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Denmark has a long tradition of monitoring the aquatic environment. Previous monitoring has mainly focused on loss of nutrients and subsequent impacts on the biological structure in lakes and coastal areas. However, as part of the third Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment more emphasis has been put on stream ecology. The present paper describes background, strategy and content of the new NOVANA stream programme, which will run for the period 2004–2009. The new programme will encompass more than 800 stations covering all stream types in Denmark and monitoring will include three biological quality elements (macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish) as well as physico-chemical features and hydromorphological elements. In addition, the new programme integrates monitoring of elements both in the stream itself and in the riparian zone. Compliance with important European Commission Directives such as the Water Framework Directive and the Habitat Directive is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the externalities of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the Taichung metropolitan, Taiwan. The human effects of SO2 from stationary sources are a key element for local air quality management. A methodology to evaluate those effects in monetary term had been adapted and applied. This method was modified from the EU-based impact pathway approach link to the skill of geographic information systems. The studied area was divided into 66 districts and the quantity of SO2 was allocated to each district. Then, the ambient concentration of SO2 was estimated by using the ordinary kriging method. A risk analysis was employed to characterize the health impacts caused by SO2. Finally, a monetary transfer approach based on the European data was conducted to estimate local damage costs per ton of SO2. Health impacts, especially acute mortality, dominate in term of costs. The calculation showed that damage costs ranged from 0.56 to 7.38 USD/kg SO2 based on the 2002 emission data. The results could be used in the internalization of SO2 externalities and management of the stationary sources in the studied area. This paper also concludes that the externalities caused by stationary-related SO2 emissions are some 28.5 million US dollars in Taichung metropolitan (Taiwan) in 2002.  相似文献   

SEA spread around the world as has SEA effectiveness research. International SEA evaluations show mixed findings on SEA effectiveness. In this article, the quality and procedural effectiveness of SEA in Germany is analysed pursuing the hypothesis that SEA is influenced by planning and administrative traditions that tend to counteract to more ambitious SEA approaches. Three SEA case studies were analysed according to a set of criteria and indicators based on international research outcomes involving SEA integration into decision-making, scoping, selection and assessment of alternatives, cumulative effects assessment, tiering, public participation, and monitoring. The analysis draws on documents analysis and interviews with representatives from responsible agencies and involved SEA consultancies.The analysis shows that SEA is facilitating informed decision-making as the responsible agencies used the SEA, the interaction with consultancies, and the participation processes as a source of information. However, the case studies show various degrees of SEA quality in Germany based on the evaluated criteria and indicators. Results demonstrate that procedural effectiveness is limited. Unclear legal regulations, an expert-based planning approach instead of a collaborative approach, and organisational constraints limit the SEA quality. Furthermore, SEA performance is highly influenced by administrations' legalistic tradition, the expert-based planning culture, the home-grown planning system, and the bounded importance of SEA consultancies in the era of staff cuts and under-resourced agencies. Thus, the recommendations aim to strengthen a more collaborative planning approach, to build SEA capacity within SEA responsible agencies, and to clarify SEA regulations.The overall question for SEA evaluation research and practice may be how more collaborative planning approaches can effectively be implemented in planning and SEA practice through institutional learning.  相似文献   

