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We aimed to characterize levels of polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in indoor dust from offices, homes, and vehicles; to investigate factors that may affect PFC levels in dust; and to examine the associations between PFCs in dust and office workers' serum. Dust samples were collected in 2009 from offices, homes, and vehicles of 31 individuals in Boston, MA and analyzed for nineteen PFCs, including perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs), and sulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs). Serum was collected from each participant and analyzed for eight PFCs including PFOA and PFOS. Perfluorononanoate, PFOA, perfluoroheptanoate, perfluorohexanoate, PFOS and 8:2 FTOH had detection frequencies > 50% in dust from all three microenvironments. The highest geometric mean concentration in office dust was for 8:2 FTOH (309 ng/g), while PFOS was highest in homes (26.9 ng/g) and vehicles (15.8 ng/g). Overall, offices had the highest PFC concentrations, particularly for longer-chain carboxylic acids and FTOHs. Perfluorobutyrate was prevalent in homes and vehicles, but not offices. PFOA serum concentrations were not associated with PFC dust levels after adjusting for PFC concentrations in office air. Dust concentrations of most PFCs are higher in offices than in homes and vehicles. However, indoor dust may not be a significant source of exposure to PFCs for office workers. This finding suggests that our previously published observation of an association between FTOH concentrations in office air and PFOA concentrations in office workers was not due to confounding by PFCs in dust.  相似文献   

Concentrations of a number of organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) were measured in floor dust collected from UK living rooms (n = 32), cars (n = 21), school and child daycare centre classrooms (n = 28), and offices (n = 61). While concentrations were overall broadly within the range of those reported previously for North America, Japan, and other European countries, median concentrations of TCIPP in all UK microenvironments exceeded those reported elsewhere in the world. Moreover, concentrations of TCIPP and TDCIPP in 2 UK car dust samples were – at 370 μg g 1 and 740 μg g 1 respectively – amongst the highest reported globally in indoor dust to date. Consistent with this, concentrations of TDCIPP in dust from UK cars exceed significantly those detected in the other microenvironments studied. Concentrations of EHDPP were shown for the first time to be significantly higher in classroom dust than in samples from other microenvironments. When compared to concentrations of PBDEs determined previously in the classroom dust samples; concentrations of all target PFRs exceeded substantially those of those PBDEs that are the principal constituents of the Penta- and Octa-BDE formulations. Moreover, while mass-based concentrations of BDE-209 exceeded those of most of our target PFRs, they still fell below those of TCIPP and EHDPP. In line with a previous observation in Sweden that indoor air contamination with TNBP was significantly lower in newer buildings; concentrations of TNBP in classroom dust were significantly higher in older compared to more recently-constructed schools. Consistent with the reported extensive use of TCIPP and TDCIPP in polyurethane foam, the highest concentrations of both TCIPP and TDCIPP in the classrooms studied, were observed in rooms containing the highest numbers of foam chairs (n = 31 and 18 respectively). Exposure to PFRs of both adults and young children via ingestion of indoor dust was estimated. While even our high-end exposure estimate for young children was ~ 100 times lower than one previously reported health-based limit (HBLV) value for TCIPP; the margin of safety was only 5-fold when compared to another HBLV for this contaminant.  相似文献   

In order to maintain an acceptable Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), policies, strategies and guidelines have been developed worldwide and exposure concentrations of the indoor radon have been specified. Mapping indoor radon levels for a region could be done with intensive measurements on a large number of samples. To obtain the most accurate estimate of the levels with the uncertainties specified, a statistical model has been developed in this study to predict the fractions of samples in a region having an average radon level above the action levels of 150Bqm(-3) and 200Bqm(-3). The model was based on a transformation of the variation from a small sample set of data to a population geometric distribution via an estimator, known as the 'sample correction factor'. Using a dataset from a cross-sectional measurement of indoor radon levels in 216 Hong Kong offices, where the mean was 37.2Bqm(-3) and the 68% range was from 17.3Bqm(-3) to 80.3Bqm(-3), the 'sample correction factor' was evaluated and tested by the Monte-Carlo simulations. The model estimates of the fractions above the indoor radon action levels 150Bqm(-3) and 200Bqm(-3) (1.2-7.7% and 0.4-4.1% for a sample size of 20, 2.8-5.1% and 0.8-2.4% for a sample size of 60) were demonstrated to be consistent with those determined from the dataset (3.5% and 1.4%). With the 'sample correction factor' thus quantified, it will be possible to provide the required data for the policymakers making appropriate decisions on resources and manpower management.  相似文献   

