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Investigations on the monitoring of ambient air levels of atmospheric particulates were developed around a large source of primary anthropogenic particulate emissions: the industrial ceramic area in the province of Castelló (Eastern Spain). Although these primary particulate emissions have a coarse grain-size distribution, the atmospheric transport dominated by the breeze circulation accounts for a grain-size segregation, which results in ambient air particles occurring mainly in the 2.5–10 μm range. The chemical composition of the ceramic particulate emissions is very similar to the crustal end-member but the use of high Al, Ti and Fe as tracer elements as well as a peculiar grain-size distribution in the insoluble major phases allow us to identify the ceramic input in the bulk particulate matter. PM2.5 instead of PM10 monitoring may avoid the interference of crustal particles without a major reduction in the secondary anthropogenic load, with the exception of nitrate. However, a methodology based in PM2.5 measurement alone is not adequate for monitoring the impact of primary particulate emissions (such as ceramic emissions) on air quality, since the major ambient air particles derived from these emissions are mainly in the range of 2.5–10 μm. Consequently, in areas characterised by major secondary particulate emissions, PM2.5 monitoring should detect anthropogenic particulate pollutants without crustal particulate interference, whereas PM10 measurements should be used in areas with major primary anthropogenic particulate emissions.  相似文献   

Hong Kong's persistent unhealthy level of fine particulate matter is a current public health challenge, complicated by the city being located in the rapidly industrializing Pearl River Delta Region of China. While the sources of the region's fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are still not well understood, this study provides new source information through ground measurements and statistical analysis of 24 elements associated with particulate matter collected on filters. Field measurements took place over 4 months (October 2002, December 2002, March 2003, and June 2003) at seven sites throughout the Pearl River Delta, with three sites located in Hong Kong and four sites in the neighboring province, Guangdong. The 4-month average element concentrations show significant variation throughout the region, with higher levels of nearly every species seen among the northern Guangdong sites in comparison to Hong Kong. The high correlation (Pearson r>0.8) and similar magnitudes of 11 species (Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Br, Rb, and Pb) at three contrasting sites in Hong Kong indicate that sources external to Hong Kong dominate the regional levels of these elements. Further correlative analysis compared Hong Kong against potential source areas in Guangdong Province (Shenzhen, Zhongshan, and Guangzhou). Moderate correlation of sulfur for all pairings of Hong Kong sites with three Guangdong sites in developed areas (average Pearson r of 0.52–0.94) supports the importance of long-distance transport impacting the region as a whole, although local sources also clearly impact observed concentrations. Varying correlative characteristics for zinc when Hong Kong sites are paired with Shenzhen (average r=0.86), Guangzhou (average r=−0.65) and Zhongshan (average r=0.45) points to a source area located south of Guangzhou and locally impacting Zhongshan. The concentration distribution and correlative characteristics of bromide point to sources located within the Pearl River Delta, but the specific location is yet inconclusive. Uniquely poor correlation of eight species (Al, Si, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Rb, and Pb) for the pairing of Hong Kong sites with Guangzhou, in addition to the relatively higher concentrations measured at Guangzhou, indicates a significant regional impact due to land development and industrial activities in the Guangzhou vicinity.  相似文献   

24-h PM2.5 carbonaceous samples were collected between 27 November and 9 December 1999 in Seoul, and between 7 and 20 June 2000 in Kwangju to investigate characteristics of carbonaceous species, and the relationship between elemental carbon (EC) and Aethalometer-based black carbon (BC) measurements. 5-min PM2.5 BC and criteria air pollutant data were also measured using the Aethalometer and ambient air monitoring system. The PM2.5 samples were analyzed for EC and OC using a selective thermal manganese dioxide oxidation (TMO) method. The daily average EC and OC concentrations in Seoul were higher in the winter than in the summer (Atmos. Environ. 35 (2001a) 657). It was found that difference between ambient BC levels in the two cities was not directly proportional to the population ratio (∼8) or diesel traffic ratio (∼5.9) since particulate matter or BC concentration is strongly influenced by a result of varying traffic and meteorological conditions at the site. Using the primary OC/EC ratio approach, the results suggest that most of the measured OC in Kwangju is of primary origin during the summer. In Seoul, the observed OC includes additional secondary organic aerosol during the wintertime conditions. The relationship between the 24-h TMO-EC and Aethalometer BC measurements in PM2.5 reflected very good agreement for the two urban sites, with correlation coefficients of R2=0.99 and 0.92, and BC/EC slopes of 0.93 and 1.07, respectively. It was found that comparing TMO-EC to BC at a different location in Korea, a different scaling factor was needed.  相似文献   

