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阐明了环境影响评价中公众参与的定义及特点,对中西方国家环境影响评价中公众参与的起源、法律规定、形式、内容与要求等方面进行了对比分析,并对我国公众参与制度的完善提出了建议。  相似文献   

结合从事基层项目环评管理工作的体会,针对环境影响评价工作的环境现状调查、评价方法、公众参与等方面存在的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的解决对策,为今后环评工作的顺利开展提供建议。  相似文献   

Dahl.  BE 《产业与环境》1996,18(2):35-39
最近对挪威主要铝厂进行一项综合环境影响评价,这个项目是迄今为止该行业最大的跨学科环境研究计划,它激励了工业界,科学界,当局和公众之间一场关于环境表现的新的和有意义的对话。  相似文献   

最近对挪威主要铝厂进行了一项综合环境影响评价,这个项目是迄今为止该行业最大的跨学科环境研究计划.它激励了工业界、科学界、当局和公众之间一场关于环境表现的新的和有意义的对话.  相似文献   

中国公众参与环境管理的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
回顾了中国公众参与环境管理的发展历程,分析了公众参与环境管理存在的问题。针对公众参与环境保护管理的有效性的影响因子,例如主观因素、传统背景、时效因素及执行技巧等进行一系列的探讨,并根据公众参与计划的设计构思、公众参与计划的关键两方面的讨论,提出增加公众参与环境保护管理有效性的一些建议。  相似文献   

环境公众参与制度在目前中国基本上是一片空白,笔者从“公众参与“的范畴界定及理论分析着手,分析了我国在此方面的现状,并提出了对建立我国未来环境公众参与制度的几点框架性建议,旨在通过推进环境民主化进程来实现真正对环境的有效保护.  相似文献   

为进一步激发公众在碳中和背景下参与植树造林的积极性,基于知信行理论和计划行为理论,采用问卷调查法并运用结构方程模型,实证分析公众参与不同“互联网+植树”模式的意愿动因及其行为选择。将我国现有的“互联网+植树”模式归纳为2种,分别是以“蚂蚁森林”为代表的企业主导模式和以“互联网+全民义务植树”为代表的政府主导模式。通过实证结果可知:环境认知和感知行为效能显著正向影响公众参与态度;态度和感知行为效能显著正向影响公众参与意愿;感知行为效能可以直接或间接激发公众参与意愿。主观规范对公众参与态度和意愿都没有显著影响,即外部环境并不能有效激励公众的参与行为。参与意愿显著正向影响2种模式下的公众参与行为,但选择参与“蚂蚁森林”行为的路径系数要大于“互联网+全民义务植树”的路径系数。最后,提出“互联网+植树”应当通过普及环境知识、打造融合平台、开辟互动渠道等方法来促进公众参与行为的提升。  相似文献   

联合国跨国界环境影响评价公约 26个国家,包括加拿大、美国、欧洲共同体和多数东欧国家,在芬兰埃斯波签署了一项公约,规定了对未来跨国界污染源提出双边和多边抗议的法律程序。 1991年2月25日由欧洲经济理事会通过的这项公约要求缔约国建立一种环境影响评价诉讼,并使其它国家有权参与该项影响陈述。该公约不适用于现存跨国界污染源。  相似文献   

城市垃圾填埋场建设环境影响评价支持系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国卫生填埋场产生的环境污染愈来愈突出,引起人们普遍关注。填埋场建设之前做好环境影响评价,对于垃圾填埋场选址,建设,管理,以及有效防止填埋场对环境污染显得非常重要。填埋场环境影响评价考虑因素很多,需要应用较多的数学模型及方法。鉴于此,在对其环境影响系统分析基础上本文建立了一个评价内容全面,实用性强,规范快速的填埋环境影响评价系统EIASL(Environmental Impact Assessment System of Landfill)。  相似文献   

介绍了G IS技术在土地利用规划中公众参与的发展、概念和研究进展,以及在土地利用规划中应用的一些探讨,提出了我们可以借鉴西方的经验将G IS技术逐步应用于我国的公众参与工作,具体可在确定发展目标和规划方案优选两个阶段应用.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾焚烧炉渣的性质及其环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对上海市江桥生活垃圾焚烧发电厂的炉渣性质分析,测定其气味分子为喹啉基及异硫氰基衍生物,炉渣的镉、锌、镍等3种重金属含量分别为8.0,2 432.9,216.7 mg/kg,不能达到国家土壤环境质量标准,其重金属溶出浓度不能达到国家地表水环境质量标准;据此对炉渣进行环境影响评价,并分析了炉渣资源化的可行性。  相似文献   

房地产开发项目生态环境保护措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对房地产开发项目的生态环境影响的特点,分析了制定房地产开发项目生态环境保护措施的原则、途径和方法,并以天津市某房地产开发项目为实例,从施工期和使用期的角度,提出了生态环境保护的措施和对策建议。  相似文献   

天津市蓟县经济开发区环境影响评价与规划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以天津市蓟县经济开发区区域环境质量现状调查和评价为基础,依据环保法规和标准,预测了区域环境的承载能力及区域开发建设对环境的影响,提出削减各种不利影响的措施和控制对策。通过对规化方案的优化分析,提出出有利于区域社会、经济与环境协调发展的战略对策及规划总体方案。  相似文献   

