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Persistent organic pollutants in mangrove food webs in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, persistent organic pollutants were quantified in sediments, subsurface seawater, sea-surface microlayer and twenty-four biota species collected at two separate mangrove habitats in Singapore. Data confirmed the ubiquity of POPs, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), in the marine environment of Singapore. A biomagnification phenomenon was observed amongst the species collected and analysed from both mangrove sites studied. Thunder crabs and fish displayed the highest POP levels. Congener profiles of PBDEs varied amongst mangrove biota species and suggested different metabolic pathways exist for flame retardants. Similarly, crab species showed an ability to metabolize chlordane insecticide.  相似文献   

Qin YY  Leung CK  Leung AO  Zheng JS  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2011,82(9):1329-1336
This study aims to investigate levels of POPs in meat, edible oils, nuts, milk and wine collected from Hong Kong. Naphthalene, pp-DDE, beta-, gamma-HCH and PBDE 47 were detected in most of the food items. Goose liver accumulated the highest PAHs (47.9 ng g−1 wet wt), DDTs (25.6), HCHs (13.0), PCBs (4.17), PBDEs (468 pg g−1 wet wt) among all the selected food. Meat and nut groups had significant (p < 0.01 or 0.05) correlations between lipid contents and concentrations of PAHs (meat: r = 0.878), HCHs (meat: r = 0.753), DDTs (meat: r = 0.937; nuts: r = 0.968) and PCBs (meat: r = 0.832; nut: r = 0.946). The concentrations of DDTs, HCHs and PCBs in vegetable oil were lower, but HCHs in fish oil were higher, when compared with other countries. The concentrations of PAHs, DDTs, PCBs and PBDEs in food tested in the present study were all below various safety guidelines.  相似文献   

Organohalogen pollutants (OHPs), including dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs), and dechlorane plus (DP), were determined in three raptor species, namely, the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), eagle owl (Bubo bubo), and little owl (Athene noctua), as well as in their primary prey items: Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) and brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). DDTs were the predominant pollutants in avian species followed by PBDEs and PCBs, then minimally contribution of HBCDs and DP. Inter-species differences in the PBDE congener profiles were observed between the owls and the common kestrels, with relatively high contributions of lower brominated congeners in the owls but highly brominated congeners in the kestrels. This result may partly be attributed to a possible greater in vivo biotransformation of highly brominated BDE congeners in owls than in kestrels. α-HBCD was the predominant diastereoisomer with a preferential enrichment of (−)-enantiomer in all the samples. No stereoselective bioaccumulation was found for DP isomers in the investigated species. Biomagnification factor (BMF) values were generally higher in the rat−owl food chain than in the sparrow−kestrel food chain. Despite this food chain-specific biomagnification, the relationships between the log BMF and log KOW of PCBs and PBDEs followed a similar function in the two food chains, except for BDE-47, -99, and -100 in the sparrow−kestrel feeding relationship.  相似文献   

几种观叶植物对室内污染物的净化效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了寻求减少室内空气污染物的措施和技术,我们用吊兰、虎尾兰、君子兰和橡皮树做为试材,开展一系列有针对性的试验.结果表明,这4种室内观叶植物都能吸收室内有毒有害气体,但作用效果差异明显.虎尾兰效果最佳,7 d内室内甲醛总量的减少率比对照多64.6%,二甲苯总量的减少率比对照多61.4%,总挥发性有机物(TVOC)总量的减少率比对照多64.8%;而橡皮树的作用效果最差.  相似文献   

Oenema O  Pietrzak S 《Ambio》2002,31(2):159-168
The notion of management has undergone many changes during the past century. Nowadays, management is perceived as "specialized activity to achieve targets." Skill in management is the single most important factor determining the economic and environmental performance of agroecosystems. Nutrient management is "management of nutrients to achieve agronomic and environmental targets;" it requires proper understanding of nutrient cycling, site- and farm-specific guidelines and technology, and often direct coaching. These activities are diverse and complicated, especially in mixed farming systems that involve both crop and animal production. To be effective, economic and environmental targets must be coherent, flexible, and controllable. They also must be defined and implemented quantitatively at strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Data from farms in Poland and The Netherlands are used to show how economic incentives, provided through governmental policies and measures in both countries, can improve nutrient-use efficiency by a factor of 2 on many intensively managed mixed farming systems.  相似文献   

