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Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier, 1791) (Decapoda: Palinuridae) is the most common spiny lobster in the Red Sea and is widely distributed in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Lobsters (n=377) were collected on four occasions during 1986 on the coral reef at Dahab, Sinai, Egypt. Average size of the collected individuals was 70.5±24.6 mm carapace length (CL) for males and 63.2±15.9 mm CL for females. The sex ratio was 1:1.64 males to females. Length increment per molt was inversely correlated with size and ranged from 2.1 mm per molt in the 40 to 50 mm CL size class to less than 1 mm in the 60 to 70 mm CL size class. Average intermolt period was ca. 136 d for all size classes. The relationship between carapace length and body weight was expressed by the equation:W b=6.43 × 10–4 × (CL)2.89.P. penicillatus from Dahab differ in size, sex ratio and growth rate compared to other palinurid populations throughout their range. This might represent the effect of isolation and location at the edge of the geographical range for this species. It may also indicate an adaptation to their unique habitat in the coral reef in comparison to other palinurid species.  相似文献   

Demersal zooplankton, those plankton which hide within reef sediments during the day but emerge to swim freely over the reef at night, were sampled quantitatively using emergence traps planced over the substrate at Lizard Island Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef. Densities of zooplankton emerging at night from 6 substrate types (fine, medium, and coarse sand, rubble, living coral and reef rock) and from 5 reef zones (seaward face, reef flat, lagoon, back reef, and sand flat) were determined. A large population of nocturnal plankton including cumaceans, mysids, ostracods, shrimp, isopods, amphipods, crustacean larvae, polychaetes, foraminiferans and copepods are resident members of the reef community at Lizard Island. The mean density of plankton emerging throughout the reef was 2510±388 (standard error) zooplankton/m2 of substrate. Biomass averaged 66.2±5.4 mg ash-free dry weight/m2 of substrate. Demersal zooplankton exhibited significant preferences for substrate types and reef zones. The highest mean density of zooplankton emerged from coral (11,264±1952 zooplankton/m2) while the lowest emerged from reef rock (840±106 zooplankton/m2). The density of demersal plankton was six times greater on the face than in any other zone, averaging 7900±1501 zooplankton/m2. Copepods dominated samples collected over living coral and rubble while foraminiferans, ostracods and decapod larvae were most abundant from sand. Plankton collected with nets at night correlated only qualitatively with plankton collected in emergence traps from the same location. Although abundant, demersal plankton were not numerous enough to meet the metabolic needs of all corals at Lizard Island Lagoon. Demersal plankton appear especially adapted to avoid fish predation. The predator-avoidance strategies of demersal plankton and maintenance of position on the reef are discussed. Our results indicate that much of the zooplankton over coral reefs actually lives on the reef itself and that previous studies using standard net sampling techniques have greatly underestimated plankton abundance over coral reefs.  相似文献   

Larvae of marine organisms often need specific resources or environments at settlement, and their success at settlement might be strongly influenced by the abundance and distribution of such specific resources. The larvae of hermit crabs need small shells to settle, so it is thought that the distribution and abundance of small shells influence the settlement pattern of hermit crabs. To investigate the influence of small shell distribution on the settlement of pagurid hermit crab larvae, we conducted a field experiment at an intertidal rocky shore in Hakodate Bay, Japan. From the line-transect sampling in the field, we found that Pagurus middendorffii settled extensively in the offshore side of the intertidal zone while P. nigrofascia settled in the uppermost area of the intertidal zone. Small shells were most abundant in a narrow shallow trough, slightly offshore from the uppermost area of the intertidal zone. For both species, settler abundance was high where adults were abundant, but settler abundance did not appear to be related to shells abundance. An experiment to clarify settlement patterns showed that larval recruits tended to be similar to those in the line-transect sampling of settlers. Thus shells may not be a primary factor affecting settlement patterns at relatively large scale within the intertidal flat. However, when we analyzed the relationship of settlers and shells separately within each transect, the distribution of settlers was well explained by shell resource availability. Therefore on a smaller scale, shell availability may influence the number of settlers. Settlement periods of P. middendorffii and P. nigrofascia fully overlapped, so their larvae probably were affected by similar transport factors, such as current and tidal movement. Nevertheless they showed different spatial patterns of settlement.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Acroporid corals are the main reef-building corals that provide three-dimensional habitats for other reef organisms, but are decreasing on many reefs worldwide due to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. In this study, temporal patterns of larval settlement and survivorship of two broadcast-spawning acroporid coral species, Acropora muricata and A. valida, were examined through laboratory rearing experiments to better understand the potential for larval dispersal of this important coral group. Many larvae were attached (but not metamorphosed) to settlement tiles on the first examination 3–4 days after spawning (AS). The first permanent larval settlement (i.e. metamorphosed and permanently settled juvenile polyps) occurred at 5–6 days AS, and most larval settlement (85–97% of total) occurred within 9–10 days AS. Larval survivorship decreased substantially to around 50% by the first week of the experiment and to approximately 10% by the second to third week. The rates of larval attachment, settlement, and the initial drop in survivorship of larvae suggest that effective dispersal of some acroporid species may largely be completed within the first few weeks AS.  相似文献   

