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The study presents the assessment of variation of water qualities, classification of monitoring networks and detection of pollution sources along the Bagmati River and its tributaries in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal. Seventeen stations, monitored for 23 physical and chemical parameters in pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter seasons, during the period 1999-2003, were selected for the purpose of this study. The study revealed that the upstream river water qualities in the rural areas were increasingly affected from human sewage and chemical fertilizers. In downstream urban areas, the river was heavily polluted with untreated municipal sewage. The contribution of industries to pollute the river was minimal. The higher ratio of COD to BOD (3.74 in the rural and 2.06 in the urban) confirmed the increased industrial activities in the rural areas. An increasing trend of nitrate was found in the rural areas. In the urban areas, increasing trend of phosphorus was detected. The water quality measurement in the study period showed that DO was below 4 mg/l and BOD, COD, TIN, TP and TSS above 39.1, 59.2, 10.1, 0.84 and 199 mg/l, respectively, in the urban areas. In the rural areas, DO was above 6.2 mg/l and BOD, COD, TIN, TP and TSS below 15.9, 31, 5.24, 0.41 and 134.5 mg/l, respectively. The analysis for data from 1988 to 2003 at a key station in the river revealed that BOD was increasing at a rate of 1.8 mg/l in the Bagmati River. A comparative study for the water quality variables in the urban areas showed that the main river and its tributaries were equally polluted. The other comparison showed the urban water qualities were significantly poor as compared with rural. The cluster analysis detected three distinct monitoring groups: (1) low water pollution region, (2) medium water pollution region, (3) heavy water pollution region. For rapid assessment of water qualities using the representative sites could serve to optimize cost and time without loosing any significance of the outcome. The factor analysis revealed distinct groups of sources and pollutions (organics, nutrients, solutes and physicochemical).  相似文献   

The Huangpu River supplies eighty percent of daily water used for life and industry for about 20 million people in Shanghai, China. Industry and human sewerage from the metropolis is mainly released into the Huangpu River, which flows past the Shanghai city area. The pollution caused by city life and production in the Huangpu River has occurred for years. In this paper, the contents of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd, and Hg), total organic carbon (TOC), and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Huangpu River are discussed. Data from environmental monitoring from 1991 to 2002 are compared to understand the variation and trends of the pollution. Results indicate that metals have been reduced efficiently, but organic pollutants develop in aggravating trend as human sewage increase. The variation of the organic pollutant concentration, which are lower than other similar river's of China, US, and Canada, in the Huangpu River suggests that the organic pollution maybe a problem of water quality evolvement in metropolis river protection, which should be accentuated in the world today.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed the relationship between buried archaeological remains (masonries, pavements, and ancient ruins) and spontaneous vegetation growing above them. We carried out several vegetation surveys in the Domitian’s Stadium at the archaeological site of the Palatine (Rome). Vegetation data were collected using the Braun-Blanquet approach and elaborated using statistical analyses (cluster analysis) to assess the similarity among surveys. Structural, chorological, and ecological features of the plant communities were analyzed. Results showed that the vegetation responds significantly to the presence of sub-emerging ancient remains. The plant bioindication of this phenomenon occurs through the following floristic-vegetation variations: phenological alterations in single individuals (reduction in height, displacement of flowering/fruiting period), increase of annual species and decrease of perennial ones, decrease of total plant coverage, reduction of maturity level of the vegetation which remains blocked at a pioneer evolutive stage. The presence of sub-surfacing ruins manifests itself through the dominant occurrence of xerophilous and not-nitrophilous species (e.g., Hypochaeris achyrophorus L., Aira elegantissima Schur, Trifolium scabrum L. ssp. scabrum, Trifolium stellatum L., Plantago lagopus L., Medicago minima (L.) L., and Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E. Hubb. ex Dony ssp. rigidum) and in a rarefaction of more mesophilous and nitrophilous species (e.g., Plantago lanceolata L., Trifolium pratense L. ssp. pratense, Trifolium repens L. ssp. repens, and Poa trivialis L.). Therefore, the vegetation can be used as bioindicator for the detection of buried ruins, contributing in the archaeological prospection for a general, fast, and inexpensive interpretation of the underground.  相似文献   