Predictive correlations of the bioaccumulation factor of persistent organic pollutants in aquatic biota are presented as functions of their octanol/water partition coefficient. The correlations demonstrate the importance of differentiating among the different levels in the food web and of accounting for the pollutant's bioavailability by considering the amount freely dissolved in water instead of the total concentration. They also reveal the significance of the pollutant's octanol/water partition coefficient value on its biomagnification along the levels of the trophic chain. Prediction results, finally, demonstrate that the correlations provide reasonably accurate estimates of bioaccumulation, typically within an order-of-magnitude.  相似文献   

浮床植物对雨水中氮磷等污染物的去除效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下,研究以美人蕉、空心菜及两者混合这3种情况下浮床植物对雨水中N、P和COD等营养盐类的去除效果及植物生长状况。结果表明两者混合种植时对TN、TP和COD的去除效果更好,其中美人蕉对TP的去除效果相对较好,空心菜对TN、COD的去除效果较好。选用混合浮床在镇江市雨水利用示范区进行雨水处理,由实验结果得知,混合植物浮床对雨水中TP、TN、COD、SS和浊度的去除效果良好,最高去除率分别达到86%、67.4%、66.4%、93.5%和95.4%。出水水质完全符合城市绿化用水标准,从而在达到雨水回用的目的,对成熟的美人蕉和空心菜进行6种重金属含量检测,也均达到相关的食用及药用标准。  相似文献   

随着我国火电厂大气污染物排放标准的日趋严格,燃煤发电企业陆续开展环保装备升级改造工作,其中部分燃煤电厂已完成大气污染物超低排放改造工作。目前,针对超低排放改造后的成本效益,仍缺乏系统性的分析及评估。基于大量电厂运行DCS及CEMS数据,以某百万燃煤机组烟气污染物超低排放技术改造的情况为实际案例,采用费用-效益分析的方法,对其展开超低排放技术运行经济性评估及研究。同时,结合情景分析,研究负荷、含硫量及年发电时间等关键影响因素变化对污染物脱除成本的影响。结果表明:改造后,污染物(SO2、NOx及PM)脱除成本比改造前增加约13~20元·(MWh)-1,约占上网电价的2.8%~4.4%。改造后,该电厂SO2、NOx及PM排放绩效分别达到0.048、0.109及0.007 g·(kWh)-1,每年可产生环境效益约1 344万元。此外,提升机组运行负荷能显著降低污染物脱除装备运行成本从实际运行平均负荷(66%负荷)提高到满负荷运行,FGD、SCR脱硝及ESP+WESP除尘单位发电量运行成本分别可下降约30.5%、32.1%和38.1%。  相似文献   



When fossil fuels on the Earth are used up, which kind of green energy can be used to replace them? Do every bioenergy generation or crop food chain results in environmental pollution? These questions are major concerns in a world facing restricted supplies of energy and food as well as environmental pollutions. To alleviate these issues, option biogases are explored in this paper.

Materials and methods

Two types of biogas generators were used for modifying the traditional crop food chain [viz. from atmospheric CO2 photosynthesis to crops, crop stem/husk biowastes (burnt in cropland or as home fuels), to livestock droppings (dumping away), pork and people foods, then to CO2], via turning the biowaste pollutants into green bioenergies. By analyzing the traditional food chain via observation method, the drawbacks of by-product biowastes were revealed. Also, the whole cycle chain was further analyzed to assess its ??greenness,?? using experimental data and other information, such as the material balance (e.g., the absorbed CO2, investment versus generated food, energy, and wastes).

Results and discussion

The data show that by using the two types of biogas generators, clean renewable bioenergy, crop food, and livestock meat could be continuously produced without creating any waste to the world. The modification chain largely reduced CO2 greenhouse gas and had a low-cost investment. The raw materials for the gas generators were only the wastes of crop stems and livestock droppings. Thus, the recommended CO2 bioenergy cycle chain via the modification also greatly solved the environmental biowaste pollutions in the world.


