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Entrances to many caves occupied by the endangered Indiana bat ( Myotis sodalis ) have been modified to control human access. We show that modifying cave entrances can degrade the bats' winter habitat, we demonstrate one mechanism by which this damage occurs, and we document a restoration experiment. We compared a large bar population in an unmodified cave with a small, reduced bat population in a cave with warm winter temperatures resulting from an entrance wall that impeded air exchange. In the modified cave, mean winter temperature at the hibernation site was 5.0° C higher than in the unmodified cave, bats entered hibernation at a 5% higher body mass, bats lost 42% more mass and the frequency distribution of late-winter mass was truncated, with no bats weighing less than 5.4 g. The results describe unacceptable extremes for hibernation: subfreezing temperatures and warm temperatures causing mass-loss rates of more than 0.009 g/day. Over a decade following removal of the entrance-constricting wall, the population increased from 2,000 to 13,000 bats. Previous recommendations, based on common-sense observation, to open blocked cave entrances are confirmed by this study. The similar case of Coach Cave, Kentucky, offers the potential for recovery of 100,000 Indiana bats.  相似文献   

Response of Neotropical Bat Assemblages to Human Land Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neotropical bats are sensitive to human‐induced habitat changes, and some authors believe bats can be used as bioindicators. In the literature, however, the results are disparate. Some results show bat diversity deceases as disturbance increases, whereas others indicate no effect. Determining the general response patterns of bats when they encounter different degrees of human‐induced disturbance across the Neotropics would help to determine their usefulness as bioindicators. In a series of meta‐analyses, we compared the occurrence frequency of bat species between well‐preserved forests and human‐use areas. We obtained data through an extensive review of published peer‐reviewed articles, theses, and reports. The overall effect size indicated that human‐use areas harbored more bat species than well‐preserved forests. Different response patterns emerged when meta‐analyses were conducted separately by family, feeding habit, vegetation stratum, and conservation status. Our results suggest that bat assemblages display strong responses to forest loss and land‐use change and that the direction and magnitude of these responses depends on the bat group under study and the type of disturbance. Our results are consistent with the idea that bats are useful for assessing the effects of habitat changes in the Neotropics. However, with our meta‐analyses we could not detect fine differences in bat feeding habits, especially within Phyllostomidae, or elucidate the effect of landscape configuration. Respuesta de Ensambles de Murciélagos Neotropicales al Uso de Suelo por Humanos  相似文献   

