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The EPA lead model predicts mean blood lead levels and risk of elevated blood lead levels in children based on lead uptake from multiple sources. In the latest model versions, environmental data from individual homes within a community can be used to predict the overall blood lead distribution and percent risk of exceeding a specific blood lead level (i.e. 10 g dl–1). Recent criteria used by the EPA to evaluate this information include no more than 5% of houses with a greater than 5% lead risk, and a community weighted-average risk below 5%. Environmental (primarily soil) and blood lead data from a residential community near a smelter were used to illustrate recent uses of the model. Scheduled remediation in the community will remove soil for approximately 60% of the houses (i.e. those with lead levels > 1000 mg kg–1). After remediation, the model results indicate a relatively low community risk (0.5–1.9%), although the percentage of houses with lead risks above 5% ranged from 3 to as high as 13%, depending on the variation in blood lead and assuming the model's 7 g dl–1 increase in blood lead with each 1000 mg kg–1 increase in soil lead level. A comparison of the limited blood lead data with soil lead levels below 1000 mg kg–1, however, indicated no apparent relationship. Given these uncertainties, less invasive actions than additional soil removal (e.g. exposure intervention, monitoring conditions, and follow-up as necessary) may be appropriate under the new EPA guidance for lead in soil.  相似文献   

土壤中铅的植物可利用性化学调控研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
针对重庆市蔬菜重金属污染现状,选取Pb为研究对象,通过盆栽试验,探讨石灰、腐殖酸、硫化钠对污染土壤中Pb活性的影响及Pb在植物体内的积累效应。研究结果表明,石灰、腐殖酸、硫化钠均能降低Pb的植物可利用性。不同石灰用量均能明显抑制Pb向植物迁移;在石灰的各种加入量中,10.0g/kg的加入量对Pb的抑制效果最明显,莴笋中Pb质量分数下降了35.7%;在腐殖酸的各种加入量中,2.67g/kg的加入量对Pb的抑制效果最明显,植物中Pb质量分数下降了23.0%;在硫化钠的各种加入量中,0.47g/kg的加入量对Pb的抑制效果最明显,植物体内Pb质量分数降低了23.8%。各种添加剂均能使植物根部Pb的分配系数下降,而茎、叶Pb的分配系数上升。  相似文献   

Several problems of acute lead poisoning in children have been identified over the past three years in Trinidad. In all cases investigated so far, continual exposure to lead from battery recycling or from lead-smelter wastes have been found responsible. In East Trinidad, illicit dumping of lead wastes from such sources has resulted in several sites becoming heavily contaminated. Some of these sites are in environmentally sensitive areas, including rivers and wetlands, and require urgent remedial action. Results of monitoring studies at several of these sites show lead levels as high as 75% by weight. The potential for surface and ground water contamination exists, as evidenced by leaching of lead into surrounding areas.  相似文献   

土壤对恩诺沙星的吸附和解吸特性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
恩诺沙星是第一个动物专用的氟喹诺酮类药物,在畜禽养殖业中应用非常广泛。恩诺沙星进入畜禽体后,其原形及活性代谢物会随畜禽的排泄物进入环境,对环境生物产生影响。文章研究了恩诺沙星在土壤中的吸附和解吸规律,为恩诺沙星的生态风险评价提供依据。试验分3组,各组土壤分别采自菜园、水稻田和果园。在离心管中称取1 g土壤样品,加入恩诺沙星系列标准溶液,在25±0.5℃条件下机械振摇,用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定水相中恩诺沙星的含量,分别求出土壤对恩诺沙星的吸附和解吸平衡时间及其对恩诺沙星的吸附和解吸量。结果表明,土壤对恩诺沙星的吸附和解吸平衡时间分别为34 h和44 h;土壤对恩诺沙星的吸附性很强,对恩诺沙星的吸附量占水相中恩诺沙星总量99%以上,其吸附机理符合Freundlich平衡吸附方程wS=kfρe1/n;土壤对恩诺沙星的解吸具有浓度依赖性,其解吸量仅为吸附量的1‰左右,表明恩诺沙星在土壤中的迁移能力弱,不易污染地下水。  相似文献   

