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Testing Species Boundaries in Biodiversity Studies   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Water is essential for life. In spite of the entire engineering infrastructure devoted to the treatment, regulation and beneficial uses of water, occasionally sufficient quantities and qualities of water become scarce. When this happens, just how do we decide how much less water to allocate to all of us and the activities we engage in to sustain and enhance our quality of life? This paper addresses some of the complexities of answering such a question, especially as society increasingly recognizes the need to provide flow regimes that will maintain healthy aquatic and floodplain ecosystems that also impact the economic, physical and even the spiritual quality of our lives. For we depend on these ecosystems to sustain our wellbeing. We are indeed a part of our ecosystems. We depend upon on aquatic ecosystems to moderate river flow qualities and quantities, reduce the extremes of floods and droughts, reduce erosion, detoxify and decompose waterborne wastes, generate and preserve flood plain soils and renew their fertility, regulate disease carrying organisms, and to enhance recreational benefits of river systems. This question of deciding just how much water to allocate to each water user and for the maintenance of viable aquatic ecosystems, especially when there is not enough, is a complex, and largely political, issue. This issue is likely to become even more complex and political and contentious in the future as populations grow and as water quantities and their qualities become even more variable and uncertain.  相似文献   

长江中游流域丘岗区水资源能维持生态系统的水量平衡,支持农业的持续发展,但降雨时空分配不均,阻碍农业持续发展。在丘岗农业持续发展的水管理方面应强化工程措施,提高调蓄雨水的能力;广泛实施土地覆被、覆盖、培肥等生态措施;推行节水灌溉技术  相似文献   

Abstract: Human land uses surrounding protected areas provide propagules for colonization of these areas by non‐native species, and corridors between protected‐area networks and drainage systems of rivers provide pathways for long‐distance dispersal of non‐native species. Nevertheless, the influence of protected‐area boundaries on colonization of protected areas by invasive non‐native species is unknown. We drew on a spatially explicit data set of more than 27,000 non‐native plant presence records for South Africa's Kruger National Park to examine the role of boundaries in preventing colonization of protected areas by non‐native species. The number of records of non‐native invasive plants declined rapidly beyond 1500 m inside the park; thus, we believe that the park boundary limited the spread of non‐native plants. The number of non‐native invasive plants inside the park was a function of the amount of water runoff, density of major roads, and the presence of natural vegetation outside the park. Of the types of human‐induced disturbance, only the density of major roads outside the protected area significantly increased the number of non‐native plant records. Our findings suggest that the probability of incursion of invasive plants into protected areas can be quantified reliably.  相似文献   

Managing Biodiversity in a Forestry Environment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In forest management and other land-use planning, ecological, social, and economical demands often conflict. Forest planning in particular has been biased towards maximizing economic output while disregarding the ecological effects of forestry practices. In this paper we present an approach for taking biological diversity into account in strategic forest management planning. We used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for resource allocation and priority setting. We carried out a case study, whereby a set of management strategies was evaluated in order to identify the strategy which best fulfills the requirement of maintaining biological diversity while at the same time yielding a reasonable income from timber production. We discuss applicability of the approach in solving different forest management and conservation planning problems, as well as in assessment of ecological impacts.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Fishing and other human activities can alter the abundances, size structure, and behavior of species playing key roles in shaping marine communities (e.g., keystone predators), which may in turn cause ecosystem shifts. Despite extensive evidence that cascading trophic interactions can underlie community-wide recovery inside no-take marine reserves by protecting high-level predators, the spatial extent of these effects into adjacent fished areas is unknown. I examined the potential for community-wide changes (i.e., the transition from overgrazed coralline barrens to macroalgal beds) in temperate rocky reefs within and around a no-take marine reserve. For this purpose I assessed distribution patterns of predatory fishes, sea urchins, and barrens across the reserve boundaries. Predatory fishes were significantly more abundant within the reserve than in adjacent locations, with moderate spillover across the reserve edges. In contrast, community-wide changes of benthic assemblages were apparent well beyond the reserve boundaries, which is consistent with temporary movements of predatory fishes (e.g., foraging migration) from the reserve to surrounding areas. My results suggest that no-take marine reserves can promote community-wide changes beyond their boundaries.  相似文献   

