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In Mississippi, spent poultry litter is used as fertilizer. Nutrient and bacterial levels in litter and nutrient levels in litter-fertilized (L+) soil are known, but less is known of bacterial levels in L+ soil. This study compared contiguous L+ and non-litter-fertilized (L-) soils comprising 15 soil types on five farms in April through May 2009. Levels of pH; NO-N; and Mehlich-3-extractable (M3) and water-extractable (WE) P, Ca, K, and Cu were higher in L+ than in L- soil. Total C; total N; NH-N; and M3 and WE Na, Fe, and Zn did not differ in L+ and L- soil. Bacterial levels were higher in 0- to 5-cm than in 5- to 10-cm cores. Levels were higher in L+ than in L- soil for culturally determined heterotrophic plate counts and staphylococci and were lower for total bacteria estimated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) of 16S rRNA, but cultural levels of thermotolerant coliforms, , , and enterococci were not different. Cultural presence/absence (CPA) tests and qPCR for spp., spp., and spp. detected only spp., which did not differ in L+ (CPA = 77% positive samples; mean qPCR = 0.65 log genomic units [gu] g) and L- (CPA = 70% positive samples; mean qPCR = 0 log gu g) soils. Litter applications were associated with higher levels of pH, P, Cu, heterotrophic plate counts, and staphylococci. Fecal indicator and enteric pathogen levels were not affected. We conclude that, although some litter-derived nutrients and bacteria persisted between growing seasons in L+ soils, enteric pathogens did not.  相似文献   

The caged cyclic nitramine 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) is a new explosive that has the potential to replace existing military explosives, but little is known about its environmental toxicity, transport, and fate. We quantified and compared the aerobic environmental fate of CL-20 to the widely used cyclic nitramine explosive hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) in surface and subsurface soil microcosms. Soil-free controls and biologically attenuated soil controls were used to separate abiotic processes from biologically mediated processes. Both abiotic and biological processes significantly degraded CL-20 in all soils examined. Apparent abiotic, first-order degradation rates (k) for CL-20 were not significantly different between soil-free controls (0.018 < k < 0.030 d(-1)) and biologically attenuated soil controls (0.003 < k < 0.277 d(-1)). The addition of glucose to biologically active soil microcosms significantly increased CL-20 degradation rates (0.068 < k < 1.22 d(-1)). Extents of mineralization of (14)C-CL-20 to (14)CO(2) in biologically active soil microcosms were 41.1 to 55.7%, indicating that the CL-20 cage was broken, since all carbons are part of the heterocyclic cage. Under aerobic conditions, abiotic degradation rates of RDX were generally slower (0 < k < 0.032 d(-1)) than abiotic CL-20 degradation rates. In biologically active soil microcosms amended with glucose aerobic RDX degradation rates varied between 0.010 and 0.474 d(-1). Biodegradation was a key factor in determining the environmental fate of RDX, while a combination of biotic and abiotic processes was important with CL-20. Our data suggest that CL-20 should be less recalcitrant than RDX in aerobic soils.  相似文献   

