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Substantial land degradation of agricultural catchments in Australia has resulted from the importation of European farming methods and the large-scale clearing of land. Rural communities are now being encouraged by government to take responsibility for environmental care. The importance of community involvement is supported by the view that environmental problems are a function of interactions between people and their environment. It is suggested that the commonly held view that community groups cannot care for their resources is due to inappropriate social institutions rather that any inherent disability in people. The communicative catchment is developed as a vision for environmental care into the future. This concept emerges from a critique of resource management through the catchment metaphors of the reduced, mechanical, and the complex, evolving catchment, which reflect the development of systemic and people-centered approaches to environmental care. The communicative catchment is one where both community and resource managers participate collaboratively in environmental care. A methodology based on action research and systemic thinking (systemic action research) is proposed as a way of moving towards the communicative catchment of the future. Action research is a way of taking action in organizations and communities that is participative and informed by theory, while systemic thinking takes into account the interconnections and relationships between social and natural worlds. The proposed vision, methodology, and practical operating principles stem from involvement in an action research project looking at extension strategies for the implementation of total catchment management in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales.  相似文献   

云南省洱海流域农业生态补偿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕洱海流域种植业产业结构调整、畜禽废弃物资源化利用问题,依托项目示范对农业生态补偿机制进行研究。以大理州政府为补偿主体,示范区内农户为补偿对象,结合资金补贴、技物补偿、智力扶持等补偿途径,开展测土配方施肥、发酵床生态养猪、稻田养鱼、牛粪秸秆混种双孢菇等典型农业生态补偿模式研究,提出了1套农业生态补偿办法。针对补贴力度不足、补贴涵盖领域窄、缺少科学评估方法等问题,分别从政策立法、项目实施、理论研究、试点示范4个层面提出逐步构建洱海流域农业生态补偿机制的建议。  相似文献   

本文对冲击台在冲击试验前,因测试冲击波形是否符合试验要求而所做的过多模拟测试,会导致试验效率较低、试验材料浪费等问题,在数据试验的基础上,运用泰勒公式和最小二乘法,将复杂的物理模型转化为若干个简单的数学模型,给出了一种冲击台的波形发生器的模拟选定和冲击台提升高度的确定方法,以确定冲击波形。测试数据表明,该方法建立的冲击波形的确定方法是可靠的。  相似文献   

: Despite the advances in catchment modeling in recent years, engineers still face major problems in estimating flood flows. Application of unit hydrograph and runoff routing models to five United Kingdom catchments shows that either can be tuned to predict, on a test event, the routing effects of a catchment with equal accuracy. The larger remaining problem is the prediction of losses from rainfall and this study shows how alternative ways of describing the within event distribution of these losses can be an important factor controlling the success of the overall model. Other problems include the risks of extrapolation to larger events, baseflow separation methods, rainfall patterns, and inevitable errors in the data.  相似文献   

In principle the protection of environmental resources is in every ones interest, yet it is evident that this is not what often occurs. In some cases there is an identifiable person or corporation, whose environmental impact can be tractably regulated either politically or via market forces. In other cases there is cumulative impact on a commonly held or "common pool" resource, from a variety of users, making establishing rights and responsibilities for resource management more difficult. The water of the Ythan catchment is one such 'Common Pool Resource' (CPR). An intensively farmed catchment also sustaining a sizable population, the consequent nitrate inputs to the water are believed to be the cause of algal matting at the estuary mouth, an internationally designated wildlife reserve. This led to its designation as Scotland's first Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ). Supported by the EU Life Environment fund, the Ythan Project attempted to foster co-operation between farmers and the wider community of the Ythan catchment to protect and restore the river environment. Throughout the project surveys were undertaken concerning the popularity of the Ythan Project's voluntary approach compared with more individualist or state-organised approaches. Taking CPR theory as a framework, key findings from those surveys are presented and discussed as to their implications for organisational intervention in CPR problems.  相似文献   

NELUP was a five-year academic research project into interdisciplinary river catchment modelling. The experience of staff involved offers useful insights into the intellectual and practical problems associated with interdisciplinary catchment management research and the dissemination and acceptance of results. In particular, it is suggested that: entrenched academic territories, derived from disciplinary and data differences, make managing an interdisciplinary team of researchers a non-trivial task; data errors, model complexity and model generality masked by a seductively sophisticated-looking DSS risk an illusion of technique; and that acceptance of decision support is hindered by practitionersand policy makers' suspicion of potential automated decision making by default.  相似文献   

