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Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts has been isolated from waters worldwide. In Italy, studies on these parasites in the environment are still limited due to absence of epidemiological evidence and difficulty of adequate methodologies of sampling and analysis. The new Drinking Water Directive 98/83/CE states that Cryptosporidium has to be determined in water intended for human consumption if Clostridium perfringens is detected. This investigation contributes to the knowledge of both Cryptosporidium and Giardia occurrences in Italian aquatic environments through a two-year monitoring program. In addition, indicator bacteria and Clostridium perfringens were monitored in sewage, surface waters, drinking water, and swimming pools and possible correlations were calculated among all the selected parameters. Cysts and oocysts were detected in sewage and surface water and Giardia numbers always prevailed over Cryptosporidium. The parasites were not detected in drinking water, while a positive sample was obtained from the analysis of swimming pools. Pearsons correlation coefficients evidenced a reciprocal correlation between both the protozoa and the Enterococci counts.  相似文献   

Immunomagnetic separation (IMS) has been specified as a standard method for the measurement of Giardia under USEPA Method 1623. In this study, IMS was evaluated on the basis of recovery efficiencies for Giardia cysts under various IMS operation conditions. Significant change in recovery was observed by altering the debris ratio of water samples. Notably, cyst recovery efficiencies utilizing IMS dropped with increased turbidity, and results for varying dosages of magnetic beads and cysts indicate that 1 / 100 immunomagnetic beads is sufficient to conjugate large numbers of cysts. Changing vessel volume and replacing the sample buffer had no significant effect on cyst recovery efficiencies.  相似文献   

流式细胞术在水质检测领域的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流式细胞术作为一种新兴技术,具有检测快速简便、灵敏度高等优点,在水环境突发污染事件及水处理工艺的评价中正发挥着重要作用。随着荧光染色及配套技术的突破性发展,流式细胞术在水环境领域的研究和应用得到逐步拓展。笔者系统评述了流式细胞术检测原理及技术特点、水环境检测影响因素及其应用进展等,并对该技术在水质检测评价中的推广应用提出建议。  相似文献   

Contaminated water are recognized as a potential source of Cryptosporidium oocysts. In Italy studies on the environmentalspread of the parasite are still scarce even if a high frequencyof serological responses could suggest high rates of endemic Cryptosporidium infections. In this investigation theoccurrence of the parasite in water samples from a municipalwastewater treatment plant was monitored with the aim to evaluatepossible correlation between oocysts and bacterial indicators,pathogens and physico-chemical parameters using a multivariateanalysis. Data collected showed high numbers of oocysts, with ahigh percentage of positive samples and a significant correlationwith pH, redox potential and total organic carbon. No correlationwas found between Cryptosporidium concentration and that of the other microrganisms. The results, through a probing statistical analysis, show that none of the selected microrganisms was a reliable predictor of the presence of theparasite.  相似文献   

