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Summary Patterns of disappearance and dispersal of Spermophilus elegans juveniles during the first 6-weeks postemergence were compared for 1977 and 1978 and related to quantitative and qualitative changes in social interaction involving juveniles.Juvenile disappearance (emigration or mortality) and dispersal within the study site varied between the sexes within and between years. Female disappearance and dispersal were significantly greater in 1977, and male losses in 1978 significantly exceeded male losses in 1977. Greater female loss in 1977 resulted in total male — female losses being equivalent, whereas in 1978 juvenile loss was strongly biased toward males by the end of the 6-week period.Greater female loss in 1977 was attributed primarily to increased aggression between female juveniles in that year because of larger average litter size with more females per litter. Increased disappearance of males in 1978 showed no correlation with litter size or relative increase in number of males per litter. Male young interacted with individuals of several age/sex classes, and a possible behavioral influence on male disappearance was increased aggressiveness by yearling males toward juvenile males in 1978.Behavior appeared to act as a proximate factor in juvenile disappearance and dispersal, and the observed differences between how male and female juveniles interacted in 1977 and 1978 were hypothesized to reflect the operation of different selective pressures to increase individual male or female fitness.  相似文献   

The relative roles of kinship and familiarity in affecting an individual’s growth and fitness are not easy to disentangle. Not only is an individual more likely to have prior behavioral interactions with conspecifics in close proximity, it may also be related (in terms of kinship) to those nearby conspecifics. While some studies have inferred that kin discrimination affects fitness correlates, other studies found that familiarity alone can reduce aggressive interactions, thus increasing fitness. These studies have all focused on intra-age class pairs or groups. However, many animals interact with conspecifics from different cohorts. In many populations, adults of Plethodon cinereus territorially defend rocks and logs that retain moisture and food resources. We investigated whether juveniles of P. cinereus grew more in the presence of adults that were relatives or familiar. We collected pairs of juveniles and adults found under the same cover objects in the forest (familiar) and pairs of juveniles and adults found under different cover objects, approximately 10 m apart (unfamiliar). We determined parentage and relatedness of the adult–juvenile pairs and then placed these pairs in semi-natural mesocosms for 17 days. We found that juveniles housed with familiar adults had significantly greater increases in mass and snout–vent length than juveniles housed with unfamiliar adults in 2006 but not in 2007. Relatedness had no effect on growth. In addition, juveniles cohabitating with adults were not more likely to be their offspring. At least under certain environmental conditions, familiarity with adults, independent of relatedness or parentage, increased the growth of juvenile salamanders.  相似文献   

 Juvenile and adult marine organisms differ in their morphology, chemistry, physiology, behavior, and ecology. Because juvenile algae are thinner, smaller, and have more delicate tissues than adults, they are often assumed to be more susceptible to grazers. We examined within-species food preferences of four common generalist herbivores for juvenile and adult tissues of eight common brown algae in two-choice laboratory food-preference experiments. Our results showed that juvenile algae did not tend to be a preferred food of herbivores. Juvenile tissues were significantly preferred over adult tissues in only four of the 32 combinations of algae and herbivores tested. In 12 experiments, adult tissues were preferred over juvenile tissues, and no choice occurred in the remaining 16 experiments. When sea urchins exhibited a preference, it was always for adult tissues. The other three herbivores, an isopod and two snails, were more variable in their choices, sometimes preferring juveniles, sometimes adults, and sometimes having no preference. We measured nitrogen and phlorotannin concentrations in adult and juvenile seaweeds to see whether these parameters were correlated with herbivore food preferences. Nitrogen levels were similar in juveniles and adults of three algal species and were higher in juveniles of two. Phlorotannin levels were higher in juveniles of four species and lower in juveniles of one. The other three species showed no differences in phlorotannin levels. Phlorotannin concentrations decreased with increasing juvenile size in three species and increased with increasing size in one species. Neither nitrogen nor phlorotannin concentrations explained overall herbivore food preferences for algae of different stages. Our results suggest that preferences of certain grazers for juvenile algae are not as strong as previously assumed and are dependent on herbivore species. Preferences between juveniles and adults are likely to be determined by a combination of morphological and chemical features of the tissues and the unique responses of herbivore species to those features. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 19 November 2000  相似文献   

