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富营养化水体中藻类生长限制因素的确定及其应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
尹澄清  兰智文 《环境化学》1993,12(5):380-386
在富化营养化的巢湖,围隔实验结果表明磷和其它营养元素不是水体藻类的生长限制因素、藻类生长的正磷酸盐阈值浓度为0.019mg/l,它低于巢湖实际浓度。湖水的矿物性浊度很高,净生产力在一米水深以下呈现负值,数据表明学强在大数时间是藻类生长的限制因素。在巢湖治理过程中,需大幅降低流域内的磷负荷,使湖水平均溶解态总磷浓度从目前的0.049ml/l降到0.019mg/l以下。因此巢湖在治理和恢复是一个缓慢的  相似文献   

富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浮游植物是水生态系统中物质循环和能量流动的基础,作为初级生产者,浮游植物的群落结构直接影响着水生态系统的结构和功能。在水产养殖生产中,如何根据养殖生物对生活环境的需求开展精准培水、定向培水,培养养殖生物所需要的浮游植物,在维持养殖水域生态平衡的同时又能为养殖生物提供一定的饵料资源,这一直是摆在水产科技工作者面前的重要难题和研究热点。已有的资料大都是通过添加磷的方式研究磷改变对浮游植物生长的影响,而有关富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构影响的研究尚未见报道。为此,试验通过向取自富营养化湖泊的水体中加入磷去除剂,采用Pielou均匀度指数、Mcnaughton优势度指数和Shannon多样性指数,研究自然水体中的磷被降低后水体浮游植物群落结构的变化情况。结果表明,所取富营养化水体中共检出绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、裸藻(Euglenophyta)、隐藻(Cryptophyta)、甲藻(Pyrrophyta)6门29种(包括变种和变型);其中绿藻、蓝藻、硅藻、隐藻、裸藻、甲藻分别有7、4、2、1、1种,分别占总种数的24.13%、13.79%、6.90%、3.45%、3.45%。富营养化水体降磷后,虽然试验组和对照组在浮游植物种类组成上没有差异,但浮游植物群落结构特征发生了很大变化,浮游植物数量明显降低,由13 238.8×104cells·L-1降低至3 997.5×104cells·L-1,下降了69.8%;浮游植物优势种从1门(蓝藻(Cyanophyta))6种增加到3门(绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta))12种,优势度指数从97.29%降低至86.30%,优势种门数和优势种种数远远高于对照组,优势度明显低于对照组;同时,浮游植物多样性指数和均匀度分别从1.85和0.38升高至2.60和0.54,显示出试验组浮游植物多样性和均匀度优于对照组。研究表明富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构产生了明显影响,使群落结构处于更加复杂、完整和稳定的状态。  相似文献   

彭进平  赖焕然  程高  杜青 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1936-1940
利用吉林原土和FeCl3作为主要原料,制备应用于抑制湖泊富营养化的除磷材料—改性硅藻土,并利用物理吸附仪、扫描电镜、射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)等对改性硅藻土进行表征,此外,探讨了吸附时间、pH以及温度等对改性硅藻土除磷性能的影响。结果显示:(1)经改性后,硅藻土中Fe元素的含量有所增加,杂质含量则有所降低;微孔明显增多,孔径增大,表面负载一定量的颗粒物,粗糙度增大,比表面积较原硅藻土增大6倍。(2)在水体除磷应用中,当吸附时间达到20min时,吸附趋向平衡;在酸性条件下改性硅藻土的除磷效果好于碱性条件下的除磷效果;在25℃下改性硅藻土对磷的吸附能力较其他温度下强;(3)Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附方程都能较好地描述硅藻土对磷的等温吸附特征,用Freundlich吸附等温方程来描述改性硅藻土对水中磷的吸附更为准确。  相似文献   

郝晓地  张晏  朱景义 《生态环境》2005,14(4):607-610
很多人认为,使用无磷洗衣粉便能有效解决令人烦恼的“水华”或“赤潮”问题。然而,无论是西方国家长达20年的实践经验,还是我国目前面临的现状显示,无磷洗衣粉对遏制水体富营养化现象作用并不十分明显!究其原因,面源污染和生活污水中的其它磷来源才是构成水体磷负荷的主要来源。因此,在国内外普遍兴建污水处理厂的前提下,是否有必要以洗涤效果不佳、可能会产生新的环境问题的无磷洗衣粉替代传统洗衣粉目前正遭到国外一些有识之士质疑。文章介绍了国外这方面的情况,并总结性地提出了我国在此方面应注意的问题。  相似文献   

