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Measurements of air pollutants from a background site in central London are analysed. These comprise hourly data for CO, NO, NO2, O3, SO2 and PM10 from 1996 to 2008 and particle number count from 2001 to 2008. The data are analysed in terms of long-term trends, annual, weekly and diurnal cycles, and autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions. CO, NO and NO2 show a typical traffic-associated pattern with two daily peaks and lesser concentrations at the weekend. Particle number count and PM10 show a similar cycle, but with smaller amplitude. Ozone has an annual cycle with a maximum in May, influenced by the spring maximum in background ozone, but the diurnal and weekly cycles are dominated by losses through reaction with nitric oxide. Particle number count shows a minimum corresponding with maximum air temperatures in August, whereas the CO, NO NO2 and SO2 show a minimum in June/July. There is a lower particle count to NOx ratio at the background site compared to a central London kerbside site (Marylebone Road) and a seasonal pattern in particle count to NOx and PM10 ratios consistent with loss of nanoparticles by evaporation during atmospheric transport. Sulphur dioxide peaks in the morning in summer, but at midday in winter consistent with emissions from elevated sources mixing down from aloft as the diurnal mixed layer deepens. Implications for epidemiological studies of air quality and health are discussed. Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide show clear downward trends over the measurement period, PM10 declines initially before levels stabilised, and ozone concentrations increased.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PAHs and PCDD/Fs were measured throughout one year, and PCBs during the second semester, at a rural site in a natural park representative of background pollution in central Italy; results were compared with simultaneous measurements performed at an urban site in Rome 60km away. Twenty-four daily samples were collected at each site by a high-volume PM(10) sampler from February 2000 to January 2001. After ultrasonic extraction and clean-up by TLC, samples were analysed by GC-MS. Mean concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP, as a marker of carcinogenic PAHs), summation operatorPCDD/Fs and summation operator64 PCBs in Rome were, respectively: 1.1ngm(-3), 65fgWHO-TEQm(-3), 553pgm(-3). The background concentrations were, respectively: 0.016ngm(-3), 3fgWHO-TEQm(-3), and 94pgm(-3). Hence, BaP, and the other PAHs, showed the highest urban-background gradient (two orders of magnitude) and PCBs the lowest. The background pollution levels of BaP and PCDD/Fs were in agreement with the few available background/remote measurements in Europe. In Rome PAHs and PCBs, but not PCDD/Fs, were clearly seasonal; the PCDD/F TEQ was moderately correlated with BaP (P<0.001). At the background site, the seasonality of PAHs was less marked, while it could not be assessed for PCDD/Fs and PCBs. The PCB TEQ accounted for 4% and 15% of total (PCDD/Fs+PCBs) TEQ at the urban and background site, respectively. Mean PM(10) concentration was 54microgm(-3) in Rome and 15microgm(-3) at the background site.  相似文献   

Observations of particle size distributions suggest that particles grow significantly just above the snow surface at a remote, Arctic site. Measurements were made at Summit, Greenland (71.38°N and 31.98°W) at approximately 3200 m above sea level. No new particle formation was observed locally, but growth of ultrafine particles was identified by continuous evolution of the geometric mean diameter (GMD) during four events. The duration of the growth during events was between 24 and 115 h, and calculated event-average growth rates (GR) were 0.09, 0.30, 0.27, and 0.18 nm h?1 during each event, respectively. Four-hour GR up to 0.96 nm h?1 were observed. Events occurred during below- and above-average temperatures and were independent of wind direction. Correlation analysis of hourly-calculated GR suggested that particle growth was limited by the availability of photochemically produced precursor gases. Sulfuric acid played a very minor role in particle growth, which was likely dominated by condensation of organic compounds, the source of which was presumably the snow surface. The role of boundary layer dynamics is not definite, although some mixing at the surface is necessary for the observation of particle growth. Due to the potentially large geographic extent of events, observations described here may provide a link between long-range transport of mid-latitude pollutants and climate regulation in the remote Arctic.  相似文献   

The particle formation and growth events observed at a semirural background site in Denmark were analyzed based on particle number size distribution data collected during the period from February 2005 to December 2010. The new particle formation (NPF) events have been classified visually in detail according to 3D daily plots in combination with an automatic routine. A clear seasonal variation was found in the way that events occurred more frequently during the warm season from May to September and especially in June. The mean values of the apparent 6 nm particle formation rates, the growth rate and the condensation sink were about 0.36 cm?3 s?1, 2.6 nm h?1, 4.3?×?10?3 s?1, respectively. A positive relationship of oxidation capacity (OX?=?O3?+?NO2) of the atmosphere and the appearance of NPF events was found indicating that the oxidation of the atmosphere was linked to the formation of new particles. An analysis of a 3-day backward trajectories revealed that NW air masses from the North Sea were giving the highest probability of NPF events, namely between 20 and 40 %.  相似文献   