Popularity of herbal drugs is increasing all over the world because of lesser side effects as compared to synthetic drugs. Besides, it costs less and easily available to poor people particularly in developing countries. But quality assurance of herbal drugs is very necessary prior to its use. Because in today's polluted environment, even herbal drugs are not safe. Berberis spp. is very important medicinal plant, having various medicinal properties. It is also included in Indian and British pharmacopoeias. Its demand is quite high in herbal drug market. So, to check the quality of market samples of this drug, ten different samples were procured from different drug markets of India for heavy metal estimation. Besides, genuine samples of four species of Berberis viz. B. aristata, B. chitria, B. lycium, B. asiatica were also collected from natural habitats to compare heavy metal concentration in both market and genuine samples. It was found that market samples were much more contaminated than genuine samples. Lead (Pb) concentration is far beyond from WHO permissible limit (10 ppm) for herbal drugs, reaching to maximum 49.75 ppm in Amritsar market sample. Likewise, concentration of all other metals like Cd, Cr and Ni were also very high in market samples as compared to genuine samples.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to study the impact of metal accumulation on malondialdehyde (MDA), cysteine and non-protein thiol (NPSH) contents in the plants of Prosopis juliflora grown on the fly ash (FA) amended with soil, blue green algae (BGA) biofertilizer, farm yard manure, press mud and Rhizobium inoculation. The analysis of data revealed that the level of MDA, cysteine and NPSH was higher in the roots of the plant than leaves, which was found positively correlated with metal accumulation. An increase of 361.14, 64.25 and 305.62% in MDA, cysteine and NPSH contents, respectively was observed after 45 days in the roots of the plants grown in 100% FA as compared to 100% garden soil (GS). The level of MDA, cysteine and NPSH was found less in the plants grown on various amendments of FA showing ameliorating effect on the toxicity induced due to the accumulation of metals. The decrease in MDA, cysteine and NPSH contents was higher in Rhizobium-inoculated plants as compared to uninoculated plants grown on 100% FA. The results showed a high tolerance potential of the plant, which is further increased by inoculating the plant with FA-tolerant Rhizobium showing feasibility of using P. juliflora in environmental monitoring of FA landfills.  相似文献   

A hundred Enterococcus strains were isolated from seawater samples collected from coastal areas of Istanbul. Isolates were identified to the species level using standard biochemical tests specified by Facklam and Collins. The species distribution was as follows Enterococcus faecalis (96%), Enterococcus gallinarum (3%) and Enterococcus solitarius (1%). The resistance of bacteria to both heavy metals (zinc [Zn], iron [Fe], cadmium [Cd], chrome [Cr], cobalt [Co]) and antibiotics (ampicillin 10 μg [AP], penicillin G 10 Units [PG], gentamycin 10 μg [GM], streptomycin 10 μg [S], chloramphenicol 10 μg [C], erythromycin 15 μg [E], kanamycin 30 μg [K], amikacin 30 μg [AK], nalidixic acid 30 μg [NA], and vancomycin 30 μg [VA]) was evaluated. None of the strains was resistant to VA. It was found that among the 100 isolates, those that exhibit resistance to antibiotics, particularly NA, S and K, were also resistant all the heavy metals tested. To our knowledge this is the first report focusing on determination of resistance of environmental enterococci found in Istanbul against heavy metals and antibiotics. Thus, combined expressions of antibiotic and heavy metal resistance may help to reinforce ecological and epidemiological studies and to determine the role of these strains in antibiotic and heavy metal resistance dissemination.  相似文献   

铅锌尾矿库周边土壤重金属污染特征及环境风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以尾矿库周边土壤为研究对象,用改进BCR法探讨Zn、Pb、Ni、Cu、Cr形态特征,用污染因子Cf和风险评价代码RAC评估环境风险。结果表明:Pb污染最重,总量是区域背景值的2倍多,污染剖面各重金属总量垂向分布均匀,污染已扩散至1 m深;5种金属均主要以残渣态存在,有效态、可交换态Pb质量占比均高于其他4种金属,与表层土壤相比,中、下层污染剖面各金属以更稳定的形态存在;Zn、Ni、Cu、Cr在表层或污染剖面土壤均存在低风险,部分点位Pb存在中度风险。  相似文献   

Larvae of Chironomus riparius and Prodiamesa olivacea were sampled at intervals overthe period November 1993 and October 1995 from theriver Sar in Galicia (N.W. Spain), with the aim ofinvestigating possible temporal variations in thefrequency of deformed individuals and in `Toxic Score'values (Lenat, 1993), a score for severity of theabnormalities calculated for each species. The resultsobtained indicate that, in both species, deformitiesare more frequent during the colder period of theyear. Similarly, Toxic Score values are higher duringthis period. These finding suggest that studies usingchironomid larvae as indicators of contaminationsshould involve sampling over an extended period, tominimize the influence of temporal variation.  相似文献   

