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ABSTRACT: Macroinvertebrate community data collected from streams in Wyoming were assessed at various scales: within one stream reach, between stream reaches within one stream, between streams, and between stream classes. Fourteen indices including number of individuals/m2, biomass/m2, number of taxa, Shannon's diversity index, and functional feeding group ratios were used to compare macroinvertebrates by stream reach and stream class. Statistical analysis indicated that for five of the 14 indices, significant variability occurred between macroinvertebrate communities within one reach. For two of the remaining nine indices there was significant variability between communities from several reaches within the same stream. For seven of the nine indices, there was significant variability among macroinvertebrate communities from streams of the same class. Variability among the macroinvertebrate communities from the three stream classes was significantly different for seven of the nine indices. ANOVA results suggest that macroinvertebrate communities from different samples within one reach and between reaches within one stream were more comparable than those from different streams and different stream classes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study of benthic macroinvertebrate community composition was conducted at eight sites along Shabakunk Creek, a small stream in Mercer County, New Jersey, which receives urban runoff. The relationship between changes in substrate composition and the nature of the benthic macroinvertebrate community has been examined. Organisms were collected seasonally from natural substrates in riffles. Attempts to employ artificial substrates for invertebrate collection proved unsuccessful, as the population on the samplers was not representative of that in the stream bed. Number of total benthic macroinvertebrate taxa collected declined from 13 in relatively undeveloped upstream areas to four below heavily developed areas, while population density decreased simultaneously in the same areas. Periphyton samples collected from natural substrates were analyzed for selected heavy metals. Significantly higher heavy metal concentrations are reported from substrates sampled below heavily developed areas, and changes in these values are discussed with regard to changes in benthic macroinvertebrate distribution.  相似文献   

Samples of coal pile runoff, Georges Creek water, and macrobenthos above and below two coal storage areas along Georges Creek, Allegany County, Maryland, were collected in July, August, and September 1982, and February and July 1983. Coal pile runoff was collected under high- and low-flow conditions. Water samples were analyzed for Hg, Zn, As, Fe, Mn, Al, SO4?2, pH, filterable and non-filterable residue, conductivity and acidity. Leachate from coal piles along Georges Creek contained high concentrations of heavy metals, particularly manganese, aluminum and zinc. Iron and sulfate were very high and the pH ranged from 1.4 to 3.1. Georges Creek water had much lower concentrations of metals, iron and sulfate and a pH of about 7.0. The distribution of macrobenthos in Georges Creek showed the effects of both runoff from coal storage piles and periodic drought. Brillouin's diversity index values were low even in areas which did not dry. Densities of tubificid worms and chironomid larvae were very high above the coal storage areas where organic inputs were high. At all the rest of the sampling stations, macroinvertebrate densities were very low. Where coal pile runoff enters Georges Creek, it compounds the effects of periodic drought and further stresses the aquatic community.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fifty‐four Wisconsin wetlands were surveyed in spring 1996 to determine relationships between macroinvertebrate community structure and a suite of 11 environmental attributes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that, after alkalinity, hydroperiod was the next most significant environmental factor influencing macroinvertebrate community structure within the wetlands sampled. CCA and direct gradient biplots were used to identify indicator taxa characteristic of the spring macroinvertebrate communities in persistent and ephemeral wetlands, and taxa characteristic of semi‐terrestrial habitats adjacent to wetlands. Two models were developed to permit the prediction of a wetland's hydroperiod class. One model assigns a range of probabilities that a wetland has a hydroperiod longer or shorter than eight months based on the occurrence or abundance of fairy shrimp, mayflies, scuds, mosquitoes, and phantom midges. A second model predicts that a wetland's hydroperiod is longer or shorter than five months based on the joint occurrences of seven persistent indicator taxa. Data used in both models were derived from a rapid bioassessment of three shoreline D‐frame net sweeps. The use of a coarse level taxonomic identification (primarily order and family) allows the approach to be performed in the field or laboratory. The macroinvertebrate models allow a manager to estimate a wetland's hydroperiod when long term water duration records do not exist. This ability is important to water resource managers because hydroperiod classification (i.e., water permanency) is one criterion used in differentiating wetlands from lakes in Wisconsin and because Wisconsin's legal system affords lakes substantially greater protection than wetlands.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The quantity, seasonality, and sources of flow were analyzed for two segments of Four Mile Branch, a small stream on the Coastal Plain of South Carolina using data obtained from USGS gauging stations. Flows in the “upstream segment,” a 12.6-km2 watershed comprising the head waters of Four Mile Branch, averaged 0.129 m3 s?1 and showed a distinctly seasonal pattern, with maximum flows in February and March and minimum flows in September and October. Inflow to the “downstream segment,” a 2.2-km2 watershed associated with the main channel, averaged 0.059 m3 s?1 and showed no seasonal patterns. Discharges per unit area of watershed were greater for the downstream segment, 0.83 m3 per year per m2 of land surface, than for the upstream segment, 0.32 m3 per year per m2. The differences in discharge rates and seasonalities between the two segments reflect differences in aquifers supplying the different segments. Analyses of Streamflow by hydrograph separation and Streamflow partitioning methods indicated that greater than 90 percent of the flows in the upstream and downstream segments were due to ground water-driven base flows.