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There are inadequate measurements of surface ambient concentrations of mercury species and their deposition rates for the UK deposition budget to be characterized. In order to estimate the overall mercury flux budget for the UK, a simple long-term 1D Lagrangian trajectory model was constructed that treats emissions (1998), atmospheric transformation and deposition across Europe. The model was used to simulate surface concentrations of mercury and deposition across Europe at a resolution of 50 km×50 km and across the UK at 20 km×20 km. The model appeared to perform adequately when compared with the few available measurements, reproducing mean concentrations of elemental gaseous mercury at particular locations and the magnitude of regional gradients. The model showed that 68% of the UK's mercury emissions are exported and 32% deposited within the UK. Of deposition to the UK, 25% originates from the Northern Hemisphere/global background, 41% from UK sources and 33% from other European countries. The total mercury deposition to the UK is in good agreement with other modelling, 9.9 tonne yr−1 cf. 9.0 tonne yr−1, for 1998. However, the attribution differs greatly from the results of other coarser-scale modelling, which allocates 55% of the deposition to the UK from UK sources, 4% from other European countries and 60% from the global background atmosphere. The model was found to be sensitive to the speciation of emissions and the dry deposition velocity of elemental gaseous mercury. The uncertainties and deficiencies are discussed in terms of model parameterization and input data, and measurement data with which models can be validated. There is an urgent requirement for measurements of removal terms, concentrations, and deposition with which models can be parameterized and validated.  相似文献   

The deposition of the base cations calcium, magnesium and potassium from the atmosphere needs to be quantified in the calculation of the total deposited acidity in the critical loads approach. Of these base cations, calcium has been found to be the most important in terms of mass deposited. However, the sources of calcium to the atmosphere are not well understood. Recently, the first spatially disaggregated inventory of industrial calcium emissions for Europe was presented by Lee and Pacyna (1998) who estimated a total European emission of 0.7–0.8 Mt yr-1. However, it is thought that wind blown dust from soils contributes a substantial fraction to the deposition of calcium. In this work, the source strength of calcium from arid regions within the EMEP modelling domain was estimated using the global mineral dust emission data base of Tegen and Fung (1994) and an estimation of the calcium content of soils. This results in a “natural” calcium emission of 6 Mt yr-1. A long-range transport model, TRACK, was used to calculate the wet and dry deposition of calcium arising from these industrial and natural sources to the UK which resulted in a total deposition of 29–30 kt yr-1. Of this annual deposition, 0.6–0.7 kt arises from cement manufacturing, 0.02–0.03 kt from iron and steel manufacturing, 0.8–0.83 kt from a large point source power generation, and 28 kt from power generation from a small boiler plant. The natural emissions of calcium from arid regions result in a deposition of calcium to the UK of 0.5 kt yr-1. The measured wet deposition of calcium to the UK is 89 kt yr-1 and the estimated dry deposition 14 kt yr-1. The short-fall in the modelled deposition of calcium is thus of the order of 70 kt yr-1, which is suggested to arise from wind-blown dust from agricultural land in the UK and mainland Europe. The estimated emissions, and thus modelled deposition are rather uncertain, such that estimating deposition of calcium attributable to agricultural soil emissions by differencing has a large uncertainty. However, this is the first such study of its kind for Europe and represents a first step towards understanding the sources of calcium and their contribution to mitigating deposited acidity from acidifying pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia.  相似文献   

