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This study focuses on the investigation of the kinetics of municipal solid waste composting in three full-scale mechanical–biological treatment (MBT) plants. The aims were to test a kinetic model based on volatile solids (VS) content change for describing the composting process in MBT plants, and to identify the model parameters that affected the estimation of the reaction rate constant most. To achieve this, VS content and several environmental conditions, namely temperature, moisture content, oxygen concentration and total bulk density were monitored throughout the composting process. Experimental data was fitted with a first-order kinetic model, and a rate constant (k) characteristic of composting under optimum environmental conditions was obtained. The kinetic model satisfactorily described the experimental data for the three MBT plants. k values ranged from 0.043 ± 0.002 d?1 to 0.082 ± 0.011 d?1. Sensitivity analysis showed that the model parameters that most affected the estimation of k were the initial biodegradable volatile solids content, the maximum temperature for biodegradation and the optimum moisture content. In conclusion, we show for the first time that full-scale MBT plants can be successfully modelled with a composting kinetic model.  相似文献   

The carbon emissions trading market has created a need for standard methods for the determination of biogenic content (χB) in solid recovered fuels (SRF). We compare the manual sorting (MSM) and selective dissolution methods (SDM), as amended by recent research, for a range of process streams from a mechanical–biological treatment (MBT) plant. The two methods provide statistically different biogenic content values, as expressed on a dry mass basis, uncorrected for ash content. However, they correlate well (r2 > 0.9) and the relative difference between them was <5% for χB between 21% w/wd and 72% w/wd (uncorrected for ash content). This range includes the average SRF biogenic content of ca. 68% w/wd. Methodological improvements are discussed in light of recent studies. The repeatability of the SDM is characterised by relative standard deviations on triplicates of <2.5% for the studied population.  相似文献   

There are numerous non-biodegradable organic materials in the mature landfill leachate. To meet the new discharge standard of China, additional advanced treatment is needed for the effluent from the biological treatment processes of leachate. In this study, a combined process including two stages of “Fenton-biological anaerobic filter (BANF)–biological aerated filter (BAF)” was evaluated to address the advanced treatment need. The Fenton oxidation was applied to reduce chemical oxygen demand (COD) and enhance biodegradability of refractory organics, and the BANF–BAF process was then applied to remove the total nitrogen (TN). The treatment achieved effluent concentrations of COD < 70 mg/L, TN < 40 mg/L and NH3–N < 10 mg/L. The removal efficiency of COD and TN were 96.1% and 95.9%, respectively. The effluent quality met the new discharge standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Site of Municipal Solid of PR China (GB16889-2008). The operation cost of these processes was about 36.1 CHY/t (5.70 USD/t).  相似文献   

The Austrian Landfill Ordinance provides limit values regarding the reactivity for the disposal of mechanically biologically treated (MBT) waste before landfilling. The potential reactivity determined by biological tests according to the Austrian Standards (OENORM S 2027 1-2) can be underestimated if the microbial community is affected by environmental conditions. New analytical tools have been developed as an alternative to error-prone and time-consuming biological tests. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in association with Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS-R) was used to predict the reactivity parameters respiration activity (RA4) and gas generation sum (GS21) as well as to detect errors resulting from inhibiting effects on biological tests. For this purpose 250 MBT-waste samples from different Austrian MBT-plants were investigated using FT-IR spectroscopy in the mid (MIR) and near infrared (NIR) area and biological tests. Spectroscopic results were compared with those from biological tests. Arising problems caused by interferences of RA4 and GS21 are discussed. It is shown that FT-IR spectroscopy predicts RA4 and GS21 reliably to assess stability of MBT-waste materials and to detect errors.  相似文献   

