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Very little research has been undertaken on the impacts of human toilet waste disposal in non-serviced sites in the wild. The objective of the present project was to determine the relative impacts of the mechanical disturbance of digging during the burial of toilet waste (faeces and toilet paper), and urination, on Tasmanian vegetation types that occur in areas used for wild country camping, in order to develop appropriate guidelines. The mechanical disturbance of digging cat-holes 15 cm deep, typical of those used for toilet disposal in the Tasmanian wild, had largely negative effects on the growth of a few native plant species. These effects were of little or no conservation significance. The nutrient additions simulated by the addition of artificial urine to undug ground and dug ground had largely positive effects on nine distinct types of native vegetation, encouraging the growth of many plant species at many sites, while discouraging the growth of moss at one site. No weed species found at any of the sites were significantly affected by the treatments. Thus, it appears that scattered disposal of urine, even combined with digging, is unlikely to present a major conservation problem in the Tasmania's wild country, and that present guidelines are appropriate, where achievable.  相似文献   

This paper compares the recycling attitudes of consumers in Germany and Japan, based on our nationwide questionnaires. We analyzed consumption behavior as well as recycling behavior in narrow sense, because it is important to study the former to see how the supply of recycled materials is balanced with the demand, particularly in Japan which exports little recycled materials. Toilet paper was adopted as a specific good for study, because consumers have options of buying virgin products and recycled products. It was found that German households pay for waste collection specifically and have higher recycling rates than Japanese households. On the other hand, similar figures in German and Japanese consumers were observed with regard to consumption of recycled products. Their purchasing criteria and preference on virgin and recycled products of toilet paper were examined by self-report and blind test with 2×2 experimental design for toilet paper (German versus Japanese, virgin versus recycled). Blind test showed that people prefer domestic and virgin products in both countries. Half of respondents rating virgin products guessed that the products contained recycled material. For Japanese, the material of the sample toilet paper, made from virgin pulp, seems to be a more determining factor than the nationality of products, i.e. made in Japan. On the other hand, for Germans, the domestic nature seems to be a more dominant factor than the material, i.e. made from virgin material. Canonical discriminant analysis in conjunction with logistic regression based on self-reporting data detected the characters ‘multiplied’, ‘appearance’ and ‘brand’ as major factors making the difference in preference between the two countries. The possible reasons causing the similarity and dissimilarity between the two countries are discussed with reference to the background history.  相似文献   

This article presents a study of land-use politics at the local level in Hobart, capital of the small island state of Tasmania. It is concerned with the politics of local place in the Mt Wellington Skyway cable car dispute and the tactics employed by the state government, in contravention of sustainability principles, to prioritise development over public concern for a local environment. The dispute is reviewed in terms of ideological contention, planning and decision making, and the role of the state in facilitating development. It is found to be characteristically Tasmanian in terms of state legislative support for the project and attitudes in the local community and local government polarised firmly against it. The management of the Mt Wellington Range itself is found to have been hindered by a history of non-decision making and neglect of intrinsic natural values, and the management of the Skyway approval process to have been expediently driven by utilitarian concerns. The article closely scrutinises the type of local environmental issue that Rainbow (1993) suggests has catalysed green politics at the state level in Tasmania. But more generally, it also presents a classic study of the ideological contention that continues to inspire natural resource conflict wherever communities face the degradation of local places defined by significant natural areas.  相似文献   

Summary In Tasmania's rugged south-west, the Gordon River Power Development, Stage 1, with several dams and one power station has been in operation since 1978. A Committee of Enquiry severely criticised environmental aspects of the scheme. The Gordon River Power Development, Stage II, with the construction of another dam and power station on the Gordon River, was put forward by the Hydro Electric Commission of Tasmania to satisfy the electricity demand growth rate expected. Many objections were raised.A Senate Select Committee on South-west Tasmania received many submissions disputing the need for the dam, objecting to its intrusion into the World Heritage Wilderness area and disagreeing on several scientific aspects. Simultaneously, extensive debate was carried on in the media and in technical and scientific journals. A popular protest movement against building the dam grew throughout Australia and a blockade against the work of the Hydro Electric Commission was successfully maintained. Elections, influenced by the popular movement against the dam, changed the Government of Australia in March 1983. In July 1983, the High Court of Australia determined that construction of the Gordon below Franklin Dam was illegal and work by the Hydro Electric Commission in the area had to be terminated.This case illustrates that the importance of environmental implications of water structures must never be under-estimated. In special cases, popular support can be gained, to bring about political and legal action to counteract transgression of environmental principles. It is to be hoped that in future the kind of situation which developed in this case will not recur.We will be judged, not by what we built, but by what we destroyed.Mr H. Bandler is a civil and environmental engineering consultant operating from Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   