Coexisting species within a guild have the potential for resource overlap and consequently for interspecific competition (e.g., interspecific territoriality). When the adults are of different sizes, which frequently is the case in terrestrial salamander communities in eastern North America, competition may occur between juveniles of the larger species and adults of the smaller species. Adults of the relatively small redbacked salamander (Plethodon einereus: up to 13 cm total length) defend intra- and intersexual territories on the forest floor, and they are broadly sympatric with the larger P. glutinosus (up to 21 cm total length). Although individuals of the two species share the same forest floor habitat, we found significantly fewer juveniles of P. glutinosus sharing territories with 336 same-size adults of P. cinereus than would be expected by random chance alone. In laboratory experiments, residential adults of P. cinereus were as aggressive toward juvenile intruders of P. glutinosus as they were toward adult conspecific intruders. Therefore, adults of P. cinereus appear to defend territories against juveniles of P. glutinosus, illustrating how interference competition may depend on the symmetry of sizes between the species.  相似文献   

In most mammals, larger adult body size correlates with lower fundamental frequency and more closely spaced formants in vocalizations relative to juveniles. In alarm whistles of two free-living rodents, the speckled ground squirrel Spermophilus suslicus and yellow ground squirrel S. fulvus, these cues to body size were absent despite prominent differences in body weight and skull and larynx sizes between juveniles and adults. No significant correlations were found between the individual maximum fundamental frequency and body weight, both within age classes and for pooled samples of all animals within species. Furthermore, the mean alarm whistle maximum fundamental frequencies did not differ significantly between age classes (juvenile versus adult) in the speckled squirrel and were even significantly lower in juvenile yellow squirrels. We discuss the hypothesis that the obfuscation of vocal differences between juvenile and adult squirrels may represent a special adaptation of pup vocal behaviour—a form of “vocal mimicry,” resulting in imitation of adult vocal pattern to avoid infanticide and age-dependent predation risk.  相似文献   

Juvenile red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, aggregate under adult conspecifics, whereas sympatric juvenile green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, are typically more solitary and dispersed. Neither the potential advantage of juvenile sheltering nor the differences in post-settlement behavior between the two species has been demonstrated experimentally, but may be related to protection from predators and/or hydrodynamics. In predation experiments, juvenile vulnerability differed in the two species as the seastar Pycnopodia helianthoides consistently chose juvenile S. franciscanus over S. droebachiensis (100% vs. 0%). When associated with adults, juvenile mortality decreased dramatically in S. franciscanus (90% alone vs. 5% with adults), but very little in S. droebachiensis (85% vs. 75%). Not surprisingly, juvenile behavioral responses in the two species reflect this difference in vulnerability. Juvenile S. franciscanus sheltered under adults when predation risk was high, but not when risk was low (44% vs. 13%), whereas sheltering in S. droebachiensis was infrequent and not related to predation risk (7% for high risk versus 5% for low risk). From a hydrodynamic perspective, the presence of an adult led to the creation of a hydrodynamic refuge for juveniles, where average water velocities were reduced by > 60% around the adult urchin. Again, striking differences in sheltering rate were apparent in S. franciscanus (52% vs. 13% for high flow and low flow, respectively), but not S. droebachiensis (5% for high flow versus 4% for low flow). Sheltering behavior was also species-specific as juveniles did not shelter at high rates under adults of the opposite species (≤ 16%). A field survey confirmed these finding in that juvenile S. franciscanus abundance was associated with both adults and water motion (R 2 = 0.80, P = 0.008, best-subsets regression). These results suggest that sheltering confers juvenile S. franciscanus with a degree of protection from predators and water motion, and that species-specific differences in this post-settlement behavior may be related to the differences in the protection afforded by adults.  相似文献   

Test protocols citing mysids as a standard test species often recommend juveniles (48 h) as the most appropriate life stage for testing. Acute toxicity tests were conducted with six standard toxicants, with three life stages of Metamysidopsis insularis; juveniles (48 h), late juveniles (7–12 days) and adults (>13 days), to determine whether there were significant differences in the sensitivity between life stages. Three of the compounds tested (sodium dodecyl sulphate, potassium dichromate, and potassium chloride) showed a significantly higher 96 h-LC50 for the adults when compared to the juveniles and late juveniles. Four of the compounds tested showed significantly higher 24 h- and 48h-LC50 for the adults when compared to both the late juveniles and juveniles. Twenty-four hour-LC50 values for juveniles were also significantly higher than the 48 and 96 h values. However, for the late juveniles and adults this was only true of a few compounds. Further, the 48 and 96 h values were statistically similar. Therefore, for M. insularis it may be appropriate to conduct acute toxicity test with juvenile for a 48 h period.  相似文献   

