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Carbon monoxide concentrations were measured in six shops situated in narrow busy streets of the city centre for ten days in winter and ten days in summer and correlated with the measurements simultaneaously performed at an outdoor background reference point. The correlation was significant for four out of six shops in winter, but not in summer. Day-to-day variations seemed to be influenced by gross contamination due to changing weather conditions whereas differences in concentration levels from site to site were strongly influenced by the proximity and density of traffic. The exposure of a pedestrian in winter was in good correlation with background outdoor levels and it was considerably lower than that of a car driver driving though the city.  相似文献   

Impact of urban air pollution has variety of focuses such as urban ecology, human health, economy, etc. But human health is always given priority. Air pollution is threat to the lives of people living in big cities of Pakistan. In Lahore only there die 1,250 people annually because of air pollution. A strong correlation exists between urban air pollution and human health in Lahore. Growth of COPD is highest among other air pollution borne diseases. Existing mass transit system (one of driving forces behind motor vehicular emission) in Lahore due to frequent stoppages, entering and exit in flow of traffic causes excess discharge of motor vehicular carbon monoxide (CO) which is a hazardous to human health. Quantification and enumeration of this discharge is essential for environmental management. The paper is an attempt to highlight human health effects of urban air pollution through correlation and regression analysis. Further it is focused upon quantifying excess motor vehicular carbon monoxide through application of simplified mobile emission model. In light of results emission control measures are recommended.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of CO and respirable particles (RP) at outdoor network stations and of personal exposure in a sample of twelve volunteers were carried out during the winter and summer season of 1980/81 in order to evaluate how well personal exposure can be assessed from outdoor network station data.The results have shown that personal exposure of our subjects to both CO and RP is in best correlation with exposure at home where subjects spend in the average nearly 70% of their time. While personal exposure to CO can hardly be related to outdoor CO levels, personal exposure to RP is in fair agreement with simultaneously measured outdoor concentrations in winter (but not in summer). A large intercept on WAE axis of the WAE/RP relationship indicates that a considerable part of personal exposure to RP should be attributed to particles which are not of indoor origin. This part does not follow the seasonal and day-to-day changes in outdoor RP concentration and causes a negative, but highly significant correlation between WAE/RP ratio and RP.  相似文献   

Some insects of economic importance from Lucknow (India) have been investigated for their pesticide burden. Chlorinated pesticide residues of DDT, BHC and aldrin along with their metabolites and isomers have been detected in crop pollinating insects, honeybees (Apis indica) and butterflies (Danais chrysippus and Eurema sp.) and predators, dragonfly (Platythemis sp.) and wasps (Polistes herebreus). DDT and their metabolites were present in concentrations which varied from 231–796 ng g–1, followed by BHC (10–60 ng g–1), and aldrin (0.26–6.68 ng g–1). This finding is likely to stimulate newer interest in the area of pesticide research and start meaningful investigation to find if bioaccumulated pesticides would have adverse impact on otherwise beneficial potentials of such insects in our ecosystems.  相似文献   

This study explored the use of satellite data to monitor carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) in Northern Thailand during the dry season when forest fires are known to be an important cause of air pollution. Satellite data, including Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) CO, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer aerosol optical depth (MODIS AOD), and MODIS fire hotspots, were analyzed with air pollution data measured at nine automatic air quality monitoring stations in the study area for February–April months of 2008–2010. The correlation analysis showed that daily CO and PM with size below 10 μm (PM10) were associated with the forest fire hotspot counts, especially in the rural areas with the maximum correlation coefficient (R) of 0.59 for CO and 0.65 for PM10. The correlations between MODIS AOD and PM10, between MOPITT CO and CO, and between MODIS AOD and MOPITT CO were also analyzed, confirming the association between these variables. Two forest fire episodes were selected, and the dispersion of pollution plumes was studied using the MOPITT CO total column and MODIS AOD data, together with the surface wind vectors. The results showed consistency between the plume dispersion, locations of dense hotspots, ground monitoring data, and prevalent winds. The satellite data were shown to be useful in monitoring the regional transport of forest fire plumes.  相似文献   

