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The influence of urbanization on stream insect communities was determined by comparing physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of streams draining 20 catchments with varyinglevels of urban land-cover in Maine (U.S.A). Percent total impervious surface area (PTIA), which was used to quantify urbanland-use, ranged from 1–31% among the study catchments.Taxonomic richness of stream insect communities showed an abruptdecline as PTIA increased above 6%. Streams draining catchmentswith PTIA < 6% had the highest levels of both total insect and EPT (Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera) taxonomic richness. These streams contained insect communities with a totalrichness averaging 33 taxa in fall and 31 taxa in spring; EPT richness ranged from an average of 15 taxa in fall and 13 taxa inspring. In contrast, none of the streams draining catchments with6–27% PTIA had a total richness > 18 taxa or an EPT richness> 6 taxa. Insect communities in streams with PTIA > 6% were characterized by the absence of pollution-intolerant taxa. The distribution of more pollution-tolerant taxa (e.g.Acerpenna (Ephemeroptera); Paracapnia, Allocapnia (Plecoptera); Optioservus, Stenelmis (Coleoptera); Hydropsyche, Cheumatopsyche (Trichoptera)), however, showed little relation to PTIA. In contrast to the apparent threshold relationship between PTIA and insect taxonomic richness, both habitat qualityand water quality tended to decline as linear functions of PTIA.Our results indicate that, in Maine, an abrupt change in stream insect community structure occurs at a PTIA above a threshold ofapproximately 6% of total catchment area. The measurement of PTIA may provide a valuable tool for predicting thresholds for adverse effects of urbanization on the health of headwater streams in Maine.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to report on the testing of responses of multimetric macroinvertebrate and habitat indices to common disturbances to streams: stream habitat alteration, excessive sediment, and elevated metals concentrations. Seven macroinvertebrate community metrics were combined into a macroinvertebrate biotic index (MBI), and 11 channel morphology, riparian, and substrate features were combined into a habitat index. Indices were evaluated by comparing the habitat results to fish population surveys and comparing the macroinvertebrate results to habitat ratings, percent fine sediments measured by Wolman pebble counts, and copper concentrations. Macroinvertebrate scores decreased with increasing percentages of fine sediments measured either across the bankfull or instream channel widths. Macroinvertebrate scores decreased with increasing copper. One metric, richness of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa, was more responsive to both copper and sediment than was the multimetric MBI. Habitat scores corresponded well with the age class structure of salmonids, but not with that of benthic sculpins. Both salmonid and sculpin age classes declined with increasing percentages of fine sediments. The decline was graded with the sculpin age classes, whether fine sediments were measured across the instream or bankfull channel, whereas salmonids consistently responded only to the instream fine sediments.  相似文献   

We studied the multiscale (sites, river reaches and rivers) and short-term temporal (monthly) variability in a freshwater fish assemblage. We found that small-scale spatial variation and short-term temporal variability significantly influenced fish community structure in the Macquarie and Namoi Rivers. However, larger scale spatial differences between rivers were the largest source of variation in the data. The interaction between temporal change and spatial variation in fish community structure, whilst statistically significant, was smaller than the variation between rivers. This suggests that although the fish communities within each river changed between sampling occasions, the underlying differences between rivers were maintained. In contrast, the strongest interaction between temporal and spatial effects occurred at the smallest spatial scale, at the level of individual sites. This means whilst the composition of the fish assemblage at a given site may fluctuate, the magnitude of these changes is unlikely to affect larger scale differences between reaches within rivers or between rivers. These results suggest that sampling at any time within a single season will be sufficient to show spatial differences that occur over large spatial scales, such as comparisons between rivers or between biogeographical regions.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships of humanactivity, bird communities, and plant communities along theland-water interface of Lake Texoma, a large human-madereservoir on the Texas-Oklahoma border. Measurements ofhuman activity, plant surveys, and bird surveys wereperformed at 40 paired transects, one with humandisturbance, the other undisturbed. Both principalcomponents and correspondence analyses of bird-survey dataseparated disturbed sites from paired undisturbed sites, andtypical disturbance-tolerant species from those lesstolerant of human activity. Compared to undisturbed sites,disturbed sites tended to have more individual birds persurvey, pavement, and mowed lawns, and less canopy,vegetation volume, and vegetation vertical diversity. Aprincipal components analysis of quantitative disturbancemeasurements revealed that most bird and plant measures werehighly correlated with the first disturbance component. However, the correlation between birds and human activitywas much stronger than that between birds and plants, orbetween plants and disturbance. Our data suggest that bird-species composition is regulated more by human activity thanby plant-community composition. Also, in this system, birdcommunities are a better choice than plant communities toindex the effect of human disturbance. To maintain regionaldiversity of both birds and plants, undisturbed areas shouldbe maintained around reservoirs.  相似文献   