水体富营养化评价和防治的一些进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

底泥间歇扰动对静止水体磷迁移的累加效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
模拟了静止水体的底泥间歇扰动过程,研究了底泥间歇扰动对上覆水中磷迁移的累加效应.结果表明,随着底泥扰动次数的增加,溶解性活性磷(SRP)、溶解态磷(DTP)、生物可利用颗粒态磷(BAPP)、生物有效磷(BAP)等形态磷含量显著降低.与第1次扰动相比,第5次扰动后,SRP、DTP、BAPP、BAP分别降低了84.26%、71.60%、59.21%、62.26%.底泥扰动通过物理、化学吸附使SRP在DTP中所占的比重从83.31%降至49.38%,同时抑制了BAPP向DTP的转化,从而降低了水体富营养化的风险。  相似文献   

富营养化水体中菹草光合荧光特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用NH4Cl、NaNO3、KH2PO4配置不同氮磷浓度的试验水,将菹草(Potamogeton cripus)分别移栽于上述水体中,观测菹草在各水体中的生长发育状况,并用水下饱和脉冲叶绿素荧光仪(Diving-PAM)测定菹草光合作用PSII有效荧光产量(Y)、光化学荧光淬灭系数(qP)、非光化学荧光淬灭系数(qN)等指标。结果表明:在TN<2mg·L-1,TP<0.4mg·L-1,Chla<118mg·m-3试验水体中,菹草长势良好,株高增加了51.2%、46.6%,叶片数增大了57.7%、58.1%;在营养盐质量浓度很高(TN8mg·L-1,TP0.8mg·L-1)、藻类生物量极高(Chla421mg·m-3)的水体中,菹草的生长受到抑制,并出现死亡。Y、qP、qN的值说明了在TN<2mg·L-1,TP<0.4mg·L-1,Chla<118mg·m-3水体中,菹草叶片吸收的光能更多的参与光化学反应,光合作用增大。高营养盐质量浓度(TN8mg·L-1,TP0.8mg·L-1,Chla421mg·m-3)水体中的菹草叶片将大部分光能用于热耗散,光合作用降低。快速光响应曲线同时也说明各水体中,菹草的最小饱和光强(Ek)都为176μmol·m-2s-1,但高营养盐质量浓度(TN8mg·L-1,TP0.8mg·L-1,Chla421mg·m-3)水体中的菹草叶片的最大光电子传递速率(rETR-max)明显低于其他水体,随着水体中营养盐浓度的升高,菹草耐光抑制能力显著降低。  相似文献   

太湖地区“禁磷”措施的效果及在富营养化控制中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过太湖地区采取“禁磷”措施前后城市生活污水、主要入湖河水和湖体水域中磷浓度与富营养化指数变化的分析,证实“禁磷”措施对降低居民生活污水中磷浓度的作用较为明显,降幅为24%左右,但对入湖河道和湖体水域中磷浓度与水体富营养化的影响则不明显。表明太湖富营养化的改善,除了实施“禁磷”措施外,尚需结合域内其它污染治理措施,进行综合治理,才能取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

人工介质富集附着生物对富营养化水体的净化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了人工介质富集附着生物对富营养化水体中藻类及氮、磷营养物质的去除特性,以及不同水深、水体流速和溶解氧、温度、pH等理化性质对去除效果的影响.结果表明,在静态水体条件下,组合人工介质富集附着生物对于NH4+ -N、TN、TDN、NO3- -N、TP、TDP和PO43- -P平均去除率分别为98.90%、45.15%、42.78%、38.13%、76.18%、80.11%和87.02%,藻类叶绿素a(Chl-a)含量则降低了63.53%.随着水深的增加,藻类Chl-a含量下降速度减缓,但对氮、磷营养物质的去除影响不大.随着水体流速的增加,即由静态水体转变为流速为200 L·h-1的动态水体,藻类Chl-a含量降低程度有所增加,TP和TDP去除率也有所增加,其中,静态和动态水体中Chl-a含量分别降低了63.53%和72.17%,TP去除率由76.18%增至85.13%,TDP由80.11%增至83.76%;TN去除率由45.15%降至32.02%,TDN由42.78%降至28.73%;对于NO3- -N,静态对照去除率为38.13%,而动态处理去除效果不佳;而NH4+-N和PO43--P去除率变化不大,NH4+-N由98.90%变为98.59%,PO43--P由87.02%变为86.13%.水体DO、温度、pH等理化性质特别是p(DO)对净化效果亦有一定影响.  相似文献   

