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The <8 mm fraction of aged incinerator bottom ash from a commercial incinerator (energy from waste) plant has been collected at regular intervals, characterised and processed to form ceramic materials. Ashes were sieved, wet ball milled, dried, compacted and sintered at temperatures between 1080 and 1115 degrees C. Variations in the chemical composition and mineralogy of the milled ash, and the mineralogy, physical properties and leaching of sintered products have been assessed. Milling produces a raw material with consistent chemical and mineralogical composition with quartz (SiO(2)), calcite (CaCO(3)), gehlenite (Ca(2)Al(AlSi)O(7)) and hematite (Fe(2)O(3)) being the major crystalline phases present. Different batches also milled to give consistent particle size distributions. Sintering milled incinerator bottom ash at 1110 degrees C produced ceramics with densities between 2.43 and 2.64 g/cm(-3) and major crystalline phases of wollastonite (CaSiO(3)) and diopside (CaMgSi(2)O(6)). The sintered ceramics had reduced acid neutralisation capacity compared to the as-received ash and exhibited reduced leaching of Ca, Mg, Na and K under all pH conditions. The leaching of heavy metals was also significantly reduced due to encapsulation and incorporation into glassy and crystalline phases, with Cu and Al showing greatly reduced leaching under alkali conditions.  相似文献   

Stockpiled municipal waste incinerator bottom ash is frequently considered for utilization as a construction material. Two 360 kg lysimeter experiments were conducted to study percolation washing of contaminants from stockpiled MSW bottom ash. One lysimeter was leached with a concentrated sodium hydroxide solution, as a possible pre-treatment for improvement of the bottom ash characteristics prior to utilization, while the other was leached using distilled water. The lysimeter leachate was analysed, and at the end of the 2-year leaching period, the bottom ash from each lysimeter was subjected to several laboratory tests to assess the effect of the treatments. The laboratory tests showed that distilled water leachability of both treated ashes was an order of magnitude lower than that of fresh ash, but long-term contaminant leachability under acidic conditions had not changed. Although alkaline washing clearly resulted in greater contaminant removal than did distilled water washing, the chemical properties of the alkaline-leached bottom ash were not significantly different from those of the water-leached ash.  相似文献   

The fine fraction (<14mm) of incinerator bottom ash (IBA) obtained from a UK energy from waste plant has been milled and thermally treated at 600, 700, 800 and 880 degrees C. Treated materials have been activated with Ca(OH)(2) (10wt%) and the setting times and compressive strengths at different curing times measured. In addition to decomposition of CaCO(3) to CaO, thermal treatment increases the content of gehlenite (Ca(2)Al(2)SiO(7)), wollastonite (CaSiO(3)) and mayenite (Ca(12)Al(14)O(33)). Thermally treated samples were significantly more reactive than milled IBA and heating to 700 degrees C produced a material which rapidly set. Silica, gehlenite and wollastonite were the main crystalline phases present in hydrated samples and a mixed sulphate-carbonate AFm-type phase (Ca(4)Al(2)O(6)(CO(3))(0.67)(SO(3))(0.33).11H(2)O) formed. Significant volumes of gas were generated during curing and this produced a macro-porous microstructure that limited strength to 2.8MPa. The new materials may have potential for use as controlled low-strength materials.  相似文献   

