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Grennfelt P  Hov O 《Ambio》2005,34(1):2-10
The control of transboundary air pollution in Europe has been successful. Emissions of many key pollutants are decreasing and there are signs of improvements in damaged ecosystems. The strategies under development within the CAFE programme under the European Commission and the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP), aim to take regional air pollution control a large step further, in particular with respect to small particles. In this paper we highlight the new strategies but look primarily at socioeconomic trends and climate change feedbacks that may have a significant influence on the outcome of the strategies and which so far have not been considered. In particular, we point out the influence on air quality of increased summer temperatures in Europe and of increasing emissions including international shipping, outside of Europe. Taken together the further emissions reductions in Europe and the increasing background pollution, slowly cause a greying of the Northern Hemisphere troposphere rather than the traditional picture of dominant emissions in Europe and North America ('black') with much lower emission intensities elsewhere ('white'). A hemispheric approach to further combat air pollution will become necessary in Europe and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - According to the “fetal origin of disease” hypothesis, air pollution exposure in pregnancy may play an important role in stimulating the...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine tissue patterns of metal (Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb) concentrations in Solanum melongena cultivated in close proximity to traffic to help elucidate associated elemental deposition and soil-to-root and root-to-shoot transfers. Plants were cultivated in a commercial soil mix at three sites in Toronto, Canada. Metal concentrations were determined on microwave-digested bulk and rhizosphere soil and tissue samples per ICP-MS, along with two standard reference materials (NIST #1570a and #2709a). Unwashed and washed S. melongena samples were also analyzed, along with Origanum vulgare plants from the same sites, to assess the effectiveness of washing in reducing metal concentrations. The tissue distribution of Cr, Ni, Cu, and Pb demonstrated variability as a function of traffic proximity. Copper was found to easily translocate to roots in soils susceptible to waterlogging, while Cd had the highest soil-to-root and root-to-shoot translocation. The translocation of Cd was highest at the roadside site, due to a greater relative enrichment of this metal in the rhizosphere of S. melongena plants. Washing O. vulgare leaves was more effective in removing metal-associated particles compared to S. melongena samples. Cadmium uptake is of greatest concern given its toxicity and translocation potential.  相似文献   

This study builds on earlier work investigating statistical relationships between sociodemographic characteristics of populations and their residential proximity to industrial sources of air pollution. The analysis uses demographic data from the 1990 U.S. Census and industrial site data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s 1990 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). The focus is on examining interactions among race (African Americans and Whites), poverty (above and below household poverty threshold), and age (children from birth to 5 years of age and elderly people 65 years old or older). Results from three different study areas (Kanawha Valley in West Virginia, the Baton Rouge-New Orleans Corridor in Louisiana, and the greater Baltimore metropolitan area in Maryland) suggest there are important interactions among race, poverty, and age that are likely to have consequential ramifications for efforts aimed at investigating issues related to environmental justice. Our results indicate that a substantial proportion of all demographic groups studied live within a mile of the nearest facility, with values ranging from 22% of Whites above poverty in the Baton Rouge-New Orleans Corridor to 60% of African Americans below poverty in Baltimore. Likewise, a substantial proportion of all demographic groups also live within 2 miles of four or more industrial facilities, with values ranging from 16% for Whites above poverty in the Corridor to 70% for African Americans below poverty in Baltimore. In all three study areas, African Americans were more likely than Whites to (1) live in households with incomes below the household poverty line, (2) have children 5 years of age or younger, (3) live closer to the nearest industrial emissions source, and (4) live within 2 miles of multiple industrial emission sources. Findings indicate that, compared with White children, a substantially higher proportion of African-American children 5 years of age or younger lived in poor households that were located in relatively close proximity to one or more industrial sources of air pollution.  相似文献   

