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Although sediment deposition has detrimental effects on macroalgal settlement and recruitment, fucoid algae (mainly Sargassum duplicatum) thrive on rocky reefs always overlaid with fine sediments in sheltered sites of Kagoshima, Japan. The aim of the present study was to assess their ability to settle and recruit onto sediment-covered substrata. A transplant experiment using boulders with Sargassum juveniles attached showed that the 30-day survival rate was as high as 50% even for the juvenile stage (<10 mm) on boulders completely buried with sediment. In addition, an outdoor tank experiment testing the effects of different sediment thicknesses (0–4 mm) on already settled 4-day old S. duplicatum germlings indicated significant reductions in growth by the presence of sediment cover even at 0.5 mm but no significant increase in mortality up to 2 mm. Furthermore, an in situ experiment in which sterilized cobbles were placed at a sediment-covered site to allow sediment to settle over them before the embryo release showed a uniformly high recruitment of Sargassum over the cobbles. This suggests the presence of unknown mechanisms to allow the settlement of propagules on substrata thinly but completely covered by fine sediments.  相似文献   

Mangrove trees planted for restoration or rehabilitation often fail to show satisfactory survivals. Although it is generally assumed that barnacle fouling is a factor in mangrove mortality, the sub-lethal response of mangroves to this fouling is not known. In the present study, we compare the leaf morphology (stomata density, leaf thickness, percentage thickness of palisade layer and number of hypodermal layers), lenticel density and the plant fitness (number of flowers or droppers per tree) between mangroves fouled by the acorn barnacle Fistulobalanus albicostatus (the fouled group, number of barnacles ~ 120 individuals per tree) and non-fouled mangroves (the control group). We observed 55 Kandelia obovata from three locations, two in Hong Kong (n = 35, fouled 25 and control 10) and one location in Taiwan (n = 20, fouled 10 and control 10). Aegiceras corniculatum (n = 45) was observed from two sites in Hong Kong, one on the east coast (n = 20, 10/10) and one on the west coast (n = 25, 10/15). In seedlings (K. obovata n = 10, 5/5), fouling density did not affect leaf morphology. In mature trees, however, leaves from fouled trees had significantly higher density of stomata and stem lenticel, a lower percentage thickness of leaf palisade layer and more layers of lower hypodermis in the leaves, probably for compensating the impeded gaseous exchange functions of the lenticels. The number of droppers and flowers on fouled mangroves was significantly lower. It is possible that after compensating for respiratory stress, the plant had less energy available for reproduction. Although there was no obvious barnacle-induced mortality in this study, barnacles appear to be related to a reduction in plant fitness. This may induce sufficient stress that over time fouled mangroves cannot sustain viable populations.  相似文献   

Positive plant–animal interactions are important in community ecology, but relatively little attention has been paid to their effect on the production of mangroves, dominant halophytic trees in tropical coastal marshes. Here, the role of fiddler crab (Uca spp.) burrowing on the growth and production of the white mangrove, Laguncularia racemosa (<2 years old), was examined in a restored marsh in Tampa Bay, Florida (27°41.65 N, 82°30.34 W) with manipulative experiments from June 2006 to May 2007. Fiddler crab burrowing significantly increased mangrove height by 27%, trunk diameter by 25%, and leaf production by 15%, compared to mangroves in crab exclusion enclosures. Additionally, the exclusion of fiddler crabs significantly increased interstitial water salinity from 32.4 to 44.2, and decreased the oxidation–reduction potential of the low organic sediments, but did not affect soil pH or sulfide concentration. Mangrove height, trunk diameter, and leaf production along a transect that varied in crab burrow density were positively associated with the number of crab burrows. Further, the density of sympatric Spartina alterniflora shoots was positively correlated with crab burrow density along the transect. As in temperate marshes, fiddler crabs can have significant ecological effects on mangrove communities, serving as ecological engineers by modulating the amount of resources available to marsh plants, and by altering the physical, chemical, and biological state of these soft sediment communities. In restored coastal systems that typically have very poor sediment quality, techniques such as soil amendment could be used to facilitate a more natural interaction between crabs and mangroves in ecosystem development.  相似文献   

