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Evidence shows that the current national primary ambient air quality standard, if attained, would still permit substantial injury to vegetation. Thus, in March 1987, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) began consideration of the evidence for the effects of ozone (O3) on vegetation, and of several possible state ambient air quality standards designed to protect vegetation, especially crops, from O3 injury. In its review, the CARB addressed a number of issues relevant to such a standard. One issue considered by the CARB is the relationship of an ambient air quality standard to natural background levels of O3, which would greatly influence the practicality of attainment. Attainment of a standard close to natural background could entail excessive costs. Another issue considered is the occurrence of oxidants other than O3 that can damage vegetation. Throughout much of California, O3 accounts for over 90% of the oxidant air pollutants, and the CARB considered whether, in keeping with current practice, O3 should be used as a surrogate for total oxidant air pollutants. A major new piece of information presented to the CARB was an assessment of the economic effects of several potential standards. This assessment, produced by University of California scientists at Riverside and Davis, calculated the benefits of the potential standards in comparison to current O3 levels and estimated natural O3 background. This assessment was developed using field chamber response data, local crop data, and local O3 concentration data as inputs to the California Agricultural Resources Model, which accounts for both supply and demand effects. Because of California's varied climate, agricultural production occurs on a year-round basis, with overlapping growing seasons for many crops. Over long periods of time, O3 levels may vary markedly because of the influence of various factors, and a 1-h standard may not be an accurate indicator of growing season O3 exposure. A moving three-month averaging time has been proposed as a way to approximate the growing seasons of California's 200 crops. However, a sufficiently stringent 1-h standard would serve as a surrogate for a growing season standard. The CARB reviewed evidence supporting both long-term and short-term standards. Agriculture dominates the economies of some regions within California but is a minor components of other regional economies. Because the San Joaquin Valley is California's most important agricultural area, the CARB reviewed evidence for a regional standard for this area that would be more stringent than standards for other parts of the state.  相似文献   

Sequential supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was performed in order to estimate desorption of PAHs from river floodplain soils which contain coal and coal-derived particles. Original soils, soils' light fractions (ρ < 2 g cm−3), and <63 μm fractions were studied for PAHs' desorption kinetics. Desorption data were successfully described using a two-site model. Desorption rate constants were one order of magnitude lower than those of “slow” and “very slow” desorption rates from other studies. This suggests very slow and extremely slow desorption. Estimated time scales releasing 99% of total extractable contaminants ranged from decades for 2-4-ring PAHs and hundreds of years for 5-6-ring PAHs. We demonstrate that, despite high soil PAH concentrations which are due to coal and coal-derived particles, the general environmental risk is reduced by the very slow and extremely slow desorption rates.  相似文献   

Determining the amount and rate of degradation of toxic pollutants in soil and groundwater is difficult and often requires invasive techniques, such as deploying extensive monitoring well networks. Even with these networks, degradation rates across entire systems cannot readily be extrapolated from the samples. When organic compounds are degraded by microbes, especially nitrifying bacteria, oxides or nitrogen (NOx) are released to the atmosphere. Thus, the flux of nitric oxide (NO) from the soil to the lower troposphere can be used to predict the rate at which organic compounds are degraded. By characterizing and applying biogenic and anthropogenic processes in soils the rates of degradation of organic compounds. Toluene was selected as a representative of toxic aromatic compounds, since it is inherently toxic, it is a substituted benzene compound and is listed as a hazardous air pollutant under Section 12 of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Measured toluene concentrations in soil, microbial population growth and NO fluxes in chamber studies were used to develop and parameterize a numerical model based on carbon and nitrogen cycling. These measurements, in turn, were used as indicators of bioremediation of air toxic (i.e. toluene) concentrations. The model found that chemical concentration, soil microbial abundance, and NO production can be directly related to the experimental results (significant at P < 0.01) for all toluene concentrations tested. This indicates that the model may prove useful in monitoring and predicting the fate of toxic aromatic contaminants in a complex soil system. It may also be useful in predicting the release of ozone precursors, such as changes in reservoirs of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. As such, the model may be a tool for decision makers in ozone non-attainment areas.  相似文献   

Modeling uptake kinetics of cadmium by field-grown lettuce   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cadmium uptake by field grown Romaine lettuce treated with P-fertilizers of different Cd levels was investigated over an entire growing season. Results indicated that the rate of Cd uptake at a given time of the season can be satisfactorily described by the Michaelis-Menten kinetics, that is, plant uptake increases as the Cd concentration in soil solution increases, and it gradually approaches a saturation level. However, the rate constant of the Michaelis-Menten kinetics changes over the growing season. Under a given soil Cd level, the cadmium content in plant tissue decreases exponentially with time. To account for the dynamic nature of Cd uptake, a kinetic model integrating the time factor was developed to simulate Cd plant uptake over the growing season: C Plant=C Solution.PUF max.exp[-b.t], where C Plant and C Solution refer to the Cd content in plant tissue and soil solution, respectively, PUF max and b are kinetic constants.  相似文献   

