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Atmospheric Aluminum measured in northern Taiwan from 2003 to 2006 is used as a dust tracer, from which dust concentrations are derived, and major Asian dust events are determined. The source locations for the major dust events are traced back and identified, and the processes leading to the southeastward transport of Asian dust is investigated. The derived dust concentrations are compared to the local PM10 (particle with size less than 10 μm) concentrations, and the impacts of Asian dust on the air quality of Taiwan are quantified.According to the backward trajectory and dust observation analyses, most of the southeastward transport of major Asian dust events originate from Mongolia and Inner Mongolia in northern China, and only one out of 16 events is generated from western China. Modeling studies and weather analyses of dust events suggest that the southeastward transport of Asian dust is usually generated behind a surface front and transported downwind behind the associated upper level trough. The associated upper level trough is usually deep, in which the northwesterly wind behind the trough favors the southeastward transport of dust to lower latitudes. Dust transported to Taipei generally occur during periods of large-scale subsidence.Asian dust contributes about 15 μg m?3 of aerosol particles to northern Taiwan during winter monsoon, which accounts for about 24–30% of the PM10 concentrations to the northern Taiwan. The contributions of Asian dust are raised pronouncedly to about 60–70% during major dust events. The impacts of Asian dust on Taiwan's air quality are most substantial in December. The Asian dust impacts decrease in other months, but still remain at around 30% in the late winter to early spring.  相似文献   

Kim KH  Kim MY 《Chemosphere》2003,51(8):707-721
The concentrations of three different fractions of particulate matter (PM) including PM2.5, PM10, and TSP were determined concurrently during March-May 2001. Measurements of three PM fractions were made at hourly intervals from four different observatory sites located within the city boundary of Seoul. On the basis of this study, we attempted to describe relationships between the occurrences of the Asian Dust (AD) event and its influences on the PM distribution characteristics. The results of our study demonstrated distinct differences between concentrations of PM fractions at AD and non-AD (NAD) periods. The increase of PM observed during the AD episode appeared to be dominated by the coarse, rather than fine, fraction of PM. In addition, it was found that TSP/PM10 ratios were almost constant, while the coarse/fine or TSP/PM2.5 ratios changed noticeably between AD and NAD periods. In most cases, differences in environmental conditions between AD and NAD periods were prominent and proven to be statistically significant. Moreover, the regression relationships between PM and N-oxides indicate that the source processes governing PM levels between the AD and NAD period can be different. The overall results of our analysis were hence helpful enough to distinguish competing processes in AD and NAD periods, while suggesting indirectly the possible control of different source processes on PM fractionation.  相似文献   

Aerosol particles were collected for 1 year, starting in April 2003, in rural areas of Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan to understand the role of Asian dust as a long-range transporter of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Three sampling intervals were designated in this study, namely: (1) Dust period 1 (March 11–19, 2003); (2) Dust period 2 (March 28, 2003–April 9, 2003); and (3) Dust period 3 (April 9, 2004–April 25, 2004). The Asian dust particles are predominantly in the coarse particle size range (2.1–11 μm). PAH analyses were performed separately on both the coarse and fine (<1.1 μm) particle ranges. Seasonal trends in PAH concentrations for coarse and fine particles showed that the Asian dust particles in Dust period 3 contained significant amounts of less-volatile PAHs such as benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and benzo[g,h,i]perylene (BghiP). A kinetic model developed in this study shows that almost none of these PAHs would be accumulated on Asian dust particles in the atmosphere, due to their extremely slow adsorption rates. These PAHs would have to originate from PAH-polluted soil particles around industrialized areas. Back trajectory analyses suggest that the Asian dust in Dust period 3 came from loess regions around industrialized areas. This indicates that geologic materials play a significant role in the atmospheric circulation of PAHs.  相似文献   

