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Meteorological factors of ozone predictability at Houston, Texas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several ozone modeling approaches were investigated to determine if uncertainties in the meteorological data would be sufficiently large to limit the application of physically realistic ozone (O3) forecast models. Three diagnostic schemes were evaluated for the period of May through September 1997 for Houston, TX. Correlations between measured daily maximum and model calculated O3 air concentrations were found to be 0.70 using a linear regression model, 0.65 using a non-advective box model, and 0.49 using a three-dimensional (3-D) transport and dispersion model. Although the regression model had the highest correlation, it showed substantial underestimates of the highest concentrations. The box model results were the most similar to the regression model and did not show as much underestimation. The more complex 3-D modeling approach yielded the worst results, likely resulting from O3 maxima that were driven by local factors rather than by the transport of pollutants from outside of the Houston domain. The highest O3 concentrations at Houston were associated with light winds and meandering trajectories. A comparison of the gridded meteorological data used by the 3-D model to the observations showed that the wind direction and speed values at Houston differed most on those days on which the O3 underestimations were the greatest. These periods also tended to correspond with poor precipitation and temperature estimates. It is concluded that better results are not just obtained through additional modeling complexity, but there needs to be a comparable increase in the accuracy of the meteorological data.  相似文献   

Ambient observations have indicated that high concentrations of ozone observed in the Houston/Galveston area are associated with plumes of highly reactive hydrocarbons, mixed with NOx, from industrial facilities. Ambient observations and industrial process data, such as mass flow rates for industrial flares, indicate that the VOCs associated with these industrial emissions can have significant temporal variability. To characterize the effect of this variability in emissions on ozone formation in Houston, data were collected on the temporal variability of industrial emissions or emission surrogates (e.g., mass flow rates to flares). The observed emissions variability was then used to construct regionwide emission inventories with variable industrial emissions, and the impacts of the variability on ozone formation were examined for two types of meteorological conditions, both of which lead to high ozone concentrations in Houston. The air quality simulations indicate that variability in industrial emissions has the potential to cause increases and decreases of 10–52 ppb (13–316%), or more, in ozone concentration. The largest of these differences are restricted to regions of 10–20 km2, but the variability also has the potential to increase regionwide maxima in ozone concentrations by up to 12 ppb.  相似文献   

To comply with the federal 8-hr ozone standard, the state of Texas is creating a plan for Houston that strictly follows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) guidance for demonstrating attainment. EPA's attainment guidance methodology has several key assumptions that are demonstrated to not be completely appropriate for the unique observed ozone conditions found in Houston. Houston's ozone violations at monitoring sites are realized as gradual hour-to-hour increases in ozone concentrations, or by large hourly ozone increases that exceed up to 100 parts per billion/hr. Given the time profiles at the violating monitors and those of nearby monitors, these large increases appear to be associated with small parcels of spatially limited plumes of high ozone in a lower background of urban ozone. Some of these high ozone parcels and plumes have been linked to a combination of unique wind conditions and episodic hydrocarbon emission events from the Houston Ship Channel. However, the regulatory air quality model (AQM) does not predict these sharp ozone gradients. Instead, the AQM predicts gradual hourly increases with broad regions of high ozone covering the entire Houston urban core. The AQM model performance can be partly attributed to EPA attainment guidance that prescribes the removal in the baseline model simulation of any episodic hydrocarbon emissions, thereby potentially removing any nontypical causes of ozone exceedances. This paper shows that attainment of all monitors is achieved when days with observed large hourly variability in ozone concentrations are filtered from attainment metrics. Thus, the modeling and observational data support a second unique cause for how ozone is formed in Houston, and the current EPA methodology addresses only one of these two causes.  相似文献   

Raun LH  Correa O  Rifai H  Suarez M  Koenig L 《Chemosphere》2005,60(7):973-989
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (dioxins and furans) are persistent, bioaccumulative and highly toxic chemical constituents that appear in the environment at very low and difficult to measure levels. Although dioxins and furans are widely recognized as toxic contaminants needing regulation, their temporal and spatial concentration profiles and the factors impacting their partitioning and congener distribution are only moderately understood. This paper presents the results from one of the most extensive ambient air dioxin and furan sampling efforts conducted in a geographic area to date. The data consist of monthly ambient concentrations of 17 of the most toxic congeners of dioxins and furans collected at five locations in Houston, Texas over a calendar year. The results showed a total annual mean dioxin and furan congener concentration of 1047 fg/m3 and an annual mean summation operatorI-TEQ concentration of 15 fg I-TEQ/m3 (16 fg WHO-TEQ/m3). These results, when compared with proximate data from the USEPA National Dioxin Ambient Monitoring Network (NDAMN), revealed significant (at the P0.05 level) differences between Houston and the NDAMN sites, suggesting the existence of local dioxin sources. A temporal analysis of the data showed that the congener concentration distribution varies over time, depending on the level of chlorination, type of congener, and temperature. The results also suggested that the fluctuations of congener concentrations and I-TEQ concentrations are closely correlated with minimum relative humidity, mean temperature, and mean NOx concentration.  相似文献   

