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This article summarizes a long‐term study of vapor intrusion mitigation system performance in a historic, unoccupied residential duplex with an extensive set of temporal variability observations. The experimental design included multiple cycles of subslab depressurization (SSD) system operation and shut‐off during a seven‐month period, followed by a year‐long period of continuous operation. Results showed that the system provided rapid pressure field extension and radon control as much as 100 days of operation before optimum volatile organic compound (VOC) mitigation was achieved. Greater variability in VOC concentrations than in radon concentrations was observed during the initial mitigation system cycling. Subslab VOC concentrations at numerous locations increased during this initial period of SSD operation, and indoor air VOC concentrations were more variable than radon. However, indoor air concentrations were considerably less variable (and lower) during the first year of continuous mitigation system operation. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Conventional vapor intrusion characterization efforts can be challenging due to background indoor air constituents, preferential subsurface migration pathways, sampling access, and collection method limitations. While it has been recognized that indoor air concentrations are dynamic, until recently it was assumed by many practitioners that subsurface concentrations did not vary widely over time. Newly developed continuous monitoring platforms have been deployed to monitor subsurface concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, total volatile organic constituents, and atmospheric pressure. These systems have been integrated with telemetry, geographical information systems, and geostatistical algorithms for automatically generating two‐ and three‐dimensional contour images and time‐stamped renderings and playback loops of sensor attributes, and multivariate analyses through a cloud‐based project management platform. The objectives at several selected sites included continuous monitoring of vapor concentrations and related physical parameters to understand explosion risks over space and time and to then design a long‐term risk reduction strategy. High‐frequency data collection, processing, and automated visualization have resulted in greater understanding of natural processes, such as dynamic contaminant vapor intrusion risk conditions potentially influenced by localized barometric pumping. For instance, contemporaneous changes in methane, oxygen, and atmospheric pressure values suggest there is interplay and that vapor intrusion risk may not be constant. As a result, conventional single‐event and composite assessment technologies may not be capable of determining worst‐case risk scenarios in all cases, possibly leading to misrepresentation of receptor and explosion risks. While dynamic risk levels have been observed in several initial continuous monitoring applications, questions remain regarding whether these situations represent special cases and how best to determine when continuous monitoring should be required. Results from a selected case study are presented and implications derived. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion (VI) assessment is complicated by spatial and temporal variability, largely due to compounded interactions among the many individual factors that influence the vapor migration pathway from subsurface sources to indoor air. Past research on highly variable indoor air datasets demonstrates that conventional sampling schemes can result in false negative determinations of potential risk corresponding to reasonable maximum exposures (RME). While high‐frequency chemical analysis of individual chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) in indoor air is conceptually appealing, it remains largely impractical when numerous buildings are involved and particularly for long‐term monitoring. As more is learned about the challenges with indoor air sampling for VI assessment, it has become clear that alternative approaches are needed to help guide discrete sampling efforts and reduce sampling requirements while maintaining acceptable confidence in exposure characterization. Indicators, tracers, and surrogates (ITS), which include a collection of quantifiable metrics and tools, have been suggested as a potential solution for making VI pathway assessment and long‐term monitoring more informative, efficient, and cost‐effective. This review, compilation, and evaluation of ITS demonstrates how even low numbers of indoor air CVOC samples can provide high levels of confidence for representing the RME levels (e.g., 95th percentile) often sought by regulatory agencies for less than chronic effects. A two‐part compilation of available evidence for select low‐cost ITS is presented, with Part 1 focused on introducing the concepts of ITS, meteorologically based ITS, and the evidence from data‐rich studies to support lower cost CVOC VI assessments. Part 1 includes the results of quantitative analyses on two robust residential building VI datasets, where numerous supplemental metrics were collected concurrently with indoor air concentration data. These are supplemented with additional less‐intensive studies in different circumstances. These analyses show that certain ITS metrics and tools, including differential temperature, differential pressure, and radon (in Part 2), can provide benefits to VI assessment and long‐term monitoring. This includes indicators that narrow the assessment period needed to capture RME conditions, tracers that enhance understanding of the conceptual site model, and aid in the identification of preferential pathways and surrogates that support or substitute for CVOC sampling results. The results of this review provide insight into the scientifically supportable uses of ITS.  相似文献   

