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液态生物质燃料在发展过程中具有外部性,体现出的间接社会收益应得到中国政府的重视,也是该产业扩大发展的重要依据。提出液态生物质燃料产业发展的间接社会收益概念,分析该产业在原料搜集和种植、产品消费等过程中产生的额外经济价值,以度量对改善生态环境的直接作用。在分析生物质燃料原料分布和理清原料搜集的细节后,利用直接市场法测算了未来20年中国发展液态生物质燃料的间接社会收益,发现:到2015年,来自该产业的间接社会收益将达1 000亿元以上,到2030年将突破1万亿元。巨大的社会经济价值从另一个侧面折射出液态生物质燃料产业发展的必要性  相似文献   

关于发展生物质产业的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国生物质产业自20世纪70年代开始起步。乙醇汽油和沼气利用是生物质能开发中的重点。虽然生物质产业的关键技术基本成熟。但是当考虑不再用粮食作为原料的时候,技术转换等一系列问题也会随之而来。技术瓶颈仍然是限制我国生物质产业发展的一大因素。我国政府为解决能源短缺问题,缓解环境压力.同时为消化陈粮。在扶持生物质产业发展的过程中一直充当了“埋单者”的角色.这也引发了以粮食为加工原料的燃料乙醇项目的大量上马.粮油价格上涨的趋势开始波及我国。因此。从粮食问题是否让位于能源问题.政府是否继续充当“埋单者”的角色。生物质产业污染治理的角度出发.认为:今后发展生物质产业不能只盯住能源短缺的问题而忽视粮食安全问题。要从技术层面解决原料限制和成本过商的难题。同时政府对生物质产业发展应有科学规划和管理。  相似文献   

中部地区生物质资源潜力与减排效应估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源是战略性资源,是一个国家经济增长和社会发展的重要物质基础。随着中部地区经济的不断增长,对能源的消费量也呈逐渐上升趋势。传统化石能源日益显示出供给和环境两方面的压力,而生物质能源的开发利用具有能源替代和减少二氧化碳排放的效应。中部地区生物质资源丰富,经估算结果如下:第一,2009年农作物秸秆、牲畜粪便和城市垃圾3种生物质资源沼气潜力达839733亿m2,折合标煤7 31475万t;第二,开发利用3种生物质资源可减少二氧化碳排放量53 880 59483 t。据此,提出建议:第一,重点开发利用秸秆、牲畜粪便等农村生物质资源;第二,为中部地区生物质资源转化为生物质能源产品进而实现减排效应创造支撑条件  相似文献   

生物能源与粮食安全及减排温室气体效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年初国际粮价暴涨引发了对生物能源与粮食安全的关系,及其减排温室气体效应的普遍怀疑和批评.该文述评了国际上有关此方面有影响的研究以及学术争论,明确了在不通过开垦荒地扩种能源作物的前提下,生物能源的温室气体减排效应是肯定的.结合中国国情和实证的研究结果表明,那种认为生物能源等于乙醇和生物柴油,以及生物能源与粮食安全保障矛盾不可调和的观点值得商榷.认为:中国在相当长的时期内生物能源的最重要领域不是液体燃料,而是沼气,特别是代表发展方向的产业化沼气.同时,须摒弃"生物能源争地"的绝对观点,利用能源作物与粮食作物在耕地利用上互补的可能性,寻找到"双赢"内涵的技术途径.在讨论生物能源时,应把生物能源开发对振兴乡村中小型企业和增加农民收入列为重要目标.  相似文献   