Outdoor, indoor and personal PM2.5 measurements were made in a population of nonsmoking adults from three communities in the Minneapolis–St. Paul metropolitan area between April and November 1999. Thirty-two healthy adult subjects (23 females, 9 males; mean age 42±10, range: 24–64 yr) were monitored for 2–15 days during the spring, summer, and fall monitoring seasons. Twenty-four hour average gravimetric PM2.5 samples were collected using a federal reference monitor (Anderson RAAS2.5-300) located at outdoor (O) central sites in the Battle Creek (BCK), East St. Paul (ESP) and Phillips (PHI) communities. Concurrent 24-h average indoor (I) and personal (P), and a limited number of outdoor-at-home (O@H) samples were collected using inertial impactors (PEM™ Model 200, MSP, Inc). The O (geometric mean {GM}=8.6; n=271; range: 1.0–41 μg/m3) were lower than I concentrations (GM=10.7; n=294; range 1.3–131 μg/m3), which were lower than P concentrations (GM=19.0; n=332; range 2.2–298 μg/m3). Correlation coefficients between O concentrations in the three communities were high and measured GM O levels in BCK were significantly lower than ESP, most likely because of local sources, but GM concentrations in PHI were not significantly different from BCK or ESP. On days with paired samples (n=29), O concentrations were significantly lower (mean difference 2.9 μg/m3; p=0.026) than O@H measurements (GM=11.3; range: 3.5–33.8 μg/m3), likely due to local sources in communities. Observed I and P concentrations were more variable, probably because of residential central air conditioning and hours of household ventilation for I and P, and occupational and environmental tobacco smoke exposures outside the residence for P. Across all individuals and days the median PM2.5 “personal cloud” was 5.7 μg/m3, but the mean of the average for each participant was 15.7 μg/m3, with very low values in participants who did not work outside the home and much higher values in subjects with active lifestyles. Across all households and individuals the correlation between P and O concentrations was not significant, but the overall I–O correlation (0.27) and P–I correlation (0.51) were significant (p<0.05). Relatively little spatial variability was observed in O PM2.5 concentrations across the three communities compared to the variability associated with I and P samples, and the measured O levels were relatively low compared to other large metropolitan areas in the United States.  相似文献   

Comparison of PM2.5 carbon measurement methods in Hong Kong, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples from Hong Kong, China, were analyzed for organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and total carbon (TC) by three thermal protocols (low-temperature IMPROVE and high-temperature STN and NIOSH) and two optical monitoring methods: reflectance and transmittance. Good agreement (+/-10%) for TC among the three protocols was observed for sample loadings of 1-55 microg m(-3). The two protocols using a reflectance pyrolysis correction showed best agreement for EC, with <20% differences found for approximately 80% of the samples. Hong Kong has a large diesel fleet, and for some heavily loaded samples the light transmittance was too low for quantitative detection, resulting in large uncertainties in the OC/EC split based on transmittance. Hong Kong experienced OC levels similar to those at US sites, but has much higher EC concentrations. OC/EC ratios range from 2 to 5 at two US sites and from 0.2 to 1.2 at three Hong Kong sites.  相似文献   