A series of 14 mesoscale burns were conducted in 1991 to study various aspects of oil burning in situ. Extensive sampling and monitoring of these burns were conducted to determine the emissions. This was done at two downwind ground stations, one upwind ground station and in the smoke plume using a blimp and a remote-controlled helicopter. Particulate samples in air were taken and analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs were found to be lower in the soot than in the starting oil. Metals in the oil were found concentrated in the residue and could not be measured in soot samples using conventional industrial hygiene sampling techniques. Particulates in the air were measured by several means and found to be greater than recommended exposure levels only up to 150 m downwind at ground level. Combustion gases including carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide did not reach exposure level maximums. These gases were emitted over a broad area around the fire and are not directly associated with the plume trajectory. Volatile organic compound (VOCs) emissions are extensive from fires, but the levels are less than those emitted from a non-burning test spill. Over 50 compounds were identified and quantified, several at possible levels of concern up to 200 m downwind. Water under the burns was analyzed; no analytes of concern could be found at the detection levels of the methods. The burn residue was analyzed for the same compounds as the air particulate samples. The residue contained elevated amounts of metals. PAHs were at a lower concentration in the residue than in the starting oil, however there is a slight differential concentration increase in some higher molecular weight species. Overall, indications from these mesoscale trials are that emissions from in situ burning are low in comparison to other sources of emissions and result in concentrations of air contaminants that are below exposure limits beyond 500 m downwind.  相似文献   

Oil refining is among the industrial activities that emit considerable amounts of air pollutants into the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides are important air pollutants that are emitted by oil refineries as products of combustion processes. The ambient air concentrations of nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were monitored continuously at a site close to an oil refinery, near the city of Corinth in Greece, during autumn 1997 together with the main meteorological parameters. The contribution of the oil refinery to the measured atmospheric levels of nitrogen oxides was estimated. The ambient air concentration of nitrogen oxides in the area surrounding the oil refinery were generally lower than the ambient air concentrations in the urban area of Athens in Greece, and the NO2 levels were always below the existing air quality standards. The influence of the refinery emitted NOx in the photochemical production of ozone seems to be more important in terms of human and vegetation exposure given the high ozone backgrounds measured in the area.  相似文献   

Bioventing—the injection of air into the vadose zone to increase microbial activity—is a commonly used, proven technology for remediating volatile organic compounds present in the vadose zone. Passive systems driven by wind or solar power are both more cost‐effective and sustainable than conventional systems. Such a passive system is being applied successfully to remediate a site impacted with total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in soil. Bioventing technology was approved by the regulatory agency as an interim remedial action to remove chemicals of concern (COCs) in the vadose zone. A bioventing pilot study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of COC removal and collect parameters for full‐scale design and implementation. To evaluate the potential to use wind‐driven bioventing technology, two mobile weather stations were installed at the site and monitored for one month for a wind speed study. Based on the pilot‐test data and wind speed research, 12‐inch diameter funnel/vane 360‐degree wind collectors were designed as passive wind‐driven air‐injection devices and connected to existing monitoring wells. The measured air velocity ranged from 20 to 110 feet per minute during the start‐up and the first three months of operation and maintenance. Monitoring indicated a 20 percent oxygen delivery and greater than 90 percent reduction in COC concentrations, demonstrating a successful sustainable remediation with no power requirement and minimal operation and maintenance. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents a database developed to determine the potential reuse of contaminated sites for primarily ecologically and culturally based activities. The database consists of 172 quantitative and qualitative measures of on‐site land suitability, ecological, cultural, and recreational value, and off‐site suitability, economic, and demographic information. Using sites owned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as a case study, the article evaluates the quality of available data and suggests ways of using it for planning ecologically sensitive remediation activities and future land use. This type of database can be developed and used by anyone who needs to select, review, or evaluate site remediation and future land use options. Also discussed are the challenges associated with compiling and using data that has been generated by many sources over several years. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Biodegradation is an attractive approach for the elimination of synthetic polymers, pervasively accumulated in natural environments and generating ecological problems. The present work investigated the degradation of low‐density polyethylene (PE) by three Bacillus sp., that is, ISJ36, ISJ38, and ISJ40. The degree of biodegradation was assessed by measuring hydrophobicity, viability, and total protein content of bacterial biofilm attached to the PE surface. Although all three bacterial strains were able to establish an active biofilm community on the PE surface, ISJ40 showed better affinity toward PE degradation than the other two. Bacterial colonization and physical changes on the PE surface were visualized by scanning electron microscopy. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis revealed alteration in the intensities of functional groups along with an increase in the carbonyl bond indexes. The study results suggest that the Bacillus strain ISJ40 can be used as a potential degrader for the eco‐friendly treatment of PE waste.  相似文献   