A Mt. Geladaindong (GL) ice core was recovered from the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) spanning the period 1940–2005 AD. High-resolution major ion (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, SO42?, NO3?) time-series are used to investigate variations in atmospheric dust loading through time. The crustal source ions vary seasonally with peaks in dust concentrations occurring during the winter and spring which are consistent with atmospheric dust observations at local meteorological stations. However, both similarities and dissimilarities are displayed between the decadal variation of atmospheric dust in the GL core and dust observation records from meteorological stations, which can be attributed to local environmental effects at the stations. This paper compares the 1980s and 1970s as case periods for low and high atmospheric dust loading, respectively, two periods reflecting shifts in spring atmospheric circulation (a weakening of zonal and meridional winds) from the 1970s (a period of enhanced dust aerosol transportation to central TP) to the 1980s (a period of diminished dust aerosol transportation to central TP), especially a significant decrease of meridional wind speeds in the 1980s. GL ice core dust proxies (Ca2+ and K+) are correlated with Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index (AI) data in spring over the TP and in the northwestern China (especially for K+). Thus variability of crustal ions in central TP ice core provides a proxy for reconstructing a history of atmospheric dust loading not only on the TP, but also in northwestern China.  相似文献   

To better understand the current physical and chemical properties of East Asian aerosols, an intensive observation of atmospheric particles was conducted at Gosan site, Jeju Island, South Korea during 2005 spring. Total suspended particle (TSP) samples were collected using pre-combusted quartz filters and a high-volume air sampler with the time intervals ranging from 3 h to 48 h. The kinds and amount of various organic compounds were measured in the samples using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Among the 99 target compounds detected, saccharides (average, 130 ± 14 ng m?3), fatty acids (73 ± 7 ng m?3), alcohols (41 ± 4 ng m?3), n-alkanes (32 ± 3 ng m?3), and phthalates (21 ± 2 ng m?3) were found to be major compound classes with polyols/polyacids, lignin and resin products, PAHs, sterols and aromatic acids being minor. Compared to the previous results reported for 2001 late spring samples, no significant changes were found in the levels of their concentrations and compositions for 4 years, although the economy in East Asia, especially in China, has sharply expanded from 2001 to 2005. During the campaign at Gosan site, we encountered two distinct dust storm episodes with high TSP concentrations. The first dust event occurred on March 28, which was characterized by a predominance of secondary organic aerosols. The second event that occurred on the next day (March 29) was found to be characterized by primary organic aerosols associated with forest fires in Siberia/northeastern China. A significant variation in the molecular compositions, which was found within a day, suggests that the compositions of East Asian aerosols are heterogeneous due to multi-contributions from different source regions together with different pathways of long-range atmospheric transport of particles.  相似文献   

In order to understand the influence of dust and anthropogenic pollution aerosols on regional climate in East Asia, we analyzed the aerosol optical, chemical and physical properties for two cases with high aerosol loading and assessed the radiative forcing of these cases. The 1st case study is a heavy dust episode (DE) in April (during ACE-Asia) 2001 and the 2nd case is a regional-scale pollution event in November 2001. The Ångström exponent (Å) for DE was 0.38 from sunphotometer measurements. The mean single scattering albedo (550 nm) at the surface reported during the pollution episode (PE, 0.88) was lower than that of DE (0.91). The concentrations of organic (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) measured during the PE were about 90% and 30% higher than DE. The aerosol mass scattering efficiency (αs) of PE is a factor of about 2 higher than that of the DE. The difference in the mass absorption efficiency (αa) of EC during DE and PE is small and within the measurement uncertainty. The diurnally averaged aerosol radiative forcing efficiency (ΔDFE, W m−2 τ1) during DE is similar to results of other studies at Gosan.  相似文献   