It will be many years before the recently deployed network of fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microm (PM2.5) Federal Reference Method (FRM) samplers produces information on nonattainment areas, trends, and source impacts. However, data on PM2.5 and its major constituents have been routinely collected in California for the past 20 years. The California Air Resources Board operated as many as 20 dichotomous (dichot) samplers for PM2.5 and coarse PM (PM10-2.5). The California Acid Deposition Monitoring Program (CADMP) collected 12-h-average PM2.5 and PM10 from 1988 to 1995 at ten urban and rural sites and 24-h-average PM2.5 at five urban sites since 1995. Beginning in 1994, the Children's Health Study collected 2-week averages of PM2.5 in 12 communities in southern California using the Two-Week Sampler (TWS). Comparisons of collocated samples establish relationships between the dichot, CADMP, and TWS samplers and the 82-site network of PM2.5 FRM samplers deployed since 1999 in California. PM mass data from the different monitoring programs have modest to high correlation to FRM mass data, fairly small systematic biases and negative proportional biases ranging from 7 to 22%. If the biases are taken into account, all of the programs should be considered comparable with the FRM program. Thus, historical data can be used to develop long-term PM trends in California.  相似文献   

Geographic and temporal variations in the concentration and composition of particulate matter (PM) provide important insights into particle sources, atmospheric processes that influence particle formation, and PM management strategies. In the nonurban areas of California, annual-average PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations range from 3 to 10 microg/m3 and from 5 to 18 microg/m3, respectively. In the urban areas of California, annual-averages for PM2.5 range from 7 to 30 microg/m3, with observed 24-hr peaks reaching levels as high as 160 microg/m3. Within each air basin, exceedances are a mixture of isolated events as well as periods of elevated PM2.5 concentrations that are more prolonged and regional in nature. PM2.5 concentrations are generally highest during the winter months. The exception is the South Coast Air Basin, where fairly high values occur throughout the year. Annual-average PM2.5 mass, as well as the concentrations of major components, declined from 1988 to 2000. The declines are especially pronounced for the sulfate (SO4(2-)) and nitrate (NO3-) components of PM2.5 and PM10) and correlate with reductions in ambient levels of oxides of sulfur (SOx) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Annual averages for PM10-2.5 and PM10 exhibited similar downwind trends from 1994 to 1999, with a slightly less pronounced decrease in the coarse fraction.  相似文献   

Continued development of personal air pollution monitors is rapidly improving government and research capabilities for data collection. In this study, we tested the feasibility of using GPS-enabled personal exposure monitors to collect personal exposure readings and short-term daily PM2.5 measures at 15 fixed locations throughout a community. The goals were to determine the accuracy of fixed-location monitoring for approximating individual exposures compared to a centralized outdoor air pollution monitor, and to test the utility of two different personal monitors, the RTI MicroPEM V3.2 and TSI SidePak AM510. For personal samples, 24-hr mean PM2.5 concentrations were 6.93 μg/m3 (stderr = 0.15) and 8.47 μg/m3 (stderr = 0.10) for the MicroPEM and SidePak, respectively. Based on time–activity patterns from participant journals, exposures were highest while participants were outdoors (MicroPEM = 7.61 µg/m3, stderr = 1.08, SidePak = 11.85 µg/m3, stderr = 0.83) or in restaurants (MicroPEM = 7.48 µg/m3, stderr = 0.39, SidePak = 24.93 µg/m3, stderr = 0.82), and lowest when participants were exercising indoors (MicroPEM = 4.78 µg/m3, stderr = 0.23, SidePak = 5.63 µg/m3, stderr = 0.08). Mean PM2.5 at the 15 fixed locations, as measured by the SidePak, ranged from 4.71 µg/m3 (stderr = 0.23) to 12.38 µg/m3 (stderr = 0.45). By comparison, mean 24-h PM2.5 measured at the centralized outdoor monitor ranged from 2.7 to 6.7 µg/m3 during the study period. The range of average PM2.5 exposure levels estimated for each participant using the interpolated fixed-location data was 2.83 to 19.26 µg/m3 (mean = 8.3, stderr = 1.4). These estimated levels were compared with average exposure from personal samples. The fixed-location monitoring strategy was useful in identifying high air pollution microclimates throughout the county. For 7 of 10 subjects, the fixed-location monitoring strategy more closely approximated individuals’ 24-hr breathing zone exposures than did the centralized outdoor monitor. Highlights are: Individual PM2.5 exposure levels vary extensively by activity, location and time of day; fixed-location sampling more closely approximated individual exposures than a centralized outdoor monitor; and small, personal exposure monitors provide added utility for individuals, researchers, and public health professionals seeking to more accurately identify air pollution microclimates.