Submarine caves are semi-closed subsystems within the marine littoral ecosystem. One of the most striking features is the progressive reduction of the number of phyla, species, and biomass towards the interior of such a cave. The decrease in biomass has been explained as the result of low exchange rates of the water inside the caves which limit the supply of oxygen and food particles from the exterior. Many authors have proposed that this reduced exchange rate is associated with the occurrence of marked gradients in temperature, salinity, oxygen and light. Measurement of faunal abundance of a cave in the littoral zone of the Medes Islands (Catalonia, north-east Spain) made between June 1983 and July 1984, revealed a zonation similar to that in other Mediterranean caves. Animal biomass decreased from 260 g ash-free dry weight m-2 at the entrance to 80 g ash-free dry weight m-2 at the end of the cave (50 m from the mouth). A special technique for remote water-sampling was developed to avoid problems due to turbulence caused by divers in this semi-closed system. This involved the installation of a series of plastic tubes at different points along the axis of the cave. The water was brought to the surface using a battery-powered electric pump. The reliability of this method was verified by comparing the results with samples collected directly by divers. Sampling both in winter and summer showed no longitudinal gradients for temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophylla and the number and volume of suspended particles. These results suggest that there is a constant circulation within the cave which guarantees water-exchange. The decrease in biomass cannot be explained by physico-chemical gradients due to insufficient exchange with the external system. On a finer scale, however, along the walls of the cave there may exist boundary layers that are not affected by the general circulation. This could account for the observed decrease in the biomass of benthic organisms.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity has catalyzed worldwide awareness of threats to biological diversity and stimulated global conservation strategies. These have led to national and international legislation and have generated debate about the most effective conservation actions. Under the EU Habitats Directive, all member states are obliged to establish a system for strict protection of species listed in Annex IV(a), which includes all bats. In England, this obligation has resulted in legislation that allows for derogation from strict protection under license, provided activities are undertaken to mitigate any potential negative effects on bat numbers. We used an evidence‐based approach to assess the cost‐effectiveness of mitigation strategies and the English bat‐derogation licensing process as a whole. We analyzed data from 389 bat derogation licenses issued in England from 2003 to 2005 relating to 1776 roosts and 15 species to determine the nature and extent of development and mitigation activities and their effects on bats. Overall the effects of licensed activities on roosts were negative. Despite the level of protection afforded to bats, the majority (68%) of roosts for which derogation licenses were issued were destroyed. There were species‐specific differences in the probability of roosts being destroyed, and impacts on roosts did not reflect a species’ conservation status. Information provided by licensees was inadequate and inconsistent. Most licensees (67%) failed to submit postdevelopment reports, and postdevelopment monitoring was conducted at only 19% of sites. Despite a minimum of £4.13 million spent on mitigation structures for bats from 2003 to 2005, it was unclear whether the licensing process meets EU obligations. On the basis of our results, we believe there is a need to overhaul the licensing process, to establish a comprehensive, standardized postdevelopment monitoring system, and to demonstrate that mitigation is commensurate with Britain's legal obligations. Mitigando el Efecto del Desarrollo sobre los Murciélagos en Inglaterra con Licencias de Derogación  相似文献   

Spatial resource subsidies can greatly affect the composition and dynamics of recipient communities. Caves are especially tractable for studying spatial subsidies because primary productivity is absent. Here, we performed an ecosystem-level manipulation experiment to test the direct influence of detrital subsidies on community structure in terrestrial cave ecosystems. After performing baseline censuses of invertebrates, we removed all organic material from 12 caves and constructed exclusion boxes to prevent natural resource inputs. Next, we stocked each cave with standardized quantities of two major natural subsidies to caves: leaves (leaf packs) and carcasses (commercially supplied rodents), and measured the invertebrate colonization and utilization of these resources for 23 months. Over the course of the experiment, 102 morphospecies were observed. Diplopods and collembolans were most abundant on leaf packs, and dipteran larvae and collembolans were most abundant on the rats. On average, caves receiving either treatment did not differ in species richness, but abundance was significantly higher in rat caves over both the duration of the experiment and the temporal "life" of the individual resources, which were restocked upon exhaustion. Post-manipulation invertebrate communities differed predictably depending on the type of subsidy introduced. Over the course of the experiment, caves that received the same subsidy clustered together based on community composition. In addition, the invertebrate community utilizing the resource changed over the duration of the two-year experiment, and evidence of succession (i.e., directional change) was observed. Results from this study demonstrate how allochthonous resources can drive the community dynamics of terrestrial invertebrates in cave ecosystems and highlight the need for consideration of the surface environment when managing and protecting these unique habitats.  相似文献   

Submarine caves are considered as a top priority for conservation, but the effects of common pressures are poorly known for these habitats. Here, we examined the effect of recreational human visitation on a selection of submarine caves in a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area (40°35′40″N; 8°11′39″E) where diving activities are regulated. Sampling was conducted in visited and not visited caves to assess whether diving activities have a significant effect on cave habitats, what are the components of biodiversity most affected by this disturbance, and its potential effects on spatial heterogeneity of benthic assemblages. Results clearly showed that human visitation could significantly affect spatial patterns of benthic assemblages. Organisms with erect growth forms were significantly more abundant and homogeneously distributed where diving activities are forbidden. An increase in the small-scale heterogeneity of assemblages and a decrease in their three-dimensional structure could be the ultimate consequences of human visitation. The interaction between specific stressors and the patterns of distribution of species and assemblages can drive their spatial heterogeneity also in unique habitats like marine caves, representing an early warning for the development of appropriate management measures.  相似文献   

