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The absolute accuracy and long-term precision of atmospheric measurements hinge on the quality of the instrumentation and calibration standards. To assess the consistency of the ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) standards maintained at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), these standards were compared through the gas-phase titration of O3 with nitric oxide (NO). NO and O3 were monitored using chemiluminescence and UV absorption, respectively. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was monitored directly by laser-induced fluorescence and indirectly by catalytic conversion to NO, followed by chemiluminescence. The observed equivalent loss of both NO and O3 and the formation of NO2 in these experiments was within 1% on average over the range of 40-200 nmol mol(-1) of NO in excess O3, indicating that these instruments, when calibrated with the NIST O3 and NO standards and the NO2 permeation calibration system, are consistent to within 1% at tropospherically relevant mixing ratios of O3. Experiments conducted at higher initial NO mixing ratios or in excess NO are not in as good agreement. The largest discrepancies are associated with the chemiluminescence measurements. These results indicate the presence of systematic biases under these specific conditions. Prospects for improving these experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes and evaluates the newly developed European scale Eulerian chemistry transport model CHIMERE-continental. The model is designed for seasonal simulations and real time forecasts without the use of super-computers. For the purpose of model evaluation simulated ozone mixing ratios for the period between 1 May 1998 and 30 September 1998 are compared to observational data from 115 European surface sites. In order to facilitate the interpretation of future forecasts a statistic is established to estimate the reliability of a simulated pollution level. Besides this, the comparison is done by means of time series, scatter plots, a spectral analysis and the calculation of RMS-errors and biases of the model results corresponding to each observation site. It turns out that the mean RMS-error of the simulated daily maximum ozone mixing ratio for the sites considered a priori as well suited for a model comparison is about 10 ppb. For the same period but a reduced number of sites observed concentrations of NO2 and ethene are compared to simulated values. Difficulties encountered with the representativeness of observations when trying to evaluate a mesoscale air pollution model are discussed.  相似文献   

Within 2 years of trace gas measurements performed at Arosa (Switzerland, 2030 m above sea level), enhanced ozone mixing ratios were observed during south foehn events during summer and spring (5–10 ppb above the median value). The enhancements can be traced back to ozone produced in the strongly industrialized Po basin as confirmed by various analyses. Backward trajectories clearly show advection from this region during foehn. NOy versus O3 correlation and comparison of O3 mixing ratios between Arosa and Mt. Cimone (Italy, 2165 m asl) suggest that ozone is the result of recent photochemical production (+5.6 ppb on average), either directly formed during the transport or via mixing of air processed in the Po basin boundary layer. The absence of a correlation between air parcel residence times over Europe and ozone mixing ratios at Arosa during foehn events is in contrast to a previous analysis, which suggested such correlation without reference to the origin of the air. In the case of south foehn, the continental scale influence of pollutants emission on ozone at Arosa appears to be far less important than the direct influence of the Po basin emissions. In contrast, winter time displays a different situation, with mean ozone reductions of about 4 ppb for air parcels passing the Po basin, probably caused by mixing with ozone-poor air from the Po basin boundary layer.  相似文献   

HO2 radical concentrations were measured by a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for three nighttime periods during the intensive field campaign at Rishiri Island, Japan, in June 2000. The HO2 mixing ratio had temporal variations around its average of 4.2±1.2 (1σ) pptv and showed a positive correlation with the summed mixing ratio of four monoterpene species, α-pinene, β-pinene, camphene, and limonene, that sometimes reached 1 ppbv. Our model calculations suggested that ozonolysis reactions of monoterpenes were the main source of nighttime radicals and they explained 58% of measured HO2 concentration levels. The model roughly reproduced the dependence of the HO2 mixing ratio on the square root of the radical production rate due to the ozonolysis reactions of the monoterpenes. However, the absolute HO2 mixing ratio was significantly underpredicted by the model. We discuss possible reasons in terms of misunderstood RO2 chemistry, RO2 interference with HO2 observations, unknown radical production process associated by high NO2 mixing ratio, and the contribution of unmeasured olefinic species to radical production via their reactions with ozone.  相似文献   

