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The study addresses the characteristics of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) distributions in the Netherlands by using Black Smoke (BS) data in combination with dedicated measurements and modelling. The BS levels indicate a large-scale background concentration over the Netherlands with low spatial variability and a gradient with highest levels (∼9 μg m−3) in the south gradually decreasing to the north-west (∼5.5 μg m−3). The BS concentrations at rural sites in the Netherlands are highly correlated due to common (diffuse) sources and large-scale meteorology. Superimposed on the regional background are the contributions of local/urban sources. Urban and rural BS levels show a distinct variation over the week with minimum levels on Sundays.BS levels do not reflect a real concentration as they are obtained via an optical measurement in combination with an outdated calibration curve to arrive at total suspended particles (TSP). We have found that the relation between BS and EC in the Netherlands is linear and highly correlated but dependent on station type. Application of these relations to the BS time series yields a gradient in the rural background EC concentration from 0.5 μg m−3 in the north to 0.7 μg m−3 in the south of the Netherlands. The relationship between OC and BS appears to be location specific and is determined by the BS–EC relation in combination with a characteristic OC/EC ratio. OC/EC ratios are ∼5 at regional background sites and ∼2 at traffic locations. Minimum OC/EC ratios at the traffic sites reflect the primary OC/EC ratio of traffic. We argue that estimation of secondary organic aerosol by assuming the minimum OC/EC ratio to be a proxy for the primary OC/EC is not allowed since this approach does not account for sources with high OC/EC ratios. Based on European scale modelling and the measured data, we estimate that national sources contribute ∼40–60% to Dutch EC levels.The rather costly and laborious EC measurements provide a better indicator of the carbonaceous fraction in ambient particulate matter (PM) but the cheap BS method may provide valuable information on spatial distribution of EC when used in combination with validation sites to characterise the EC–BS relationship.  相似文献   

We have studied the possible association of daily mortality with ambient pollutant concentrations (PM10, CO, O3, SO2, NO2, and fine [PM2.5] and coarse PM) and weather variables (temperature and dew point) in the Pittsburgh, PA, area for two age groups--less than 75, and 75 and over--for the 3-year period of 1989-1991. Correlation functions among pollutant concentrations show important seasonal dependence, and this fact necessitates the use of seasonal models to better identify the link between ambient pollutant concentrations and daily mortality. An analysis of the seasonal model results for the younger-age group reveals significant multicollinearity problems among the highly correlated concentrations of PM10, CO, and NO2 (and O3 in spring and summer), and calls into question the rather consistent results of the single- and multi-pollutant non-seasonal models that show a significant positive association between PM10 and daily mortality. For the older-age group, dew point consistently shows a significant association with daily mortality in all models. Collinearity problems appear in the multi-pollutant seasonal and non-seasonal models such that a significant, positive PM10 coefficient is accompanied by a significant, negative coefficient of another ambient pollutant, and the identity of this other pollutant changes with season. The PM2.5 data set is half that of PM10. Identical-model runs for both data sets reveal instability in the pollutant coefficients, especially for the younger age group. The concern for the instability of the pollutant coefficients due to a small signal-to-noise ratio makes it impossible to ascertain credibly the relative associations of the fine- and coarse-particle modes with daily mortality. In this connection, we call for caution in the interpretation of model results for causal inference when the models use fully or partially estimated PM values to fill large data gaps.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Landfilling is one of the most prevalent waste management strategies on a global scale. However, one major drawback of landfills is the production of...  相似文献   


This study aims to investigate a practical bibliometric analysis and discuss its trends to evaluate the global scientific production of vermicompost research from 1993 to 2017 and explain its several advantages to our environment and waste management. The data were from the database of the Science Citation Index (SCI) published by the ISI Web of Science and illustrated by Excel and VOS viewer. According to the 2174 publications, this article was conducted based on four significant aspects, including publications growth trends, countries/territories, categories and journals, and keywords co-occurrence network analysis. This study revealed remarkable positive growth trends of the research and the number of articles related to vermicompost over the last 24 years with more countries participating in this field. Although the USA has the most collaboration with other countries, developing countries such as India, which was the most productive one, made significant progress in sharing articles within the study period. Based on analyses of dominant categories, the most common subject category was Environmental Science, and the most productive journal was Bioresource Technology. Finally, we analyzed author keywords to the extracted research article emphasis. The results showed that mainstream research claim vermicomposting with the help of Eisenia fetida earthworms which converts several wastes such as sewage sludge to a soil improvement fertilizer. It is an essential approach to eliminate heavy metals from the wastes and provide essential nutrients to improve the growth and yield of plants.