Implications: Personal air pollution monitoring technology is advancing rapidly. Currently, personal monitors are primarily used in research settings, but could they also support government networks of centralized outdoor monitors? In this study, we found differences in performance and practicality for two personal monitors in different monitoring scenarios. We also found that personal monitors used to collect outdoor area samples were effective at finding pollution microclimates, and more closely approximated actual individual exposure than a central monitor. Though more research is needed, there is strong potential that personal exposure monitors can improve existing monitoring networks.  相似文献   

The Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA) has shown a high concentration of PM2.5 in its atmosphere since 2003. The contribution of possible sources of primary PM2.5 and its precursors is not known. In this paper we present the results of analyzing the chemical composition of sixty 24-hr samples of PM2.5 to determine possible sources of PM2.5 in the MMA. The samples were collected at the northeast and southeast of the MMA between November 22 and December 12, 2007, using low-volume devices. Teflon and quartz filters were used to collect the samples. The concentrations of 16 airborne trace elements were determined using x-ray fluorescence (XRF). Anions and cations were determined using ion chromatography. Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were determined by thermal optical analysis. The results show that Ca had the maximum mean concentration of all elements studied, followed by S. Enrichment factors above 50 were calculated for S, Cl, Cu, Zn, Br and Pb. This indicates that these elements may come from anthropogenic sources. Overall, the major average components of PM2.5 were OC (41.7%), SO4(2-) (22.9%), EC (7.4%), crustal material (11.4%), and NO3- (12.6%), which altogether accounted for 96% of the mass. Statistically, we did not find any difference in SO4(2-) concentrations between the two sites. The fraction of secondary organic carbon was between 24% and 34%. The results of the factor analysis performed over 10 metals and OC and EC show that there are three main sources of PM2.5: crustal material and vehicle exhaust; industrial activity; and fuel oil burning. The results show that SO4(2-), OC, and crustal material are important components of PM2.5 in MMA. Further work is necessary to evaluate the proportion of secondary inorganic and organic aerosol in order to have a better understanding of the sources and precursors of aerosols in the MMA.  相似文献   

A series of field studies were carried out in London, UK, during 1999–2000 in which over 400 fine particle (PM2.5) personal exposure level measurements were taken for journeys in bicycle, bus, car and underground rail transport microenvironments. This was the first comprehensive PM2.5 personal exposure study of transport users. Both a fixed-route multi-transport mode study and a study of cyclists’ commuter journeys were undertaken. Subsequent to these field studies regression modelling of possible influencing factors of these exposure levels was carried out. Meteorological variables, traffic density, mode and route were considered; the relationships of personal exposure levels with fixed site monitor (FSM) concentrations, and of the FSM concentrations with the potential predictor variables, were also investigated. This analysis of the determinants of transport user exposure to PM2.5 in London, UK, showed that wind speed had a significant influence on personal exposure levels, though explained only up to 20% of the variability of road transport user exposure levels. The occurrence of higher wind speeds was strongly associated with a decrease in personal exposure levels; a 1.5–2.0 fold difference in exposure level concentrations was estimated between the 10th and 90th percentiles of wind speed. Route was a significant factor, whilst mode was not a significant factor in the street microenvironment (between bicycle, bus and car modes); models incorporating route and mode, as well as wind speed, explained approximately 35% of the variability in PM2.5 exposure levels. Personal exposure levels were reasonably correlated with urban background FSM concentrations, for fixed-route road mode (bicycle, bus and car) exposure level concentrations, r=0.27 (p<0.01) and for commuter cyclists’ exposure level concentrations r=0.58 (p<0.01).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) may increase lung cancer risk, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. This study explored...  相似文献   