Water quality issues have become increasingly important to Australian catchment stakeholders. As extensive nutrient sampling and modelling expertise are often absent or unattainable, simple unit-area models like Catchment Management Support System (CMSS) remain an attractive option for informing water quality management decisions. The selection of nutrient generation rates for use in CMSS is often an arbitrary assignment based on limited literature sources or expert opinion. Using a Bayesian model to estimate nutrient generation rates for the region of Tasmania, Australia, improved the rigor of CMSS modelling and in the process highlighted that dairy pastures were the most significant contributor of total phosphorus and total nitrogen loads to Tasmanian rivers.  相似文献   

The flows of paper are analyzed throughout the papermaking processes, with the year 2007 and Korea defined as the system boundaries. In practice, the statistical data on the production, import and export of paper or pulp can be collected with relative ease from the government and industrial associations. However, the input data regarding the volumes of pulp and wastepaper used in different paper products, such as newsprint, printing papers, sanitary and household papers, specialty papers, and corrugating board base, are difficult to obtain because such information is generally kept confidential in the course of corporate operations.The production processes of paper products in Korea are modeled using information on raw materials, their compositions and production yields of products in order to identify and quantify the amounts of pulp and wastepaper used in each paper product. The material flows of paper are then analyzed based on the calculation model derived from the correlation of input and output flows between the individual processes throughout the entire paper lifecycle. Accuracy analysis using both mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute percent error (MAPE) is conducted to verify the amounts of pulp and wastepaper calculated from the proposed model against the volumes of domestically consumed pulp and wastepaper provided in the national statistics. Although the calculated values for the past (i.e., the 1980s and 1990s) differ to some degree from the statistical values, the data for the 2000s have a relatively higher level of accuracy, with the MAPE of the total pulp and recycling volume at 5.39% and 5.30%, respectively, thus validating the adequacy of the proposed modeling method. The proposed calculation model can be effectively used in the material flow analysis (MFA) of paper to reduce the burden of data collection and obtain relatively accurate results.  相似文献   

Paper passes through many hands. In the present paper, key parts of this cycle in Japan were examined, using questionnaire surveys of households and paper makers. The study aimed to examine the paper makers' strategy for paper production and their attitude to recycling, in comparison with those of the consumers. The study especially focused on toilet paper because consumers have a lot of freedom in purchasing toilet paper. A total of 1242 consumers and 60 paper makers responded. The major findings were as follows. First, we compared the criteria of consumers for purchasing toilet paper with the conjectures of paper makers. Brand, advertisements and the appearance of shopping displays received 60% support from paper makers, but less than 12% of consumers selected these criteria even if we exclude those who do not buy toilet paper or do not have any particular criteria. On the other hand, multiple plies and benefit to the earth were selected by moderate numbers (between 20 and 25%) of consumers, while only 16.77 and 5.69%, respectively of paper makers marked these criteria. Paper makers strongly believe that many retailers sell toilet paper as a loss-leader. By comparing those matters considered important for recycling by consumers with those considered important by makers, it was shown that many makers have a clear awareness of the particular problem, the lack of used paper consumption, in the current paper recycling situation in Japan.  相似文献   

This paper discusses climate, land, energy and water (CLEW) interactions in Burkina Faso. It shows that integrated assessments of resource use at the national level can provide important insights and benefits, especially for a resource constrained least developed country. Agricultural policy is shown to have strong implications for energy use, whereas energy policies are found to be strongly interrelated with water constraints. Without an integrated and coordinated approach, strategy and policy formulation efforts to increase energy, food and water security could become both incoherent and counter‐productive.  相似文献   