Sludge generation is currently one of the most important issues for sewage treatment plants in Chile. In this work, the life cycle environmental impacts of four sludge management scenarios were studied, focusing on the comparison of current practices and advanced anaerobic digestion (AD) using a sequential pre-treatment (PT). The results show that AD scenarios presented lower potential impacts than lime stabilization scenarios in all assessed categories, including climate change, abiotic depletion, acidification, and eutrophication in terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems. The overall environmental performance of advanced digestion was similar to conventional digestion, with the main difference being a decrease in the climate change potential and an increase in the abiotic depletion potential. Acidification and eutrophication categories showed similar performances in both conventional and advanced AD. The effect of PT in the AD scenarios was related to energy recovery, sludge transport requirements and nutrient loads in the sludge and supernatant after digestate dewatering. Considering the results, PT could be a useful strategy to promote sludge valorization and decrease the environmental burdens of sludge management in Chile compared to the current scenario.  相似文献   

Development and use of scenarios for large interdisciplinary projects is a complicated task. This article provides practical examples of how it has been carried out in two projects addressing waste management and energy issues respectively. Based on experiences from the two projects, recommendations are made for an approach concerning development of scenarios in projects dealing with both waste management and energy issues. Recommendations are given to develop and use overall scenarios for the project and leave room for sub-scenarios in parts of the project. Combining different types of scenarios is recommended, too, in order to adapt to the methods and tools of different disciplines, such as developing predictive scenarios with general equilibrium tools and analysing explorative scenarios with energy system analysis tools. Furthermore, as marginals identified in differing future background systems determine the outcomes of consequential life cycle assessments (LCAs), it is considered advisable to develop and use explorative external scenarios based on possible marginals as a framework for consequential LCAs. This approach is illustrated using an on-going Danish research project.  相似文献   

Journal of Polymers and the Environment - The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of fiber length and loading on physico-mechanical and flammability properties of Cyrtostachys renda (CR)...  相似文献   

The presence in waste of emerging pollutants (EPs), whose behaviours and effects are not well understood, may present unexpected health and environmental risks and risks for the treatment processes themselves. EP may include substances that are newly detected in the environment, substances already identified as risky and whose use in items is prohibited (but which may be present in old or imported product waste) or substances already known but whose recent use in products can cause problems during their future treatment as waste. Several scientific studies have been conducted to assess the presence of EP in waste, but they are mostly dedicated to a single category of substance or one particular waste treatment. In the absence of a comprehensive review focused on the impact of the presence of EP on waste treatment schemes, the authors present a review of the key issues associated with the treatment of waste containing emerging pollutants. This review presents the typologies of emerging pollutants that are potentially present in waste along with the major challenges for each treatment scheme (recycling, composting, digestion, incineration, landfilling and wastewater treatment). All conventional treatment processes are affected by these new pollutants, and they were almost never originally designed to consider these substances. In addition to these general aspects, a comprehensive review of available data, projects and future R&D needs related to the impact of nanoparticles on waste treatment is presented as a case study.  相似文献   

An ongoing chemical and ecotoxicological study of Water Accommodated Fraction of oils is presented and the preliminary findings are discussed. The study aims at obtaining improved and realistic data on potential environmental effects of various oils released and weathered at sea. Such data will be used for improving algorithms in present fate and effect models for damage assessment studies and “Net Environmental Benefit Analysis” of response alternatives in various spill scenarios. Preliminary results show that models used to assess effects in the water column will need to resolve the water soluble fraction of oils into more than one single bulk parameter to produce realistic estimates of effects.  相似文献   

A Fenton process that uses FeCl2 as the alternative catalyst was employed to deal with the biologically treated landfill leachate. Data obtained revealed that this Fenton process can provide an equivalent pollutant removal as the Fenton process that uses FeSO4 as catalyst. Central composite design (CCD) and response surface methodology (RSM) were applied to evaluate and optimize the four key factors, namely initial pH, Fe(II) dosage ([Fe2+]), H2O2/Fe(II) mole ratio ([H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio) and reaction time, which affect the performance of the Fenton treatment. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color were selected as response variables. This approach provided statistically significant quadratic models, which were adequate to predict responses and to carry out optimization under the conditions studied. It was demonstrated that the interaction between initial pH and [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio has a significant effect on the COD removal, while the interaction between [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio and reaction time shows a large impact on color removal. The optimal conditions were found to be initial pH 5.9, [Fe2+] = 9.60 mmol/L, [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio = 2.38, reaction time = 5.52 h. Under this optimal scheme, the COD and color in the effluent were reduced to 159 mg/L and 25°, respectively, with an increase of BOD5/COD ratio from 0.05 to 0.21.  相似文献   

