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刍议药物分析实验教学改革 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
陈爱军 《湖南环境生物职业技术学院学报》2007,13(3):70-72
培养学生的动手能力,是药物分析教学活动的重要目的之一.总结多年的实验教学经验,从教学的内容、模式、考核办法等方面进行探索性改革,调动学生独立操作的积极性,提高实验教学效果.表1,参4. 相似文献
准确快速地确定生态监察目标,以信息化的手段辅助现场执法以提高现场环境执法效能,是饮用水源地生态环境监察的关键.基于高空间分辨率卫星数据,在构建饮用水源地生态环境监察分类体系的基础上,实现了利用卫星数据提取水源保护区的风险源信息,并对水源地所有风险源实现空间定位和准确统计.基于卫星数据和平板电脑,结合遥感技术、地理信息技术和定位技术,开发了水源地保护区现场执法系统,实现了现场数据的快速采集和“图属”一体化的业务集成,该系统可为水源地生态环境现场监察提供有利的技术手段. 相似文献
本文介绍了用阴离子交换色谱分离结合积分脉冲安培检测器(IPAD)金电极检测分析氨基酸的原理和应用,该方法可以检测所有携带伯胺、仲胺和羟基的有机阴离子,不需要任何形式的衍生.检测限与氨基酸衍生荧光检测技术相当.这个方法对于监测细胞培养液中营养成分的含量非常有效,也可用于不同种类的蛋白质和肽水解产物的分析. 相似文献
蒋筠 《城市环境与城市生态》2002,15(2):62-62
分析了9112-B型有毒药物安全操作台的污染物去除效率,得出了该操作平台避免了有毒药物对操作者的侵害,减少了有毒药物对环境污染的结论。 相似文献
成百上千的活性物质正被用于人药和兽药处方中.由于药物的广泛应用,它们的残留物可通过多种途径进入环境.虽然主要通过尿和粪便的排泄,但是药品生产中的排放也应被考虑.当抗生素用于水产业,就会产生更直接的影响.污水处理设备不能完全除去药物,因此药物会出现在地表和地下水样品中.近年来,人们对环境中药物的兴趣正在增加,需要建立一种快速、灵敏、有选择性的方法来分析水样. 相似文献
采取3个不同药物防疫程序对2 100羽三黄鸡进行了为期8周的育雏试验,其成活率均在96%以上,其中试验2组效果最好,成活率达98.42%,此预防程序可在实际生产中应用。 相似文献
Sediment samples were collected between 1996 and 1998 during 4 cruises in the northern sector of the Adriatic Sea, facing the Po River outflow. In each sampling period, after identification of the front line, a grid of 6 sampling stations was selected in order to cover: the coastal area (largely affected by river waters), the inner and outer front areas, and the offshore waters. The biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter (OM, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and photosynthetic pigments) and enzymatic activity rates were studied to provide information on the potential organic matter turnover. Tentative estimates of the organic carbon budgets (input/production versus requirement by benthic consumers) are presented. Benthic carbon requirements, estimated from bacterial plus meiofaunal secondary production, was high (897 r mg r C r m m 2 r d m 1 ). OM concentrations in the Northern and Middle Adriatic Sea displayed high values, proteins being dominant, thus suggesting inputs of freshly produced material to the sea floor. OM turnover was generally rapid (11-30 r d m 1 ) and higher during summer. The uncoupled enzymatic rates ( i.e. faster protein than carbohydrate mobilisation in February, 1997) determined a decrease of the OM quality that plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles and OM diagenesis, limiting bacterial secondary production and sedimentary organic carbon utilisation. These data suggest that the efficiency of the system in the transfer of energy through the food web is generally higher in summer, especially during mucilage production. 相似文献
珠江三角洲典型区景观生态聚类分析 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
珠海是珠江三角洲地区一个海陆交互作用与人类干扰活动频繁的典型区域。文章以2000年TM数据为基础数据源,编制珠海地区景观类型图,并以镇(区)为基本空间单元将珠海划分为20个景观生态子区,在GIS与景观斑块分析软件Patch Analyst 2.0支持下计算各子区的景观特征指数。通过各子区的景观指数对比分析,探讨研究区范围内景观格局的空间差异,揭示人类活动、自然干扰等各种景观生态机制对区域景观生态的影响。根据各指数反映的景观特征信息,选择平均斑块大小(MPS)、斑块大小变异系数(PSCOV)、边缘密度(ED)、面积加权分维数(AWMPFD)、破碎度指数(F)、多样性指数(SDI)及人为干扰指数(DT)进行珠海景观生态聚类分析,根据聚类分析结果可多层次客观地对珠海地区进行景观生态类型区划分。 相似文献
李臻 《湖南环境生物职业技术学院学报》2011,17(4):23-28
我国自来水行业长期以来实行国家经营,由于缺乏竞争以及行业监管不足,致使供水不足、行业经营效率低下、成本较高,因此,采取市场化模式势在必行.对此,我国自来水行业从1992年开始实施以打破垄断、提高效率与改善服务质量为目标的市场化改革,并取得了一定的成效,但是还是存在许多不足.在介绍了我国自来水产业市场化模式的发展历程,并运用经济学的相关理论和实证方法,来分析中国自来水市场化模式. 相似文献
运用主成分分析法评价北京市代表性河流的水质与毒性状况 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
以北京市3条具有不同功能的代表性河流(清河:纳污排洪;京密引水渠:供水水源;小月河:景观用水)作为研究对象,分析测定了33个水质指标,采用内梅罗指数法与大型蚤急性毒性测试法对3条河流的水质与毒性状况进行了评价,同时运用主成分分析法对毒性产生的原因和影响水质的因素进行了初步探讨.结果表明,1)3条河流已受到不同程度的污染,水质和毒性状况均不容乐观.作为纳污排洪的清河大部分采样点水质较差,生物毒性极高;作为景观用水的小月河水质一般,具有一定的生物毒性;作为供水水源的京密引水渠水质一般,但毒性较低.2)水样生物毒性与Cl-、Ca、K、Li、Mn、Na、Cr、Ni等指标有关;内梅罗水质指数与NO2-、Cl-、K、Na、Ni等指标有关.3)某些指标(如NO2-)超标会对水质分级产生较大影响,但对生物毒性贡献不大,而低浓度的重金属,不会对水质分级产生贡献,却会对生物的生理活动产生影响,综合化学指标和毒性指标共同评价水质更为合理. 相似文献