Extensive use of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] in various industrial applications has caused substantial environmental contamination. Chromium-resistant bacteria isolated from soils can be used to remove toxic Cr(VI) from contaminated environments. This study was conducted to isolate chromium-resistant bacteria from soils contaminated with dichromate and describes the effects of some environmental factors such as pH, temperature, and time on Cr(VI) reduction and resistance. We found that chromium-resistant bacteria can tolerate 2500 mg L(-1) Cr(VI), but most of the isolates tolerated and reduced Cr(VI) at concentrations lower than 1500 mg L(-1). Chromate reduction activity of whole cells was detected in five isolates. Most of these isolates belong to the genus Bacillus as identified by the 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Maximal Cr(VI) reduction was observed at the optimum pH (7.0-9.0) and temperature (30 degrees C) of growth. One bacterial isolate (Bacillus sp. ES 29) was able to aerobically reduce 90% of Cr(VI) in six hours. The Cr(VI) reduction activity of the whole cells of five isolates had a K(M) of 0.271 (2.61 mM) to 1.51 mg L(-1) (14.50 mM) and a V(max) of 88.4 (14.17 nmol min(-1)) to 489 mg L9-1) h(-1) (78.36 nmol min(-1)). Our consortia and monocultures of these isolates can be useful for Cr(VI) detoxification at low and high concentrations in Cr(VI)-contaminated environments and under a wide range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The organophosphate insecticide phosmet [phosphorodithioic acid, s-((1,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxo-2H-isoindol-2yl)methyl), o,o-dimethyl ester] is used to control red-legged earth mites (Halotydeus destructor), lucerne flea (Sminthurus viridis), and Oriental fruit moth (Cydia molesta) in horticulture and vegetable growing. This study was undertaken with two soils of contrasting properties to determine the extent to which sorption and degradation of the insecticide might influence its potential to leach from soil into receiving waters. Two soils were used: a highly organic, oxidic clay soil (Ferrosol) and a sandy soil low in organic matter (Podosol), sampled to 0.3 m depth. The extent of sorption and decomposition rate of a phosmet commercial formulation were measured in laboratory experiments. Sorption followed a Freundlich isotherm at all depths. The Freundlich coefficient K was significantly correlated (p = 0.005) with organic C content in the Podosol, and significantly correlated (p = 0.005) with organic C and clay content in the Ferrosol. K was highest (48.8 L kg-1) in the 0- to 0.05-m depth of the Ferrosol, but lowest (1.0 L kg-1) at this depth in the Podosol. Degradation followed first-order kinetics, with the phosmet half-life ranging from 14 h (0-0.05 m depth) to 187 h (0.2-0.3 m depth) in the Ferrosol. The half-life was much longer in the sandy Podosol, ranging from 462 to 866 h, and did not change significantly with depth. Soil organic C and to a lesser degree clay content influenced phosmet sorption and degradation, but the interaction was complex and possibly affected by co-solvents present in the commercial formulation.  相似文献   

本文研究了四川盆地几种典型退化紫色土的基本物理特性及对其蚀、旱等肥力退化(?)征的影响。研究指出,退化紫色土的粗骨颗粒(>10μm)占52.00%~69.97%;粗微结构体(>10μm占72.29%~82.54%,而结构系数却较低;粗孔隙(>10μm)占32.21%~38.15%;在各吸力下土壤持水量均较低;土壤蒸发达到平衡时的历时较短等特性部是影响紫色土易蚀、易旱的重要原因采用侵蚀度、水容量和失水比评价其易蚀、易旱性看出:各类典型紫色土退化较重,沙溪庙组饱和(?)紫色土则退化较轻。  相似文献   

Mineralization of atrazine and formation of extractable and non-extractable "bound" residues were followed under laboratory conditions in two contrasting soils (organic C, texture, and atrazine application history) from northern Spain. The soils, a Humic Cambisol (MP) and a Gleyic Cambisol (G) were incubated with labeled atrazine (ring-13C atrazine) at field application dose and measurements were made at different time intervals during 3 mo. Fate and behavior of atrazine along the incubation showed different patterns between the two soils, the time taken for degradation of 50% (DT50) being 9 and 44 d for MP and G soils, respectively. In MP soil, with 40 yr of atrazine application and lower organic C and clay content, more than 89% of U-13C-atrazine added was mineralized after 12 wk, with most mineralization occurring within the first 2 wk. G soil, with 10 yr of atrazine application, exhibited a more progressive U-13C-atrazine mineralization, reaching 54% of initially added atrazine at 12 wk. Hydroxyatrazine and deisopropylatrazine were the metabolites founded in the extractable fraction, demonstrating that both chemical and biological processes are involved in atrazine degradation. Soil G showed during all the incubation times an extractable residues fraction greater than that in MP soil, indicating a high potential risk of soil and water contamination. Rapid microbial degradation through s-triazine ring cleavage was proposed to be the main decomposition pathway of atrazine for the two soils studied. Bound residues pool also differed notably between soils accounting for 9 and 41% of initially added atrazine, the higher values shown by soil with higher organic matter and clay content (G soil).  相似文献   

The mixture of 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and chloropicrin (CP) is used as a preplant soil fumigant. In comparison with individual fumigants, application of a mixture may affect the environmental dissipation and fate of each chemical, such as emission and degradation. We investigated the degradation of CP, 1,3-D, and their mixture in fresh soils and sterile soils, and evaluated the competitive characteristic of fumigants in the mixture. The degradation of low concentrations of CP in fresh soil was accelerated at early times in the presence of 1,3-D, whereas the addition of CP reduced the degradation rate of trans-1,3-D, possibly by inhibiting the activity of trans-1,3-D degrading microorganisms. The potential of applying amendments to the soil to increase the rate of CP and 1,3-D degradation was also illustrated. The degradation of both fumigants was significantly enhanced in soils amended with ammonium thiosulfate (ATS) and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (Na-DEDTC) compared with unamended soil. Competitive degradation was observed for CP in amended soils in the presence of 1,3-D. The degradation of cis-1,3-D in amended soils spiked as a mixture of 1,3-D and CP was repressed compared with the rate of degradation in samples spiked with 1,3-D only. This implied that in abiotic degradation, CP and cis-1,3-D competed for a limited number of reaction sites in amended soil, resulting in decreased degradation rates. No significant influence of fumigant mixtures was observed for trans-1,3-D in amended soil.  相似文献   