On-site sanitation is increasingly adopted in urban cities in India. The adoption of On-site sanitation system puts the groundwater resources in the vicinity of the system at a greater risk. Microbial contaminants as well as chemical contaminants like Chloride and Nitrate are generated from human waste. These contaminants travel through the medium and ultimately get in contact with the groundwater. Hence, the groundwater sources are vulnerable to nitrate contamination near the On-site sanitation systems. The present study indicates significant Nitrate and Chloride contamination in samples collected close to On-site sanitation systems. The recommended limit set by the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) limit of 45 mg/l for Nitrate concentration is also exceeded in few samples. The study indicates that Bacterial as well as Nitrate contamination is more in Monsoon as compared to Summer.  相似文献   

This study presents the usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques, such as correlation matrix, cluster analysis, and factor analysis, for the evaluation and interpretation of complex water quality data sets of Brahmani–Koel river along the Rourkela Industrial Complex, India, and the apportionment of pollution sources/factors. The correlation study suggests that dissolved heavy metals, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are contributed by anthropogenic sources. The results of R-mode factor analyses revealed that anthropogenic contributions are responsible for increase in metals of the river water, which is mainly responsible for contamination of the river. It also reflected that the level of pollution in the river was very high. The factor score plot and loading plot have been drawn, which indicate that the polluted stations are identified by the heavy metals. The relationships among the stations are highlighted by cluster analysis, represented in dendograms to categorize different levels of contamination. An attempt has been made to study the degree of contamination of the river waters by using a tool like enrichment ratio (ER). The ER for heavy metal concentrations concluded that metals like Ni, Co, Cr, and Fe are showing high enrichment with respect to global background and metal ions like Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn show high enrichment with respect to local background.  相似文献   

To rapidly monitor the surface water quality in terms of organic pollution of an industrial river undergoing restoration, optical methods (UV–visible spectrometry and fluorescence) were applied in parallel to classical physical–chemical analyses. UV–visible spectra were analyzed using the maximum of the second derivative at 225 nm (related to nitrates), specific absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254), and the spectral slope between 275 and 295 nm (S 275–295) (related to the aromaticity and molecular weight of dissolved organic carbon). The synchronous fluorescence spectra (wavelength difference = 50 nm) exhibited a high variability in the composition of dissolved organic material between the upstream and downstream sections and also versus time. The principal components analysis of the entire set of synchronous fluorescence spectra helped to define three river sections with different pollution characteristics. Spectral decomposition was applied to the two most upstream sections: five fluorophores, classical in rivers impacted by domestic sewage and related to protein-like (λ ex = 280 nm) and humic-like fluorescence (M-type with λ ex ≈ 305–310 nm and C-type with λ ex ≥ 335 nm), were identified. The irregular shape of the synchronous fluorescence spectra in the most downstream section is likely due to organic pollutants of industrial origin; however, their variability and the complexity of the spectra did not allow the further elucidation of their nature.  相似文献   

