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关于落实我国绿色采购制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色采购目前已成为国际上公共机构优化产业结构及转变经济增长的方式。中国绿色采购制度的落实能发挥公共机构集中采购的规模效益,对社会发展、经济建设具有强大的导向作用,并可引导社会绿色消费和推动经济和社会可持续发展。本文介绍了一些发达国家绿色采购的发展历程和成功经验,分析了我国绿色采购的现状,对今后落实发展绿色采购制度提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

本研究利用“撤县设区”和“省直管县”改革来刻画行政权力向市级政府的集中和分散,构建双重差分模型,基于地级市面板数据,检验了行政权力调整对城市绿色全要素生产率的影响。研究结果表明,行政权力集中加强了市级政府的资源统筹调配能力,通过提高技术创新水平、增加环保支出规模、降低工业产值比重等渠道,显著提升了城市绿色全要素生产率。而行政权力分散的影响效应相反,并不利于城市绿色高质量发展。相较而言,行政权力集中的正效应在政府行为规范度较高、市辖区经济较强的城市表现更突出,行政权力分散的负效应在政府行为规范度较低、县区经济相对较强的城市有着充分体现。对于高行政级别的城市,行政权力调整的影响并不显著。据此,从优化各级政府职能体系,分阶段、分类型,渐进式推进行政管理体制改革等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

湖南省津市市城乡建设环境保护局,认真总结近几年排污费管理与使用的经验教训,从实际情况出发进行改革,集中暂不返回的部分资金,实行贷款制,搞重点污染治理,充分发挥现有资金的作用,变“死”钱为“活”钱。这个局与财政局、人民银行协商一致,决定用征收的排污费和污染罚款建立“津市市环境保护  相似文献   

教育系统会计集中核算,是指在不改变单位内部理财机制、资金支配权和财务管理的职能下,取消单位现有的银行账户,由核算中心统一在银行开设账户,集中办理资金支付结算,集中进行会计核算,集中管理会计档案。财政管理体制改革的一项重要内容就是实行会计集中核算制度。  相似文献   

大庆油田污水处理系统产生的含油污染滤料,经过含油污染滤料再生工艺化学清洗、烘干、分筛、磁浮选等程序处理后,各种再生滤料重复使用于油田污水处理系统,清洗过程中产生的污水经自然沉降、旋流除砂、重力式过滤、杀菌和有机物降解处理后循环使用。减少油田含油污染滤料带来的环境污染,为油田节约了新滤料采购费用、废旧滤料集中堆放和处置费用。  相似文献   

通过梳理我国排污权有偿使用和交易的实践探索,发现排污权有偿使用资金作为非税财政收入用于农村环境综合整治多地已有实践。"十三五"期间河北省工业企业水污染物排污权有偿使用资金为5.68亿元,占农村环境污水治理预算资金的82.2%,可以作为农村环境治理资金筹集的有效途径。辅以中央农村环保专项财政拨款,基本可以满足农村环境综合整治污水处理投资的需求。提高资金使用效率,可以通过完善排污权有偿使用资金使用办法、制定排污权有偿使用资金绩效考核办法、整包打捆资金推进农村环境连片整治和运用财政担保支持市场机制的介入等途径实现。  相似文献   

随着中央对环保工作的重视,广大人民群众对环境的关心,国际社会对气候环境的关注,环保系统的工作会更加艰巨,环保行政权力将进一步强化,资金设备投入会逐步加大等,这对于环保事业的发展无疑是难得的历史机遇。同时,环保系统随之产生腐败的风险也会增加,反腐败的压力也会进一步加大。如何应对挑战,经受住考验,做到依法行政、科学决策,管好、用好手中的权力和资源,  相似文献   

飞机作为航空产品,使用维护成本在全寿命周期费用中占据了相当大的比例。将使用维护成本折算为备件的采购和维修成本,在设计阶段通过基于备件的分析,分类计算在不同飞行强度下各种备件的采购和维修费用,从而确定飞机在满足用户需求的前提下所能执行的最经济的飞行强度。以某型飞机为例,提出了一种最经济飞行强度的计算方法,有助于在设计阶段规划飞机的使用和维护保障。  相似文献   

科学、规范的化学试剂管理,不仅关系到教学科研水平的提高,还有利于确保实验室的安全。针对高校实验室试剂采购管理方式粗放、试剂使用全程监控制度不健全、化学试剂遗留现象严重、危险废物管理不到位等问题,从高校实验室制度完善、信息化建设、管理者和储藏条件的强化,以及从药品的采购、使用和处置全过程等方面提出改进措施,规范实验室管理。  相似文献   

