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In order to investigate the accumulation of metals and related biological effects from Pulverized Fuel Ash (PFA), three intertidal benthic invertebrates were used in exposure studies with different mixtures of PFA sediments. After the first run of 90 days, high mortality was found in the lugworm Arenicola marina. After intermittent exposure to PFA, high mortality was also found for the cockle Cerastoderma edule. No mortality occurred with the baltic tellin Macoma balthica. Metal accumulation differed widely among the species. A. marina accumulated As to high levels in PFA mixtures, which may be attributed to changes in the redox potential of the sediment. It also appeared from this study that Zn levels in M. balthica tissue, for both control and exposed animals, are apparently normal but extremely high. Disposal of PFA in marine coastal waters will radically affect community structure at the dumping site. Accumulation of certain elements like As will be favoured in the mixing zone at the borders of a dump site due to a higher organic content and consequent higher bioavailability.  相似文献   

The National Project RITMARE (la Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE—Italian Research for the sea) started from 1 January 2012. It is one of the national research programs funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. RITMARE is coordinated by the National Research Council (CNR) and involves an integrated effort of most of the scientific community working on marine and maritime issues. Within the project, different marine study areas of strategic importance for the Mediterranean have been identified: Among these, the coastal area of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) was chosen for its different industry settlements and the relative impact on the marine environment. In particular, the research has been concentrated on the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, a complex marine ecosystem model important in terms of ecological, social, and economic activities for the presence also of extensive mussel farms. The site has been selected also because the Mar Piccolo area is a characteristic “on field” laboratory suitable to investigate release and diffusion mechanisms of contaminants, evaluate chemical–ecological risks towards the marine ecosystem and human health, and suggest and test potential remediation strategies for contaminated sediments. In this context, within the project RITMARE, a task force of researchers has contributed to elaboration a functioning conceptual model with a multidisciplinary approach useful to identify anthropogenic forcings, its impacts, and solutions of environmental remediation. This paper describes in brief some of the environmental issues related to the Mar Piccolo basin.  相似文献   

Wulff F  Savchuk OP  Sokolov A  Humborg C  Mörth CM 《Ambio》2007,36(2-3):243-249
We are using the coupled models in a decision support system, Nest, to evaluate the response of the marine ecosystem to changes in external loads through various management options. The models address all the seven major marine basins and the entire drainage basin of the Baltic Sea. A series of future scenarios have been developed, in close collaboration with the Helsinki Commission, to see the possible effects of improved wastewater treatment and manure handling, phosphorus-free detergents, and less intensive land use and live stocks. Improved wastewater treatment and the use of phosphorus-free detergents in the entire region would drastically decrease phosphorus loads and improve the marine environment, particularly the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms. However, the Baltic Sea will remain eutrophic, and to reduce other effects, a substantial reduction of nitrogen emissions must be implemented. This can only be obtained in these scenarios by drastically changing land use. In a final scenario, we have turned 50% of all agricultural lands into grasslands, together with efficient wastewater treatments and a ban of phosphorus in detergents. This scenario will substantially reduce primary production and the extension of hypoxic bottoms, increase water transparency in the most eutrophied basins, and virtually eliminate extensive cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to synthesize results from seven published research papers employing different experimental approaches to evaluate the fate of metal-based nanoparticles (Ag NPs, Au NPs, CuO NPs, CdS NPs, ZnO NPs) in the marine environment and their effects on two marine endobenthic species, the bivalve Scrobicularia plana and the ragworm Hediste diversicolor. The experiments were carried out under laboratory (microcosms) conditions or under environmentally realistic conditions in outdoor mesocosms. Based on results from these seven papers, we addressed the following research questions: (1) How did the environment into which nanoparticles were released affect their physicochemical properties?, (2) How did the route of exposure (seawater, food, sediment) influence bioaccumulation and effects?, (3) Which biomarkers were the most responsive? and (4) Which tools were the most efficient to evaluate the fate and effects of NPs in the marine environment? The obtained results showed that metal‐based NPs in general were highly agglomerated/aggregated in seawater. DGT tools could be used to estimate the bioavailability of metals released from NPs under soluble form in the aquatic environment. Both metal forms (nanoparticulate, soluble) were generally bioaccumulated in both species. Among biochemical tools, GST and CAT were the most sensitive revealing the enhancement of anti-oxidant defenses in both species exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of metal-based NPs. Apoptosis and genotoxicity were frequently observed.  相似文献   