Many bat species regularly need to find new day roosts as they require numerous shelters each breeding season. It has been shown that bats exchange information about roosts among colony members, and use echolocation and social calls of conspecifics in order to find roosts. However, it is unclear if wild bats discriminate between social calls of conspecifics and other bat species while searching for roosts. Furthermore, the extent that bats are attracted to potential roosts by each of these two call types is unknown. We present a field experiment showing that social calls of conspecifics and other bat species both attract bats to roosts. During two summers, we played back social calls of Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii) and Natterer’s bats (Myotis nattereri) from different bat boxes that can serve as roosts for these species. All experimental bat boxes were monitored with infrared video to identify the approaching bat species. Three species (M. bechsteinii, M. nattereri, and Plecotus auritus) approached the boxes significantly more often during nights when bat calls were played compared to nights without playbacks. Bechstein’s bats and Natterer’s bats were both more attracted to social calls of conspecifics than of the other species, whereas P. auritus did not discriminate between calls of either Myotis species. Only Bechstein’s bats entered experimental boxes and only at times when calls from conspecifics were played. Our findings show that wild bats discriminate between social calls of conspecifics and other bat species although they respond to both call types when searching for new roosts.  相似文献   

Allozyme-based genetic distances were used to determine the distinctness of six species of cave crayfish from the Ozark Plateau in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. One of the cave species is in the subgenus Erebicambarus and the others are in Jugicambarus . Four of the six species are very rare and are found in only one to three known sites each. In addition, most populations of all the species are presumed to be small; rarely are more than a few individuals observed. A chela (claw) was collected from sixty individuals representing the six species, including all known populations of the four rare species. Variability and distance estimates were based on 20 presumptive gene loci. Population samples with identical genotypes were pooled. Thirteen loci were polymorphic, but average heterozygosity was low (H= 1%) compared to epigean crayfish species. Pairwise genetic distances within Jugicambarus ranged from D = 0.051 to 0.522, and mean distance between subgenera was D = 0.676. The underground water systems in Ozark caves are defined by discreet recharge zones. Groundwater pollution threatens the stability of cave ecosystems, including the survival of cave crayfish. If restoration of threatened or extirpated populations becomes necessary, a database of genetic variability and relatedness estimates for known populations of all the species will aid decisions about numbers and sources of individuals for propagation or transfer.  相似文献   