Economic analyses of the greenhouse effect are typically carried out within the framework of computable general equilibrium models which represent the climate system by simple two box proxies based upon the pioneering work of Nordhaus. Since errors in predicting the carbon budget can imply high costs, there is some need to include more sophisticated climate models into the economics of global climate change. This paper presents a non-linear pulse representation of the process-based and data-validated Bern carbon model. Compared to the Nordhaus approach this leads to different results with respect to optimal climate policy and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. In particular, our results suggest that economic studies which use a Nordhaus representation of the climate system are biased towards high carbon emission and low abatement levels.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed an international increase of capital and human flows, this being accelerated by globalization. Several studies show that this phenomenon positively influences growth whilst being detrimental for the environment. This article aims to shed a light on the relationship between environment, growth and international capitalism and human flows. By making use of yearly data in a panel constructed around 36 OECD countries over the timespan 2000–2017, we run Pooled Ordinary Least Squares, Fixed Effects and Random Effects regressions with Driscoll-Kraay standard error correction, as well as the Generalized Method of Moments and the Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares, to obtain both short and long-run relationship. The main results provide evidence supporting the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis in the short-run, while offering some variation in the long-run. The FDI bolster the economic growth by means of no green technologies. The international touristic demand just impacts on the growth, while the migration flows improve the environmental performance both in the short and long-run, implying that international human flows generate positive spill-over in terms of environmental behaviours and growth.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical studies were carried out in the Penna–Chitravathi river basins to identify and delineate the important geochemical processes which were responsible for the evolution of chemical composition of groundwater. The area is underlain by peninsular gneissic complex of Archaean age, Proterozoic meta-sediments, and strip of river alluvium. Groundwater samples were collected covering all the major hydrogeological environs in pre- and post-monsoon seasons. The samples were analyzed for major constituents such as Ca2?+?, Mg2?+?, Na?+?, K?+?, CO3 ???, HCO3 ???, Cl???, SO2 ???4, NO3 ???, and F???. The groundwater in general is of Na?+?–Cl???, Na?+?–HCO3 ???, Ca2?+?–Mg2?+?–HCO3 ???, and Ca2?+?–Mg2?+?–Cl??? types. Na?+? among cations and Cl??? and/or HCO3 ??? among anions dominate the water; Na?+? and Ca2?+? are in the transitional state with Na?+? replacing Ca2?+? and HCO3 ??? Cl??? due to physiochemical changes in the aquifer and water–rock interactions. The Ca2?+?–Mg2?+?–Cl??? HCO3 ??? type water in one third samples suggest that ion exchange and dissolution processes are responsible for its origin. Change in storage of aquifer in a season does not influence the major geochemical makeup of groundwater. Gibbs plots indicate that the evolution of water chemistry is influenced by water–rock interaction followed by evapotranspiration process. The aquifer material mineralogy together with semiarid climate, poor drainage system, and low precipitation factors played major role in controlling groundwater quality of the area.  相似文献   

On-site sanitation has emerged as a preferred mode of sanitation in cities experiencing rapid urbanization due to the high cost involved in off-site sanitation which requires conventional sewerages. However, this practice has put severe stress on groundwater especially its quality. Under the above backdrop, a study has been undertaken to investigate the impact of on-site sanitation on quality of groundwater sources in two mega cities namely Indore and Kolkata which are situated in two different geological settings. The parameters for the studies are distance of groundwater source from place of sanitation, effect of summer and monsoon seasons, local hydro-geological conditions, and physico-chemical parameters. NO3 and fecal coliform concentrations are considered as main indexes of pollution in water. Out of many conclusions which can be made from this studies, one major conclusion is about the influence of on-site sanitation on groundwater quality is minimal in Kolkata, whereas it is significant in Indore. This difference is due to the difference in hydrogeological parameters of these two cities, Kolkata being on alluvium quaternary and Indore being on Deccan trap of Cretaceous to Paleogene age.  相似文献   

Aiming at the remote sensing application has been increasingly relying on ground object spectral characteristics. In order to further research the spectral reflectance characteristics in arid area, this study was performed in the typical delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers located north of Tarim Basin. Data were collected from geo-targets at multiple sites in various field conditions. The spectra data were collected for different soil types including saline-alkaline soil, silt sandy soil, cotton field, and others; vegetations of Alhagi sparsifolia, Phragmites australis, Tamarix, Halostachys caspica, etc., and water bodies. Next, the data were processed to remove high-frequency noise, and the spectral curves were smoothed with the moving average method. The derivative spectrum was generated after eliminating environmental background noise so that to distinguish the original overlap spectra. After continuum removal of the undesirable absorbance, the spectrum curves were able to highlight features for both optical absorbance and reflectance. The spectrum information of each ground object is essential for fully utilizing the multispectrum data generated by remote sensing, which will need a representative spectral library. In this study using ENVI 4.5 software, a preliminary spectral library of surface features was constructed using the data surveyed in the study area. This library can support remote sensing activities such as feature investigation, vegetation classification, and environmental monitoring in the delta oasis region. Future plan will focus on sharing and standardizing the criteria of professional spectral library and to expand and promote the utilization of the spectral databases.  相似文献   