In this article the consistency of forest damageassessments on conifer trees is analysed, by usingdifferent methods in estimating the accuracy inassessments of defoliation and discolouration. The dataoriginate from control surveys in the Swedish nationalforest damage survey, as well as from national andinternational training courses. Standard deviation ofdifferences in the assessment of defoliation on singletrees is found to be about 10% units for Norway spruceand 8.5% for Scots pine. Problems in correctly assessingdamaged Scots pine trees and discoloured Norway sprucetrees are revealed by measures of agreement (Kappastatistic). Results from several years of nationaltraining courses indicate that, on an average, theobserver teams do not significantly differ from a nationalstandard, but significant differences between observerteams are found. The presented estimates indicate asubstantial within observer error compared to the betweenobserver error. The results indicate that the long-termdevelopment of forest damage, rather than short-termfluctuations, is the most important information fromthese kinds of inventories.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of chemical andmicrobiological measurements of the water quality in theBuko Blato reservoir, the largest in Europe, in the period 1989 to 1998.The aim was to observe possiblechanges in water quality during the past decade and itsinfluence on the downstream section of the Cetina River andits numerous tributaries and reservoirs, where there are twolarge regional water supply systems. This reservoir wasbuilt in order to exploit the high hydro-electric potentialof small streamflows in the karst fields of south-westernBosnia. It has strongly influenced the hydrologicconditions of the downstream section of the Cetina River.Buko Blato is a relatively shallow reservoir with the meandepth of 5 m. It covers an area of 57 km2. The waterexchange in the reservoir is slow, occurring from one toseveral years. When the water inflow exceeds the hydroelectric plant demands the excess water is delivered by a reversible channel and pre-pumped into the Buko Blato reservoir. The total and carbonate water hardness in thereservoir is lower than in the Cetina River and in typicalkarst streamflows, since the water in this reservoir comesmainly from surface sources including numerous springs withhigh capacity oscillations, torrents and rainfall.Measurements, carried out during the past years, showed asignificant increase in nitrate content as well as in thecoli bacteria and a less significant increase in totalphosphorus content. The water quality was evaluated asmezotrophic according to the total phosphorus content basedon the Carlson index of trophic level, a lower quality thanin the Perua reservoir, upstream on the Cetina River. Thelatter contains a smaller phosphorus content and wasclassed between oligotrophic and mezotrophic. According tothese data, employing the Vollenweider equation, the totalphosphorus content in this water should not exceed the meanof 20 mg m-3 P. The results indicate that the water inthe Buko Blato reservoir did not deteriorate the waterquality on the downstream section of the Cetina River.  相似文献   

Environmental Modeling & Assessment - Even if there exists an extensive literature on the modeling of farmers’ behavior under risk, actual measurements of the quantitative impact of risk...  相似文献   

This paper discusses why estimates of the benefits of reduced air pollution differ in accordance with the approach used. Estimates based on bottom-up studies of the damage costs related to air pollution usually turn out much lower than estimates based on assessments of the utility of reduced air pollution, obtained for instance by willingness to pay assessments. This is usually explained by the fact that the willingness to pay approach includes the utility aspect of non-market values, and for this reason, it is often preferred to the damage cost approach. This is, however, not the whole story. The paper shows why alternative approaches should not be considered as being in conflict, but rather as means to get supplementary information necessary to put a value on environmental quality. Information from bottom-up assessments of damage costs and from studies of the willingness to pay is used in a macroeconomic model to carry out an evaluation of the social costs of energy saving measures in Hungary.  相似文献   

Soil-dwelling annelids of the genus Enchytraeus are used in ecotoxicology for testing of chemicals mixed in artificial soil or for testing of wastes and soils of unknown quality. ISO 16387 describes a method for determining the effects of substances or contaminated soils on survival and reproduction of Enchytraeus albidus or of the smaller species Enchytraeus buchholzi or Enchy-traeus crypticus. After the total test duration of 6 (or 4)?weeks, the juveniles hatched in the meantime are counted. There are several possible extraction techniques, which are always followed by counting the juveniles by hand, but none of them seems easy to handle. We proposed a new modification of the worm extraction method using flotation of fixed and stained juveniles followed by taking a photograph. The digital image of the juveniles is evaluated by computer processing. It makes the counting of juveniles much easier and less labor intensive.  相似文献   