Inconsistencies are present in the management options for healthcare wastes in Mongolia. One of the first critical steps in the process of developing a reliable waste management plan requires the performance of a waste characterization analysis. The objectives of this study were an assessment of the current situation of healthcare waste management (HCWM) and characterization of healthcare wastes generated in Ulaanbaatar. A total about 2.65 tonnes of healthcare wastes are produced each day in Ulaanbaatar (0.78 tons of medical wastes and 1.87 tons of general wastes). The medical waste generation rate per kg/patient-day in the inpatient services of public healthcare facilities was 1.4-3.0 times higher than in the outpatient services (P<0.01). The waste generation rate in the healthcare facilities of Ulaanbaatar was lower than in some other countries; however, the percentage of medical wastes in the total waste stream was comparatively high, ranging from 12.5% to 69.3%, which indicated poor waste handling practices. Despite the efforts for the management of wastes, the current system of healthcare waste management in Ulaanbaatar city of Mongolia is under development and is in dire need of immediate attention and improvement. It is essential to develop a national policy and implement a comprehensive action plan for HCWM providing environmentally sound technological measures to improve HCWM in Mongolia.  相似文献   

The data mining/groundwater modeling methodology developed in McDade et al. (2013) was performed to determine if matrix diffusion is a plausible explanation for the lower‐concentration but persistent chlorinated solvent plumes in the groundwater‐bearing units at three different pump‐and‐treat systems. Capture‐zone maps were evaluated, and eight wells were identified that did not draw water from any of the historical source areas but captured water from the sides of the plume. Two groundwater models were applied to study the persistence of the plumes in the absence of contributions from the historical source zones. In the wells modeled, the observed mass discharge generally decreased by about one order of magnitude or less over 4 to 10 years of pumping, and 1.8 to 17 pore volumes were extracted. In five of the eight wells, the matrix diffusion model fit the data much better than the advection dispersion retardation model, indicating that matrix diffusion better explains the persistent plume. In the three other wells, confounding factors, such as a changing capture zone over time (caused by changes in pumping rates in adjacent extraction wells); potential interference from a high‐concentration unremediated source zone; and limited number of pore volumes removed made it difficult to confirm that matrix diffusion processes were active in these areas. Overall, the results from the five wells indicate that mass discharge rates from the pumping wells will continue to show a characteristic “long tail'' of mass removal from zones affected by active matrix diffusion processes. Future site management activities should include matrix diffusion processes in the conceptual site models for these three sites. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

通过建设以火电厂为中心的生态工业园的初步研究,阐述了建设生态工业园的重要意义,详细探讨了不同产业间的资源相互最大利用的循环经济发展模式,并总结了建设生态工业园经济发展模式的经验以及可能存在的问题,为各地建设类似生态工业园提供参考.  相似文献   