At an excitation wavelength of 320 nm, the ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) spectra emitted by reference oils dispersed in seawater with mineral fines yielded two important results:
  • (1)Resuspended negatively-buoyant oil–mineral aggregates (OMAs) exhibited maximum fluorescence at an emission wavelength of 450 nm and,
  • (2)the hydrocarbons dispersed and/or dissolved in the seawater that remained after the aggregates had settled out exhibited maximum fluorescence at 355 nm.
Data from UVF analysis (450 nm emission) and microscopical observations of seven reference oils suggest that higher-viscosity oils are less likely to form aggregates with mineral fines. This decline in OMA formation with increased oil viscosity could be predicted from a decrease in the ratio of emission at 450–355 nm. The data suggest that direct UVF spectroscopy of dispersed/dissolved oil and OMAs in seawater can be used to predict and verify the extent of OMA formation.  相似文献   

The treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within groundwater is an emerging topic, with various technologies being researched and tested. Currently, PFAS-impacted groundwater is typically treated ex situ using sorptive media such as activated carbon and ion exchange resin. Proven in situ remedial approaches for groundwater have been limited to colloidal activated carbon (CAC) injected into aquifers downgradient of the source zones. However, treatment of groundwater within the source zones has not been shown to be feasible to date. This study evaluated the use of CAC to treat dissolved PFAS at the air–water interface within the PFAS source zone. Studies have shown that PFAS tends to preferentially accumulate at the air–water interface due to the chemical properties of the various PFAS. This accumulation can act as a long-term source for PFAS, thus making downgradient treatment of groundwater a long-term requirement. A solution of CAC was injected at the air–water interface within the source zone at a site with PFAS contamination using direct push technology. A dense injection grid that targeted the interface between the air and groundwater was used to deliver the CAC. Concentrations of PFAS within the porewater and groundwater were collected using a series of nine lysimeters installed within the vadose and saturated water columns. A total of six PFAS were detected in the porewater and groundwater including perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA), perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA), perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA). Detectable concentrations of PFAS within the pore and groundwater before treatment ranged from values greater than 300 µg/L for PFPeA to less than 3 µg/L for PFNA. Following the injection of the CAC, monitoring of the porewater and groundwater for PFAS was conducted approximately 3, 6, 9, 12, and 18 months postinjection. The results indicated that the PFAS within the porewater and groundwater at and near the air–water interface was effectively attenuated over the 1.5-year monitoring program, with PFAS concentrations being below the method detection limits of approximately 10 ng/L, with the exception of PFPeA, which was detected within the porewater during the 18-month sampling event at concentrations of up to 55 ng/L. PFPeA is a five carbon-chained PFAS that has been shown to have a lower affinity for sorption onto activated carbon compared to the longer carbon-chained PFAS such as PFOA. Examination of aquifer cores in the zone of injection indicated that the total organic carbon concentration of the aquifer increased by five orders of magnitude postinjection, with 97% of the samples collected within the target injection area containing activated carbon, indicating that the CAC was successfully delivered into the source zone.  相似文献   

