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The input of anthropogenic contaminants to the aquatic environment is a major concern for scientists, regulators and the public. This is especially relevant in areas such as the Tamar valley in SW England, which has a legacy of contamination from industrial activity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Following on from previous laboratory validation studies, this study aimed to assess the relationship between genotoxic and cytotoxic responses and heavy metal concentrations in two bivalve species sampled from locations along the Tamar estuary. Adult cockles, Cerastoderma edule, and blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, were sampled from five locations in the Tamar and one reference location on the south Devon coast. Bivalve haemocytes were processed for comet and neutral red retention (NRR) assays to determine potential genotoxic and cytotoxic effects, respectively. Sediment and soft tissue samples were analysed for metal content by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Sediment concentrations were consistent with the physico-chemical nature of the Tamar estuary. A significant correlation (P?=?0.05) was found between total metal concentration in sediment and C. edule soft tissues, but no such correlation was found for M. edulis samples. DNA damage was elevated at the site with highest Cr concentrations for M. edulis and at the site with highest Ni and Pb concentrations for C. edule. Analysis of NRR revealed a slight increase in retention time at one site, in contrast to comet data. We conclude that the comet assay is a reliable indicator of genotoxic damage in the field for both M. edulis and C. edule and discuss reasons for the apparent discrepancy with NRR.  相似文献   

The Ok Tedi copper mine currently discharges overburden and partially treated ore residues into the Ok Tedi, a major tributary of the Fly River. At peak production these discharges will result in an increase in the suspended solids levels in the Fly River from a background of 76 mg L-1 to approximately 800 mg L-1, and an increase in median particulate copper levels from 90 g g-1 to 1220 g g-1. The dissolved copper levels are not expected to exceed 10 g L-1. The Strickland River, a tributary of the Fly River, has natural suspended solids levels in excess of 500 mg L-1 and provided a natural bioassay for the impacts of elevated suspended solids levels. The fish communities of the Strickland River were dominated by the sediment-tolerant Ariidae catfish, but the levels of biomass caught per standard sampling effort were comparable to those in the Fly River. Laboratory bioassays were performed to assess the impact of particulate associated copper. The fish fauna of the Fly River does not include any standard test species, and it is unlikely that standard species would be unaffected by the high suspended solids levels of the Fly River. Test species were selected on the basis of ecological importance. Two freshwater prawns,Macrobrachium rosenbergii andMacrobrachium sp., a catfish,Neosilurus ater, and a cladoceran,Ceriodaphnia dubia, were tested for acute toxicity and bioaccumulation of copper from particulates. There was no evidence of acute toxicity to prawns or fish, nor for bioaccumulation by prawns. Acute toxicity toC. dubia and bioaccumulation byN. ater were probably due to dissolved copper in the test environments. The test results indicated that provided dissolved copper levels did not exceed the predicted levels, there should not be toxic affects of particulate-associated copper in the Fly River.  相似文献   