太湖地区“禁磷”措施的效果及在富营养化控制中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过太湖地区采取“禁磷”措施前后城市生活污水、主要入湖河水和湖体水域中磷浓度与富营养化指数变化的分析 ,证实“禁磷”措施对降低居民生活污水中磷浓度的作用较为明显 ,降幅为 2 4 %左右 ,但对入湖河道和湖体水域中磷浓度与水体富营养化的影响则不明显。表明太湖富营养化的改善 ,除了实施“禁磷”措施外 ,尚需结合流域内其它污染治理措施 ,进行综合治理 ,才能取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

水动力过程后湖泊水体磷素变化及其对富营养化的贡献   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对水动力过程后水体磷素的变化作了研究,并就其对富营养化的贡献作了分析探讨。研究表明,水动力过程后,TP的质量浓度因重力对含磷颗粒的作用而随沉降时间的延长而渐渐变小,且初期幅度大,后期则趋于平稳;而TDP的质量浓度则在初期因悬浮物的脱附作用而增大,继而随着悬浮物的粘带作用沉降而减少,但经足够长的静置沉降,其又由于水底沉积物的释放作用而增加,有初期“汇”,后期“源”的特点。而分析则表明:水动力过程后。水体磷素会因沉降而变小,但在相当长(50min)的时间里,其质量浓度仍处于高值,从而为湖泊的富营养化提供了最为必要的营养成分,加上不停地受到包括风动力在内的影响,这应是浅水湖泊富营养化,并难以治理的根源。  相似文献   

A systematic kinetic study of phosphorus (P) sorption by various materials in the soil infiltration system of septic tanks was undertaken by following the time course of P sorption by sorbents in contact with various P solutions over periods up to 360 days. Uptake of P seemed to consist of two distinct stages. Initial uptake was very rapid and this phase was completed in 4 days or less. A slower removal stage followed for some materials over many months. Phosphorus sorption during the fast reaction stage appeared to be associated with the soluble Ca content of the materials. The fast reaction of calcareous materials accounted for the bulk (>70%) of the total P removed. Merribrook loamy sand exhibited the highest proportion of P sorption during the slow phase. It should be noted, however, that for solution P concentrations in the range found in typical effluents (∼ ∼20 mg L−1) the fast reaction phase seemed to be responsible for virtually all P removed. None of the six kinetic formulae examined possessed the sophistication and detail needed to portray accurately the time course of P sorption for all the sorbents investigated. The Elovich equation and the kinetic modification of the Freundlich isotherm expression appeared to provide a reasonable fit of the experimental data.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effects of sand burial on survival and growth of seedlings ofCirsium pitcheri. In 1992–1993, seedlings were buried to depths of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of their height while in 1993–1994, the seedlings were buried to depths of 0, 4 cm (single burial), 4 cm (repeated burial of 1 cm every 8 days), 8 cm (single burial) and 8 cm (repeated burial of 2 cm every 8 days). Several physiological traits, net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll a∶b ratio, leaf area, number and length of leaves, number of internodes, amount of tillering, and biomass, were measured. The results showed that all seedlings died in the complete (100%) burial, 20% died in the 75% burial and none died in the 0, 25 and 50% burial treatments. Burial of seedlings to a depth of 25% stimulated their growth but 75% burial significantly decreased the total dry weight. Repeated burial treatments exhibited significantly greater stimulation of growth than single burial. Surviving seedlings grew through the sand deposit by elongating the stem and leaf petioles, increasing the number of nodes and the length of internodes. This elongation occurred at the expense of development of the root system indicating that available energy was re-allocated to above-ground parts.  相似文献   