A Generic Impact-Scoring System Applied to Alien Mammals in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: We present a generic scoring system that compares the impact of alien species among members of large taxonomic groups. This scoring can be used to identify the most harmful alien species so that conservation measures to ameliorate their negative effects can be prioritized. For all alien mammals in Europe, we assessed impact reports as completely as possible. Impact was classified as either environmental or economic. We subdivided each of these categories into five subcategories (environmental: impact through competition, predation, hybridization, transmission of disease, and herbivory; economic: impact on agriculture, livestock, forestry, human health, and infrastructure). We assigned all impact reports to one of these 10 categories. All categories had impact scores that ranged from zero (minimal) to five (maximal possible impact at a location). We summed all impact scores for a species to calculate "potential impact" scores. We obtained "actual impact" scores by multiplying potential impact scores by the percentage of area occupied by the respective species in Europe. Finally, we correlated species’ ecological traits with the derived impact scores. Alien mammals from the orders Rodentia, Artiodactyla, and Carnivora caused the highest impact. In particular, the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), muskrat (Ondathra zibethicus), and sika deer (Cervus nippon) had the highest overall scores. Species with a high potential environmental impact also had a strong potential economic impact. Potential impact also correlated with the distribution of a species in Europe. Ecological flexibility (measured as number of different habitats a species occupies) was strongly related to impact. The scoring system was robust to uncertainty in knowledge of impact and could be adjusted with weight scores to account for specific value systems of particular stakeholder groups (e.g., agronomists or environmentalists). Finally, the scoring system is easily applicable and adaptable to other taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸二乙基己酯(DEHP)污染及其毒性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邻苯二甲酸二乙基己酯(DEHP)作为重要的增塑剂被广泛应用于涂料、食品包装、医疗器材、儿童玩具等产品中。研究表明DEHP在水、土壤、空气等各个环境要素以及食物、饮用水中已被普遍检出,并对环境产生潜在的危害。本文通过分析国内外DEHP的环境暴露和毒性效应的研究成果,总结了DEHP在室外大气、室内空气、土壤、地表水、地下水、食品和饮用水中的污染现状,并对DEHP的替代产品进行总结;此外,本文深入探讨了DEHP对水生生物和陆生生物的生态毒性效应,以及对生殖发育、肝脏、呼吸系统和神经系统等的健康毒性效应。最后,结合DEHP在环境暴露调查和毒性效应研究方面的不足,指出需要进一步加强我国DEHP的环境暴露调查,制定相关环境基准值与标准限值,开展慢性生态毒性效应和人体健康毒性效应等方面的研究。  相似文献   

This paper considers whether the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) has had impact on the development and applications of the methods used to estimate economic values for non-marketed environmental resources. Journal editors control the research dialogue in a discipline and as a result have the potential to influence its scope and direction. At least four areas of research have been influenced by JEEM, the theory and practice of contingent valuation, the use of preference restrictions in valuation, the development and application of corner solution models, and the role of substitution between environmental resources for valuation.  相似文献   

In managing invasions and colonizations of non-native species, eradication or control efforts must proceed quickly. There are 2 challenges in taking such quick action. First, managers frequently have to choose among complex and often competing environmental, social, and economic objectives. Second, the effects are highly uncertain. We applied participatory structured decision making (SDM) to develop a response plan for the recent invasion of non-native myrtle rust (Uredo rangelii) in Australia. Structured decision making breaks a complex decision process into 5 steps: identify problems (i.e., decisions to be made), formulate objectives, develop management alternatives, estimate consequences of implementing those alternatives, and select preferred alternatives by evaluating trade-offs among alternatives. To determine the preferred mid- to long-term alternatives to managing the rust, we conducted 2 participatory workshops and 18 interviews with individuals to elicit stakeholders' key concerns and convert them into 5 objectives (minimize management cost, minimize economic cost to industry, minimize effects on natural ecosystems and landscape amenities, and minimize environmental effects associated with use of fungicide) and to identify the 5 management alternatives (full eradication, partial eradication, slow spread, live with it [i.e., major effort invested in mitigation of effects], and do nothing). We also developed decision trees to graphically represent the essence of the decision by displaying the relations between uncertainties and decision points. In the short term or before local expansion of myrtle rust, the do-nothing alternative was not preferred, but an eradication alternative was only recommended if the probability of eradication exceeded about 40%. After the expansion of myrtle rust, the slow-the-spread alternative was preferred regardless of which of the short-term management alternatives was selected at an earlier stage. The participatory SDM approach effectively resulted in informed and transparent response plans that incorporated multiple objectives in decision-making processes under high uncertainty.  相似文献   

本文研究了城市及其开发区域大气环境质量变化趋势的计算方法,并对一城市开发区进行了实例研究,应用本文的方法可以对城市及其开发区进行多点源和的影响下大气环境质量模拟。预测,评价与规划。  相似文献   

城市可持续发展的生态原则   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
从人类和城市面临的问题出发,本文介绍了可持续发展的概念及其基本原则,可持续城市的基本内涵;重点探讨了城市可持续发展的七条生态原则:(1)预防和保护为主的原则;(2)普遍联系原则;(3)废物最小化原则;(4)最大限度地利用可更新和可循环的物质;(5)认别和尊重地方、区域和全球的环境容忍度;(6)保持和扩大“必要的多样性;(7)通过研究增进对环境的认识。  相似文献   

建筑物对环境有着巨大的影响。基于生命周期评价(LCA)理论,从材料的开采生产,建筑物的建造、运行直至建筑物被拆除来研究建筑物的环境影响。在一个涉及建筑材料、建筑设备以及建设场地的环境影响数据库的基础上,开发了一个建筑物的环境影响的评价模型BEPAS(BuildingEnvironmentalPerformanceAnalysisSystem)。模型从3个方面:建筑设备运行、建筑材料和建筑场地来研究建筑的环境影响。最后,测算了一个案例,分析了其环境影响水平。  相似文献   

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