The described two type biogases effectively addressed the issues on energy, food, and environmental pollution. The green renewable bioenergy from the food cycle chain may be one of suitable alternatives to fossil and tree fuels for agricultural countries.  相似文献   

The capacity to reach lower bounds for extraction of pollutants from wastewater by four floating aquatic macrophytes--water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), salvinia (Salvinia rotundifolia), and water primroses (Ludvigia palustris)--is investigated. It is shown that the following lower bounds can be established for wastewater purification with water hyacinth: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 1.3 mg/L; chemical oxygen demand (COD), 11.3 mg/L; total suspended solids (TSS), 0.5 mg/L; turbidity, 0.7 NTU; ammonia, 0.2 mg/L; and phosphorus, 1.4 mg/L. Also, the following lower bounds can be established for wastewater purification with water lettuce: BOD, 1.8 mg/L; COD, 12.5 mg/L; TSS, 0.5 mg/L; turbidity, 0.9 NTU; ammonia, 0.2 mg/L; and phosphorus, 1.6 mg/L. These lower bounds were reached in 11- to 17-day experiments that were performed on diluted wastewater with reduced initial contents of the tested water quality indicators. As expected, water hyacinth exhibited the highest rates and levels of pollutant removal, thereby producing the best lower bounds of the water quality indicators. Given the initially low levels, BOD was further reduced by 86.3%, COD by 66.6%, ammonia by 97.8%, and phosphorus by 65.0% after 11 days of a batch experiment. The capacity of water plants to purify dilute wastewater streams opens new options for their application in the water treatment industry.  相似文献   

近年来,水体中全氟烷基酸的暴露、来源和去除受到国内外关注,关于植物对全氟烷基酸单一污染水体净化的研究较多,但对于水体营养盐和全氟烷基酸等复合污染治理的研究较为缺乏。为此,选取鸢尾(Iris tectorum)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、金鱼藻(Phragmites australis)和眼子菜(Potamogetonpusillus)为研究对象,通过室内水培实验研究了4种水生植物对复合污染水体中营养盐和全氟烷基酸(PFAAs)的去除效果。结果表明,4种水生植物对复合污染水体中营养盐和全氟烷基酸(PFAAs)均具有较好的去除能力,且不同植物对各污染物的去除效果有所差异。各植物对TN、TP、全氟辛酸(PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)的去除率分别为(56.36±4.83)%~(79.90±4.79)%、(47.36±2.18)%~(64.52±4.78)%、(38.25±3.25)%~(67.33±5.58)%和(46.23±3.93)%~(83.14±5.49)%。鸢尾对营养盐的去除效果最好,对TN和TP的去除率分别为(79.90±4.79)%和(64.52±4.78)%,但对PFOA和PFOS的去除率仅为(38.25±3.25)%和(46.23±3.93)%;金鱼藻对全氟烷基酸的去除效果显著,其植株体内PFOA和PFOS的富集含量分别可达(31.56±1.01) µg·g−1和(37.15±1.54) µg·g−1。所有植物对PFOS的富集效果优于PFOA,且在挺水植物中,PFOS比PFOA更倾向于在植物根部积累。  相似文献   

Regulatory control of mercury emission from anthropogenic sources has become a global concern in the recent past. Coal-fired power plants are one of the largest sources of anthropogenic mercury emission into the atmosphere. This paper summarizes the current reducing trend of mercury emission as co-beneficial effect by more stringent regulation changes to control primary air pollutants with introducing test results from the commercial coal-fired facilities and suggesting a guideline for future regulatory development in Korea. On average, mercury emission concentrations ranged 16.3–2.7 μg Sm?3, 2.4–1.1 μg Sm?3, 3.1–0.7 μg Sm?3 from anthracite coal-fired power plants equipped with electrostatic precipitator (ESP), bituminous coal-fired power plants with ESP + flue gas desulphurization (FGD) and bituminous coal-fired power plants with selective catalytic reactor (SCR) + cold side (CS) ? ESP + wet FGD, respectively. Among the existing air pollution control devices, the best configuration for mercury removal in coal-fired power plants was SCR + CS ? ESP + wet FGD, which were installed due to the stringent regulation changes to control primary air pollutants emission such as SO2, NOx and dust. It was estimated that uncontrolled and controlled mercury emission from coal-fired power plants as 10.3 ton yr?1 and 3.2 ton yr?1 respectively. After the installation of ESP, FGD and SCR system, following the enforcement of the stringent regulation, 7.1 ton yr?1 of mercury emission has been reduced (nearly 69%) from coal-fired power plants as a co-benefit control. Based on the overall study, a sample guideline including emission limits were suggested which will be applied to develop a countermeasure for controlling mercury emission from coal-fired power plants.  相似文献   