Most studies on the atmospheric behaviour of mercury in North America have excluded a detailed treatment of natural mercury emissions. The objective of this work is to report a detailed simulation of the atmospheric mercury in a domain that covers a significant part of North America and includes not only anthropogenic mercury emissions but also those from natural sources including vegetation, soil and water.The simulations were done using a natural mercury emission model coupled with the US EPA's SMOKE/CMAQ modelling system. The domain contained 132×90 grid cells at a resolution of 36 km, covering the continental United States, and major parts of Canada and Mexico. The simulation was carried out for 2002, using boundary conditions from a global mercury model. Estimated total natural mercury emission in the domain was 230 tonnes (1 tonne=1000 kg) and the ratio of natural to anthropogenic emissions varied from 0.7 in January to 3.2 in July. Average total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentration ranged between 1 and 4 ng m−3. Good agreement was found between the modelled results and measurements at three Ontario sites for ambient mercury concentrations, and at 72 mercury deposition network sites in the domain for wet deposition. The correlation coefficient between the simulated and the measured values of the daily average TGM at three monitoring sites varied between 0.48 and 0.64. When natural emissions were omitted, the correlation coefficients dropped to between 0.15 and 0.40. About 335 tonnes of mercury were deposited in the domain during the simulation period but overall, it acted as a net source of mercury and contributed about 21 tonnes to the global pool. The net deposition of mercury to the Great Lakes was estimated to be about 2.4 tonnes. The estimated deposition values were similar to those reported by other researchers.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of Hg and selected trace elements was reconstructed over the past 150 years using sediment cores collected from nine remote, high-elevation lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado and Glacier National Park in Montana. Cores were age dated by 210Pb, and sedimentation rates were determined using the constant rate of supply model. Hg concentrations in most of the cores began to increase around 1900, reaching a peak sometime after 1980. Other trace elements, particularly Pb and Cd, showed similar post-industrial increases in lake sediments, confirming that anthropogenic contaminants are reaching remote areas of the Rocky Mountains via atmospheric transport and deposition. Preindustrial (pre-1875) Hg fluxes in the sediment ranged from 5.7 to 42 μg m?2 yr?1 and modern (post-1985) fluxes ranged from 17.7 to 141 μg m?2 yr?1. The average ratio of modern to preindustrial fluxes was 3.2, which is similar to remote lakes elsewhere in North America. Estimates of net atmospheric deposition based on the cores were 3.1 μg m?2 yr?1 for preindustrial and 11.7 μg m?2 yr?1 for modern times. Current-day measurements of wet deposition range from 5.0 to 8.6 μg m?2 yr?1, which are lower than the modern sediment-based estimate of 11.7 μg m?2 yr?1, perhaps owing to inputs of dry-deposited Hg to the lakes.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the historical trends in atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, from 1910 to 1995 by compiling data from literature sources, and adjusting the data for geographical and methodological differences. The reconstructed data suggest that NO3-N wet deposition to this region increased from a low of 0.9 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in 1925 to a high of approximately 4 kg N ha−1 yr−1 around 1980. The trend in NO3-N deposition has remained since the early 1980s at around 3.6 kg N ha−1 yr−1. In contrast, NH4-N wet deposition decreased from more than 4 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the mid 1920s to about 1.5 kg N ha−1 yr−1 from the late-1940s until today. Emissions of NOx-N in the Cape Cod airshed increased at a rate of 2.1 kg N ha−1 per decade since 1910, a rate that is an order of magnitude higher than NO3-N deposition. Estimates of NH3 emissions to the northeast United States and Canada have decreased slightly throughout the century, but the decrease in reconstructed N-NH4+ deposition rates does not parallel emissions estimates. The trend in reconstructed total nitrogen deposition suggests an overall increase through the century at a rate of 0.26 kg N ha−1 per decade. This overall increase in deposition may expose coastal forests to rates of nitrogen addition that, if exceeded, could induce nitrogen saturation and increase nitrogen loads to adjoining estuaries.  相似文献   

A method is developed to estimate wet deposition of nitrogen in a 11×14 km (0.125°Lon.×0.125°Lat.) grid scale using the precipitation chemistry monitored data at 10 sites scattered over South Korea supplemented by the routinely available precipitation rate data at 65 sites and the estimated emissions of NO2 and NH3 at each precipitation monitoring site. This approach takes into account the contributions of local NO2 and NH3 emissions and precipitation rates on wet deposition of nitrogen. Wet deposition of nitrogen estimated by optimum regression equations for NO3 and NH4+ derived from annual total monitored wet deposition and that of emissions of NO2 and NH3 is incorporated to normalize wet deposition of nitrogen at each precipitation rate class, which is divided into 6 classes. The optimum regression equations for the estimation of wet deposition of nitrogen at precipitation monitoring sites are developed using the normalized wet deposition of nitrogen and the precipitation rate at 10 precipitation chemistry monitoring sites. The estimated average annual total wet depositions of NO3 and NH4+ are found to be 260 and 500 eq ha−1 yr−1 with the maximum values of 400 and 930 eq ha−1 yr−1, respectively. The annual mean total wet deposition of nitrogen is found to be about 760 eq ha−1 yr−1, of which more than 65% is contributed by wet deposition of ammonium while, the emission of NH3 is about half of that of NO2, suggesting the importance of NH3 emission for wet deposition of nitrogen in South Korea.  相似文献   