The wash from high-speed tourist cruise launches causes erosion of the formerly stable banks of the lower Gordon River within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Speed and access restrictions on the operation of commercial cruise vessels have considerably slowed, but not halted erosion, which continues on the now destabilized banks. To assess the effectiveness of restrictions, bank erosion and natural revegetation are monitored at 48 sites using erosion pins, survey transects, and vegetation quadrats. The subjectively chosen sites are grouped on the basis of geomorphology and bank materials. The mean measured rate of erosion of estuarine banks slowed from 210 to 19 mm/year with the introduction of a 9 knot speed limit. In areas where cruise vessels continue to operate, alluvial banks were eroded at a mean rate of 11 mm/yr during the three-year period of the current management regime. Very similar alluvial banks no longer subject to commercial cruise boat traffic eroded at the slower mean rate of 3 mm/yr. Sandy levee banks have retreated an estimated maximum 10 m during the last 10–15 years. The mean rate of bank retreat slowed from 112 to 13 mm/yr with the exclusion of cruise vessels from the leveed section of the river. Revegetation of the eroded banks is proceeding slowly; however, since the major bank colonizers are very slow growing tree species, it is likely to be decades until revegetation can contribute substantially to bank stability.  相似文献   

The recycling sector in India, which consists of a comprehensive trade and production sector, is rather complex. Nevertheless, it creates important benefits for both the economy and the environment. In order to comprehend the system, a case study has been performed on the recycling sector (paper, plastic, glass and non-ferrous metal) in Bangalore (India), focussing on the market structure, the scale of operation, employment effects, constraints, and recent developments. It was found that this highly competitive and labour-intensive industry is largely dependent on cheap labour and the supply of solid waste from the local trade system. Its mostly informal nature results from the ‘unregisteredness’ of the materials. Consequently, government involvement is avoided as much as possible. With present growth rates, prospects of recycling in Bangalore are advancing. Yet, problems such as lack of supply and loss of quality emerge. Therefore, quality control and market conditions should be improved.  相似文献   

An integrated investigation on wastewater characterization and the environmental effects from the COGIDO pulp and paper mill in Bien Hoa Industrial Estate, Vietnam, a chlorine bleached soda integrated pulp and paper mill operating without a chemical recovery system, on the receiving water body was conducted during the rainy and dry seasons in 1993 and 1995. The pollution load from the mill was very high in terms of BOD, COD and SS (CODm: 58.7 t/d; BOD: 33.3 t/d and SS: 25.1 t/d). The effluent toxicity was determined using four toxicity tests: the green micro-alga, Selenastrum capricornutum, Microtox (marine bacteria: Photobacterium phosphoreum), the duckweed, Lemna aequinoctialis, and fish (silver barb: Puntius gonionotus, and Tilapia: Tilapia nilotica). Selenastrum capricornutum was the most sensitive among the tested organisms. The mill toxicity emission rate (TER) was as high as 338 610 (Selenastrum test). The bleaching-pulp and semi-chemical pulp plants which contributed the largest pollution load to the total COGIDO effluent, therefore, were targeted for abatement measures. Physico-chemical parameters as well as qualitative and quantitative aquatic organism composition for the river water were established. The BOD5 and COD values exceeded the potable surface water standard by a factor of 2 to 4. The species diversity and abundance of the phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos were found to be lower (20–40%) than that of unpolluted rivers in Vietnam, whereas pollution-indicator species increased up to four times during the dry season 1995.  相似文献   

The development of intensive agriculture in the plains of mainland Greece provides products with lower cost than those obtained from terrace agriculture in the islands. The result is the abandonment of the islands' agriculture followed by collapse of the traditional agropastoral systems of management. When fires and overgrazing follow, desertification becomes a new reality in the islands of the Aegean.  相似文献   