供热是全球最大的能源消费领域,全球终端能源消费中供热占到50%左右。2019年国际能源署指出:发展可再生能源供热已经成为全球应对气候变化、治理环境污染、促进能源转型与可持续发展的关键途径。生物质能源作为优先发展的可再生供热来源而受到世界各国的重视。欧盟国家生物质供热事业发展较早、技术较为成熟、政策体系较为完善,其生物热能占欧盟可再生热能消费总量的86%,效果颇为显著,成为供热行业脱碳的重要动力,在全球范围具有极高的示范效应。文章构建欧盟国家生物质能源供热利用综合分区理论框架,基于对生物质能源供热体系供需潜力的测算,通过FCM法对欧盟28个国家的生物质资源利用现状进行量化分区。结果表明,欧盟各国生物质能源供热利用存在显著差异,可以分为五类利用综合区,分别是重点发展类(芬兰、瑞典、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛和拉脱维亚)、资源优先类(奥地利、克罗地亚、保加利亚、罗马尼亚和斯洛文尼亚)、政策导向类(德国、意大利、葡萄牙和塞浦路斯)、潜力良好类(捷克、匈牙利、希腊、西班牙、波兰、法国和斯洛伐克)和匮乏迟缓类(英国、荷兰、比利时、爱尔兰、卢森堡和马耳他)。同时,探讨不同类型的欧盟国家生物质供热利用的特点和形成原因,并结合中国现阶段供热实际情况及未来可再生能源发展即将面临的挑战,总结欧盟国家成熟的供热体系和丰富的供热经验,提出有利于中国清洁供暖发展、能源高效利用、能源供应安全以及能源结构升级的一些启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

广东省碳源碳汇现状评估及增加碳汇潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以生态系统为研究对象,分析生态系统内部各种温室气体排放源,得到2005-2008年广东省主要排放源CO2排放量估算结果,2005年为6.19亿t,2008年达到7.4亿t。首要排放源是化石燃料燃烧,其次是土壤呼吸。两者占总排放量的77%-79%。其中土壤呼吸的排放量比较稳定,基本上保持在2.27亿t左右(或6 200万t碳),而化石燃料燃烧的排放量呈现出明显的增长趋势,从2005年的2.57亿t CO2(或7 021万t碳)增加到2008年的3.44亿t CO2(或9 375万t碳),4年增长了33.52%。其他排放源由大而小依次为:生物质转化、工业过程和人畜呼吸。2005-2008年全省主要碳汇总的CO2吸收量变化于2.53亿-2.56亿t(CO2)之间。2008年,全省最大的碳汇是林地,年固碳量达4 831万t碳,约合17 715万t CO2;其次为耕地,年固碳量为1 418万t碳,约合5 201万t CO2。这两类固碳地吸收的CO2占了全省碳汇的90%。源汇相抵后,全省净排放量从2005年的3.63亿t增加到2008年的4.86亿t。人均CO2排放量从2005年的3.95 t/人增加到2008年的5.09 t/人。单位GDP排放量则从2005年的1 625 kg/万元下降到2008年的1 361 kg/万元。在此基础上分析了增加碳汇的潜力。其中推广冬种绿肥每年可增加吸收CO22 155万t。将全省现有未成林地全部实行封山育林,约2年后每年可以增加吸收CO21 000万t。同时还建议利用海洋的生物生产力增加碳汇。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和能源供给的日趋紧张,生物质能源的开发已经成为各国寻求新能源的重要途径。东盟国家地处于热带和亚热带气候区,气候适宜,具有丰富的生物质资源,具备发展沼气、生物液体燃料等生物质能源的良好条件。作为东亚能源安全共同体,加强我国与东盟国家生物质能源领域的合作对我国能源安全非常重要。为此,本文着重分析了东盟各国生物质资源量、生物质能源发展现状和政策、发展趋势等内容,并就我国与东盟国家在该领域的合作与交流提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下投资效应的社会核算矩阵分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四万亿财政刺激性投资将对中国经济产生重大影响,如何定量测算财政投资效应具有重要的意义.相对于投入产出分析,社会核算矩阵乘数分析可以更全面深入地分析收入的再分配效应.本文扩展建立了2005年中国能源社会核算矩阵,使用社会核算矩阵乘数分析定量测算了2008年第四季度1 000亿元财政投资对各部门总产出、GDP、就业增长、能源需求量和单位GDP能耗的影响效应.测算结果说明这一投资将促进各部门总产出增长3 798.83亿元,GDP增长1 444.34亿元,能源需求量增加1 369.46万t标准煤和就业增长88.58万人,也将促进单位GDP能耗降低和产业结构优化.最后,本文提出今后投资应进一步注重自主创新和技术进步,以减少刺激经济的紧迫性和经济结构调整之间的矛盾的政策建议.  相似文献   