Natural spring water has unique properties, as it is rich in minerals that are considered to be beneficial to human health. A survey of the microbiological quality of natural spring water was conducted to assess possible risks from the consumption of the water by visitors in recreational mountain areas located in Seoul, South Korea. The densities of total coliforms and Escherichia coli were measured during the spring and the summer of 2002 to investigate the presence of coliform bacteria in the drinking spring waters. Total coliforms were detected in all samples and the mean density of total coliforms was up to a maximum of 228 CFU/mL. Detectable E. coli was found in 78% of all samples and the mean densities of E. coli varied from a minimum of 0 CFU/mL to a maximum of 15 CFU/mL in all samples. Malfunctioning septic systems and wildlife population appear to be the main source of E. coli contamination. Presence of E. coli in natural spring water indicates potential adverse health effects for individuals or populations exposed to this water. The fecal contaminated spring water may present an unacceptable risk to humans if it is used as raw drinking water.  相似文献   

Pesticide applications to agricultural lands in California, USA, are reported to a central data base, while data on water and sediment quality are collected by a number of monitoring programs. Data from both sources are geo-referenced, allowing spatial analysis of relationships between pesticide application rates and the chemical and biological condition of water bodies. This study collected data from 12 watersheds, selected to represent a range of pesticide usage. Water quality parameters were measured during six surveys of stream sites receiving runoff from the selected watershed areas. This study had three objectives: to evaluate the usefulness of pesticide application data in selecting regional monitoring sites, to provide information for generating and testing hypotheses about pesticide fate and effects, and to determine whether in-stream nitrate concentration was a useful surrogate indicator for regional monitoring of toxic substances. Significant correlations were observed between pesticide application rates and in-stream pesticide concentrations (p < 0.05) and toxicity (p < 0.10). In-stream nitrate concentrations were not significantly correlated with either the amount of pesticides applied, in-stream pesticide concentrations, or in-stream toxicity (all p > 0.30). Neither total watershed area nor the area in which pesticide usage was reported correlated significantly with the amount of pesticides applied, in-stream pesticide concentrations, or in-stream toxicity (all p > 0.14). In-stream pesticide concentrations and effects were more closely related to the intensity of pesticide use than to the area under cultivation.  相似文献   

基于2013-2021年渤海遥感反射率和叶绿素a浓度等实测数据,开展了该海域MODIS影像的叶绿素a浓度遥感反演模型研究。选择OC3经典模型形式,采用渤海的实测数据进行拟合分析,获取了适用于渤海的模型局地化参数,通过真实性检验得到叶绿素a浓度的遥感反演结果与实测值的决定系数为0.84,平均相对误差为24.77%,均方根误差为5.56 μg/L,反演精度较佳。利用该算法反演获取了渤海2002-2021年叶绿素a的月度、季度和年度平均浓度,分析了其时空变化特征,同时结合2001-2021年渤海非优良水质比例开展了环境响应分析。分析结果显示:2001-2021年,渤海非优良水质比例与同时期叶绿素a浓度变化趋势基本一致,呈现先变差后变好的倒V形趋势;5年平均的非优良水质比例与叶绿素a浓度变化趋势更直观地反映了2001-2021年渤海整体的水环境变化趋势,与非优良水质比例相比,叶绿素a浓度对渤海水环境的改善响应更快。  相似文献   

以北京市2002—2016年PM10日均浓度序列数据为基础,结合小波分析、Mann-Kendall检验、滑动t检验等分析方法,研究PM10浓度随时间变化的周期性、趋势性及突变性特征。结果表明:PM10日均浓度变化具有较典型的季节周期性,主周期为300 d左右,次周期为150 d左右。不同周期分析结果显示,PM10污染春季最高,冬季次高,夏末秋初最低。总体上,PM10浓度以平均每年约4 μg/m3的速率递减。2009年以前PM10浓度呈波动变化,降低趋势不显著,2009年1月为序列的突变点,突变后呈显著下降趋势。  相似文献   