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Benthic invertebrate faunas were compared to two fifth-order streams, the Atigun River flowing northward and the Dietrich River flowing southward. Sixty-eight taxa were collected, forty-nine from each stream. Aquatic insects comprised 88% of the taxa and 97% of the individuals from the Dietrich River and 73% of the taxa and 97% of the individuals from the Atigun River. Diptera, especially Chironomidae, were most abundant. Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Oligochaeta, Acarina, and Collembola were significant. In both streams the headwaters were dominated by the subfamily Diamesinae which was replaced by Orthocladiinae downstream. Diversity seemed to increase with stream order. Cluster analysis showed a high degree of resemblance between the benthic faunas of the rivers. Faunal resemblance decreased with increasing distance between stations, both within and between the streams. Although some taxa may occur in only one stream, the evidence for faunal resemblance is stronger than for faunal differences. Other studies have shown that differences in total radiation associated with valley aspect affect local climate, hydrology, and distribution of terrestrial plants and animals. However, the benthic faunas of Atigun and Dietrich Rivers were remarkably similar. Factors which operate independently of aspect, possibly freezing solid in winter, may control the occurrence of species in these streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Urban stormwater runoff has been recognized as a potential major contributor of pollution to receiving waters. However the projected high costs of control have prompted an examination of the extent to which these impacts have been documented. A nationwide search was conducted for case studies demonstrating a cause-effect linkage between urban runoff and impairment of beneficial uses in receiving waters. The results indicate that numerous definitions of “impacts” are being used and that few substantive data exist to support many of these allegations. Results of a preliminary impact assessment are presented for the 248 urbanized areas of the United States. Then, the results of more recent efforts to assess these impacts in several case studies are described. This assessment demonstrates the critical need for additional short-term and long-term sampling programs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Estimates were made of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution loadings reaching the Delaware Estuary by determining storm event loadings of hydrocarbons from four storm sewers, draining areas of different land uses. Although refinery effluents constituted the largest source of petroleum pollution in 1975, it appears that after completion of currently required treatment processes urban runoff will be the largest remaining source of petroleum pollution. The petroleum in urban runoff resembles used crankcase oil in composition and contains toxic chemicals such as polynuclear hydrocarbons. Further research is clearly desirable. Remedial programs to control such pollution may be warranted on the basis of information now available.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water samples and macroinvertebrates were collected from Finley Creek, Indiana, both before and two years after the cleanup of a nearby hazardous waste site. Water quality constituents were compared between years. Below the disposal site higher concentrations of constituents were found before and after the cleanup. However, two years after the cleanup, an improvement of water quality was observed. Total dissolved solids decreased by 52% and macroinvertebrate taxa increased by 44%.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The level of macroinvertebrate community impairment was statistically related to selected basin and water-quality characteristics in New Jersey streams. More than 700 ambient biomonitoring stations were chosen to evaluate potential and known anthropogenic effects. Macroinvertebrate communities were assessed with a modified rapid-bioassessment approach using three impairment ratings (nonimpaired, moderately impaired, and severely impaired). Maximum-likelihood multiple logistic-regression analysis was used to develop equations defining the probability of community impairment above predetermined impairment levels. Seven of the original 140 explanatory variables were highly related to the level of community impairment. Explanatory variables found to be most useful for predicting severe macroinvertebrate community impairment were the amount of urban land and total flow of municipal effluent. Area underlain by the Reading Prong physiographic region and amount of forested land were inversely related to severe impairment. Nonparametric analysis of variance on rank-transformed bioassessment scores was used to evaluate differences in level of impairment among physiographic regions and major drainage areas simultaneously. Rejection of the null hypothesis indicated that the levels of impairment among all six physiographic regions and five major drainage areas were not equal. Physiographic regions located in the less urbanized northwest portion of New Jersey were not significantly different from each other and had the lowest occurrence of severely impaired macroinvertebrate communities. Physiographic regions containing urban centers had a higher probability of exhibiting a severely impaired macroinvertebrate community. Analysis of major drainage areas indicates that levels of impairment in the Atlantic Coastal Rivers drainage area differed significantly from those in the Lower Delaware River drainage