Residents who lived within 50 miles of one of six major US Department of Energy nuclear waste sites were asked in 2005 and again in 2010 to rate environmental management options. Respondents expressed strong preference for continuously sampling the air and water, monitoring worker health, and providing training and equipment to local responders. They strongly supported some site restrictions, such as making sure that the federal government owns the site until no more hazards are present, keeping visitors and recreational users off the site, and requiring government officials to report information to community representatives. The public was much more equivocal about other options, such as restricting new nuclear‐related activities and requiring site managers to live near sites. The authors summarize factors that lead to these public preferences and discuss five population types encountered at these and perhaps other waste management sites. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article examines specific systematic planning steps that can be used for designing and controlling Triad projects. Triad work strategies act to limit decision uncertainty, expedite schedules to meet project milestones, and reduce costs associated with cleanup activities. As a result, the Triad approach is rapidly increasing in popularity. Good project planning has always been seen as the cornerstone of successful Triad projects. However, the specific steps in the systematic planning process have not been extensively published. Demands of Triad projects, which attempt to make maximum use of innovative technologies and sequencing of activities in a learn‐ as‐you‐go framework, put new demands on regulators and project managers alike. Specific activities and relationships are identified to assist project managers with dynamic work strategies and real‐time measurements to support improved decision making. These include: assembly of stakeholders, a core technical team, and key decisions; development and refinement of a site model; use of demonstrations of methods applicability; development of dynamic work strategies and project sequencing; real‐time data management assessment and presentation; and unitized procurement of technologies and services. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The city of Havana, the political, administrative and cultural centre of Cuba, is also the centre of many of the economic activities of the nation: industries, services, scientific research and tourism. All of these activities contribute to the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), which also impact other Cuban cities. Inadequate handling of waste and the lack of appropriate and efficient solutions for its final disposal and treatment increase the risk and possibility of contamination. The main difficulty in the development of a system of management of MSW lies in the lack of knowledge of the chemical composition of the waste that is generated in the country as a whole, and especially in Havana, where solid waste management decisions are made. The present study characterizes MSW in Havana city during 2004. The Calle 100, Guanabacoa and Ocho Vías landfills were selected for physical-chemical characterization of MSW, as they are the three biggest landfills in the city. A total of 16 indicators were measured, and weather conditions were recorded. As a result, the necessary information regarding the physical-chemical composition of the MSW became available for the first time in Cuba. The information is essential for making decisions regarding the management of waste and constitutes a valuable contribution to the Study on Integrated Management Plan of MSW in Havana.  相似文献   

A common industrial solvent additive is 1,4‐dioxane. Contamination of dissolved 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater has been found to be recalcitrant to removal by conventional, low‐cost remedial technologies. Only costly labor and energy‐intensive pump‐and‐treat remedial options have been shown to be effective remedies. However, the capital and extended operation and maintenance costs render pump‐and‐treat technologies economically unfeasible at many sites. Furthermore, pump‐and‐treat approaches at remediation sites have frequently been proven over time to merely achieve containment rather than site closure. A major manufacturer in North Carolina was faced with the challenge of cleaning up 1,4‐dioxane and volatile organic compound–impacted soil and groundwater at its site. Significant costs associated with the application of conventional approaches to treating 1,4‐dioxane in groundwater led to an alternative analysis of emerging technologies. As a result of the success of the Accelerated Remediation Technologies, LLC (ART) In‐Well Technology at other sites impacted with recalcitrant compounds such as methyl tertiarybutyl ether, and the demonstrated success of efficient mass removal, an ART pilot test was conducted. The ART Technology combines in situ air stripping, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, enhanced bioremediation/oxidation, and dynamic subsurface groundwater circulation. Monitoring results from the pilot test show that 1,4‐dioxane concentrations were reduced by up to 90 percent in monitoring wells within 90 days. The removal rate of chlorinated compounds from one ART well exceeded the removal achieved by the multipoint soil vapor extraction/air sparging system by more than 80 times. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze problems concerning household waste disposal and material flow by means of a Leontief–Sraffa–von Neumann framework. We treat household residuals as if they were traded and valued in a daily market transaction. Thus, we can calculate the shadow price of waste, making a value system compatible with a quantity system. We show the theoretical existence of an equilibrium solution between a value system and a quantity system. This means that if there is a well-organized market for waste treatment, the flow of waste is smoothly regulated by a price adjustment mechanism. Household residuals are shown to be negatively valued if a certain constraint is satisfied. Thus, those residuals are bads instead of goods. Interestingly enough, household waste treatment in the market does not affect the price formation of normal commodities, since waste treatment services or recycling services are nonbasics in Sraffa's sense. Partly due to this character, the Hawkins–Simon condition is required only for normal production sectors, and not for recycling sectors. In the final section, we have dropped the assumption that household residuals are always treated as waste, since some residuals may be traded as normal commodities. Applying the Gale–Nikaido–Debreu lemma to a newly defined excess demand function, we have proved that our model can accommodate such a situation. By this analysis, we have shown that the goods/bads (waste) relationship is a relative matter, being dependent upon economic conditions. The changes in demand for, or supply of, residuals may turn some goods into bads, and vice versa. Received: October 5, 1999 / Accepted: October 18, 1999  相似文献   