As a part of the effort to understand the structure of long-range transported aerosol plumes and local pollution, aerosol observations monitored the mass concentrations and number-size distributions during the period August 2006 to July 2009 near the top of Mt. Haruna (1365 m), an isolated mountain in the Kanto Plain in Japan. The mass concentrations observed at Mt. Haruna and plain sites showed a seasonal variation with a maximum in spring and summer, respectively. The spring peaks in aerosols at Mt. Haruna were probably caused by long-range transport of mineral dust and anthropogenic particles from the Asian continent. The summer peaks at the plain sites was attributed to local pollution from the Tokyo metropolitan area. Three examples of 2007 Asian dust events were investigated to show that aerosols may be dispersed in a complicated three-dimensional structure and that delayed arrivals of the dust plumes at plain sites compared to Mt. Haruna were not a rare case. Because of the boundary layer being stable at night, the dust layer was advected eastward without the vertical mixing before sunrise. This study suggests that after thermal convection activated by sunlight during daytime Asian dust transported in the free troposphere may be brought down into the atmospheric boundary layer, increasing the dust concentration there.  相似文献   

To study the mixing and transformation of Asian dust with pollution in the two dust storms over the northern China in 2006, both TSP and PM2.5 samples were collected at three sites of northern China in addition to the dry deposition samples collected in an episode in Beijing. 23 elements, 15 ions, and 16 PAHs in each sample were analyzed. The two dust storms in northern China were observed in April 8–10 (DS1) and April 16–18 (DS2). Compared to DS2, DS1 was weaker and more polluted with stronger mixing between crustal and pollutant aerosols during their long-range transport. The concentrations of pollution species, e.g. pollution elements, ions, and PAHs were higher in DS1 than that in DS2, while the crustal species showed adverse variation. The correlation between chemical species and Al and between PAH(4) and PAH(5,6) further confirmed the stronger chemical transformation and aerosol mixing in DS1 than that in DS2. Back trajectory and chemical analysis revealed that in DS1 the air masses at Beijing were mostly from southern or southwestern direction at lower altitude with much more pollution, while in DS2 the air masses were mostly from the northwestern and northern direction with dust mainly, which explained why there was a stronger mixing of dust with pollution aerosol in DS1 than that in DS2 over Beijing.  相似文献   

PCDDs, PCDFs, and dioxin like PCBs (dioxin) surveillance results derived from regular environmental monitoring as well as other dioxin surveys by national and local governmental bodies in Japan were collected and analyzed. Several thousand data for air and soil in fiscal year 2001 (from 01/04/2001 to 31/03/2002) and 2002, water (from the sea, rivers and lakes), sediment (from the sea, rivers and lakes), ground water, aquatic organisms, purified water from water purification plants, raw water from water purification plants, human breast milk, and human blood in fiscal 2001, and total diet study (TDS) and various kinds of foodstuff in fiscal 1998-2002 were collected. Average human uptake of dioxin in Japan in fiscal 2001 was estimated at 1.68 pg-TEQ/kg-bw/day, while uptake in fiscal 2002 was estimated at 1.52 pg-TEQ/kg-bw/day. Diet accounted for more than 90% of the total intake. Contributions of inhalation and soil ingestion were relatively small. Age-group-specific contribution of various foodstuff to total dietary intake was also estimated. The estimates of intake through fish and shellfish accounted for approximately 45-70% of total dietary intake in each age group. Monte Carlo simulation was conducted, using the data of the air and soil concentrations in fiscal 2001 and the total diet study data in fiscal 1998-2001, in order to obtain information on the variability of dioxin intake; The estimated average, median, 5th percentile and 95th percentile of the intake distribution were 1.78, 1.69, 0.95 and 2.91 pg-TEQ/kg-bw/day, respectively. This study found that the average total intake estimates in Japan in both fiscal 2001 and 2002 were estimated to be below tolerable daily intake level (TDI) defined by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan (i.e. 4 pg-TEQ/kg-bw/day). The 95th percentile of the dioxin intake distributions estimated with Monte Carlo simulation using the data of the air and soil concentrations in fiscal 2001 and TDS data in fiscal 1998-2001 was also below the Japanese TDI.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the role of Saharan dust advection in the exceeding of the PM10 thresholds in the city of Rome, Italy. To this purpose, a series of observations and model forecasts recorded in the year 2001 are analysed and discussed. Lidar profiles collected over 168 days of the year are employed to both assess the presence and magnitude of Saharan dust layers over the city and to evaluate the depth of the planetary boundary layer. Backtrajectories are used to verify the Saharan origin of the lidar-sounded air masses. Model predictions of the presence of Saharan dust over the area are employed to fill the time gaps between lidar observations. PM10 and carbon monoxide records of both a city background (Villa Ada) and a heavy traffic station (Magna Grecia) are cross-analysed with the dust events record and meteorological data. The analysis shows that: (1) Saharan dust was advected over Rome on about 30% of the days of 2001; (2) mean contribution of Saharan dust transport events to daily PM10 levels was of the order of 20 μg m−3; (3) at the urban background station of Villa Ada, the Saharan contribution caused the surpassing of the maximum number of days in excess of 50 μg m−3 fixed by the current legislation (35 per year). Conversely, at the heavy traffic station of Magna Grecia the Saharan contribution was not determinant at causing the observed large exceeding of that limit, as well as of the maximum yearly average of 40 μg m−3; (4) 25% of the Saharan advection days (of the order of 100/year at Rome) led to a PM10 increase >30 μg m−3, 4% caused an increase >50 μg m−3, thus leading on their own to surpassing the 50 μg m−3 daily limit.  相似文献   