We have recently completed a methane emissions inventory for the New England region. Methane emissions were calculated to be 0.91 Tg yr-1, with wetlands and landfills dominating all other sources. Wetlands are estimated to produce 0.33 Tg CH4 yr-1, of which 74% come from Maine. Active landfills emit an estimated 0.28 Tg CH4 yr-1, 60% of which are generated from twelve landfills. Although uncertainty in the estimate is greater, emissions from closed landfills are on the same order of magnitude as active landfills and wetlands; 0.25 Tg CH4 yr-1. Sources of moderate magnitude include ruminant animals (0.05 Tg CH4 yr-1) and residential wood combustion (0.03 Tg CH4 yr-1). Motor vehicles, natural gas, and wastewater treatment make only minor contributions. New England is heavily forested and the soil uptake of atmospheric methane in upland forests, 0.06 Tg CH4 yr-1, decreases emissions from soils by about 18%. Although uncertainties remain, our estimates indicate that even in a highly urbanized region such as New England, natural sources of methane make the single greatest contribution to total emissions, with state totals varying between 8% (Massachusetts) and 92% (Maine). Because emissions from only a few large landfills dominate anthropogenic sources, mitigation strategies focused on these discrete point sources should result in significant improvements in regional air quality. Current federal regulations mandate landfill gas collection at only the largest sites. Expanding recovery efforts to moderately sized landfills through either voluntary compliance or further regulations offers the best opportunity to substantially reduce atmospheric methane in New England. In the short term, however, the large contribution from closed, poorly regulated landfills may make the attribution of air quality improvements difficult. Mitigation efforts toward these landfills should also be a priority.  相似文献   

A spatially resolved biomass burning data set, and related emissions of sulphur dioxide and aerosol chemical constituents was constructed for India, for 1996–1997 and extrapolated to the INDOEX period (1998–1999). Sources include biofuels (wood, crop waste and dung-cake) and forest fires (accidental, shifting cultivation and controlled burning). Particulate matter (PM) emission factors were compiled from studies of Indian cooking stoves and from literature for open burning. Black carbon (BC) and organic matter (OM) emissions were estimated from these, accounting for combustion temperatures in cooking stoves. Sulphur dioxide emission factors were based on fuel sulphur content and reported literature measurements. Biofuels accounted 93% of total biomass consumption (577 MT yr−1), with forest fires contributing only 7%. The national average biofuel mix was 56 : 21 : 23% of fuelwood, crop waste and dung-cake, respectively. Compared to fossil fuels, biomass combustion was a minor source of SO2 (7% of total), with higher emissions from dung-cake because of its higher sulphur content. PM2.5 emissions of 2.04 Tg yr−1 with an “inorganic fraction” of 0.86 Tg yr−1 were estimated. Biomass combustion was the major source of carbonaceous aerosols, accounting 0.25 Tg yr−1 of BC (72% of total) and 0.94 Tg yr−1 of OM (76% of total). Among biomass, fuelwood and crop waste were primary contributors to BC emissions, while dung-cake and forest fires were primary contributors to OM emissions. Northern and the east-coast India had high densities of biomass consumption and related emissions. Measurements of emission factors of SO2, size resolved aerosols and their chemical constituents for Indian cooking stoves are needed to refine the present estimates.  相似文献   