I examined whether patterns of settlement of planktonic juveniles determined the size and composition of adult populations of three Caribbean surgeonfishes (A canthurus bahianus, A. chirurgus and A. coeruleus) on six isolated patch-reefs in Panamá. I monitored settlement monthly on six reefs (0.14 to 0.67 ha) for 8 yr (1978–1986), and censused adults on those reefs annually. Year-to-year fluctuations in the absolute and relative abundances of settlers arriving on each reef were not extreme. Densities of adults in 1986 were not correlated with the densities of settlers that arrived between 1979 and 1984. Survival of settlers, although apparently unrelated to the density of adults, was negatively related to the density of settlers per unit of adult habitat (but not per unit of settlement habitat) for each species. Changes in adult populations of each species between 1978 and 1986 were not correlated with the abundance of settlers relative to the initial number of adults. The relative abundances of adults of each species in 1986 did not reflect the relative abundances of settlers (1979–1984); these abundances were due to both spatial variation and interspecific variation in survival. In some cases, relocation of adults between isolated patch-reefs (as much as 100 m from other reefs) substantially altered the size and composition of surgeonfish populations. Thus, either post-settlement mortality or relocation overrode effects of settlement patterns in determining adult abundances on the six reefs. Relocation is important in organizing reef-fish communities and must be further examined, particularly in large habitat mosaics.  相似文献   

Vermeij MJ  Sandin SA 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1994-2004
The local densities of heterospecifics and conspecifics are known to have profound effects on the dynamics of many benthic species, including rates of settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. We described the early life history of the Caribbean coral, Siderastrea radians by tracking the population dynamics from recently settled planulae to juveniles. Through three years of observation, settlement correlated with the abundance of other benthic organisms, principally turf algae (negatively) and crustose coralline algae (positively). In addition, adult density showed independent effects on coral settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. Settlement rates increased across low levels of adult cover and saturated at a maximum around 10% cover. Early post-settlement survivorship decreased with adult cover, revealing structuring density dependence in coral settlers. The earliest life stages of corals are defined by low survivorship, with survivorship increasing appreciably with colony size. However, recent settlers (one-polyp individuals, < 1-year-old) are more likely to grow into two-polyp juveniles than older single polyps (> 1-year-old) that were delayed in their development. The early benthic phase of corals is defined by a severe demographic bottleneck for S. radians, with appreciable density-dependent and density-independent effects on survivorship. For effective management and restoration of globally imperiled coral reefs, we must focus more attention on this little studied, but dynamic, early life history period of corals.  相似文献   