生物质柴油和生物质沼气是生物质能发展的两大着力点,两者在性质上存在较大差异,相应的政策设计和发展也各有不同。以政策网络理论、政策变迁相关理论为理论基础,通过搜集整理中央层面关于生物质柴油和生物质沼气的政策文本,采用政策计量和内容分析法,分析政策的发文时间、文本类型等文本外部属性特征,且根据政策文本内容划分了5类政策目标和13类政策工具,深入比较不同生物质能源在变迁中政策目标、政策工具和政策主体网络的差异。研究结果表明,中国生物质能的政策变迁,呈现多元化的演进动态:(1)生物质柴油与沼气政策的发文单位与发文类型在各时间段有所异同,整体来看,生物质柴油与沼气发文最多的单位为国务院和国家发展和改革委员会,不同的是生物质柴油发文数量位于第三位的是国家能源局,而生物质沼气是生态环境部和农业农村部。在发文类型方面,"通知与意见"类型构成了主要占比。(2)同一生物质的政策目标与工具在不同时期的政策变迁中,有延续性和差异性。例如,生物质柴油在各阶段始终以技术创新、能源供应连续性为主要政策目标来保证政策延续性,但在不同阶段也会关注环境可持续性、工业发展等;在政策工具上,生物质柴油即使在变迁中也都会使用财政支持,而各阶段配合使用的工具重心也不一致。(3)不同生物质能源使用的政策工具在同一时期也存在异同。如在第二阶段生物质柴油和生物质沼气所聚焦的政策目标和政策工具完全不同,在第一和第三阶段两者则存在小部分相似。(4)不同生物质能源的政策网络在各阶段表现存在异同。全国人民代表大会和国务院始终是政策网络中的重要主体,各个阶段不同生物质能发文主体的角色和协调互动情况随政策变迁而变化。最后,在研究结论的基础上提出政策目标与政策工具统筹运用、建立有效的政策网络主体协同治理机制的启示。  相似文献   

生物质能源材料——主要农作物秸秆产量潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了我国能源消费趋势。指出农作物秸秆作为生物质能源材料的一个重要组成部分。具有可再生性、可储藏性和可替代性、资源丰富、=氯化碳零排放的优良特性。发展生物质能源有助于缓解我国能源消费压力。通过设定部分调整模型。分析农作物秸秆产量的潜力。探索了中国农作物秸秆产量的变化规律及其发展趋势。运用灰色关联分析。从农业生产要素投入的角度。分析农作物秸秆总产量与粮食总产量之闰的长期关系。指出科技进步和农业结构调整有利于为生物质能源的发展提供更多原材料。有利于促进中国能源消费结构的优化。  相似文献   

Up to now, the “low” price of oil has prevented the development of alternative fuels but with the current high price and increasing scarcity, biofuels could become an economically attractive alternative. However, the economic assessment of biofuels has to take into account total production costs, including impact on agriculture, and the energy balance of first generation alternative fuels (biodiesel and bioethanol). Moreover, plans to produce biofuels from agriculture should not be achieved without considering the latest developments and reforms of the common agricultural policy, which promotes a change towards sustainable rural development based on multifunctional agriculture. From the analysis carried out, it emerges that first generation biofuels do not seem to be the best solution because of high production cost, limited land availability and low net energy balance. Furthermore, only a small quantity of biofuels can be produced as alternative to fossil oil because an incremental production will lead to the rising of agri-food prices. Only second generation biofuels could be a possible solution, although they still require much supplementary research and analysis.  相似文献   