Although the role of macroinvertebrates in the nutrient cycling of the Indo-Pacific mangrove ecosystems is now a paradigm of ecological research, most of the research and scientific assumptions deal with decapod crustaceans alone. However, decapods are not the only representatives of mangrove macrobenthos and in certain mangals they are surely outnumbered by gastropods, especially by potamidids of the genus Terebralia. This paper aims at bridging the gap in the knowledge of the ecological role of the largest and most abundant potamidid species of the Indo-Pacific mangals, the semiterrestrial T. palustris. In particular we studied size structure and distribution in relation to micro-environmental factors and feeding ecology, both in terms of diet composition and grazing rate, of two populations of this gastropod colonising a Kenyan mangrove creek. In contrast to what has been described by various authors concerning other mangals, in our study site juveniles and adults of T. palustris were present throughout the whole forest, from the landward belt to the seaward fringe, locally reaching very high densities at various levels. Both life stages showed a preference for patches characterised by soil with high organic content; thus the habitat of juveniles largely overlapped with that of the adults, although they are known to occupy different ecological niches. Indeed, gut-content analysis confirmed that juveniles are detritivorous and adults are mainly leaf-litter consumers. In situ experiments on the grazing activity of the adult snails showed that, in contrast to the litter-consuming crabs, they feed in every light and tidal condition, for an hourly consumption rate of ~0.65 g per snail. Considering an average density of about 10.5 adults m–2, it is estimated that a total of 10.5 leaves m–2 are removed by adult snails in each tidal cycle (i.e. about every 6 h). T. palustris is the only leaf consumer capable of searching for food under water during high tide and is responsible for the removal of a great quantity of mangrove litter. The results of the present study strongly suggest that T. palustris plays a major role in the food web, mangrove litter degradation and nutrient cycling of the Kenyan mangal.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

Provisioning weaned young is an important part of the cooperative rearing system of marmosets and tamarins (family: Callitrichidae). Juvenile callitrichids receive a substantial proportion of their diet from all adult group members, whereas juveniles of most other primate species only receive food from the mother infrequently via scrounging. We conducted a longitudinal study of provisioning to 21 young wild golden lion tamarins through their first year of life in two Brazilian reserves. Juveniles were predicted to experience higher provisioning rates at the site with mature forest (the presumed ancestral habitat) and in territories that contained a higher proportion of preferred habitat within the mature forest reserve. Key measures of provisioning did not differ substantially between habitat types. The rates at which juveniles begged for food were very similar across habitats, while the influence of habitat on the rates at which juveniles received food was small and varied across age groups. The most pronounced differences between the reserves were: adult resistance to food-transfer attempts was less frequent, food-offering calls before food transfer were more frequent, and the proportion of prey provisioned was higher in the reserve in which earlier successional-stage forest predominated. Within the mature forest reserve, begging success of young juveniles covaried positively with preferred habitat. Rather than overt caretaker–offspring conflict, an information–feedback loop between juveniles and adults appears to drive provisioning changes as juveniles mature. Direct measures of resource abundance are needed to help clarify the mechanisms by which forest successional stage influences provisioning.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the sex ratio of juvenile recruits into a population of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) were correlated with shifts in the weight and mortality of pups within the population. The biased recruitment of female juveniles in the spring was reflected in differential allocation of energy within the litters, as measured by female pups being heavier than male pups (n=245). In the fall, the shift in recruitment to male juveniles was reflected within litters by male pups being heavier than female pups (n=139). Nestling mortality showed a similar gender bias. Skewed sex ratios were most evident within the litters of larger mothers, indicating the gender bias was not trigered by energy limitations. We postulate that gender differences in social spacing and behavior result in spring/fall fluctuations in the reproductive success of offspring, based on their gender.  相似文献   

