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The marine atmosphere is characterized by particles which originate from the ocean and by those which reached the air by advection from the continent. The bubble-burst mechanism produces both sea salt as well as biological particles. The following article describes the determination of the size distribution of marine aerosol particles with special emphasis on the biological particles. Th data were obtained on three cruises with the German Research Vessel “METEOR” crossing the South Atlantic Ocean. The measurements showed that biological particles amount to 17% in number and 10% in volume concentration. Another type of particle became obvious in the marine atmosphere, the biologically contaminated particle, i.e. particles which consist partly (approximately up to one-third) of biological matter. Their concentration in the evaluated size class (r>2 μm) is higher than the concentration of the pure biological particles. The concentrations vary over about one to two orders of magnitude during all cruises.  相似文献   

During a field campaign the chemical character of fine (d<2.5 μm) aerosol particles was studied at K-puszta, Hungary within the framework of a project of the European Union. The organic and elemental carbon fraction, as well as the concentration of major inorganic constituents with respect to the total fine aerosol mass are presented in this paper. It was found that organic compounds constituted a significant fraction of the total fine aerosol mass, their contribution is comparable to or larger than that of the major water soluble ions. The diurnal variation of aerosol composition was also studied. It can be concluded that the relative abundance of the major constituents is practically the same during the day and at night. The samples were also classified and studied according to the air mass history. It is stated that the aerosol can be separated into two populations with different regression lines between organic and elemental carbon.  相似文献   

Organic films, collected from indoor and outdoor window surfaces in Guangzhou and Hong Kong of South China, were analyzed to quantify their organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) content. The highest concentrations of OC, EC, and BDE-209 were found in Guangzhou with values of 10 000 μg m?2, 2200 μg m?2, and 4000 ng m?2, respectively, and the highest concentration of Σ7PBDE (sum of BDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154 and -183) was found in Hong Kong with a value of 25 ng m?2. In most cases, the concentrations of PBDEs were higher in the exterior films than those in the interior films with BDE-209 as the predominant congener in both cities, suggesting that PBDEs mainly come from ambient environment, and deca-BDE accounts for major PBDE consumption. The growth rates of organic film on window surfaces were fast at the beginning, and reached a consistent level afterwards. The evolution rates ranged from 2.6 to 11 nm day?1 for “bulk film”, while from 0.06 to 0.92 nm day?1 for “pure film”. The concentrations of PBDEs on the window surfaces did not increase with the growth time, suggesting that the window surface may provide a good place for photo-degradation of PBDEs.  相似文献   

Intensive measurements of aerosol (PM10) and associated water-soluble ionic and carbonaceous species were conducted in Guangzhou, a mega city of China, during summer 2006. Elevated levels of most chemical species were observed especially at nighttime during two episodes, characterized by dramatic build-up of the biomass burning tracers levoglucosan and non-sea-salt potassium, when the prevailing wind direction had changed due to two approaching tropical cyclones. High-resolution air mass back trajectories based on the MM5 model revealed that air masses with high concentrations of levoglucosan (43–473 ng m?3) and non-sea-salt potassium (0.83–3.2 μg m?3) had passed over rural regions of the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong Province, where agricultural activities and field burning of crop residues are common practices. The relative contributions of biomass burning smoke to organic carbon in PM10 were estimated from levoglucosan data to be on average 7.0 and 14% at daytime and nighttime, respectively, with maxima of 9.7 and 32% during the episodic transport events, indicating that biomass and biofuel burning activities in the rural parts of the Pearl River Delta and neighboring regions could have a significant impact on ambient urban aerosol levels.  相似文献   

Aerosol water content (AWC) of urban atmospheric particles was investigated based on the hygroscopic growth measurements for 100 and 200 nm particles using a hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer in Sapporo, Japan in July 2006. In most of the humidogram measurements, presence of less and more hygroscopic mode was evident from the different dependence on relative humidity (RH). The volume of liquid water normalized by that of dry particle (Vw(RH)/Vdry) was estimated from the HTDMA data for 100 and 200 nm particles. The RH dependence of Vw(RH)/Vdry was well represented by a fitted curve with a hygroscopicity parameter κeff. The κeff values for 200 nm particles were in general higher than those for 100 nm particles, indicating a higher hygroscopicity of 200 nm particles. Based on the κeff values, the volume mixing ratios of water-soluble inorganic compounds (ammonium sulfate equivalent) were estimated to be on average 31% and 45% for 100 and 200 nm particles, respectively. The diurnal variation of κeff, with relatively higher values in the noontime and nighttime and lower values in the morning and evening hours, was observed for both particle sizes. The Vw(RH)/Vdry values under ambient RH conditions were estimated from κeff to range from 0.05 to 2.32 and 0.06 to 2.43 for 100 nm and 200 nm particles, respectively. The degree of correlation between κeff and Vw(RH)/Vdry at ambient RH suggests a significant contribution of the variation of κeff to atmospheric AWC in Sapporo.  相似文献   