Exposure estimates based solely on proximity to air pollution sources are not sound and require confirmation. Accordingly, since a very limited amount of actual data for this type of exposure estimate is currently available, this study was conducted to provide actual data on residents' exposure to two important gasoline constituents [methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene] relative to their proximity to roadside service stations. The results confirmed that residents in neighborhoods near service stations are exposed to elevated ambient MTBE and benzene levels compared with those living farther from such a source. However, it was also found that the presumed elevated outdoor benzene levels (a mean of 1.7 ppb) even in close proximity to service stations did not exceed the indoor levels (a mean of 2.2 ppb) of exposure for those living nearby. Regardless of residents' distance from service stations, an indoor source (cigarette smoking) appeared to be the major contributor to their benzene exposure. Conversely, for MTBE, roadside service stations were found to be the major contributor to residents' exposure. In addition, the residents close to the stations were exposed to elevated indoor and outdoor MTBE levels. The sampling period (daytime and nighttime) and season (winter and summer) were additional parameters for the outdoor MTBE and benzene levels and the indoor MTBE levels. Meanwhile, the breathing zone air concentrations of service station attendants for both MTBE and benzene were significantly higher than those of drivers (p < 0.05). In addition, the breathing zone concentrations were significantly higher during summer than during winter for both drivers and attendants (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of boosted regression trees to draw inferences concerning the source characteristics at a location of high source complexity. Models are developed for hourly concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOX) close to a large international airport. Model development is discussed and methods to quantify model uncertainties developed. It is shown that good explanatory models can be developed and further, allowing for interactions between model variables significantly improves the model fits compared with non-interacting models. Methods are used to determine which variables exert most influence over predicted concentrations and to explore the NOX dependency for each. Model predictions are used to estimate aircraft take-off contributions to total concentrations of NOX and determine how these predictions are affected by annual variations in meteorological conditions and runway use patterns. Furthermore, the results relating to the aircraft contributions to total NOX concentration are compared with those from a more detailed independent field campaign. Finally, we find empirical evidence that plumes from larger aircraft disperse more rapidly from the point of release compared with smaller aircraft. The reasons for this behaviour and the implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Hourly total hydrocarbon (THC) data, spanning 1990–2008 from a California air pollution station located near the Coal Oil Point (COP) seep field, were analyzed and clearly showed geologic CH4 emissions as the dominant local source. Annual COP emissions are conservatively estimated as 0.015 Tg CH4 year?1 and represent a natural and concentrated geologic methane source (24 m3 m?2 day?1 gas flux at some active seeps, Clark et al., 2010). For a sense of the scale and potential importance to the regional Southern California methane budget, COP emits an amount equivalent to 8% of the estimated Los Angeles County anthropogenic emissions. Station THC measurements near COP showed a strong wind dependency with elevated levels closely correlated with a sonar-derived spatial distribution of seep field emissions. THC varied seasonally, with a maximum in January and minimum in July and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.24 ppm. The seasonal signal was more readily apparent midday (R2 = 0.69 harmonic fit), compared to nighttime and morning (R2 < 0.45). The bimodal diel THC pattern consisted of seasonally-modulated peaks in the morning and evening.THC temporal and spatial trends were consistent with both transport and source emission variations. Long-term, annual seep field emissions consistently decreased on a field-wide basis until the late 1990s, before increasing consistently, most likely as a function of underlying geologic processes. This study demonstrates the value of municipal air quality monitoring stations for insight into local greenhouse gas sources and highlights the non-negligible and variable contribution from marine geologic seepage.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dispersion of air pollutant from a time dependent point source forming a secondary pollutant has been investigated by taking into account the dry and wet deposition on the ground. The unsteady state three-dimensional diffusion equation has been solved for prescribed forms of time dependent flux at the source. The case when the flux is given by the step function has been applied to study the dispersion of an episode like the MIC leakage in Bhopal, India.  相似文献   