Large carnivores are persecuted globally because they threaten human industries and livelihoods. How this conflict is managed has consequences for the conservation of large carnivores and biodiversity more broadly. Mitigating human–predator conflict should be evidence‐based and accommodate people's values while protecting carnivores. Despite much research into human and large‐carnivore coexistence strategies, there have been few attempts to document the success of conflict‐mitigation strategies on a global scale. We conducted a meta‐analysis of global research on conflict mitigation related to large carnivores and humans. We focused on conflicts that arise from the threat large carnivores pose to livestock. We first used structured and unstructured searching to identify replicated studies that used before–after or control–impact design to measure change in livestock loss as a result of implementing a management intervention. We then extracted relevant data from these studies to calculate an overall effect size for each intervention type. Research effort and focus varied among continents and aligned with the histories and cultures that shaped livestock production and attitudes toward carnivores. Livestock guardian animals most effectively reduced livestock losses. Lethal control was the second most effective control, although its success varied the most, and guardian animals and lethal control did not differ significantly. Financial incentives have promoted tolerance of large carnivores in some settings and reduced retaliatory killings. We suggest coexistence strategies be location‐specific, incorporate cultural values and environmental conditions, and be designed such that return on financial investment can be evaluated. Improved monitoring of mitigation measures is urgently required to promote effective evidence‐based policy.  相似文献   

Managing Boreal Forest Landscapes for Flying Squirrels   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract: Flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) populations have declined severely during the past few decades, and the species has become a focal species in forest management and the conservation debate in Finland. We compared landscape structure around known flying squirrel home ranges with randomly chosen forest sites to determine which landscape patterns characterize the areas occupied by the species in northern Finland. We sought to identify the key characteristics of the landscape that support the remaining flying squirrel populations. We analyzed landscape structure within circular areas with 1- and 3-km radii around 63 forest sites occupied by flying squirrels, and around 96 random sites. We applied stepwise analysis of the landscape structure where landscapes were built up step-by-step by adding patch types in order of their suitability for the flying squirrel. The land-use and forest-resource data for the analysis were derived from multisource national forest inventory and imported to a geographical information system. Landscape patch types were divided into three suitability categories: breeding habitat (mixed spruce-deciduous forests); dispersal habitat ( pine and young forests); and unsuitable habitat ( young sapling stands, open habitats, water). Flying squirrel landscapes contained more suitable breeding habitat patches and were better connected by dispersal habitats than random landscapes. Our results suggest that for the persistence of the flying squirrel, forest managers should 1) maintain a deciduous mixture, particularly in spruce-dominated forests; 2) maintain physical connectivity between optimal breeding habitats; and 3) impose coarse-grained structures on northeastern Finnish landscapes at current levels of habitat availability.  相似文献   

Managing the Koala Problem: Interdisciplinary Perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: There is a complex scientific, ethical, and cultural debate in Australia about how best to conserve koalas and their habitat. Despite the diverse array of management and research options promoted by scientists, wildlife agency staff, and koala advocates, there remains a gap in our acknowledgment of the social factors influencing decision making about koala conservation. Koala management research has generated valuable scientific knowledge about koala biology and ecology but has been weak about organizational and policy processes and about the cultures within which we produce, disseminate, and legitimize this kind of knowledge. We suggest that more effective koala conservation will result from making the political and cultural influences on decision making regarding the koala more explicit in research, management, and policy-making forums. Research must be conducted in the context of the cultural significance of the koala. The koala's survival depends on preserving the valuable lands that these creatures (and many others) inhabit. Ultimately, the koala symbolizes conflicting land-use values and illustrates the need for greater collaboration, cooperation, and trust among social and natural scientists in the conduct of koala conservation research, management, and policy.  相似文献   