Febros river water was sampled weekly, during 35 successive weeks, and analyzed for microbiological (total coliforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci and enterococci) and chemical-physical (ammonia and temperature) parameters. All microbiological parameters were highly correlated with each other and with ammonia, suggesting that the simultaneous determination of all variables currently in use in the evaluation of the microbiological quality of waters is probably redundant, and could be simplified, and that ammonia should be tested as a sentinel parameter of the microbiological pollution load of Febros river. From the strains isolated from positive tubes of the faecal coliforms test (multiple tube fermentation technique) and retested in this assay, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae strains were positive, indicating that the faecal coliforms test is not totally specific for Escherichia coli, and can detect other bacteria. Considering that these Klebsiella spp. are not necessarily of faecal origin, it was concluded that the faecal coliforms test can overestimate true faecal pollution. From the strains isolated from positive tubes of the faecal coliforms procedure, only Escherichia coli strains were clearly positive in the β-D-glucuronidase test. All other species were negative or very weakly positive, suggesting that the assay of the β-D-glucuronidase activity is less prone to false positives than the faecal coliforms test in the quantification of Escherichia coli in environmental waters.  相似文献   

Auto-pollution is the by-product of our mechanized mobility, which adversely affects both plant and human life. However, plants growing in the urban locations provide a great respite to us from the brunt of auto-pollution by absorbing the pollutants at their foliar surface. Foliar surface configuration and biochemical changes in two selected plant species, namely Ficus religiosa L. and Thevetia nerifolia L., growing at IT crossing (highly polluted sites), Picup bhawan crossing (moderately polluted site) and Kukrail Forest Picnic Spot (Low polluted site) were investigated. It was observed that auto-exhaust pollution showed marked alterations in photosynthetic pigments, protein and cysteine contents and also in leaf area and foliar surface architecture of plants growing at HP site as compared to LP site. The changes in the foliar configuration reveal that these plants can be used as biomarkers of auto-pollution.  相似文献   

千岛湖地区是我国重要的自然保护区,属于典型生态功能区。当前,臭氧(O3)正频繁成为影响千岛湖地区空气质量的首要污染物,但对于与此相关的千岛湖地区O3生成敏感性,研究人员目前仍未了解清楚。利用2019—2021年TROPOMI卫星观测数据,运用O3生成敏感性指示剂方法,即甲醛对流层垂直柱浓度和二氧化氮对流层垂直柱浓度的比值(FNR),量化解析了千岛湖地区O3生成敏感区的时空演化特征。结果表明,千岛湖地区FNR呈现逐年升高趋势,且显著高于杭州市主城区。千岛湖地区氮氧化物(NOx)控制区逐年扩张,自2019年开始,由西南向东北逐步蔓延。截至2021年,NOx控制区已基本覆盖整个千岛湖地区。千岛湖地区O3生成敏感区在夏季基本属于NOx控制区,在其他季节属于NOx控制区或协同控制区。结合气象再分析数据发现,FNR与温度呈强正相关(r=0.8),与相对湿度呈较弱正相关,与风速和云液态水含量呈较弱负相关。当温度大于7.0 ℃、风速小于6.2 m/s、云液态水含量小于5.5×10-5 g/m3、相对湿度大于57.5%时,O3生成趋向于受NOx控制。此外,与杭州市相比,千岛湖地区O3生成对气象参数变化更为敏感。研究成果对我国典型生态功能区O3污染防控具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