The resilience of Australia's food-supply chain following natural disasters has been brought into question, following the significant flooding and cyclone events of 2010/2011. How this manifests at the community level, in both rural and urban locations, has been examined through the lens of large and small food retailers in northern NSW. These interviews reveal the fragility of both the long and short supply chain where transport systems are compromised. Self-imposed standards severely restricted the ability of supermarkets to acquire fresh food, in the face of transport disruptions. Similarly, the precarious position of rural food retailers, exposed to continual fuel and electricity price increases, is compounded by the impact of extreme weather events. The insights captured through this study suggest interception points, or policy entry points, to address the resilience of the food-supply chain.  相似文献   

Each year, large quantities of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are used worldwide. Once conveyed to wastewater treatment plants, PPCPs can remain unchanged or undergo partial or complete transformation during wastewater treatment processes before discharge into the environment via effluent and biosolids for land application. Biosolids can be a major sink for some PPCPs. Previous investigations have indicated that land application of biosolids may be a potential important route through which PPCPs enter the environment. However, no information is available on exactly how closely the concentrations of PPCPs in the environmental media are related to the land application of PPCP-containing biosolids. This paper reviews currently available information on the occurrence of PPCPs in biosolids, methods of analysis, the potential fate of PPCPs in biosolids-applied soils, and composting as a potential means for removal of PPCPs from biosolids.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, costs for wildfire initial attack in the U.S. have increased significantly. The increased cost relates to wildfire suppression practices, as well as the growing number of homes in the wildland urban interface. Requiring wildland urban interface residents to pay an annual tax for their wildfire risk could lower costs to the general taxpayer. Willingness-to-pay for wildfire prevention, in relation to both perceived and actual wildfire danger, was the focus of this study. Surveyed Colorado wildland urban interface residents were found to have a high awareness of wildfire risk and were willing-to-pay over $400 annually to reduce this risk. Respondents' beliefs about wildfire frequency were comparable to the wildfire regimes of their areas' pre-European settlement.  相似文献   

A geomechanical assessment of the Naylor Field, Otway Basin, Australia has been undertaken to investigate the possible geomechanical effects of CO2 injection and storage. The study aims to evaluate the geomechanical behaviour of the caprock/reservoir system and to estimate the risk of fault reactivation. The stress regime in the onshore Victorian Otway Basin is inferred to be strike–slip if the maximum horizontal stress is calculated using frictional limits and DITF (drilling induced tensile fracture) occurrence, or normal if maximum horizontal stress is based on analysis of dipole sonic log data. The NW–SE maximum horizontal stress orientation (142°N) determined from a resistivity image log is broadly consistent with previous estimates and confirms a NW–SE maximum horizontal stress orientation for the Otway Basin.An analytical geomechanical solution is used to describe stress changes in the subsurface of the Naylor Field. The computed reservoir stress path for the Naylor Field is then incorporated into fault reactivation analysis to estimate the minimum pore pressure increase required to cause fault reactivation (ΔPp).The highest reactivation propensity (for critically-oriented faults) ranges from an estimated pore pressure increase (ΔPp) of 1 MPa to 15.7 MPa (estimated pore pressure of 18.5–33.2 MPa) depending on assumptions made about maximum horizontal stress magnitude, fault strength, reservoir stress path and Biot's coefficient. The critical pore pressure changes for known faults at Naylor Field range from an estimated pore pressure increase (ΔPp) of 2 MPa to 17 MPa (estimated pore pressure of 19.5–34.5 MPa).  相似文献   

