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ABSTRACT. An experimental study of two-dimensional viscous flow through a vertical slot with one highly resistant porous wall was made. The fluid loss area of the porous wall was divided into five sections. The fluid loss rate for the various subareas was measured as a function of the bulk flow rate through the slot and the viscosity of the fluid. Static flow tests through the porous media were also conducted for each fluid viscosity. The results indicate that the experimental data can be correlated in terms of the difference between the static flow rate and the dynamic fluid loss rate as a function of the bulk Reynold's number and the bulk flow rate. Stream function profiles were determined for each experimental run to visualize flow through the length of the slot. An empirical correlation was developed between the superficial entrance width, δ, and the ratio of bulk Reynold's number to the Reynold's number based on flow through the porous wall.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Ogallala aquifer in the Oklahoma Panhandle is in need of better management because of increased groundwater demand which has caused declines in static water levels at an alarming rate. A groundwater management computer model was developed for the Ogallala aquifer in the Texas Panhandle and treats the aquifer as a homogeneous system. In this study, the computer model has been modified in order to evaluate the effects of vertical layering on semi-static water level changes which occur during the dewatering of a single unconfined aquifer. The modified model was applied to a study area near Guymon, Oklahoma, using both the homogeneous and the multilayered cases. The aquifer is characterized by a saturated thickness of 400 feet. The accumulated drawdown values of the homogeneous and the multilayered cases demonstrate that an average difference of approximately 22% of the original saturated thickness occurs between the two cases before the base of the aquifer is encountered. Approximately 25% more time is required to dewater the layered aquifer. Thus, vertical variations of lithology in an aquifer such as the Ogallala should be considered when prediction is made relative to groundwater management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Autoregressive moving average (ABMA) models have been applied to study the flow series of the karstic springs of La Villa, Fuente Mayor (Spain), and Aliou (France). The theoretical meaning of the parameters involved in the model upon applying it to a simplified scheme of the emptying of a karstic aquifer is first analyzed. The types of transformations necessary to apply these models to the flow series that lack normality and have strong periodic components are also indicated, as are the advantages of this type of model and the physical significance of the parameters obtained, with respect to the standpoint of hydraulics, ranging from rather homogeneous aquifers (La Villa) to extremely karstic (Aliou), including aquifers with intermediate characteristics (Fuente Mayor).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Generally a difference exists between the horizontal planar area of a watershed as measured on a map and the actual surface area. A technique is presented, utilizing a topographic map, for computing the difference in the two areas as well as yielding a prediction of the actual surface area. Spatial variations in the magnitude of the difference in the two areas for small local sites over the watershed are displayed on computer generated maps. The technique is also used to adjust various inventory variables on maps, such as vegetation density, to reflect actual surface coverage. This allows estimates to be made of the difference in using corrected versus uncorrected area related parameters in mathematical functions describing processes occurring in the atmosphere-surface boundary layer.  相似文献   

: The danger to the environment associated with the injection of liquid industrial wastes into a deep, confined, subsurface rock formation may arise from the transport of the waste laterally or vertically in the formation. The pattern of lateral transport, which can take place as a result of convection as well as dispersion and diffusion, can be determined by an approximate analytical solution to the mass transport equation. Vertical transport may take place through both natural fractures and fractures created by hydrostatic stresses generated around the well during injection. To determine the stresses, we used the finite element method to get a numerical solution of the flow equation. We applied a solution of the flow equation to calculate the stress buildup and decay for the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation's injection well near Hennepin in Putnam County, Illinois. According to our computations, the stress buildup due to injection is about 0.16 pounds per square inch per foot - psi - (0.362 Newton per square centimeter per meter), which, added to normal pressure, makes an estimated total stress of 0.60 psi/ft (1.36 Newton/cm2/m). That pressure is insufficient to cause fracturing of the Cambrian Eau Claire aquitard, the confining bed for the disposal zone.  相似文献   