厕所问题是当前城乡发展不平衡与不充分的最直接体现。推进厕所革命是一项系统工程,不仅对材料、能源、环保、建筑等产业技术提出新的要求,也是生态文明建设关键一环,涉及生态环保、卫生健康、乡村建设、文明进步、可持续发展等多重目标。近年来,我国开展大量农村厕所整治工作,取得阶段性重要成果,但在厕所系统性、理念意识、安全舒适、技术适应性等方面仍有差距。建议围绕厕所革命的阶段性多目标要求进行系统部署,以整体提升厕所系统的环保卫生、安全舒适、经济持续性为核心,准确把握技术创新发展路径,增强多技术方案供给和商业模式选择,增强农民群众在乡村振兴中的获得感。  相似文献   

This study provides an overview of the impacts of a proposed hydroelectric power project in the Western Himalayan region in India, using a primary database on floristic diversity and vegetation analysis. The remote sensing data revealed that in the submergence zone only mixed deciduous forest that occupies 807.5 ha area and has a wood biomass volume of 4,027,503 m3 is likely to be lost due to impoundment. A total of 165 plant species found in the submergence zone also occur in the influence and free draining catchment area of the project. In the influence zone of the project area only one tree species (Acer oblongum) is found under conservation threat category, which is also present in the free draining catchment of the project. The project affected population (6716 people) residing in the submergence and influence zone depend upon the surrounding forests for fuel wood, fodder, wild edibles etc., and most likely they will settle in the nearby areas, thus mounting more pressure on residual forests of the influence zone for various forest products. Further, from the vegetation analysis it is evident that several tree species (e.g. Lannea coromandelica, Terminalia alata, T. bellerica etc.), may face more pressure from exploitation as they provide a number of useful products and are represented in lower numbers in the forests of the project area. To compensate for the loss of various goods and services provided by the forests falling in the submergence zone and to offset the increased pressure of the project affected families on the forests of influence zone, a biodiversity management plan is suggested incorporating socio-economic considerations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We tested the common assumption, made when expressing phosphorus export on an areal basis, that this export is a linear function of catchment area and found it wanting. The data show that in agricultural catchments, TP (total phosphorus) export varies as the 0.77 power of drainage basin area, resulting in a reduction in phosphorus delivery per unit area with increasing catchment size. Following further division of catchments according to agricultural practice, we found that this spatial scale effect is restricted to row crops and pastures. We present simple statistical models to allow a comparison of TP export from catchments of different size. Such models are not needed for nonrow crops, mixed agricultural and forested catchments, where TP export is a linear function of catchment size.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Improving the reliability of parametric hydrologic models (sometimes called cenceptual rainfall-runoff models) in the continuous simulation of runoff from ungaged catchments has been frustrated by difficulties in estimating model parameters from catchment characteristics. An underlying problem is that these models use parameters to represent catchments as a whole, whereas data on catchment characteristics are collected at multiple field locations and are difficult to transform into one measure of collective impact. Subdividing the catchment and calibrating a stochastic parametric model to estimate distributions for the parameters that covered the range of observed streamflow values was found to improve the simulations. This paper presents an optimization of the amount of subdivision to use in simulation with a version of the Stanford Watershed Model using available climatological data. The calibration process assumes that catchment heterogeneity introduces errors that can be reduced by calibrating parameters as spatial distributions rather than single values. Calibrations for three diverse small gaged catchments located in California and in Virginia found the optimal number of subdivisions to range from 4 to 25 and the optimal scale to range from 0.3 to 2.1 mi2.  相似文献   

The hydrological modelling capability within the NERC/ESRC Land Use Programme is built around two simulation codes, SHETRAN and ARNO. Together these provide a comprehensive tool for analysing the potential impacts of land use change on the hydrology of a catchment. Both models have been validated for five-year flow simulations on the prototype Tyne catchment. Results from the SHETRAN nitrate simulations are also presented with the limited available validation data. Finally, the value of the hydrology models is discussed in the context of river basin planning.  相似文献   