Mud crabs of the genus Scylla are commercially important mangrove residents that are extensively fished throughout their range in the Indo-West Pacific. Despite this high level of exploitation very little is known about the population dynamics of any of the Scylla species. The present study concentrated on an exploited population of Scylla paramamosain in a natural estuarine mangrove on Can Coc Island in the mouth of the Hau River, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. A total of 6,114 juvenile crabs captured on the seaward mangrove fringe were internally tagged by injection of coded microwire tags and released over a period of 29 days. Recaptures were monitored over the following 144 days. There was little migratory movement within the estuary; of 285 recaptured crabs, 93% were recovered within the island mangrove study area and only two individuals were recovered from mangroves lining the opposite mainland riverbanks. A von Bertalanffy growth function was fitted to growth increment data from recaptured crabs, with L max = 150 mm to derive a growth constant, k = 2.39 year−1. The theoretical age at which carapace width is zero (t 0) was derived from known size at recruitment at instar 1, giving a value of −0.0095 years. Previous studies of the same population have shown that female S. paramamosain reach maturity at a mean size of 102 mm carapace width. The present study indicates that they attain this size at around 160 days from first settlement in the mangrove fringe. Abundance of juvenile crabs in the study area was estimated by the Petersen method as 1,101,500 (95% CI 4,17,300–1,785,800, representing 1,102 crabs ha−1 of mangrove. Estimation of mortality from tag returns and from the age-catch curves during a period of constant recruitment were comparable (Z = 1.11 and 1.04 month−1, respectively). Fishing only accounted for 14% of total mortality, suggesting that at the time exploitation was not at a critical level despite the apparent high level of fishing activity.  相似文献   

Archaster typicus, a common sea star in Indo-Pacific regions, has been a target for the ornamental trade, even though little is known about its population biology. Spatial and temporal patterns of abundance and size structure of A. typicus were studied in the Davao Gulf, the Philippines (125°42.7′E, 7°0.6′N), from February 2008 to December 2009. Specimens of A. typicus were associated with intertidal mangrove prop roots, seagrass meadows, sandy beaches, and shoals. Among prop roots, specimens were significantly smaller and had highest densities (131 ind. m−2) between November and March. High organic matter in sediment and a relatively low predation rate seemed to support juvenile life among mangroves. Size and density analyses provided evidence that individuals gradually move to seagrass, sandy habitats, and shoals as they age. Specimens were significantly larger at a shoal (maximum radius R = 81 mm). New recruits were found between August and November in both 2008 and 2009. Timing of recruitment and population size frequencies confirmed a seasonal reproductive cycle. Juveniles had relatively high growth rates (2–7 mm month−1) and may reach an R of 20–25 mm after 1 year. Growth rates of larger specimens (R > 30 mm) were generally <2 mm month−1. The activity pattern of A. typicus was related to the tidal phase and not to time of day: Specimens moved over the sediment surface during low tides and were burrowed during high tides possibly avoiding predation. This is one of the first studies to document an ontogenetic habitat shift for sea stars and provides new biological information as a basis for management of harvested A. typicus populations.  相似文献   

The patchy distribution of rocky intertidal communities in the tropical eastern Pacific (TEP) may impose severe constraints on the genetic connectivity among populations of marine invertebrates associated with this habitat. In this study, we analyzed a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene in two sympatric species of marine snails, Nerita scabricosta and Nerita funiculata, common inhabitants of the rocky intertidal from the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez) and outer Pacific coast of the southern Baja California (Baja) peninsula to northern South America, to assess genetic connectivity among populations of each species. One of our aims was to determine whether the morphological, behavioral, and ecological differences observed among populations of both species throughout their range in the TEP corresponded to population genetic differences. In addition, we were interested in elucidating the demographic history of both species. We found no evidence of genetic structure throughout the Gulf of California and outer coast of the Baja peninsula region for either species. Comparisons between Gulf of California/Baja and Panama populations, however, showed significant genetic differentiation for N. scabricosta, but not for N. funiculata. The genetic differences between Mexican and Panamanian populations of N. scabricosta were consistent with previously reported ecological and behavioral differences for this species between these two distant regions. However, previously reported size differences between northern and central/southern Gulf of California individuals of N. scabricosta do not correspond with our findings of genetic connectivity among these populations. Results from neutrality tests (Tajima’s D and Fu’s F S), the mismatch distribution, and Bayesian skyline analyses suggested that both species have experienced dramatic population expansions dating to the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