Information on ecotoxicity of organic contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in terrestrial environment is needed for establishing soil quality criteria and for risk assessment purposes. An ecotoxic effect of a model PAH compound (phenanthrene) toward soils microorganisms (nitrifying bacteria) was evaluated in 50 different soils. The soil samples were collected from agricultural land in four regions of Poland with varying levels of industrialization (Slaskie, Dolnoslaskie, Podlaskie, and Lubelskie voievodeships). Soils were characterized for basic physicochemical properties (texture, organic matter content, pH(KCl), total nitrogen content, total sorption capacity) and the content of contaminants including PAHs (73-800 microg kg(-1)), Pb (6-720 mg kg(-1)), and Zn (9-667 mg kg(-1)). Ecotoxicity of phenanthrene (applied at 10, 100, 500, and 1000 mg kg(-1)) to soils microorganisms was evaluated in laboratory studies in control conditions (incubation of soils for 7 d at 20 +/- 2 degrees C). Nitrification potential was used as the ecotoxicity measurements end point. The EC50 values (146-1670 mg kg(-1)) calculated from the square root-X linear regression model differed significantly in various soils, although it was difficult to establish a causative relationship between soil physicochemical characteristic and phenanthrene toxicity. A significant factor in the assessment of soils vulnerability to the effect of phenanthrene was level of soil contamination, particularly with PAHs. Soils with previous contamination were more susceptible (mean EC50, 325 mg kg(-1)) than soils from uncontaminated, rural areas (mean EC50, 603 mg kg(-1)).  相似文献   

Laboratory degradation studies were performed in Norwegian soils using two commercial formulations (Tilt and Triagran-P) containing either propiconazole alone or a combination of bentazone, dichlorprop, and MCPA. These soils included a fine sandy loam from Hole and a loam from Kroer, both of which are representative of Norwegian agricultural soils. The third soil was a highly decomposed organic material from the Froland forest. A fourth soil from the Skuterud watershed was used only for propiconazole degradation. After 84 d, less than 0.1% of the initial MCPA concentration remained in all three selected soils. For dichlorprop, the same results were found for the fine sandy loam and the organic-rich soil, but in the loam, 26% of the initial concentration remained. After 84 d, less than 0.1% of the initial concentration of bentazone remained in the organic-rich soil, but in the loam and the fine sandy loam 52 and 69% remained, respectively. Propiconazole was shown to be different from the other pesticides by its persistence. Amounts of initial concentration remaining varied from 40, 70, and 82% in the reference soils after 84 d for the organic-rich soil, fine sandy loam, and loam, respectively. The organic-rich soil showed the highest capacity to decompose all four pesticides. The results from the agricultural soils and the Skuterud watershed showed that the persistence of propiconazole was high. Pesticide degradation was approximated to first-order kinetics. Slow rates of degradation, where more than 50% of the pesticide remained in the soil after the 84-d duration of the experiment, did not fit well with first-order kinetics.  相似文献   