In Houston, some of the highest measured 8-hr ozone (O3) peaks are characterized by sudden increases in observed concentrations of at least 40 ppb in 1 hr or 60 ppb in 2 hr. Measurements show that these large hourly changes appear at only a few monitors and span a narrow geographic area, suggesting a spatially heterogeneous field of O3 concentrations. This study assessed whether a regulatory air quality model (AQM) can simulate this observed behavior. The AQM did not reproduce the magnitude or location of some of the highest observed hourly O3 changes, and it also failed to capture the limited spatial extent. On days with measured large hourly changes in O3 concentrations, the AQM predicted high O3 over large regions of Houston, resulting in overpredictions at several monitors. This analysis shows that the model can make high O3, but on these days the predicted spatial field suggests that the model had a different cause. Some observed large hourly changes in O3 concentrations have been linked to random releases of industrial volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the AQM emission inventory, there are several emission events when an industrial point source increases VOC emissions in excess of 10,000 mol/hr. One instance increased predicted downwind O3 concentrations up to 25 ppb. These results show that the modeling system is responsive to a large VOC release, but the timing and location of the release, and meteorological conditions, are critical requirements. Attainment of the O3 standard requires the use of observational data and AQM predictions. If the large observed hourly changes are indicative of a separate cause of high O3, then the model may not include that cause, which might result in regulators enacting control strategies that could be ineffective.  相似文献   

In Houston, some of the highest measured 8-hr ozone (O3) peaks are characterized by sudden increases in observed concentrations of at least 40 ppb in 1 hr, or 60 ppb in 2 hr. Measurements show that these large hourly changes appear at only a few monitors and span a narrow geographic area, suggesting a spatially heterogeneous field of O3 concentrations. This study assessed whether a regulatory air quality model (AQM) can simulate this observed behavior. The AQM did not reproduce the magnitude or location of some of the highest observed hourly O3 changes, and it also failed to capture the limited spatial extent. On days with measured large hourly changes in O3 concentrations, the AQM predicted high O3 over large regions of Houston, resulting in overpredictions at several monitors. This analysis shows that the model can make high O3, but on these days the predicted spatial field suggests that the model had a different cause. Some observed large hourly changes in O3 concentrations have been linked to random releases of industrial volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the AQM emission inventory, there are several emission events when an industrial point source increases VOC emissions in excess of 10,000 mol/hr. One instance increased predicted downwind O3 concentrations up to 25 ppb. These results show that the modeling system is responsive to a large VOC release, but the timing and location of the release, and meteorological conditions, are critical requirements. Attainment of the O3 standard requires the use of observational data and AQM predictions. If the large observed hourly changes are indicative of a separate cause of high O3, then the model may not include that cause, which might result in regulators enacting control strategies that could be ineffective.

Implications To show the attainment of the O3 standard, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires the use of observations and model predictions under the assumption that simulations are capable of reproducing observed phenomena. The regulatory model is unable to reproduce observed behavior measured in the observational database. If the large observed hourly changes were indicative of a separate cause of high O3, then the model would not include that cause. Inaccurate model predictions may prompt air quality regulators to enact control strategies that are effective in the modeling system, but prove ineffective in the real world.  相似文献   


Several ozone modeling approaches were investigated to determine if uncertainties in the meteorological data would be sufficiently large to limit the application of physically realistic ozone (O3) forecast models. Three diagnostic schemes were evaluated for the period of May through September 1997 for Houston, TX. Correlations between measured daily maximum and model calculated O3 air concentrations were found to be 0.70 using a linear regression model, 0.65 using a non-advective box model, and 0.49 using a three-dimensional (3-D) transport and dispersion model. Although the regression model had the highest correlation, it showed substantial underestimates of the highest concentrations. The box model results were the most similar to the regression model and did not show as much underestimation. The more complex 3-D modeling approach yielded the worst results, likely resulting from O3 maxima that were driven by local factors rather than by the transport of pollutants from outside of the Houston domain. The highest O3 concentrations at Houston were associated with light winds and meandering trajectories. A comparison of the gridded meteorological data used by the 3-D model to the observations showed that the wind direction and speed values at Houston differed most on those days on which the O3 underestima-tions were the greatest. These periods also tended to correspond with poor precipitation and temperature estimates. It is concluded that better results are not just obtained through additional modeling complexity, but there needs to be a comparable increase in the accuracy of the meteorological data.  相似文献   