This project examined the impact of long-term poultry litter application on the chemical signatures of As, Cu, Zn, and P in stream sediments of the Broadkill River watershed within the Delmarva Peninsula, a region of intense poultry production. Thirty-seven sediment samples were collected from Broadkill River drainage systems and analyzed for litter-derived elements (As, Cu, Zn, P) and basic soil parameters such as particle size distribution, organic matter, and soluble salts. Results showed that concentrations of elements in stream sediments are approximately log-normally distributed. Spatial variability in concentrations of elements was evident, with most elements increasing in concentration and enrichment from upgradient headwaters to downgradient reaches draining predominantly agricultural areas. Results of correlation analyses showed positive significant correlation among elements; elements were also positively correlated with percent clay and silt in the sediment. Using GIS maps with overlays of hydrology and land use activities, statistical correlations between As, Cu, Zn, and P enrichment factors and land use were examined. Results showed statistically significant relationships between As, Mn, and Zn enrichment factors and residential areas within the watershed, but did not show a statistically significant relationship between element enrichment factors and agricultural land use. Factors that complicate this type of landscape-scale study include the presence of poultry processing plants, impoundments, changes in land use over time, and the influence of tides, all of which can have direct and indirect influences on element mobility.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in uranium mining in the United States via in situ recovery techniques. One of the main environmental concerns with in situ uranium mining is the potential for spreading groundwater contamination. There is a dearth of detailed analysis and information regarding the outcome of in situ uranium mine remediation to ascertain the environmental impacts. Regulatory measurements performed at a Wyoming in situ uranium mine were collected and analysed to ascertain the efficacy of remediation and potential long term environmental impact. Based on the measurements, groundwater sweeping followed by reverse osmosis (RO) treatment proved to be a highly efficient method of remediation. However, injection of a reductant in the form of H(2)S after groundwater sweeping and RO did not further reduce the aqueous concentration of U, Mn, or Fe. Low concentrations of target species at monitoring wells outside the mined area appear to indicate that in the long term, natural attenuation is likely to play a major role at reductively immobilizing residual (after remediation) concentrations of U(VI) thus preventing it from moving outside the mined area. Our analysis indicates the need for additional monitoring wells and sampling in conjunction with long term monitoring to better understand the impacts of the different remediation techniques.  相似文献   

Water, even in its natural environment, contains some level of impurities. Water is nearly a universal solvent. It contains dissolved solids and gases, and hosts a number of micro-organisms. The exploitation of groundwater by means of boreholes for supplying small user groups and rural communities with water has been widely applied in certain parts of the world for several decades. In recent years this practice has spread all over the globe, and hundred of thousands of boreholes have beendrilled to tap low-yield aquifers. It is evident that such boreholes require pumps for lifting thewater. In developing countries these are usually handpumps, butsolar as well as other systems with submersible pumps are also used, depending upon the energy sources available and the financial means of the beneficiaries. This article gives a general overview of groundwater quality with regard to itsphysico-chemical composition. The results presented originatefrom the experience gained from handpump equipped boreholes within the UNICEF through German Centre for Technical EducationTransfer executed inter-regional UNDP-Handpumps Project inWest African Regions. Particular attention is paid to presenting corrosion onthe water quality of wells in terms of iron concentrationand other parameters. Furthermore, the corrosion attack ongalvanised iron, the effect of biofilms on the corrosionrate, and the difference between internal and externalcorrosion of rising mains are shown.  相似文献   

Declining forest health has been observed during the past several decades in several areas of the eastern USA, and some of this decline is attributed to acid deposition. Decreases in soil pH and increases in soil acidity are indicators of potential impacts on tree growth due to acid inputs and Al toxicity. The Cherry River watershed, which lies within the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia, has some of the highest rates of acid deposition in Appalachia. East and West areas within the watershed, which showed differences in precipitation, stream chemistry, and vegetation composition, were compared to evaluate soil acidity conditions and to assess their degree of risk on tree growth. Thirty-one soil pits in the West area and 36 pits in the East area were dug and described, and soil samples from each horizon were analyzed for chemical parameters. In A horizons, East area soils averaged 3.7 pH with 9.4 cmolc kg???1 of acidity compared to pH 4.0 and 6.2 cmolc kg???1 of acidity in West area soils. Extractable cations (Ca, Mg, and Al) were significantly higher in the A, transition, and upper B horizons of East versus West soils. However, even with differences in cation concentrations, Ca/Al molar ratios were similar for East and West soils. For both sites using the Ca/Al ratio, a 50% risk of impaired tree growth was found for A horizons, while a 75% risk was found for deeper horizons. Low concentrations of base cations and high extractable Al in these soils translate into a high degree of risk for forest regeneration and tree growth after conventional tree harvesting.  相似文献   