Over recent years, it has been established that deposition of various types of pollutant aerosols (e.g., radioactive) on human skin can have serious deleterious effects on health. However, only few investigations in the past have been devoted to measurement of deposition velocities on skin of particles of the potentially problematic sizes. An experimental programme has shown the deposition velocities on skin of particles in the ca. 0.5-5 microm AMAD range to be high and generally associated with great variations. A series of investigations have been made to identify some of the factors that lead to this variation. Part of the variation was found to be caused by differences between individuals, whereas another part was found to be related to environmental factors. The identification of major influences on skin contaminant deposition is important in estimating health effects as well as in identifying means for their reduction.  相似文献   

A high volume aerosol sampler ("Grey Owl") has been designed and developed at the Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada. Its design guidance is based on the need for a low operational cost and reliable sampler to provide daily aerosol monitoring samples that can be used as reference samples for radiological studies. It has been developed to provide a constant air flow rate at low pressure drops (∼3 kPa for a day sampling) with variations of less than ±1% of the full scale flow rate. Its energy consumption is only about 1.5 kW for a filter sampling over 22,000 standard cubic meter of air. It has been demonstrated in this Fukushima nuclear accident related aerosol radioactivity monitoring study at Sidney station, B.C. that the sampler is robust and reliable. The results provided by the new monitoring system have been used to support decision-making in Canada during an emergency response.  相似文献   

The survey of the environmental radioactivity in Switzerland is the responsibility of the Swiss Federal Radioactivity Surveillance Commission (KUeR).All laboratories specialized in environmental radioactivity measurements in Switzerland take part in the KUeR-sampling and measurement program. This program includes measurements of air, water, soil, grass, important food sources as well as the body radioactivity of human beings.This program and the various measuring methods are based on the experience on fall-out measurements of the KUeR and of various international bodies.Special environmental sampling and measurement programs are implemented in the vicinity of the operating Nuclear Power Stations (NPS) and those under construction. To confirm compliance with the licensing requirements the various activities include all measurements to assess any radiological consequences of NPS operation. Such requirements are drawn up for each power-station by the Nuclear Safety Division of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (ASK) and the KUeR.They include various measurements and techniques starting from the release-point, to dose estimation from external radiation (plum exposure), dose estimation from internal radiation (ecological pathway) and in some cases whole body counting of persons.In our laboratories and national and international round-robin measurements programs we think it will be useful to include standards developed under the auspices of the ICRM.  相似文献   

During a one year period, from Jan. 2002 up to Dec. 2002, approximately 130 air samples were analyzed to determine the atmospheric air activity concentrations of short- and long-lived (222Rn) decay products 214Pb and 210Pb. The samples were taken by using a single-filter technique and gamma-spectrometry was applied to determine the activity concentrations. A seasonal fluctuation in the concentration of 214Pb and 210Pb in surface air was observed. The activity concentrations of both radionuclides were observed to be relatively higher during the winter/autumn season than in spring/summer season. The mean activity concentration of 214Pb and 210Pb within the whole year was found to be 1.4+/-0.27 Bq m(-3) and 1.2+/-0.15 mBq m(-3), respectively. Different 210Pb:214Pb activity ratios during the year varied between 1.78 x 10(-4) and 1.6 x 10(-3) with a mean value of 8.9 x 10(-4) +/- 7.6 x 10(-5). From the ratio between the activity concentrations of the radon decay products 214Pb and 210Pb a mean residence time (MRT) of aerosol particles in the atmosphere of about 10.5+/-0.91 d could be estimated. The seasonal variation pattern shows relatively higher values of MRT in spring/summer season than in winter/autumn season. The MRT data together with relative humidity (RH), air temperature (T) and wind speed (WS), were used for a comprehensive regression analysis of its seasonal variation in the atmospheric air.  相似文献   