Identifying process from pattern is one of the most vexing tasks inenvironmental monitoring. Given information on the distribution of speciesin a pre-defined area, together with comprehensive data on how environmentalconditions in that area have altered through time, is it possible toidentify the factors controlling the species‘ layout? Here, the practicalsignificance of this quandary is demonstrated using a series ofenvironmentally-degraded coastal lagoons in New South Wales. The TuggerahLakes (33°17′S,151°30′E) have over the last 50 yearsexperienced significant changes in species‘ distributions. Seagrasses,macroalgae, phytoplankton, molluscs, prawns and the jellyfish Catostylus mosaicus have altered in spatial pattern. Two human activitieshave been blamed for these perturbations: (1) agricultural clearance ofnative vegetation from the catchment, with associated input of top-soil andnutrients; (2) the commissioning of a coal-fired power station in 1967, withmassive uptake and recirculation of lake water for cooling purposes. In thispaper, spatial changes in macrophyte distributions over the last 50 yearsare reviewed in an attempt to identify the true source(s) of perturbation.The model adopted assumes that the power station is a point source of impactwhile nutrient inputs from the catchment are a diffuse source of impact;changes in species distributions can hypothetically be related back to thesesources according to whether they are localised or widespread. However,after a comprehensive analysis of available macrophyte data derived frominterviews, aerial photography and line transect methodologyies theconclusion is reached that changes in biogeographical pattern around theTuggerah Lakes cannot be attributed to specific anthropogenic pressures atanything beyond the coarsest of levels. This is considered to be the normfor most coastal management situations where natural background variation(’noise‘) and the complexity of linkages between physical, chemical andbiological components confounds the identification of causal relationships.The practical implications of this conclusion are discussed in the contextof litigation and remedial management design. Emphasis is placed on theneed to adopt an adaptive approach to estuarine management, incorporatingexplicit recognition of the limitations of available data, and to developnew techniques for identifying cause-effect relationships.  相似文献   

水生态完整性评价通过对水生态系统中不同生态组分(非生物和生物)的监测,整合物理栖息地、环境水质和生物特征形成综合评价指数来反映水生态系统健康状况,是流域水环境管理的重要手段。笔者尝试从水生态完整性评价中基准与参照状态的核心要素出发,探讨基准与参照状态的概念框架与具体定义,综述评价参照状态的四大类确定方法(基于分类学的参照位点法、历史数据法,针对特定位点的模型预测法以及提供经验解释与描述的专家判断法),并对参照状态研究的挑战与应用予以展望。  相似文献   