High-precision lead isotope ratios and lead concentrations have been compared statistically and graphically in women of child-bearing age (n = 77) from two smelter communities and one general urban community to evaluate the relative contributions to blood lead of tissue lead stores and lead from the contemporaneous environment (soil, floor dust, indoor airborne dust, water, food). Blood lead (PbB) contents were generally low (e.g. <10 g dL–1). Statistically significant isotopic differences in blood and environmental samples were observed between the three cities although isotopic differences in blood for individual subjects living in close proximity (200 m radius) was as large as the differences within a city. No single environmental measure dominated the biological isotope profile and in many cases the low levels of blood lead meant that their isotopic profiles could be easily perturbed by relatively small changes of environmental exposure. Apportioning of sources using lead isotopes is possibly not feasible, nor cost effective, when blood lead levels are <5 g dL–1. Interpretations based on statistical analyses of city-wide data do not give the same conclusions as when the houses are considered individually. Aggregating data from multiple subjects in a study such as this obscures potentially useful information. Most of the measures employed in this study, and many other similar studies, are markers of only short-to-medium integration of lead exposure. Serial sampling of blood and longer sampling times, especially for household variables, should provide more meaningful information.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration impacts on food security and climate change and may be affected by soil microbes in fertilized croplands. A 12-year field experiment under the rice–wheat system was used to evaluate the effect of the long-term fertilization on the SOC accumulation, culturable soil microbes, and their interaction in purple paddy soil. Results showed that varied fertilizations resulted in a significant increase of the SOC content and stock in the plow layer, as well as rise in populations of major soil microbes, including bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi compared with no fertilization. Soil with combined application of chemical NPK fertilizer and organic amendment (pig manure or rice straw return) on average had the highest organic carbon content and stock, amounts of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi, which were 7.8%, 5.8%, 75.8%, 130.5%, and 16.2% higher than the NPK fertilization alone. Fertilization differentially altered populations of the functional anaerobic bacteria in paddy soil. With the combined application of chemical NPK fertilizer and organic amendment, soil displayed higher amounts of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria, anaerobic fermentative bacteria, hydrogen-producing acetogen, methanogenic bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, and sulphate-reducing bacteria than that with the NPK fertilization alone or no fertilization. Populations of all three major soil microbes showed significantly positive correlations with the SOC content, indicating their interaction was of mutual promotion. Data suggest that the combined application of the NPK fertilizer with organic amendment especially by the rice straw return is recommended to sustain the soil biological fertility and mitigate the emission of the greenhouse gas by the SOC sequestration in purple paddy soil.  相似文献   

硫化钠对土壤汞、镉、铅的植物可利用性的调控   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈宏  陈玉成  杨学春 《生态环境》2003,12(3):285-288
针对重庆市蔬菜重金属污染现状,通过盆栽试验,研究了硫化钠对污染土壤中Hg、Cd、Pb活性的影响及它们在植物体内的积累效应,筛选出控制叶菜类蔬菜中汞、镉、铅等重金属污染物进入蔬菜的经济有效、易于实施的化学添加剂用量,为蔬菜基地土壤重金属污染控制提供可靠的技术措施。分析结果表明,硫化钠能减少土壤中Hg、Cd的残留量,增加Hg、Cd的植物可利用性;降低土壤Pb的活性,减少Pb的植物可利用性。当硫化钠施用量为0.00351 thm-2时,植物体Pb质量分数下降了23.8%,同时使植物的生物量增加。  相似文献   

通过对8个稻田土壤的培养实验,研究了土壤特性在水分和小麦秸杆两因子两水平处理下对甲烷排放的影响。相关分析结果表明,各处理下的甲烷排放量均与土壤砂粒含量成正比(p<0.01)。逐步回归分析表明,在淹水条件下,无论施加小麦秸杆与否,甲烷排放量均可通过土壤砂粒含量和C/N比的线性组合得以定量表述,其决定系数(R  相似文献   

Release of Cd immobilized by soil constituents (clay, humic acids, bacterial cells) in vitro and under soil conditions and its bioavailability to lettuce were studied. The most resistant to extraction with 0.02 M EDTA in vitro as well as under soil conditions was cadmium immobilized by humic acids during decomposition of contaminated plant residues but Cd‐dead cells when 0.1 M NaNO3 was the extractant.