In order to assess the importance of mercury emissions from naturally enriched sources relative to anthropogenic point sources, data must be collected that characterizes mercury emissions from representative areas and quantifies the influence of various environmental parameters that control emissions. With this information, we will be able to scale up natural source emissions to regional areas. In this study in situ mercury emission measurements were used, along with data from laboratory studies and statistical analysis, to scale up mercury emissions for the naturally enriched Ivanhoe Mining District, Nevada. Results from stepwise multi-variate regression analysis indicated that lithology, soil mercury concentration, and distance from the nearest fault were the most important factors controlling mercury flux. Field and lab experiments demonstrated that light and precipitation enhanced mercury emissions from alluvium with background mercury concentrations. Diel mercury emissions followed a Gaussian distribution. The Gaussian distribution was used to calculate an average daily emission for each lithologic unit, which were then used to calculate an average flux for the entire area of 17.1 ng Hg m−2 h−1. An annual emission of ∼8.7×104 g of mercury to the atmosphere was calculated for the 586 km2 area. The bulk of the Hg released into the atmosphere from the district (∼89%) is from naturally enriched non-point sources and ∼11% is emitted from areas of anthropogenic disturbance where mercury was mined. Mercury emissions from this area exceed the natural emission factor applied to mercury rich belts of the world (1.5 ng m−2 h−1) by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Estimates of the atmospheric deposition to Galveston Bay of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are made using precipitation and meteorological data that were collected continuously from 2 February 1995 to 6 August 1996 at Seabrook, TX, USA. Particulate and vapor phase PAHs in ambient air and particulate and dissolved phases in rain samples were collected and analyzed. More than 95% of atmospheric PAHs were in the vapor phase and about 73% of PAHs in the rain were in the dissolved phase. Phenanthrene and napthalene were the dominant compounds in air vapor and rain dissolved phases, respectively, while 5 and 6 ring PAH were predominant in the particulate phase of both air and rain samples. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 4 to 161 ng m−3 in air samples and from 50 to 312 ng l−1 in rain samples. Temporal variability in total PAH air concentrations were observed, with lower concentrations in the spring and fall (4–34 ng m −3) compared to the summer and winter (37–161 ng m−3). PAHs in the air near Galveston Bay are derived from both combustion and petroleum vaporization. Gas exchange from the atmosphere to the surface water is estimated to be the major deposition process for PAHs (1211 μg m− 2 yr− 1), relative to wet deposition (130 μg m−2 yr− 1) and dry deposition (99 μg m−2 yr− 1). Annual deposition of PAHs directly to Galveston Bay from the atmosphere is estimated as 2  t yr−1.  相似文献   

The concentrations of total gaseous mercury (TGM) in air over the southern Baltic Sea and dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) in the surface seawater were measured during summer and winter. The summer expedition was performed on 02–15 July 1997, and the winter expedition on 02–15 March 1998. Average TGM and DGM values obtained were 1.70 and 17.6 ng m−3 in the summer and 1.39 and 17.4 ng m−3 in the winter, respectively. Based on the TGM and DGM data, surface water saturation and air-water fluxes were calculated. The results indicate that the seawater was supersaturated with gaseous mercury during both seasons, with the highest values occurring in the summer. Flux estimates were made using the thin film gas-exchange model. The average Hg fluxes obtained for the summer and winter measurements were 38 and 20 ng m−2 d−1, respectively. The annual mercury flux from this area was estimated by a combination of the TGM and DGM data with monthly average water temperatures and wind velocities, resulting in an annual flux of 9.5 μg m−2 yr−1. This flux is of the same order of magnitude as the average wet deposition input of mercury in this area. This indicates that reemissions from the water surface need to be considered when making mass-balance estimates of mercury in the Baltic Sea as well as modelling calculations of long-range transboundary transport of mercury in northern Europe.  相似文献   

To investigate the characteristics of mercury exchange between soil and air in the heavily air-polluted area, total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentration in air and Hg exchange flux were measured in Wanshan Hg mining area (WMMA) in November, 2002 and July–August, 2004. The results showed that the average TGM concentrations in the ambient air (17.8–1101.8 ng m−3), average Hg emission flux (162–27827 ng m−2 h−1) and average Hg dry deposition flux (0–9434 ng m−2 h−1) in WMMA were 1–4 orders of magnitude higher than those in the background area. It is said that mercury-enriched soil is a significant Hg source of the atmosphere in WMMA. It was also found that widely distributed roasted cinnabar banks are net Hg sources of the atmosphere in WMMA. Relationships between mercury exchange flux and environmental parameters were investigated. The results indicated that the rate of mercury emission from soil could be accelerated by high total soil mercury concentration and solar irradiation. Whereas, highly elevated TGM concentrations in the ambient air can restrain Hg emission from soil and even lead to strongly atmospheric Hg deposition to soil surface. A great amount of gaseous mercury in the heavily polluted atmosphere may cycle between soil and air quickly and locally. Vegetation can inhibit mercury emission from soil and are important sinks of atmospheric mercury in heavily air-polluted area.  相似文献   