The functional group (FG) composition of urban residential outdoor, indoor, and personal fine particle (PM2.5) samples is presented and used to provide insights relevant to organic PM2.5 exposure. PM2.5 samples (48 h) were collected during the Relationship of Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air (RIOPA) study at 219 non-smoking homes (once or twice) in Los Angeles County, CA, Elizabeth, NJ, and Houston, TX. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of PM2.5 samples were collected, and FG absorbances were quantified by partial least squares (PLS) regression, a multivariate calibration method.There is growing evidence in the literature that a large majority of indoor-generated PM2.5 is organic. The current research suggests that indoor-generated PM2.5 is enriched in aliphatic carbon–hydrogen (CH) FGs relative to ambient outdoor PM2.5. Indoor-generated CH exceeded outdoor-generated CH in 144 of the 167 homes for which indoor or outdoor CH was measurable; estimated indoor emission rates are provided. The strong presence of aliphatic CH FGs in indoor PM2.5 makes particulate organic matter substantially less polar indoors and in personal exposures than outdoors. This is a substantial new finding. Based on the quantified FGs, the average organic molecular weight (OM) per carbon weight (OC), a measure of the degree of oxygenation of organic PM, is in the range of 1.7–2.6 for outdoor samples and 1.3–1.7 for indoor and personal samples. Polarity or degree of oxygenation effects particle deposition in exposure environments and in the respiratory system.  相似文献   


Positive Matrix Factorization analysis of PM2.5 chemical speciation data collected from 2015–2017 at Washington State Department of Ecology’s urban NCore (Beacon Hill) and near-road (10th and Weller) sites found similar PM2.5 sources at both sites. Identified factors were associated with gasoline exhaust, diesel exhaust, aged and fresh sea salt, crustal, nitrate-rich, sulfur-rich, unidentified urban, zinc-rich, residual fuel oil, and wood smoke. Factors associated with vehicle emissions were the highest contributing sources at both sites. Gasoline exhaust emissions comprised 26% and 21% of identified sources at Beacon Hill and 10th and Weller, respectively. Diesel exhaust emissions comprised 29% of identified sources at 10th and Weller but only 3% of identified sources at Beacon Hill. Correlation of the diesel exhaust factor with measured concentrations of black carbon and nitrogen oxides at 10th and Weller suggests a method to predict PM2.5 from diesel exhaust without a full chemical speciation analysis. While most PM2.5 sources exhibit minimal change over time, primary PM2.5 from gasoline emissions is increasing on average 0.18 µg m?3 per year in Seattle.  相似文献   

Weekly PM2.5 samples were simultaneously collected at a residential (Tsinghua University) and a downtown (Chegongzhuang) site in Beijing from July 1999 through September 2000. The ambient mass concentration and chemical composition of the PM2.5 were determined. Analyses included elemental composition, water-soluble ions, and organic and elemental carbon. Weekly PM2.5 mass concentrations ranged from 37 to 357 μg/m3, with little difference found between the two sites. Seasonal variation of PM2.5 concentrations was significant, with the highest concentration in the winter and the lowest in the summer. Spring dust storms had a strong impact on the PM2.5. Overall, organic carbon was the most abundant species, constituting no less than 30% of the total PM2.5 mass at both sites. Concentrations of organic and elemental carbon were 35% and 16% higher at Tsinghua University than at Chegongzhuang. Ammonium, nitrate and sulfate were comparable at the sites, accounting for 25–30% of the PM2.5 mass.  相似文献   

Fine particles in urban atmospheres contain substantial quantities of semi-volatile material [e.g., NH4NO3 and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)] that are lost from particles during collection on a filter. Several diffusion denuder samplers have been developed for the determination of both NO3- and organic semi-volatile fine particulate components. The combination of technology used in the BOSS diffusion denuder sampler and the Harvard particle concentrator has resulted in the Particle Concentrator-Brigham Young University Organic Sampling System (PC-BOSS) for the 24-hr (or less) integrated collection of PM2.5, including NH4NO3 and semi-volatile organic material. Modification of the BOSS sampler allows for the weekly determination of these same species. Combination of BOSS denuder and tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor technology has resulted in the real-time ambient mass sampler (RAMS) for the continuous measurement of PM2.5, including the semi-volatile components. Comparison of the results obtained with the BOSS and with each of the newly developed modifications of the BOSS indicates that the modified versions can be used for the continuous, daily, or weekly monitoring of PM2.5, including semi-volatile species, as appropriate to the design of each sampler.  相似文献   