Dry and wet depositions were sampled daily in Tsukuba, Japan, in spring 2007. Temporal variations in the dry and wet deposition fluxes of dust and water-soluble chemical species were controlled largely by air mass origin, the water vapor mixing ratio, and Asian dust events. The contribution of local sources to dry deposition of dust was large when the wind speed was high. Dry deposition fluxes of water-soluble chemical species were larger in humid air masses than in dry air masses. Wet deposition fluxes of dust and water-soluble chemical species indicated that air masses that passed over dust source regions and industrial regions became mixed with the maritime air masses over the coastal site of the Asian continent and western part of the Japanese islands. The total deposition of dust was 4220 mg m?2 month?1, and that of water-soluble chemical species ranged from 10 to 636 mg m?2 month?1. Wet deposition fluxes of the total deposition flux of dust accounted for 72% and those of water-soluble chemical species was for 72–96%. In particular, the largest wet deposition occurred during a single Asian dust event on 3 April. This event accounted for 23% (950 mg m?2 month?1) of the monthly dust deposition flux and for 2–28% (0.43–51 mg m?2 month?1) of the monthly deposition flux of water-soluble chemical species. This result implies that the wet deposition flux associated with even one sporadic Asian dust event can have extensive impacts on both terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems in East Asia.  相似文献   

Shon ZH  Kim KH  Bower KN  Lee G  Kim J 《Chemosphere》2004,55(8):1127-1142
In this study, we examined the influence of the long-range transport of dust particles and air pollutants on the photochemistry of OH and NO3 on Jeju Island, Korea (33.17 degrees N, 126.10 degrees E) during the Asian-dust-storm (ADS) period of April 2001. Three ADS events were observed during the periods of April 10-12, 13-14, and 25-26. Average concentration levels of daytime OH and nighttime NO3 on Jeju Island during the ADS period were estimated to be about 1x10(6) and 2x10(8) moleculescm(-3) ( approximately 9 pptv), respectively. OH levels during the ADS period were lower than those during the non-Asian-dust-storm (NADS) period by a factor of 1.5. This was likely to result from higher CO levels and the significant loading of dust particles, reducing the photolysis frequencies of ozone. Decreases in NO3 levels during the ADS period was likely to be determined mainly by the enhancement of the N2O5 heterogeneous reaction on dust aerosol surfaces. Averaged over 24 h, the reaction between HO2 and NO was the most important source of OH during the study period, followed by ozone photolysis, which contributed more than 95% of the total source. The reactions with CO, NO2, and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) during the study period were major sinks for OH. The reaction of N2O5 on aerosol surfaces was a more important sink for nighttime NO3 during the ADS due to the significant loading of dust particles. The reaction of NO3 with NMHCs and the gas-phase reaction of N2O5 with water vapor were both significant loss mechanisms during the study period, especially during the NADS. However, dry deposition of these oxidized nitrogen species and a heterogeneous reaction of NO3 were of no importance.  相似文献   

