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This paper examines the history of air pollution control in the State of New Jersey, particularly, how it relates to the development of the state-local governmental relationship, and to the coordination of their respective control efforts. It also describes the methodology for developing local control programs. The information presented in the paper is directed to those individuals who may be able to analogize the experience in New Jersey to situations developing in their own jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) content in sediments and muscle from two fish species were determined in Cartagena Bay and Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, an industrialized bay and an unpolluted estuary in the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Sampling was conducted four times during March-November 1996, including both the dry and rainy seasons. Significant differences in Hg concentration were detected both for fish and sediments between the two waterbodies. Hg values ranged from 94 to 10,293 microg/kg dry weight (dw) in sediments from Cartagena Bay and between 20 and 109 microg/kg dw in Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Highest Hg concentrations were observed for the omnivorous species Eugerres plumieri, and lowest concentrations were found in the detritivorous Mugil incilis. High Hg concentrations in sediments of Cartagena Bay were detected in front of the sewage discharge of an extinct chlor-alkali plant, with decreasing concentrations in stations far from the source. Our results suggest that Hg can be persistent in the sediments of previously exposed ecosystems and that the use of their biological resources should be avoided until decontamination programs guarantee safe levels of the metal in the environment.  相似文献   

Mercury is a widely distributed environmental pollutant, able to induce toxicity in living organisms, including higher plants. Some plant species are able to grow in mine sites, like the Almadén zone in Spain. Our study focus on two of these plant species, Rumex induratus and Marrubium vulgare and their responses to natural Hg exposure. Total Hg concentration in the soil below the plants could be classified as toxic, although the available fraction was low. Hg availability was higher for the M. vulgare than for the R. induratus plot. Hg concentrations in field plants of R. induratus and M. vulgare grown on these soils can be considered as phytotoxic, although no symptoms of Hg toxicity were observed in any of them. According to the BAF ([Hg]tissue/[Hg]avail), R. induratus showed a higher ability in Hg uptake and translocation to shoots, as well as higher concentrations of MDA and –SH:Hg ratios, so that this plant is more sensitive to Hg than M. vulgare. The resistance to Hg and the capability to extract Hg from the soil make both M. vulgare and R. induratus good candidates for Hg phytoremediation of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Data have been collected to indicate the presence of a number of biologically antagonistic air contaminants in ambient air in the immediate vicinity of Chattanooga, Tenn., as a result of the operation of the Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant, Tyner, Tenn. It follows, therefore, from these data that adverse health effects observed in the course of the Chattanooga School Children Study may be accounted for either totally or in part by the presence of epidemiologically interfering compounds such as sulfuric and nitric acid vapors which were not measured in air at the time of the health effects study. It is suggested that the presence of these interferences be considered detrimental to the formulation of a valid air quality standard for nitrogen dioxide.  相似文献   

Distribution of mercury in the aquatic environment at Almadén,Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The world's largest mercury mine is placed at Almadén, Spain. However, there is a lack of information about the environmental impact of these mining activities in the ecosystem that surrounds this area. The aim of this article is to document the concentration of mercury in waters, sediments and bivalves of the aquatic system impacted by historic mine wastes. Simultaneously, a comprehensive study has been undertaken to characterise this hydrosystem and to determine the influence of some major physico-chemical parameters on the fate of mercury. Samplings were carried out for the last few years. Concentration of mercury in waters ranged from not detectable to 20 microg/l. For the sediments study, samples have been taken both from contaminated and non-contaminated sites within the basin. The regional background mercury concentration is higher than values typically cited for natural backgrounds. At exposed sites the mercury concentrations between 5 and 1000 microg/g were measured. These values are one to four order of magnitude greater than regional background levels. In the comparison between the results obtained at the present moment and those available for the 1974-1977 period, a general diminution of mercury levels is observed. Mercury concentrations in fresh water bivalves ranged between 1 and 4 microg/g (d.w.), with around 30% as monomethylmercury. In the discussion of the implications for risk assessment data available for other areas affected both for mine activities and mercuriferous belt are included.  相似文献   