Late larvae of the serranid coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepède), captured in light traps, were released during the day both in open water and adjacent to two reefs, and their behaviour was observed by divers at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef. Coral trout larvae (n = 110) were present in light-trap catches from 18 November to 3 December 1997, including new moon (30 November). The swimming speed of larvae in open water or when swimming away from reefs was significantly greater (mean 17.9 cm s−1) than the speed of larvae swimming towards or over reefs (mean 7.2 cm s−1). Near reefs, larvae swam at average depths of 2.7 to 4.2 m, avoiding 0 to 2 m. In open water, swimming depth varied with location: larvae >1 km east of Lizard Island swam steeply downward to >20 m in 2 to 4 min; larvae >1 km west oscillated between 2.6 and 13 m; larvae 100 to 200 m east of Lizard Island oscillated between 0.8 and 15 m. Nearly all larvae swam directionally in open water and near reefs. In open water, the average swimming direction of all larvae was towards the island, and 80% (4 of 5) swam directionally (p < 0.05, Rayleigh's test). Larvae swam directionally over the reef while looking for settlement sites. The frequency of behaviours by larvae differed between two reefs of different exposure and morphology. Depending on site, 26 to 32% of larvae released adjacent to reefs swam to open water: of these, some initially swam towards or over the reef before swimming offshore. In some cases, offshore-swimming seemed to be due to the presence of predators, but usually no obvious cause was observed. Depending on the reef, 49 to 64% of the larvae settled. Non-predatory reef residents aggressively approached 19% of settlers. Between 5 and 17% of the larvae were eaten while approaching the reef or attempting to settle, primarily by lizardfishes but also by wrasses, groupers and snappers. A higher percentage of larvae settled in the second week of our study than in the first. Average time to settlement was short (138 s ± 33 SE), but some larvae took up to 15 min to settle. Average settlement depth was 7.5 to 9.9 m, and differed between locations. No settlement took place on reef flats or at depths <4.2 m. Larvae did not appear to be selective about settlement substrate, but settled most frequently on live and dead hard coral. Late-stage larvae of coral trout are capable swimmers with considerable control over speed, depth and direction. Habitat selection, avoidance of predators and settlement seem to rely on vision. Received: 7 July 1998 / Accepted: 26 January 1999  相似文献   

E. Meroz  M. Ilan 《Marine Biology》1995,124(3):443-451
Study of the life history characteristics of the common Red Sea sponge Mycale fistulifera (Poecilosclerida: Demospongiae) reveals several traits which may categorize it as an opportunistic species: (1) at least part of the population is reproductively active throughout the year, providing a continuous supply of larvae for settlement; (2) sponges may produce and release a large number (152±39 larvae d-1) of brooded larvae; (3) released larvae are capable of fast settlement and metamorphosis (minutes to 30 hours post-release); (4) the turnover of the population is high and population size varies with time. From 48 initial sponges plus 94 recruits, only 25 remained alive after 14 months of observation; (5) most members of the population (>70%) have a small body size (<30 cm2); (6) sexual maturity may occur at an early age. These traits facilitate continuous establishment of M. fistulifera in new spaces on the reef; (7) M. fistulifera, preferred substrate is another opportunistic species, the coral Stylophora pistillata which it overgrows.  相似文献   

Over 15 000 coral recruits were counted on settlement plates from three mid-shelf reefs and six fringing reefs in the northern section of the Great Barrier Reef during two summers (1986 and 1987) and one winter (1987). The density of coral recruits on some settlement plates from a fringing reef was up to 4.88 cm–2, the highest value ever reported. Mean density of recruits was greater on fringing reefs (81.1 recruits/settlement plate) than on mid-shelf reefs (15.6 recruits/settlement plate), but there was greater spatial variation in abundance of recruits between the fringing reef sites. Other differences between the mid-shelf reefs and the fringing reefs were that different taxa were dominant, and that settlement orientation differed, with mid-shelf recruits settling preferentially on horizontally oriented surfaces and fringingreef recruits preferring vertical surfaces. Of the three midshelf reefs, Green Island reef recorded the highest recruitment rate for each of the two summers, despite having a depauperate adult coral population following predation by the asteroidAcanthaster planci. This suggests that coral larvae frequently travel between reefs. In contrast with an earlier study, there was no consistent difference in abundance of recruits between forereef and backreef locations. Overall, the results indicated great spatial variation in the availability of coral larvae, both on the scale of whole reefs and within-reef habitats.  相似文献   