We found a significant geographic gradient (longitudinal and latitudinal) in the sulfate (SO42?) concentrations measured at multiple sites over the East Asian Pacific Rim region. Furthermore, the observed gradient was well reproduced by a regional chemical transport model. The observed and modeled SO42? concentrations were higher at the sites closer to the Asian continent. The concentrations of SO42? from China as calculated by the model also showed the fundamental features of the longitudinal/latitudinal gradient. The proportional contribution of Chinese SO42? to the total in Japan throughout the year was above 50–70% in the control case, using data for Chinese sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission from the Regional Emission Inventory in Asia (40–60% in the low Chinese emissions case, using Chinese SO2 emissions data from the State Environmental Protection Administration of China), with a winter maximum of approximately 65–80%, although the actual concentrations of SO42? from China were highest in summer. The multiple-site measurements and the model analysis strongly suggest that the SO42? concentrations in Japan were influenced by the outflow from the Asian continent, and this influence was greatest in the areas closer to the Asian continent. In contrast, we found no longitudinal/latitudinal gradient in SO2 concentrations; instead SO2 concentrations were significantly correlated with local SO2 emissions. Our results show that large amounts of particulate sulfate are transported over long distances from the East Asian Pacific Rim region, and consequently the SO42? concentrations in Japan are controlled by the transboundary outflow from the Asian continent.  相似文献   

We report a newly developed provenance-tracing method by using a combination of electron spin resonance (ESR) signal intensity of the E1′ center in quartz and crystallinity index (CI) of quartz, which reflect the formation age and crystallization conditions of quartz in their source rocks, respectively. ESR signal intensity and CI were determined for quartz in fine silt plus clay fraction (<16 μm) of 38 surface samples from nine Gobi and sandy deserts in north China and south Mongolia. Variations in ESR signal intensity and CI are minor within each desert, suggesting that fine-grained quartz in each desert is nearly homogeneous. Differences in ESR signal intensity and CI among the nine Gobi and sandy deserts are significant and, therefore, a combination of these two parameters can be used to effectively differentiate the nine Gobi and sandy deserts in East Asia. Spatial differences in these two parameters suggest that fine silt to clay-sized quartz in these deserts is heterogeneous and derived mainly from the nearby high-altitude mountains in East Asia.  相似文献   

Carbonaceous aerosol concentrations were determined for total suspended particle samples collected from Muztagh Ata Mountain in western China from December 2003 to February 2006. Elemental carbon (EC) varied from 0.004 to 0.174 μg m?3 (average = 0.055 μg m?3) while organic carbon (OC) ranged from 0.12 to 2.17 μg m?3 and carbonate carbon (CC) from below detection to 3.57 μg m?3. Overall, EC was the least abundant fraction of carbonaceous species, and the EC concentrations approached those in some remote polar areas, possibly representing a regional background. Low EC and OC concentrations occurred in winter and spring while high CC in spring and summer was presumably due to dust from the Taklimakan desert, China. OC/EC ratios averaged 10.0, and strong correlations between OC and EC in spring–winter suggest their cycles are coupled, but lower correlations in summer–autumn suggest influences from biogenic OC emissions and secondary OC formation. Trajectory analyses indicate that air transported from outside of China brings ~0.05 μg m?3 EC, ~0.42 μg m?3 OC, and ~0.10 μg m?3 CC to the site, with higher levels coming from inside China. The observed EC was within the range of loadings estimated from a glacial ice core, and implications of EC-induced warming for regional climate and glacial ice dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