Low-level measurements of radioactivity performed in Argentina are discussed.  相似文献   

Various suggested definitions of the term “traceability” are discussed from the standpoint of proposed adoption and use of the concept by the International Organization of Legal Metrology.  相似文献   

An EPA sponsored field study intercompared the performance of 11 different aerosol samplers. They were operated simultaneously for eight consecutive days by scientific groups having expertise in sampler development and operation. Collection surfaces were changed every 12 h allowing a 16 period intercomparison. Samples were analyzed at each participant's laboratory for one or more of the pollutants mass, nitrate, sulfur or sulfate, lead, and 8 other elements using one or more analysis methods. Most samplers collected two particle-size fractions with the 50% separation for the fine fraction between 2.4 and 4.3 μm. Upper cutoff diameters ranged from 14 to above 30 μm which strongly influenced the total mass collected. Results were intercompared for the total, fine, and coarse size fractions. Agreement to better than 10% was found for the elements Zn, S, and Pb that occur primarily in the fine fraction. Mean sulfate concentration was three times the sulfur concentration, showing that all sulfur occurs as sulfate.  相似文献   

The RAD Laboratory measured annual means of radon activity concentrations in 15 277 first-floor rooms of dwellings and in 325 rooms on upper floors in Hungary (1994-2004). The original purpose of the survey was to find radon-prone area in Hungary. The maximum measured value was 5800 Bq m(-3), while the minimum was 10 Bq m(-3). Due to geological diversity and different structures of buildings, the data set of first-floor rooms did not follow the lognormal distribution. Therefore, strata were chosen so that the measured data fitted the lognormal distribution. The numbers of dwellings above a given radon level were determined in each stratum. The national distribution was then taken as the sum of the individual distributions of all strata. This distribution was not lognormal. The parameters of the best fitting lognormal distribution were GM = 58 Bq m(-3), GSD = 2.2. The weighted averages of strata values GM = 62 Bq m(-3), GSD=2.1 were obtained corresponding to 92% of Hungarian dwellings.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of indoor radon concentration survey in 201 homes and offices in Niska Banja (the Spa of Nis), a well-known health resort and a spa in the South-East of Serbia. Radon indoor concentrations were determined by active charcoal method, according to standard EPA procedure. The indoor radon concentrations were in the range of up to 200 Bq/m(3) (47%), from 200-600 Bq/m(3) (26%) and over 600 Bq/m(3) (27%). Three areas of extremely high average radon concentrations were found (1,340-4,340 Bq/m(3)), with a maximum above 13,000 Bq/m(3). The content of natural radionuclides ((226)Ra, (214)Pb, (214)Bi, (235)U, (228)Ac, (212)Pb, (212)Bi, (208)Tl, (40)K) and (137)Cs, as well as the content of total uranium, thorium and potassium in mud used in peloidotherapy in the Health Institute "Niska Banja" was determined, too. The activities of the radionuclides were determined on an HPGe detector, by standard gamma spectroscopy. The results indicated considerably high amounts of total uranium and thorium (0.021 g/kg mud and 0.003 g/kg mud, respectively), due to the karsts origin of the soil.  相似文献   

Radon daughter levels have been monitored in 12,000 Swedish dwellings during the last two years. In 1979 the Swedish Government introduced temporary limits for the radon daughter concentration in dwellings. For existing buildings this limit is 400 Bq/m3 (0.11 WL). Two different methods were used to monitor the radon daughter concentration. The majority of the houses presented in this paper were monitored using a track-etch detector; some houses were tested using a filter sampling technique while the ventilation rate was determined. Close to 15% of the investigated houses have a radon daughter concentration higher than 400 Bq/m3. The majority of these houses were one-family houses. Almost 10% of this group has a concentration above 1000 Bq/m3 (0.27 WL). The results from this study show that the two most important sources for radon in buildings are building materials and the ground.  相似文献   

