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ABSTRACT: The agricultural revolution occurred because the un-managed environment was not providing food in either the quantity or quality that society desired. The “environmental revolution” is developing because the unmanaged environment is clearly not capable of assimilating societal wastes without being seriously degraded. Effective environmental management will require regional and site-specific modification of general principles and practices that can be used at a national or international level. An environmental management system can be operated in the same manner as any industrial quality control system with three basic components: (a) sensors at appropriate locations, (b) rapid generation and feedback of information, and (c) a quality control group capable of taking immediate effective action when system performance is outside predetermined boundary conditions. This discussion focuses primarily on three areas: (a) management options available to regulate intrusion of societal wastes into natural systems, (b) types of methods available for predicting and validating effects on natural systems, and (c) modifications of present legislation that would permit the most flexibility in selecting from the various management options. Also considered are multispecies toxicity tests using species with cosmopolitan distribution in test systems with a high degree of environmental realism. Among the many values of such tests is the ability to exchange information from all parts of the world effectively because the test organisms are not restricted to a particular geographic region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Information on raw water quality, treatment process removal efficiency, and distribution system monitoring is essential to the proper management and operation of a water utility system. Microcomputer hardware and software systems using commercially available data base management systems (DBMS) have emerged within the last few years as an effective means of managing, analyzing, and displaying water quality data. Understanding hardware, software, and training requirements is essential to the proper use of these systems. Three types of data base design are common: relational, hierarchical, and network. Only the relational type of data base architecture is widely implemented on microcomputer DBMS. In this paper two examples of the application of DBMS to water utility problems are presented. One example deals with collection and analysis of data concerning the water quality of the Mississippi River. The second example deals with the DBMS as a means of analyzing water quality data in the North Penn Water Authority (NPWA) distribution system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There is a lamentable absence of comprehensive planning in the current cursade to improve water quality. A serious shortcoming is the lack of evaluation of the effects of waste water treatment upon environmental quality. At some point in time the public may ask what they have obtained for their money. The nature of pollution in a river basin demands a coordinated attack against it. Engineering and economic criteria suggest that a properly empowered river basin authority would be the logical organization to plan and operate a water quality management system. Several forms of such authorities have operated effectively and efficiently for many years in the United States and other industrialized countries. Examples of successful river basin authorities and their advantages and methods of operation are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The St. Lucie River and its tributaries form a major estuarine system on the southeast coast of Florida. This system is strongly affected by anthropogenic influences, including controlled releases of freshwater from Lake Okeechobee through the St. Lucie Canal and an extensive artificial drainage and irrigation system in the watershed. In the present study, three years of biweekly water quality monitoring data from the estuary were examined. The major stresses to the system stem from high variability of the salinity, frequent low dissolved oxygen (DO) events, and light limitation due to high levels of humic substances brought into the system with the fresh water. Nutrient levels also are high. Management goals for the system, including improvement of DO and water clarity, will require reduction in quantity and variability of freshwater releases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Visual Perception Test, consisting of photographic slides of water sites, was designed to examine laymen's water quality perceptions. The slides were taken at five water sites where the level of visual pollution was artifically altered by the investigator. Analysis of variance indicated that the water sites were evaluated differently for each of five pollution levels. Increases in water discoloration and the quality of litter were viewed as increases in level of pollution. Laymen not only evaluated visually polluted sites lower for uses such as picnicking, but they also evaluated the quality of the actual water lower. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that a combination of water color, scenic beauty appreciation, quality of the surrounding environment and industry as a pollution source explained 73 percent of the variance in predicting Overall Pollution. Application of factor analysis simplified the variables to an Overall Pollution Factor and a Boating Use Factor.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Continuous measures of water quality responsiveness to changes in nutrient loadings are developed for use by environmental regulators attempting to achieve the greatest degree of water quality improvement consistent with competing uses of scarce resources. Recent contributions to the literature, based upon the nutrient loading concept, provide statistical relationships applicable to broad categories of lakes. In order to meet the requirements of water quality regulators, equations based upon USEPA survey data are developed in terms of the functional forms formulated and tested in the literature. Since recent authors have observed that much existing survey data are inappropriate for the formulation and testing of nutrient loading relationships, we have utilized results from the literature that work best with the existing data base, on grounds that such data are most inexpensively available to water quality managers. The nature of existing data limitations is discussed, and approaches to the revision of current results in light of improvements in the data base are indicated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of cost effectiveness has led to the use of mathematical decision models to implement the best water quality control program in a river from the various alternatives available at a time. The paper presents the water quality control program in the Hsintien River in Taiwan by the use of probabilistic programming technique.