The integrated project "AquaTerra" with the full title "integrated modeling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change" is among the first environmental projects within the sixth Framework Program of the European Union. Commencing in June 2004, it brought together a multidisciplinary team of 45 partner organizations from 12 EU countries, Romania, Switzerland, Serbia and Montenegro. AquaTerra is an ambitious project with the primary objective of laying the foundations for a better understanding of the behavior of environmental pollutants and their fluxes in the soil-sediment-water system with respect to climate and land use changes. The project performs research as well as modeling on river-sediment-soil-groundwater systems through quantification of deposition, sorption and turnover rates and the development of numerical models to reveal fluxes and trends in soil and sediment functioning. Scales ranging from the laboratory to river basins are addressed with the potential to provide improved river basin management, enhanced soil and groundwater monitoring as well as the early identification and forecasting of impacts on water quantity and quality. Study areas are the catchments of the Ebro, Meuse, Elbe and Danube Rivers and the Brévilles Spring. Here we outline the general structure of the project and the activities conducted within eleven existing sub-projects of AquaTerra.  相似文献   

Land Use Change and Land Degradation in Southeastern Mediterranean Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnitude of the environmental and social consequences of soil erosion and land degradation in semiarid areas of the Mediterranean region has long been recognized and studied. This paper investigates the interrelationship between land use/cover (LULC) changes and land degradation using remotely sensed and ancillary data for southeastern Spain. The area of study, the Xaló River catchment situated in the north of the Alicante Province, has been subjected to a number of LULC changes during the second half of the 20th century such as agricultural abandonment, forest fires, and tourist development. Aerial photographs dating back to 1956 were used for the delineation of historic LULC types; Landsat ETM+ data were used for the analysis and mapping of current conditions. Two important indicators of land degradation, namely, susceptibility to surface runoff and soil erosion, were estimated for the two dates using easily parametrizable models. The comparison of 1956 to 2000 conditions shows an overall “recuperating” trend over the catchment and increased susceptibility to soil erosion only in 3% of the catchment area. The results also identify potential degradation hot-spots where mitigation measures should be taken to prevent further degradation. The readily implemented methodology, based on modest data requirements demonstrated by this study, is a useful tool for catchment to regional scale land use change and land degradation studies and strategic planning for environmental management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In projects involving ground water problems, dependence on the mathematical modeling of the ground water flow phenomena is inescapable. At present, two dimensional flow models, which require tremendous amounts of computer time and storage, are generally used. When such bulky models are used for planning purposes, the two requirements (computer time and storage) can severely limit the number of alternatives that can be considered. A simple quantity and quality simulation model is developed here which requires considerably less computer time and storage and gives reasonably accurate results. The model was applied to simulate a ground water basin in San Luis Rey River in Southern California. The results were compared with those obtained by a USGS model. It was found that the simple model gave results which were consistentaly within five percent of the USGS model results, while the requirements on computer time and storage were drastically reduced.  相似文献   

The Swift Creek catchment, the first catchment to be affected should any impact occur as a result of mining of the Jabiluka uranium ore deposit, is located partly within the World Heritage Kakadu National Park (KNP), and partly within the Jabiluka Mineral Lease (JML) that has been excised from KNP. Preliminary linking of a landform evolution model with a Geographic Information System (GIS) has been completed and tested on a catchment-wide basis for long-term total catchment management. This project represents the first attempt to apply the model on a catchment-wide basis in the region. Linking the model with a GIS enhances the modelling process, as the GIS assists in the derivation, storage, manipulation, processing and visualisation of geo-referenced data on a catchment-wide scale. This preliminary assessment of landform evolution in the Swift Creek catchment demonstrates the complex process associated with the parameterisation of the SIBERIA model, and illustrates the benefits of integrating GIS with landform evolution modelling techniques. Additional research is required to develop a more integrated GIS and landform evolution modelling approach to assessing the possible impacts of mining on catchment sedimentary and hydrological processes.  相似文献   

Analysis of the character and condition of each river style in Bega catchment, and their downstream patterns, are used to provide a biophysical basis to prioritorize river management strategies. These reach-scale strategies are prioritorized within an integrative catchment framework. Conserving near-intact sections of the catchment is the first priority. Second, those parts of the catchment that have natural recovery potential are targeted. Finally, rehabilitation priorities are considered for highly degraded reaches. At these sites, erosion and sedimentation problems may reflect irreversible changes to river structure.  相似文献   