New Bedford Harbor (NBH), located in southeastern Massachusetts, was designated as a marine Superfund site in 1983 due to sediment contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Based on risks to human health and the environment, the first two phases of the site cleanup involved dredging PCB-contaminated sediments from the harbor. Therefore, a long-term monitoring program (LTM) was developed to measure spatial and temporal chemical and biological changes in sediment, water, and biota to assess the effects and effectiveness of the remedial activities. A systematic, probabilistic sampling design was used to select sediment sampling stations. This unbiased design allowed the three segments of the harbor to be compared spatially and temporally to quantify changes resulting from dredging the contaminated sediments. Sediment was collected at each station, and chemical (e.g., PCBs and metals), physical (e.g., grain size), and biological (e.g., benthic community) measurements were conducted on all samples. This paper describes the overall NBH-LTM approach and the results from the five rounds of sample collections. There is a decreasing spatial gradient in sediment PCB concentrations from the northern boundary (upper harbor) to the southern boundary (outer harbor) of the site. Along this same transect, there is an increase in biological condition (e.g., benthic community diversity). Temporally, the contaminant and biological gradients have been maintained since the 1993 baseline collection; however, since the onset of full-scale remediation, PCB concentrations have decreased throughout the site, and one of the benthic community indices has shown significant improvement in the lower and outer harbor areas.  相似文献   

The international, interdisciplinary biodiversity research project BIOTA AFRICA initiated a standardized biodiversity monitoring network along climatic gradients across the African continent. Due to an identified lack of adequate monitoring designs, BIOTA AFRICA developed and implemented the standardized BIOTA Biodiversity Observatories, that meet the following criteria (a) enable long-term monitoring of biodiversity, potential driving factors, and relevant indicators with adequate spatial and temporal resolution, (b) facilitate comparability of data generated within different ecosystems, (c) allow integration of many disciplines, (d) allow spatial up-scaling, and (e) be applicable within a network approach. A BIOTA Observatory encompasses an area of 1?km2 and is subdivided into 100 1-ha plots. For meeting the needs of sampling of different organism groups, the hectare plot is again subdivided into standardized subplots, whose sizes follow a geometric series. To allow for different sampling intensities but at the same time to characterize the whole square kilometer, the number of hectare plots to be sampled depends on the requirements of the respective discipline. A hierarchical ranking of the hectare plots ensures that all disciplines monitor as many hectare plots jointly as possible. The BIOTA Observatory design assures repeated, multidisciplinary standardized inventories of biodiversity and its environmental drivers, including options for spatial up- and downscaling and different sampling intensities. BIOTA Observatories have been installed along climatic and landscape gradients in Morocco, West Africa, and southern Africa. In regions with varying land use, several BIOTA Observatories are situated close to each other to analyze management effects.  相似文献   

In this study, aluminium (Al), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), selenium (Se) and arsenic (As) contents in milk and different dairy product samples were measured. Pb, Cd, As, Al and Se contents in the milk and different dairy products ranged from 0.054 mg/kg (milk powder)?1.100 mg/kg (Ka?ar cheese), 0.009 mg/kg (whey powder and yogurt)?1.051 mg/kg (Tulum cheese), 0.010 mg/kg (whey powder)?0.146 mg/kg (butter), 2.848 mg/kg (ice cream)?8.778 (drained yogurt) and n.d. (ice cream, milk and whey powder, yogurt, ayran and Lor cheese)?0.434 mg/kg (Tulum cheese), respectively. The 75% of White and Ka?ar cheeses, 50% of Lor and 12.5% of Tulum cheese samples contained higher Pb according to the legal limits established by the Turkish Food Codex and European Communities regulation and 12.5% of Tulum cheese sample contained Cd. It was concluded that Pb contents of milk and dairy products from this region might be highly hazardous to human  相似文献   

The Huangpu River supplies eighty percent of daily water used for life and industry for about 20 million people in Shanghai, China. Industry and human sewerage from the metropolis is mainly released into the Huangpu River, which flows past the Shanghai city area. The pollution caused by city life and production in the Huangpu River has occurred for years. In this paper, the contents of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd, and Hg), total organic carbon (TOC), and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Huangpu River are discussed. Data from environmental monitoring from 1991 to 2002 are compared to understand the variation and trends of the pollution. Results indicate that metals have been reduced efficiently, but organic pollutants develop in aggravating trend as human sewage increase. The variation of the organic pollutant concentration, which are lower than other similar river's of China, US, and Canada, in the Huangpu River suggests that the organic pollution maybe a problem of water quality evolvement in metropolis river protection, which should be accentuated in the world today.  相似文献   