Mine tailings generate significant environmental impacts and contribute to water pollution. The Central Rand goldfield, South Africa is replete with gold mine tailings which have contributed significantly to water pollution as a result of acid mine drainage (AMD). Water quality is affected by mine tailings and spillages, especially from active slimes dams, currently reprocessed tailings, as well as footprints left behind after reprocessing. The release and distribution of uranium from these sites was studied. Correlation matrices show a strong link between different variables as a result of AMD produced. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify very influential variables which account for the pollution trends. Artificial neural networks (ANN) using the Kohonen algorithm were applied to visualise these trends and patterns in the distribution of uranium. High concentrations of this radionuclide were detected in streams in the vicinity of the tailings dumps, active slimes and reprocessing areas. The concentrations are reduced drastically in dams and wetlands as a result of precipitation and dilution effects.  相似文献   

Different inorganic sulfur species distributed in overlying water, pore water and sediment in a heavily polluted river were determined. The concentrations of S(2-) and SO(4)(2-) in the overlying water were much more than those in the pore water. This result perhaps indicates the S(2-) was mainly from discharged wastewater, not from sediment resuspension. In the sediments, acid-volatile sulfide, chromium(ii)-reducible sulfide, and elemental sulfur were determined by a modified diffusion method. The results indicate that acid-volatile sulfide was the dominant component of the reduced inorganic sulfur, making up about 62% of the total reduced inorganic sulfur.  相似文献   

Stream water chemistry were analyzed across Vatinsky Egan River Catchment (West Siberia). The objective of the study is to reveal the spatial and seasonal variations of the water quality and to assess the anthropogenic chemical inputs into the river system. Stream chemistry were monitored in 24 sampling sites for a period extended from January 2002 to December 2005. Spatial distribution of constituents in the Vatinsky Egan River basin indicated pollution from non-point sources associated with oil development. Data revealed that ion concentrations of river waters are usually negatively correlated with stream discharge. The major spatial variations of the hydrochemistry are related to the salinity. Chloride exhibited wide and high concentration range. A comparison with another rivers of West Siberia reveals that Vatinsky Egan River is the most saline and regional impacts further out in the watershed. The salinity of the river water increases substantially as it crosses Samotlor oil field. Many Cl(-) concentrations in the middle and lower parts of the catchment exceed the world average river values by one or more orders of magnitude. For 38% of sampling events, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) concentrations were above the recommended water quality standards.  相似文献   

基于气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)法结合固相萃取(SPE)前处理技术,建立了水中4种除草剂氯草定、阿特拉津、乙草胺和异丙甲草胺残留的分析方法,于2018年春(4、5月)、秋(9、10月)和冬(1、3月)季对太湖流域望虞河西岸九里河水体中4种除草剂的污染现状进行调查分析。结果表明,4种除草剂的加标回收率为71. 2%~108%,RSD均10%,方法检出限为3. 5~6. 0 ng/L。九里河水体中氯草定、阿特拉津、乙草胺和异丙甲草胺4种除草剂质量浓度分别为未检出~0. 025 7,0. 019 1~1. 19,未检出~0. 026 0和未检出~0. 094 3μg/L。4种除草剂中阿特拉津最高值接近《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)限值,其他3种其值较低,氯草定首次在太湖流域水体中检出。  相似文献   

对2018和2019年安徽省淮河以北、江淮之间和长江以南地区的农村环境质量进行综合评价与差异性分析。结果表明,淮河以北、江淮之间和长江以南地区的农村环境、生态及环境质量综合状况均以优良为主,无较差和差的等级,江淮之间和长江以南地区均优于淮河以北地区。提出,在今后经济和社会发展过程中,安徽省淮河以北地区应重视农村环境和生态保护工作,重点提高环境空气质量、饮用水水源地和地表水水质状况。  相似文献   