Increased participation in resource management decisions by a wide range of stakeholders has been widely advocated, and has recently been formally incorporated into the European Water Framework Directive. However, achieving such participation has generally proved to be problematical. In response to locally perceived needs, a project was set up in the Ythan catchment in northeast Scotland, to undertake catchment management actions with increased public involvement. This paper outlines the methods used to increase public participation in such actions, and some preliminary assessments of the effectiveness of these. The experience of the project and the lessons learnt, including some of the difficulties of ensuring fully representative stakeholder involvement, are discussed in relation to published criteria for public participation in resource management.  相似文献   

Wan Jaafar, Wan Zurina, and Dawei Han, 2012. Calibration Catchment Selection for Flood Regionalization Modeling. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 698‐706. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00648.x Abstract: There are two unsolved problems in flood regionalization model development related to the quantity and quality of calibration catchments: (1) how many calibration catchments should be used? and (2) how to select the calibration catchments? This study explores these two questions through a case study on the median annual maximum flood (QMED) model in the United Kingdom. It has been found that the chance of developing a good QMED model decreases significantly when the number of calibration catchments drops below a critical number (e.g., 60 in the case study). However, no significant improvement is achieved if the number of calibration catchments is above it. This number could be used as a benchmark for choosing randomly selected calibration catchments. Across a broad range of calibration catchment numbers, there are good and poor calibrated models regardless of calibration catchment numbers. High quality models could be developed from a small number of calibration catchments and also poor models from a large number of calibration catchments. This indicates that the number of calibration catchments may not be the dominating factor for developing a high quality regionalization model. Instead, the information content could be more important. The study has demonstrated that the standard deviation values between the best and poorest groups are distinctive and could be used in choosing appropriate calibration catchments.  相似文献   

Mittman, Tamara, Lawrence E. Band, Taehee Hwang, and Monica Lipscomb Smith, 2012. Distributed Hydrologic Modeling in the Suburban Landscape: Assessing Parameter Transferability from Gauged Reference Catchments. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 546-557. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00636.x Abstract: Distributed, process-based models of catchment hydrologic response are potentially useful tools for the assessment of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques in urbanized catchments. Their application is often limited, however, by the lack of continuous streamflow records to calibrate poorly constrained parameters. This article examines the transferability of soil and groundwater parameters from a forested reference catchment to a nearby suburban catchment. We use the Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System (RHESSys) to develop hydrologic models of one gauged forested and one ungauged suburban catchment within the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) study area. We use a parameter uncertainty framework to calibrate soil and groundwater parameters for the forested catchment, and discrete measurements of streamflow from the suburban catchment to assess parameter transferability. Results indicate that the transfer of soil and groundwater parameters from forested reference to nearby suburban catchments is viable, with performance measures for the suburban catchment often exceeding those for the forested catchment. We propose that the simplification of hydrologic processes in urbanized catchments may account for the increase in model performance in the suburban catchment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates index models as a tool to estimate the risk of N and P source strengths and loss at the catchment scale. The index models assist managers in improving the focus of remediation actions that reduce nutrient delivery to waterbodies. N and P source risk factors (e.g. soil nutrient concentrations) and transport risk factors (e.g. distance-to-streams) are used to determine the overall risk of nutrient loss for a case study in the Tuross River catchment of coastal southeast Australia. In the development of the N index model for Tuross, particulate N was considered important based on the observed event water quality data. In contrast to previous N index models, erosion and contributing distance were therefore included in the Tuross River catchment N index. Event-based water quality monitoring, and soil information, or in data-poor catchments conceptual understanding, are essential to represent catchment-scale processes. The techniques have high applicability in other catchments, and are complementary to other modelling techniques such as process-based semi-distributed modelling. Index models generally provide much more detailed spatial resolution than fully- or semi-distributed conceptual modelling approaches. Semi-distributed models can be used to quantify nutrient loads and provide overall direction to set the broad focus of management. Index models can then be used to refine on-the-ground investigations and investment priorities. In this way semi-distributed models can be combined with index models to provide a set of powerful tools to influence management decisions and outcomes.  相似文献   

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