We describe the population ecology of two tropical deciduous trees, Bombax ceiba leiocarpum A. Robyns and Brachychiton diversifolius R. Br., which are in high demand for Indigenous sculpture production in Arnhem Land, Australia. We monitored tagged populations of both species at two locations for 2?years to examine their reproduction, growth, and survival rates and their response to harvest. Both species have similar life histories: they reproduce during the dry season (June-November) producing a high seed load, seed predation was high, seeds did not survive in the soil past the following wet season to form a seed bank, and germination rates were low and variable for both species. Average annual circumference growth rates were 1.07?cm?year(-1) for B. ceiba and 0.98?cm?year(-1) for B. diversifolius, with most of the growth occurring during the early wet season. Most (65-88?%) of the harvested B. ceiba and B. diversifolius stems coppiced. Coppice and stem size class were the main factors influencing tree growth rates with coppice stems growing up to six times faster than similar sized non-coppice stems. The survival of B. ceiba and B. diversifolius stems was size class dependent and affected by local site factors (e.g. fire and other disturbances) so that the smaller size classes had a low probability of survival. Given the resprouting potential of both species, their wild harvest is likely to have only minimal local impact on wild populations. However, further population modelling is required to determine whether the small and disjunct B. ceiba populations can sustain harvesting at current levels.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide contents of coals in the Sydney Basin vary both aerially and stratigraphically. In places, the coal seam gas is almost pure CO2 that was introduced from deep magmatic sources via faults and replaced pre-existing CH4. In some respects this process is analogous to sequestration of anthropogenic CO2. Laboratory studies indicate that CO2:CH4 storage capacity ratios for Sydney Basin coals are up to ∼2 and gas diffusivity is greater for CO2 by a factor of up to 1.5.Present-day distribution of CO2 in the coals is controlled by geological structure, depth and a combination of hydrostatic and capillary pressures. Under present-day PT conditions, most of the CO2 occurs in solution at depths greater than about 650 m; at shallower depths, larger volumes of CO2 occur in gaseous form and as adsorbed molecules in the coal due to rapidly decreasing CO2 solubility. The CO2 has apparently migrated up to structural highs and is concentrated in anticlines and in up-dip sections of monoclines and sealing faults. CO2 sequestered in coal measure sequences similar to those of the Sydney Basin may behave in a similar way and, in the long term, equilibrate according to the prevailing PT conditions.In situ CO2 contents of Sydney Basin coals range up to 20 m3/t. Comparisons of adsorption isotherm data measured on ground coal particles with in situ gas contents of Sydney Basin coals indicate that the volumes of CO2 stored do not exceed ∼60% of the total CO2 storage capacity. Therefore, the maximum CO2 saturation that may be achieved during sequestration in analogous coals is likely to be considerably lower than the theoretical values indicated by adsorption isotherms.  相似文献   


The impacts of government environmental policies are often distributed inequitably, and can therefore be viewed as a form of social injustice. This is particularly the case with protected conservation sites, which are often concentrated in remote areas. While this policy allows environmental 'goods' to accrue to society as a whole, it often has negative impacts on local users, who have limited opportunities to influence policy. This paper reports on research undertaken in northern Scotland, where the extensive use of protective designations to conserve an internationally important 'wilderness' area led to serious conflict during the 1980s. The findings, based on semi-structured interviews, indicate that local stakeholders often felt powerless in the face of remote decision making, and environmental publicity aimed at an urban market. The problems of environmentalism that is not linked to social justice are discussed in this context, and the role which sustainability and participative conservation efforts can play in the development of social and environmental justice is evaluated. EILIDH JOHNSTON &; CHRIS SOULSBY, Ganando 'Legitimidad Ecológica': el desarrollo del sostenimiento consiente en el pais fluyente, Escocia del norte . Los impactos de las políticas ambientales gubernamentales frecuentemente son distribuidos inequitativamente, y por lo tanto pueden ser vistos como una forma de injusticia social. Este es particularmente el caso de las zonas de protección ambiental, las cuales frecuentemente se concentran en áreas remotas. Mientras esta política permite a los 'bienes' ambientales acumularse a la sociedad como un todo, esto tiene por lo general impactos negativos en los usuarios locales, quienes tienen oportunidades limitadas para influir en la política. Este documento informa sobre la investigación basada en el norte de Escocia, donde el extenso uso de designaciones protectoras para conservar parques naturales internacionalmente importantes, condujeron a serios conflictos durante los años 1980s. Las conclusiones, basadas en entrevistas semiestructuradas indican que los dueños de tierras locales frecuentemente se sintieron impotentes frente a la toma de desiciones remotas y a la publicidad ambiental dirigida a un mercado urbano. Los problemas de los ambientalistas que no estan ligados a la justicia social son discutidos en este contexto y el papel que el sostenimiento y los esfuerzos de conservacio´n participativa pueden jugar en el desrrollo de una justicia social y ambiental son evaluados.  相似文献   

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