The temperate population of the tropical anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii has a seasonality of reproduction, larval settlement and growth. There was a considerable difference in size (15–47 mm) among 0-year olds in December, after the season of larval settlement and growth. This difference could be attributed mainly to a difference in the duration of the first growing season spent after settlement and a social inhibition of growth of the subordinate late settlers by frequent attacks by the dominant early settlers. The growth equation which was used to describe the growth of tagged individuals estimated that an anemonefish would get an opportunity to spawn within four of five years after settlement. Breeding adult pairs occupied almost all sea anemones essential to breeding within a 50×50 m study area, and all 17 new adults that matured from non-breeding juveniles to breeding adults between June 1983 and August 1985 were found in the territories from which either or both of the mated adults had disappeared. The new adults were large juveniles who had resided near those vacant territories before. These results suggest that the onset of breeding by an individual is not only determined by his age, but also by his ranking in the dominance hierarchy. Therefore, the difference in size among 0-year olds in December might give rise to the difference in age of the earliest breeding and might be a factor in making a female apply more reproductive effort at the beginning of the season.  相似文献   

J. Gilmour 《Marine Biology》1999,135(3):451-462
Laboratory and field experiments were used to determine whether high (≃100 mg l−1), low (≃50 mg l−1) and control (≃0 mg l−1) levels of suspended sediment affected fertilisation, larval survival, and larval settlement in the scleractinian coral Acropora digitifera (Dana, 1846). Both high- and low-sediment treatments significantly decreased fertilisation, but post-fertilisation embryonic development was not inhibited by suspended sediments. Larval survival and larval settlement were significantly reduced in high- and low-sediment treatments. No difference was found between high- and low-sediment treatments in any of the three post-spawning processes investigated, suggesting that they are susceptible to sediment concentrations which are not exceptionally high even under natural conditions (>50 mg l−1). The introduction of an additional stress in the form of high levels of suspended sediments coupled with naturally high variability in recruitment may have a considerable effect on the successful supply and settlement of coral larvae to a reef. Given that many coral communities are open reproductive systems, the consequences of disturbance events are not likely to be restricted to the impact area. Recruitment to a population may be reduced significantly in the presence of high levels of suspended sediments because of effects on larval survival and settlement. Recruitment of larvae to adjacent populations may also be affected due to a decreased fertilisation success and potential increases in mortality of larvae passing through the affected site. Received: 13 August 1998 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

Biometry and growth of three piddock species Pholas dactylus, Barnea candida and B. parva, from chalk and clay substrata were investigated between 1999 and 2000 at five low shore locations along the south coast of England. Piddock burrow shape was significantly different (P<0.01) amongst the locations. Burrows at Lyme Regis showed the largest (height/maximum diameter) ratio (4.86±2.00) whilst those at Compton the lowest (3.73±1.62). Using the method of Bhattacharya, the population structure of P. dactylus, B. candida and B. parva was separated into eight, three and five modal size classes, respectively. Age and shell growth were determined from the number and spacing, respectively, of annual growth lines present in acetate peel replicas of shell sections. The von Bertalanffy growth (VBG) equation fitted the size at age data obtained for P. dactylus and B. candida (L and K were 79.3±13.8 mm and 0.0011±0.22 and 29.6±1.5 mm and 1.17±0.47, respectively) whilst the size at age data for B. parva were linearly related and did not fit the assumptions of the VBG equation. Male and female gonads were mature and piddocks competent to spawn between June and September 1999, with settlement of juveniles observed between November 1999 and February 2000. A significant relationship between burrow aperture diameter and age of the occupant piddock was established for the three species. Burrow morphology and spatial distribution of burrows were influenced by substratum hardness and population density. Based on estimates at Lyme Regis, piddocks are capable of removing up to 41% of the shore substratum to a depth of 85 mm over their lifespan (12 years), significantly compromising the structural stability of the soft rock shores they inhabit and contributing to bioerosion.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

As an initial step in our study of nitrogen metabolism in the coral/algal symbiosis we have purified glutamate dehydrogenase (EC to homogeneity from polyp tissue of the staghorn coral Acropora formosa collected from Magnetic Island (North Queensland) in 1985–1986. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of 78 U mg-1. The native enzyme had a relative molecular weight, M r, of 360 000 (±20 000), and appears to be a hexamer with subunits of M r=56000 (±3 000). Like the enzyme from other coelenterates, the coral glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was absolutely specific with respect to the coenzyme substrate (NADP+/NADPH), and was insensitive to allosteric regulation by nucleotides; unlike other coelenterate GDHs, the coral enzyme was absorlutely specific for ammonium as amino group donor in the reductive amination reaction, and major differences in kinetic properties were apparent. Linear Michaelis-Menten kinetics were observed for the substrates a-ketoglutarate, NADPH and NADP+, the K m values being 0.93, 0.11 and 0.03 mM, respectively. However glutamate dehydrogenase displayed biphasic kinetics with respect to l-glutamate and ammonium, indicating two apparent K m values (18 and 81 mM for l-glutamate and 9.2 and 416 mM for ammonium). The enzyme also exhibits Scatchard plots, Hill coefficients and cooperativity indices characteristic of enzymes displaying negative cooperativity.  相似文献   