In natural environment, marine organisms are concomitantly exposed to pollutants and multiple disease agents resulting in detrimental interactions. The present study evaluated interactive effects of metal contamination (cadmium) and pathogenic organisms (trematode parasites Himasthla elongata and pathogenic bacteria Vibrio tapetis) singularly and in combination on the bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum, an introduced species to Europe, under laboratory controlled conditions. After 7 days, metal bioaccumulation and pathogen load were analyzed as well as metallothionein (MT) response and hemocyte concentrations and activities. Results showed that infection by opportunistic pathogens affects metal accumulation, leading to maximal Cd accumulation in co-infected clams. Among stressors only V. tapetis induced significant effects on immune parameters whereas a particular interaction “trematode-bacteria” was shown on MT responses. Despite low trematode infection in agreement with the resistant status of R. philippinarum to these macroparasites, significant interaction with bacteria and metal occurred. Such results highlight the necessity of taking pathogens into account in ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   

Motivated by the question of whether and how a state-of-the-art regional chemical transport model (CTM) can facilitate characterization of CO2 spatiotemporal variability and verify CO2 fossil-fuel emissions, we for the first time applied the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model to simulate CO2. This paper presents methods, input data, and initial results for CO2 simulation using CMAQ over the contiguous United States in October 2007. Modeling experiments have been performed to understand the roles of fossil-fuel emissions, biosphere–atmosphere exchange, and meteorology in regulating the spatial distribution of CO2 near the surface over the contiguous United States. Three sets of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) fluxes were used as input to assess the impact of uncertainty of NEE on CO2 concentrations simulated by CMAQ. Observational data from six tall tower sites across the country were used to evaluate model performance. In particular, at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory (BAO), a tall tower site that receives urban emissions from Denver, CO, the CMAQ model using hourly varying, high-resolution CO2 fossil-fuel emissions from the Vulcan inventory and CarbonTracker optimized NEE reproduced the observed diurnal profile of CO2 reasonably well but with a low bias in the early morning. The spatial distribution of CO2 was found to correlate with NOx, SO2, and CO, because of their similar fossil-fuel emission sources and common transport processes. These initial results from CMAQ demonstrate the potential of using a regional CTM to help interpret CO2 observations and understand CO2 variability in space and time. The ability to simulate a full suite of air pollutants in CMAQ will also facilitate investigations of their use as tracers for CO2 source attribution. This work serves as a proof of concept and the foundation for more comprehensive examinations of CO2 spatiotemporal variability and various uncertainties in the future.
Implications: Atmospheric CO2 has long been modeled and studied on continental to global scales to understand the global carbon cycle. This work demonstrates the potential of modeling and studying CO2 variability at fine spatiotemporal scales with CMAQ, which has been applied extensively, to study traditionally regulated air pollutants. The abundant observational records of these air pollutants and successful experience in studying and reducing their emissions may be useful for verifying CO2 emissions. Although there remains much more to further investigate, this work opens up a discussion on whether and how to study CO2 as an air pollutant.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The current study aims to explore the impact of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) heat treatment on the strength activity, porosity, and water absorption of...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A partial life-cycle study with zebrafish (Danio rerio) was conducted to evaluate the long-term effects of antibiotics, norfloxacin (NOR) and...  相似文献   

This work analyzes the influence of environmental and physiological parameters on PAHs accumulation in cultured mussels. Lipid content and reproductive stage are directly related with PAHs accumulation pattern. We observed a rapid accumulation and depuration of PAHs, mainly during periods of nutrients accumulation, spawns and gonadic restorations. Correlations between PAHs accumulation and physiological status indicate when mussels are more susceptible to adverse effects of these pollutants. A positive correlation between mutagenic congener’s accumulation and occurrence of gonadic neoplastic disorders is shown for the first time in mussels. Molecular indices were used to identify the origin of hydrocarbons accumulated by Mytilus, showing a chronic pyrolytic pollution and pollutant episodes by petrogenic sources and biomass combustion in the studied area. Multivariate analysis suggests the possibility of including physiological parameters of sentinel organisms in environmental biomonitoring programs, mainly in aquaculture areas, taking into account their two aspects: farms productivity and human food safety.  相似文献   

In this study we aimed to assess the dioxin- and estrogen-like activities of contaminants extracted from twenty species of freshwater and seawater fishes, using luciferase reporter assays. Transfected MCF7 cells were treated with sample extracts and luciferase activities were then measured at 24-h of post-treatment. The mean values of the detected dioxin- and estrogen-like activities in the freshwater fishes were 25.3 pg TEQ/g ww and 102.3 pM EEQ/g ww whereas in the seawater fishes, the values were 46.2 pg TEQ/g ww and 118.8 pM EEQ/g ww. Using sample-relevant dosage of estrogen, inductions of cell proliferation markers (i.e. retinoblastoma, cyclin D) and stimulations of cell growth were revealed by Western blotting, colony formation and BrdU uptake assays. A cotreatment with TCDD significantly reduced these effects. Using the sample extracts with different dioxin- and estrogen-like activities, similar observation was revealed. The data highlighted the mixture effect of food contaminants on human health.  相似文献   

