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Since 1995, the Institute for Environment and Development in Portugal has obtained >300 stack samples from various point sources of Portuguese industries. A coherent database was made with the collected results. The limit values fixed by several European legal documents consulted, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch emission legislation, were applied to the Institute for Environment and Development stack sampling inventory (from 1995 to 2000) to evaluate the efficiency of these standards in promoting the control and reduction of atmospheric pollutants emissions, especially regarding nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter. The conclusion was that the original Portuguese legislation was not restrictive enough and not very efficient regarding emissions reduction. In contrast, the Dutch and Italian legislations are quite restrictive but very efficient concerning emission control for the three pollutants analyzed. One of the outcomes of this study was the publication of a new law in Portugal regulating the emissions of atmospheric pollutants. The strategy of this emissions control law follows the conclusions found in this study including the concept of a mass flow threshold and different approaches depending on source dimension.  相似文献   

根据大气污染物排放浓度变化特点,将无偏GM(1,1)模型与神经网络模型组合,并以矩阵型输入方式替代传统的数列型数据输入方式,得到改进型灰色神经网络模型,称为UGMN模型。接着,采用烟囱入口烟气自动监控系统(CEMS)数据,将模型运用于贵州省某电厂白天及夜间两段时间段内大气污染物排放浓度的模拟与预测。研究结果表明UGMN模型预测精度较好,可以应用于火电厂大气污染物排放浓度预测。  相似文献   

Air emissions from gas-fired combustion devices such as boilers, process heaters, gas turbines and stationary reciprocating engines contain hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) subjected to consideration under the federal clean air act (CAA). This work presents a recently completed major research project to develop an understanding of HAP emissions from gas-fired boilers and process heaters and new HAP emission factors based on field emission tests of gas-fired external combustion devices used in the petroleum industry. The effect of combustion system design and operating parameters on HAP emissions determined by both field and research tests are discussed. Data from field tests of gas-fired petroleum industry boilers and heaters generally show very low emission levels of organic HAPs. A comparison of the emission data for boilers and process heaters, including units with and without various forms of NOx emission controls, showed no significant difference in organic HAP emission characteristics due to process or burner design. This conclusion is also supported by the results of research tests with different burner designs. Based on field tests of units fired with natural gas and various petroleum industry process gases and research tests in which gas composition was intentionally varied, organic HAP emissions were not determined to be significantly affected by the gas composition. Research data indicate that elevated organic HAP emission levels are found only under extreme operating conditions (starved air or high excess air combustion) associated with poor combustion.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an econometric-emission model to formulate future anthropogenic emission inventories for different societal and climate change scenarios. Our approach is to formulate the emission projections for a given scenario into growth factors that can be used to project forward the 1999 National Emission Inventory (NEI99). The process involves (1) mapping NEI99 source classification code (SCC)-based emissions into the sector or standard industrial classification (SIC)-based representation used by the econometric model, (2) developing a sectoral emission intensity (EMI) defined as the sector emissions per unit of sector economic output and the mechanism to consider EMI variations over time, (3) using the resulting EMI with econometric models and future emission activities to project future emissions, (4) and then mapping the emissions back to the original NEI99 format. As a case study, we apply the model to project emissions in the Chicago metropolitan area. The results show that the model is a fast, flexible, yet reasonable tool to produce a wide range of emission scenarios that are specific to regions, and would prove valuable for future air quality and other impact studies.  相似文献   

This paper describes remote monitoring of air pollutant emissions by a mobile lidar (light detection and ranging)/ sodar (sound detection and ranging) system. First, measurements are carried out in the flue gas plume of a public power plant. The investigations focus mainly on quantifying SO2 emissions, but the uncertainties of such measurements are also emphasized. Furthermore, an example providing valuable data sets for the development and validation of plume dispersion models is outlined with measurements of the dilution of SO2 along the plume axis. Series of repeated determinations of SO2 emissions show a large variation in the obtained flux values, with moderate margins of error. Incomplete recording of the plume within the individual lidar scans, induced by strong looping movements of the flue gas plume, predominantly causes the variations of flux values. Therefore, the highest flux values determined are considered to be the most exact. This is verified by a comparison of measured fluxes with in situ measurements made by the plant operators. The results further indicate that lidar measurements illustrate the location and dimension of aerosol plumes better than the location and dimension of the plumes of gaseous compounds. The wind direction affecting the plume at any moment can be determined faster by lidar than by sodar because the latter requires much longer time intervals of signal averaging. Measurements show higher concentrations of SO2 compared with results from a Gaussian plume model for periods of less than 5 min after dispersion. The findings emphasize the suitability of remote sensing for detecting emissions and for investigating the propagation and dilution of air pollutant plumes.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is an important environmental challenge and subject in urban planning. A sustainable MSWM strategy should consider not only economic efficiency but also life-cycle assessment of environmental impact. This study employs the fuzzy multiobjective linear programming (FMOLP) technique to find the optimal compromise between economic optimization and pollutant emission reduction for the MSWM strategy. Taichung City in Taiwan is evaluated as a case study. The results indicate that the optimal compromise MSWM strategy can reduce significant amounts of pollutant emissions and still achieve positive net profits. Minimization of the sulfur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions are the two major priorities in achieving this optimal compromise strategy when recyclables recovery rate is lower; however, minimization of the carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) emissions become priority factors when recovery rate is higher.