Mixing ratios for NO and NO2 were measured during 1980/1981 at Deuselbach, a rural site in Germany. The data are analyzed with regard to the occurrence of nocturnal NO signals and their origins. Anthropogenic influences arising from road traffic and home heating activities are identified by their dependence on wind direction. An additional non-directional component is found to exist. It shows up most frequently in summer and when it occurs, the NO mixing ratio increases with rising temperature indicating a biological origin of night-time NO. The temporal behavior of night-time NO is usually correlated with that of CO2 but anticorrelated to that of O3. This shows that NO is brought upwards to the air intake of the NOx monitor from lower levels and that the source of the non-directional component of nocturnal NO is the earth's surface. The release of NO from soils is known from other work and this process is probably also responsible for the present observations. A flux estimate agrees with soil fluxes reported by other authors. The accumulation of NO in the surface air layer under stagnant conditions leads to the appearance of a morning peak of NO after sunrise when increased vertical mixing brings NO rich air up to the monitoring level. During summer, the morning peak may override the NO peak expected to occur at noon due to the photodissociation of NO2.  相似文献   

Deokjeok Island is located off the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and is a suitable place to monitor the long-range transport of air pollutants from the Asian continent. In addition to pollutants, Asian dust particles are also transported to the island during long-range transport events. Episodic transport of dust and secondary particles was observed during intensive measurements in the spring (March 31-April 11) and fall (October 13-26) of 2009. In this study, the chemical characteristics of long-range-transported particles were investigated based on highly time-resolved ionic measurements with a particle-into-liquid system coupled with an online ion chromatograph (PILS-IC) that simultaneously measures concentrations of cations (Li+, Na , NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and anions (F-, C1-, NO3-, SO42-). The aerosol optical thickness (AOT) distribution retrieved by the modified Bremen Aerosol Retrieval (M-BAER) algorithm from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data confirmed the presence of a thick aerosol plume coming from the Asian continent towards the Korean peninsula. Seven distinctive events involving the long-range transport (LRT) of aerosols were identified and studied, the chemical components of which were strongly related to sector sources. Enrichment of acidic secondary aerosols on mineral dust particles, and even of sea-salt components, during transport was observed in this study. Backward trajectory, chemical analyses, and satellite aerosol retrievals identified two distinct events: a distinctively high [Ca2++Mg2]/[Na+] ratio (>2.0), which was indicative of a preprocessed mineral dust transport event, and a low [Ca2++Mg2+]/[Na+] ratio (<2.0), which was indicative of severe aging of sea-salt components on the processed dust particles. Particulate C1- was depleted by up to 85% in spring and 50% in the fall. A consistent fraction of carbonate replacement (FCR) averaged 0.53 in spring and 0.55 in the fall. Supporting evidences of C1- enrichment on the marine boundary layer prior to a dust front were also found. Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association for sector and air mass classifications of clean and LRT cases.  相似文献   

Assessing the effects of air quality on public health and the environment requires reliable measurement of PM2.5 mass and its chemical components. This study seeks to evaluate PM2.5 measurements that are part of a newly established national network by comparing them with more versatile sampling systems. Experiments were carried out during 2002 at a suburban site in Maryland, United States, where two samplers from the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Speciation Trends Network: Met One Speciation Air Sampling System—STNS and Thermo Scientific Reference Ambient Air Sampler—STNR, two Desert Research Institute Sequential Filter Samplers—DRIF, and a continuous TEOM monitor (Thermo Scientific Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance, 1400a) sampled air in parallel. These monitors differ not only in sampling configuration but also in protocol-specific laboratory analysis procedures. Measurements of PM2.5 mass and major contributing species (i.e., sulfate, ammonium, organic carbon, and total carbon) were well correlated among the different methods with r-values >0.8. Despite the good correlations, daily concentrations of PM2.5 mass and major contributing species were significantly different at the 95% confidence level from 5% to 100% of the time. Larger values of PM2.5 mass and individual species were generally reported from STNR and STNS. These differences can only be partially accounted for by known random errors. Variations in flow design, face velocity, and sampling artifacts possibly influenced the measurement of PM2.5 speciation and mass closure. Statistical tests indicate that the current uncertainty estimates used in the STN and DRI network may underestimate the actual uncertainty.  相似文献   