DIMBOA (3,4-dihydro-2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one), a major benzoxazinone of Poaceae plants, was isolated and purified from corn seedlings. The effect of isolated and purified DIMBOA on the degradation of atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine], and its toxic breakdown products, desethylatrazine [2-chloro-4-amino-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine; DEA] and desisopropylatrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-amino-s-triazine; DIA], was studied in the absence of plants using batch experiments, while the effect of corn root exudates on these compounds was determined in hydroponic experiments. Degradation experiments were performed in the presence and absence of 50 microM, 1 mM, or 5 mM DIMBOA resulting in ratios of DIMBOA to pesticide of 1:1, 20:1, and 100:1. We observed a 100% degradation of atrazine to hydroxyatrazine within 48 h at a ratio of DIMBOA to atrazine of 100:1. DIMBOA had the largest effect on atrazine, while it was about three times less effective on DEA and DIA. Corn (Zea mays L. cv. LG 2185) was exposed to 10 mg L(-1) of either atrazine, DEA, or DIA for 11 d in a growth chamber experiment. Up to 4.3 micromol L(-1) d(-1) of hydroxyatrazine were formed in the nutrient solutions by plants exposed to atrazine, while the formation of hydroxylated metabolites from plants exposed to DEA and DIA was smaller and also delayed. The formation of hydroxylated metabolites increased in the solution with plant age in all atrazine, DEA, and DIA treatments. HMBOA (3,4-dihydro-2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one), the lactam precursor of DIMBOA, and a tentatively identified derivative of MBOA (2,3-dihydro-6-methoxy-benzoxazol-2-one) were detected in the corn root exudates. Mass balance calculations revealed that up to 30% of the disappearance of atrazine and DEA, and up to 10% of DIA removal from the solution medium in our study could be explained by the formation of hydroxylated metabolites in the solution itself. Our results show that higher plants such as corn have the potential to promote the hydrolysis of triazine residues in soils by exudation of benzoxazinones.  相似文献   

石油烃污染会对人类生存的环境造成严重危害,地下水系统中石油烃污染物的研究已受到国内外的高度重视。本文针对某石油烃污染场地的污染状况及水文地质条件,利用模拟柱实验研究石油烃中常见组分苯和菲在典型含水层中的迁移转化,实验结果表明,苯和菲在4种含水层介质中(粉砂、中砂、粗砂、砾砂)受到的迁移阻滞作用都是随着粒径的减小而增大。菲在4种介质中的迁移速率要小于苯,说明4种介质对菲的阻滞作用要大于苯。通过检测各模拟柱出水中Fe2+、Fe3+、NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度的变化可知,在苯和菲的砾砂模拟柱中,由于水流速度快,试验周期短,模拟柱内各项指标变化较小,生物作用较弱;而在苯和菲的粗砂、中砂和粉砂模拟柱中,NO3--N浓度减少,NH4+-N和Fe3+含量增加,说明微生物开始利用NO3--N和Fe3+降解苯和菲,微生物对苯和菲在粗砂、中砂和粉砂中的迁移转化过程有显著的作用。  相似文献   

Land application is becoming a preferred option for disposal of sewage sludge (biosolids) from wastewater treatment plants. However, it creates potential risks due to the heavy metal contents of these materials, with copper (Cu) being of chief concern. The long-term fate of biosolid metals applied to agricultural soils is not well understood, particularly in the soils of the Middle East. This investigation was conducted to determine whether the availability of Cu changes with time in biosolid-amended and nonamended soils from Israel. Seven soils, typifying the span of properties and formation environments encountered in Israel, were incubated with and without biosolids for 7 yr, and changes in organic carbon (OC) content and labile Cu concentration were determined. Isotopic exchange techniques, using 64Cu, and ion activity measurements, using a Cu2+ ion selective electrode, revealed that the available Cu concentration remained relatively low and stable over the 7-yr incubation. This was despite substantial reductions in OC. This study shows that, with regard to Cu, application of such biosolids to these soils at rates of up to 250 Mg ha(-1) does not pose a threat to the environment in the short to medium term.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical, or biological treatment of animal liquid manure generally produces a dry-matter rich fraction (DMF) that contains most of the initial phosphorus (P). Our objective was to assess the solubility and plant availability of P from various DMFs as a function of soil P status. Eight different DMFs were obtained from liquid swine (LSM) and dairy cattle (LDC) manures treated by natural decantation, anaerobic digestion, chemical flocculation, composting, or mechanical separation. The DMFs were compared with mineral P fertilizer in a pot experiment with oat ( L.) grown in four soils with varied P-fixing capacities and P saturation levels. The DMFs were added at a rate of 50 mg P kg soil and incubated 14 d before seeding. Soil water-extractable P (P) at all water:soil extraction ratios (2:1, 20:1, and 200:1) was slightly higher when DMFs were derived from LDC rather than LSM. Soil P at the 2:1 ratio was lower with anaerobically digested LSM. At the 2:1 extraction ratio, DMF P was less soluble than mineral P as P saturation in soils increased. In soils with a lower P-fixing capacity, DMF P appeared less water soluble than mineral P under 20:1 and 200:1 extraction ratios. After 72 d of plant growth, DMFs produced yields comparable to mineral P fertilizer. Although the plant availability of P from DMFs was comparable to mineral P fertilizer, P from DMFs could be less vulnerable to leaching or runoff losses in soils with a high P saturation level or low P-fixing capacity.  相似文献   