Measurements of sulfate and nitrate in filter samples made during the Global Atmospheric Sampling Program (GASP) from aircraft flying near the tropopause over a period of 28 months beginning in early 1976 are presented. Sulfate and nitrate mixing ratios show a peak near or just above the tropopause during the winter-spring seasons. No peak is evident for sulfate during the summer-fall seasons. The sulfate mixing ratios show a constant average level in 1977–1978 of 0.12 ± 0.04 ppbm above the tropopause and 0.05 ± 0.04 ppbm below the tropopause with higher levels in the spring. Nitrate levels are similar but exhibit greater variability. Correlations between sulfate and nitrate (r = 0.78) and between sulfate and nitrate, on ozone (r = 0.80, 0.78) suggest a predominately stratospheric source for these species.  相似文献   

Ambient halocarbon mixing ratios in 45 Chinese cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During this study 158 whole air samples were collected in 45 Chinese cities in January and February 2001. The spatial distribution of different classes of halocarbons in the Chinese urban atmosphere, including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Halon-1211, and other chlorinated compounds is presented and discussed. Most of these compounds were enhanced compared to background levels. However, the mean enhancement of CFCs was relatively small, with CFC-12 and CFC-11 increases of 6% (range 1–31%) and 10% (range 2–89%), respectively, with respect to the global background. On the contrary, strongly enhanced levels of CFC replacement compounds and halogenated compounds used as solvents were measured. The average Halon-1211 concentration exceeded the background of 4.3 pptv by 75% and was higher than 10 pptv in several cities. Methyl chloride mixing ratios were also strongly elevated (78% higher than background levels), which is likely related to the widespread use of coal and biofuel in China.  相似文献   

Increasing risk for negative ozone impacts on vegetation in northern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trends were found for increasing surface ozone concentrations during April-September in northern Sweden over the period 1990-2006 as well as for an earlier onset of vegetation growing season. The highest ozone concentrations in northern Sweden occurred in April and the ozone concentrations in April showed a strong increasing trend. A model simulation of ozone flux for Norway spruce indicated that the provisional ozone flux based critical level for forests in Europe is exceeded in northern Sweden. Future climate change would have counteracting effects on the stomatal conductance and needle ozone uptake, mediated on the one hand by direct effect of increasing air temperatures and on the other through increasing water vapour pressure difference between the needles and air. Thus, there is a substantial and increasing risk for negative impacts of ozone on vegetation in northern Sweden, related mainly to increasing ozone concentrations and an earlier onset of the growing season.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal variations in methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) mixing ratios were measured above a boreal aspen stand at the southern boundary of the Canadian boreal forest, about 5 km north of agricultural land. The research was conducted between 16 April and 16 September 1994, in the Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan, to better understand patterns of CH4 and N2O cycling in boreal ecosystems. The research also presents a method for detecting the long-range transport of trace gases using a micrometeorological, laser-based gas monitoring system. Both CH4 and N2O featured diurnal cycles consistent with a pattern of net emission for each trace gas. The CH4 mixing ratio displayed a seasonal variation that was strongly related to soil temperature, with measured values roughly 30 ppb higher in the late summer than in spring. During the latter half of the experiment, the CH4 mixing ratios varied with wind direction and suggested areas of higher emission to the northeast and east of the measurement tower. The N2O fluxes also showed favoured directions, although in this case the highest mixing ratios were measured during the springtime in air masses originating south and southwest of the tower. The high springtime values coincided with spring thaw emissions of N2O from agricultural fields to the south, and the results suggest that the trace gas analysis system detected the long-range transport of N2O from the agricultural land. Ammonia and ammonium likewise may be transported to the southern boreal forest from agricultural land, and a future investigation at this site could seek to determine the effect of their long-range transport on the southern boreal forest.  相似文献   