Active moss biomonitoring using the species Sphagnum girgensohnii was tested at a strongly polluted site in Romania (Baia Mare) according to a novel sampling design. Nine moss transplants from each of the two background areas (Dubna, Russia and Vitosha Mountain, Bulgaria) were deployed in parallel on balconies about 24 m above street level for 4 months. The samples were analyzed for 36 elements using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Based on the results obtained the sampling variability is discussed in relation to the analytical variability, and the relative uptake of the different elements is assessed. The moss-bags using Sphagnum girgensohnii demonstrate a high or a very high relative uptake for a majority of the 36 investigated elements, but the values depend on the initial element concentration in the moss. Moss leaves analyzed separately showed somewhat higher levels than stems for many elements. Practical considerations however still speak in favor of using the whole moss for transplants.  相似文献   

The concentrations of metals (Ca, Cd, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry in water, sediments and fish samples in the Ogun river catchments, Ketu, Lagos, which is an important bird nesting, fishing and drinking water source. The results show that the southern tip bothering the Lagos lagoon is where the highest metal concentrations are found in the fish species (Tilapia sp. and Chrysichthys sp.), whereas the Agboyi creek segment near the lagoon with higher surrounding human population density recorded higher levels of metals in sediments and water samples. The two fish species accumulated different amounts of metals. However, the differences were not statistically different at p < 0.05. There is a significant correlation (p < 0.05) for Cd concentration in water. The concentrations of Pb in sampling points 3 and 4 as well as Cd, Mn and Fe in all six sampling points exceeds the World Health Organization (WHO) limits for drinking water. Levels of metals obtained for sediments are within the range reported for Nigeria’s river sediments. Based on this study, the human risks for heavy metals in the harvested fish species from the Ogun river catchments, Ketu, are low for now as the concentrations were below the recommended Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) maximum limits for Pb (0.5 mg/Kg), Cd (0.5 mg/Kg), and Zn (30 mg/Kg) in fish.  相似文献   

Transportation system has contributed significantly to the development of human civilization; on the other hand it has an enormous impact on the ambient air quality in several ways. In this paper the air and noise pollution at selected sites along three sections of National Highway was monitored. Pakistan National Highway Authority has started a Highway Improvement program for rehabilitations and maintenance of National highways to improve the traffic flows, and would ultimately improve the air quality along highways. The ambient air quality and noise level was monitored at nine different locations along these sections of highways to quantify the air pollution. The duration of monitoring at individual location was 72 h. The most of the sampling points were near the urban or village population, schools or hospitals, in order to quantify the air pollution at most affected locations along these roads. A database consisting of information regarding the source of emission, local metrology and air quality may be created to assess the profile of air quality in the area.  相似文献   

Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) analysis and regression modeling techniques were used to identify surface water areas impacted by fecal pollution from human sources, and to determine the effects of land use on fecal pollution in Murrells Inlet, a small, urbanized, high-salinity estuary located between Myrtle Beach and Georgetown, South Carolina. MAR analysis was performed to identify areas in the estuary that are impacted by human-source fecal pollution. Additionally, regression analysis was performed to determine if an association exists between land use and fecal coliform densities over the ten-year period from 1989 to 1998. Land-use variables were derived using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques and were used in the regression analysis.MAR analyses were conducted by comparing the frequency and patterns of antibiotic resistance found in Escherichia coli isolates derived from surface water samples and from sewage sources in the Murrells Inlet sewage collection system. The MAR results suggest that the majority of the fecal pollution detected in the Murrells Inlet estuary may be from non-human sources, including fecal coliforms isolated from areas in close proximity to high densities of active septic tanks.A MAR Index, which measures the frequency of antibiotic resistance, was calculated for each of twenty-three water samples and nine sewage samples. The antibiotic resistance pattern comparisons were performed using cluster analysis. Although the MAR indices indicated that several surface water sites had potential human-source contamination, the cluster analysis suggests that only one sampling site had MAR patterns that were similar to those found in the sewage samples. This site was in close proximity to several large pleasure boats as well as a sewage collection system lift station, but was not near areas with active septic tanks. The results of the regression analysis also suggest that sewage sources and rainfall runoff from urbanized areas may contribute to fecal pollution in the estuary.  相似文献   

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