为了深入了解不同源排放大气颗粒物对北京市大气环境的影响,从而提出更有效的防污染源控制对策,减少污染,对2014年夏季7月和2015年冬季1月北京市采集的108个样品应用扫描电镜-能谱技术进行研究。结果表明硫钙颗粒和碳质颗粒在冬夏季雾霾天气均大量出现。夏季清洁天气下PM2.5以上扬尘颗粒数量大于冬季。夏季雾霾天气下有机碳及含硫颗粒快速增加,冬季雾霾天气下由于燃煤供暖因素的存在,有机碳及含硫颗粒等特殊颗粒平均浓度较清洁天气增幅最高达145倍,PM1以下总颗粒数增长高达700%。夏季雾霾天气PM0.5~1颗粒数量较清洁天气增长1.6倍,冬季增长8倍。不同季节雾霾天气主导污染颗粒不同,应采取有针对性管控措施。  相似文献   

The processes occurring during the initial stages of size-selected sampling of atmospheric aerosol matter were explored by means of high-resolution scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The final four stages of a Berner impactor served to collect particles with aerodynamic diameters between 60 nm and 1 μm on polished silicon substrates at sampling times between 10 s and 16 min. In the single-particle impact regime (fractional coverage below 5%), most of the particles produced circular black tracks, of which 15 to 30% contained cores of carbonaceous nanoparticles. At a fractional coverage above about 10%, initially generated deposits became increasingly active as centres of preferred aerosol collection. As a result, the number of black spots remained almost constant, but the area per spot increased rapidly. At this stage of fractional coverage, structured aerosol matter became visible within large black areas of random shape. The deposits showed clear evidence for the onset of phase separation between carbon nanoparticles and material rich in sulphur, probably a mixture of alkaline and alkaline earth sulphates. After some time of sample storage in air the low-coverage sulphate matter tended to attain a fractal pattern. At a fractional coverage of several hundred per cent, large amorphous or crystalline objects had grown, but 30% or more of the nominal impact area still did not contain any aerosol matter. Moreover, carbon nanoparticles were found to be phase separated from the newly grown, very uniform aerosol material. The observations imply that sub-micrometer aerosol matter collected in impactors has lost memory of the original particle morphology.  相似文献   



PM10 aerosol samples were simultaneously collected at two urban and one urban background sites in Fuzhou city during two sampling campaigns in summer and winter. PM10 mass concentrations and chemical compositions were determined.


Water-soluble inorganic ions (Cl?, NO 3 ? , SO 4 2? , NH 4 + , K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), carbonaceous species (elemental carbon and organic carbon), and elements (Al, Si, Mg, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, and Pb) were detected using ion chromatography, thermal/optical reflectance, and proton-induced X-ray emission methods, respectively.


PM10 mass concentrations, as well as most of the chemical components, were significantly increased from urban background to urban sites, which were due to enhanced anthropogenic activities in urban areas. Elements, carbonaceous species, and most of the ions were more uniformly distributed at different types of sites in winter, whereas secondary ion SO 4 2? , NO 3 ? , and NH 4 + showed more evident urban-background contrast in this season. The chemical mass closure indicated that mineral dust, organic matters, and sulfate were the most abundant components in PM10. The sum of individually measured components accounted for 86.9?C97.7% of the total measured PM10 concentration, and the discrepancy was larger in urban area than in urban background area.