Large-scale dredging of contaminated sediments is taking place in the harbor of Oslo, Norway. The dredged sediment masses are transferred into a confined aquatic disposal facility (CAD) in a natural 70-m deep basin within the Oslofjord. Currently there is no established method to determine how much dissolved contaminants are released during relocation and deposition of these sediments. For this reason we tested the use of equilibrium passive samplers consisting of 55 microm thin polyoxymethylene (POM-55) for studying the release of freely dissolved and thus bioavailable PAHs and PCBs at the disposal site, and found this to be a suitable method. In order to use POM-55 for monitoring PCBs, it was necessary to measure their POM-55/water partition coefficients, which was also presented as part of this study. Elevated turbidity (average 4.1 mg l(-1)) was observed at one side of the basin where no natural sill exists. Analysis of POM-55 at this location before and after deposition revealed that there was an increase in freely dissolved concentrations (C(W,free)) during deposition by a factor 37.5 for PAHs and a factor of 2.9 for PCBs. In addition, during deposition phenanthrene-to-anthracene aqueous concentration ratios at this location (values of 3-4) were more similar to those of the deposited sediments (approximately 2) than to those of the CAD water prior to deposition (approximately 14). This was not observed for the other locations where a natural sill exists at approximately 30 m water depth. The POM-55 equilibrium passive samplers are here shown to be useful tools for measuring and understanding the dynamics involved in the release of dissolved contaminants during sediment relocation.  相似文献   

In this study the actual presence of the suspected endocrine disrupter Bisphenol A (BPA) in water systems was studied in the Netherlands. BPA was shown to be present in Dutch surface water at levels up to 330 ng/l, and one occasional observation of 21 microg/l. During the three sampling periods, 60-80% of the samples, most from marine and estuarine locations, contained BPA levels below the limit of quantification (14-40 ng/l). At a selected number of locations the presence of BPA in fish was studied, which showed that BPA varied from 2 to 75 ng/g in the liver and 1 to 11 ng/g in the muscle. Based on present measured concentrations in surface water and on literature derived toxicity data it was concluded that ecotoxicological effects nor estrogenic effects are likely to occur in the field situation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show the implementation of a modified version of MM5-CMAQ for carrying out an air quality impact analysis for installing an incinerator in the Basque Country model domain (Spain). The modified CMAQ model (EPA USA, 2004) includes Poly-Chlorinated Dibenzop-Dioxins and Dibenzo-Furans (dioxins and furans). This model represents their congeners as divided between gaseous and aerosol forms that exchange mass based on theoretical coefficients for gas to particle portioning. The emission model EMIMO – developed by UPM – has been adapted to incorporate the three metals and the benzo(a)pyrene according to the EMEP annual emission inventory. In addition, the PCDD/F EMEP emission inventory has been incorporated into the EMIMO model to produce proper 1 hr and 1 km × 1 km emission PCDD/F estimation. The emissions of the projected incinerator are incorporated by using the chimney technical parameters and the limit emission values (worst-case scenario) prescribed in the Directive/2000/76/CE.  相似文献   

An aircraft-based measurement campaign was conducted during the summer of 1996 in the vicinity of Toronto, Canada. The objective of the campaign was to assess the errors in a particular emission inventory used by three-dimensional air quality models. Measurements of NO2 and hydrocarbons were made both upwind and downwind of Toronto, on days with strong synoptic-scale flow from a west to northerly direction. The chemical composition of the background airmass on these days was typical of unpolluted continental air. Measurements have been compared with the output from an on-line air quality model (MC2-AQ) run at 5 km resolution and suggest that emissions of NOx from Toronto are well described in the emission database, though evidence that NOx emissions are underestimated for suburban regions surrounding Toronto was found. In general, no significant underestimation of hydrocarbon emissions was found, though emissions of the model propane species, which includes acetylene and benzene, was underestimated by at least a factor of two.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate an approach to characterize the spatial variability in ambient air concentrations using mobile platform measurements. This approach may be useful for air toxics assessments in Environmental Justice applications, epidemiological studies, and environmental health risk assessments. In this study, we developed and applied a method to characterize air toxics concentrations in urban areas using results of the recently conducted field study in Wilmington, DE. Mobile measurements were collected over a 4- x 4-km area of downtown Wilmington for three components: formaldehyde (representative of volatile organic compounds and also photochemically reactive pollutants), aerosol size distribution (representing fine particulate matter), and water-soluble hexavalent chromium (representative of toxic metals). These measurements were,used to construct spatial and temporal distributions of air toxics in the area that show a very strong temporal variability, both diurnally and seasonally. An analysis of spatial variability indicates that all pollutants varied significantly by location, which suggests potential impact of local sources. From the comparison with measurements at the central monitoring site, we conclude that formaldehyde and fine particulates show a positive correlation with temperature, which could also be the reason that photochemically generated formaldehyde and fine particulates over the study area correlate well with the fine particulate matter measured at the central site.  相似文献   