The study was performed using a silicon surface barrier alpha spectrometer at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. Through the study, the observed 210Po activity in water sample from different locations in the Domiasiat area ranges from 0.04 to 0.69 Bq/l. The daily and annual intake of 210Po through water was also estimated and the mean value of 0.72 and 263.61 Bq, respectively, were observed. It is observed that the effective doses through water were higher than the World Health Organization recommended dose of 0.05 mSv/year. The total annual effective doses through terrestrial ingestion for all the locations was studied and the mean annual effective dose was observed to be 0.315 mSv, which, when compared to the worldwide and the Indian values, was observed to be slightly higher. The mean activity in soil is found to be 124.8 ±5.7 Bq/kg and in meat the activity is 0.43 ±0.05 Bq/kg. In fishes, an activity of 0.48 ±0.07 Bq/kg in Garra lamta, 0.29 ±0.02 Bq/kg in Neolissocheilus hexaganolepis, and 3.3 ±0.1 Bq/kg in Macrobrachium sp. is observed. Activity concentration in plant samples was analyzed and the activity ranges from 0.020 ±0.002 to 9.69 ±0.35 Bq/kg. Committed effective dose by the adult population of the Domiasiat area through intake of 210Po through these food items was also determined and compared with the Indian average value and the worldwide average value.  相似文献   

The concentrations of six sulfonamides (SAs) and three tetracyclines (TCs) were investigated in Jiulongjiang River during the low water season and the high water season. They were monitored in both surface water and sediment. Total concentrations of all these antibiotics varied from 31 to 25,771 ng g(-1) in sediment samples. In water they ranged from 60 to 2607 ng L(-1) during the low water season and from ND (not detected) to 134 ng L(-1) during the high water season. At the sites nearby breeding farms, chlorotetracycline was found to have the highest concentration of 1036 ng L(-1) in water and 14,666 ng g(-1) in sediments. According to the published data, the concentrations of sulfamethazine, sulfameter and TCs at these sites were higher than that in most rivers. The concentrations during the low water season were tens to hundreds of times higher than that in the high water season. The lower concentrations of TCs in the high water season might result from both dilution and photo-degradation, while dilution and bio-degradation might lead to the lower concentrations of SAs. However, further study is needed to clarify the specific reasons. Concerning the relationship between sediment and water samples, the pseudo-partitioning values of TCs were much higher than SAs. It indicates that the TCs are prone to accumulate in the sediment.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean seas and coastal zones, rivers can be the main source of mercury (Hg). Catchment management therefore affects the load of Hg reaching the sea with surface runoff. The major freshwater inflows to the Baltic Sea consist of large rivers. However, their systems are complex and identification of factors affecting the outflow of Hg from its catchments is difficult. For this reason, a study into the impact of watershed land use and season on mercury biogeochemistry and transport in rivers was performed along two small rivers which may be considered typical of the southern Baltic region. Neither of these rivers are currently impacted by industrial effluents, thus allowing assessment of the influence of catchment terrain and season on Hg geochemistry. The study was performed between June 2008 and May 2009 at 13 sampling points situated at different terrain types within the catchments (forest, wetland, agriculture and urban). Hg analyses were conducted by CVAFS. Arable land erosion was found to be an important source of Hg to the aquatic system, similar to urban areas. Furthermore, inflows of untreated storm water discharge resulted in a fivefold increase of Hg concentration in the rivers. The highest Hg concentration in the urban runoff was observed with the greatest amount of precipitation during summer. Moderate rainfalls enhance the inflow of bioavailable dissolved mercury into water bodies. Despite the lack of industrial effluents entering the rivers directly, the sub-catchments with anthropogenic land use were important sources of Hg in the rivers. This was caused by elution of metal, deposited in soils over the past decades, into the rivers. The obtained results are especially important in the light of recent environmental conscience regulations, enforcing the decrease of pollution by Baltic countries.  相似文献   

为控制湖西区入湖营养盐量,需要对太湖湖西区河网进行N、P营养盐监测与输移路径模拟.结果显示,宜溧地区营养盐输移规律基本表现为径流输移;常州、金坛地区京杭运河以南河网区虽然日输移路径较为复杂,但是洪期、年输移路径却一致;而京杭运河以北河网营养盐输移规律最为复杂,不仅表现为日输移路径的规律性差,而且洪期、年净输移路径相反....  相似文献   