Traditional regulatory methods for evaluating air toxics have several limitations. Two common methods rely either on self-reported industrial emissions from the Toxics Release Inventory or a single summary statistic such as the average or arithmetic mean. A novel statistical approach for detecting overall long term improvement in ambient air quality is demonstrated using measurements of the air toxic benzene evaluated over five years in Houston, Texas. Through trends of seven key statistical measures, long term improvements were detected at more monitors than would have been found using traditional methods while lack of improvement is highlighted at other monitors. This new approach includes analysis of high and low end concentrations, as well as central tendency, evaluated at specific air toxic human health risk thresholds.  相似文献   

Numerous ozone exposure statistics were calculated using hourly ozone data from crop yield loss experiments previously conducted for alfalfa, fresh market and processing tomatoes, cotton, and dry beans in an ambient ozone gradient near Los Angeles, California. Exposure statistics examined included peak (maximum daily hourly) and mean concentrations above specific threshold levels, and concentrations during specific time periods of the day. Peak and mean statistics weighted for ozone concentration and time period statistics weighted for hour of the day were also determined. Polynomial regression analysis was used to relate each of 163 ozone statistics to crop yield. Performance of the various statistics was rated by comparing residual mean square (RMS) values. The analyses demonstrated that no single statistic was best for all crop species. Ozone statistics with a threshold level performed well for most crops, but optimum threshold level was dependent upon crop species and varied with the particular statistics calculated. The data indicated that daily hours of exposure above a critical high-concentration threshold related well to crop yield for alfalfa, market tomatoes, and dry beans. The best statistic for cotton yield was an average of all daily peak ozone concentrations. Several different types of ozone statistics performed similarly for processing tomatoes. These analyses suggest that several ozone summary statistics should be examined in assessing the relationship of ambient ozone exposure to crop yield. Where no clear statistical preference is indicated among several statistics, those most biologically relevant should be selected.  相似文献   

A high ozone event in the Houston–Galveston–Brazoria area was utilized to study the shortcomings of the current air quality models. To improve the baseline simulations with the Comprehensive Air quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) for developing the state implementation plan, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) imputed emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOCs) by scaling the amount of fugitive emissions of olefins to co-emitted NOx from selected point sources, effectively multiplying by 3–12 times over the regular inventory values. In this paper, CAMx and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model were used to determine if the imputed HRVOC emissions were consistent with the observed atmospheric conditions. With the base emissions, CMAQ and CAMx both with the Carbon-Bond 4 (CB-4) mechanism simulated similar ozone concentrations. But with the imputed HRVOC emissions, CMAQ predicted lower ozone peaks than CAMx in the vicinity and downwind of the Ship Channel and other highly HRVOC-rich areas. Based on analyses of sensitivity simulations of CMAQ with different emission inputs and vertical diffusion algorithms in the model, we found that the modeled atmosphere lacked reactivity to produce the observed high ozone event. Although the imputed HRVOC emissions improved ozone prediction at the surface sites, but the ethylene concentrations were not consistent with the measurements at the super sites (La Porte and Clinton) and by NOAA aircraft. Several sensitivity tests designed to provide additional radicals into the system and other research results suggested that the lack of reactivity may need to be corrected by targeted, and probably of episodic, increase of HRVOC emissions, from the sources in the Houston Ship Channel. Additional investigation of the ozone production efficiency for different chemical mechanisms is necessary to pinpoint the emissions uncertainty issues.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury speciation was monitored within Houston, Texas, USA, August 6–October 14, 2006 as part of the TexAQS Radical and Aerosol Measurement Program (TRAMP). On average, all mercury levels were significantly elevated compared to a rural Gulf of Mexico coastal site. Concentrations varied from very clean to very dirty. Multi-day periods of stagnant or low-wind conditions brought elevated concentrations of all mercury species, whereas multi-day periods of strong winds, particularly southerly winds off the Gulf of Mexico, brought very low values of mercury species. Over the entire mercury measurement period, the daily averages of mercury species showed distinct and consistent relationships with the average planetary boundary layer dynamics, with gaseous elemental and particulate-bound mercury near-surface concentrations enhanced by a shallow nocturnal boundary layer, and reactive gaseous mercury concentration enhanced by midday convective boundary layer air entrainment transporting air aloft to the surface. Mercury concentrations were not significantly correlated with known products of combustion, likely indicating non-combustion mercury sources from the Houston area petrochemical complexes. On the morning of August 31, 2006 an observed emission event at a refinery complex on the Houston Ship Channel resulted in extremely high concentrations of aerosol mass and particulate-bound mercury at the TRAMP measurement site 20 km downwind.  相似文献   