This work investigated the optimisation of biodiesel production from waste cooking oil (WCO) and palm oil using a two-step transesterification process for WCO and base catalysed transesterification for palm oil. Transesterification reactions were carried out to investigate the effects of prepared catalyst CaO, methanol/WCO and methanol/palm oil ratio and temperature on the yield of biodiesel. A series of experiments were conducted to determine the best conditions for biodiesel production, using methanol/oil ratio between 4:1 and 11:1 and contact time varying between 2 and 4 h. Biodiesel yield of around 90 and 70% was obtained for palm and waste cooking oil at the methanol/oil ratios of 6:1 and 8:1 at temperature of 60 °C for reaction time of 4 h using prepared CaO as catalyst. The physicochemical properties of palm and WCO biodiesel were carried out using standard methods, while the fatty acid profile was determined using gas chromatography. The investigation concludes that biodiesel obtained from palm and waste cooking oil was within the specified limit.  相似文献   

Given limited forest resources and increased paper consumption and imports, establishing fluting paper mills using non-wood raw materials seems more essential than ever. This paper aims to investigate, technically and economically, the possibility of establishing a fluting paper mill (with a capacity of 10,000 tons a year) from agricultural residues in Iran's Mazandaran province. The average annual agricultural residues output (including wheat, barley, rice, corn, oil seeds and cotton) in the province was about 1.3 million tons from 2000 to 2010, showing the potential of the province as an appropriate source for providing raw material from agricultural residues. For economic evaluation of the project, economic indices such as rate of return, pay-back period and production break-even point were measured. The results indicated that establishing a fluting paper mill based on agricultural residues is feasible.  相似文献   

In 2010, the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) came into force in the EU and establishes a framework for achieving legally binding greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. Only sustainable biofuels can be counted towards Member State targets. The aim of this paper is to calculate realistic and transparent scenario-based CO2-emission values for the GHG emissions savings of palm oil fuel compared with fossil fuel. Using the calculation scheme proposed by the RED, we derive a more realistic overall GHG emissions saving value for palm oil diesel by using current input and output data of biofuel production (e.g. in South-East Asia). We calculate different scenarios in which reliable data on the production conditions (and the regarding emission values during the production chain) of palm oil diesel are used. Our results indicate values for the GHG emissions savings potential of palm oil biodiesel not only above the 19 % default and 36 % typical value published in RED but also above the 35 % sustainable threshold. Our findings conclude the more accurate GHG emissions saving value for palm oil feedstock for electricity generation to be 52 %, and for transportation biodiesel between 38.5 and 41 %, depending on the fossil fuel comparator. Our results confirm the findings by other studies and challenge the official typical and default values published in RED. As a result, the reliability of the Directive to support the EU’s low-carbon ambitions is being undermined, exposing the EU and commission to charges of trade discrimination and limiting the ability of Member States to achieve their legally binding GHG emission reductions.  相似文献   

How green are the chemicals used as liquid fuels in the direct liquid-feed fuel cells intended to mobile, portable applications? Is there any risk of using such fuels? The present paper tries to give indications of answer to these questions while tackling the green chemistry concept, the liquid fuels (i.e. anodic oxidation, inherent hazards and renewability), the reaction products and by-products. The discussion especially focuses on green chemists' critical remarks and the green chemistry principles. Globally none of the liquid fuels appears to be green in terms of toxicity even if most could be produced from renewable raw materials. However this does not necessarily mean that the direct liquid-feed fuel cell technology is not green. The greenness of the direct liquid-feed fuel cell will also depend on its reliability and safety.  相似文献   