The performance of Spanish solid waste collection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we examine street cleaning and waste collection services in Spanish municipalities with a population exceeding 50,000. The purpose is to identify factors that influence the efficiency of these services. Three input variables (staff, vehicles and containers) and four outputs variables (tonnage, collection points, collection point density and kilometres of surface area washing) are analyzed using an analytical model based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology. These variables, along with non-controllable input variable (Tourist Index), were chosen because they were shown, based on a Tobit regression analysis, to have a statistically significant impact on municipality behaviour. The results obtained show that scale inefficiency was lower than pure technical efficiency, the latter is linked to service management. It was observed that the street-cleaning activity was performed more inefficiently than that of waste collection. Furthermore, it was detected that municipalities can reduce the resources used in rendering this service by 8%. Finally, an estimation using the Mann-Whitney test allows us to conclude that there is no difference between the inefficiencies observed in municipalities managed directly by town councils and those which have been transferred to private companies.  相似文献   

空气涡轮制冷低温粉碎法回收废弃橡胶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘思永  王屏 《化工环保》1996,16(4):214-218
利用带回冷循环的空气涡轮制冷系统,在低温条件下,将废旧橡胶进行冷冻、粉碎、制成60目以上的精细胶粉。此法的冷冻能耗成本仅为国际上通用的液氮法的1/10,整具工艺过程不产生二次污染,为废旧橡胶的综合利用提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

Since the indiscriminate disposal of pig slurry can cause not only air pollution and bad odours but also nutrient pollution of ground waters and superficial waters, composting is sometimes used as one environmentally acceptable method for recycling pig manure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of composting pig slurry on its sanitation (evaluated by ecotoxicity assays and pathogen content determination), as well as to determine the effect of a carbon-rich bulking agent (wood shavings, WS) and the starting C/N ratio on the changes undergone by different chemical (volatile organic matter, C and N fractions) and microbiological (microbial biomass C, ATP, dehydrogenase activity, urease, protease, phosphatase, and beta-glucosidase activities) parameters during composting. Pig slurry mixed with bulking agent (P+WS) and the solid faction separated from it, both with (PSF+WS) and without bulking agent (PSF), were composted for 13 weeks. Samples for analysis were taken from composting piles at the start of the process and at 3, 6, 9, and 13 weeks after the beginning of composting. The total organic carbon, water soluble C and ammonium content decreased with composting, while Kjeldahl N and nitrate content increased. The nitrification process in the PSF+WS pile was more intense than in the PSF or P+WS composting piles. The pathogen content decreased with composting, as did phytotoxic compounds, while the germination index increased with compost age. Piles with bulking agent showed higher values of basal respiration, microbial biomass carbon, ATP and hydrolase activities during the composting process than piles without bulking agent.  相似文献   

Bio‐Traps® were used to investigate biodegradation of benzene, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), and tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) under different conditions at a fractured rock site to aid the selection of a bioremediation approach. The Bio‐Traps were amended with the 13C‐labeled constituent of interest and sampled sequentially at 15‐, 30‐, 60‐, and 90‐day intervals. The conditions tested were biodegradation during operation of an air sparge system, amendment with nitrate during the air sparge operation, anaerobic biodegradation with the system turned off, and anaerobic biodegradation with nitrate amendment. There was increased biomass with nitrate amendment whether the air sparge system was on or off for all the constituents of interest. The diversity of the microbial community, determined by phospholipid fatty acid analysis, decreased with nitrate amendment as more specialized degraders were selected. The most negative indicators of potential biodegradation performance were observed with the anaerobic control. There was less biomass overall, less incorporation of 13C into biomass, and decreased membrane permeability. As testing with additional amendments continues at the site, it is not yet certain which treatment might be selected for bioremediation, but the Bio‐Trap tests thus far have identified that the in situ, natural attenuation condition is least favorable for biodegradation. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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