In this work we present results of the (129)I/(127)I ratio in aerosols of Seville, Southwest of Spain (37.4 degrees N,6 degrees W). A radiochemical method is applied to extract the iodine from the aerosols and prepare samples to be measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) at the ETH facility in Zürich. We have found the possibility of monitoring the (129)I/(127)I isotopic ratio on a two-days basis with sensitivities in the order of 10(4)-10(5) atoms (129)I/m(3), and values of 10(-8)-10(-9) for the isotopic ratio.  相似文献   

Median sulfate and chloride concentrations in groundwater were calculated for 244 Texas counties from measurements at 8236 water wells. The data were mapped and analyzed with a geographic information system (GIS). Concentration clusters for both solutes were highest in north-central, west, and south Texas. Thirty-four counties had median sulfate levels above the secondary standard of 250 mg/L, and 31 counties registered median chloride concentrations above 250 mg/L. County median concentrations ranged from < 1.5 to 1,953 mg/L for sulfate, and from 6 to 1,275 mg/L for chloride. Various factors contribute to high sulfate and chloride levels in Texas aquifers, including mineral constitutents of aquifers, seepage of saline water from nearby formations, coastal saltwater intrusion, irrigation return flow, and oil/gas production. Ten counties in central and northeast Texas lack data and warrant additional monitoring.  相似文献   

An accounts is given of current work in the field of radioactivity measurements in the marine and terrestrial environments of the United Kingdom. Reference is made to the increasing need for quality assurance and to the role of measurements standards and traceability.  相似文献   

Ample factual data has been used to analyze the long-term dynamics of 90Sr and 137Cs concentrations in moss-lichen cover. The stocks of radionuclides in lichens, mosses, and the moss-lichen cover of northern regions of the Urals and Siberia has been estimated for the first time. The data on recent ranges of 90Sr and 137Cs concentrations in lichens and mosses can serve as a basis for determining the background levels of radionuclide contamination for long-term monitoring and prognostic radioecological studies.  相似文献   

A number of publications report statistical summaries for environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) concentrations. Despite compelling evidence for the data not being normally distributed, these publications typically report the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the data, thereby losing important information related to the distribution of values contained in the original data. We were interested in the frequency distributions of reported nicotine concentrations in hospitality environments and subjected available data to distribution analyses. The distribution of experimental indoor airborne nicotine concentration data taken from hospitality facilities worldwide was fit to lognormal, Weibull, exponential, Pearson (Type V), logistic, and loglogistic distribution models. Comparison of goodness of fit (GOF) parameters and indications from the literature verified the selection of a lognormal distribution as the overall best model. When individual data were not reported in the literature, statistical summaries of results were used to model sets of lognormally distributed data that are intended to mimic the original data distribution. Grouping the data into various categories led to 31 frequency distributions that were further interpreted. The median values in nonsmoking environments are about half of the median values in smoking sections. When different continents are compared, Asian, European, and North American median values in restaurants are about a factor of three below levels encountered in other hospitality facilities. On a comparison of nicotine concentrations in North American smoking sections and nonsmoking sections, median values are about one-third of the European levels. The results obtained may be used to address issues related to exposure to ETS in the hospitality sector.  相似文献   

Twenty-four commercially raised mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) were released at reactor radioactive leaching ponds in southeastern Idaho and subsequently collected 56 to 188 days later. Liver, gizzard and carcass were analyzed for radionuclide concentrations before and after cooking. Significant decreases (P < 0·05) in 137Cs, 134Cs, 60Co and 110mAg concentrations in carcass and liver samples occurred after cooking. Radionuclide concentrations in gizzard showed no significant change in radionuclide concentrations after cooking. Cesium-134 and 137Cs concentrations decreased by 27% in carcass after cooking and reduced the dose commitment to man by that amount if only the carcass was consumed. No reduction in dose is expected if the carcass and juice were consumed.  相似文献   

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