In an effort to assess current and future water quality of the only perennial river in southeastern Botswana, this study presents water quality monitoring and modeling results for the effluent-dependent Notwane River. The water quality along the Notwane River, pre- and post-implementation of secondary wastewater treatment, was compared and results demonstrated that water quality improved after the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) went online. However, stream standards for chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved phosphorous, and fecal coliform were exceeded in most locations and the critical dissolved oxygen (DO) reached concentrations of less than 4 mg L−1. High dissolved P concentrations and intense macrophyte growth at the impounding ponds and at sites within 30 km of the effluent waste stream confluence suggest that eutrophication was a function of P release from the ponds. Results of DO modeling demonstrated that an unpolluted inflow at approximately 10 km downstream of the confluence was responsible for raising DO concentrations by 2.3 mg L−1, while SOD was responsible for a decline in DO concentrations of 1.4 mg L−1 at 6 km downstream of the confluence. Simulations also showed higher DO concentrations during winter months, when water temperatures were lower. Simulations, in which the distributed biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loading from cattle excrement was decreased, produced nominal increases in DO concentrations. An increase in WWTP BOD loadings to projected 2020 values resulted in a 1.3 mg L−1 decrease in the critical DO concentration. Furthermore, a decrease in treatment plant efficiency, from 94% to 70% BOD removal, produced critical DO concentrations and anoxia along much of the modeled reach. This has significant implications for Gaborone, especially if decreased WWTP efficiency occurs as a result of the expected future increase in pollutant loadings.  相似文献   

Approximately 250 000 kg of mercury was lost towater and soils at the U.S. Dept. of Energy Y-12 Plantin Oak Ridge, Tennessee in the 1950s and early 1960s. A creek originating within the plant receivedcontinuous inputs of waterborne mercury, predominantlyas dissolved inorganic mercury, from groundwater,streambed contamination, and sump and process waterdischarges to the contaminated storm sewer network.These produce aqueous total mercury concentrations of1–2 g L-1 in the upper reaches of the stream,decreasing to about 0.1–0.2 g L-1 in its lowerreaches. A program to reduce mercury concentrationsin the creek identified specific sources (buildingsumps, contaminated springwater seeps, foundationdrains, and contaminated piping) and rerouted wateraround contaminated portions of the drain system orcollected and treated mercury-contaminated waterbefore discharging it. As a result, waterbornemercury concentrations in the creek and total mercuryloading were reduced from 1.8 g L-1 to0.6 g L-1 and 100 to 20 g d-1, respectively, in the last 5 yr.Mean mercury concentrations in fish nearest sourceareas in the creek headwaters decreased at roughly thesame rate as waterborne total mercury concentrationsover the past five years, but at the facility boundarydownstream the decline in mercury bioaccumulation wasmuch less. At sites 5–15 km farther downstream, nodecrease was evident. Dissolved methylmercury tendedto increase with distance downstream in a patterninverse to that noted for its dissolved inorganicmercury precursor.Improvements in water quality and modification ofweirs to allow the passage of fish have resulted inthe establishment of large populations of fish inmercury-contaminated headwater areas previously devoidof fish. It may be that the accumulation, retention,and eventual downstream transport of this reservoir ofbiologically incorporated methylmercury has acted tobuffer against expected reductions in mercury in fishat downstream sites.  相似文献   

The Mid-Atlantic Highlands Assessment (MAHA) included the sampling of macroinvertebrates from 424 wadeable stream sites to determine status and trends, biological conditions, and water quality in first through third order streams in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands Region (MAHR) of the United States in 1993–1995. We identified reference and impaired sites using water chemistry and habitat criteria and evaluated a set of candidate macroinvertebrate metrics using a stepwise process. This process examined several metric characteristics, including ability of metrics to discriminate reference and impaired sites, relative scope of impairment, correlations with chemical and habitat indicators of stream disturbance, redundancy with other metrics, and within-year variability. Metrics that performed well were compared with metrics currently being used by three states in the region: Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Some of the metrics used by these states did not perform well when evaluated using regional data, while other metrics used by all three states in some form, specifically number of taxa, number of EPT taxa, and Hilsenhoff Biotic Index, performed well overall. Reasons for discrepancies between state and regional evaluations of metrics are explored. We also provide a set of metrics that, when used in combination, may provide a useful assessment of stream conditions in the MAHR.  相似文献   