According to the principal component analysis?Cmultivariate linear regression model, mineral dust, secondary inorganic ions, sea salt, and motor vehicle were mainly responsible for the PM10 particles in Fuzhou atmosphere, and contributed 19.9%, 53.3%, 21.3%, and 5.5% of PM10, respectively.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) is one of the trace inorganic metals present in atmospheric particles. Al speciation study is essential to better evaluate the mobility, availability, and persistence of trace Al and Al species in the atmosphere. This paper reports Al distribution and speciation in atmospheric particles with aerodynamic diameters >10.0, 10.0–2.5 and <2.5 μm in the urban area of Nanjing, China. Urban particles were collected with a high-volume sampling system equipped with a cascade impactor, which effectively separates the particulate matter into three size ranges. Particulate Al was fractionated into five different forms (insoluble, oxide, organic, carbonate, and exchangeable species) by the modified five-step Tessier's sequential extraction procedure. The main points are as follows: (1) The average levels of Al in PM2.5, PM2.5–10 and PM>10 are 2.02±0.35, 3.04±0.43 and 6.32±0.76 μg m−3, respectively, with PM2.5, PM2.5–10 and PM>10 constituting respectively, 17.8±3.1%, 26.7±3.8% and 55.5±6.7% of suspended particulate matter (SPM) mass (11.38 μg m−3). (2) The vertical profile of airborne Al in the above three size fractions has been estimated. A significant increase in airborne Al concentrations was found for PM2.5, PM2.5–10 and PM>10 as the sampling height above the ground increased from 2.5 to 17.5 m; however, there was an obvious decrease in airborne Al concentrations between 17.5 and 40.0 m. The maximum mean of total Al in PM2.5, PM2.5–10 and PM>10 occurred between 12.5 and 20.0 m above the ground. (3) The distribution of Al speciation was studied. It was found that the size distribution of airborne Al species followed the order: insoluble species>oxide species>organic species>carbonate species>exchangeable species.  相似文献   

Eight hundred submicrometer and 516 large and giant (> 1 μm) particles collected by cascade impactor from Arctic haze aerosol were characterized using analytical electron microscopy. Selected particles were also analyzed using laser microprobe mass analysis. Over 97 percent of the analyzed submicrometer particles showed high sulfate concentrations, and a large majority (96 percent) of these appeared to have been collected directly as H2SO4 droplets. Anthropogenic particles, including graphitic carbon (soot), coal and oil fly ash, and Cu-Ni smelter emissions were observed in the coarser particle fraction. Air trajectories indicate much of the aerosol passed over industrialized regions in the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

The concentrations and compositions of free and bound organic acids in total suspended particles from typical urban, suburban and forest park sites of Guangzhou were determined in this study. The free form of organic acids (solvent extractable) in aerosols in Guangzhou varied with site and season. The suburban samples contained the highest contents of alkanoic, alkenoic and dicarboxylic acids. These findings were consistent with a higher supply of hydrocarbons and NOx in the suburban area. However, concentrations of aromatic acids were similar in the urban, suburban and forest park sites. Generally, winter season samples of the acids from anthropogenic sources contained more organic acids than summer season samples due to stronger removal by wet deposition in the summer. For the acids from botanic sources, the summer season samples were higher. In addition to the free acids, bound acids (solvent non-extractable) mainly formed by esterification of free acids were also found in the samples. In general, bound acids were higher than free acids. Esterification is mainly controlled by the pKa of organic acids and the atmospheric pH value. This explains why aromatic and dicarboxylic acids occur mainly as bound forms and why the samples from urban sites contained high levels of bound acids as the pH of rain water can reach 4.53.Concentrations of alkanoic and alkenoic acids in the aerosols of Guangzhou were much higher than those in the other areas studied.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous ice nucleation on synthetic silver iodide, natural kaolinite and montmorillonite particles via condensation, freezing and deposition modes was studied by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) in the temperature range of 250–270 K. By increasing the H2O pressure in the sample chamber at constant temperature, ice formation can be studied in situ and can be related to the chemical composition of the particles that can be determined simultaneously. For silver iodide and kaolinite, supersaturation values of first ice formation are in good agreement (1–2% absolute) with diffusion chamber experiments. For both substances, threshold temperatures for the condensation, freezing and deposition modes are also in good agreement (within 2 K) with previous literature data. For montmorillonite, ESEM results for the supersaturation value of first ice formation and for threshold temperatures of condensation freezing and deposition mode lie within the large range reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Although a growing number of original epidemiological studies imply a link between ambient pollution exposure and mortality risk, the findings...  相似文献   