Implications: This paper applied the multiobjective optimization model to find the optimal compromise municipal solid waste management (MSWM) strategy, which minimizes both life-cycle operating cost and air pollutant emissions, and also to analyze the correlation between recyclables recovery rates and optimal compromise strategies. It is different from past studies, which only consider economic optimization or environmental impacts of the MSWM system. The result shows that optimal compromise MSWM strategy can achieve a net profit and reduce air pollution emission. In addition, scenario investigation of recyclables recovery rates indicates that resource recycling is beneficial for both economic optimization and air pollutant emission minimization.  相似文献   

Ethylene: an urban air pollutant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

城市下水污泥焚烧过程中二次污染物排放特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在0.15MWt循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了城市下水污泥与煤的混烧试验,分析了烟气中的二次污染物排放特性。分析结果表明,利用循环流化床焚烧城市下水污泥时,添加辅助燃料(如煤)及改变焚烧条件,不仅可以达到稳定燃烧的目的,而且有利于抑制焚烧中二次污染物(如CO及二恶英等有机污染物)的生成。分析了焚烧污泥污染物的排放特性。为采用焚烧方式处理城市下水污泥提供了基础性试验数据。  相似文献   

在0.15 MWt循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了城市下水污泥与煤的混烧试验,分析了烟气中的二次污染物排放特性.分析结果表明,利用循环流化床焚烧城市下水污泥时,添加辅助燃料(如煤)及改变焚烧条件,不仅可以达到稳定燃烧的目的,而且有利于抑制焚烧中二次污染物(如CO及二恶英等有机污染物)的生成.分析了焚烧污泥污染物的排放特性,为采用焚烧方式处理城市下水污泥提供了基础性试验数据.  相似文献   

The quality of stationary source emission factors is typically described using data quality ratings, which provide no quantification of the precision of the emission factor for an average source, nor of the variability from one source to another within a category. Variability refers to actual differences caused by differences in feedstock composition, design, maintenance, and operation. Uncertainty refers to lack of knowledge regarding the true emissions. A general methodology for the quantification of variability and uncertainty in emission factors, activity factors, and emission inventories (EIs) is described, featuring the use of bootstrap simulation and related techniques. The methodology is demonstrated via a case study for a selected example of NOx emissions from coal-fired power plants. A prototype software tool was developed to implement the methodology. The range of interunit variability in selected activity and emission factors was shown to be as much as a factor of 4, and the range of uncertainty in mean emissions is shown to depend on the interunit variability and sample size. The uncertainty in the total inventory of -16 to +19% was attributed primarily to one technology group, suggesting priorities for collecting data and improving the inventory. The implications for decision-making are discussed.  相似文献   

Health risks from air pollutants are evaluated by comparing chronic (i.e., an average over 1 yr or greater) or acute (typically 1-hr) exposure estimates with chemical- and duration-specific reference values or standards. When estimating long-term pollutant concentrations via exposure modeling, facility-level annual average emission rates are readily available as model inputs for most air pollutants. In contrast, there are far fewer facility-level hour-by-hour emission rates available for many of these same pollutants. In this report, we first analyze hour-by-hour emission rates for total reduced sulfur (TRS) compounds from eight kraft pulp mill operations. This data set is used to demonstrate discrepancies between estimating exposure based on a single TRS emission rate that has been calculated as the mean of all operating hours of the year, as opposed to reported hourly emission rates. A similar analysis is then performed using reported hourly emission rates for sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from three power generating units from a U.S. power plant. Results demonstrate greater variability at kraft pulp mill operations, with ratios of reported hourly to average hourly TRS emissions ranging from less than 1 to greater than 160 during routine facility operations. Thus, if fluctuations in hourly emission rates are not accounted for, over- or underestimates of hourly exposure, and thus acute health risk, may occur. In addition to this analysis, we also demonstrate an additional challenge when assessing health risk based on hourly exposures: the lack of human health reference values based on 1-hr exposures.

Implications: Largely due to the lack of reported hourly emission rate data for many air pollutants, an hourly average emission rate (calculated from an annual emission rate) is often used when modeling the potential for acute health risk. We calculated ratios between reported hourly and hourly average emission rates from pulp and paper mills and a U.S. power plant to demonstrate that if not considered, hourly fluctuations in emissions could result in an over- or underestimation of exposure and risk. We also demonstrate the lack of 1-hr human health reference values meant to be protective of the general population, including children.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of pollutant emissions from a gas-fired range have shown that carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde and respirable particles were all emitted during the combustion process. Carbon was found to be the dominant element of the respirable particles emitted. A mathematical indoor air quality model was applied to our laboratory studies to calculate pollutant emission rates per caloric value of fuel consumed. The model was also used to calculate the temporal profile of the indoor pollution concentrations as well as to determine indoor pollutant decay rates from mechanisms other than air infiltration. Comparisons of measured and calculated data showed good agreement, and suggests that this model may be useful for determining pollutant emissions from a wide variety of other sources, for estimating pollution levels in other indoor environments, and for evaluating pollutant control strategies.  相似文献   

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