In order to optimize the processes of sampling, monitoring, and management, the initial aim of this paper was to develop a model for the definition and prediction of temporal changes of water quality. In the case of the Morava River Basin (Serbia), the patterns of temporal changes have been recognized by applying different multivariate statistical techniques. The results of the conducted cluster analysis are the indicators of the existence of the three monitoring periods: the low-water, transitional, and high-water periods, which is in accordance with changes in the water flow in the analyzed river basin. A possibility of reducing the initial data set and recognizing the main pollution sources was examined by carrying out the principal component/factor analysis. The results indicate that the natural factor has a dominant influence in temporal groups. In order to recognize the discriminatory water quality parameters, a discriminant analysis (DA) was carried out. Conducting the DA enabled a significant reduction in the data set by the extraction of two parameters (the water temperature and electrical conductivity). Furthermore, the artificial neural network technique was used for testing the possibility of predicting changes in the values of the discriminant factors in the monitoring periods. The reliability of this method for the prediction of temporal variations of both extracted parameters within all temporal clusters has been proven.  相似文献   

Government and environmental entities are becoming increasingly concerned with qualifying and quantifying the erosion effects that are observed in sandy shores. Correspondingly, survey methodologies that gather data for such erosion studies are increasingly being demanded. The responsible entities are continually broadening their areas of interest, are concerned in the establishment of regular monitoring programmes and are demanding high accuracy from the geo-spatial data that is collected. The budget available for such monitoring activities, however, does not parallel the trend in the increasing demand for quality specifications. Survey methodologies need improvement to meet these requirements. We have developed a new land-based survey system--the INSHORE system--that is ideal for low cost, highly efficient and highly precise coastal surveys. The INSHORE system uses hi-tech hardware that is based on high-grade global positioning system (GPS) receivers and a laser distance sensor combined with advanced software algorithms. This system enables the determination of the ground coordinates of the surveyed areas with a precision of 1 to 2 cm, without having a sensor in contact with the ground surface. The absence of physical contact with the ground makes this system suitable for high-efficiency surveys. The accuracy of the positioning, which is based on advanced differential GPS processing, is enhanced by considering the estimated attitude of the GPS receiver holding structure and eliminates undesirable offsets. This paper describes the INSHORE survey system and presents the results of validation tests that were performed in a sandy shore environment.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the perception that the inertia of climate and socio-economic systems are key parameters in the climate change issue. In a first part, it develops and implements a new approach based on a simple integrated model with a particular focus on an innovative transient impact and adaptation modeling. In a second part, a climateeconomy feedback is defined and characterized. The following results were found. 1) It has a long characteristic time, which lies between 50 and 100 years depending on the hypotheses; this time scale is long when compared to the system's other time scales, and the feedback cannot act as a natural damping process of climate change. 2) Mitigation has to be anticipated since the feedback of an emission reduction on the economy can be significant only after a 20-year delay and is really efficient only after at least 50 years. 3) Even discounted, production changes due to an action on emissions are significant over more than one century. 4) The methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which neglects the feedback from impacts to emissions, is acceptable up to 2100, whatever is the level of impacts. This analysis allows also to define a climatic cost of growth as the additional climate change damages due to the additional emissions linked to economic growth.
Stéphane HallegatteEmail:

Endosulfan, a persistent organic pollutant newly listed under the Stockholm Convention, is currently widely produced and used as a pesticide in China. Concentrations of endosulfans (including α-, β-isomers, and their metabolite endosulfan sulfate) were determined in surface soil collected from Huai’an city, where the largest endosulfan producer is located. The concentrations of Σendosulfan (sum of α-endosulfan, β-endosulfan, and endosulfan sulfate) at all sites ranged from 0.28 to 44.81?ng/g dry weight (dw), following a lognormal distribution. The geometric mean was 1.09?ng/g dw, and the geometric standard deviation was 3.02. The β-endosulfan levels were consistently greater than those of α-isomer. The concentration ratios of α-endosulfan to β-endosulfan ranged from 0.03 to 0.70, which were much lower than the commercial endosulfan mixture. This is because that α-endosulfan is more volatile and degrades faster than β-endosulfan in soil. The contour map of Σendosulfan levels in soil indicates that the factory was the point pollution source with the highest endosulfan level in its surrounding area, especially the southern area. However, the non-point agricultural sources are more important. Based on Monte Carlo simulation, the Σendosulfan inventory in soil in Huai’an is estimated to be 0.8–3.0 tons. In order to understand the potential ecological risk of endosulfan, the Monte Carlo-based hazard quotient distribution was estimated and showed that Σendosulfan posed a potentially high risk to soil organisms. To our knowledge, this study is the first that reports soil pollution and risk of endosulfan around the manufacturer in China. This study will help China’s implementation of Stockholm Convention for the reduction and elimination of endosulfan in future.  相似文献   