为维持发光细菌发光强度的稳定性,推进发光细菌毒性测试技术应用于在线监测和分析,以明亮发光杆菌和鳆鱼发光杆菌为对象,通过添加各种保护剂,将培养至对数生长期的菌液离心,重新悬浮于脱脂牛奶溶液冷藏(5℃),比较脱脂牛奶菌悬液冷藏、冻干粉复苏后即时冷藏以及新鲜菌液直接冷藏3种方法的调控效果.结果表明,脱脂牛奶菌悬液冷藏7 d后复苏,相对发光率达到93%.该方法明显提高了发光细菌生物活性的稳定性,对于提高在线毒性监测仪连续运行时间有参考价值. 相似文献
西洞庭湖自然保护区鸟类资源调查 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为更好地调查了解西洞庭湖自然保护区的鸟类资源,保护和维持生态平衡,2003—2005年我们对西洞庭湖自然保护区的鸟类资源进行了观察和动态监测,共观察到和鉴定出湿地鸟类217种,隶属于15目58科.本文具体地报道了2003—2005年的鸟类资源调查和动态监测结果,鸟类资源所面临的威胁及其保护措施. 相似文献
Predicting species distribution and habitat suitability (HS) modelling, across broad spatial scales, is now a major challenge in marine ecology. The resulting knowledge is of considerable use in supporting the implementation of environmental legislation, integrated coastal zone management and ecosystem-based fisheries management. This contribution considers the identification of seafloor morphological characteristics, together with wave energy conditions, that determine the presence of European lobster (Homarus gammarus); and it predicts suitable habitats over the Basque continental shelf (Bay of Biscay), in summer. The results obtained, by applying Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA), indicate that lobster habitat differs considerably from the mean environmental condition over the study area; likewise, that it is restrictive in terms of the range of conditions in which they dwell. The best of the environmental predictors found to be: distance to the rock substrate; Benthic Position Index; wave flux over the seafloor; and the underlying bathymetry. A habitat suitability map was produced, with a high model quality (Boyce index: 0.98 ± 0.06). The most suitable habitat for European lobster are locations at the boundary between sedimentary- and rocky-bottoms, coincident with seafloor depressions with a steep slope, with medium to high wave energy conditions, and located within a range of water depths of 35–40 m. This approach demonstrates the applicability of the method in case studies where only presence data are available, together with the inclusion of environmental variables obtained from different sources. 相似文献
Fish ages are often estimated by assuming an annual frequency of the band-like, growth-zones recorded in the largest of their otoliths, the sagittae. The total number of growth-zones are normally determined either by counting external growth-zones (whole otolith technique) or by examining otolith cross-sections (otolith section technique). The two techniques do not always yield the same age, however, particularly in older specimens of certain fishes. To resolve this problem, otoliths of the splitnose rockfish Sebastes diploproa were examined morphologically and were assayed for their natural radionuclide concentrations. Four age groups of otoliths were identified based on growth-zone counting; in the first three, whole otolith and otolith section age estimates agreed, while in the fourth, the otolith section age substantially exceeded the whole otolith age. Radiometric analysis demonstrated that all otoliths were deficient in 210Pb activity relative to 226Ra activity with the deficiency decreasing with increasing number of growth-zones. The magnitude of the 210Pb/226Ra radioactive disequilibrium in each otolith group, when compared to the number of growth-zones and the otolith weight histories derived with the two techniques, identifies the growth-zones revealed by otolith sections as annual features. Thus when otolith section age exceeds whole otolith age (usually occurring after 20 to 25 yr of age for this species), the otolith section technique is the correct method of age determination. Estimates of longevity in the genus Sebastes near 80 yr are therefore confirmed. 相似文献