舟山群岛海洋环境资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舟山群岛地处长江三角洲,位于长江水道和我国南北洋通道交汇的前沿,拥有独特的深水岸线资源,以及丰富的海洋渔业资源和海洋旅游资源。长江三角洲地区是我国最大的经济核心区,对全国经济具有强有力的拉动作用,但一方面因受河口拦门沙的影响,缺乏深水岸线资源,另一方面海岛旅游资源匮乏。基于对舟山群岛的实地调查研究,指出舟山群岛海洋环境资源在长江三角洲中的独特性,并提出舟山群岛海洋资源利用的主要方向:①发展国际性深水中转港,大宗货物的临港加工业基地及长江三角洲货物外运的备选深水港基地;②改进传统渔业,着重发展深水养殖业及远洋渔业等新型渔业;③开辟海岛休闲度假旅游,填补长江三角洲缺乏海岛旅游的缺项。  相似文献   

This paper compared the life cycle inventory (LCI) obtained from three commercial oil palm biomass composting projects in Malaysia which use the open windrow composting system. The LCI was obtained and calculated based on the functional unit of 1 t of compost produced. The input of the inventory are the feed materials such as empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm oil mill effluent (POME); and utilities which include electricity generated at palm oil mill and diesel used. Composting 2.0–2.5 t of EFB and 5.0–7.5 t of POME required diesel from 218.7 to 270.2 MJ and electricity from 0 to 6.8 MJ. It is estimated that the composting emitted from 0.01 to 0.02 t CO2eq/tcompost mainly from diesel used to operate machineries. Composting saved 65 % of time required for a complete degradation of POME when compared to ponding system, and 89 % of time required for a complete degradation of EFB compared to mulching. In terms of land required, it required 36 % less land as compared to ponding for POME and 99 % less land as compared to mulching for EFB. Based on the case study, diesel was found to be the main contributor to the environmental impact. There is a potential of upgrading the process to be more economical and environmental friendly. Using electricity as the source of energy has a lower footprint for the composting process. Instead of using raw POME, studies had reported that using treated POME either from anaerobic ponding or digested tank can accelerate the composting process.  相似文献   

Advantages and disadvantages of the concept of an industrial complex are discussed. From an environmental standpoint an ideal industrial complex is one containing a group of compatible industrial plants utilizing completely each other's wastes and products as raw materials and manufacturing products with no adverse environmental impact and at a minimum of cost. A typical complex centering about a pulp and papermill is pictured in this paper. This complex produces six products for external sale and four products for internal use. In addition, all major wastes of suspended solids, cooking liquor, fillers, heat and bark are reused within the complex in the manufacture of these products. A literature review evolved typical concentrations of recoverable suspended solids in various process effluents. A mass balance was prepared assuming that the total production of fine paper is 907.2 kg × 103 (1000 tons) per day. Little or no air or water pollution results from this complex. In addition, it is anticipated that no expensive waste-water treatment plant would be required for this complex. Ten additional practices are described which, when used, will reduce operating costs even further. A continuing study with more precise data on the production requirements for the service plants in the complex will yield a more balanced and realistic system.  相似文献   

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) has become one of the most rapidly expanding crops in the world. Many countries have promoted its cultivation as part of a broader rural development strategy aimed at generating paid work and producing both export commodities and biofuels. However, oil palm expansion has often occurred at the expense of ecosystems and subsistence agriculture, and on lands riddled with tenure conflicts. In this article, we analyse the implications of the combined effect of labouring in oil palm plantations and land access on households, and we discuss how these implications affect human well-being in two indigenous communities of the Polochic valley, Guatemala. Combining participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and land-time budget analysis at household level, we reveal how oil palm cultivation increases incomes for plantation workers’ households, but decreases the productivity of maize cultivation, reduces the time that household members have available for other activities and, particularly, reduces women’s resting time. In contrast, households that focus more intensively on maize cultivation show higher degrees of food security and women can allocate more time to social activities. However, our results also show that maize consumption per capita has not decreased in households working in oil palm plantations since such crop is considered sacred by the Q’eqchi’ and plays a central role in their diet and culture. In conclusion, we argue that while working for an oil palm cultivation can increase specific elements of the basic material conditions for a good life, other aspects such as food security, health, freedom of choice, and social relationships can become deteriorated.  相似文献   

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