氮磷等营养盐对尖刺拟菱形藻生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
尖刺拟菱形藻Pseudo-nitzschiapungensHalse是我国沿海常见的赤潮生物。通过对采集和分离于珠江口大亚湾海域的尖刺拟菱形藻藻种,在实验室条件下,研究不同浓度氮、磷等营养盐限制下该藻生长增殖的关系和特征,以及氮磷比(c(N)/c(P))变化等对该藻生长的影响。实验结果表明:尖刺拟菱形藻对氮、磷的依赖性较强,随浓度的变化而变化,属于营养依赖型藻类。实验进一步发现,尖刺拟菱形藻的生长对氮、磷的需求并不是越多越好,而要求有一定的比例范围,得出c(N)/c(P)在10~32范围内有相对较大的生长,而当c(N)/c(P)<5或c(N)/c(P)>100时,尖刺拟菱形藻的生长明显受到抑制。  相似文献   

采用自行研发的泥-水界面微孔曝气系统,开展了底泥表面曝气和覆盖对城市重污染河道底泥磷释放及形态分布规律的影响研究.结果表明,微孔曝气能够有效提高上覆水的溶解氧(DO)和沉积物的氧化还原电位(Eh),能够将泥-水界面Eh维持在-100 m V左右,DO提高到6 mg·L-1以上.与对照比较,原位覆盖处理的上覆水DO和Eh有一定提高,但仍明显低于微孔曝气处理.与对照相比较,微孔曝气处理均有效降低上覆水中总磷(TP)和溶解性正磷酸盐(PO3-4)的含量.试验结束时,微孔曝气(A)和微孔曝气+原位覆盖处理(A+C)上覆水中TP含量由初始的0.201 mg·L-1分别降至0.062 mg·L-1和0.050 mg·L-1;上覆水中PO3-4含量由0.086 mg·L-1和0.078 mg·L-1分别降至0.026 mg·L-1和0.023 mg·L-1.与对照相比,微孔曝气处理明显降低了底泥间隙水中TP的浓度,在整个培养期间,其TP含量平均下降38.8%(A)和47.9%(A+C).底泥原位覆盖处理对抑制泥-水界面磷释放能力要弱于微孔曝气处理,而且在试验后期(50 d),上覆水中TP和PO3-4的含量均有所反弹.不管有无覆盖,泥-水界面微孔曝气处理均显著改变了表层底泥磷形态分布特征,显著降低了底泥中铁铝结合态磷(Fe/Al-P)组分比例,而钙结合态磷(Ca-P)含量比例却出现明显增加.单一的表面覆盖处理对底泥磷形态分布特征没有显著影响(P0.05).研究表明,与单一的处理效果相比较,泥-水界面纳米微孔曝气处理,并结合底泥原位覆盖,更有利于抑制城市重污染河道泥-水界面中磷的释放风险.  相似文献   

Honeybee colonies, like organisms, should exhibit optimal design in their temporal pattern of resource allocation to somatic structures. A vital colony structure is the comb which stores honey for overwinter survival. However, the timing of comb construction poses a dilemma to a colony attempting to maximize its honey reserves. On the one hand, plenty of empty comb is needed for efficient exploitation of temporally unpredictable flower blooms. On the other hand, because comb is made from energetically expensive wax, its construction too early or in excessive amounts will reduce the amount of honey available for winter thermoregulation and brood-rearing. A dynamic optimization model concludes that colonies should add new comb only when they have filled their old comb with food and brood above a threshold level. The threshold increases with time until, at the end of the season, building is never an optimal behavior. The temporal pattern of construction predicted by the model – pulses of building coincident with periods of nectar intake and comb fullness – matches that seen in an actual colony observed over the course of an entire foraging season. When nectar sources are rich but temporally clumped, the model also predicts that bees should be sensitive to nectar intake, employing much higher thresholds on days when nectar is not available than on days when it is. Even under poorer and more dispersed nectar regimes, little fitness cost is paid by colonies replacing the optimal strategy with a simpler rule of thumb calling for new construction only when two conditions are met: (1) a fullness threshold has been exceeded, and (2) nectar is currently being collected. Experiments demonstrate that colonies do in fact use such a rule of thumb to control the onset of construction. However, once they have begun building, the bees continue as long as nectar collection persists, regardless of changes in comb fullness. Thus the onset and duration of comb-building bouts appear to be under partially independent control. Received: 30 October 1998 / Received in revised form: 14 December 1998 / Accepted: 16 January 1999  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution in soil and wastewater is a worldwide environmental issue in which microorganisms play a significant role for its removal. In the present study, biosorption of Cr(VI) by the live and dead cells of Kocuria sp. ASB107, a radio-resistant bacterium, was investigated. The effect of contact time, solution pH, initial hexavalent chromium concentration and adsorbent dose on biosorption efficiency was studied. Also, live cells were further immobilised on various matrices by different techniques and then were examined for tolerance to chromium biosorption. Experimental results indicated that the removal efficiency of chromium increased with decrease in pH, initial Cr(VI) concentration, and also increase in adsorbent dose and the contact time. The maximum removal efficiency of live and dead cells at acidic pH of 4–4.5, contact time of 24 hours, adsorbent dose 1.6?g/100?mL and initial chromium concentration 25?mg/L were 82.4% and 69.2%, respectively. The adsorption data was described well by Langmuir isotherm model. Among all immobilisation techniques tested, cross-linking showed the highest biosorption of Cr(VI). Results indicated that live cells of Kocuria sp. ASB107 were better than dead ones.  相似文献   