碳酸盐碳测定在沙尘暴来源地识别中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据中国大气颗粒物特点 ,在国内沙尘暴研究中首次尝试利用碳酸盐碳进行沙尘暴来源地识别。测定了一系列黄沙、大气颗粒物和沙尘暴源区土壤样品。初步了解了上述样品中碳酸盐碳含量情况 ,结合国外研究结果对影响北京的沙尘暴源区进行推测并与其他方法作了比较  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the six criteria air pollutants related to urbanization and has a wide range of health effects. The study measured and compared the exhaled CO levels among commuters and roadside vendors in potentially heavy and low traffic volume areas of Karachi, a megacity in Pakistan. Saddar town [areas of M. A. Jinnah Road (Tibet Center, Denso Hall) and Empress Market] was selected to represent an area of high traffic volume and the suburban town of Gadap (Gadap and Gulshan-e-Maymar) was selected to represent an area of no or low traffic volume. The study compared the CO exposure of commuters and roadside vendors in high and low traffic volume in Karachi. CO exposure was measured in expired air using the breath analyzer module of Bacharach Monoxor-II, USA. A total of 326 individuals (115 commuters and 211 stationary roadside vendors) from Saddar town (n?=?193) and Gadap town (n?=?133) were selected. In addition, CO levels in ambient air in the same areas, using portable CO analyzer (Bacharach, Monoxor-II, USA), were measured. The mean ambient CO level at Saddar town was 15.6 (SE ± 2.6) ppm compared to 3.3 (SE ± 0.3) ppm at Gadap town. The mean CO level in expired air was significantly higher among nonsmokers at Saddar town (12.8 ± 0.5 ppm) compared to the nonsmokers at Gadap town (7.8 ± 0.4 ppm). The mean CO level in expired air among smokers was twice that of nonsmokers (21.6 vs. 10.6 ppm). CO in expired air was greater among high traffic volume commuters and roadside stationary population in Karachi, Pakistan. The population in Karachi is exposed to high concentration of air pollutants. These pollutants need to be characterized for health effects and interventions needs to be developed.  相似文献   

Shell disturbances and soft tissues butyltin burden were investigated in commercial bivalves Lithophaga lithophaga, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Solen marginatus and Crassostrea gigas from the Bizerta lagoon. Shell disturbances were found in all bivalves, being scarce in S. marginatus. In the internal valve of L. lithophaga, burrowing annelids and sipunculids living inside galleries were observed, while in the external valve, brown-blackish or white stains were found. In M. galloprovincialis, a yellowish mass located at the shell anterior side was found fixed firmly to the pearly layer by a hard brownish structure covering some annelid elliptic eggs. In the internal shell layer of some specimens collected in April, embryos belonging to tubiculous annelids at various developmental stages were observed. In C. gigas, shell thickening was revealed in some specimens corresponding to white doughy deposits at the internal valve and between shell layers. In S. marginatus, only one specimen showing a cavity at the posterior site was found. Total butyltin concentrations in the studied bivalves varied between 30 and 245?ng/g dry weight with tributyltin (TBT) being the predominant compound. The highest concentration was recorded in L. lithophaga collected from the Bizerta Bay and the lowest concentration in S. marginatus from Maghraoua. This study provided baseline data that could serve for long-term monitoring of TBT pollution in Tunisia, since legislation to reduce the use of TBT-based antifouling paints has not been introduced yet.  相似文献   

Toxic metals accumulated in the human body are predominantly absorbed by the digestive tract in non-occupationally exposed populations. In the current study, we collected plowed soil samples, and investigated the varied food compositions in a mining and smelting area in southwestern China, to measure the concentrations of ten potentially toxic metals—As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn. We collected information on the daily intakes of these metals to assess the health risks associated with their exposure among children and adults. The urine concentrations of the metals were also measured to obtain data on the amounts present in the body. The results showed that the hazard indexes (HIs) of As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Sr were all larger than 1, for both adults and children; the Zn and Cu values were comparatively higher in children. The intake of staple foods of the region posed the greatest health risk, while drinking water only posed risks clearly associated with As exposure. The urine samples of local residents contained larger amounts of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn, confirming the hazards in the health risk assessment. Obvious differences in the urine metal concentrations between men and women were confirmed. In conclusion, higher concentrations of metals in the surface soil and rain water were the predominant cause of elevated exposure through home-grown crops and produce to accumulate in local residents’ bodies.  相似文献   

Transportation systems are vital links for intercountry. However, the transportation industry is associated with high energy consumption and carbon emissions. In this paper, the transportation carbon efficiency (TCE) across the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries during 2005–2017 is estimated by modifying a three-stage epsilon-based measurement model, and the carbon emission reduction potential (CERP) is identified. Based on the results, countries are classified into four categories by comparing a country's TCE and CERP with the average of all BRI countries. The results show that the average TCE of BRI countries is only 0.341, while their average CERP is 0.750, which is tremendous. It also shows that the higher the income levels, the more prone countries are to have a higher TCE. By considering the differences among the countries' environmental factors, TCEs, and the current state or trends of the CERPs, customized low-carbon policies are proposed to increase the TCE and reduce emissions.  相似文献   