由于生物技术的特殊性,生物技术行业所产生生物废弃物的环境排放,对人体健康和生态环境可能带来安全隐患。目前对生物技术行业产生的生物废弃物监管也尚未形成专门的法规和监测评估体系。在实地调研和实验分析的基础上,归纳分析了上海生物技术行业生物废弃物排放种类和管理现状,探讨了生物废弃物的监测评价技术。  相似文献   

The condition of 25 stream sites in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, were assessed by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Multimetric condition indices were developed and used to rank sites on the basis of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. These indices showed that sites in the Cascades and Eastern Cascades ecoregions were largely unimpaired. In contrast, all but two sites in the Columbia Basin ecoregion were impaired, some severely. Agriculture (nutrients and pesticides) was the primary factor associated with impairment and all impaired sites were characterized by multiple indicators of impairment. All indices of biological condition (fish, invertebrates, and algae) declined as agricultural intensity increased. The response exhibited by invertebrates and algae suggested a threshold response with conditions declining precipitously at relatively low levels of agricultural intensity and little response at moderate to high levels of agricultural intensity. This pattern of response suggests that the success of mitigation will vary depending upon where on the response curve the mitigation is undertaken. Because the form of the community condition response is critical to effective water-quality management, the National Water-Quality Assessment Program is conducting studies to examine the response of biota to gradients of land-use intensity and the relevance of these responses to water-quality management. These land-use gradient pilot studies will be conducted in several urban areas starting in 1999.  相似文献   

“实施山水林田湖草生态保护和修复工程,全面提升自然生态系统稳定性和生态服务功能”是习近平生态文明思想的重要创新成果,为开展生态环境保护修复工作提供了重要指引和根本遵循。2019年以来,江苏省开展山水林田湖草生态保护修复省级试点工程共5类59个工程项目。在总结了试点地区工作经验做法的基础上,针对存在的生态保护修复和绿色发展协同理念认识不足、生态修复保护整体性和系统性不够、生态修复经验总结及全周期管理有待加强、打破界限的体制机制改革创新亟需完善等问题及难点,提出了相应的工作政策建议,以期打造全国生态保护修复的江苏样板。  相似文献   

Physico-chemical characteristics of some river and hand-dug well waters used for drinking and domestic purposes in the oil rich Niger Delta area of Nigeria were assessed using standard methods. The concentrations of the parameters in the river water samples ranged in the following order: pH (5.6–6.9), temperature (26.90–28.60°C), turbidity (23–63 NTU), electrical conductivity (52–184 μs/cm), DO (5.4–7.2 mg/l), BOD (21–57 mg/l), TDS (6.0–217 mg/l), PO4 3− (0.19–1.72 mg/l), SO4 2− (25–36.8 mg/l), NO3 (20.3–28 mg/l), Fe (6.07–15.71 mg/l), Zn (0.04–0.24 mg/l), Pb (0.01–0.17 mg/l), Ni (0.01–0.13 mg/l), Vn (0.01–0.20 mg/l) and Hg (0.001–0.002 mg/l). The concentrations of these parameters in the hand-dug well water ranged in the following order: pH (5.7–6.8) temperature (26–30°C), turbidity (134–171 NTU), electrical conductivity (160–340 μs/cm), DO (5.4–6.4 mg/l), BOD (13–34 mg/l), TDS (110–190 mg/l), PO4 3− (0.84–1.84 mg/l), SO4 2− (10.6–28.1 mg/l), NO3 (11.3–23 mg/l), Fe (13.17–16.31 mg/l), Ni (0.01–0.02 mg/l), Vn (0.01–0.04 mg/l) and Hg (0.001–0.004 mg/l). The concentrations of BOD, turbidity, NO3 and Fe in the water samples were above WHO and FMENV permissible limits for safe drinking water. The results suggest that the use of such waters for drinking and domestic purposes pose a serious threat to the health of the users and calls for the intervention of government agencies.  相似文献   

环境监测是生态文明建设和环境保护的重要基础。目前,环境监测改革已经进入关键阶段。研究在梳理环境监测基本定位的基础上,分析了各项改革的系统性、协同性,提出要理顺各级监测事权与支出责任,化解地方干预,优化环境监测发展的总体布局,加强环境质量监测和执法监测,建设独立、公正、权威、高效的生态环境监测体系,确保改革取得扎实成效。  相似文献   