Improvements in measurement technology are permitting development of a more detailed scientific understanding of the cycling of mercury in the global atmospheric environment. Critical to advancing the state of knowledge is the acquisition of accurate measurement of speciated mercury (gaseous and particulate) at ground research stations in a variety of settings located around the globe. This paper describes one such research effort conducted at TVA's Look Rock air quality monitoring site in Tennessee—a mountain top site (813 m elevation) just west of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the largest National Park in the eastern US and it receives environmental protection under a variety of US statutes. Gaseous and particle mercury species along with some additional trace gases were measured at Look Rock during two field studies totaling 84 days in the spring and summer of 2004. Average results for the entire sampling period are: gaseous elemental mercury Hg(0): 1.65 ng m−3, reactive gaseous mercury RGM: 0.005 ng m−3, particulate mercury Hg(p): 0.007 ng m−3. Literature review indicates that these levels are within the range found for other rural/remote sites in North America and worldwide. Reactive and particulate mercury comprised together less than 1%, on average, of total airborne mercury at Look Rock. When compared to the global background mercury literature, the Look Rock measurements demonstrate that the atmospheric mercury levels in the vicinity of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park are clearly dominated by the global atmospheric pool, not by local or regional sources.  相似文献   

A comprehensive, spatially resolved (0.25°×0.25°) fossil fuel consumption database and emissions inventory was constructed, for India, for the first time. Emissions of sulphur dioxide and aerosol chemical constituents were estimated for 1996–1997 and extrapolated to the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) study period (1998–1999). District level consumption of coal/lignite, petroleum and natural gas in power plants, industrial, transportation and domestic sectors was 9411 PJ, with major contributions from coal (54%) followed by diesel (18%). Emission factors for various pollutants were derived using India specific fuel characteristics and information on combustion/air pollution control technologies for the power and industrial sectors. Domestic and transportation emission factors, appropriate for Indian source characteristics, were compiled from literature. SO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion for 1996–1997 were 4.0 Tg SO2 yr−1, with 756 large point sources (e.g. utilities, iron and steel, fertilisers, cement, refineries and petrochemicals and non-ferrous metals), accounting for 62%. PM2.5 emitted was 0.5 and 2.0 Tg yr−1 for the 100% and the 50% control scenario, respectively, applied to coal burning in the power and industrial sectors. Coal combustion was the major source of PM2.5 (92%) primarily consisting of fly ash, accounting for 98% of the “inorganic fraction” emissions (difference between PM2.5 and black carbon+organic matter) of 1.6 Tg yr−1. Black carbon emissions were estimated at 0.1 Tg yr−1, with 58% from diesel transport, and organic matter emissions at 0.3 Tg yr−1, with 48% from brick-kilns. Fossil fuel consumption and emissions peaked at the large point industrial sources and 22 cities, with elevated area fluxes in northern and western India. The spatial resolution of this inventory makes it suitable for regional-scale aerosol-climate studies. These results are compared to previous studies and differences discussed. Measurements of emission factors for Indian sources are needed to further refine these estimates.  相似文献   