This study applies a methodology for discriminating local and external contributions of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) at a rural background station in the North-western coast of Spain. The main inputs at the nearest scale have come from soil dust, marine aerosol and road traffic. At a larger scale, the highest contributions have come from fossil-fuel combustion sources, giving rise to relatively high ammonium sulphate background levels, mainly in summer. External contributions from long-range transport processes of African dust and nitrate have been detected. Morocco and Western Sahara have been identified as the main potential source regions of African dust, with a higher content of Al and Ti than other crustal components. Geographical areas from central and Eastern Europe have been identified as potential sources of particulate nitrate. The discrimination of the PM contribution from natural and anthropogenic sources at different geographical scales is a necessary information for establishing PM reduction strategies in specific areas.  相似文献   

The conditional time averaged gradient method was used to measure air-surface exchange of nitrogen and sulphur compounds at a semi-alpine site in Southern Norway. Dry deposition velocities were then obtained from the bi-weekly concentration gradient measurements. Annual deposition velocities were found to be 1.4, 11.8 and 4.0 mm s(-1) for NH3, HNO3 and SO2, respectively, if all data were included, and to be 10.8, 11.8 and 13.0 mm s(-1), respectively, if only positive values were included. Measured deposition velocities were compared to two sets of values estimated from a big-leaf dry deposition module applying to two different land types (short grass and forbs, and tundra), driven by measured micrometeorological parameters. The deposition module gives reasonable values for this site throughout the year, but does not reproduce the large variability as shown in the measured data. No apparent seasonal variations were found from either measurements or module estimates due to the very low productivity of the studied area.  相似文献   

Ammonia, nitric acid, sulfur dioxide and particles in two size ranges were collected at a rural site in northeastern U.S. in January–March 1984. Ammonia was collected with an oxalic acid coated denuder, all other components were collected on filters. The concentrations of ammonia ranged between 0.0 and 0.5 ppbv, nitric acid: 0.1 and 2.3 ppbv and sulfur dioxide: 1 and 52 ppbv. Ammonium and sulfate in the fine particles were highly correlated, the regression line indicated that the most abundant compound was ammonium sulphate. The content of free hydronium ions in the fine particles was well below the ammonium content. No correlation between NH3 and NH+4, HNO3 and NO3 SO3 and SO−24 could be observed.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the elemental characterization of fine and coarse particles collected at a coastal site of southwestern Italy, in a suburban area of the Calabria region. A chemical tracer analysis was carried out to identify the major emission sources influencing on the atmospheric aerosol levels. Size-resolved particulate samples were collected during three 2-week seasonal sampling campaigns: autumn (19 October to 2 November 2003), winter (19 January to 2 February 2004) and spring (26 April to 10 May 2004). Ambient concentrations of selected elements (Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, V, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cd) associated to fine and coarse size fractions were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The enrichment factor method was applied, suggesting a prevailing anthropogenic component for all the detected elements, with Fe, Mg, Mn, and Ca as exceptions. Trajectory sector analysis was used in order to discriminate the influence of different air mass origins and paths. Long-range transport from both the continental Europe and the Saharan region proved to be the main influencing factors. African dust outbreaks, whose occurrence frequency was greater during the autumn and spring seasonal monitoring periods, gave rise to a total of eight exceedances of the European Commission (EC) PM10 daily limit value as well as an increase in values of the crustal-derived elements (Fe, Mg, and Ca). Long-range transport from the heavily industrialized area of Central/Eastern Europe contributed to the high levels of Zn, Cd, and Pb that were recorded during the winter sampling campaign. Seasonal trend and comparison with measurements previously performed across the Mediterranean basin were also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Simultaneous observations (2014–2017) of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) are made over a high-altitude site (Nainital,...  相似文献   

The total suspended particle (TSP) concentration, dry deposition and wind speed were measured with a PS-1 sampler, a dry deposition plate and a Weather Monitor II (#7440), respectively, at the Experimental Farm of Thunghai University in Taiwan. Taiching Industrial Park, Taichung Cong Road (traffic) and a hospital incinerator are close to the sampling site. The sampling time was from August 2001 to December 2001. The average dry deposition flux, the TSP concentration, dry deposition velocities, average wind speed and maximum wind speed were recorded as 617.7 ± 281.4 mg/day/m2, 117.5 ± 17.6 μg/m3, 5.9 ± 2.2 cm/s, 2.7 ± 1.3 m/s and 7.6 ± 2.3 m/s, respectively, at this sampling site. Good correlation coefficients (R) of the TSP concentration and the dry deposition flux with wind speed were found, with values of 0.46 and 0.50, respectively. The concentrations and dry deposition of the total metallic elements were also obtained. The results indicated that the concentrations of anthropogenic elements (Pb, Mn, Cd, Ni, Cr and Zn) were mostly higher than those obtained in other studies around the world. The average dry deposition fluxes and TSP concentrations for Zn and Pb were 0.45 and 0.42, respectively. The same phenomenon was also observed for Fe and Mg (R = 0.59 and 0.65). The results indicate that these elements were all coming from the same emission sources at the farm sampling site.  相似文献   