Mumbai, a megacity of India, and its adjacent marine environment, though heavily stressed from various anthropogenic interferences, harbor ~146 km2 of mangrove cover. Manori creek, in the close vicinity of Mumbai, sustains relatively better mangrove formations. A creek habitat had been evaluated for its biological and environmental characteristics, and is compared with similar but relatively lesser stressed Mandovi estuary (~475 km south of Mumbai). Several evidences of deteriorating environment of Manori creek have been described with respect to Water quality index and various biotic community structures. Water quality index of <55 indicated unacceptable aquatic conditions of Manori creek. Dominance of Avicennia marina and poor abundance and diversity of mangrove and associated biological features indicate highly stressed environment. Dominance of stress-tolerant phytoplankton spp. such as Skeletonema costatum and benthic fauna such as Polychaeta further supported the view. The data presented in the present document would help in developing rational approach towards conservation, protection, and sustainable development of mangrove-dominated creek and estuarine wetlands.  相似文献   

Anticipating the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), the Italian Government issued Legislative Decree n.152/99 which sets out rules for classifying the environmental status of national water bodies in order to achieve specific qualitative objectives by 2016. The most recent European Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC), which was only recognized by Italy in early 2009 (Legislative Decree 30/09), requires such resources to be characterized from a qualitative standpoint and the risk of their being polluted by individual pollutants or groups of pollutants to be evaluated. This paper reports a simple methodology, based on easy-to-apply rules, for the rapid classification of groundwater, and the results of its application to the shallow aquifer of the plain of Tavoliere delle Puglie located in south Italy. Data collected during well-water monitoring campaigns carried out from 2002 to 2003 made it possible to assess the environmental status of the Tavoliere which, unfortunately, was found to be characterized by ??significant anthropic pressures on quality and/or quantity of groundwater and necessitating specific improvement actions??.  相似文献   

The contribution of wastewater from a tannery industry to the pollution of a stream was investigated. The main parameters studied were biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, chromium, dissolved oxygen, fecal and total coliforms, nitrogen, oils and greases, pH, phosphorous, sulfides, suspended solids, turbidity, and volatile solids. Three sampling points were located: (1) at the discharge point of tannery wastewater, (2) 50 m upstream, and (3) 80 m downstream of discharge point. Also was investigated the pollution at the stream source.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the composition of vegetation is very important for developing and implementing strategies for promoting sustainable grassland development. The vegetation–disturbance–environment relationship was examined in degraded alpine grasslands in the headwater areas of three rivers on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in this study. The investigated hypotheses were that (1) the heterogeneity of the vegetation of the alpine grassland is due to a combination of biotic and abiotic factors and that (2) at a small scale, biotic factors are more important for the distribution of alpine vegetation. On this basis, four transects were set along altitudinal gradients from 3,770 to 3,890 m on a sunny slope, and four parallel transects were set along altitudinal gradients on a shady slope in alpine grasslands in Guoluo Prefecture of Qinghai Province, China. It was found that biological disturbances were the major forces driving the spatial heterogeneity of the alpine grassland vegetation and abiotic factors were of secondary importance. Heavy grazing and intensive rat activity resulted in increases in unpalatable and poisonous weeds and decreased fine forages in the form of sedges, forbs, and grasses in the vegetation composition. Habitat degradation associated with biological disturbances significantly affected the spatial variation of the alpine grassland vegetation, i.e., more pioneer plants of poisonous or unpalatable weed species, such as Ligularia virgaurea and Euphorbia fischeriana, were found in bare patches. Environmental/abiotic factors were less important than biological disturbances in affecting the spatial distribution of the alpine grassland vegetation at a small scale. It was concluded that rat control and light grazing should be applied first in implementing restoration strategies. The primary vegetation in lightly grazed and less rat-damaged sites should be regarded as a reference for devising vegetation restoration measures in alpine pastoral regions.  相似文献   