This research has applied different chemical activators to mechanically and thermally treated fine fraction (<14 mm) of incinerator bottom ash (IBA), in order to investigate the influences of chemical activators on this new pozzolanic material. IBA has been milled and thermally treated at 800 degrees C (TIBA). The TIBA produced was blended with Ca(OH)(2) and evaluated for setting time, reactivity and compressive strength after the addition of 0.0565 mole of Na(2)SO(4), K(2)SO(4), Na(2)CO(3), K(2)CO(3), NaOH, KOH and CaCl(2) into 100g of binder (TIBA+Ca(OH)(2)). The microstructures of activated IBA and hydrated samples have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG) analysis. Thermal treatment is found to produce gehlenite (Ca(2)Al(2)SiO(7)), wollastonite (CaSiO(3)) and mayenite (Ca(12)Al(14)O(33)) phases. The thermally treated IBA samples are significantly more reactive than the milled IBA. The addition of Na(2)CO(3) can increase the compressive strength and calcium hydroxide consumption at 28-day curing ages. However, the addition of Na(2)SO(4), K(2)SO(4), K(2)CO(3), NaOH and KOH reduces the strength and hydration reaction. Moreover, these chemicals produce more porous samples due to increased generation of hydrogen gas. The addition of CaCl(2) has a negative effect on the hydration of TIBA samples. Calcium aluminium oxide carbonate sulphide hydrate (Ca(4)Al(2)O(6)(CO(3))(0.67)(SO(3))(0.33)(H(2)O)(11)) is the main hydration product in the samples with activated IBA, except for the sample containing CaCl(2).  相似文献   

A method is presented to predict the short-term (months to years) and long-term (> 30 years) chemical behaviour of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incinerators in monofills. It is based on bottom ash composition and laboratory kinetic studies of bottom ash with water. Bottom ash after the quench tank is a reactive mixture in which slow and fast acid/base reactions occur. These intrinsic acid/base reactions continue for at least several months, and the end point is not yet known. The heavy metal concentrations observed in the aqueous extracts reflect primarily the advance of these reactions. Consequently leaching tests based solely on short-term (hours to months) extraction procedures cannot predict the chemical behaviour of bottom ash in monofills. However, laboratory experiments with samples of bottom ash, in which the intrinsic acid/base reactions have proceeded differently, provide useful information on the nature of chemical reactions significant in the short- and long-term.  相似文献   

During incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW), various environmentally harmful elements and heavy metals are liberated either into bottom ash, or carried away with the off-gases and subsequently trapped in fly-ash. If these minor but harmful elements are not properly isolated and immobilized, it can lead to secondary environmental pollution to the air, soil and water. The stricter environmental regulations to be implemented in the near future in The Netherlands require a higher immobilization efficiency of the bottom ash treatment. In the present study, MSW incinerator bottom ash was vitrified at higher temperatures and the slag formed and metal recovered were examined. The behaviour of soluble elements that remain in the slag is evaluated by standard leaching test. The results obtained can provide a valuable route to treat the ashes from incinerators, and to make recycling and more efficient utilization of the bottom ash possible.  相似文献   

This work presents a method capable of melting the incinerator bottom ash and fly ash in a plasma furnace. The performance of slag and the strategies for recycling of bottom ash and fly ash are improved by adjusting chemical components of bottom ash and fly ash. Ashes are separated by a magnetic process to improve the performance of slag. Analytical results indicate that the air-cooled slag (ACS) and magnetic-separated slag (MSS) have hardness levels below 590 MPa, indicating fragility. Additionally, the hardness of crystallized slag (RTS) is between 655 and 686 MPa, indicating toughness. The leached concentrations of heavy metals for these three slags are all below the regulatory limits. ACS appears to have better chemical stability than MSS, and is not significantly different from RTS. In the potential alkali-silica reactivity of slag, MSS falls on the border between the harmless zone and the potentially harmful zone. ACS and RTS fall in the harmless zone. Hence, the magnetic separation procedure of ashes does not significantly improve the quality of slag. However, RTS appears to improve its quality.  相似文献   

The use of glassy frits obtained from municipal incinerator bottom ash and glass cullet, as sintering promoters in the production process of porcelainized stoneware, was investigated. The emphasis was on studying the similarities and differences with respect to the standard body. The characterization involved the application of several techniques: chemical analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, linear shrinkage during firing, water absorption, bending strength and spot resistance test. The results show that, the addition of these glassy frits in the body improve the characteristics of water absorption and spot resistance which is related to the absence of surface porosity originated by the glassy phase. Moreover, addition of glassy frits to the porcelanized stoneware body does not change significantly its bending strength. In the firing conditions used there is a slight worsening in the tiles planarity, while there is a significant modification of the color, which becomes darker with respect to the base body.  相似文献   