Combustion-derived black carbon has received attention as a form of refractory organic carbon that may be preferentially preserved in soils and sediments. However, little is understood about the environmental roles of black carbon in urban soils. This investigation represented the preliminary study to characterize black carbon (BC) concentrations and enrichment ratios in Xuzhou urban roadside topsoil. Data from 21 roadside topsoil samples showed that the median of BC concentrations is 21.8 mg/g, which is significantly higher than local background value that averages 3.8 mg/g. Hierarchical clustering analysis indicated that BC in Xuzhou urban roadside soils are mainly from the traffic emissions. The marked positive correlations between BC and the concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Sc; Pearson correlation coefficient, 0.623, 0.809, 0.846, 0.742 and 0.831, respectively) suggested that these heavy metals are likely to be strongly retained by BC present in roadside topsoil. The significant positive correlation between BC and specific magnetic susceptibility was also observed. Thus, the simple environmental magnetic method is potentially an efficient alternative technique for assessing BC concentration in roadside topsoil.  相似文献   

Short-term personal exposure of passengers in different types of motor vehicles to carbon monoxide was investigated in an intensively used main road in Israel’s Tel Aviv metropolitan area. According to monitoring stations of the Ministry for Environmental Protection (MEP), concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) along the road, at a height of 3 m above pedestrian level, in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, are currently very low. However, these measurements do not reflect the actual exposure of commuters, which were the main objective of this study. Four vehicle types/travel modes were investigated: private cars with closed windows, private cars with open windows, motorcycles, and buses. The commuter CO average exposure was the accumulative exposure divided by the duration of the sampling taken along the route, for each type of vehicles. The results showed that commuters in cars with closed windows were exposed to the highest mean CO level, 27.2 ppm, for a period of 38 min; those in a car with open windows, to 19.7 ppm for 38 min; motorcycle riders, to 12.8 ppm, for 17 min; and bus users were exposed to the lowest mean pollution level, of only 3.6 ppm, for 25 min. Thus, CO values of 1 to 3 ppm, as measured at an MEP adjacent monitoring station, may indicate the exposure to CO pollution of area residents, but do not represent the actual exposure of commuters on the congested main road.  相似文献   

This study investigates the microorganism growth indicator and determines the assimilable organic carbon (AOC) content at the Cheng-Ching Lake Advanced Water Treatment Plant (CCLAWTP) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Notably, AOC is associated with the biological stability within the water distribution network and has garnered considerable attention in the environmental engineering field in recent years. Water samples were collected from the effluent of each unit in CCLAWTP once monthly during December 2008 to November 2009. Items of water quality related to carbon concentration levels, including AOC, total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, UV254, and specific ultraviolent absorbance were analyzed. Analytical results demonstrate that the average AOC concentration in raw water was 83.61 ??g/L and reduced in freshwater was controlled at an average of 50 ??g/L after an advanced treatment system of roughly 54% of AOC was removed in compliance with treatment plant standards. If AOC concentrations in freshwater can be reduced, study results can provide a direction for improving water treatment capabilities.  相似文献   

根据现有国家标准方法,本文主要针对苯可溶物(BSO)测定过程中的滤膜折叠前后质量变化等问题进行讨论,并提出处理方法。  相似文献   

The preparation and application of a practical electrochemical sensor for environmental monitoring and assessment of heavy metal ions in samples is a subject of considerable interest. In this paper, a carbon paste electrode modified with maize tassel for the determination of Cu(II) has been proposed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to study morphology and identify the functional groups on the modified electrode, respectively. First, Cu(II) was adsorbed on the carbon paste electrode surface at open circuit and voltammetric techniques were used to investigate the electrochemical performances of the sensor. The electrochemical sensor showed an excellent electrocatalytic activity towards Cu(II) at pH 5.0 and by increasing the amount of maize tassel biomass, a maximum response at 1:2.5 (maize tassel:carbon paste; w/w) was obtained. The electrocatalytic redox current of Cu(II) showed a linear response in the range (1.23 μM to 0.4 mM) with the correlation coefficient of 0.9980. The limit of detection and current–concentration sensitivity were calculated to be 0.13 (±0.01) μM and 0.012 (±0.001) μA/μM, respectively. The sensor gave good recovery of Cu(II) in the range from 96.0 to 98.0 % when applied to water samples.  相似文献   