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Municipalities will be implementing structural best management practices at increasing rates in their effort to comply with Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). However, there is evidence that structural best management practices (BMPs) by themselves may be insufficient to attain desired water quality standards. This paper reports on an analysis of the median removal efficiencies of structural BMPs and compares them to removal efficiencies estimated as being necessary to attain water quality standards in the Rouge River in Detroit, Michigan. Eight water quality parameters are reviewed using data collected from 1994 to 1999 in the Rouge River. Currently, five of the eight parameters in the Rouge River including bacteria, biochemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids (TSS) exceed the required water quality standards. The reported analysis of structural BMP efficiencies reveals that structural BMPs appear capable of reducing only some of the pollutants of concern to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Oregon Water Quality Index (OWQI) is a single number that expresses water quality by integrating measurements of eight water quality variables (temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, pH, ammonia+nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, total solids, and fecal coliform). Its purpose is to provide a simple and concise method for expressing the ambient water quality of Oregon's streams for general recreational use, including fishing and swimming. The OWQI, originally developed in the 1970s, has been updated based upon improved understanding about water quality behavior. This report describes the historical basis of the OWQI and defines the improved design of the present OWQI. The index allows users to easily interpret data and relate overall water quality variation to variations in specific categories of impairment. This report demonstrates the value of the OWQI in presenting spatial and temporal water quality information. The OWQI improves comprehension of general water quality issues, communicates water quality status, and illustrates the need for and effectiveness of protective practices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the San Joaquin River Basin, California, a realtime water quality forecasting model was developed to help improve the management of saline agricultural and wetland drainage to meet water quality objectives. Predicted salt loads from the water quality forecasting model, SJRIODAY, were consistently within ± 11 percent of actual, within ± 14 percent for seven-day forecasts, and within ± 26 percent for 14-day forecasts for the 16- month trial period. When the 48 days dominated by rainfall/runoff events were eliminated from the data set, the error bar decreased to ± 9 percent for the model and ± 11 percent and ± 17 percent for the seven-day and 14-day forecasts, respectively. Constraints on the use of the model for salinity management on the San Joaquin River include the number of entities that control or influence water quality and the lack of a centralized authority to direct their activities. The lack of real-time monitoring sensors for other primary constituents of concern, such as selenium and boron, limits the application of the model to salinity at the present time. A case study describes wetland drainage releases scheduled to coincide with high river flows and significant river assimilative capacity for salt loads.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The objective of this investigation was to determine the selectivity of withdrawal which is possible in southwestern reservoirs. Two stratified flow solutions were examined to test their applicability under field conditions. Although both appeared capable of accurate prediction of the outflow velocity profile, the Bohan-Grace solution, which required less input data, was utilized to predict the chemical constituents of single and simultaneous releases from several southwestern impoundments. Prediction of outflow water quality was within fifteen percent for southwestern reservoirs as shallow as fifty-five feet. The withdrawal layer thickness for the subject Texas impoundments included the entire hypolimnion or epilmnion depending on outlet location. The sensitivity of the velocity profile to seasonal changes, reservoir discharge rate and withdrawal port dimensions also is illustrated.  相似文献   

Johnson Sauk Trail Lake remains highly eutrophic, even though the watershed has long been returned to an undisturbed condition with permanent vegetative cover and with little or no land disturbance in the watershed. Internal regeneration of nutrients has been identified as the major source of nutrients to the lake. Lake destratification, selective harvesting and removal of weeds, and control of algal blooms using chelated copper sulfate application followed by potassium permanganate application have all been chosen as management techniques for improving water quality conditions in the lake. These in-lake techniques are considered not as palliative measures, but as necessary tools in enhancing the lake's water quality characteristics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the implementation of one element of a decision support system (DSS) for regional water quality management, applied to the Nitra River Basin in Slovakia. A model-based, aspiration-led methodology for multicriteria decision support has been used for the study. Several reusable, modular software tools have been developed and implemented: a problem-specific generator to produce the core part of the mathematical programming model, tools for the generation and interactive modification of multicriteria problems, and a solver for the resulting mixed-integer optimization problem. Provided in the paper are the following: a complete formulation of the mathematical model (including the imbedded water quality model), a summary of the aspiration-reservation-led multiple criteria optimization approach applied to decision support, and an overview of results that illustrate the applied approach and provide some interesting insights to the case study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Linear programming is the simplest of all the optimization techniques used in regional water quality management studies; but the technique can optimize only one goal. When there are multiple goals with the same or different priorities, goal programming is a useful decisionmaking tool. This paper illustrates the application of goal programming to a regional water quality management problem where the following two goals are considered: (1) minimize the total cost of waste treatment, and (2) maintain the water quality goals (dissolved oxygen) close to the minimum level stated in the stream