Swine (Sus scofa domestica) lagoon effluent is a valuable resource. In the U.S. Mid-South it is applied from April to September to fertilize grass hay in spray-irrigated fields. Lagoon levels of nutrients and bacteria, and soil levels of nutrients have been documented, but little was known of effluent bacterial levels in soil. The present study examined levels of selected effluent bacteria and nutrients in soils inside and outside spray fields after >15 yr of effluent irrigation. Samples were collected February to March 2009 from contiguous soils spanning adjacent irrigated and nonirrigated areas. Separate soil cores for bacterial and nutrient tests were collected in pairs <10 cm apart. Five cores each were collected at 15-m intervals and combined, respectively, to comprise inside and outside samples from each of 20 soils (four each from five farms/spray fields). Analyses of data combined across all soils showed higher pH and Mehlich-3-extracrable (M3-) P, Mg, K, Na, Cu, and Zn inside than outside spray fields, while total N, total C, M3-Ca, and M3-Mn did not differ. Bacterial levels were higher inside than outside spray fields for heterotrophic plate counts, thermotolerant coliforms, Staphylococcus spp., and Clostridium perfringens, but levels of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. were not different. Cultural presence/absence tests for three pathogens (Listeria spp., Campylobacter spp., and Salmonella spp.) detected only Listeria spp., which did not differ inside (23% positive samples) and outside (28% positive). Molecular tests detected all three pathogens at low levels that were not different inside and outside. We found no evidence of cumulative buildup of Campylobacter spp., Listeria spp., or Salmonela s. in spray field soils.  相似文献   

为改进水样通过固相萃取柱的能力,合成了中位数粒径为88μm硅胶微球形填料,健合C18后,装填为600 mg规格的固相萃取柱,用于提取地表水中萘、苊、菲、芘.结果表明,水样可借助滤过吸咐装置,依靠自身重力通过该回相萃取柱,滤过流量平稳为10ml/min.水样固相萃取处理后,用气质联用技术测定,样品相对标准偏差小于8.4%,加标回收率为93.2%~105%.在地表水环境监测中,该固相萃取柱可用于水样萘、苊、菲、芘的固相提取.  相似文献   

Soils that receive large applications of animal wastes and sewage sludge are vulnerable to releasing environmentally significant concentrations of dissolved P available to subsurface flow owing to the gradual saturation of the soil's P sorption capacity. This study evaluated P sorption (calculated from Langmuir isotherms) and availability of P (as CaCl2-P and resin P) in soils incubated for 20 d with poultry litter, poultry manure, cattle slurry, municipal sewage sludge, or KH2PO4, added on a P-equivalent basis (100 mg P kg(-1)). All the P sources had a marked negative effect on P sorption and a positive effect on P availability in all soils. In the cattle slurry- and KH2PO4-treated soils, the decreases in P sorption maximum (19-66%) and binding energy (25-89%) were consistently larger than the corresponding decreases (7-41% and 11-30%) in poultry litter-, poultry manure-, and sewage sludge-treated soils. The effects of cattle slurry and KH2PO4 on P availability were, in most cases, larger than those of the other P sources. In the poultry litter, poultry manure, and sewage sludge treatments, the increase in soil solution P was inversely related (R2 = 0.75) to the input of Ca from these relatively high Ca (13.5-42 g kg(-1)) sources. Correlation analyses implied that the magnitude of the changes in P sorption and availability was not related to the water-extractable P content of the P sources. Future research on the sustainable application of organic wastes to agricultural soils needs to consider the non-P- as well as P-containing components of the waste.  相似文献   

In-situ stabilization using phosphate (P) amendments, such as P-based fertilizers and rock, are a potentially cost-effective and minimally disruptive alternative for stabilizing Pb in soils. We examined the effect of time (0-365 d), in vitro extraction pH (1.5 vs. 2.3), and dosage of three P-based amendments on the bioaccessibility (as a surrogate for oral bioavailability) of Pb in 10 soils from U.S. Department of Defense facilities. Initial untreated soil bioaccessibility consistently exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency default value of 60% relative bioavailability, with higher bioaccessibility consistently observed at an in vitro extraction pH of 1.5 vs. 2.3. Although P-based amendments statistically (P < 0.05) reduced bioaccessibility in many instances, with reductions dependent on the amendment and dosage, large amendment dosages (approximately 20-25% by mass to yield 5% P by mass) were required to reduce average bioaccessibility by approximately 25%. For most amendment combinations, reductions continued to occur for periods up to 1 yr, indicating that the observed reductions were not merely experimental artifacts of the in vitro extraction procedure. Although our results indicated that reductions in Pb bioaccessibility with P amendments are technically feasible, relatively large amendment masses were required to achieve relatively modest reductions in bioaccessibility. The cost and potential environmental implications of adding such large amounts of P may limit the practicality of in situ immobilization for some Pb-contaminated soils, industrial and firing range soils in particular.  相似文献   