How do climate fluctuations affect DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) distribution in the global scale? In this study, the interactions between climate variations and depositions of DDT and HCH in ice cores from Mt. Everest (the Tibetan Plateau), Mt. Muztagata (the eastern Pamirs) and the Rocky Mountains were investigated. All data regarding DDT/HCH deposition were obtained from the published results. Concentrations of DDT and HCH in an ice core from Mt. Everest were associated with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation. Concentrations of DDT in an ice core from Mt. Muztagata were significantly correlated with the Siberia High pattern. Concentrations of HCH in an ice core from Snow Dome of the Rocky Mountains responded to the North Atlantic Oscillation. These associations suggested that there are some linkages between climate variations and the global distribution of persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to see whether there were any health benefits of mitigated air pollution concentration due to reduced traffic flow during a citywide intervention for the 2002 Summer Asian Games. Relative risks of hospitalization for childhood asthma during the post-Asian Game period compared with the baseline period were estimated using a time-series analysis of the generalized additive Poisson model. Fourteen consecutive days of traffic volume control in Busan during the Games reduced all regulated air pollutant levels by 1-25%. The estimated relative risk of hospitalization during the post-Games period over the baseline period was 0.73 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.49, 1.11). We observed that this reduced air pollution was unique in 2002 when the traffic volume reduction program was applied during the Games period. This empirical data provides epidemiologic evidence of the health benefits resulting from environmental interventions to reduce ambient air pollution.  相似文献   

Total airborne mercury (TAM) and carbon monoxide (CO) were measured in 22 pollution transport “events” at Mt. Bachelor Observatory (MBO), USA (2.8 km asl) between March 2004 and September 2005. Submicron particulate scattering (σsp), ozone (O3), and nitrogen oxides (NOy) were also measured and enhancement ratios for each chemical and aerosol species with CO were calculated. Events were categorized based on their source regions, which were determined by a combination of back trajectories, satellite fire detections, chemical and aerosol enhancement ratios, and meteorology. The mean ΔTAM/ΔCO values for each source region are: East Asian industrial (0.0046±0.0013ngm-3ppbv-1, n=10 events, 236 h), Pacific Northwest U.S. (PNW) biomass burning (0.0013±0.008ngm-3ppbv-1, n=7 events, 173 h), and Alaska biomass burning (0.0014±0.0006ngm-3ppbv-1, n=3 events, 96 h). The ΔTAM/ΔCO means from Asian long-range transport (ALRT) and biomass burning events are combined with previous estimates of CO emissions from Chinese anthropogenic, global biomass burning, and global boreal biomass sources in order to estimate the emissions of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from these sources. The GEM emissions that we calculate here are: Chinese anthropogenic (620±180ty-1), global biomass burning (670±330ty-1), and global boreal biomass burning (168±75ty-1), with errors estimated from propagating the uncertainty in the mean enhancement ratios and CO emissions. A comparison of our results with published mercury (Hg) emissions inventories reveals that the Chinese GEM emissions from this study are higher by about a factor of two, while our estimate for global biomass burning is consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

This paper presents key findings of a study conducted under Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate on least cost options to meet the projected transport service demand in eight selected Asian cities. It also presents the barriers to the adoption of the selected cleaner transport options. Furthermore, it discusses some policies and measures to promote the cleaner transport options. The study finds that high initial cost and lack of infrastructure (especially for compressed natural gas operated vehicles and mass rapid transit system) are the major barriers to the selected options.  相似文献   

Marine mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to seawater spiked with tritiated water (HTO) at a dose rate of 122 and 79 μGy h−1 for 7 and 14 days, respectively, and tritiated glycine (T-Gly) at a dose rate of 4.9 μGy h−1 over 7 days. This was followed by depuration in clean seawater for 21 days. Tissues (foot, gills, digestive gland, mantle, adductor muscle and byssus) and DNA extracts from tissues were analysed for their tritium activity concentrations. All tissues demonstrated bio-accumulation of tritium from HTO and T-Gly. Tritium from T-Gly showed increased incorporation into DNA compared to HTO. About 90% of the initial activity from HTO was depurated within one day, whereas T-Gly was depurated relatively slowly, indicating that tritium may be bound with different affinities in tissues. Both forms of tritium caused a significant induction of micronuclei in the haemocytes of mussels. Our findings identify significant differential impacts on Mytilus edulis of the two chemical forms of tritium and emphasise the need for a separate classification and control of releases of tritiated compounds, to adequately protect the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

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