Two types of leaching tests were performed on the bottom ash from municipal solid waste incinerators. A short-term batch test specified by the America Nuclear Society (ANS) and long-term column tests with acetic acid (pH 5.2) as leaching solution were used to evaluate copper leachability. The Cu leaching after the 5-d ANS test is about 1% of the original Cu content of 5300 mg/kg. Upon addition of a stabilizing agent, the Cu leaching quantity is reduced; the extent of reduction depends on the type of chemical used (phosphate, carbonate and sulfide). The 1.6% Na(2)S addition showed negligible Cu leaching, and Na(2)S was, therefore, used in subsequent column tests. The 30-d column test indicates a steady increase of Cu leaching amount with time and reaches about 1.5% of the original Cu content after 30 d. A 180-d column test further increased the Cu leaching to about 5.1% of the original Cu content, whereas no appreciable Cu leaching was found with the addition of 1.6% Na(2)S. A sequential extraction was conducted on the raw ash, ash with the addition of Na(2)S and the residue ash after 30 d of operation to characterize Cu affinity for different solid fractions. The data were used to evaluate the fate of Cu through these interactions.  相似文献   

Incinerator bottom ash contains a large amount of silica and can hence be used as a silica source for the synthesis of mesoporous silica materials. In this study, the conditions for alkaline fusion to extract silica from incinerator bottom ash were investigated, and the resulting supernatant solution was used as the silica source for synthesizing mesoporous silica materials. The physical and chemical characteristics of the mesoporous silica materials were analyzed using BET, XRD, FTIR, SEM, and solid-state NMR. The results indicated that the BET surface area and pore size distribution of the synthesized silica materials were 992 m2/g and 2–3.8 nm, respectively. The XRD patterns showed that the synthesized materials exhibited a hexagonal pore structure with a smaller order. The NMR spectra of the synthesized materials exhibited three peaks, corresponding to Q2 [Si(OSi)2(OH)2], Q3 [Si(OSi)3(OH)], and Q4 [Si(OSi)4]. The FTIR spectra confirmed the existence of a surface hydroxyl group and the occurrence of symmetric Si–O stretching. Thus, mesoporous silica was successfully synthesized from incinerator bottom ash. Finally, the effectiveness of the synthesized silica in removing heavy metals (Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, and Cr2+) from aqueous solutions was also determined. The results showed that the silica materials synthesized from incinerator bottom ash have potential for use as an adsorbent for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

In the present study the evolution of mechanical strength and the leaching behavior of major and trace elements from activated incinerator bottom ash/Portland cement mixtures were investigated. Chemical and mechanical activation were applied with the purpose of improving the reactivity of bottom ash in cement blends. Chemical activation made use of NaOH, KOH, CaCl2 or CaSO4, which were selected for the experimental campaign on the basis of the results from previous studies. The results indicated that CaCl2 exhibited by far the best effects on the evolution of the hydration process in the mixtures; a positive effect on mechanical strength was also observed when CaSO4 was used as the activator, while the gain in strength produced by KOH and NaOH was irrelevant. Geochemical modeling of the leaching solutions provided information on the mineral phases responsible for the release of major elements from the hardened materials and also indicated the important role played by surface sorption onto amorphous Fe and Al minerals in dictating the leaching of Pb. The leaching of the other trace metal cations investigated (Cu, Ni and Zn) could not be explained by any pure mineral included in the thermodynamic database used, suggesting they were present in the materials in the form of complex minerals or phase assemblages for which no consistent thermodynamic data are presently available in the literature.  相似文献   