The pattern of settlement over time of three broadcast spawning coral species (Cyphastrea serailia, Acanthastrea lordhowensis, and Goniastrea australensis) from the Solitary Islands (30°00′S; 153°20′E) was studied in 1995 and 1996 in order to determine the maximum length of time these larvae could remain in the water column and still retain the ability to settle and metamorphose. Larvae were maintained in aquaria and the number which had settled on biologically-conditioned tile pairs was monitored every 5 to 10 d. While the majority of larvae settled quickly after becoming competent, some larvae survived and settled for extended periods after spawning. Competency periods ranged from 26 d for C. serailia to 56 d for G. australensis and 78 d for A. lordhowensis. These data greatly extend the known competency periods for larvae of broadcast-spawning corals and indicate the potential for transport of broadcast-spawned coral larvae over large distances. Medium to long-distance larval dispersal of the species studied provides a mechanism for their widespread distribution in subtropical regions, on reefs which are often widely spaced and relatively isolated. Received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

Metabolic rates of the ctenophore Beroe ovata within the length range from 0.4 mm (newly hatched larvae) to 60 mm were investigated. At 20° the respiration rates (Q, µg O2 ind.–1 h–1) of individuals with wet weights (W, mg) less than or greater than 100 mg changed according to the equations Q=0.093W0.62 and Q=0.016W0.99, respectively. The weight-specific respiration rate of the juvenile ctenophores with wet body weights of 0.021–100 mg diminished approximately 20-fold (from 0.35 to 0.017 µg O2 mg–1 h–1, respectively), but did not change within the range from 100 to 30,000 mg. The difference in the slope of the regression lines seems to be attributable to the ontogenetic changes in B. ovata metabolism. For the tested temperature range of 10–28°, the mean Q10 coefficient was equal to 2.17±0.5. The basal metabolism of B. ovata narcotised by chloral hydrate was 4.5±0.9 times lower than total metabolism. Such a metabolic range is considered to be characteristic of aquatic invertebrates with high levels of locomotory activity.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Recruitment patterns of marine invertebrates are affected both by settlement and early post-settlement events. This study examined the settlement and recruitment patterns of echinoderms at three sites in the rocky subtidal zone of Bocabec Cove, Bay of Fundy, Canada using artificial turf collectors and quadrats on the natural substrate. Potential predators were quantified at two of the sites along transects and in 1-m2 quadrats. Both potential predators and competitors were quantified in 0.0625-m2 quadrats. Settlement varied across sites (1.5–3 km apart) and two years of sampling (2004, 2005). The site of most potential settlement differed for the three groups of echinoderms: sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), sea stars (Asterias spp.) and sea cucumber (Psolus fabricii). Settlement densities on the artificial turf collectors tended to be greater than the densities of settlers on the natural substrate. On the natural substrate, the only significant difference between densities of juveniles over time was that newly settled sea stars were found in July and were not found the following October. Large lobsters and carnivorous worms were potential predators with densities that varied between sites. Potential competitors that differed in abundance between sites were herbivorous gastropods and conspecifics for sea urchins; and carnivorous worms for sea stars. This study suggests that patterns of recruitment are either set up by patterns of settlement or by events during the first few weeks/months on the benthic substrate for these echinoderms.  相似文献   