Coexisting animal species frequently differ in resource use in at least one niche dimension and thus avoid competition. While a range of morphological differences that lead to differentiation in animals' mechanical access to food have been identified, the role of sensory differences in within-guild niche differentiation has received less attention. We tested the hypothesis that differences in sensory access to prey contribute to resource partitioning between potentially competing species using two sympatric, similar-sized, congeneric bat species as a model system. Nursery colonies of Natterer's bat (Myotis nattereri) and Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) roost in bat boxes in the same orchard and forage in forests and orchards nearby. In observations and behavioural experiments with freshly captured M. bechsteinii, we showed that individuals are able to hunt using prey-generated sound alone. In contrast, M. nattereri rarely uses prey-generated sound, but instead is able to find prey by echolocation very close to vegetation. In accordance with these behavioural data, we showed that M. bechsteinii has significantly larger ears than M. nattereri, providing it with superior detection and localization abilities for relatively low-frequency prey rustling sounds. We hypothesized that these differences in sensory ecology of the two syntopic, congeneric species would contribute to resource partitioning, so that M. bechsteinii would find more noisy prey taxa, possibly hidden in vegetation, by listening for prey sounds, while M. nattereri would have better access to still prey using echolocation or associative learning. Analysis of faecal samples collected on the same nights from bat boxes occupied by each species corroborated this prediction. The diets of the two species differed significantly, reflecting their different prey perception techniques and thereby supporting the hypothesis that differences in sensory ecology contribute to niche differentiation. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. B.M. Siemers and S.M. Swift contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, are essential tools for reducing the causes of climate change, but wind turbines can pose a collision risk for bats. To date, the population-level effects of wind-related mortality have been estimated for only 1 bat species. To estimate temporal trends in bat abundance, we considered wind turbines as opportunistic sampling tools for flying bats (analogous to fishing nets), where catch per unit effort (carcass abundance per monitored turbine) is a proxy for aerial abundance of bats, after accounting for seasonal variation in activity. We used a large, standardized data set of records of bat carcasses from 594 turbines in southern Ontario, Canada, and corrected these data to account for surveyor efficiency and scavenger removal. We used Bayesian hierarchical models to estimate temporal trends in aerial abundance of bats and to explore the effect of spatial factors, including landscape features associated with bat habitat (e.g., wetlands, croplands, and forested lands), on the number of mortalities for each species. The models showed a rapid decline in the abundance of 4 species in our study area; declines in capture of carcasses over 7 years ranged from 65% (big brown bat [Eptesicus fuscus]) to 91% (silver-haired bat [Lasionycteris noctivagans]). Estimated declines were independent of the effects of mitigation (increasing wind speed at which turbines begin to generate electricity from 3.5 to 5.5 m/s), which significantly reduced but did not eliminate bat mortality. Late-summer mortality of hoary (Lasiurus cinereus), eastern red (Lasiurus borealis), and silver-haired bats was predicted by woodlot cover, and mortality of big brown bats decreased with increasing elevation. These landscape predictors of bat mortality can inform the siting of future wind energy operations. Our most important result is the apparent decline in abundance of four common species of bat in the airspace, which requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Since the late 1980s, Brazilian free‐tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) have increasingly used bridges as roosts in the southern United States. We examined differences in blood cortisol levels, body condition, and parasite load, as measures of physiological stress in bats roosting in bridges and bats roosting in caves. We collected data during three periods, coinciding with female phases of reproduction. For all measures, bats were captured during the nightly emergence from the roost and immediately sampled. Cortisol levels were significantly higher during pregnancy and lactation and in individuals with lower body‐condition scores (length of forearm to mass ratio) and significantly higher in bats roosting in caves than in those roosting in bridges. Thus, we concluded that individuals of this species that roost in bridges are not chronically stressed and seem to be unaffected by human activities present at bridges. This is a rare documented instance where a human‐dominated environment does not appear to be adversely affecting the physiological health of a free‐ranging animal.  相似文献   

During the past 5 decades, the large-sized biota inhabiting dark marine caves has attracted the attention of many marine biologists; in contrast, studies concerning the meiofaunal organisms of these peculiar biotopes remain scanty and mostly with a taxonomic aim. In this study, the nature and abundance of meiofaunal taxa living in a Mediterranean, semi-submerged sea cave was surveyed in relation to distance from the entrance and over two different seasonal periods. Particular attention was paid to the Gastrotricha taxocene. Research was carried out in a cave along the Ionian coast of Apulia (southern Italy), the “Grotta Piccola del Ciolo” which opens for approximately 120 m on the north-eastern side of a shallow fjord and has a bottom blanketed by fine to very fine sand, occasionally rich in detritus. Quantitative samples in four replicates were collected by SCUBA diving, in November 2000 and June 2001, coring the sediment with a hand-held piston corer in three light-free sites (stations 1–3) located at increasing distances from the entrance. At each site, two additional 500-ml sediment samples were collected for an in vivo study of the Gastrotricha. Faunistic analysis found a fairly high meiobenthic diversity, identifying representatives of more than 12 major groups, with total abundances ranging from 656 ind./10 cm2 (10 cm2) in November to 1,069 ind./10 cm2 in June. Station 1, the closest to the entrance invariably hosted the most abundant meiofaunal community (851 ind./10 cm2 in November and 1932 ind./10 cm2 in June), followed by station 2 or 3 depending on the season. While nematodes and harpacticoids appear as the most abundant taxa when the cave is considered as a whole, other taxa may prevail numerically in selected stations, e.g. priapulids, which are the second most abundant taxon at station 1 (30 ind./10 cm2 in November and 83 ind./10 cm2 in June). Although the density of total meiofauna and that of the single groups may not be very high, the cave is interesting by virtue of the peculiarity of the hosted fauna, e.g., species and genera new to science or new to the Mediterranean Sea. Regarding the Gastrotricha, we found 16 species, accounting for 1.3–2.6% of the total meiobenthos (density = 8.4 ind./10 cm2 in November and 27.4 ind./10 cm2 in June). Analysis of the gastrotrich community found, particularly in June, an assemblage of taxa quite different from those found in open habitats, even at the family level; differences that are probably due to the exploitation of different food resources by animals populating the two environments, i.e. algae in the open sea versus bacteria in the caves. Results indicate that for meiofauna, as happens for macrofauna, the marine caves may represent hotspots of biodiversity and endemism; the driving forces at the base of the trophic depletion hypothesis seem to be responsible for structuring the meiofauna community inside the cave.  相似文献   