The population of the caprellid Metaprotella sandalensis Mayer (Crustacea: Amphipoda) associated with the seaweed Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh was studied on a spatial scale in relation to the influence of physico-chemical factors on the coral reef system at Mauritius Island. Some areas of the coast of Mauritius are currently subject to disturbance due to industrialisation and rapidly growing tourist development programmes, meanwhile other sites of the island are still unaltered. T. ornata was sampled at 12 stations, distributed around the whole island to represent the heterogeneous conditions. The density of Metaprotella sandalensis living on T. ornata was measured. The linear regression and the multivariate analysis showed a strong correlation between the densities of the caprellid and the physico-chemical parameters. The highest densities of M. sandalensis were found in the most stressed sites characterised by the highest values of nitrate, phosphate, chemical oxygen demand and silting. According to these results and taking into account that M. sandalensis and T. ornata are widely distributed in most of the tropical ecosystems, we preliminarily propose usage of the density of this caprellid as a new monitoring tool on coral reefs or, at least, as a first diagnosis for the detection of nutrient enrichment on these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Natural and contaminated waters of the final reaches of the Chubut River (Patagonia, Argentina) were studied to obtain information about river organic matter and effects of domestic and industrial discharges (fishery effluents and sewages). Fluorescence Excitation–Emission Matrices (EEMs) were obtained from samples only filtered (0.45 μm) and diluted, if necessary, to avoid the inner filter effect. In addition, physicochemical parameters were measured to know the quality of the water and the effluents. Results show that EEMs allow a rapid and simple control of the effluents from fisheries and domestic sewage in Chubut River estuary, necessary to take management decisions.  相似文献   

This study is the first to investigate the contamination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) on surface soils in the vicinity of the first hazardous waste incinerator of Turkey. In the study, 24 soil samples were taken from a 1625-m-radius circle whose center is the stack of the incinerator. This process was repeated 1 year later. Since the acquired average PCDD/F concentrations of the two sampling campaigns (0.05 and 0.02 ng WHO-toxic equivalent (TEQ)/kg) were meaningfully low compared to the related literatures, a new sampling campaign was carried out to control this inconsistency, but this time in a foreign laboratory (0.56 ng WHO-TEQ/kg). In the same period, eight gas samples were taken from the stack under different operational conditions of the facility. According to the evaluations of the findings, the geographical-meteorological data of the study area and the specific operational conditions of the facility corroborate the concentrations of the first and the second soil samplings rather than the third one. The major underlying reason for the inconsistency of the soil concentrations may be the fact that the data analysis procedures used by the laboratories are different. The author suggests a hypothesis which argues that the soils in the vicinity of a hazardous waste incinerator may have significantly lower concentration levels than in related literatures.  相似文献   

A study of the water quality of the Potrero de los Funes River (San Luis – Argentina) was carried out in order to evaluate the possible effect of the anthropogenic activities on the river developed in the homonymous town. Samples were collected during the period March 2000–November 2005 at three selected sampling sites (RP1, RP2 and RP3). Different physicochemical and bacteriological parameters (turbidity, pH, conductivity, suspended solids, alkalinity, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, chemical oxygen demand (COD), 5-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and total heterotrophic bacteria) were analysed according to the Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. When comparing the values of total coliforms, E. coli, total heterotrophic bacteria, COD, BOD5 and phosphates from the zone without anthropogenic influence (RP1) and the urban zones (RP2 and RP3) an important variation in the parameters was observed. These results indicate that the urban activity produces a serious and negative effect on the water quality, thus constituting a sanitary risk and may have a major impact on the trophic status of the Potrero de los Funes dam. As case study, we report on the use of General Quality Index (GQI) to evaluate spatial and seasonal changes in the water quality of Potrero de los Funes River. Results revealed a significant degradation of the water quality at RP2 and RP3.  相似文献   

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