Chang MB  Huang TF 《Chemosphere》2000,40(2):159-164
In this study, the effects of the temperature, oxygen content in the gas stream and carbon content in ash particles on PCDD/Fs formation on the fly ash surface were investigated. The optimum temperatures for dioxin formation were found at 350 degrees C for boiler ash, 300 degrees C for cyclone ash and 250 degrees C for ESP ash, respectively. Preliminary results indicate that the optimum temperature will decrease as the particle size decreases. When the O2 concentration is varied between 0% and 100%, the optimum oxygen content for PCDD/Fs formation is found to be at 7.5% for cyclone ash, and the PCDD/PCDF ratio increases with the increase of oxygen content. Dioxin formation is observed even for the gas containing no oxygen passed through the fly ash. Hence, other reacted routes that do not need O2 for dioxin formation take place on fly ash. The carbon content in fly ash is varied between 0% and 20% in this study, and the results have indicated that the maximum dioxin formation is to be found at 5%. The precursors are not injected into the fly ash or gas stream in all formation experiments, however, dioxin is still formed in fly ash. Consequently, other chlorinated routes besides Deacon reactions may take place on the fly ash surface.  相似文献   

Wild and farmed mussels, Mytilus edulis, coexist with salmon farms in Scottish sea lochs. A synthetic pyrethroid, cypermethrin, is licensed for use on fish farms to control sea lice infestations as a formulation called Excis. In this study, uptake of cypermethrin from Excis exposure is investigated through the use of gas chromatography with mass-spectrometry. The effects of Excis on mussels are also examined by measuring the neutral red retention time of lysosomes, aerial survival and shell closure. The isomeric ratios of cis:trans cypermethrin measured in mussels are around 80:20; a marked increase from 40:60 to which the mussels were exposed. This is most likely due to preferential metabolism of trans-isomers, as the same response is seen in vertebrates. There is a pronounced behavioural effect of shell closure, where mussels exposed to 1000 microg/l cypermethrin shut their shells within an hour of exposure. Arguments are presented for this effect being either a voluntary response on recognition of cypermethrin, or an effect arising from an involuntary action of cypermethrin on the adductor muscle. Even at 1000 microg/l cypermethrin, neutral red retention time and aerial survival are not affected. The data suggest that the responses of mussels shown here are unlikely to occur in the field, even at the concentrations of cypermethrin used in fish cages, for the treatment of sea lice.  相似文献   

An extensive study was carried out in the Netherlands on the occurrence of a number of estrogenic compounds in surface water, sediment, biota, wastewater, rainwater and on the associated effects in fish. Compounds investigated included natural and synthetic hormones, phthalates, alkylphenol(ethoxylate)s and bisphenol-A. The results showed that almost all selected (xeno-)estrogens were present at low concentrations in the aquatic environment. Locally, they were found at higher levels. Hormones and nonylphenol(ethoxylate)s were present in concentrations that are reportedly high enough to cause estrogenic effects in fish. Field surveys did not disclose significant estrogenic effects in male flounder (Platichthys flesus) in the open sea and in Dutch estuaries. Minor to moderate estrogenic effects were observed in bream (Abramis brama) in major inland surface waters such as lowland rivers and a harbor area. The prevalence of feminizing effects in male fish is largest in small regional surface waters that are strongly influenced by sources of potential hormone-disrupting compounds. High concentrations of plasma vitellogenin and an increased prevalence of ovotestes occurred in wild male bream in a small river receiving a considerable load of effluent from a large sewage treatment plant. After employing in vitro and in vivo bioassays, both in situ and in the laboratory, we conclude that in this case hormones (especially 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol) and possibly also nonylphenol(ethoxylate)s are primarily responsible for these effects.  相似文献   

D.J. Hallett  M.G. Brooksbank 《Chemosphere》1986,15(9-12):1405-1416
The Laurentian Great Lakes represent 20 percent of the surface fresh water of the world. They are unique because of their long flushing times (in excess of 175 years for Lake Superior), their relatively short mixing times and their consequent propensity to accumulate persistent chemicals and respond very slowly to decreased chemical loadings. Lake Ontario, as the last lake in the system, receives the drainage from the other four Great Lakes in addition to significant chemical contributions from within its drainage basin particularly from its main tributary, the Niagara River.