Journey-time exposures to particulate air pollution were investigated in Leicester, UK, between January and March 2005. Samples of TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 were simultaneously collected using light scattering devices whilst journeys were made by walking an in-car. Over a period of two months, 33 pairs of walking and in-car measurements were collected along two circular routes. Average exposures while walking were seen to be higher than those found in-car for each of the particle fractions: average walking to in-car ratios were 1.2 (± 0.6), 1.5 (± 0.6), 1.3 (± 0.6), and 1.4 (± 0.6) μg m−3 for coarse (TSP–PM10), intermediate (PM10–PM2.5), fine (PM2.5–PM1), and very fine particles (PM1), respectively. Correlations between walking and in-car exposures were seen to be weak for coarse particles (r=0.10, p=0.58), moderate for the intermediate particles (r=0.49, p<0.01) but strong for fine (r=0.89, p<0.01) and very fine (r=0.90, P<0.01) particles. PM10 exposures while walking were on average 70% higher than a nearby roadside fixed-site monitor whilst in-car exposures were 25% higher than the same fixed-site monitor. Particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm were seen to be highly correlated between walking and in-car particle exposures and a rural fixed-site monitor about 30 km south of Leicester.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Arthropods, with over a million species described, are ubiquitous throughout different environments. Knowledge of their responses to human impact is crucial for understanding and predicting changes in ecosystem structure and functions. Our aim was to investigate the general patterns and to identify sources of variation in changes of the diversity, abundance and fitness of terrestrial arthropods (including Arachnida, Collembola and Insecta) in habitats affected by point polluters.  相似文献   

以岩口水库上游村庄为研究区域,分析了该区域农村存在的点源污染问题,并结合当地实际情况提出了可行的治理对策。实地调研发现:当地农村整体经济水平较好,水冲厕和淋浴设施配备齐全,自来水管网普及率达80%以上,但村民节、排水意识不强,长期以来形成的用水习惯导致“污水入塘,净水入网”的现象普遍存在;村内现状污水管网存在设施缺陷、雨水体系不健全和污水管道错接漏接等情况,导致晴天污水外渗,雨天雨水入网;强降雨天气条件下往往出现倒虹管排水不畅、检查井溢冒的现象,导致水库水质存在严重的安全隐患。考虑到上游村庄点源污染对水库水质的威胁,结合当地村民生活习惯和社会经济发展水平,从政策引导、管网运维和项目实施3个方面提出了解决农村点源污染问题的策略,以期为其他有类似农村点源污染问题的库区水质保护提供参考。  相似文献   

An overview of the application of organic geochemistry to the analysis of organic matter on aerosol particles is presented here. This organic matter is analyzed as solvent extractable bitumen/ lipids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The organic geochemical approach assesses the origin, the environmental history and the nature of secondary products of organic matter by using the data derived from specific molecular analyses. Evaluations of production and fluxes, with cross-correlations can thus be made by the application of the same separation and analytical procedures to samples from point source emissions and the ambient atmosphere. This will be illustrated here with typical examples from the ambient atmosphere (aerosol particles) and from emissions of biomass burning (smoke). Organic matter in aerosols is derived from two major sources and is admixed depending on the geographic relief of the air shed. These sources are biogenic detritus (e.g., plant wax, microbes, etc.) and anthropogenic particle emissions (e.g., oils, soot, synthetics, etc.). Both biogenic detritus and some of the anthropogenic particle emissions contain organic materials which have unique and distinguishable compound distribution patterns (C14-C40). Microbial and vascular plant lipids are the dominant biogenic residues and petroleum hydrocarbons, with lesser amounts of the pyrogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and synthetics (e.g., chlorinated compounds), are the major anthropogenic residues. Biomass combustion is another important primary source of particles injected into the global atmosphere. It contributes many trace substances which are reactants in atmospheric chemistry and soot paniculate matter with adsorbed biomarker compounds, most of which are unknown chemical structures. The injection of natural product organic compounds into smoke occurs primarily by direct volatilization/steam stripping and by thermal alteration based on combustion temperature. Although the molecular composition of organic matter in smoke particles is highly variable, the molecular tracers are generally still source specific. Retene has been utilized as a tracer for conifer smoke in urban aerosols, but is not always detectable. Dehydroabietic acid is generally more concentrated in the atmosphere from the same emission sources. Degradation products from biopolymers (e.g., levoglucosan from cellulose) are also excellent tracers. An overview of the biomarker compositions of biomass smoke types is presented here. Defining additional tracers of thermally-altered and directly-emitted natural products in smoke aids the assessment of the organic matter type and input from biomass combustion to aerosols. The precursor to product approach of compound characterization by organic geochemistry can be applied successfully to provide tracers for studying the chemistry and dispersion of ambient aerosols and smoke plumes. Presented at the 6th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, August 26–28, 1998, Copenhagen.  相似文献   