Contaminated soils can be a source for crop plants of such elements like As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The excessive transfer of As, Cu, Ni, and Zn to the food chain is controlled by a “soil‐plant barrier”; however, for some elements, including Cd, the soil‐plant barrier fails. The level of Cd ingested by average person in USA is about 12 μg/day, which is relatively low comparing to Risk Reference Dose (70 μg Cd/day) established by USEPA. Food of plant origin is a main source of Cd intake by modern society. Fish and shellfish may be a dominant dietary sources of Hg for some human populations. About half of human Pb intake is through food, of which more than half originates from plants. Dietary intake of Cd and Pb may be increased by application of sludges on cropland with already high levels of these metals. Soils amended with sludges in the USA will be permitted (by USEPA‐503 regulations) to accumulate Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Se, and Zn to levels from 10 to 100 times the present baseline concentrations. These levels are very permissive by international standards. Because of the limited supply of toxicity data obtained from metals applied in sewage sludge, predictions as to the new regulations will protect crop plants from metal toxicities, and food chain from contamination, are difficult to make.  相似文献   

Field measurements and data investigations were conducted for developing an emission factor database for inventories of atmospheric pollutants from Chinese coal-fired power plants. Gaseous pollutants and particulate matter (PM) of different size fractions were measured using a gas analyzer and an electric low-pressure impactor (ELPI), respectively, for ten units in eight coal-fired power plants across the country. Combining results of field tests and literature surveys, emission factors with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated by boiler type, fuel quality, and emission control devices using bootstrap and Monte Carlo simulations. The emission factor of uncontrolled SO2 from pulverized combustion (PC) boilers burning bituminous or anthracite coal was estimated to be 18.0S kg t?1 (i.e., 18.0 × the percentage sulfur content of coal, S) with a 95% CI of 17.2S–18.5S. NOX emission factors for pulverized-coal boilers ranged from 4.0 to 11.2 kg t?1, with uncertainties of 14–45% for different unit types. The emission factors of uncontrolled PM2.5, PM10, and total PM emitted by PC boilers were estimated to be 0.4A (where A is the percentage ash content of coal), 1.5A and 6.9A kg t?1, respectively, with 95% CIs of 0.3A–0.5A, 1.1A–1.9A and 5.8A–7.9A. The analogous PM values for emissions with electrostatic precipitator (ESP) controls were 0.032A (95% CI: 0.021A–0.046A), 0.065A (0.039A–0.092A) and 0.094A (0.0656A–0.132A) kg t?1, and 0.0147A (0.0092–0.0225A), 0.0210A (0.0129A–0.0317A), and 0.0231A (0.0142A–0.0348A) for those with both ESP and wet flue-gas desulfurization (wet-FGD). SO2 and NOX emission factors for Chinese power plants were smaller than those of U.S. EPA AP-42 database, due mainly to lower heating values of coals in China. PM emission factors for units with ESP, however, were generally larger than AP-42 values, because of poorer removal efficiencies of Chinese dust collectors. For units with advanced emission control technologies, more field measurements are needed to reduce emission factor uncertainties.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂出水低浓度污染物的生物降解研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于城市污水处理厂出水中含有的低浓度污染物的性能稳定而不易被去除,为探索一种快速、直接的低浓度污染物的深度处理方法,通过采用富二价阳离子斜发沸石作载体的生物沸石曝气滤池对某城市污水厂二级处理出水中的低浓度污染物的去除进行了实验研究,研究结果表明,当污水厂二级处理出水水质年平均指标NH3-N、COD、BOD5、TP及浊度分别为27.4 mg/L、57.2 mg/L、20.4 mg/L、1.7 mg/L和16 NTU时,采用两级生物沸石曝气滤池串联工艺,在第一级生物沸石曝气滤池装填3 m生物沸石,水力停留时间1 h,气水比为2∶1;第二级生物沸石曝气滤池装填2 m生物沸石,水力停留时间为0.5 h,气水比为1∶1,最终出水年平均指标NH3-N 0.13 mg/L、COD 7.55 mg/L(CODMn)、BOD50.78 mg/L、TP0.6 mg/L、浊度为0.13 NTU,出水水质可满足热力发电厂循环冷却补充水的水质要求.此种方法为污水处理厂的出水提供了经济有效的回用途径。  相似文献   