Summary Prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) family groups were examined to determine possible indirect fitness benefits from the presence of juvenile helpers at the natal nest. The reproductive performance of family groups retaining two juveniles was compared with that of families in which all juveniles were removed when the subsequent litter was born. Litter sizes at birth of the second litter and pup survival rates were the same in the two treatments. Offspring quality was affected by the presence of juveniles however. Pups reared with juveniles weighed 13% more at weaning than pups reared without juveniles. Pups also opened their eyes sooner when juveniles were present. Differences in growth and development may have been affected by the amount of time pups were alone in the nest since pups in families with juveniles were left alone less frequently than were pups without juveniles. Maternal behavior patterns were not affected by the presence of juveniles. In contrast, fathers in families with juveniles spent more time in non-parental behaviors such as feeding, drinking, and foraging. In families with large litters, mothers delivered a subsequent litter sooner if juveniles were present. Subsequent litter sizes were the same in both treatments. Overall, both infants and parents benefited from the presence of juveniles, suggesting that helping may enhance the helper's indirect fitness in multiple ways.  相似文献   

 Adult talitrid amphipods often display a nocturnal activity pattern, which has been shown in a number of cases to be partly controlled by an endogenous rhythm of circadian period. Juvenile talitrids have been little studied in the past, but evidence from field studies indicates that they may display a different diel pattern of locomotor activity from that of adults. This study presents evidence from the field in south–central Chile that juvenile Orchestoidea tuberculata Nicolet show crepuscular activity peaks, contrasting with the nocturnal peaks shown by adult conspecifics. Under constant conditions in the laboratory, both juveniles and adults exhibit endogenous rhythms of circadian periodicity. However, the phasing of activity differs in juveniles and adults, corresponding to the differences observed in the field. It is suggested that differing phasing of peak locomotor activity may be a mechanism to reduce contact between juvenile and adult talitrids. Experimental evidence indicates a significant negative influence on survival of juveniles in the presence of adult conspecifics by intraspecific predation. Other factors influencing the timing of surface activity are also discussed. Received: 3 August 1999 / Accepted: 26 May 2000  相似文献   

在实验室适宜的饲养条件下,进行不同发育阶段的稀有鮈鲫为期30 d的摄食-生长实验,研究3种饵料在投喂量分别为鱼体湿重的3.0%、4.0%和6.0%的3种摄食水平条件下,对稀有鮈鲫幼鱼(初始湿重为(0.0749±0.02)g)和成鱼(初始湿重为(0.2603±0.06)g)的生长影响。结果表明,不同摄食水平组的稀有鮈鲫幼鱼的相对增重率和特定生长率随摄食水平的增加而增加,但饲料转化率呈下降趋势;而稀有鮈鲫成鱼的相对增重率、特定生长率和饲料转化率的变化趋势基本相同。适宜摄食水平随稀有鮈鲫体重的增加而降低,稀有鮈鲫幼鱼和成鱼的适宜饵料分别为O.S.I.微细颗粒和O.S.I.细颗粒,适宜摄食水平分别为6.0%和4.0%。  相似文献   