To understand natural and anthropic control of mangrove vegetation in the Gulf of Kachchh, a study was undertaken of its vegetation structure. Over 2 years (1999–2000) at three sites, mangrove vegetation was studied, including tree density, tree height, tree girth at breast height (GBH), canopy index, regeneration class and recruitment class, together with physico-chemical characteristics of water and sediment and the textural aspects of sediments. Reflecting the hot, arid hinterland of Gujarat, ambient temperatures and salinities are high in this macrotidal estuary, decreasing somewhat during the monsoon. The littoral soil supporting the mangrove is abundant in silty loam, silty clay and slity clay loam. The density of mature trees (Mangrove plants of GBH > 25 cm) ranged from 2088/ha to 3011/ha, the height of the trees ranged from 1.42 m to 9 m and the maximum mean GBH at all three sites was 33 cm, and the mean canopy indices ranged between 4.77 m2 and 10.45 m2. The maximum density of regeneration stages was 100,800/ha while that of recruitment stages was only 3,040/ha. While quite severely impacted by anthropic exploitation at one site, the mangrove ecosystem of Gulf of Kachchh was found to be mainly healthy and supporting associated organisms. The ecological and social role of the mangrove, and the potential for its future conservation are briefly discussed in the light of current legislation.  相似文献   

A metapopulation, time-invariant, stage-classified matrix model was developed to assess the dynamics of an important Pinna nobilis population in the marine Lake Vouliagmeni (Korinthiakos Gulf, Greece). The main aim of the study was to provide insight on the life cycle of the fan mussel and reveal influential factors for its population dynamics, with a special focus on the effect of poaching. The size of the fan mussel shell was selected as a state variable, and the model consisted of five size classes. The lake was divided in two regions, a shallow region of high (illegal) fishing mortality and high recruitment (region 1) and a deeper region of low mortality and low recruitment (region 2). The estimation of the transition matrix (stage-specific growth and mortality probabilities) was based on a tagging survey between 2005 and 2006, while independent annual surveys for abundance estimation using distance sampling techniques were utilized for the estimation of recruitment and stage-specific fertilities. The population was found to be increasing with an intrinsic rate of increase r = 0.038; however, r was not statistically different from zero. The life expectancy and expected lifetime offspring production of individuals in region 1 was markedly lower than that of individuals in region 2. Due to poaching, the life expectancy of a yearling fan mussel was less than 2.5 years in region 1, while it was almost 12 years in region 2. The highest expected annual natural mortality of fan mussels occurred on their first year of life after settlement (~43%) and greatly declined at greater sizes. Perturbation analysis revealed that the population growth rate was most sensitive to the vital rates of the larger size classes in region 2 and to fertilities corresponding to offspring that settled in the same region. The spatial distribution and abundance of the species was greatly dependent on the extent of poaching, which caused a size segregation of individuals, with small and young individuals being abundant in region 1, and larger and older individuals being restricted in region 2. If poaching ceased, the fan mussel population would be increasing with a significantly higher intrinsic rate of increase (r = 0.186), while if region 2 was also illegally exploited at the same intensity as region 1, the fan mussel population would be decreasing with r = −0.364 and would eventually collapse. The existence of refuge areas, where fan mussels may grow and reproduce, providing adjacent areas with offspring, seems crucial for the viability of local populations. Transplantation of fan mussels from high mortality areas to low mortality refuges might prove to be an effective measure to protect local populations of the species.  相似文献   

Allochthonous subsidies of energy and nutrients can affect community structure in patchy marine habitats, including rocky reefs, and their ecological consequences may depend on the mechanism of energy transfer. Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) are demersal predators that trophically link nearshore rocky reefs with offshore pelagic habitats through consumption of pelagic fishes. We quantified lingcod habitat use and movement patterns to make inferences about the temporal and spatial conditions under which lingcod may acquire pelagic prey. Lingcod maintained small home ranges (21,272 ± 13,630 m2) within a rocky reef in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington; eight of nine individuals used rocky habitat exclusively. Depths occupied by lingcod (0–50 m) coincided with pelagic fish distribution on the rocky reef; however, diel patterns in lingcod activity varied inversely with occurrence of pelagic fishes on the reef. Our findings suggest that the pelagic subsidy to lingcod is not strongly mediated through directed off-reef foraging by lingcod.  相似文献   