Cadmium addition (3 mg kg‐1) to soil and its form were without effect on plant growth and amount of metal accumulated in roots. Tops of plants grown in soil supplemented with Cd‐resting cells contained significantly less metal then other ones.  相似文献   

• Earthworms increase CO2 and N2O emissions in agricultural and forest soil. • 10% biochar suppresses CO2 and N2O emissions in forest soil. • Biochar interacted with earthworm to significant affect CO2 and N2O emissions. The application of manure-derived biochar offers an alternative to avoid the direct application of manure to soil causing greenhouse gas emission. Soil fauna, especially earthworms, can markedly stimulate carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soil. This study therefore investigated the effect of cattle manure biochar (added at rates of 0, 2%, or 10%, coded as BC0, BC2 and BC10, respectively) application, with or without earthworm Aporrectodea turgida, on emissions of CO2 and N2O and changes of physic-chemical properties of agricultural and forest soils in a laboratory incubation experiment. The BC10 treatment significantly enhanced cumulative CO2 emissions by 27.9% relative to the untreated control in the agricultural soil. On the contrary, the BC2 and BC10 treatments significantly reduced cumulative CO2 emissions by 16.3%–61.1% and N2O emissions by 92.9%–95.1% compared to the untreated control in the forest soil. The addition of earthworm alone significantly enhanced the cumulative CO2 and N2O fluxes in agricultural and forest soils. Cumulative CO2 and N2O fluxes were significantly increased when BC2 and BC10 were applied with earthworm in the agricultural soil, but were significantly reduced when BC10 was applied with earthworm in the forest soil. Our study demonstrated that biochar application interacted with earthworm to affect CO2 and N2O emissions, which were also dependent on the soil type involved. Our study suggests that manure biochar application rate and use of earthworm need to be carefully studied for specific soil types to maximize the climate change mitigation potential of such management practices.  相似文献   

Two primary lead smelters and one secondary lead smelter have been active in the Socorro, New Mexico (USA) area in the last 110 years: the Billing smelter from 1883 to 1894, the Cuba Road smelter from 1881 to 1900, and Cal West from 1979 to 1984. Samples of plants and surface soil under each plant from all three sites were analysed for lead. The plants consisted of sparse grasses, cacti, creosote bush, snakeweed, mesquite and fourwing saltbush. Lead levels in the plants increased (2-440 g g–1) as the lead in the alkaline soils (25-10000 ng g–1) increased. However, the BAC (biological absorption coefficient), which is the ratio of lead content in the plant to the lead content in the soil, a measure of relative accumulation, decreased by one to two orders of magnitude, except for grasses and snakeweed. At background lead levels, there was little difference between lead in rootsversus foliage. At high lead levels, there was higher lead in roots versus foliage at the Billing and Cuba Road sites. The reverse was noted at Cal West. Because this is a recent operation, the higher lead in foliage may be due to foliar uptake. Plant growth at all sites appeared healthy.  相似文献   

利用静态箱/气相色谱法对成都平原蔬菜地土壤-作物系统CO2的排放通量变化进行了观测,并分析了作物系统CO2排放速率与环境因子间的关系。多元逐步回归及单因子分析结果表明:施氮与不施氮处理的CO2排放速率与地下5 cm处土壤温度呈极显著正相关,土壤温度是影响蔬菜地CO2排放的主导因子;二者的Q10值分别为3.67和3.55。  相似文献   

王朔  王羽  赵元慧  # 《生态毒理学报》2017,12(3):681-686
不同暴露途径下有机物在生物体内的吸收分布不同,导致毒性效应亦不同,研究化学品在不同暴露途径下对生物体的毒性,对化学品的安全性评价有实际意义。本文通过研究静脉注射、腹腔注射、肌肉注射与经口灌胃4种暴露途径下527个有机物对大鼠的急性毒性数据相关性,比较了不同暴露途径下大鼠对有机污染物的敏感度顺序,结果为:静脉注射>腹腔注射>肌肉注射>经口灌胃途径,静脉注射途径下log1/LD50与其他几种注射途径下的log1/LD50有较显著的相关性,但是与灌胃途径下毒性值之间的相关性较差,相关系数r的范围为0.82~0.97。通过逐项分析研究不同暴露途径下化合物对大鼠的急性毒性与生物利用度、吸收速率、消除速率以及代谢过程的关系,结果表明,导致这种差异的原因主要是有机污染物在大鼠体内的吸附动力学过程不同所致。  相似文献   