Concentrations of CO, SO2, NO, NO2, and NOY were measured atop the University of Houston's Moody Tower supersite during the 2006 TexAQS-II Radical and Aerosol Measurement Project (TRAMP). The lowest concentrations of all primary and secondary species were observed in clean marine air in southerly flow. SO2 concentrations were usually low, but increased dramatically in sporadic midday plumes advected from sources in the Houston Ship Channel (HSC), located NE of the site. Concentrations of CO and NOx displayed large diurnal variations in keeping with their co-emission by mobile sources in the Houston Metropolitan Area (HMA). CO/NOx emission ratios of 5.81 ± 0.94 were observed in the morning rush hour. Nighttime concentrations of NOx (NOx = NO + NO2) and NOY (NOY = NO + NO2 + NO3 + HNO3 + HONO + 21N2O5 + HO2NO2 + PANs + RONO2 + p-NO3? + …) were highest in winds from the NNW-NE due to emission from mobile sources. Median ratios of NOx/NOY were approximately 0.9 overnight, reflecting the persistence and/or generation of NOZ (NOZ = NOY ? NOx) species in the nighttime Houston boundary layer, and approached unity in the morning rush hour. Daytime concentrations of NOx and NOY were highest in winds from the HSC. NOx/NOY ratios reached their minimum values (median ca 0.63) from 1300 to 1500 CST, near local solar noon, and air masses often retained enough NOx to sustain additional O3 formation farther downwind. HNO3 and PANs comprised the dominant NOZ species in the HMA, and on a median basis represented 17–20% and 12–15% of NOY, respectively, at midday. Concentrations of HNO3, PANs, and NOZ, and fractional contributions of these species to NOY, were at a maximum in NE flow, reflecting the source strength and reactivity of precursor emissions in the HSC. As a result, daytime O3 concentrations were highest in air masses with HSC influence. Overall, our findings confirm the impact of the HSC as a dominant source region within the HMA. A comparison of total NOY measurements with the sum of measured NOY species (NOYi = NOx + HNO3 + PANs + HONO + p-NO3?) yielded excellent overall agreement during both day ([NOY](ppb) = ([NOYi](ppb)11.03 ± 0.16) ? 0.42; r2 = 0.9933) and night ([NOY](ppb) = ([NOYi](ppb)11.01 ± 0.16) + 0.18; r2 = 0.9975). A similar comparison between NOY–NOx concentrations and the sum of NOZi (NOZi = HNO3 + PANs + HONO + p-NO3?) yielded good overall agreement during the day ([NOZ](ppb) = ([NOZi](ppb)11.01 ± 0.30) + 0.044 ppb; r2 = 0.8527) and at night ([NOZ](ppb) = ([NOZi](ppb)11.12 ± 0.69) + 0.16 ppb; r2 = 0.6899). Median ratios of NOZ/NOZi were near unity during daylight hours but increased to approximately 1.2 overnight, a difference of 0.15–0.50 ppb. Differences between NOZ and NOZi rarely exceeded combined measurement uncertainties, and variations in NOZ/NOZi ratios may have resulted solely from errors in conversion efficiencies of NOY species and changes in NOY composition. However, nighttime NOZ/NOZi ratios and the magnitude of NOZ ? NOZi differences were generally consistent with recent observations of ClNO2 in the nocturnal Houston boundary layer.  相似文献   

Small mammals were trapped, tagged and recaptured in 0.45 ha plots at six hazardous industrial waste disposal sites to determine if populations, body mass and age structures were different from paired control site plots. Low numbers of six species of small mammals were captured on industrial waste sites or control sites. Only populations of hispid cotton rats at industrial waste sites and control sites were large enough for comparisons. Overall population numbers, age structure, and body mass of adult male and female cotton rats were similar at industrial waste sites and control sites. Populations of small mammals (particularly hispid cotton rats) may not suffice as indicators of environments with hazardous industrial waste contamination.  相似文献   

The Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) area of Texas has a history of ozone exceedances and is currently classified under moderate nonattainment status for the 2008 8-hr ozone standard of 75 ppb. The HGB area is characterized by intense solar radiation, high temperature, and high humidity, which influence day-to-day variations in ozone concentrations. Long-term air quality trends independent of meteorological influence need to be constructed for ascertaining the effectiveness of air quality management in this area. The Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter technique, used to separate different scales of motion in a time series, is applied in the current study for maximum daily 8-hr (MDA8) ozone concentrations at an urban site (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] Air Quality System [AQS] Site ID: 48-201-0024, Aldine) in the HGB area. This site, located within 10 miles of downtown Houston and the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, was selected for developing long-term meteorologically independent MDA8 ozone trends for the years 1990–2016. Results from this study indicate a consistent decrease in meteorologically independent MDA8 ozone between 2000 and 2016. This pattern could be partially attributed to a reduction in underlying nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, particularly lowering nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels, and a decrease in the release of highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOCs). Results also suggest solar radiation to be most strongly correlated to ozone, with temperature being the secondary meteorological control variable. Relative humidity and wind speed have tertiary influence at this site. This study observed that meteorological variability accounts for a high of 61% variability in baseline ozone (low-frequency component, sum of long-term and seasonal components), whereas 64% of the change in long-term MDA8 ozone post 2000 could be attributed to NOx emission reduction. Long-term MDA8 ozone trend component was estimated to be decreasing at a linear rate of 0.412 ± 0.007 ppb/yr for the years 2000–2016 and 0.155 ± 0.005 ppb/yr for the overall period of 1990–2016.

Implications: The effectiveness of air emission controls can be evaluated by developing long-term air quality trends independent of meteorological influences. The KZ filter technique is a well-established method to separate an air quality time series into short-term, seasonal, and long-term components. This paper applies the KZ filter technique to MDA8 ozone data between 1990 and 2016 at an urban site in the greater Houston area and estimates the variance accounted for by the primary meteorological control variables. Estimates for linear trends of MDA8 ozone are calculated and underlying causes are investigated to provide a guidance for further investigation into air quality management of the greater Houston area.  相似文献   

在单相数字粒子图像测速度(PIV)技术的基础上,研究气液两相流动的PIV图像处理方法,采用数字掩模技术对不同相的流动信息进行标记、识别、提取与计算,编辑了相应的软件.运用改进后的PIV方法对臭氧接触反应器中气-液体两相流动进行了测试与分析.结果表明,臭氧接触反应器中液相轴向流速分布是决定反应器内水力特性的主导因素;进气流量直接影响反应器内液气两相的流速分布;随进气流量的提高,液气两相的轴向速度和横向速度均增大,同时反应器流动结构与流程分布会发生较大变化.  相似文献   

The nocturnal boundary layer in Houston, Texas was studied using a high temporal and vertical resolution tethersonde system on four nights during the Texas Air Quality Study II (TexAQS II) in August and September 2006. The launch site was on the University of Houston campus located approximately 4 km from downtown Houston. Of particular interest was the evolution of the nocturnal surface inversion and the wind flows within the boundary layer. The land–sea breeze oscillation in Houston has important implications for air quality as the cycle can impact ozone concentrations through pollutant advection and recirculation. The results showed that a weakly stable surface inversion averaging in depth between 145 and 200 m AGL formed on each of the experiment nights, typically within 2–3 h after sunset. Tethersonde vertical winds were compared with two other Houston data sets (High Resolution Doppler Lidar and radar wind profiler) from locations near the coastline and good agreement was found, albeit with a temporal lag at the tethersonde site. This comparison revealed development of a land breeze on three nights which began near the coastline and propagated inland both horizontally and vertically with time. The vertical temperature structure was significantly modified on one night at the tethersonde site after the land breeze wind shift, exhibiting near-adiabatic profiles below 100 m AGL.  相似文献   

Three different field experimental techniques (smoke timelines, tetroon flights, and plume photography) have been used to examine the stable air flow field over and around a ridge. All of the data obtained from these field experiments are shown to be in good agreement with a two-layer model. It is also shown that the data obtained in the upper of the two layers, which flows over the terrain, fit well with a simple potential flow model. The ridge is reasonably two-dimensional with a length-to-width ratio of about 5. These field data for this fairly long ridge are found to be in much better agreement with laboratory data (available in the published literature) for axisymmetric hills rather than those for two-dimensional barriers with gaps.  相似文献   

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