To investigate short-term effects of ambient ozone exposure on mortality in Chinese cities, we conducted a meta-analysis of 10 effect estimates of 5 short-term studies, which reported associations between ambient ozone and mortality in Chinese mainland cities. And we estimated pooled effects by non-accidental mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and respiratory mortality. Combined estimates and their 95%CI were tested by RevMan 5, and Funnel plots were used for the bias analysis. For a 10 μg m−3 increase of maximum 8-h average concentration of ozone, the percent change for non-accidental mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and respiratory mortality were 0.42 (95%CI, 0.32–0.52%), 0.44% (95%CI, 0.17–0.70%) and 0.50% (95%CI, 0.22–0.77%), respectively. Compared with pooled estimates from other meta-analyses on ambient ozone-associated mortality, our pooled estimate for non-accidental mortality was slightly higher than previous ones and pooled estimate for cardiovascular mortality was consistent with others. However, we observed significantly positive association between ambient ozone and respiratory mortality, which were generally nonsignificant in earlier studies. By combining estimates from published evidence, a small but substantial association between ambient ozone level and mortality was observed in Mainland China.  相似文献   

Ambient samples of fine organic aerosol collected from a rural area (Moitinhos) in the vicinity of the small coastal Portuguese city of Aveiro over a period of more than one year have been solvent-extracted and quantitatively characterised by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Particles were also analysed with a thermal-optical technique in order to determine their elemental and organic carbon content. In addition, meteorological sensors and real-time black carbon, ozone and carbon monoxide monitors were used. Particulate matter values were higher than background levels in continental Europe. A patent seasonal variation for organic and elemental carbon concentrations was observed, presumably related to stronger local primary emissions and to limited vertical dispersion. The higher levels were most likely a result of residential wood burning, since black carbon and carbon monoxide maximised during late evening hours in wintertime. Of the bulk of elutable organics, more than a half, on average, was present as acidic fraction. Alcohols, aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons represented together, more than 30% of the elutable mass, also showing a marked seasonal pattern with a minimum in summer and a maximum in winter. The winter increase was more evident for resinic acids, phytosterols, n-alkanoic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Hourly measurements of up to 26 C2–C8 hydrocarbons have been made at eight urban background sites, three urban-industrial sites, a kerbside and a rural site in the UK from 1993 onwards up until the end of December 2004. Average annual mean benzene and 1,3-butadiene concentrations at urban background locations have declined at about −20% per year and the observed declines have exactly mimicked the inferred declines in benzene and 1,3-butadiene emissions over the same period. Ninety-day rolling mean concentrations of ethylene, propylene, n- and i-butane, n- and i-pentane, isoprene and propane at urban and rural sites have also declined steadily by between −10% and −30% per year. Rolling mean concentrations of acetylene, 2- and 3-methylpentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, cis- and trans-but-2-ene, cis- and trans-pent-2-ene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-, m- and p-xylene at a roadside location in London have all declined at between −14% and −21% per year. These declines demonstrate that motor vehicle exhaust catalysts and evaporative canisters have effectively and efficiently controlled vehicular emissions of hydrocarbons in the UK. Urban ethane concentrations arising largely from natural gas leakage have remained largely unchanged over this same period.  相似文献   

Pan  Rubing  Yao  Zhenhai  Yi  Weizhuo  Wei  Qiannan  He  Yangyang  Tang  Chao  Liu  Xiangguo  Son  Shasha  Ji  Yanhu  Song  Jian  Cheng  Jian  Ji  Yifu  Su  Hong 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(4):5184-5193
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Along with climate change, unstable weather patterns are becoming more frequent. However, the temporal trend associated with the effect of temperature...  相似文献   