Recruitment patterns of marine invertebrates are affected both by settlement and early post-settlement events. This study examined the settlement and recruitment patterns of echinoderms at three sites in the rocky subtidal zone of Bocabec Cove, Bay of Fundy, Canada using artificial turf collectors and quadrats on the natural substrate. Potential predators were quantified at two of the sites along transects and in 1-m2 quadrats. Both potential predators and competitors were quantified in 0.0625-m2 quadrats. Settlement varied across sites (1.5–3 km apart) and two years of sampling (2004, 2005). The site of most potential settlement differed for the three groups of echinoderms: sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), sea stars (Asterias spp.) and sea cucumber (Psolus fabricii). Settlement densities on the artificial turf collectors tended to be greater than the densities of settlers on the natural substrate. On the natural substrate, the only significant difference between densities of juveniles over time was that newly settled sea stars were found in July and were not found the following October. Large lobsters and carnivorous worms were potential predators with densities that varied between sites. Potential competitors that differed in abundance between sites were herbivorous gastropods and conspecifics for sea urchins; and carnivorous worms for sea stars. This study suggests that patterns of recruitment are either set up by patterns of settlement or by events during the first few weeks/months on the benthic substrate for these echinoderms.  相似文献   

The grass rockfish (Sebastes rastrelliger Jordan and Gilbert, 1880) is a non-migratory, benthic, near shore species distributed along rocky reefs and sea grass beds. It occurs from Baja California, Mexico, to Oregon, USA, spanning the Oregonian and Californian biogeographic provinces. In California this fish receives intense fishing pressure from an expanding and loosely regulated live-fish fishery. It is not known whether or by what mechanism larvae and juveniles are retained locally or dispersed widely during the early life-history phase. Tissue samples of S. rastrelliger were collected between 1996 and 2001 from 405 adult fish at eight sites (42.70°N; 124.50°W to 32.67°N; 117.25°W) spanning the species range. Individuals were surveyed for polymorphism at six microsatellite loci. Allele frequency heterogeneity was not significant among all sites (FST=0.001; P=0.18), nor in pairwise comparisons, but a clear correlation of genetic and geographic distance was detected (P=0.019). Fit of genetic and geographic distance was stronger within biogeographic provinces than at a range-wide scale, suggesting that populations north and south of the Point Conception biogeographic boundary are not in equilibrium with respect to migration and genetic drift. Estimates of mean coastal dispersal distances associated with the isolation-by-distance relationship are on the order of 10 km generation–1. Such limited dispersal in a species with a pelagic early life history suggests active retention mechanisms near the shore. This has important implications for coastal management zones and design of marine reserves.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

The inarticulated brachiopod, Lingula reevii Davidson (1880) is a filter-feeding invertebrate that burrows vertically in sandy or mixed sediments. Its only recorded occurrence is from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, southern Japan, and Ambon, Indonesia. Past surveys of Kaneohe Bay populations suggested a distinct decrease in abundance following the diversion of sewage effluent from the bay in 1978/1979. In the summer of 2004 and 2007, visual surveys were conducted in areas of historical L. reevii abundance as well as in areas appearing to have suitable habitat. In 2004, approximately 2,950 m2 at 20 sites within the bay were surveyed using quantitative belt transecting methods. A maximum density of 4 Lingula/m2 was observed, a decrease from previous maximum estimates of 500 individuals/m2 (Worcester, Dissertation, Zoology Department, University of Hawai′i, pp 49, 1969) and 100 individuals/m2 (Emig, J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 52:47–61, 1981). When these 20 sites were revisited in 2007, many had fewer or no L. reevii; therefore, broader scale presence/absence surveys were conducted at 16 additional sites in the bay (also surveyed in 2004). The highest density of L. reevii found in 2007 was 0.94 individuals/m2. The continued decline in abundance of L. reevii in Kaneohe Bay may be due, in addition to decreased organic enrichment from diversion of sewage discharge almost 30 years ago, to the more recent reduction of suitable habitat by the invasion of mat-forming alien algae species.  相似文献   