Oxidation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in air, of significance due to, for example, the potential for O3 formation, is believed to be initiated by OH attack on the ring (addition) or on the alkyl side chain (H abstraction). A series of ring-breaking reactions follows, with major products predicted to be alpha-dicarbonyls, simple aldehydes, and organic acids. To test this prediction, ambient air mixing ratios of aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, glyoxal, and pyruvaldehyde), along with some supporting BTEX data, were measured at an urban site in Las Vegas, NV. Samples were collected on sorbents and determined by chromatographic methods; mixing ratios were compared to ambient levels of CO, O3, and NOx. A meteorological analysis (temperature, wind speed, and wind direction) was also included. Statistically significant relationships were noted among the BTEX hydrocarbons (HCs) and among the photochemically derived species (e.g., O3, NO2, and some of the aldehydes), although there was seasonal variation. The observations are consistent with a common primary source (i.e., vehicular exhaust or fuel evaporation) for the BTEX compounds and a common secondary source (e.g., OH attack) for glyoxal and pyruvaldehyde.  相似文献   

We have estimated the mixing height (MH) and investigated the relationship between vertical mixing and ground-level ozone concentrations in Seoul, Korea, by using three ground-based active remote sensing instruments operating side by side: micro-pulse lidar (MPL), differential absorption lidar (DIAL), and differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). The MH is estimated from MPL measurements of aerosol extinction profiles by the gradient method under convective conditions. Comparisons of the MHs estimated from MPL and radiosonde measurements show a good agreement (r2=0.99). Continuous MPL measurements with high temporal and vertical resolution reveal the diurnal variations of the MH under convective conditions and the presence of a residual layer during the nighttime. Comprehensive measurements of ozone and aerosol by MPL, DIAL and DOAS during an high ozone episode (24–26 May 2000) in Seoul, Korea, reveal that (1) photochemical ozone production and advection from upwind regions (the western part of Seoul) contribute two peaks of ozone concentrations at the ground around 14:00 and 18:00 local time on 25 May 2000, respectively, and (2) the entrainment and the fumigation processes of ozone aloft in the nighttime residual layer into the ground is a major contributor of high concentrations of ground-level ozone observed on the following day (26 May 2000).  相似文献   

Increasing carbon monoxide and ozone concentrations have been observed in the lower troposphere of the Brazilian Amazon region in recent years (1989–1995). Carbon monoxide and ozone have been measured in the region continuously; from observations at a single site and many sporadic field missions, there is a clear indication that the chemical activity in the troposphere is growing, with increasing concentrations especially during the dry season. On the other hand, the most recent deforestation assessment by the Brazilian Government, performed by the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) using Landsat data, shows yearly rates rising from the 11,130 km2 year?1 minimum of the 1990/91 survey, to 13,786 km2 year?1 for the 1991/92 period, and 14,896 km2 year?1 for the period 1992/94. It is argued that the increase in deforestation/biomass burning activities in “Amazonia” have produced larger carbon monoxide and ozone concentrations in the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of ozone (O3) concentrations and meteorological parameters was performed to determine the relationship between meteorological changes and ambient O3 concentrations in the Southeast United States. The correlation between average daily maximum O3 concentration and various meteorological variables was analysed on a monthly basis from April through October during 1980-1994. The correlations were strongest during the summer months, particularly June, July, and August. Analysis of long term O3 concentration trends indicates increasing trends during the 1980s and decreasing trends during the early 1990s.  相似文献   