Physical properties, particle size distribution and chemical composition of the Arctic aerosol aloft have been studied to assess the origin of polluted layers of the Arctic air. Four measurement campaigns were made with the NILU aircraft during the period March 1983–JuIy 1984. Evidence of very long range transport of air masses to the Arctic is presented for summer and winter conditions. These polluted air masses are observed at higher altitudes (> 1.5 km). The layers of polluted air at lower altitudes are believed to be due to episodes of air mass transport from emission areas with a temperature similar to that in the Arctic in winter, and from local sources in summer. However, further aircraft measurements are needed to support these preliminary results.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate different techniques for assessing the availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil. This was done by comparing the amounts (total and relative) taken up by the earthworm Eisenia fetida with the amounts extracted by solid-phase microextraction (SPME), semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs), leaching with various solvent mixtures, leaching using additives, and sequential leaching. Bioconcentration factors of PAHs in the earthworms based on equilibrium partitioning theory resulted in poor correlations to observed values. This was most notable for PAHs with high concentrations in the studied soil. Evaluation by principal component analysis (PCA) showed distinct differences between the evaluated techniques and, generally, there were larger proportions of carcinogenic PAHs (4-6 fused rings) in the earthworms. These results suggest that it may be difficult to develop a chemical method that is capable of mimicking biological uptake, and thus estimating the bioavailability of PAHs.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been widely studied due to their presence in all the environmental media and toxicity to life. These molecules are strongly adsorbed on the particulate matters of soils, sludges or sediments because of their strong hydrophobicity which makes them less bioavailability, thus limiting their bioremediation. Different sludge treatment processes were tested to evaluate their performances for PAH removal from sludge prealably doped with 11 PAHs (5.5mg each PAH kg(-1) of dry matter (DM)): two biological processes (mesophilic aerobic digestion (MAD) and simultaneous sewage sludge digestion and metal leaching (METIX-BS)) were tested to evaluate PAH biodegradation in sewage sludge. In parallel, two chemical processes (quite similar Fenton processes: chemical metal leaching (METIX-AC) and chemical stabilization (STABIOX)) and one electrochemical process (electrochemical stabilization (ELECSTAB)) were tested to measure PAH removal by these oxidative processes. Moreover, PAH solubilisation from sludge by addition of a nonionic surfactant Tween 80 (Tw80) was also tested. The best yields of PAH removal were obtained by MAD and METIX-BS with more than 95% 3-ring PAH removal after a 21-day treatment period. Tw80 addition during MAD treatment increased 4-ring PAHs removal rate. In addition, more than 45% of 3-ring PAHs were removed from sludge by METIX-AC and during ELECSTAB process were quiet good with approximately 62% of 3-ring PAHs removal. However, little weaker removal of 3-ring PAHs (<35%) by STABIOX. None of the tested processes were efficient for the elimination of high molecular weight (> or = 5-ring) PAHs from sludge.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the elements aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium and zinc in liver, and of nickel in kidneys, were studied in reindeer, moose and sheep from South Varanger in eastern Finnmark and comparable districts in western Finnmark, Norway. The study included samples from 31 reindeer, 10 moose and 10 sheep from Jarfjord (South Varanger); 31 reindeer, 27 moose and 15 sheep from Pasvik (South Varanger); and 40 reindeer, 16 moose and 15 sheep from western Finnmark. Levels of arsenic, copper, nickel and selenium were much higher in reindeer from one or both areas in South Varanger than in reindeer from western Finnmark. Levels of chromium, cobalt and zinc were also significantly higher in South Varanger reindeer than in reindeer from the reference area. Within South Varanger the highest levels of these elements were invariably found in the Jarfjord area. For the other elements studied hepatic levels in South Varanger were similar to or lower than in western Finnmark. Also in moose, higher levels of nickel and of selenium (Jarfjord only) were found in the South Varanger samples than in samples from western Finnmark. In sheep, on the other hand, levels in South Varanger samples were similar to levels in western Finnmark for all the elements studied. Comparing the results with reports on pollution of air and vegetation, it was concluded that for all the elements showing higher levels in reindeer and moose from South Varanger compared to the reference areas, the effect most probably was a result of atmospheric transport of industrial pollution from the nearby Russian towns Nikel and Zapoljarnij. The geographical and interspecies differences within the South Varanger samples support this conclusion.  相似文献   