Individuals are exposed to particulate matter from both indoor and outdoor sources. The aim of this study was to compare the relative contributions of three sources of personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) by using chemical tracers. The study design incorporated repeated 24-hr personal exposure measurements of air pollution from 28 cardiac-compromised residents of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Each study participant wore the Rupprecht & Patashnick ChemPass Personal Sampling System 1 day a week for a maximum of 10 weeks. During their individual exposure measurement days the subjects reported to have spent an average of 89% of their time indoors. Particle phase elemental carbon, sulfate, and calcium personal exposure data were used in a mixed-effects model as tracers for outdoor PM2.5 from traffic-related combustion, regional, and local crustal materials, respectively. These three sources were found to contribute 13% +/- 10%, 17% +/- 16%, and 7% +/- 6% of PM2.5 exposures. The remaining fraction of the personal PM2.5 is hypothesized to be predominantly related to indoor sources. For comparison, central site outdoor PM2.5 measurements for the same dates as personal measurements were used to construct a receptor model using the same three tracers. In this case, traffic-related combustion, regional, and local crustal materials were found to contribute 19% +/- 17%, 52% +/- 22%, and 10% +/- 7%, respectively. Our results indicate that the three outdoor PM2.5 sources considered are statistically significant contributors to personal exposure to PM2.5. Our results also suggest that among the Toronto subjects, who spent a considerable amount of time indoors, exposure to outdoor PM2.5 includes a greater relative contribution from combustion sources compared with outdoor PM2.5 measurements where regional sources are the dominant contributor.  相似文献   

This study, framed within geographical epidemiology, presents preliminary findings concerning the association between the concentrations of chemical elements obtained through atmospheric biomonitoring with lichens and cancer mortality in the Portuguese population. Exploratory analyses were performed to identify potential confounders for the relationships between chemical elements and neoplasm mortality and to assess the extent of their interference. The results of this study highlight some methodological and conceptual difficulties inherent to observational and geographical studies, in the specific context of the Portuguese population, and the challenge posed by the large numbers of pollutants considered.  相似文献   

The major organic components of smoke particles from biomass burning are monosaccharide derivatives from the breakdown of cellulose, accompanied by generally lesser amounts of straight-chain, aliphatic and oxygenated compounds and terpenoids from vegetation waxes, resins/gums, and other biopolymers. Levoglucosan and the related degradation products from cellulose can be utilized as specific and general indicator compounds for the presence of emissions from biomass burning in samples of atmospheric fine particulate matter. This enables the potential tracking of such emissions on a global basis. There are other compounds (e.g. amyrones, friedelin, dehydroabietic acid, and thermal derivatives from terpenoids and from lignin—syringaldehyde, vanillin, syringic acid, vanillic acid), which are additional key indicators in smoke from burning of biomass specific to the type of biomass fuel. The monosaccharide derivatives (e.g. levoglucosan) are proposed as specific indicators for cellulose in biomass burning emissions. Levoglucosan is emitted at such high concentrations that it can be detected at considerable distances from the original combustion source.  相似文献   


Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) has inflicted huge threats to the health of mankind. Metal pollution could be a potential risk factor of PTC occurrence, but existing relevant epidemiological researches are limited. The current case-control study was designed to evaluate the relationships between exposure to multiple metals and the risk of PTC. A total of 262 histologically confirmed PTC cases were recruited. Age- and gender-matched controls were enrolled at the same time. Urine samples were used as biomarkers to reflect the levels of environmental exposure to 13 metals. Conditional logistic regression models were adopted to assess the potential association. Single-metal and multi-metal models were separately conducted to evaluate the impacts of single and co-exposure to 13 metals. The increased concentration of urinary Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb quartiles was found significant correlated with PTC risk. We also found the decreased trends of urinary Se, Zn, and Mn quartiles with the ORs for PTC. These dose-response associations between Pb and PTC were observed in the single-metal model and remained significant in the multi-metal model (OR25-50th=1.39, OR50-75th=3.32, OR>75th=7.62, p for trend <0.001). Our study suggested that PTC was positively associated with urinary levels of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and inversely associated with Se, Zn, and Mn. Targeted public health policies should be made to improve the environment and the recognition of potential risk factors. These findings need additional studies to confirm in other population.


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