This study reports on experimentation with municipal and industrial solid waste in Brazil, on mutual inspection of municipal sanitation models in selected Spanish and Brazilian towns, and on observations of municipal solid waste (MSW) management models effective in Argentina, Great Britain, Sweden, and Germany. The diversity of management strategies inhibits technology transfer. Judging by the models inspected, Sweden and Germany appear to be best prepared for stricter European landfill diversion targets in the near future. Experimentation in Brazil has resulted in a proactive MSW management model based on divided collection, which achieves 80 percent landfill diversion. This result, surprisingly, meets and exceeds European diversion targets in a South American context. As the gap in strategy and target narrows between South America and Europe, both technology and management methods may gain intercontinental mobility and thus enhance commercial ties between the two markets in the specific branch of MSW management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Landsat radiance values were processed at two different (single and double) levels of accuracy to estimate chlorophyll a, turbidity, and suspended sediment in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Both ordinary least square and ridge regression analyses were used to establish a relationship between water quality parameters and Landsat radiance. Radiance measurements made at greater precision (double level) gave a better solution in this application. The ridge regression analysis for double level not only can reduce the total mean square error about 13–20 percent and confidence interval about 6–28 percent as compared to ordinary least square analysis, but it can also change the interpretation of analysis results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The deposition and chemistry of precipitation were estimated for one year in two forest ecosystems in the South-Central United States. Precipitation, throughfall, litter leachate, and soil leachate were analyzed for a small catchment of pine-hardwoods in southeastern Oklahoma and for a catchment of loblolly pines (Pinus taeda L.) in northern Mississippi. In the pine-hardwood forest, 98 percent of the acid deposition was neutralized, 50 percent in the forest canopy, and 48 percent in the forest floor. In the pine forest, 75 percent of the acid deposition was neutralized, all in the forest floor. The pine-hardwood ecosystem accumulated sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia ions, and lost base cations. During seasons of deficient precipitation, dry deposition appeared to enrich the concentrations of hydrogen, nitrate, sulfate, and ammonia ions in throughfall samples at both locations.  相似文献   

Recent progress in operations research has refined stochastic programming with recourse sufficiently to significantly increase its potential for use in water resource planning. To demonstrate its strengths and weaknesses this paper considers an irrigation planning problem and illustrates how more and more refined variants of this problem are successively cast into stochastic programming with recourse forms. The result is an outline of the state of the art with method limitations and demands on model formulation clearly indicated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Varying treatment levels to meet seasonal variation in assimilative capacity of streams can reduce total costs of treatment. A mathematical model of a Pennsylvania stream based on a theoretically sound approximation of the physical relationships underlying the distribution of DO in a river system was used to determine discharge constraints for an economic optimization model which produced estimates of sewage treatment cost savings. Increasing the number of flow periods during the year enhances cost reducing opportunities even when land application processes are considered. Also, the least cost treatment process for year around operation may not be the least costly under multiple flow period management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A survey of 61 headwater streams and their watersheds on Pennsylvania's Laurel Hill, an area of high hydrogen ion and sulfate deposition, was conducted in May and June 1983. Trout were absent from 12 or 20 percent of the streams. No fish were present in 10 streams. Thirty-three streams appeared to contain viable trout populations, 10 streams had other interferring cultural impacts and 6 streams had nonviable trout populations. Significant differences in water quality were noted among streams with and without fish. The streams having no fish as a group had significantly lower pH and alkalinity and higher dissolved aluminum than those with fish. Attempts were made to correlate soil type and geology with the presence or absence of trout. Watersheds with a major percentage of very stony land soil classifications always contained no trout or were culturally impacted. On the other hand, watersheds with a major percentage of Upshur (limestone derived) soils always supported trout. Watersheds with more than 30 percent Pocono Group bedrock supported trout in every case but two, while in every case but one, watersheds with more than 30 percent Pottsville Group bedrock did not support trout. Acid runoff episode data indicate severe transient acidification attributable to atmospheric deposition. It appears that a combination of very stony land, 30 percent Pottsville Group bedrock and high deposition of hydrogen ions and sulfate may result in transient acidification and absence of fish populations from headwater streams on Pennsylvania's Laurel Hill.  相似文献   

Abstract: Five commonly used methods for measuring embeddedness the — degree to which fine particles surround coarse substrate on the surface of the streambed — are assessed and used to evaluate the sedimentation pattern resulting from impoundment on tributaries of the Connecticut River. Results show that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) method best reflects the sediment regime on these rivers. On the Ompompanoosuc River, regulated by a run-of-the-river/flood control dam, embeddedness increases significantly directly downstream of the dam. On the unregulated White River, no downstream trends in embeddedness are observed. The USEPA results on the Ompompanoosuc River reflect the movement of a local decrease in embeddedness, interpreted as a moving region of scour, with a calculated transport rate of approximately 5 to 25 m/day. Observed transport rates are similar to previously measured sediment transport rates and consistent with results from a multifraction sediment transport model. Application of the USEPA method to an additional regulated tributary demonstrates the effects of dam management on embeddedness. Flow regulation with high sediment trapping efficiency results in a decrease in embeddedness downstream of the dam. Results provide insight into the utility of available methods for evaluating the effects of management practice on streambed composition.  相似文献   

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