standards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Nation has entered a new era of water quality management in which land use policy and regulation must assume an increasingly important role. The benefits of tertiary and advanced waste treatment may be offset by contradictory land use and pollution from land runoff. Unless land use planning and controls are included in water quality management, land-imposed constraints on water quality can be anticipated. Pollution from major types of land runoff are reviewed with respect to sources, effects, and control procedures. Emphasis is given to land use practices and controls. The crucial issue with regard to the latter is lack of land use policies at federal, state, and local levels. State legislation establishing guidelines and minimum standards for land use regulation by local government is required. The dependency of water quality on land use points to the fallacy of attempting to provide for comprehensive water pollution control outside the context of comprehensive land-water resource planning and management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: While the quality of rivers has received much attention, the degradation of small streams in upland areas of watersheds has only recently been recognized as a major problem. A major cause of the problem is increases in nonpoint source pollution that accompany urban expansion. A case study is used to examine the potential for storm water detention as a means of controlling water quality in streams of small watersheds. The storm water management basin, which is frequently used to control increases in discharge rates, can also be used to reduce the level of pollutants in inflow to receiving streams. Data collected on a 148-acre site in Maryland shows that a detention basin can trap as much as 98 percent of the pollutant in the inflow. For the 11 water quality parameters, most showed reductions of at least 60 percent, depending on storm characteristics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An improved computational procedure for solving water quality management models containing interacting pollutants and control policies is presented. The method is developed with respect to the specific problem of minimizing the costs of basin-wide thermal and organic pollution control to meet water quality standards. It views the problem in partitioned form where a master problem is used to find cooling levels for thermal polluters while subproblems determine optimal organic pollutant reductions for fixed cooling levels. A gradient based search procedure is used to solve the master problem. Computational results for several river systems are presented. Application of the method to other water quality management models is suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Historically, storm water management programs and criteria have focused on quantity issues related to flooding and drainage system design. Traditional designs were based on large rainfall‐runoff events such as those having two‐year to 100‐year return periods. While these are key criteria for management and control of peak flows, detention basin designs based on these criteria may not provide optimal quality treatment of storm runoff. As evidenced by studies performed by numerous public and private organizations, the water quality impacts of storm water runoff are primarily a function of more frequent rainfall‐runoff events rather than the less frequent events that cause peak flooding. Prior to this study there had been no detailed investigations to characterize the variability of the more frequent rainfall events on Guam. Also, there was a need to develop some criteria that could be applied by designers, developers, and agency officials in order to reduce the impact of storm water runoff on the receiving bodies. The objectives of this paper were three‐fold: (1) characterize the hourly rainfall events with respect to volume, frequency, duration, and the time between storm events; (2) evaluate the rainfall‐runoff characteristics with respect to capture volume for water quality treatment; and (3) prepare criteria for sizing and designing of storm water quality management facilities. The rainfall characterization studies have provided insight into the characteristics of rainstorms that are likely to produce non‐point source pollution in storm water runoff. By far the most significant fmdings are the development of a series of design curves that can be used in the actual sizing of storm water detention and treatment facilities. If applied correctly, these design curves could lead to a reduction of non‐point source pollution to Guam's streams, estuaries, and coastal environments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The impacts of regional groundwater quality and local agricultural activities on in-stream water quality in the Lower Truckee River, Nevada, were assessed through a detailed program of monitoring and computer simulation. An agricultural diversion and return-flow were monitored in great detail to determine mass loading rates of nutrients from agriculture in the area. Once characterized, the cumulative impacts of agricultural diversions and return-flows were evaluated using the Water Quality Assessment Program (WASP) to model nitrogen, phosphorus, periphyton, and dissolved oxygen. Monitoring showed that a significant proportion of the water diverted for agricultural purposes returned to the river as surface point return-flow (estimated at 13.9 percent $ 0.1 percent), and as groundwater diffuse return-flow (estimated at 27 percent $ 6 percent). Modeling efforts demonstrated the significant effect of assumed regional groundwater quality (nitrate) upon predicted periphyton growth and associated diel fluctuations of dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Phosphorus loading tolerances of small lakes are analyzed by means of a statistical model of lake eutrophication based upon the work of Vollenweider and Dillon. Using a sample of 195 midwestern and eastern U. S. lakes, it was found that Vollenweider and Dillon's method of predicting the trophic status of relatively deep, slow-flushing lakes can be applied to shallower lakes with much shorter retention times. The statistical model used to replicate the results of Vollenweider and Dillon is stated in detail, for convenience of application to small lake water quality management problems. The model extends the Vollenweider and Dillon results by associating each alternative phosphorous loading with a probability that a given lake can achieve or maintain noneutrophis status. It is applicable to lakes for which only minimal data are available. The major policy conclusion is that the highly variable tolerance for phosphorus loading must be considered in legislating efficient effluent limitations. The paper concludes with a comparison to a recent contribution employing a similar approach.  相似文献   

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