The finding of dieldrin (88 ng/g), DDE (52 ng/g), and heptachlor epoxide (19 ng/g) in earthworms from experimental plots after a single moderate application (9 kg/ha) 45 years earlier attests to the remarkable persistence of these compounds in soil and their continued uptake by soil organisms. Half-lives (with 95 % confidence intervals) in earthworms, estimated from exponential decay equations, were as follows: dieldrin 4.9 (4.3–5.7) years, DDE 5.3 (4.7–6.1) years, and heptachlor epoxide 4.3 (3.8–4.9) years. These half-lives were not significantly different from those estimated after 20 years. Concentration factors (dry weight earthworm tissue/dry weight soil) were initially high and decreased mainly during the first 11 years after application. By the end of the study, average concentration factors were 1.5 (dieldrin), 4.0 (DDE), and 1.8 (heptachlor epoxide), respectively.  相似文献   

Lindeström L 《Ambio》2001,30(8):538-544
The past effluents of mercury (Hg) into Lake V?nern were considerable. The consequences of, and recovery from these have been monitored through continuous measurements of mercury in sediment and fish. Mercury levels in lake sediments in the vicinity of the main source of mercury, a chloralkali plant on the northern shore, have only decreased by slightly more than a half since the mid-1970s, despite a radical decrease in effluents from the source, already during the 1960s. The mercury levels in pike (Esox lucius) have decreased to a similar extent during this time period. They are now about 30% higher in the worst affected parts of the lake compared to the least affected parts. Lower levels have been measured in perch (Perca fluviatilis) and salmonoid fish in the lake. Despite the increased presence of mercury in the sediment of Lake V?nern, the mercury levels in the fish of the lake are relatively low compared to fish in lakes situated in the same region, but not affected by any local mercury effluents. As calculated, the total fish biomass of L. V?nern holds less than 1000th of the amount of mercury contained in the upper, biologically active layers of the bottom sediment of the lake. This demonstrates the potential influence of various environmental factors and motivates continued monitoring of mercury levels in the lake in the future.  相似文献   

Total mercury concentrations were measured in dorsal muscle tissue of two edible fish species, Prochilodus scrofa 'curimba' and Pseudoplatystoma corruscans 'pintado', respectively detritivorous and carnivorous. Fish species were sampled monthly between February 1993 and January 1994 and bimonthly between April 1994 and February 1995 in three subsystems of Paraná river' system (Ivinhema River/Lake Patos; Baía River/Lake Guaraná and Paraná River/Cortado Channel), between Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul. Total mercury was determined by HNO3/H2SO4/V2O5 digestion, SnCl2 reduction, and vapour generation method analysis (CGCH 900), adapted to Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (CGAA 7000 ABC). The mean mercury concentrations varied from 82.0 to 310.5 ng g(-1) and from 68 to 294.4 ng g(-1) in 'curimbas' and 'pintados', respectively. Mercury level increases in sexually mature 'curimbas'. Mercury values detected do not exceed the prevailing criteria for issuance of fish consumption advisories (< 500 ng g(-1)).  相似文献   

Lichens were used to evaluate the metal pollution in a forest ecosystem around the smelter of Murdochville, Canada. As reached values 5.8 times higher in the smelter vicinity than in the 'background' sites. This enrichment was 2 times higher for 3 metals (Cu, Cd and Pb). The highest As, Ba, Cd, Cu, and Pb concentrations in lichens were 4, 112, 1, 23, 50 and 952mg/kg respectively. Contamination declined exponentially with increasing distance from the smelter and was related to elevation and slope exposition to the smelter flux. (206)Pb/(207)Pb and (206)Pb/(204)Pb ratios were low close to the smelter (1.16 and 18), but increased with distance to constant values (1.19 and 18.7) and showed an inverse correlation with lead concentrations. Forest contamination was detectable up to 30km from the smelter.  相似文献   

The impact of mercury (Hg) pollution in the terrestrial environments and the terrestrial food chains including the impact on human food consumption is still greatly under-investigated. In particular, studies including Hg speciation and detoxification strategies in terrestrial animals are almost non-existing, but these are key information with important implications for human beings. Therefore, in this work, we report on Hg species (inorganic mercury, iHg, and monomethylmercury, MeHg) distribution among terrestrial animal tissues obtained from a real-world Hg exposure scenario (Almadén mining district, Spain). Thus, we studied Hg species (iHg and MeHg) and total selenium (Se) content in liver and kidney of red deer (Cervus elaphus; n?=?41) and wild boar (Sus scrofa; n?=?16). Similar mercury species distribution was found for both red deer and wild boar. Major differences were found between tissues; thus, in kidney, iHg was clearly the predominant species (more than 81 %), while in liver, the species distribution was less homogeneous with a percentage of MeHg up to 46 % in some cases. Therefore, Hg accumulation and MeHg transfer were evident in terrestrial ecosystems. The interaction between total Se and Hg species has been evaluated by tissue and by animal species. Similar relationships were found in kidney for both Hg species in red deer and wild boar. However, in liver, there were differences between animals. The possible underlying mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study was conducted in order to assess the exposure to bacterial and fungal bioaerosols in the air of waterpipe cafés (AWPCs), in the hose...  相似文献   