Simulations provide an opportunity to examine how single or multiple perturbations may impact a specific species. The objectives of this study were to identify thresholds at which changes in stream peak flow, stream base flow, and/or chytrid fungus presence alter long-term Rana chiricahuensis populations. We used scenarios with varying peak flow mortality rates, base flow mortality rates, and chytrid fungus mortality rates. Sensitivity analysis was also conducted. Over 50 years, populations in six scenarios increased and 13 scenarios decreased. Eight scenarios resulting with fewer than 100 individuals included stochastic effects for at least two of three perturbations and the remaining scenarios included chronic effects of 30% or higher. Scenarios with population increases had either no chytrid fungus effect or chronic effects from perturbations totaling less than 30%. In the absence of chytrid fungus, populations increased and became stable. At a 10% annual death rate caused by chytrid fungus, the R. chiricahuensis population decreased 46.8%. At a 20% death rate, the population decreased 98.6%. Model scenarios were sensitive to peak flow death rates. As peak flow mortality increased to 10 and 20%, extinction rates increased to 91.7 and 99.9%, respectively. With model parameters and the no base flow mortality, R. chiricahuensis populations declined by 92% with a 3.2% extinction rate at 50 years. Models with base flow mortality rates of 10 and 20% resulted in population extinction rates of 48.7 and 96.1%, respectively. Scenario analysis of perturbations on a hypothetical R. chiricahuensis population provided a framework in which to view combined effects on a species. Analysis supports supposition that chytrid fungus is the proximate cause of many amphibian declines, but the added effect of base flow and peak flow has the potential to hasten declines.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have long been recognised as potential carcinogens in animals in which biotransformation into reactive metabolites can lead to DNA damage. In animals PAHs metabolism mainly occurs in hepatic microsomes and is associated with the cytochrome p-450 mediated mixed functional oxidase (MFO) system. PAH metabolism in plants has been shown to occur via a similar enzyme system, but has received relatively little attention. This study is looking at how the plant species Plantago lanceolata metabolises benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), which is one of the PAHs whose metabolism has been studied extensively in animals. The aim of the work is to establish firstly that the B(a)P is taken up and secondly that it is biotransformed by the plant to products possibly similar to those found in animals. This work is achieved by using C-14-B(a)P along with whole body autoradiography, scintillation analysis and chromatography techniques to locate the B(a)P and its metabolites.  相似文献   

An interval dynamic multimedia fugacity (IDMF) model with a new validation criterion of interval average logarithmic residual error (IALRE) was developed in this study. The environmental fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their source apportionment in a typical oilfield of China were simulated from 1985 to 2010. The PAH concentrations predicted by the model were in agreement with the measured concentrations, which were indicated by the IALREs calculated at 0.41, 0.63, 0.52, and 0.58 for air, water, soil, and sediment, respectively. The multimedia concentrations of Σ16 PAHs were 29.55, 39.22, 31.98, and 26.69 times greater in 2010 than those in 1985, and were higher than any other year modelled. Additionally, 87.82% of PAHs remained in the soil in 2010. PAH source emission into the soil was the major modelled source, whereas PAH degradation in the air was the major modelled loss pathway; the dominant transfer process between the adjacent compartments was atmospheric deposition from air to soil. It was demonstrated that high-temperature combustion was the major source of PAHs in the air and soil, whereas biomass and coal combustion were attributed to water and sediment compartments. The IDMF model was effective in the dynamic source apportionment of PAHs.  相似文献   

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