随着中央对环保工作的重视,广大人民群众对环境的关心,国际社会对气候环境的关注,环保系统的工作会更加艰巨。环保行政权力将进一步强化,资金设备投入会逐步加大等,这对于环保事业的发展无疑是难得的历史机遇。同时,环保系统随之产生腐败的风险也会增加,反腐败的压力也会进一步加大。如何应对挑战,经受住考验,做到依法行政、科学决策,管好、用好手中的权力和资源,就显得十分重要。  相似文献   

城市建筑存量研究是为适应当前城市管理的需要而出现的理论研究,与国家制定的城市可持续发展战略具有内在一致性。本文对城市建筑存量的概念进行解析,全面阐述了城市建筑存量研究的意义,概述了城市建筑存量研究的系统边界、内涵和研究方法等,总结了城市建筑存量研究的三大领域:城市建筑存量时空演变及影响因素研究、城市建筑废弃物资源化开发潜力分析研究和城市可持续管理决策支持系统开发的研究现状。目前城市建筑存量理论体系尚不够完善、定量工具和基础数据库严重缺乏,对于城市决策支持不足,未来应在城市建筑存量时空演变及环境影响分析、开发融合多学科交叉及新技术应用的分析方法和辅助城市可持续管理决策三个领域加强和深化研究。  相似文献   

我国上市公司资本结构的主要特点是偏好股权投资、流动负债比率偏高、债券比重小。要改变我国上市公司资本结构中呈现的重股轻债的状况,需采取优化股权结构、发展和完善债券市场、规范股市行为等措施,使我国上市公司的资本结构日趋合理。  相似文献   

Among the many factors that contribute to overexploitation of marine fisheries, the role played by uncertainty is important. This uncertainty includes both the scientific uncertainties related to the resource dynamics or assessments and the uncontrollability of catches. Some recent works advocate for the use of marine reserves as a central element of future stock management. In the present paper, we study the influence of protected areas upon fisheries sustainability through a simple dynamic model integrating non-stochastic harvesting uncertainty and a constraint of safe minimum biomass level. Using the mathematical concept of invariance kernel in a robust and worst-case context, we examine through a formal modeling analysis how marine reserves might guarantee viable fisheries. We also show how sustainability requirement is not necessarily conflicting with optimization of catches. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the main findings.  相似文献   

Economic interpretations of sustainable development have concentrated on the need to maintain the aggregate capital stock intact, so as to ensure a constant stream of welfare through time. A sectoral approach to sustainability, in terms of this model, will be justified if substitution possibilities between that sector and the rest of the economy are limited. This assumption is examined in relation to the water sector, and it is found that further assumptions about substitution possibilities need to be made within the sector itself. Suggestions are offered as to how such substitutions might be made to advantage, which is contrasted to recent water management practices in England and Wales. It is argued that assumptions about substitution possibilities are in general overly restrictive, with the result that sustainability objectives fall short of optimum levels that could be achieved.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Turner and Grace1 discuss a simulation of a buffer stock agency acting in the waste paper market in the UK. As with other writers on this subject, they consider that a buffer stock agency would have lost money if it had operated in the UK market over the period 1961–1974, a finding in keeping with simulations of primary commodity schemes2. However, Turner and Grace legitimately ask whether there are any external benefits associated with a buffer stock scheme and credit the scheme with savings in that waste paper bought by the buffer stock agency does not enter the waste stream, and hence results in savings to the waste disposal authority. This paper examines the question of whether buffer stock agencies will have any such associated external benefits, and argues that benefits are positive, but are not of the magnitude implied in previous studies  相似文献   

我国鲟鱼类资源及其保护与发展途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲟鱼类为北半球古老的大型经济鱼类,栖息于太平洋、大西洋和内陆水域,是世界著名的经济鱼类.近年来在有关科研项目的支持下,对我国境内的11种鲟鱼类资源进行了生物学、生态学等方面的一系列调查研究.本文着重论述了鲟鱼类的自然分布、经济与科研价值,分析了资源现状及其衰退原因,并提出今后资源保护与发展的8个途径.  相似文献   

