVC.  相似文献   

When a savanna burns, a decline in the input of organic matter and nutrients to the soil occurs. However, the existence of recurrent fires is a natural condition and N depletion by fire is not incompatible with the existence of savannas per se. Consequently, savanna vegetations have evolved under fires, implying a near to steady-state N budget. In some Australian and African ecosystems, N fixation appears to be insufficient to replace losses inducing soil-N depletion, whereas in neotropical Llanos and western African savannas, the N-fixation and precipitation seem to be enough to maintain production despite fires. This review presents information about well-drained savannas, namely Trachypogon savannas in Orinoco Llanos and Andropogonae savannas in Ivory Coast. The sites present similarities in climate and fire regime differing in soil parent material. A report on N budgets is presented. The budget was positive, since losses seem to be balanced by inputs in rainfall and biological fixation. Uncertainties in flux measures indicate that more work on those aspects are required. Results indicate that the estimated amounts of dinitrogen fixation and deposition seem to be enough to maintain plant production. Data support the hypothesis that the vegetation in the natural savanna has evolved under fire constraint.  相似文献   

Visibility impairment from regional haze is a significant problem throughout the continental United States. A substantial portion of regional haze is produced by smoke from prescribed and wildland fires. Here we describe the integration of four simulation models, an array of GIS raster layers, and a set of algorithms for fire-danger calculations into a modeling framework for simulating regional-scale smoke dispersion. We focus on a representative fire season (2003) in the northwestern USA, on a 12 km domain, and track the simulated dispersion and concentration of PM2.5 over the course of the season. Simulated visibility reductions over national parks and wilderness areas are within the ranges of measured values at selected monitoring sites, although the magnitudes of peak events are underestimated because these include inputs other than fire. By linking the spatial and temporal patterns of haze-producing emissions to climatic variability, particularly synoptic weather patterns, and the stochastic nature of fire occurrence across the region, we can provide a robust method for estimating the quantity and distribution of fire-caused regional haze under climate-warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Simulation models are used to examine the possible effects of discrete fuel distributions and of several fire-spread mechanisms on fire shapes. Two postulated fire spread mechanisms —heat accumulation and flame contact—are shown to yield near-ellipses in continuous fuels, but a wide range of shapes in discrete and very patchy fuels. The alternative shapes include ovoids, “tear-drop” (with the ignition point at varying positions on the major axis), and straight lines. Simulated fires in discrete, patchy fuels are less regular in shape than in uniform and continuous fuels and show little or no backburning. The results may explain certain observed differences between wildfire shapes that occur in different environments and at different burning intensities.  相似文献   

The most important constituents of traffic exhaust are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic hydrocarbons and lead. Satisfactory analytical methods are available for measuring these compounds, but the required expenditure in their application to air pollution studies is quite different. Due to correlations between the concentrations of several exhaust components in road air conclusions regarding the expected level of some substances can be drawn by measurement of another emitted compound. But the selection of indicator compounds must be made under the aspect of the source‐specific relationship of emitted substances. The temporal and spatial distribution of air pollutants in street air is affected by traffic emissions more than by meteorological conditions. “Fingerprints”; of typical organic gaseous components of traffic exhaust also were found in residential areas.  相似文献   

Gagnon PR  Passmore HA  Platt WJ  Myers JA  Paine CE  Harms KE 《Ecology》2010,91(12):3481-6; discussion 3503-14
Pyrogenic plants dominate many fire-prone ecosystems. Their prevalence suggests some advantage to their enhanced flammability, but researchers have had difficulty tying pyrogenicity to individual-level advantages. Based on our review, we propose that enhanced flammability in fire-prone ecosystems should protect the belowground organs and nearby propagules of certain individual plants during fires. We base this hypothesis on five points: (1) organs and propagules by which many fire-adapted plants survive fires are vulnerable to elevated soil temperatures during fires; (2) the degree to which burning plant fuels heat the soil depends mainly on residence times of fires and on fuel location relative to the soil; (3) fires and fire effects are locally heterogeneous, meaning that individual plants can affect local soil heating via their fuels; (4) how a plant burns can thus affect its fitness; and (5) in many cases, natural selection in fire-prone habitats should therefore favor plants that burn rapidly and retain fuels off the ground. We predict an advantage of enhanced flammability for plants whose fuels influence local fire characteristics and whose regenerative tissues or propagules are affected by local variation in fires. Our "pyrogenicity as protection" hypothesis has the potential to apply to a range of life histories. We discuss implications for ecological and evolutionary theory and suggest considerations for testing the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Fire is a natural part of most forest ecosystems in the western United States, but its effects on nonnative plant invasion have only recently been studied. Also, forest managers are engaging in fuel reduction projects to lessen fire severity, often without considering potential negative ecological consequences such as nonnative plant species introductions. Increased availability of light, nutrients, and bare ground have all been associated with high-severity fires and fuel treatments and are known to aid in the establishment of nonnative plant species. We use vegetation and environmental data collected after wildfires at seven sites in coniferous forests in the western United States to study responses of nonnative plants to wildfire. We compared burned vs. unburned plots and plots treated with mechanical thinning and/or prescribed burning vs. untreated plots for nonnative plant species richness and cover and used correlation analyses to infer the effect of abiotic site conditions on invasibility. Wildfire was responsible for significant increases in nonnative species richness and cover, and a significant decrease in native cover. Mechanical thinning and prescribed fire fuel treatments were associated with significant changes in plant species composition at some sites. Treatment effects across sites were minimal and inconclusive due to significant site and site x treatment interaction effects caused by variation between sites including differences in treatment and fire severities and initial conditions (e.g., nonnative species sources). We used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to determine what combinations of environmental variables best explained patterns of nonnative plant species richness and cover. Variables related to fire severity, soil nutrients, and elevation explained most of the variation in species composition. Nonnative species were generally associated with sites with higher fire severity, elevation, percentage of bare ground, and lower soil nutrient levels and lower canopy cover. Early assessments of postfire stand conditions can guide rapid responses to nonnative plant invasions.  相似文献   