The effects of expression of Cry endotoxin by Bt corn (transgenic corn engineered to express Bacillus thuringiensis toxin) on soil microbial community structure were assessed in a growth chamber experiment. Two lines of transgenic corn expressing different Cry endotoxins were compared with their respective non-transgenic isolines in three soil types with differing textures. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles from bulk soil and community-level physiological profiles (CLPP) from the rhizosphere community were used to assess community structure. Differences in PLFA profiles due to soil type were significant, accounting for 73% of the total variability in the dataset. Differences in bacterial and fungal CLPP profiles due to soil type were statistically significant, but probably not biologically important, accounting for 6.3 and 3.8% of the total variability, respectively. Neither expression of Cry endotoxin nor corn line had a significant effect on microbial profiles, except in the high-clay soil where both factors significantly affected bacterial CLPP profiles (accounting for 6.6 and 6.1% of the variability in that soil, respectively). Expression of Cry endotoxin also significantly reduced the presence of eukaryotic PLFA biomarker in bulk soils, although it is unclear which groups of eukaryotes were affected. We conclude that the effects of transgenic Bt corn in this short-term experiment are small, and longer-term investigations are necessary.  相似文献   

The efficiency of rhizobial inoculants produced in wastewater sludge used as a growth medium and as a carrier was compared with that of inoculants produced in yeast mannitol broth (YMB) medium and by using peat as a carrier. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants were inoculated with solid and liquid Sinorhizobium meliloti inoculants and grown in pots containing two soil types (Kamouraska clay soil and Saint-André sandy soil). The effect of various levels of sludge amendment (60 and 120 kg N/ha) and nitrogen fertilizer (60 kg N/ ha) was also studied. The sludge-based inoculants showed the same symbiotic efficiency (nodulation and plant yield) as YMB-based inoculants. The inoculation increased the nodulation indexes from 4-6 to 8-12, and the rhizobial number from 10(3) (uninoculated soils) to 10(6)-10(7) cells/g in inoculated soils. However, the shoot dry weights and the nitrogen contents were not increased significantly by the inoculation. Applying sludge as an amendment enhanced the rhizobial number in soils from 10(3) to 10(4) cells/g and improved significantly the plant growth (shoot dry weights and nitrogen contents). This improvement increased with sludge rate and with the cut (three cuts). Compared with sludge, N fertilizer gave lower plant yields. The nodulation was not affected by sludge and N-fertilizer application. The texture and physico-chemical properties of soil were found to affect the yield and nitrogen content of the plants. In this study, macroelements and heavy metals were at acceptable levels and were not considered to be negative factors.  相似文献   

Within the framework of an interregional project in the Emilia Romagna region of northern Italy, the coupled MACRO-SOILN model was chosen to estimate soil protective capacity against pollutants. The aim of our study was to evaluate the model to better identify key parameters and processes that influence N losses in agricultural soils. Nitrate N content was monitored in soil under corn (Zea mays L.) fertilized with urea and/or pig slurry, in two field experiments performed on four different soils: a Fienili clay, a Barco-like silt, a Sant'Omobono silt loam, and a La Boaria silty clay soil. Measurements were compared with model predictions. For all soils, nitrate content was underestimated on average by 24 to 88% at lower N rates; it was overestimated by 1 to 104% at higher N rates. The root mean square error (RMSE) was equal to 81.1%. Simulation of crop N uptake and soil water flow, estimation of the ammonia losses at pig slurry spreading, and N transformation parameter setting were considered as possible error sources. The calibration of crop N uptake gave rise to good model efficiency index values. The RMSE for the simulation of soil water content varied between 9.8 and 20.2%. A more accurate setting of the ammonia losses and of the feces transformation parameter values could allow the RMSE for the simulation of soil nitrate content to be reduced by no more than 10 to 15%. It is possible for the model not to include the simulation of processes that could have relevant effects on the soil N dynamics.  相似文献   

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