Constant environmental changes in oceanic and estuarine systems due to human activity in coastal zones require different tools and strategies for their study to be able to assess the health status of aquatic ecosystems. The Gulf of Mexico has a tremendous ecological importance because of its biological diversity. Baseline levels of blood metabolites and immune components were defined for wild tropical populations of Litopenaeus setiferus, an important shrimp species of the Gulf of Mexico. Osmotic pressure, oxy hemocyanin (OxyHc), glucose, proteins, cholesterol, lactate, and triacylglycerols (TAG) were used as indicators of physiological status; pro phenoloxydase (proPO) and phenoloxydase (PO) quantification of hemocytes, as well as respiratory burst, were used to assess the immunological status. Significant differences were observed in live weight of juveniles, males, and females of L. setiferus with mean values of 10.54, 35.05, and 40.33 g, respectively. A value of 460 mOsm/kg was recorded in the water where juveniles were sampled and 1,000 mOsm/kg in adult sampling zones. Consequently, the osmotic pressure of L. setiferus juveniles (718.02 mOsm/kg) was 22% lower than in adults (925 mOsm/kg); there were no differences between sexes. A significantly lower value in juvenile OxyHc was observed. This value was 24 and 16% lower than that observed in males and females, respectively. Hemolymph glucose, cholesterol, and triacylglycerol levels were not statistically different between shrimp stages, showing median values of 0.19, 0.32, and 0.39 mg/ml of glucose, cholesterol, and triacylglycerols, respectively. Hemocyanin was distributed normally in the juvenile–male population but not in females. A proportion between 52 to 81% of OxyHc of the total protein (OxyHc/Prot) was obtained for all stages. Digestive gland glycogen showed no normal distribution in juveniles and adults. Digestive gland glycogen was significantly higher in juveniles (median value of 2.64 mg/g) than in adults (median value of 1.58 mg/g). A higher value of lactate (0.11 mg/ml) was observed in juveniles than in males (0.09 mg/ml) and females (0.04 mg/ml). Granular cells (GC) corresponded to 36, 44, and 39% of the total hemocytes (TH) observed in juveniles, males, and females. ProPO showed no normal distribution in all stages. A high proPO activity was recorded in L. setiferus females that was 95% higher than in the juvenile–male group. Respiratory burst was divided into two groups, juveniles–males and females, and was distributed normally in both. Female respiratory burst values were 40 and 45% higher than those observed in the juvenile and male groups, respectively. There was an increment in OxyHc, proteins, PO, hemocytes, and respiratory burst with an increase in body weight. In contrast, the relationship of live weight to glucose, TAG, and proPO revealed no significant regressions. A significant decrease in cholesterol, glycogen, and lactate with an increase in body weight was also observed. We now have indicators of nutritional and immune status of juveniles and adults that can reveal changes in trophic relations and health at the population level. This will serve as a basis for using L. setiferus as environmental sentinels, as non-controversial and inexpensive models to evaluate the potential changes that human activities could exert on this important marine ecosystem.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Summary Observations of resting groups of African penguins Spheniscus demersus on land showed that adults were more aggressive towards juveniles than towards adults. Head coloration was important in triggering this aggression. Adults probably discriminate against juveniles to exclude inexperienced birds from co-operative feeding groups and thus maximize their own energetic returns. There was a disproportionately low frequency of penguin groups at sea containing both adult and juvenile birds. Almost a quarter of juvenile penguins moulted a variable amount of their heads into adult plumage at sea. This reduced the amount of aggression received in proportion to the degree of head moult. Head moult probably occurs in only the fittest juveniles. Birds which moult can join adult feeding groups where communal feeding enhances success. The costs of moulting at sea prevent the occurrence of head moulting in the entire population of juveniles.  相似文献   

As settled juveniles and adults, blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) are nonmigratory inhabitants of kelp and rocky reef habitats along the California coast, USA, and prior to settlement, they possess a pelagic larval and juvenile stage lasting 3–5 months. A previous study of adults revealed two cryptic species within S. mystinus and evidence of reproductive isolation in a region where both cryptic adults co-occur. Given this pattern of reproductive isolation, we investigated the degree of hybridization or introgression in individual year-classes shortly after juvenile settlement in two different years (2001 and 2002). Using microsatellite markers, we found little indication of hybridization in new juvenile year-classes despite an adult population that comprised both cryptic species. However, we found an average of two percent of hybrid or introgressed individuals in regions with a low frequency of one of the two species. Therefore, while the lack of hybrids or introgression supports the hypothesis of reproductive isolation between the cryptic species within S. mystinus, the age-structured analysis also revealed a spatial pattern of low-frequency differences in the number of introgressed individuals. These results suggest that reproductive barriers may breakdown when one of the two species predominates the regional adult gene pool.  相似文献   

The coexistence of three idoteid species in Posidonia oceanica litter raises the question of trophic diversity and their role in the litter degradation process. Hence, diet composition of Idotea balthica, Idotea hectica and Cleantis prismatica was studied using a combination of gut contents and stable isotopes analysis. Gut content observations indicate that P. oceanica dead leaves are an important part of the ingested food for the three species, although their tissues are constituted of only a small to medium fraction of P. oceanica carbon. Our results also underlined the potential role of these species in the degradation of P. oceanica litter by mechanically fragmenting the litter and by assimilating a small to medium fraction of carbon. Moreover, we showed that there were considerable inter- and intra-specific differences in diet composition. Diet differed between juveniles and adults for I. balthica. Crustaceans are an important food source for adults of I. balthica, while I. hectica indicated a major contribution of algal material. C. prismatica showed an intermediate diet. This trophic diversity is probably one of the factors allowing these species to coexist in the same biotope.  相似文献   