In extreme environments, temperature and precipitation are often the main forces responsible for structuring ecological communities and species distributions. The role of biotic interactions is typically thought to be minimal. By clustering around rare and isolated features, like surface water, however, effects of herbivory by desert-dwelling wildlife can be amplified. Understanding how species interact in these environments is critical to safeguarding vulnerable or data-deficient species. We examined whether African elephants (Loxodonta africana), black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), and southern giraffe (Giraffa giraffa) modulate insectivorous bat communities around permanent waterholes in the Namib Desert. We estimated megaherbivore use of sites based on dung transects, summarized vegetation productivity from satellite measurements of the normalized difference vegetation index, and surveyed local bat communities acoustically. We used structural equation models to identify relationships among megaherbivores and bat species richness and dry- (November 2016–January 2017) and wet- (February–May 2017) season bat activity. Site-level megaherbivore use in the dry season was positively associated with bat activity—particularly that of open-air foragers—and species richness through indirect pathways. When resources were more abundant (wet season), however, these relationships were weakened. Our results indicate that biotic interactions contribute to species distributions in desert areas and suggest the conservation of megaherbivores in this ecosystem may indirectly benefit insectivorous bat abundance and diversity. Given that how misunderstood and understudied most bats are relative to other mammals, such findings suggest that managers pursue short-term solutions (e.g., community game guard programs, water-point protection near human settlements, and ecotourism) to indirectly promote bat conservation and that research includes megaherbivores’ effects on biodiversity at other trophic levels.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary extinctions and population fragmentations have severely disrupted animal‐plant interactions globally. Detection of disrupted interactions often relies on anachronistic plant characteristics, such as spines in the absence of large herbivores or large fruit without dispersers. However, obvious anachronisms are relatively uncommon, and it can be difficult to prove a direct link between the anachronism and a particular faunal taxon. Analysis of coprolites (fossil feces) provides a novel way of exposing lost interactions between animals (depositors) and consumed organisms. We analyzed ancient DNA to show that a coprolite from the South Island of New Zealand was deposited by the rare and threatened kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), a large, nocturnal, flightless parrot. When we analyzed the pollen and spore content of the coprolite, we found pollen from the cryptic root‐parasite Dactylanthus taylorii. The relatively high abundance (8.9% of total pollen and spores) of this zoophilous pollen type in the coprolite supports the hypothesis of a former direct feeding interaction between kakapo and D. taylorii. The ranges of both species have contracted substantially since human settlement, and their present distributions no longer overlap. Currently, the lesser short‐tailed bat (Mystacina tuberculata) is the only known native pollinator of D. taylorii, but our finding raises the possibility that birds, and other small fauna, could have once fed on and pollinated the plant. If confirmed, through experimental work and observations, this finding may inform conservation of the plant. For example, it may be possible to translocate D. taylorii to predator‐free offshore islands that lack bats but have thriving populations of endemic nectar‐feeding birds. The study of coprolites of rare or extinct taxonomic groups provides a unique way forward to expand existing knowledge of lost plant and animal interactions and to identify pollination and dispersal syndromes. This approach of linking paleobiology with neoecology offers significant untapped potential to help inform conservation and restoration plans. Un Eslabón Perdido entre un Loro No Volador y una Planta Parásita y el Papel Potencial de Coprolitos en Paleobiología de la Conservación  相似文献   