With rapid economic development, the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China has experienced a series of serious heavy metal pollution events. Considering complex hydrodynamic and pollutants transport process, one-dimensional hydrodynamic model and heavy metal transport model were developed for tidal river network of the PRD. Then, several pollution emergency scenarios were designed by combining with the upper inflow, water quality and the lower tide level boundary conditions. Using this set of models, the temporal and spatial change process of cadmium (Cd) concentration was simulated. The influence of change in hydrodynamic conditions on Cd transport in tidal river network was assessed, and its transport laws were summarized. The result showed the following: Flow changes in the tidal river network were influenced remarkably by tidal backwater action, which further influenced the transport process of heavy metals; Cd concentrations in most sections while encountering high tide were far greater than those while encountering middle or low tides; and increased inflows from upper reaches could intensify water pollution in the West River (while encountering high tide) or the North River (while encountering middle or low tides).  相似文献   

以无锡市望虞河西岸河网区为研究区域,于2018年12月—2019年9月分冬、春、夏、秋4个季节采集了上覆水和沉积物样本,研究氮磷营养因子在沉积物-上覆水界面的释放规律,探究主要水质指标、沉积物氮磷和重金属含量的时空分布特征。结果表明:研究区域内的水质状况不佳,主要是氮含量超标,污染严重的点位集中在人类活动较为密集的市区和工业区;受上覆水氮磷浓度、溶解氧浓度等变化的影响,沉积物营养盐含量季节变化明显,污染状况较为严重,75%的点位属于中度和重度污染;沉积物重金属含量季节变化不显著,部分重金属的空间分布特征相似,污染程度排序为Zn>Cd>Cu>Pb>Ni>Cr>As。  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and available groundwater resources in Chithar River basin, Tamil Nadu, India spread over an area of 1,722 km2 have been estimated by considering various hydrological, geological, and hydrogeological parameters, such as rainfall infiltration, drainage, geomorphic units, land use, rock types, depth of weathered and fractured zones, nature of soil, water level fluctuation, saturated thickness of aquifer, and groundwater abstraction. The digital ground elevation models indicate that the regional slope of the basin is towards east. The Proterozoic (Post-Archaean) basement of the study area consists of quartzite, calc-granulite, crystalline limestone, charnockite, and biotite gneiss with or without garnet. Three major soil types were identified namely, black cotton, deep red, and red sandy soils. The rainfall intensity gradually decreases from west to east. Groundwater occurs under water table conditions in the weathered zone and fluctuates between 0 and 25 m. The water table gains maximum during January after northeast monsoon and attains low during October. Groundwater abstraction for domestic/stock and irrigational needs in Chithar River basin has been estimated as 148.84 MCM (million m3). Groundwater recharge due to monsoon rainfall infiltration has been estimated as 170.05 MCM based on the water level rise during monsoon period. It is also estimated as 173.9 MCM using rainfall infiltration factor. An amount of 53.8 MCM of water is contributed to groundwater from surface water bodies. Recharge of groundwater due to return flow from irrigation has been computed as 147.6 MCM. The static groundwater reserve in Chithar River basin is estimated as 466.66 MCM and the dynamic reserve is about 187.7 MCM. In the present scenario, the aquifer is under safe condition for extraction of groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes. If the existing water bodies are maintained properly, the extraction rate can be increased in future about 10 % to 15 %.  相似文献   

The Ok Tedi copper mine discharges overburden and ore residues into the Ok Tedi, a tributary of the Fly River. These discharges result in elevated suspended solids and dissolved and particulate associated copper. Analyses of covariance were performed to establish statistical model of the relationships between the mine discharges and fish catches between 1983 and 1988. These models were then extrapolated to predict the affects of future mine discharges on fish catches. The models predicted that if the observed effects were caused by particulate associated copper, the period of greatest impact will be between 1989 and 1993, following which catches should be close to 1988 levels for the remainder of mine life. Some additional catches not included in the data set used to derive the models were found to fit the model predictions well. As the predicted period of greatest impact is short and most species reproduce away from the river channel, the ability of the fish communities to undergo partial recovery after 1991 should be maintained.  相似文献   

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