The response of various species to doses of chemicals can often give the impression that some (such as cattle in the case of molybdenum) are much more susceptible than others to these chemicals. These impressions usually rely on an underlying assumption that equivalent doses are based on mg of the chemical per kg body weight of the animal. That is, that doses scale as the first power of body weight. This assumption is more often wrong than right. When viewed in a more general way, where the scaling is proportional to a power of the body weight and the exponent determined empirically, it is often found that equivalent doses scale with an exponent in the range of 0.6 to 0.8. As a result, larger animals are indeed more susceptible to toxicity on a mg kg–1 body weight basis, but this is not because of unique differences in the species, but only because of different body sizes. This method of scaling is called allometry or allometric scaling. An early version of this approach was based on body surface area where the exponent is 2/3. More recently, pharmacokinetics has revealed that the reason for the different response of larger animals is related to the slower metabolic and clearance rates for larger animals which give rise to larger biological half-lives for chemicals in the body and to higher tissue concentrations per given dose.  相似文献   

方恺 《生态环境》2014,(11):1868-1875
足迹家族和行星边界都是国际可持续发展研究领域新近出现的热点概念。系统回顾了足迹家族和行星边界的概念缘起,首次提出了基于足迹家族和行星边界的环境可持续性概念及其评价框架。其中,足迹家族定义为:人类在自然资源消费和废弃物排放过程中占用的地球生态系统的再生和消纳能力;行星边界定义为:可供人类安全占用的地球生态系统的最大再生和消纳能力。由此,将环境可持续性定量描述为人类环境足迹小于或等于对应行星边界的情形,反之则为环境不可持续性。分析了该环境可持续性概念的6项基本特征:系统性、选择性、交互性、不确定性、尺度依赖性、赤字可权衡性。在此基础上,以全球30个主要国家为例,对提出的足迹家族-行星边界整合框架进行了实证应用。从与人类社会关系重大的环境问题入手,对各国在气候变化(碳排放)、水资源利用和土地利用3方面的环境可持续性进行了多维测度。结果显示:22国的碳排放呈现不可持续性,人均碳赤字最高为美国的26.1 t·a-1(以CO2当量计);17国的水资源利用呈现不可持续性,人均水赤字最高为西班牙的1497.8 m3·a-1;15国的土地利用呈现不可持续性,人均土地赤字最高为荷兰的2.3 hm2·a-1。研究表明,碳排放的可持续性与社会经济发展水平关系密切,发达国家对气候变化的贡献明显大于发展中国家;水资源利用和土地利用的可持续性则更多地受各国人均资源禀赋制约。本研究对科学量化和比较不同国家的环境可持续性具有参考价值,该评价方法也适用于其他环境问题或国家以下尺度的核算分析。  相似文献   

Abstract: Legume trees have been harvested in the Sonoyta Valley since 1975. We estimated the effects of this woodcutting along the border between Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (U.S.A.) and Sonora, Mexico. We placed 10 × 100 m transects in ephemeral watercourses and uplands on both sides of the international boundary at different distances from the border. Mesquite and ironwood trees exhibited significantly higher damage in the Mexican sites than in the protected uplands in the United States. Damage for all the species significantly decreased 500 m from the border, with the exception of ironwood, for which damage remained high within ephemeral watercourses.  相似文献   