The soil carbon (C) stock of the Republic of Ireland is estimated to have been 2048 Mt in 1990 and 2021 Mt in 2000. Peat holds around 53% of the soil C stock, but on 17% of the land area. The C density of soils (tCha(-1)) is mapped at 2 km x 2 km resolution. The greatest soil C densities occur where deep raised bogs are the dominant soil; in these grid squares C density can reach 3000 tCha(-1). Most of the loss of soil C between 1990 and 2000-up to 23 MtC (1% of 1990 soil C stock)-was through industrial peat extraction. The average annual change in soil C stocks from 1990 to 2000 due to land use change was estimated at around 0.02% of the 1990 stock. Considering uncertainties in the data used to calculate soil C stocks and changes, the small average annual 'loss' could be regarded as 'no change'.  相似文献   

完善我国油气勘探资金筹措渠道的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对我国目前油气勘探资金贫乏、渠道单一的现象,提出了通过建立石油股票和债券市场实施公司投资,开辟地质市场和引进外资等方式来完善我国油气勘探资金的筹措渠道,以促进油气勘探业的发展。  相似文献   

A national material flow model for concrete, the most popular construction material in Ireland, was developed based on the framework of material flow analysis. Using this model the Irish concrete cycle for the year 2007 was constructed by analysing the material life cycle of concrete which consists of the three phases of: production (including extraction of raw materials and manufacture of cement), usage (ready-mix and other products) and waste management (disposal or recovery). In this year, approximately 35 million metric tonnes of raw materials were consumed to produce 5 million metric tonnes of cement and 33 million metric tonnes of concrete. Concrete production was approximately 8 metric tonnes per capita. By comparison, the concrete waste produced in that year was minimal at only 0.3 million metric tonnes. Irish building stock is young and there was little demolition of structures in the year of study. However this build up of construction stock will have implications for the future waste flows when the majority of stock built in the last decade (43% of residential stock was constructed in the last 15 years) reaches its end of life.  相似文献   

Regional patterns of soil organic carbon stocks in China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is of great importance in the global carbon cycle. Distribution patterns of SOC in various regions of China constitute a nation-wide baseline for studies on soil carbon changes. This paper presents an integrated and multi-level study on SOC stock patterns of China, and presents baseline SOC stock estimates by great administrative regions, river watersheds, soil type regions and ecosystem. The assignment is done by means of a recently completed 1: 1,000,000 scale soil database of China, which is the most detailed and reliable one in China at the present time. SOC densities of 7292 soil profiles collected across China in the middle of the 1980s were calculated and then linked to corresponding polygons in a digital soil map, resulting in a SOC Density Map of China on a 1: 1,000,000 scale, and a 1 km x 1 km grid map. Corresponding maps of administrative regions, river watersheds, soil types (ST), and ecosystems in China were also prepared with an identical resolution and coordinate control points, allowing GIS analyses. Results show that soils in China cover an area of 9.281 x 10(6)km(2) in total, with a total SOC stock of 89.14 Pg (1 Pg=10(15)g) and a mean SOC density of 96.0 t C/ha. Confidence limits of the SOC stock and density in China are estimated as [89.23 Pg, 89.08 Pg] and [96.143 t C/ha, 95.981 t C/ha] at 95% probability, respectively. The largest total SOC stock (23.60 Pg) is found in South-west China while the highest mean SOC density (181.9 t C/ha) is found in north-east China. The total SOC stock and the mean SOC density in the Yangtze river watershed are 21.05 Pg and 120.0 t C/ha, respectively, while the corresponding figures in the Yellow river watershed are 8.46 Pg and 104.3 t C/ha, respectively. The highest total SOC stocks are found in Inceptisols (34.39 Pg) with SOC density of 102.8 t C/ha. The lowest and highest mean SOC densities are found on Entisols (28.1 t C/ha), and on Histosols (994.728.1 t C/ha), respectively. Finally, the total SOC stock in shrub and forest ecosystem classes are 25.55 and 21.50 Pg, respectively; the highest mean SOC density (209.9 t C/ha) was recorded in the wetland ecosystem class and the lowest (29.0 t C/ha) in the desert ecosystem class. Among five forest ecosystem types, Evergreen conifer forest stores the highest SOC stock (6.81 Pg), and Deciduous conifer forest shows the highest SOC density (225.9 t C/ha). Figures of SOC stocks stratified by Administrative regions, river watersheds, soil types and ecosystem types presented in the study may constitute national-wide baseline for studies of SOC stock changes in various regions in the future.  相似文献   

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