Kulakowski D  Veblen TT 《Ecology》2007,88(3):759-769
Disturbances are important in creating spatial heterogeneity of vegetation patterns that in turn may affect the spread and severity of subsequent disturbances. Between 1997 and 2002 extensive areas of subalpine forests in northwestern Colorado were affected by a blowdown of trees, bark beetle outbreaks, and salvage logging. Some of these stands were also affected by severe fires in the late 19th century. During a severe drought in 2002, fires affected extensive areas of these subalpine forests. We evaluated and modeled the extent and severity of the 2002 fires in relation to these disturbances that occurred over the five years prior to the fires and in relation to late 19th century stand-replacing fires. Occurrence of disturbances prior to 2002 was reconstructed using a combination of tree-ring methods, aerial photograph interpretation, field surveys, and geographic information systems (GIS). The extent and severity of the 2002 fires were based on the normalized difference burn ratio (NDBR) derived from satellite imagery. GIS and classification trees were used to analyze the effects of prefire conditions on the 2002 fires. Previous disturbance history had a significant influence on the severity of the 2002 fires. Stands that were severely blown down (> 66% trees down) in 1997 burned more severely than other stands, and young (approximately 120 year old) postfire stands burned less severely than older stands. In contrast, prefire disturbances were poor predictors of fire extent, except that young (approximately 120 years old) postfire stands were less extensively burned than older stands. Salvage logging and bark beetle outbreaks that followed the 1997 blowdown (within the blowdown as well as in adjacent forest that was not blown down) did not appear to affect fire extent or severity. Conclusions regarding the influence of the beetle outbreaks on fire extent and severity are limited, however, by spatial and temporal limitations associated with aerial detection surveys of beetle activity. Thus, fire extent in these forests is largely independent of prefire disturbance history and vegetation conditions. In contrast, fire severity, even during extreme fire weather and in conjunction with a multiyear drought, is influenced by prefire stand conditions, including the history of previous disturbances.  相似文献   

Large fire years in which >1% of the landscape burns are becoming more frequent in the Alaskan (USA) interior, with four large fire years in the past 10 years, and 79 000 km2 (17% of the region) burned since 2000. We modeled fire severity conditions for the entire area burned in large fires during a large fire year (2004) to determine the factors that are most important in estimating severity and to identify areas affected by deep-burning fires. In addition to standard methods of assessing severity using spectral information, we incorporated information regarding topography, spatial pattern of burning, and instantaneous characteristics such as fire weather and fire radiative power. Ensemble techniques using regression trees as a base learner were able to determine fire severity successfully using spectral data in concert with other relevant geospatial data. This method was successful in estimating average conditions, but it underestimated the range of severity. This new approach was used to identify black spruce stands that experienced intermediate- to high-severity fires in 2004 and are therefore susceptible to a shift in regrowth toward deciduous dominance or mixed dominance. Based on the output of the severity model, we estimate that 39% (approximately 4000 km2) of all burned black spruce stands in 2004 had <10 cm of residual organic layer and may be susceptible a postfire shift in plant functional type dominance, as well as permafrost loss. If the fraction of area susceptible to deciduous regeneration is constant for large fire years, the effect of such years in the most recent decade has been to reduce black spruce stands by 4.2% and to increase areas dominated or co-dominated by deciduous forest stands by 20%. Such disturbance-driven modifications have the potential to affect the carbon cycle and climate system at regional to global scales.  相似文献   

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