area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Precipitation and resultant runoff were sampled for a series of storm events over the period of one year. The test site was the parking lot of a large suburban shopping mall in the Syracuse, New York, area. Both precipitation and runoff were tested for lead, zinc, copper, cadmium, and petroleum hydrocarbons: substantial amounts were detected in each. No correlation was found between precipitation contaminant concentration and the length of the antecedent dry period. A weak, but apparently inverse relationship was noticed between concentration and amount of precipitation. Poor correlations were obtained between runoff contaminant concentration and the antecedent dry period. The variability attributable to different precipitation volumes was removed by converting to a unit-area basis. The variability attributable to precipitation contaminant load was removed by subtraction. The resultant value, dryfall accumulation, then correlated well with the length of the antecedent dry period. Metal ions were found in both precipitation and runoff and were hypothesized to come from atmospheric fallout as a result of distant emissions and from very localized sources, primarily vehicle traffic on the parking facility. Petroleum residues were believed to be the sole result of automobile losses, since none could be detected in precipitation samples.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Genetic Programming (GP) is a domain‐independent evolutionary programming technique that evolves computer programs to solve, or approximately solve, problems. To verify GP's capability, a simple example with known relation in the area of symbolic regression, is considered first. GP is then utilized as a flow forecasting tool. A catchment in Singapore with a drainage area of about 6 km2 is considered in this study. Six storms of different intensities and durations are used to train GP and then verify the trained GP. Analysis of the GP induced rainfall and runoff relationship shows that the cause and effect relationship between rainfall and runoff is consistent with the hydrologic process. The result shows that the runoff prediction accuracy of symbolic regression based models, measured in terms of root mean square error and correlation coefficient, is reasonably high. Thus, GP induced rainfall runoff relationships can be a viable alternative to traditional rainfall runoff models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to assess short term, macroinvertebrate colonization dynamics and biofilm accumulation in two agricultural streams, one of which had been recently exposed to chronic, intermittent organic effluents from a slaughterhouse. During the winter and summer, macroinvertebrates and biofilm were collected from brick substrates from four or three sites in the streams on a geometric time schedule (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 days of exposure). Invertebrate total densities stabilized quickly, but the mass of biofilm increased throughout the study periods. Invertebrate community indices (diversity, evenness, dominance, richness) differed between the unaffected, “agricultural reference” sites and the affected sites, below the point source. All sites were dominated by Baetis bicaudatus (mayfly), Hydrobia sp. (gastropod), and Dugesia tigrina (Turbellaria). Response of these taxa differed between seasons and exposure to organic effluents. Stream invertebrate colonization processes showed evidence of the perturbation after the inflow of organic effluents had stopped from the slaughterhouse. Chronic organic enrichment reduced the species richness in the potential pool of colonists. Three months after the organic inputs had stopped, colonization timing and community structure was not yet at levels evident in reference and upstream sites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A study of nitrate concentration in the groundwater beneath a beef cattle feedlot near Central City, Nebraska was started in 1968. An intensive 3-day pumping study was conducted at the feedlot at the start of 1970 irrigation system. Little nitrate concentration was found in the ground-water coming from beneath the feedlot. Pumping caused a slight increase in nitrate concentration over the average concentration for the previous 2 years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Rainfall is a significant source of some constituents, particularly nitrogen species, in storm runoff from urban catchments. Median contributions of rainfall to storm runoff loads of 12 constituents from 31 urban catchments, representing eight geographic locations within the United States, ranged from 2 percent for suspended solids to 74 percent for total nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen. The median contribution of total nitrogen in rainfall to runoff loads was 41 percent. Median contributions of total-recoverable lead in rainfall to runoff loads varied by as much as an order of magnitude between catchments in the same geographic location. This indicates that average estimates of rainfall contributions to constituent loading in storm runoff may not be suitable in studies requiring accurate constituent mass-balance computations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Agricultural practices such as cattle grazing and animal manure application can contribute to relatively high runoff concentrations of fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococcus (FS). Available information, however, is inconsistent with respect to the effects of such practices as well as to measures that can discriminate among candidate sources of FC and FS. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of grazing, time of year, and runoff amounts on FC and FS concentrations and to evaluate whether FCIFS concentration ratios are consistent with earlier values reported as characteristic of animal sources. Runoff from four Northwest Arkansas fields was sampled and analyzed for fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococcus (FS) for nearly three years (1991–1994). Each field was grazed and fertilized, with two fields receiving inorganic fertilizer and two receiving animal manure. Runoff amount had no effect on runoff concentrations of FC or FS. There were no consistent relationships between the presence of cattle and FC and FS runoff concentrations. Both FC and FS concentrations were affected by the season during which the runoff occurred. Higher concentrations were observed during warmer months. Runoff FC concentrations exceeded the primary contact standard of 200 cfu/100 mL during at least 89 percent of all runoff events and the secondary contact standard of 1000 cfu/100 mL during at least 70 percent of the events. Ratios of FC to FS concentrations varied widely (from near zero to more than 100), confirming earlier findings that FC/FS ratios are not a reliable indicator of the source of FC and FS.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Macroinvertebrates were used to assess the impact of urbanization on stream quality across a gradient of watershed imperviousness in 43 southeastern Wisconsin streams. The percentage of watershed connected imperviousness was chosen as the urbanization indicator to examine impact of urban land uses on macroinvertebrate communities. Most urban land uses were negatively correlated with the Shannon diversity index, percent of pollution intolerant Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera individuals, and generic richness. Nonurban land uses were positively correlated with these same metrics. The Hilsenhoff biotic index indicated that stream quality declined with increased urbanization. Functional feeding group metrics varied across a gradient of urbanization, suggesting changes in stream quality. Proportions of collectors and gatherers increased, while proportions of filterers, scrapers, and shredders decreased with increased watershed imperviousness. This study demonstrated that urbanization severely degraded stream macroinvertebrate communities, hence stream quality. Good stream quality existed where imperviousness was less than 8 percent, but less favorable assessments were inevitable where imperviousness exceeded 12 to 20 percent. Levels of imperviousness between 8 and 12 percent represented a threshold where minor increases in urbanization were associated with sharp declines in stream quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Conditions under which monthly rainfall forecasts translate into monthly runoff predictions that could support water resources planning and management activities were investigated on a small watershed in central Oklahoma. Runoff response to rainfall forecasts was simulated using the hydrologic model SWAT. Eighteen scenarios were examined that represented combinations of wet, average, and dry antecedent rainfall conditions, with wet, normal, and dry forecasted rainfall. Results suggest that for the climatic and physiographic conditions under consideration, rainfall forecasts could offer potential application opportunities in surface water resources but only under certain conditions. Pronounced wet and dry antecedent rainfall conditions were shown to have greater impact on runoff than forecasts, particularly in the first month of a forecast period. Large forecast impacts on runoff occurred under wet antecedent conditions, when the fraction of forecasted rainfall contributing to runoff was greatest. Under dry antecedent conditions, most of the forecasted rainfall was absorbed in the soil profile, with little immediate runoff response. Persistent three‐month forecasts produced stronger impacts on runoff than one‐month forecasts due to cumulative effects in the hydrologic system. Runoff response to antecedent conditions and forecasts suggest a highly asymmetric utility function for rainfall forecasts, with greatest decision‐support potential for persistent wet forecasts under wet antecedent conditions when the forecast signal is least dampened by soil‐storage effects. Under average and dry antecedent conditions, rainfall forecasts showed little potential value for practical applications in surface water resources assessments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Proper selection of curve number values will improve the capability of the SCS-Curve Number procedure in predicting runoff. Both CREAMS and GLEAMS models use the Smith and Williams (1980) approach of converting CNII (curve number value for average antecedent moisture conditions) into CNI (curve number value for dry antecedent moisture conditions) in calculating the soil retention parameter (S). CREAMS and GLEAMS have been found to under predict runoff because of the internal conversion of CNII to CNI. This study shows modifications of the GLEAMS model using CMI without converting it to CM and it also shows the seasonal curve number approaches with and without converting CNII to CNI. Results indicate that using CNII without internal conversion to CNI provides better runoff and erosion predictions than the original version of GLEAMS and versions with seasonal curve numbers when tested with four years of field data in the Coastal Plain physiographic region of Maryland.  相似文献   

A system study was conducted on the use of a large number of small reservoirs dispersed throughout an urban community as a means of storm water pollution control. The study was based on an area within the “new city” of Columbia, Maryland. Water collected and stored in the reservoirs is treated for release or use in meeting sub-potable and potable water demands in the community. Design and performance criteria were developed for such a system. A simulation model and a computerized evaluation technique were used to select the optimal locations and system configurations. The results of this study indicated that such a system would be less expensive than a conventional engineering approach to storm water pollution control. Further, the benefits derived from use of the storm water as a water supply can offset a portion of the cost of pollution control. Several secondary benefits also result from this concept including erosion and sediment control, storm flow dampening, and recreational facilities. A program is now underway to demonstrate this concept in Columbia, Maryland.  相似文献   

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