The population in the Black Sea region is expected to decline in the future. However, a better understanding of how river pollution is affected by declining trends in population and increasing trends in economic developments and urbanization is needed. This study aims to quantify future trends in point-source emissions of nutrients, microplastics, Cryptosporidium, and triclosan to 107 rivers draining into the Black Sea. We apply a multi-pollutant model for 2010, 2050, and 2100. In the future, over half of the rivers will be more polluted than in 2010. The population in 74 sub-basins may drop by over 25% in our economic scenario with poor wastewater treatment. Over two-thirds of the people will live in cities and the economy may grow 9-fold in the region. Advanced wastewater treatment could minimize trade-offs between economy and pollution: our Sustainability scenario projects a 68–98% decline in point-source pollution by 2100. Making this future reality will require coordinated international efforts.Supplementary InformationThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-022-01780-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The brominated flame retardant decabromodiphenylether (DBDE) was analysed in wild birds to identify the most suitable species for monitoring time trends in DBDE contamination. This information was later used for the design of a 10-year trend study on DBDE in the European Union. DBDE was measured in muscle tissue, liver, and eggs from 10 terrestrial and four aquatic bird species. DBDE was detected in 47% of the terrestrial bird samples (nine species) and in 9% of the aquatic bird samples (six species). Peregrine falcon and sparrowhawk specimens were selected as most suitable species to determine temporal trends of DBDE. For sparrowhawks, no significant change in DBDE concentrations between 1973 and 2001 was found, although in later years more DBDE concentrations were above the detection limit. Peak DBDE levels measured in peregrines in 1995, were followed by a decline in concentrations until 2001. The same species were used for a trend study on hexabromocylcododecane (HBCD). Twenty-four percent of peregrine falcon eggs and 12% of sparrowhawk muscle samples demonstrated measurable HBCD residues. Three diastereomers of HBCD were analysed and the α-diastereomer was the predominant one in most samples. No clear time trends were observed for HBCD in either species. This study demonstrated that these DBDE and HBCD are bioavailable to birds of Northern Europe, although bioaccumulation seems to occur to a limited extent.  相似文献   

Dust events are common air pollution events in parts of the world with arid, semi-arid, or desert areas. There is little research on the association between respiratory and cardiovascular health and dust events in places which are close to the deserts. The aim of this study is to evaluate the health effects of dust events in a location where traffic and industry are underdeveloped and dust events are most frequent in China. The setting allows the opportunity to reduce confounding by anthropogenically derived particulate matter and to confirm the health effects of dust events. The present study was done using daily counts of hospitalizations in Minqin (1994–2003) for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth revision) for males and females. Using a semi-parametric generalized additive model and controlling for long-term temporal trends, day of the week, meteorological factors, and seasonal influence, counts of hospitalization were analyzed for dust events in a Poisson regression.Relative risks (RRs) were used to estimate the risk of dust events for respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations. In the year-round model, dust events with a lag of 3 days were significantly associated with total respiratory hospitalization for males and females, with RRs of 1.14 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.29) and 1.18 (95% CI 1.00–1.41); dust events with a lag of 4 days were significantly associated with upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) in males (RR 1.28, 95% CI 1.04–1.59), and dust events with a lag of 6 days were significantly associated with pneumonia in males, with an RR of 1.17 (95% CI 1.00–1.38). A significant association between dust events with a lag of 3 days and hypertension in males was also found (RR 1.30, 95% CI 1.03,1.64). In the seasonal analysis model, the associations between the dust events and respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations were stronger in spring and in winter, respectively.The results show the health effects of dust events on respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations, and the characteristic seasonal distribution of the health effects. In addition, the health effects of dust events are consistent with recent animal and human data showing the respiratory and cardiovascular effects of particulate matter.  相似文献   

The ethoxy resorufin dealkylase (EROD) inducing potency of 10 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is measured in the H4IIE in vitro bioassay and the results are compared to those reported in literature. The selected PAHs varied considerably in their potency to induce EROD activity. Anthracene (Ant) and phenanthrene (Phe) showed consistently no response. Naphthalene (Nap) showed no or a very weak response on EROD activity. Fluoranthene (Fla) and benzo[g,h,i]perylene (BghiP) showed weak responses at the highest doses. The other PAHs, including indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (IP), benz[a]anthracene (BaA), benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), chrysene (Chr) and benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF), showed full bell shaped dose-response curves. BaP EROD induction equivalency factors (BaP-1EF) were calculated and increased in the order Ant approximately Phe < Fla < Nap < BghiP < IP < BaA < BaP < Chr < BkF. Comparison of BaP-IEFs based on 50% effect concentration (EC50) or lowest effect concentration (LEC), yielded a significant relationship between both methods described by the equation log(BaPIEF(EC50) = 0.55 x log(BaPIEF(LEC)) + 0.07 (r2 = 0.913). BaP-IEFs as derived from our measurements and as reported in literature and measured in other in vitro assays deviated up to a factor of 17 among the different studies, but the potency rankings were comparable. For the PAH mixture as on average present in the human diet an overall tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-IEF of 1 x 10(-4) was estimated. The total PAH based TCDD induction equivalents (IEQ) intake then was calculated 300 pg/day, which is approximately 2 times higher then the PHAH based TCDD-EQ intake reported for humans.  相似文献   