Contaminated soils can be a source for crop plants of such elements like As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The excessive transfer of As, Cu, Ni, and Zn to the food chain is controlled by a "soil-plant barrier"; however, for some elements, including Cd, the soil-plant barrier fails. The level of Cd ingested by average person in USA is about 12 micrograms/day, which is relatively low comparing to Risk Reference Dose (70 micrograms Cd/day) established by USEPA. Food of plant origin is a main source of Cd intake by modern society. Fish and shellfish may be a dominant dietary sources of Hg for some human populations. About half of human Pb intake is through food, of which more than half originates from plants. Dietary intake of Cd and Pb may be increased by application of sludges on cropland with already high levels of these metals. Soils amended with sludges in the USA will be permitted (by USEPA-503 regulations) to accumulate Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Se, and Zn to levels from 10 to 100 times the present baseline concentrations. These levels are very permissive by international standards. Because of the limited supply of toxicity data obtained from metals applied in sewage sludge, predictions as to the new regulations will protect crop plants from metal toxicities, and food chain from contamination, are difficult to make.  相似文献   

Katsoyiannis A  Samara C 《Chemosphere》2007,67(7):1375-1382
Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and conventional active sampling methods were used for the sampling of wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. The occurrence of 22 POPs was shown by both sampling methods. The most abundant compounds were heptachlor-exo-epoxide and PCBs-52; -101 and -180. Concentrations of POPs detected by active sampling and those estimated by the SPMDs matched very well in some cases, but significant mismatches were also observed. Regression analysis of the results detected by both methods showed moderate correlations. The highest uptake rate of hydrophobic compounds by SPMDs was observed for analytes with log K(OW) between 5.5 and 6.0. Our data suggest that active and passive sampling are complimentary, and that at least for the outflow of a WWTP, SPMDs could be used for the routine monitoring of compounds that are listed at the Water Framework Directive of the European Commissions.  相似文献   

This research developed a simulation-aided nonlinear programming model (SNPM). This model incorporated the consideration of pollutant dispersion modeling, and the management of coal blending and the related human health risks within a general modeling framework. In SNPM, the simulation effort (i.e., California puff [CALPUFF]) was used to forecast the fate of air pollutants for quantifying the health risk under various conditions, while the optimization studies were to identify the optimal coal blending strategies from a number of alternatives. To solve the model, a surrogate-based indirect search approach was proposed, where the support vector regression (SVR) was used to create a set of easy-to-use and rapid-response surrogates for identifying the function relationships between coal-blending operating conditions and health risks. Through replacing the CALPUFF and the corresponding hazard quotient equation with the surrogates, the computation efficiency could be improved. The developed SNPM was applied to minimize the human health risk associated with air pollutants discharged from Gaojing and Shijingshan power plants in the west of Beijing. Solution results indicated that it could be used for reducing the health risk of the public in the vicinity of the two power plants, identifying desired coal blending strategies for decision makers, and considering a proper balance between coal purchase cost and human health risk.
Implications:A simulation-aided nonlinear programming model (SNPM) is developed. It integrates the advantages of CALPUFF and nonlinear programming model. To solve the model, a surrogate-based indirect search approach based on the combination of support vector regression and genetic algorithm is proposed. SNPM is applied to reduce the health risk caused by air pollutants discharged from Gaojing and Shijingshan power plants in the west of Beijing. Solution results indicate that it is useful for generating coal blending schemes, reducing the health risk of the public, reflecting the trade-off between coal purchase cost and health risk.  相似文献   

At Cape Vera, Devon Island (Nunavut, Canada), a colony of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) concentrates and releases contaminants through their guano to the environment. We determined whether persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from seabirds were transferred to coastal food webs. Snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) were the most contaminated species, with ∑PCB and ∑DDT (mean: 168, 106 ng/g ww) concentrations surpassing environmental guidelines for protecting wildlife. When examined collectively, PCB congeners and DDT in jewel lichen (Xanthoria elegans) were lower in samples taken farther from the seabird colony, and increased with increasing δ15N values. However, only concentrations of p’p-DDE:∑DDT and PCB-95 were significantly correlated inversely with distance from the seabird cliffs. Linkages between marine-derived POPs and their concentrations in terrestrial mammals were less clear. Our study provides novel contaminant data for these species and supports biovector transport as a source of organic contaminants to certain components of the terrestrial food web.  相似文献   

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