The fine particle size fraction of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash is often problematic because reuse applications for this material are limited. In these experiments incinerator bottom ash with a particle size of less than 8 mm was processed using conventional ceramic production techniques involving wet milling, drying, compacting and sintering. The effect of sintering temperature on the sintered density, microstructure, acid neutralization capacity (ANC) and the release of metal ions as a function of leachate pH are reported. Sintering at 1080 degrees C produced samples with maximum density. This material contained diopside (CaMgSi2O6), clinoenstatite (Mg2Si2O6) and wollastonite (CaSiO3) as the major crystalline phases. The acid neutralization capacity of sintered samples is significantly lower than milled bottom ash, and further reduces as the sintering temperature increases. This is associated with reduced leaching of Ca from sintered ash samples under all leachate pH conditions. Heavy metals present in the incinerator bottom ash included Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb. Sintering under optimum conditions reduced the leachable fraction of these metals under aggressive acid conditions (leachate pH 3) by factors ranging from 90% for Ni to greater than 99% for Cr, Cd, Zn and Pb.  相似文献   

Management of natural aggregate resources has become one of the most important challenges in construction, especially for high demand applications such as roads. Incinerator bottom ash (IBA), which is produced from burning domestic waste, has been considered a useful solution to the shortage of natural resources. In this research, IBA was mixed with limestone to produce an acceptable blend for use as a road foundation layer. Novel and traditional additives were adopted to improve the mechanical properties of IBA blends. The study focused on the treatment effect of additives on the mechanical characteristics of IBA blends under monotonic and cyclic triaxial stresses. The investigation evaluated fundamental material properties, including resilient modulus, initial Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Two nonlinear empirical models were adopted to depict the experimental resilient modulus results of the IBA blends. An approach has been proposed to predict realistic and representative values of resilient modulus for the material. In addition, a new relationship has been established between Young's modulus, resilient modulus and Poisson's ratio. Triaxial test results revealed that additives are more efficient with the control limestone blend than with the IBA blends. Novel additives, such as enzyme I and silica fume, produced a noticeable improvement in IBA properties in comparison to traditional additives.  相似文献   

The municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) in Taiwan generate about 300,000 tons of fly ash annually, which is mainly composed of calcium and silicon compounds, and has the potential for recycling. However, some heavy metals are present in the MSWI fly ash, and before recycling, they need to be removed or reduced to make the fly ash non-hazardous. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to use a hydrocyclone for the separation of the components of the MSWI fly ash in order to obtain the recyclable portion. The results show that chloride salts can be removed from the fly ash during the hydrocyclone separation process. The presence of a dense medium (quartz sand in this study) is not only helpful for the removal of the salts, but also for the separation of the fly ash particles. After the dense-medium hydrocyclone separation process, heavy metals including Pb and Zn were concentrated in the fine particles so that the rest of the fly ash contained less heavy metal and became both non-hazardous and recyclable.  相似文献   

Incinerator bottom ash (IBA) is a residual produced from incinerating municipal solid waste. In the past, IBA presented a big waste disposal problem; however, various recycling approaches have been adopted in recent years to mitigate this problem, as well as to provide a useful alternative to using primary aggregate resources. The use of IBA as an alternative to conventional aggregates in different civil engineering construction applications helps to conserve premium grade aggregate supplies; however, when IBA is in contact with water in the field, as a consequence of precipitation events or changes in water table, elements, such as salts and heavy metals, may be released to the soil and ground water. In this work, IBA waste was mixed with limestone aggregate to produce a blend with acceptable mechanical properties and minimum environmental risks for use as road foundation. The study focused on evaluating potential environmental impacts of some constituents, including sulphate, chloride, sodium, copper, zinc and lead in IBA blends using a lysimeter as a large scale leaching tool. Moreover, a specific scenario simulating field conditions was adopted in the lysimeter to assess the potential impact of changing conditions, such as IBA content in the blend, liquid to solid ratio (L/S) and pH value, on long-term release of heavy metals and salts. Then, numerical modelling was used to predict the release of the aforementioned constituents from IBA based on initial measurement of intrinsic material properties and the kinetic desorption process concept. Experimental results showed that zinc and lead were released in very low concentrations but sodium and sulphate were in high concentrations. The control limestone only blend also demonstrated low release concentrations of constituents in comparison to IBA blends, where constituent concentrations increased with increase in IBA content. Experimental results were compared with numerical results obtained using a non-equilibrium desorption model. Good agreement was found between the two sets of data.  相似文献   