Neutral volatile and semi-volatile polyfluorinated organic compounds (PFC) and ionic perfluorinated compounds were determined in air samples collected at two sites in the vicinity of Hamburg, Germany, and onboard the German research vessel Atair during a cruise in the German Bight, North Sea, in early November 2007. PUF/XAD-2/PUF cartridges and glass fiber filters as sampling media were applied to collect several fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOH), fluorotelomer acrylates (FTA), perfluoroalkyl sulfonamides (FASA), and perfluoroalkyl sulfonamido ethanols (FASE) in the gas- and particle-phase as well as a set of perfluorinated carboxylates (PFCA) and sulfonates (PFSA) in the particle-phase. This study presents the distribution of PFC in ambient air of the German North Sea and in the vicinity of Hamburg for the first time. Average total PFC concentrations in and around Hamburg (180 pg m?3) were higher than those observed in the German Bight (80 pg m?3). In the German Bight, minimum–maximum gas-phase concentrations of 17–82 pg m?3 for ΣFTOH, 2.6–10 pg m?3 for ΣFTA, 10–15 pg m?3 for ΣFASA, and 2–4.4 pg m?3 for ΣFASE were determined. In the vicinity of Hamburg, minimum–maximum gas-phase concentrations of 32–204 pg m?3 for ΣFTOH, 3–26 pg m?3 for ΣFTA, 3–18 pg m?3 for ΣFASA, and 2–15 pg m?3 for ΣFASE were detected. Concentrations of perfluorinated acids were in the range of 1–11 pg m?3. FTOH clearly dominated the substance spectrum; 8:2 FTOH occurred in maximum proportions. Air mass back trajectories, cluster, and correlation analyses revealed that the air mass origin and thus medium to long range atmospheric transport was the governing parameter for the amount of PFC in ambient air. Southwesterly located source regions seemed to be responsible for elevated PFC concentrations, local sources appeared to be of minor importance.  相似文献   

The soil in a drained fjord area, reclaimed for arable farming, produced N2O mainly at 75–105 cm depth, just above the ground water level. Surface emissions of N2O were measured from discrete small areas by closed and open-flow chamber methods, using gas chromatographic analysis and over larger areas by integrative methods: flux gradient (analysis by FTIR), conditional sampling (analysis by TDLAS), and eddy covariance (analysis by TDLAS). The mean emission of N2O as determined by chamber procedures during a 9-day campaign was 162–202 μg N2ONm−2h−1 from a wheat stubble and 328–467 μg N2ONm−2 h−1 from a carrot field. The integrative approaches gave N2O emissions of 149–495 μg N2ONm−2 h−1, i.e. a range similar to those determined with the chamber methods. Wind direction affected the comparison of chamber and integrative methods because of patchiness of the N2O emission over the area. When a uniform area with a single type of vegetation had a dominant effect on the N2O gradient at the sampling mast, the temporal variation in N2O emission determined by the flux gradient/FTIR method and chamber methods was very similar, with differences of only 18% or less in mean N2O emission, well below the variation encountered with the chamber methods themselves. A detailed comparison of FTIR gradient and chamber data taking into account the precise emission footprint showed good agreement. It is concluded that there was no bias between the different approaches used to measure the N2O emission and that the precision of the measurements was determined by the spatial variability of the N2O emission at the site and the variability inherent in the individual techniques. These results confirm that measurements of N2O emissions from different ecosystems obtained by the different methods can be meaningfully compared.  相似文献   

This research consists of a laboratory study and a field study. The laboratory research reports the formation of NOx from a point to plane corona discharge. Discharge polarity and relative humidity determined the amount of NOx that was produced. The positive point discharge caused more NOx to form than the negative point discharge. For both polarities NOx production showed a nonlinear increase with current. Relative humidity enhanced the NOx formation for both polarities. In each case, the amount of NOx formed was comparable to the quantity of N2O produced from corona discharge. The research also reports the results from a field study that measured the amounts of 03 and NO2 produced by corona discharge during a thunderstorm. The study found that the ambient concentrations of 03 and NO2 increased several fold due to corona discharge and returned to original levels after the thunderstorm.  相似文献   

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