在综合分析山东省开展的环境监测技术演练活动基础上,重点探讨了省站开展全省性的多场所、多领域、多参数技术演练活动的组织及考评内容,特别介绍了演练活动考评的形式、内容、安排、标准及要求,总结了开展演练活动的收获与体会,以及发现的问题。  相似文献   

The construction of the Almaraz nuclear power plant in Spain in the 1970s posed interesting environmental problems concerning the construction of a cooling reservoir (Arrocampo reservoir) to cool the steam condensers and the consequent heating of the reservoirs water. The socio-political context forced decision makers to set up a project for the monitoring and management of the environmental impacts derived from the construction and operation of the power plant. Numerous scientific and technical specialists collaborated with the representatives of social groups towards two goals: the improvement of the biodiversity and of the efficiency of the cooling system. These goals involved the monitoring and managing of the system with respect to different biological aspects, mainly limnology, ichthyology, avian fauna and vegetation. The management plan yielded numerous results. The control of the water eutrophy is one of the most important due to its repercussion on the rest of the ecosystem, especially the fish fauna. The development of the shore vegetation slowly increased the patchwork nature of the reservoir, leading to a greater diversity of the avian species. This paper describes the monitoring and management of the Arrocampo ecosystem, the condition before and after the construction of the reservoir and the results obtained concerning some biological communities.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the development and application of appropriate software tools for recording, assessing and reporting data related to the operation of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (UWTPs) in Cyprus. An appropriate Internet-Based Management System was designed, developed and installed at the premises of the UWTPs and of the Cypriot Competent Authority (Water Development Department — WDD) in order to coordinate and disseminate tasks and related information for monitoring the operation of UWTPs. In addition, a client Geographical Information System database was compiled to be used for obtaining and analyzing spatial information. The software tools are based on common procedures and state-of-the-art technology for the recording and transmission of data and information and they provide an integrated view related to the operation and the efficiency of wastewater treatment systems. Moreover, continuous control and systematic monitoring of the UWTPs by the operators as well as continuous and direct supervision of the UWTPs environmental performance is achieved by the personnel of the Competent Authority. Furthermore, direct and unobstructed provision of data to the Competent Authority of Cyprus is accomplished by the operators of the UWTPs, while the Competent Authority is supported to compose full and representative reports to the European Commission and other International Organizations. The developed tools enable the direct recording of data obtained through measurements and analyses, permit the comparison of data with existing legislation and provide an integrated picture of the operation of the wastewater treatment plants as well as the option to focus and assess each individual treatment stage.  相似文献   

The composition of airborne particulate matter sampled by a conventional TEOM®, an experimental modified TEOM, operated at a lower temperature but fitted with a drier to remove moisture and a Partisol®, installed at a kerbside site in the North East of England, has been investigated. The results indicate that there is a seasonal variation in the composition of PM10 as sampled by the three monitors, with chloride concentration being significantly higher in the winter. The Partisol was found to sample a higher mass of chloride and nitrate, however the differences between the monitors was only significant for chloride. Both TEOM's were found to sample a greater mass of sulphate, although the variability in the data collected meant that significance of the results was not proven statistically. The range of artifacts associated with PM10 monitors is reviewed. Difficulties in the interpretation of results due to the variable nature of airborne particulate matter and the ability of filter based systems to accurately represent the composition of atmospheric particles are considered.  相似文献   

The fingerlings of Cyprinus carpio var. communis were exposed to sublethal concentration of dimethoate for 7, 14 days to evaluate the impact of the pesticide dimethoate on different ions namely sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium. The blood potassium, calcium, magnesium and liver chloride and magnesium levels were elevated under sublethal condition. The blood sodium, chloride and liver sodium, potassium, and calcium levels were found to be significantly decreased.  相似文献   

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