The leaching behavior of dioxins from landfill containing bottom ash and fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration has been investigated by leaching tests with pure water, non-ionic surfactant solutions, ethanol solutions, or acetic acid solutions as elution solvents for a large-scale cylindrical column packed with ash. Larger amounts of dioxins were eluted from both bottom ash and fly ash with ethanol solution and acetic acid solution than with pure water. Large quantities of dioxins were leached from fly ash but not bottom ash by non-ionic surfactant solutions. The patterns of distribution of the dioxin congeners in the leachates were very similar to those in the bottom ash or fly ash from which they were derived.  相似文献   

The release of inorganic and organic contaminants from municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash is controlled to a large extent by the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and in particular by the reactive humic (HA) and fulvic acids (FA) subfractions of DOC. The properties of organic matter contributing to the release of DOC, HA and FA are, therefore, important for environmental risk assessment. In this study we have quantitatively measured the carbon speciation, and its relation with the leaching of Cu, in three fresh and carbonated MSWI bottom ash samples. Results show that up to only 25% of loss on ignition (LOI) consists of organic carbon (OC), while about 17% of OC in the three samples consists of HA and FA. Up to 50% of DOC in MSWI bottom ash leachates was identified as fulvic acid (FA). This value is substantially higher than previously estimated for these MSWI bottom ash samples and is consistent with the higher recovery of the new method that was applied. The results of this study imply that methods focusing on specific carbon fractions are more appropriate for assessment of environmentally relevant organic carbon species than the measurement of LOI.  相似文献   

The possibility of using incinerator bottom ash as a substitute for natural aggregates was investigated. Rough, porous surface of bottom ash, which diminishes the strength of solidified products, was improved by colloidal silica solution. As a result, a significant increase of mechanical strength was accomplished by a slight amount of silica (<1 wt% to total). Moreover, pozzolanic reaction was induced in initial cement hydration due to the nano-particle size of about 20 nm in colloidal silica solution. Cylindrical specimens and bricks were prepared from bottom ash added to a colloidal silica (SiO2) solution and cement, and then their compressive strengths were evaluated. Cylindrical specimens showed an increase of approximately 60% in compressive strength when colloidal solution containing 4 wt% silica particles was sprayed onto the bottom ash. The strength of bricks containing colloidal silica was in excess of 20 MPa, which meets the requirement of construction materials. Results of leaching tests based on Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) proved that the solidified bottom ash possessed good chemical stability.  相似文献   

Preparation of alinite based cement from incinerator ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alinite based cements have attracted a great deal of attention because these can be produced at considerable energy savings. Alinite has an additional ability to incorporate in its structure various impurity ions and can thus be made using a number of industrial and mining wastes. In this paper, the work done in the preparation of alinite based cements using incinerator ashes is presented. It is shown that alinite cements having strengths comparable to ordinary Portland cement can be successfully prepared by controlling the composition and firing schedule.  相似文献   

Behaviour of cement-treated MSWI bottom ash   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
MSWI bottom ash is the residue of combustion. The use of bottom ash in road construction is wide spread. French legislation forbids the disposal of resuable waste in special landfill from 2002. Moreover, "arrêté du 9 mai 1994" provides environmental criteria (leaching threshold, etc.), and evaluates this material according to utilisation in road construction. In such application, bottom ash is often treated with binder to improve its mechanical features. Nevertheless, bottom ash is subject to chemical problems. These problems induce an expansion which brings about cracking and finally road destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the swelling potential of MSWI bottom ash prior utilisation. This is one of the aims of the European contract "Mashroad" (contract BRST CT97-5150). This study involved 4 years of work on cement-treated MSWI bottom ash. It examined different tests that show the importance of oxidation of aluminium in the swelling reaction and the efficiency of different treatments. Different binders were used in order to have different proportions of clinker. The kinetic aspects of aluminium-binder reaction were also studied. Finally, we present a special cell to measure the swelling pressure of these materials is presented.  相似文献   

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