The tropospheric column of ozone is analyzed from the measurements of the vertical profile of ozone by balloon-born ozonesondes. The data base includes ∼16,000 ozone profiles collected above six European stations—three of them have begun the ozonesoundings since 1970. We present a trend analysis (with data up to 2005) focusing on detection of the long-term tropospheric ozone variability over the European network. The ozone time series have been examined separately for each station and season (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON) using a flexible trend model. A trend component of the model is taken as a smooth curve without a priori defined shape. A large increase in the European tropospheric ozone since the beginning of the 1970s (net change of ∼10% in summers and ∼30% in winters) and a kind of stabilization in the early 1990s have been corroborated by the study. This pattern comes from the most extensive data set of ozonesoundings over Hohenpeissenberg and Payern. The decadal differences in the trend pattern between these and other European stations are disclosed. The results of a stepwise regression model using various characteristics of the ozone and temperature profiles as explanatory variables for the tropospheric column ozone (TCO3) variations show that the ozone changes may be reconstructed using the ozone mixing ratio at 500 hPa, the thermal tropopause (TT) height, and the difference between ozonepause and TT heights. It appears that the last two factors induce 20–30% of the net TCO3 change over Hohenpeissenberg in the 1970–2004 period.  相似文献   

Plans to increase the amount of irrigated land in Mediterranean countries should consider how changes in climate and land-use affect water resources. In this study, both precipitation and temperature were used to analyze regional trends in discharge in the basins of the Central Spanish Pyrenees since the mid-20th century. Annual variations in the relationship between precipitation and discharge suggested that discharge was relatively lower in the second half of the study period, coinciding with major changes in land use. On a monthly scale, precipitation increased significantly in October, April, and July, and decreased in March, and temperature increased in January and February and decreased in April. Nevertheless, discharge has decreased significantly in most months in the past 50 years. Land-use and plant-cover changes are the only nonclimatic factor that can explain the loss of around 30% of the average annual discharge.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the variations in daily maximum 1-hr ozone (O3) concentrations and the long-term trends in annual means of hourly ambient concentrations of O3, nitrogen oxides (nitrous oxide + nitrogen dioxide), and nonmethane hydrocarbons in the three administrative regions of Kao-Ping airshed in southern Taiwan over a recent 8-yr period. The annual or monthly means of all maxima, most 95th percentiles, and some 90th percentiles of the daily maximum 1-hr O3 concentrations exceed the daily limit of 120 parts per billion by volume in all three regions, namely, Kao-hsiung City, Kso-hsiung County, and P'ing-tung County. The monthly means of daily maximum 1-hr O3 concentrations exhibit distinct seasonal variations, with a bimodal form with the maxima in autumn and late winter to the middle of spring and a minimum in summer. The long-term variations in the annual means of hourly O3 concentrations in the three regions exhibit increasing trends. These increases in O3 are associated with the decline in ambient concentrations of nitrogen oxides and nonmethane hydrocarbons. High O3 episodes occur most often in autumn and most rarely in summer. The seasonal mean mixing heights in descending order follow the order of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Meteorological parameters in autumn and winter indicate that the ground-level O3 tends to accumulate and trigger a high O3 episode on a warm day with sufficient sunlight and low wind in a high-pressure system, consistent with the low mixing heights in these two seasons.  相似文献   

Ozone measurements are reported for five rural sites in the Tennessee Valley region of the southeastern U.S. for periods ranging from 18 to 83 months during the years 1977 through 1984. Rural ozone (O3) levels were found to equal or exceed urban values for the same region. The daily maximum 1-h average concentration was found to peak during the summer months, while the 24-h average concentrations were greatest in the spring. The annual cycle of daily maximum concentrations is related to the seasonal photochemical cycle. The annual cycle in 24-h average concentrations is best explained by the combined effects of the annual cycles in solar intensity and noctural O3 depletion. There was no indication that stratospheric intrusions exhibited a significant influence on the annual O3 cycles. Evidence was found for elevated O3 levels during touchdown of plumes from large power plants. No long-term trend in rural O3 concentrations, either daily maxima or means, was discernible.  相似文献   

The theoretical photostationary state relationship, k3[O3][NO]/k1[NO2] = 1, was tested in the free atmosphere using data obtained from a series of air mass trajectory experiments which were performed as part of the Sydney Oxidant Study. These data show that in general, the relationship was valid to within a factor of two for the Sydney airshed when three minute averaged concentration measurements were used. The effects of various averaging times upon the experimental photostationary state relationship arc discussed.  相似文献   

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