石灰氮对镉污染土壤中镉生物有效性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以石灰作对比,在大田条件下研究了不同石灰氮用量对镉污染土壤中镉生物有效性的影响。结果表明,一定量石灰或石灰氮处理均能显著提高酸性土壤的pH值,降低污染土壤中有效态镉质量分数及水稻茎叶和糙米中的镉质量分数。与不施改良剂的对照相比,石灰施用量达到1 200 kg.hm-2时土壤pH值显著提高,土壤有效态镉质量分数降低12.6%(P〈0.05),水稻茎叶和糙米中镉质量分数分别降低25.5%(P〈0.05)和28.3%(P〈0.05);石灰氮施用量达到600 kg.hm-2时,土壤pH值显著高于对照,土壤有效态镉质量分数较对照降低10.9%(P〈0.05),水稻茎叶和糙米中镉质量分数分别降低36.8%(P〈0.05)和33.0%(P〈0.05)。等量条件下(600 kg.hm-2)石灰氮对降低土壤镉有效性及水稻累积镉的效果相对优于石灰处理。因此,石灰氮与石灰一样可用于酸性重金属污染土壤的修复与改良,是一种极具潜力的土壤改良剂。  相似文献   

杨树、落叶松对土壤重金属的吸收及修复研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王新  贾永锋 《生态环境》2007,16(2):432-436
在沈阳生态实验站开展了木本植物对土壤重金属的吸收积累及修复效应的研究,实验结果表明,重金属污染物已影响了杨树(Populus canadensis)的正常生长,Cd、Cu、Zn复合污染处理杨树总生物量比对照下降了26%。Cd、Cu、Zn处理杨树和落叶松重金属吸收量多于对照,杨树叶Cd、根Cu重金属吸收量分别比对照增加了2.09倍、2.2倍。落叶松(Larix koreana)根Cd、Cu、Zn的吸收量比对照分别增加了2.17、1.95和1.42倍。树木体内重金属元素迁移能力的大小分别为Cd>Zn>Cu,重金属吸收系数大小依次为杨树>落叶松,重金属在杨树体内的迁移能力及地上部吸收能力要大于落叶松。土壤一旦遭受重金属污染(Cd、Cu、Zn),通过木本植物杨树、落叶松修复净化的时间相当漫长。  相似文献   

In this study, soil samples were collected to a depth of 100?cm from different land-uses, including maize field (MZ), wheat field (WT), paddy field (PD), apple orchard (OC), grassland (GL) and wetland (WL) in the Ili River Valley in northwest China, to investigate the effects of land-use on vertical distributions of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fractions, and examine whether such effects were different between topsoil (0–40?cm) and subsoil (40–100?cm). The results showed that soil organic C, water-extractable organic C, microbial biomass C, total N and microbial biomass N of croplands (MZ, WT, PD and OC) were significantly lower than those of natural lands (GL and WL) in both topsoil and subsoil, indicating that contents of soil C and N fractions can be reduced by agricultural land-uses, and the reductions are not limited to topsoil. However, the contents of soil ammonium N and nitrate N showed complex trends under different land-uses, possibly due to that the plant species and agricultural practices (e.g. application rate of fertiliser and irrigation) are considerably different among land-uses. Therefore, we suggest that more nutrient inputs should be applied to croplands to improve soil fertility in the Ili River Valley.  相似文献   

In 2002, The (UK) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) together with the Environment Agency published document SGV10 “Contaminants in soil: collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Lead”. This publication sets out the derivation of Soil Guideline Values for lead contamination. Values for soil lead that are protective of the health of children and also for adults are derived using the model recommended by an international task force working under the auspices of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) (Wixson and Davies 1993, 1994). Detailed examination of the DEFRA publication shows it uses unrealistic values for two variables in the SEGH model. The consequence is both actual and has potential adverse societal impacts. These impacts could be avoided if the appropriate scientific community were regarded as stakeholders in the legislative outcome and not simply the providers of the research data.  相似文献   