Since February 1999, the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (MWTP) of Balneário Camboriú, Brazil, started a complementary treatment with ClO2 application on its effluent. It was realized to minimize its impacts caused by increase of the population during summer. This study was realized in order to verify the influence of this compound in the water quality and the environmental evaluations. Samples of surface water were collected in this environment between January 1997 and June 2001 for chemical and microbiological surveys. The results had shown that after application of ClO2, fecal coliforms were decreased about six times in the beach (2.3 × 103 to 3.5 × 102 MPN/100 ml) and three times in the river (3.3 × 104 to 1.0 × 104 MPN/100 ml), during summer time. NH4 + showed an increase of about four times and 1.5 times, respectively, to beach and river. These results are showing the influence of ClO2 on chemical and microbiological parameters.  相似文献   

The Rengen Grassland Experiment in Germany, established in 1941, consists of the following fertilizer treatments applied under a two cut management: control, Ca, CaN, CaNP, CaNP-KCl, and CaNP-K2SO4. The aim of this study was (1) to identify effects of fertilizer application on biomass and species composition of bryophytes and (2) to investigate the impact of fertilizer application on macro- (N, P, K, Ca, Mg), micro- (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn), and toxic (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni) element concentrations in bryophyte biomass. In June 2006, Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus was the only bryophyte species recorded in the control. In treatment Ca, R. squarrosus was the dominant bryophyte species whereas Brachythecium rutabulum occurred sporadically only in a single plot of that treatment. The latter was the only bryophyte species collected in CaN, CaNP, CaNP-KCl, and CaNP-K2SO4 treatments. Dry matter accumulation of bryophytes was highest in the control (180 g m???2) followed by Ca (46 g m???2), CaNP (25 g m???2), CaNP-KCl (15 g m???2), CaNP-K2SO4 (9 g m???2), and CaN (2 g m???2) treatments. A negative correlation between biomass production of bryophytes and dry matter production of vascular plants was revealed up to a threshold value of 400 g m???2. Above this limit, biomass production of bryophytes remained obviously unaffected by further increase in biomass production of vascular plants. A significant effect of treatment on As, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, P, Ca, Mg, K, and N concentrations was revealed. Concentrations of these elements were a function of amount of elements supplied with fertilizers. Bryophytes seem to be promising bio-indicators not only for airborne deposition of toxic element but also for fertilizer introduced as well.  相似文献   

Using a bioeconomic model of the cod (Gadus morhua) and capelin (Mallotus villosus) fisheries of the Barents Sea, this study assesses the role of the fishermen’s behavior in reducing or intensifying the effects on the stocks caused by altered population dynamics. The analysis focuses on the economic development of the fisheries employing a coupled stock size–hydrography-based fishing strategy, which attempts to maximize returns from fishing over a given number of fishing periods. Results show that if the fishing strategy is based on a short optimization period of only two fishing periods, changes in population dynamics have a direct influence on the returns from fishing due to the strong pressure on the stocks applied by the fisheries. If the strategy is based on a longer optimization period, fishing activities may be deferred to allow for stock regrowth, which improves the economic performance of the fisheries. However, in that case, the relationship between population dynamics and fishing activities becomes less clear, as even a reduction of the carrying capacities of the two species allows for an increase in the amount of fish landed without causing a stock collapse due to an increased efficiency of fleet utilization. The simulations indicate that management considerations and the time horizon of the fishing strategy dominate the influence of altered population dynamics on the development of the stocks considered in the model.  相似文献   

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