寿昌江流域及邻近山区溶岩洞穴大型水生底栖动物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
灵栖洞、灵山洞、瑶琳洞为浙江西部山区已开发的著名观光溶岩洞穴群,灵栖洞位于寿昌江流域支流小江溪的源头附近,由灵泉、清风、霭云三洞组成,灵山洞由清虚洞、仙桥洞组成.三洞穴群内大型水生动物隶属2门3纲5目11科.灵栖洞大型水生动物群落主要由放逸短沟蜷和掌指米虾组成,灵山洞主要由硬环棱螺、放逸短沟蜷、格氏短沟蜷及水生昆虫幼体组成,瑶琳洞内主要由锯齿新米虾和扁卷螺组成.灵泉洞洞穴有光带主要分布有掌指米虾和放逸短沟蜷,弱光带主要分布有锯齿新米虾、掌指米虾和硬环棱螺,黑暗带主要分布有锯齿新米虾、掌指米虾和扁卷螺,灵泉洞有光带动物种类的多样性、均匀度指数最高,分别为0.9832和0.6109,黑暗带最低,分别为0.0983和0.1418;优势度在黑暗带最高,其值为0.6250.表3参18  相似文献   

Hibernating bats have undergone severe recent declines across the eastern United States, but the cause of these regional‐scale declines has not been systematically evaluated. We assessed the influence of white‐nose syndrome (an emerging bat disease caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans, formerly Geomyces destructans) on large‐scale, long‐term population patterns in the little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), the northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis), and the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus). We modeled population trajectories for each species on the basis of an extensive data set of winter hibernacula counts of more than 1 million individual bats from a 4‐state region over 13 years and with data on locations of hibernacula and first detections of white‐nose syndrome at each hibernaculum. We used generalized additive mixed models to determine population change relative to expectations, that is, how population trajectories differed with a colony's infection status, how trajectories differed with distance from the point of introduction of white‐nose syndrome, and whether declines were concordant with first local observation of the disease. Population trajectories in all species met at least one of the 3 expectations, but none met all 3. Our results suggest, therefore, that white‐nose syndrome has affected regional populations differently than was previously understood and has not been the sole cause of declines. Specifically, our results suggest that in some areas and species, threats other than white‐nose syndrome are also contributing to population declines, declines linked to white‐nose syndrome have spread across large geographic areas with unexpected speed, and the disease or other threats led to declines in bat populations for years prior to disease detection. Effective conservation will require further research to mitigate impacts of white‐nose syndrome, renewed attention to other threats to bats, and improved surveillance efforts to ensure early detection of white‐nose syndrome.  相似文献   

For over a century there have been continual efforts to incorporate nature into urban planning. These efforts (i.e., urban reconciliation) aim to manage and create habitats that support biodiversity within cities. Given that species select habitat at different spatial scales, understanding the scale at which urban species respond to their environment is critical to the success of urban reconciliation efforts. We assessed species–habitat relationships for common bat species at 50‐m, 500‐m, and 1 km spatial scales in the Chicago (U.S.A.) metropolitan area and predicted bat activity across the greater Chicago region. Habitat characteristics across all measured scales were important predictors of silver‐haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) and eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis) activity, and big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) activity was significantly lower at urban sites relative to rural sites. Open vegetation had a negative effect on silver‐haired bat activity at the 50‐m scale but a positive effect at the 500‐m scale, indicating potential shifts in the relative importance of some habitat characteristics at different scales. These results demonstrate that localized effects may be constrained by broader spatial patterns. Our findings highlight the importance of considering scale in urban reconciliation efforts and our landscape predictions provide information that can help prioritize urban conservation work.  相似文献   