The constancy, both temporal and spatial, of the profile of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) relative to benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is a prerequisite to using the BaP-indicator approach in the carcinogenic risk assessment for PAHs. The principal aim of this study was to provide a contribution to validate this approach, by studying the variability of the profile at a typical urban site through a multi-year data set and by comparing the profiles available for different cities. Seven carcinogenic PAHs (benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b+j+k]fluoranthenes, BaP, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene) were determined in PM10 24-h samples collected every third day at a road site; moreover, benzo[e]pyrene was determined as a reference PAH due to its stability. The profile was found stable from year to year. Besides, it was similar to those recently found in other European cities (observed differences within a factor of four) and to those elaborated from earlier (1970s–1980s) investigations. The substantial similarity of profiles, both temporal (on an annual basis) and spatial, supports the validity of the BaP-indicator approach. Large PAH-to-PAH differences were, however, found in the seasonal pattern of profile: they were explained by the different atmospheric degradability of PAHs, whose effect is enhanced under the meteoclimatic conditions typical of the European Mediterranean countries. PAH annual means showed a slight declining trend since 1994. In the last sampling year, mean concentration of BaP was 1.2 ng m−3. Within-year differences among monthly averaged PAH concentrations were observed, as large as up to 44-fold for BaP, underlining the need for whole-year monitoring.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to quantify the potential of natural gas to reduce emissions from stationary combustion sources by analyzing the case study of the metropolitan region of Santiago, Chile. For such purposes, referential base scenarios have been defined that represent with and without natural gas settings. The method to be applied is an emission estimate based on emission factors. The results for this case study reveal that stationary combustion sources that replaced their fuel reduced particulate matter (PM) emissions by 61%, sulfur oxides (SOx) by 91%, nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 40%, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) by 10%. Carbon mon-oxide (CO) emissions were reduced by 1%. As a result of this emission reduction, in addition to reductions caused by other factors, such as a shift to cleaner fuels other than natural gas, technological improvements, and sources which are not operative, emission reduction goals set forth by the environmental authorities were broadly exceeded.  相似文献   

The effect of buildings on the dry deposition of dust particles was investigated in Be'er-Sheva, a desert city with about 140,000 inhabitants in southern Israel, and at two reference points in the surrounding rural area. The mineral and chemical composition of dust sampled at all sites was similar, reflecting the composition of the local loess soil, its likely origin. However, dust deposited in the traps set up in the vicinity of buildings in the city was significantly coarser than the dust which accumulated in similar traps at exposed sites in the countryside. The amount of dust (by weight) in the urban dust traps was on an average more than twice the amount deposited in the rural area. The differences in grain-size distribution and quantity of dust are attributed to the properties of the urban wind field and to various effects of human activity in the city.  相似文献   

Total mercury content was evaluated in water and suspended sediment samples of the Moji-Gua?u river and in water and bottom sediment of its 3 marginal lagoons (Catingueiro, Barrinha, and Rio das Pedras), located downstream of the sampling point in the main channel. In all situations, low Hg concentrations were found in suspended and bottom sediments. Aluminum was used as a geochemical tracer to normalize the Hg concentrations in the sediment cores from the Rio das Pedras lagoon (r = 0.92). It was estimated that the Moji-Gua?u river transports up to 19 kg Hg yr(-1), 65% in the dissolved form and 35% adsorbed onto particulate matter. Following an acute toxic stage observed in the years 1970-1980, the basin has been restored to its original conditions mainly by natural recovery and a general reduction in Hg input to the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Carbonyl compounds are very important for the trophospheric physico-chemistry because they are the result of the first photo-oxidation stage of almost all organic compounds and they are the essential originators of the free radicals. In the present review we make a synthesis of the studies on the carbonyl compounds chemistry in the trophosphere by successively examining: measurement methods in the trophosphere, sources of primary carbonyl compounds, formation of secondary carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere, reactivity of carbonyl compounds in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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