Growth rates of juvenile Capitella sp. I were determined on different rations of six food types: Gerber's mixed cereal, TetraMin fish flakes, benthic diatoms, Ulva sp., spring detritus, and summer detritus. A simple growth model estimated maximum growth rate and maintenance ration for each food. There were differences in the growth response among foods relative to nitrogen content. As juveniles increased in size, differences in growth between foods became more pronounced. For all juveniles, growth rates were correlated with levels of the amino acids histidine, phenylalanine, threonine, and valine, and the polyunsaturated fatty acid 20:5w3; correlations with histidine and phenylalanine levels were the most significant. Regressions of growth rates as a function of these two amino acids suggest a daily maintenance ration of 300 pg histidine and phenylalanine mg-1 nitrogen biomass. Juvenile worms grew on spring detritus but not on summer detritus, indicating the probable importance of micronutrients (polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids) for growth of juvenile Capitella sp. I in the field.  相似文献   

Abstract: Reintroduction of captive‐reared animals has become increasingly popular in recent decades as a conservation technique, but little is known of how demographic factors affect the success of reintroductions. We believe whether the increase in population persistence associated with reintroduction is sufficient to warrant the cost of rearing and relocating individuals should be considered as well. We examined the trade‐off between population persistence and financial cost of a reintroduction program for Crested Coots (Fulica cristata). This species was nearly extirpated from southern Europe due to unsustainable levels of hunting and reduction in amount and quality of habitat. We used a stochastic, stage‐based, single‐sex, metapopulation model with site‐specific parameters to examine the demographic effects of releasing juveniles or adults in each population for a range of durations. We parameterized the model with data from an unsuccessful reintroduction program in which juvenile captive‐bred Crested Coots were released between 2000 and 2009. Using economic data from the captive‐breeding program, we also determined whether the strategy that maximized abundance coincided with the least expensive strategy. Releasing adults resulted in slightly larger final abundance than the release of nonreproductive juveniles. Both strategies were equally poor in achieving a viable metapopulation, but releasing adults was 2–4 times more expensive than releasing juveniles. To obtain a metapopulation that would be viable for 30 years, fecundity in the wild would need to increase to the values observed in captivity and juvenile survival would need to increase to almost unity. We suggest that the most likely way to increase these vital rates is by increasing habitat quality at release sites.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of tree species on leaf litter decomposition and forest floor dynamics in a common garden experiment of 14 tree species (Abies alba, Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Larix decidua, Picea abies, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus robur, Quercus rubra, and Tilia cordata) in southwestern Poland. We used three simultaneous litter bag experiments to tease apart species effects on decomposition via leaf litter chemistry vs. effects on the decomposition environment. Decomposition rates of litter in its plot of origin were negatively correlated with litter lignin and positively correlated with mean annual soil temperature (MAT(soil)) across species. Likewise, decomposition of a common litter type across all plots was positively associated with MAT(soil), and decomposition of litter from all plots in a common plot was negatively related to litter lignin but positively related to litter Ca. Taken together, these results indicate that tree species influenced microbial decomposition primarily via differences in litter lignin (and secondarily, via differences in litter Ca), with high-lignin (and low-Ca) species decomposing most slowly, and by affecting MAT(soil), with warmer plots exhibiting more rapid decomposition. In addition to litter bag experiments, we examined forest floor dynamics in each plot by mass balance, since earthworms were a known component of these forest stands and their access to litter in litter bags was limited. Forest floor removal rates estimated from mass balance were positively related to leaf litter Ca (and unrelated to decay rates obtained using litter bags). Litter Ca, in turn, was positively related to the abundance of earthworms, particularly Lumbricus terrestris. Thus, while species influence microbially mediated decomposition primarily through differences in litter lignin, differences among species in litter Ca are most important in determining species effects on forest floor leaf litter dynamics among these 14 tree species, apparently because of the influence of litter Ca on earthworm activity. The overall influence of these tree species on leaf litter decomposition via effects on both microbial and faunal processing will only become clear when we can quantify the decay dynamics of litter that is translocated belowground by earthworms.  相似文献   

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