The results of a study using epiphytic lichens (Parmelia caperata) as sentinels for heavy metal deposition at six selected forest ecosystems of central Italy are reported. The woods investigated are characterized by holm oak (Quercus ilex), turkey oak (Quercus cerris) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) and represent the typical forest ecosystems of central Italy at low, medium and high elevations, respectively. The results showed that levels of heavy metals in lichens were relatively low and consequently no risk of heavy metal air pollution is expected for the six forest ecosystems investigated. However, for two of them there are indications of a potential risk: the beech forest of Vallombrosa showed signs of contamination by Pb as a consequence of vehicle traffic due to the rather high touristic pressure in the area, and the holm oak forest of Cala Violina showed transboundary pollution by Mn, Cr and Ni originating from the steel industry in Piombino. Epiphytic lichens proved to be very effective as an early warning system to detect signs of a changing environment at forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Huang J  Liu CK  Huang CS  Fang GC 《Chemosphere》2012,87(5):579-585
Total gaseous mercury (Hg) (TGM), gaseous oxidized Hg (GOM), and particulate-bound Hg (PBM) concentrations and dry depositions were measured at an urban site in central Taiwan. The concentrations were 6.14 ± 3.91 ng m−3, 332 ± 153, and 71.1 ± 46.1 pg m−3, respectively. These results demonstrate high Hg pollution at the ground level in Taiwan. A back trajectory plot shows the sources of the high TGM concentration were in the low atmosphere (<500 m) and approximately 50% of the air masses coming from upper troposphere (>500 m) were associated with low TGM concentrations. This finding implies that Hg is trapped in the low atmosphere and comes from local Hg emission sources. The conditional probability function (CPF) reveals that the plumes of high TGM concentrations come from the south and northwest of the site. The plume from the south comes from two municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs). However, no significant Hg point source is located to the northwest of the site; therefore, the plumes from the northwest are hypothesized to be related to the combustion of agricultural waste. Dry deposition fluxes of Hg measured at this site considerably exceeded those measured in North America. Overall, this area is regarded as a highly Hg contaminated area because of local Hg emission sources.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of continuous measurements of trace atmospheric gases and aerosol composition made at the summit of Whiteface Mountain, New York, for 28 days in July 1982. The gas phase species NO, NOx ( = NO + NO2 + PAN), HNO3, SO2 and NH3 were measured, as well as aerosol SO42−, NO3, H+ and NH4+. Mean and median NOx concentrations were 1.1 and 1.0 ppb, respectively, with maximum and minimum values of 3.2 and 0.3 ppb. HNO3 concentrations were variable, occasionally exceeding the simultaneously measured NOx levels. Mean and median SO2 were 0.8 and 0.3 ppb, with concentrations up to 12 ppb in pollution episodes. Mean and median NH3 were both 2.2 ppb. Monthly mean SO42− was 5.3 μg m−3, with values in clean air of about 1.5 μg m−3, and in polluted air up to 80 μg m−3. Trajectory calculations indicate that episodes of high pollutant concentrations occur in air masses arriving at Whiteface from the southwest. These episodes contributed most of the SO42−, HNO3 and aerosol acidity, and about half the SO2 and NOx to which the site was exposed during the measurement period. Limited comparisons of air chemistry data with the composition of cloudwater collected during the program are also presented.  相似文献   

A receptor model for predicting future PM10 concentrations has been developed within the framework of the UK Airborne Particles Expert Group and applied during the recently completed review of the UK National Air Quality Strategy. The model uses a combination of measured PM10, oxides of nitrogen and particulate sulphate concentrations to provide daily estimates of the contributions to total particle concentrations from primary combustion, secondary and other (generally coarse) particle sources. Projections of past and future concentrations of PM10 are estimated by applying appropriate reductions to the current concentrations of the three components based on an understanding of the likely impact of current policies on future levels. Projections have been derived from 1996, 1997 and 1998 monitoring data and compared with UK national air quality objectives and European Union limit values. One of the key uncertainties within the receptor modelling method is the assignment of the residual PM10, remaining after the assignment of primary combustion and secondary particle contributions, to the ‘other’ particle fraction. An examination of the difference between measured PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations confirms our assignment of the bulk of this residual to coarse particles. Projections based on 1996 monitoring data are the highest and those based on 1998 monitoring data are the lowest. Whilst there is considerable difference between these projections they are consistent with measured concentrations for previous years. All three projections suggest that with current agreed policies the EU annual mean limit value will be achieved. The 24-h mean limit value is projected to be achievable when projections are derived from 1997 and 1998 data, but not from 1996 data. All three projections suggest that with current agreed policies the central London site will not achieve the provisional 1997 UK National Air Quality Strategy objective.  相似文献   

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