Food nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) footprints are indicators for determining the losses of N and P over food production (FP) and food consumption (FC) chain. Yemen is an interesting case because, given the country’s heavy dependence on food imports, food insecurity, and poverty, the N footprint (NF) and P footprint (PF) could affect its future development. However, NF and PF over time have not yet been studied in Yemen. Therefore, this is the first paper to compute the NF and PF in Arabian Peninsula (a case study from Yemen) by an adjusted model of N-Calculator, by computing virtual N (VNFs) and virtual P (VPFs) factors for main foodstuffs. The NF (kg N cap?1 year?1) and PF (kg P cap?1 year?1) elevated from 5.56 and 1.20 in the 1960s to 15.2 and 4.79 during 2011–2017, respectively, while the national NF (Gg [109 g] N year?1) and national PF (Gg P year?1) increased from 27.7 and 6.77 in the 1960s to 358 and 122 during 2011–2017, respectively. Cereal was the largest contributor to the NF and PF in Yemen over the past 57 years. FP contributes approximately 80% and 86% of the total NF and PF during 2011–2017. Therefore, if possible, the best way for consumers and farmers in Yemen to decrease NF and PF is to focus efforts on increasing FP and FC of foodstuffs with less VNFs and VPFs. The consumption of vegetable-fruit, legumes, starchy, eggs, poultry, and fish should be increased as their NF and PF are low. However, people in Yemen suffer from shortage of resources and lack of awareness, and thus they do not have the opportunity to choose foodstuffs that are low in NF and PF. Accordingly, policymakers should encourage integrated approaches that introduce powerful tools for controlling crop and livestock production in conjunction with enhancements in nutrient use efficiency.


In the long-term cooperative project Voluntary Plan of Action (1990) between the Dutch Soap and Detergent Association (NVZ) and the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) environmental risk assessments of several main components of laundry cleaning formulations were completed. As a part of that project the environmental risk assessment of HEDP, ATMP, EDTMP and DTPMP phosphonates used in detergent applications has been carried out according to the EU Technical Guidance Document for Environmental Risk Assessment for New and Existing Chemicals. All PEC/PNEC ratios were well below 1. Results of this assessment based on the total industry volumes from 1995 and 1998 indicate that the environmental risk of these phosphonates is low in The Netherlands with properly functioning sewage treatment plants.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - There are inconsistent reports on the association between air pollution and cancers. This systematic review was, therefore, conducted to ascertain the...  相似文献   

In the South-Eastern French Mediterranean region, high ozone concentrations were measured since many years and specific symptoms like chlorotic mottles were detected on Arolla pines. We presented results for the 2000-2008 period concerning the trend analysis for ambient ozone concentrations and related forest damages, with the Mann and seasonal Kendall tests. Ozone precursor’s emissions from Europe have been reduced over the last 20 years. Decreases in annual averages, median, 25th and 98th percentiles and maxima values were found. The seasonal trend analysis for the high-lying stations showed a decreasing trend for the warm season, when main ozone production is the photochemistry, and an increase for the cold period, caused by a reduced ozone titration. Statistics on Arolla Pine reveal strong correlations between mottling intensity and the high ozone concentrations. Finally, decreases for the ozone concentrations, and associated statistics, AOT40 values and for the mottling intensity on conifers needles were observed.  相似文献   

An environmental risk assessment has been carried out for musk ketone and musk xylene according to the EU Technical Guidance Document for Environmental Risk Assessment for New and Existing Substances [1]. Musk ketone and musk xylene are used in fragrances for cosmetics and household products. For the fragrance industry these are important fragrance ingredients because of their excellent substantivity as well as for their unique smell, which determines largely the odor of a product.

The initial environmental risk assessment is based on information provided by the fragrance industry as represented in the Netherlands by its association NEA, by the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and data reported in the international open literature. The risk assessment includes an evaluation of the risks for aquatic organisms in surface water and sediment and for soil organisms in soil after application of sewage sludge. Secondary poisoning of fish-eating birds and mammals is considered as well. For each compartment the Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC) is compared to the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) to obtain PEC/PNEC ratios. Since monitoring data are available in water, sediment and fish, similar ratios are obtained with measured concentrations instead of the predicted ones.

For both substances, PEC/PNEC ratios are at or below 0.1 for organisms in the aquatic environment, including sediment organisms. PEC/PNEC ratios for fish-eating predators are 0.01. Ratios based on monitoring data are below 0.01 for all of these organisms. For soil organisms the PEC/PNEC ratio is 0.5 for musk ketone and 1.3 for musk xylene. Although in the Netherlands (as well as in some other European countries), sewage sludge presently finds no application as fertilizer on agricultural soil, the aim of environmental policy is to upgrade the sludge quality to enable future applications on agricultural and grassland. The reliability of the predicted soil concentrations can be greatly improved by obtaining experimental data on fate and behaviour of musk ketone and musk xylene in digested sludge and soil.

The risk assessment provides reassurance for the aquatic compartment while pointing the way for obtaining aditional data for the soil compartment.  相似文献   

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