With globalization, agriculture and aquaculture activities are increasingly affected by diseases that are spread through movement of crops and stock. Such movements are also associated with the introduction of non‐native species via hitchhiking individual organisms. The oyster industry, one of the most important forms of marine aquaculture, embodies these issues. In Europe disease outbreaks affecting cultivated populations of the naturalized oyster Crassostrea gigas caused a major disruption of production in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Mitigation procedures involved massive imports of stock from the species’ native range in the northwestern Pacific from 1971 to 1977. We assessed the role stock imports played in the introduction of non‐native marine species (including pathogens) from the northwestern Pacific to Europe through a methodological and critical appraisal of record data. The discovery rate of non‐native species (a proxy for the introduction rate) from 1966 to 2012 suggests a continuous vector activity over the entire period. Disease outbreaks that have been affecting oyster production since 2008 may be a result of imports from the northwestern Pacific, and such imports are again being considered as an answer to the crisis. Although successful as a remedy in the short and medium terms, such translocations may bring new diseases that may trigger yet more imports (self‐reinforcing or positive feedback loop) and lead to the introduction of more hitchhikers. Although there is a legal framework to prevent or reduce these introductions, existing procedures should be improved. Ciclo de Retroalimentación Positiva entre la Introducción de Especies Marinas No‐Nativas y el Cultivo de Ostras en Europa  相似文献   

Many nocturnal katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) produce intense calling songs, and some bat species use these songs to detect and locate prey. One Nearctic katydid species, Neoconocephalus ensiger, ceases or pauses singing in response to bat echolocation calls. We tested the hypothesis that song cessation is an effective defence against gleaning bats (i.e., bats that take prey from surfaces). We observed Myotis septentrionalis, a sympatric bat species that uses prey-generated sounds when gleaning, attack and feed on singing N. ensiger in an outdoor flight room. These bats demonstrated a preference for the calling song of N. ensiger over a novel cricket calling song when they were broadcast from a speaker in the flight room. Bats attacked speakers broadcasting N. ensiger calling song as long as the song was continuous and aborted their attack if the sound stopped as they approached, regardless of whether a katydid was present as a physical target on the speaker. Echolocation calls were recorded during attacks and no significant differences were found between continuous and interrupted song approaches for four call parameters, suggesting that M. septentrionalis may not use echolocation to locate silent prey. Therefore, song cessation by katydids in response to ultrasound is an effective defence against gleaning bats.  相似文献   

Understanding causes and consequences of ecological specialization is of major concern in conservation. Specialist species are particularly vulnerable to human activities. If their food or habitats are depleted or lost, they may not be able to exploit alternative resources, and population losses may result. We examined International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List bat data and the number of roosts used per species (accounting for phylogenetic independence) to determine whether roost specialization is correlated with extinction risk. We found a significant correlation between the IUCN Red List category and the number of roost types used. Species that use fewer roost types had a higher risk of extinction. We found that caves and similar structures were the most widely used roost types, particularly by species under some level of risk of extinction. Many critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable species used natural roosts exclusively, whereas less threatened species used natural and human‐made roosts. Our results suggest that roost loss, particularly in species that rely on a single roost type, may be linked to extinction risk. Our focus on a single life history trait prevented us from determining how important this variable is for extinction risk relative to other variables, but we have taken a first step toward prioritizing conservation actions. Our results also suggest that roost specialization may exacerbate population declines due to other risk factors, such as hunting pressure or habitat loss, and thus that management actions to preserve species under risk of extinction should prioritize protection of roosting sites.  相似文献   

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