Microbial associations may influence the negative effects of potentially toxic elements on plants. In a greenhouse experiment, the growth; biochemical response; and Pb, Fe, and Zn uptake of Onopordum acanthium L. were investigated in response to inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF (a mixture of Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus irregularis, and Rhizophagus fasciculatus) and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR (a mixture of Pseudomonas species including P. putida, P. fluorescens, and P. aeruginosa) at increased Pb levels in soil. The treatments were arranged as a factorial experiment based on a randomised complete block design. Results revealed that inoculation with AMF and PGPR decreased Pb toxicity in plants. Inoculated plants with AMF and PGPR had higher shoot and root dry weight compared with the non-inoculated plants. In this study, AMF and PGPR inoculation led to a significant increase (P?≤?.05) in chlorophyll a, b, chlorophyll a+b, carotenoid, proline, and relative water content of plants. Furthermore, AMF and PGPR inoculation likely played a more important role in growth and Pb uptake in O. acanthium L. Our results suggest that AMF and Pseudomonas bacteria could be effective bio-inoculants for enhancing the plant growth and Pb uptake by inhibiting the adverse effects of Pb in O. acanthium.  相似文献   

The immobilisation of heavy metals in the soil of a 25-year-old active firing range using durian (Durio zibethinus L.) tree sawdust (DTS), coconut coir (CC) and oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) was investigated. The immobilisation effects were evaluated in terms of metal accumulation in water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) and soil metal bioavailability. A pot experiment was conducted by amending the firing range soil with DTS, CC and EFB at application rates of 0%, 1% and 3% (w/w), respectively. All amendments increased the biomass yield and reduced the uptake of heavy metals in the plant tissue. Zn had the highest values of Bioconcentration Factor (BCF: 0.301–0.865) and Translocation Factor (TF: 1.056–1.883). Pb was the least-accumulated and transported metal in the plant tissues, with the BCF and TF values of 0.019–0.048 and 0.038–0.116, respectively. The bioavailable fraction of heavy metals in the firing range soil decreased following the application of the three agricultural wastes studied. DTS, CC and EFB did not cause toxicity symptoms in the water spinach over the pot experiment. Therefore, DTS, CC and EFB are considered promising immobilising agents for the remediation of metal-contaminated land.  相似文献   

铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场周边土壤铅污染特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金属冶炼过程留下的废渣经过雨水冲刷及渗滤液等的作用使残留在废渣中的重金属发生迁移转化,导致渣堆场下及周边土壤受到重金属污染。了解冶炼厂渣堆场下及周边土壤重金属污染状况对场地修复及土地利用规划均有重大意义。本研究调查了湖南某铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场0~4 km内三个采样区0~20 cm表层土壤及0~100 cm深度土壤中铅的污染状况,采用单项污染指数法进行铅污染评价,并分析了铅纵向迁移随深度变化和横向迁移随距离变化的分布特征。结果表明,铅锌冶炼厂渣堆场下及周边0~1 km范围内土壤受到了铅污染,渣堆场下、距渣堆场10 m处及1 km处表层土壤中重金属铅的质量分数分别可达775.25、645.33和309.80 mg·kg^-1,超过了当地土壤中铅的背景值,也超过了土壤二级质量标准甚至三级质量标准。三个采样区的铅污染指数分别为2.6、2.1及1.03,污染等级均为Ⅱ级,污染程度为轻度污染。三个采样区土壤中铅污染主要集中于0~20 cm土壤层中,铅的质量分数分别达775.25,645.33和309.80 mg·kg^-1,20~100 cm土壤层中铅的质量分数低于0~20 cm的,分别在88.48~120.96 mg·kg-1、235.01~380.16 mg·kg^-1及309.80~59.32 mg·kg^-1之间。渣堆场下土壤中的铅从0~20cm土壤层往下至20~100cm土壤层迁移量远小于距渣场10 m处及1 km处的。三个采样区表层0~20 cm土壤层中铅的变化规律为距渣堆场0 m(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场4 km,质量分数随距离增加而降低。20~40 cm及40~60 cm土壤层中铅的变化规律为距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场0 m处(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场4 km,60~80 cm及80~100 cm土壤层的变化规律为距渣堆场10 m〉距渣堆场0 m处(渣堆场下)〉距渣堆场1 km〉距渣堆场4 km,铅的质量分数随距离的增加先升高后降低。  相似文献   

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