A series of supported palladium catalysts were evaluated for their ability to mediate the complete hydrogenation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds. Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) or phenanthrene (Phe) in hexane was merged with a hydrogen-carbon dioxide [5% (w/w) H(2)/CO(2)] stream and transferred to a flow through mini-reactor (capacity ca. 1 g) that was maintained at 90 degrees C under a back-pressure of 20.68 MPa. Effluent from the reactor trapped in hexane was monitored/quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Catalyst formulations supported on iron powder, high density polyethylene (HDPE) or gamma-alumina were prepared and compared in terms of hydrogenation activity as measured by the quantity of substrate per unit time that could be perhydrogenated to toxicologically innocuous products. Both of the Pd preparations supported on gamma-alumina were more efficient than a commercial Pd(0) (5% w/w) on gamma-Al(2)O(3) formulation or preparations supported on HDPE or the iron powder. Bimetallic mixtures with Pd increased the hydrogenation activity when co-deposited with Cu or Ni but not with Ag or Co. However, increases in hydrogenation activity by increasing the loading of Pd (or bimetallic mixture) on this surface were limited. Despite using supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) to swell the surfaces of the polymer, the deposition of nanoparticles within the polyethylene formulation was appreciably less active than either the oxidic or the Fe(0) formulations.  相似文献   

A novel nanomaterial has been developed for speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in water and soil samples. In this study, a new type of alumina-coated magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4/Al2O3 NPs) modified by the surfactant Triton X-114 has been successfully synthesized and used in magnetic mixed hemimicelles solid-phase extraction procedure. The procedure was based on the reaction of chromium(III) with 1-(2-pyridilazo)-2-naphtol as a ligand, yielding a complex, which was entrapped “in situ” in the surfactant hemimicelles. The concentration of chromium(III) was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. After reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by ascorbic acid, the system was applied to the total chromium. Cr(VI) was then calculated as the difference between the total Cr and the Cr(III) content. This method can also be used for complicated matrices such as soil samples without any special pretreatment. Under the optimum conditions of parameters, the recoveries of Cr(III) by analyzing the spiked water and soil samples were between 98.6 and 100.8 % and between 96.5 and 100.7 %, respectively. Detection limits of Cr(III) were between 1.4 and 3.6 ng?mL?1 for water samples and 5.6 ng?mg?1 for soil samples.  相似文献   

Passerine species have been increasingly used as bioindicators of metal bioaccumulation especially by taking benefit of non-invasive procedures, such as collecting feathers and excrements. In 2009, metal (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn) concentrations were determined in feathers and excrements of nestling and adult female great tits (Parus major) in industrial (a paper mill) and rural sites in maritime pine forests on the west coast of Portugal. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of metals between the areas but also between sampling methods (feather vs. excrement) and age classes (nestling vs. adult). Although excrements and feathers of nestling great tits showed different concentrations, similar patterns of accumulation were detected in both study areas. There was a significantly higher concentration of mercury in the industrial area and significantly higher concentrations of arsenic in the rural area in both sample types. Metal levels in adult females had quite different results when compared to nestlings, and only nickel presented significantly higher levels near the paper mill. Since metal levels showed a consistent pattern in feathers and excrements of nestling great tits, we conclude that both represent good and non-invasive methods for the evaluation of these elements in polluted areas.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to determine the effects of Izmir Big Channel Waste Water Treatment Project on the sediment quality of Izmir Bay. Wastewater treatment improves the water quality. However, sediment does not respond to this treatment as fast as water column. Monitoring of bottom water and sediment quality is necessary for identification of the recovery of the whole ecosystem. For this purpose, bottom water and sediment samples were collected from three stations which are located in the middle and inner parts of the Izmir Bay on a monthly basis between January 2003 and December 2003. Values measured at stations ranged between; 0.54-12.82 microg/L for chlorophyll-a, 0.09-9.32 microg/L for phaeopigment, 0.05-1.91 mg/L for particulate organic carbon in bottom waters, 11.88-100.29 microg/g for chlorophyll degradation products and 1.12-5.39% for organic carbon in sediment samples. In conclusion, it was found that grazing activity explained carbon variations in sediment at station 2, but at station 1 and station 3 carbon variations in sediment were not related to autochthonous biological processes.  相似文献   

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