Ozone-induced changes in ethylene production, ACC oxidase activity and the contents of ACC, MACC and free PAs were studied inPopulus nigra L. cv. Loenen with high ozone sensitivity as judged by the degree of chlorophyll degradation and premature leaf abscission. Ethylene production, ACC oxidase activity, ACC content and MACC levels were induced by the one-, two-, and three-week ozone exposure (36±9 ppb O3 for 11 hours a day). In addition, increases in PA levels, especially in spermidine, were measured in ozone treated plants. The role of free PAs and MACC synthesis as possible antisenescence reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

A preliminary study for the systematic investigation and the control of the pollution of the atmosphere over a wide region is considered and discussed.  相似文献   

Changes over recent decades in outdoor concentrations of air pollutants are well documented. However, the impacts of air pollution on an individual's health actually relate not to these outdoor concentrations but to their personal exposure in the different locations in which they spend time. Assessing how personal exposures differ from outdoor concentrations, and how they have changed over recent decades, is challenging. This review focuses on the exposure of children, since they are a particularly sensitive group. Much of children's time is spent indoors, and childhood exposure is closely related to concentrations in the home, at school, and in transport. For this reason, children's personal exposures to air pollutants differ significantly from both those of adults and from outdoor concentrations. They depend on a range of factors, including urbanisation, energy use, building design, travel patterns, and activity profiles; analysis of these factors can identify a wider range of policy measures to reduce children's exposure than direct emission control. There is a very large variation in personal exposure between individual children, caused by differences in building design, indoor and outdoor sources, and activity patterns. Identifying groups of children with high personal exposure, and their underlying causes, is particularly important in regions of the world where emissions are increasing, but there are limited resources for environmental and health protection. Although the science of personal exposure assessment, with the associated measurement and modelling techniques, has developed to maturity in North America and western Europe over the last 50 years, there is an urgent need to apply this science in other parts of the world where the effects of air pollution are now much more serious.  相似文献   

The extent of yield reduction and economic loss caused by air pollution has been estimated for The Netherlands. Based on available data on direct effects only, each species was designated as sensitive, moderately sensitive or tolerant. On a nationwide scale, only ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and hydrogen fluoride (HF) exceeded effect thresholds. Effects from pollutant combinations were assumed to be additive. Yield reductions were calculated, using 10 exposure-response relationships and concentration data from the Dutch air pollution monitoring network. Changes in air pollution levels result in changes in supply. By multiplying the supply with the current price, the so-called crop volume was calculated. Subsequently, changes in crop volume were converted into economic terms, taking into account demand elasticity. On the basis of these calculations, air pollution in The Netherlands reduces total crop volume by 5%:3.4% by O3, 1.2% by SO2, and 0.4% by HF. The slope of the nonlinear relationship between crop volume reduction and exposure level increases at higher concentrations. In general, air pollution causes relatively little loss to producers, since yield reductions are largely compensated by higher prices. If air pollution in The Netherlands would be reduced to background concentrations, consumers would experience a net gain of Dfl 640 million (US 320 million dollars). Although large amounts of data were attained through literature and our own experience for this study, many assumptions still had to be made to arrive at these conclusions. With the current available knowledge, validation of our results in the field is not yet possible.  相似文献   

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