Rhopilema nomadica is an Indopacific scyphomedusan, which has migrated into the eastern Mediterranean in recent years. Large aggregations of the medusae were recorded in Haifa Bay, Israel, reaching 5.5×105 medusae per square nautical mile during summer 1989. The life cycle ofR. nomadica from planula to young medusa is described. Fertilization is external and planulae are formed within a few hours at 20°C. After settlement, polyps were fed withArtemia sp. nauplii and developed into polydisc strobilae within 45 d. The strobilation process was completed within 7 d, and the liberated ephyrae developed into young medusae within 2 mo. Asexual reproduction occurred mainly via podocyst formation. The population explosion ofR. nomadica could be attributed to its high reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Y. Loya 《Marine Biology》1975,29(2):177-185
The community structure and species diversity of hermatypic corals was studied during 1969–1973, in two reef flats in the northern Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea: the reef flat of the nature reserve at Eilat, which is chronically polluted by oil and minerals, and a control reef, located 5 km further south, which is free from oil pollution. In 1969, the nature reserve and the control reef had similar coral community structure. In September, 1970, both reefs suffered approximately 90% mortality of corals, as a result of an unexpected and extremely low tide. In 1973 the control reef was “blooming” with a highly diverse coral community, while almost no signs of coral recolonization have been observed at the nature reserve, and it is significantly lower in diversity. It is suggested that phosphate eutrophication and chronic oil pollution are the major man-made disturbances that interfere with coral colonization of the reef flat at the nature reserve. Although no direct evidence is provided that oil damages hermatypic corals, the data strongly suggest that chronic oil spills prevent normal settlement and/or development of coral larvae. It is possible that chronic oil, pollution results in either one or a combination of the following: (1) damage to the reproductive system of corals; (2) decreased viability of coral larvae; (3) changes in some physical properties of the reef flat which interfere with normal settlement of coral larvae.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching (the loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates from reef-building corals) is most frequently caused by high-light and temperature conditions. We exposed the explants of the hermatypic coral Stylophora pistillata to four combinations of light and temperature in late spring and also in late summer. During mid-summer, two NOAA bleaching warnings were issued for Heron Island reef (Southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia) when sea temperature exceeded the NOAA bleaching threshold, and a ‘mild’ (in terms of the whole coral community) bleaching event occurred, resulting in widespread S. pistillata bleaching and mortality. Symbiotic dinoflagellate biomass decreased by more than half from late spring to late summer (from 2.5×106 to 0.8×106 dinoflagellates cm2 coral tissue), and those dinoflagellates that remained after summer became photoinhibited more readily (dark-adapted F V : F M decreased to (0.3 compared with 0.4 in spring), and died in greater numbers (up to 17% dinoflagellate mortality compared with 5% in the spring) when exposed to artificially elevated light and temperature. Adding exogenous antioxidants (d-mannitol and l-ascorbic acid) to the water surrounding the coral had no clear effect on either photoinhibition or symbiont mortality. These data show that light and temperature stress cause mortality of the dinoflagellate symbionts within the coral, and that susceptibility to light and temperature stress is strongly related to coral condition. Photoinhibitory mechanisms are clearly involved, and will increase through a positive feedback mechanism: symbiont loss promotes further symbiont loss as the light microenvironment becomes progressively harsher.  相似文献   

The cryptobenthic reef fish communities from four microhabitats at Orpheus Island, central Great Barrier Reef are described. Eighty-four 0.4m2 samples yielded a total of 368 individuals from 42 species in eight families, with a mean density of 11 individuals m–2 (±1.7SE) and 2.9 species 0.4 m–2 (±0.2SE). Caves contained the highest number of both individuals (120) and species (26), followed by sand/rubble, soft coral, and open reefs. Microhabitat associations included cave and soft coral specialists. Site fidelity in 71 tagged individuals of 4 species was high, with a mean recapture rate of 53% (±8.4SE) remaining within the ~0.4 m2 sampling area after a 48-h period. Behavioural observations also reflect this limited movement, with the dominant mode of behaviour in 7 species being a motionless state (67.5% ±11.6SE), followed by feeding (21.8% ±8.7SE), hiding (6.3% ±1.6SE), and swimming (4.4% ±1.5SE). Two distinct behavioural groups are identified: (1) sedentary forms, characterised by long periods of immobility (5 species); and (2) winnowers, characterised by long feeding bouts (2 species). The fine-scale partitioning of microhabitats, restricted home ranges, and sedentary behaviour of many cryptobenthic reef fish species suggest that this reef fish community exhibits similar patterns of habitat utilisation to their larger reef-fish counterparts, but at a much finer scale.  相似文献   

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