The Florida Everglades Dry-Deposition Study (FEDDS) was designed to test the viability of using new and existing measurement techniques in the estimation of the dry-depositional loading of speciated mercury (elemental gaseous, reactive gaseous and particulate) to a mixed sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) and cattail (Typha domingensis) stand within the Florida Everglades. Measurement intensives were performed during 24 February–04 March 1999 and 05–21 June 2000, which corresponded to the climatological dry and wet seasons in South Florida, respectively. During these intensives, direct measurements of mercury dry-deposition were made using a newly developed surrogate water surface technique. These direct measurements were compared with modeled estimates of mercury dry-deposition to the site that were obtained through the use of an inferential or “bigleaf” model that was modified for use with speciated mercury. On-site measurements of ambient speciated mercury concentrations and numerous micrometeorological variables were used as input to the model.The average mercury dry-deposition measured during the 1999 FEDDS measurement intensive was 13.3±4.0 ng m−2 day−1, while the modeled deposition for this period was 3.4±2.3 ng m−2 day−1. The average mercury dry-deposition measured during the 2000 FEDDS measurement intensive was lower, 5.9±2.8 ng m−2 day−1, while the average modeled deposition for this period was 1.8±0.6 ng m−2 day−1. A least-squares linear regression suggests that the model was able to explain 74% and 73% of the variability in the datasets for the 1999 and 2000 FEDDS intensives, respectively. While reported reductions in total mercury emissions across South Florida between study periods could explain the reductions in both the measured and predicted mercury dry-deposition estimates, the increased presence of cumulus convection during the summer-intensive could have also resulted in a removal of reactive and particulate mercury species within the atmosphere of South Florida.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that geological emissions of methane are an important greenhouse-gas source. Remarkable amounts of methane, estimated in the order of 40–60 Tg yr?1, are naturally released into the atmosphere from the Earth's crust through faults and fractured rocks. The main source is natural gas, both microbial and thermogenic, produced in hydrocarbon-prone sedimentary basins and injected into the atmosphere through macro-seeps (onshore and offshore mud volcanoes and other seeps) and microseepage, an invisible but pervasive flux from the soil. This source is now evaluated for Europe on the basis of a literature survey, new field measurements and derived emission factors. The up-scaling criteria recommended by the EMEP/CORINAIR guidelines are applied to the local point and area source data.In Europe, 25 countries host oil and/or natural gas reservoirs and potentially, or actually, emit geological methane. Flux data, however, are available only from 10 countries: the onshore or offshore petroliferous sectors of Denmark, Italy, Greece, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Black Sea countries (Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia). Azerbaijan, whose emissions due to mud volcanism are known to be relevant, is included in the estimate.The sum of emissions, regional estimates and local measurements, related to macro-seeps leads to a conservative total value of about 2.2 Tg yr?1. Together with the potential microseepage fluxes from the petroliferous basins, estimated on the basis of the Total Petroleum System concept (around 0.8 Tg yr?1), the total European seepage is projected to 3 Tg yr?1. This preliminary figure would represent, in terms of magnitude, the second natural methane source for Europe after wetlands. The estimate will have to be refined by increasing the number of seepage measurements both on lands, where there is high potential for microseepage (e.g., Germany, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia) and in coastal marine areas (the North Sea, the Black Sea, offshore Greece and Italy) where emission factors and the extent of the underwater seeping area are not completely known.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) response to changes in biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions in the future atmosphere and how important will SOA be relative to the major anthropogenic aerosol component (sulfate), the global three-dimensional chemistry/transport model TM3 has been used. Emission estimates of biogenic VOC (BVOC) and anthropogenic gases and particles from the literature for the year 2100 have been adopted.According to our present-day model simulations, isoprene oxidation produces 4.6 Tg SOA yr−1, that is less than half of the 12.2 Tg SOA yr−1 formed by the oxidation of other BVOC. In the future, nitrate radicals and ozone become more important than nowadays, but remain minor oxidants for both isoprene and aromatics. SOA produced by isoprene is estimated to almost triple, whereas the production from other BVOC more than triples. The calculated future SOA burden change, from 0.8 Tg at present to 2.0 Tg in the future, is driven by changes in emissions, oxidant levels and pre-existing particles. The non-linearity in SOA formation and the involved chemical and physical feedbacks prohibit the quantitative attribution of the computed changes to the above-mentioned individual factors. In 2100, SOA burden is calculated to exceed that of sulfate, indicating that SOA might become more important than nowadays. These results critically depend on the biogenic emissions and thus are subject to the high uncertainty associated with these emissions estimated due to the insufficient knowledge on plant response to carbon dioxide changes. Nevertheless, they clearly indicate that the change in oxidants and primary aerosol caused by human activities can contribute as much as the change in BVOC emissions to the increase of the biogenic SOA production in the future atmosphere.  相似文献   