A severe threat was posed due to improper and inefficient recycling of waste batteries in China. The present work considered the fundamental aspects of the recycling of cadmium from waste nickel–cadmium batteries by means of vacuum metallurgy separation in scale-up. In the first stage of this work, the characterization of waste nickel–cadmium batteries was carried out. Five types of batteries from different brands and models were selected and their components were characterized in relation to their elemental chemical composition and main phase. In the second stage of this work, the parameters affecting the recycling of cadmium by means of vacuum metallurgy separation were investigated and a L16 (44) orthogonal design was applied to optimize the parameters. With the thermodynamics theory and numerical analysis, it can be seen that the orthogonal design is an effective tool for investigating the parameters affecting the recycling of cadmium. The optimum operating parameters for the recycling of cadmium obtained by orthogonal design and verification test were 1073 K (temperature), 2.5 h (heating time), 2 wt.% (the addition of carbon powder), and 30 mm (the loaded height), respectively, with recycling efficiency approaching 99.98%. The XRD and ICP-AES analyzed results show that the condensed product was characterized as metallic cadmium, and cadmium purity was 99.99% under the optimum condition.  相似文献   

Along with the gradually increasing yield of the residues, appropriate management and treatment of the residues have become an urgent environmental protection problem. This work investigated the preparation of a glass–ceramic from a mixture of bottom ash and fly ash by petrurgic method. The nucleation and crystallization kinetics of the new glass–ceramic can be obtained by melting the mixture of 80% bottom ash and 20% fly ash at 950 °C, which was then cooled in the furnace for 1 h. Major minerals forming in the glass–ceramics mainly are gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) & akermanite (Ca2MgSiO7) and wollastonite (CaSiO3). In addition, regarding chemical/mechanical properties, the chemical resistance showing durability, and the leaching concentration of heavy metals confirmed the possibility of engineering and construction applications of the most superior glass–ceramic product. Finally, petrurgic method of a mixture of bottom ash and fly ash at 950 °C represents a simple, inexpensive, and energy saving method compared with the conventional heat treatment.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste treatment facilities are generally faced with odorous nuisance problems. Characterizing and determining the odorous charge of indoor air through odour units (OU) is an advantageous approach to evaluate indoor air quality and discomfort. The assessment of the OU can be done through the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations and the knowledge of their odour thresholds. The evaluation of the presented methodology was done in a mechanical–biological waste treatment plant with a processing capacity of 245.000 tons year?1 of municipal residues. The sampling was carried out in five indoor selected locations of the plant (Platform of Rotating Biostabilizers, Shipping warehouse, Composting tunnels, Digest centrifugals, and Humid pre-treatment) during the month of July 2011. VOC and volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) were sampled using multi-sorbent bed (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and Tenax TA tubes, respectively, with SKC AirCheck 2000 pumps. The analysis was performed by automatic thermal desorption (ATD) coupled with a capillary gas chromatography (GC)/mass spectrometry detector (MSD). One hundred and thirty chemical compounds were determined qualitatively in all the studied points (mainly alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, and terpenes), from which 86 were quantified due to their odorous characteristics as well as their potentiality of having negative health effects. The application of the present methodology in a municipal solid waste treatment facility has proven to be useful in order to determine which type of VOC contribute substantially to the indoor air odorous charge, and thus it can be a helpful method to prevent the generation of these compounds during the treatment process, as well as to find a solution in order to suppress them.  相似文献   

Graft copolymers of starch and polyacrylamide (PAAm) were prepared using reactive extrusion in a corotating twin screw extruder. The effect of cationic starch modification was examined using unmodified and cationic dent starch (≈23% amylose) and waxy maize starch (≈2% amylose). For a fixed acrylamide/starch feed ratio, conversion, graft content, and grafting efficiency were essentially unaffected by starch type or modification. Cationic starch graft copolymers generally had lower molecular weight PAAm grafts compared to the unmodified starch, whereas amylose content had little or no significant effect. In addition, the frequency of grafting was higher with cationic starch. These results indicate that cationic modification of starch enhances formation of grafting sites, resulting in graft copolymers with more grafts of lower molecular compared to unmodified starch. Cationic modification may therefore be a way to tailor the properties of starch–PAAm graft copolymers.  相似文献   

Journal of Polymers and the Environment - In this study, the nanohybrid drug carrier were synthesized by Pickering&nbsp;emulsion-templated encapsulation (PETE) method to control the...  相似文献   

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