Managing mangroves in Bangladesh: A strategy analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bangladesh, favoured by a tropical climate, houses the world’s largest stretch of mangroves forests (Sundarbans Reserved Forest) and plantations. Around half of the forests of the country occur in the coastal zone. People extract various goods and services from the mangroves. Nevertheless the mangrove forests are depleting. Although the extent of the Sundarbans forest has not changed much, its decline is of a qualitative nature. Mangrove plantations are increasing in area but they are losing growing stock. To arrest this, Bangladesh has adopted several strategies. The ‘Sustainable Ecosystem Management’ strategy has now been adopted instead of the ‘Sustained Yield Principle’. Biodiversity conservation and enhancement has been taken as a key management goal. A zoning system is being developed for both production and protection purposes. The government facilitates alternative income for the local people by generating activities for the communities which are dependent on the forest. Different non-governmental organizations collaborate with the government in reducing the local people’s dependence on the forest. Coastal plantations are erected to protect people from cyclones and to make the land more suitable for habitation. Through this greening of the coastal belt tree plantation is encouraged in coastal villages. Coastal embankments are being planted and leased to poor settlers in exchange for routine maintenance of the embankments. Plantations on newly accreted mud flats help in stabilizing the land, which can later on be settled by victims of erosion elsewhere. These adopted management measures do not only contribute to forestry resource management but also to the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of the coastal communities. These efforts are at present being integrated into an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) project.  相似文献   

Species, habitats, and ecosystems are increasingly exposed to multiple anthropogenic stressors, fueling a rapidly expanding research program to understand the cumulative impacts of these environmental modifications. Since the 1970s, a growing set of methods has been developed through two parallel, sometimes connected, streams of research within the applied and academic realms to assess cumulative effects. Past reviews of cumulative effects assessment (CEA) methods focused on approaches used by practitioners. Academic research has developed several distinct and novel approaches to conducting CEA. Understanding the suite of methods that exist will help practitioners and academics better address various ecological foci (physiological responses, population impacts, ecosystem impacts) and ecological complexities (synergistic effects, impacts across space and time). We reviewed 6 categories of methods (experimental, meta-analysis, single-species modeling, mapping, qualitative modeling, and multispecies modeling) and examined the ability of those methods to address different levels of complexity. We focused on research gaps and emerging priorities. We found that no single method assessed impacts across the 4 ecological foci and 6 ecological complexities considered. We propose that methods can be used in combination to improve understanding such that multimodel inference can provide a suite of comparable outputs, mapping methods can help prioritize localized models or experimental gaps, and future experiments can be paired from the outset with models they will inform.  相似文献   

The question addressed by this study is how a large urban water district can best respond to a drought. Using a computer model of a representative district, we find that a combination of conjunctive use and water marketing is well over an order of magnitude cheaper than the traditional alternative of constructing new storage capacity. The indicated cost saving can be explained by the intermittent nature of the transfer, corresponding to the intermittent demand. Comparing costs to benefits, the consumer-surplus loss otherwise entailed by raising prices to cut back on consumption in the event of a drought, we find that construction of new storage does not pass a benefit/cost test, but introduction of conjunctive use/water marketing does.  相似文献   

Protection from Natural Enemies in Managing Rare Plant Species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Natural enemies such as pathogens, herbivores, and seed predators can substantially limit the abundance of plants, including rare species. Vulnerability to particular enemies is likely to differ between life-history stages. We hypothesized that short-term protection of juvenile plants from herbivores can be used to increase population growth of rare species and thus improve the probability of long-term persistence. Using the federally listed (threatened) Pitcher's thistle ( Cirsium pitcheri ) as a model, we experimentally excluded insect herbivores from juvenile rosettes to evaluate the potential benefits of deliberate insect control as a tool for management of rare species. Herbivore effects varied spatially across the local environment. Excluding insects in portions of the habitat where herbivory was high had direct benefits, including a 53% decrease in juvenile plant mortality (60% to 7%) and a 10-fold increase in seed production of juveniles that matured and flowered. In other areas, where herbivore-induced juvenile mortality was relatively low, excluding insects either increased seed production of plants that flowered or had no major effect. Our data also suggest indirect benefits to the metapopulation via potential improvement in dispersal among patches. Temporal variation in growing conditions occurred between years, suggesting that multiple-year exclusions would be most effective. Our study suggests that small–scale manipulation of often inconspicuous interactions between rare plants and their natural enemies can be an effective, relatively low-cost tool for the management and restoration of rare plant species.  相似文献   

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