The average total (wet plus dry) nitrogen deposition to the Tampa Bay Estuary was 7.3 (±1.3) kg-N ha−1 yr−1 or 760 (±140) metric tons-N yr−1 for August 1996–July 1999, estimated as a direct deposition rate to the 104,000-ha water surface. This nitrogen flux estimate accounted for ammonia exchange at the air–sea interface. The uncertainty estimate was based on measurement error. Wet deposition was 56% of the total nitrogen deposition over this period, with an average 0.78 ratio of dry-to-wet deposition. Wet nitrogen deposition rates varied considerably, from near zero to 1.3 kg-N ha−1 month−1. About 40% of the total nitrogen flux occurred during the summer months of June, July and August when rainfall was the highest, except for 1997–1998 when the El Niño phenomenon brought unseasonal rainfall. Ammonia/ammonium contributed to 58%, and nitric acid/nitrate 42%, of the total nitrogen deposition over the 3-yr period. In one summer as waters of Tampa Bay warmed above 28°C and ammonium concentrations reached 0.03 mg l−1, the estimated net flux of ammonia was from the Bay waters to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The assessment of the wind blown dust emission for Europe and selected regions of North Africa and Southwest Asia was carried out using a mesoscale model. The mesoscale model was parameterized based on the current literature review. The model provides data on PM10 emission from several dust reservoirs (anthropogenic, agriculture, semi- and natural) with spatial resolution of 10 × 10 km and temporal resolution of 1 h. The spatial variability of PM10 emission depends on soil texture, land cover/land use as well as meteorological conditions. Lands covered with water or permanently wet were excluded from the model. The land covered with vegetation is treated as dust reservoir whose dust emission capacity depends on the type of vegetation and cover. The dust reservoirs are divided into reservoirs with stable and unstable surface. The changes of emission in time depend on meteorological parameters.The wind blown dust emission should be treated as a non-continuous spatio-temporal process. The emissions are estimated with high uncertainty. The estimated PM10 yearly total load emitted by wind from the European territory is highly differentiated in space and time and is equal to 0.74 Tg. The total load of PM10 emitted by wind from North African and Southwest Asian land surface located in the vicinity of European boundaries is assessed as nearly 50% (0.43 Tg) of the total load estimated for the whole Europe.The average yearly PM10 emission factor for Europe was estimated at 0.139 Mg km?2.The PM10 emission from agricultural areas is estimated at 52% of the total wind blown emission from the domain of the European Union project “Improving and applying methods for the calculation of natural and biogenic emissions and assessment of impacts to the air quality” - NatAir.PM10 emission factor for natural areas of Europe is estimated at 0.021 Mg km?2. Appropriate factors for agricultural areas and anthropogenic areas are 0.157 Mg km?2 and 0.118 Mg km?2, respectively. The latter two factors are probably underestimated due to omitting in the model of other dust emission mechanisms than aeolian erosion.  相似文献   

The distribution of the density of foliage mass and area in forest canopies throughout Finland (60–70°N) were determined on the basis of the permanent sample plots used in the Finnish National Forest Inventory. These parameters were linked to the long-term monthly mean air temperatures for 1961–1990, which had been converted to hourly temperature and radiation values with the help of a weather simulator in order to calculate the spatial distribution of mean yearly emissions of monoterpene and isoprene over Finland. The mean total density of foliage mass in southern Finland (60°⩽latitude<65°N) was around 500 g m−2, equivalent to 4–5 m2 of total foliage area per m2 of land area. In northern Finland (65°⩽latitude<70°N), the maximum values remained below 200–300 g m−2, or 2–3 m2 m−2. The highest values were achieved in forests dominated by mature Norway spruces. The higher temperatures and longer growing season in southern Finland led to greater emissions than in the rest of the country. Total annual emissions of monoterpene were 1070 kg km−2 yr−1 in southern Finland and 460 kg km−2 yr−1 in the north, and those of isoprene from Norway spruce canopies 150 and 40 kg km−2 yr−1, respectively.  相似文献   

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