This paper evaluates environmental levels of TCOD and related compounds within the Lake Ontario ecosystem by considering temporal trends, the application of mass loading principles for large lake ecosystems and the examination of a holistic ecosystem perspective on exposure routes.  相似文献   

Shao  Xiaolan  Liu  Lejun  Li  Hui  Luo  Yue  Zhao  Jingyu  Liu  Shuai  Yan  Bei  Wang  Dan  Luo  Kun  Liu  Min  Bai  Lianyang  Li  Xiaoyun  Liu  Kailin 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(49):74051-74061
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Adsorption of test substances on micromembrane filters during sample pretreatment before qualitative and quantitative analysis has greatly affected...  相似文献   

The field of arsenic pollution research has grown rapidly in recent years. Arsenic constitutes a broad range of elements from the Earth’s crust and is released into the environment from both anthropogenic and natural sources due to its relative mobility under different redox conditions. The toxicity of arsenic is described in its inorganic form, as inorganic arsenic compounds can leach into different environments. Sampling was carried out in the Bestari Jaya catchment while using a land use map to locate the site, and experiments were conducted via sequential extraction and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy to quantify proportions of arsenic in the sediment samples. The results show that metals in sediments of nonresidual fractions, which are more likely to be likely released into aquatic environments, are more plentiful than the residual sediment fractions. These findings support the mobility of heavy metals and especially arsenic through sediment layers, which can facilitate remediation in environments heavily polluted with heavy metals.  相似文献   

The toxicity of chronic dietary metal exposure in birds is reviewed. It is concluded that significant physiological and biochemical responses to such exposure conditions occur at dietary metal concentrations insufficient to cause signs of overt toxicity. Particularly important are reproductive effects which include decreased egg production, decreased hatchability, and increased hatchling mortality. Young, growing birds are typically more sensitive to the toxic effects of chronic metal exposure than adults, and altricial species are often more sensitive than precocial species. Factors which modify the absorption and toxicity of heavy metals, such as Se for the case of Hg, and Ca for the case of Pb and Cd, are discussed. Monitoring strategies for assessing environmental metal exposure in birds are evaluated.  相似文献   

In the present study, female Clarias batrachus were exposed to two sublethal concentrations of gamma-BHC (2 and 8 microg litre(-1)) and malathion (1 and 4 microl litre(-1)) for 4 weeks during different phases of their reproductive cycle. Impact of these pesticides on free fatty acids, monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, phospholipids, free and esterified cholesterol in the liver, plasma, ovary and muscle was assessed. During the pre-vitellogenic and regressed phases, they suppressed the levels of fatty acids and glycerides in the liver, but had no effect on their levels in the plasma, ovary and muscle. However, in the vitellogenic phase, fatty acids in the liver and plasma were increased, but were decreased in the ovary and muscle. Glycerides were also decreased in the studied tissues. In the post-vitellogenic phase, these pesticides increased the levels of fatty acids and glycerides in the liver and ovary, but decreased their levels in the plasma. Both pesticides decreased hepatic phospholipids in the pre-vitellogenic phase, while in the vitellogenic phase only gamma-BHC reduced its levels in the liver. These pesticides also restricted their mobilisation to the ovary. Cholesterol biosynthesis seemed unaffected, but the hydrolysis of esterified cholesterol to free cholesterol was adversely affected during the period of estrogen biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Extraneous factors have been shown to greatly modify pollutant stress. The present study was conducted with the objective of determining whether differences in food levels could modify chronic toxicity of cadmium to the various life-history parameters of the cladoceran Echinisca triserialis. Laboratory experiments were conducted on a sublethal range of cadmium (0, 2.5, 5.0, 10 and 20 microg litre(-1)) on life-history parameters such as survivorship, longevity, life expectancy, age at first reproduction, total fecundity, neonate size, net reproductive rate (R0), generation time (T), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) and growth of Echinisca triserialis in relation to different food (Chlorella) levels of 0.5 (low), 1.5 (medium) and 4.5 (high) x 10(6) cells ml(-1). Cadmium levels of 10 microg litre(-1) and above, and low food levels, had a profound effect in decreasing the magnitude of all parameters studied. EC50 levels computed for life-history parameters, such as longevity, life expectancy at birth, total fecundity, R0 and T, were in the range of 2 to 21 microg litre(-1) cadmium, and this is indicative of extreme adverse effects on the population dynamics of E. triserialis when exposed to low food levels. At high food levels the EC50 was not achieved for cadmium in the toxicant range studied. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to field conditions.  相似文献   

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