Phoenix, AZ, experiences high particulate matter (PM) episodes, especially in the wintertime. The spatial variation of the PM concentrations and resulting differences in exposure is of particular concern. In this study, PM2.s (PM with aerodynamic diameter <2.5 microm) and PM10 (PM with aerodynamic diameter <10 microm) samples were collected simultaneously from the east and west sides of South Phoenix and at a control site in Tempe and analyzed for trace elements and bulk elemental and organic carbon. Measurements showed that although PM2.5 concentrations had similar trends in temporal scale across all sites, concentrations of PM10 did not. The difference in PM10 concentrations and fluctuation across the three sites suggest effects of a local soil source as evidenced by high concentrations of Al, Ca, and Fe in PM10. K and anthropogenic elements (e.g., Cu, Pb, and Zn) in PM2.5 samples on January 1 were strikingly high, suggesting the influence of New Year's fireworks. Concentrations of toxic elements (e.g., Pb) in the study presented here are not different from similar studies in other U.S. cities. Application of principal component analysis indicated two broad categories of emission sources--soil and combustion--together accounting for 80 and 90% of variance, respectively, in PM2.5 and PM10. The soil and combustion components explained approximately 60 and 30% of the variance in PM10, respectively, whereas combustion sources dominated PM2.5 (>50% variance). Many elements associated with anthropogenic sources were highly enriched, with enrichment factors in PM2.5 an order of magnitude higher than in PM10 relative to surface soil composition in the study area.  相似文献   

分析了2015年南京市PM2.5和PM10的浓度特征和大致来源类型。PM2.5和PM10的年均浓度分别为56.6 μg·m-3和96.5 μg·m-3,污染水平较高。颗粒物浓度的季节变化特征一致:冬 > 春 > 秋 > 夏;PM2.5的日变化呈"单峰单谷"型,而PM10的呈"单峰双谷"型。颗粒物浓度在城区高于郊区;植被茂盛区域的浓度较低。对PM2.5/PM10而言,比值在冬季和梅雨期较大,分别受取暖和降水的影响;比值在春季和夏末秋初较小,分别受沙尘和秸秆焚烧的影响。PM2.5多为二次颗粒物,PM10多为一次颗粒物;固定污染源对PM2.5的间接贡献和对PM10的直接贡献较移动污染源而言更大。  相似文献   

Vehicle emissions can constitute a major share of ambient concentrations of many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other air pollutants in urban areas. Especially high concentrations may occur at curbsides, vehicle cabins, and other microenvironments. Such levels are not reflected by monitoring at fixed sites. This study reports on measurements of VOCs made from buses and cars in Detroit, MI. A total of 74 adsorbent tube samples were collected on 40 trips and analyzed by GC-MS for 77 target compounds. Three bus routes, selected to include residential, commercial and heavily industrialized areas, were sampled simultaneously on four sequential weeks during morning and afternoon rush hour periods. Nineteen compounds were regularly detected and quantified, the most prevalent of which included hexane/2-methyl pentane (15.6±5.8 μg m−3), toluene (10.2±7.9 μg m−3), m,p-xylene (6.8±4.7 μg m−3), benzene (4.5±3.0 μg m−3), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (4.0±2.6 μg m−3), o-xylene (2.2±1.6 μg m−3), and ethylbenzene (2.1±1.5 μg m−3). VOC levels in bus interiors and outdoor levels along the roadway were similar. Despite the presence of large industrial sources, route-to-route variation was small, but temporal variation was large and statistically significant. VOC compositions and trends indicate the dominance of vehicle sources over the many industrial sources in Detroit with the possible exceptions of styrene and several chlorinated VOCs. In-bus levels exceeded concentrations at fixed site monitors by a factor of 2–4. VOC concentrations in Detroit traffic are generally comparable to levels measured elsewhere in the US and Canada, but considerably lower than measured in Asia and Europe.  相似文献   

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