Among pelagic fish, the Southwestern Atlantic menhaden genus Brevoortia (Clupeidae, Alosinae) constitutes an important species model to investigate the patterns of genetic differentiation. It is abundant in the Río de la Plata estuary and in the Atlantic coastal lagoons system from Uruguay and Southern Brazil. To access in the taxa discrimination and population structure in Brevoortia we perform a phylogeographic approach based on mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt-b) sequences including 240 individuals from 16 collecting sites. Among the 720 bp cyt-b sequenced, 199 correspond to variables and 88 to phylogenetically informative sites. High values of haplotype diversity (h = 1.000) and nucleotide diversity (π = 0.061), as well as an average of 0.084 polymorphic segregating sites and 46 different haplotypes were found. Maximum likelihood analysis based on the GTR + I + G model and Bayesian inference strongly support the idea that B. aurea is the only species of the genus inhabiting the Southwestern Atlantic region. Our analyses revealed a complex population pattern characterized by the existence of long-term highly structured genetic assemblages of mixed stocks. Each monophyletic entity included individuals from different collecting sites, different age groups and collected in different years. Our data also suggest that the recruitment of unrelated mtDNA haplotypes carried out by individuals within schools could be occurring in the same nursery areas revealing the existence of many different maternal lineages. A scenario where different simultaneously and successively mixed mtDNA lineages remain historically connected through basal haplotypes among different clades could explains more accurately the complex and ordered metapopulation dynamic found in this pelagic fish.  相似文献   

The sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus is common in the Mediterranean Sea in shallow subtidal rocky habitats, and it is intensely harvested for commercial and recreational purposes. This study is aimed at investigating whether the effects of harvest restrictions of P. lividus in rocky reef habitats interact with the accessibility of locations in structuring sea urchin population (total and commercial-sized individuals). These results are important for generating hypotheses about the influence of human harvesting on P. lividus and for addressing suitable measures of conservation. Paracentrotus lividus was sampled after the end of the sea urchin harvesting period (May–July 2007) within the Gulf of Alghero (North West Sardinia), where the Capo Caccia–Isola Piana Marine Protected Area (MPA) was established since 2002. Paracentrotus lividus was sampled at sixteen locations and attributed in groups of four to 4 combinations of harvest restrictions (Restricted Harvest, RH, vs. Unlimited Harvest, UH) and accessibility (Boat vs. Car), which correspond to a gradient of potential human activity on P. lividus in the ranked order of very low (RHBoatfar), low (RHBoatclose), moderate (RHCar) and high (UHCar). At each location, two depth ranges of 3–7 and 8–12 m were considered. At each of these depths, two areas of about 100-m2 size were chosen. The density of P. lividus was assessed in ten quadrats of 1 × 1 m, and the size of 100 individuals (test diameter) was considered. Human activity has been found to significantly affect population structure of P. lividus influencing the proportion of individuals larger than 50 mm. Although harvest was restricted by MPA regulations, a significantly lower abundance of large individuals was found at sites accessible by car. This result highlights that there is an effect of harvest restrictions in relation to accessibility and emphasizes the need to carefully address the enforcement of the MPA toward easily accessible sites. Thus, surveillance and investment in enforcement of marine reserves seem crucial points that may provide the greatest return on maintaining the ecological benefits to the fishery activities.  相似文献   

Patterns of community development on subtidal rocky reefs in Marmion Lagoon, southwest Australia, were investigated with a settlement panel experiment. We tested the hypothesis that community development would differ between outer and inner reefs lines, because exposure to swell and wave energy was significantly greater on outer reefs. Following a 14-month deployment, we recorded pronounced variability between panels and sites, but did not detect any effect of wave exposure on the structure of panel assemblages. Subsequent data exploration suggested the importance of the presence of kelp recruits (Ecklonia radiata) in structuring the overall assemblage. Panel assemblages with kelp recruits were significantly different in structure to those without, principally because of greater space coverage of encrusting coralline algae and less coverage of red turfing algae, spirorbids, and bryozoans. Mature E. radiata act as ecosystem engineers in subtidal rocky reefs in southwest Australia. Our results suggested the importance of young, recruiting kelps in determining patterns of early community development on newly available hard substrata.  相似文献   

Shelters generated by the introduced reef-building polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Serpulidae) significantly enhance settlement of the crab Cyrtograpsus angulatus (Grapsidae) in a SW Atlantic coastal lagoon (Mar Chiquita, 37°32S; 57°26W; Argentina). However, their ultimate role in recruitment does not appear to be very important, suggesting a habitat-generated bottleneck that occurs between settlement and recruitment. Laboratory and field experiments show that newly settled crabs actively select refuges similar in size. Inside the reefs, decreases in crab density of each newly settled cohort mirror the ratio of decreases in the number of reef refuges of similar sizes, suggesting that habitat fractal structure determines the mortality rate after settlement. Field experiments using artificial shelters show that as crabs increase in size, they move outside reefs. Field tethering of juvenile- and adult-sized crabs without access to refuges showed that juvenile crabs suffer a much higher risk of mortality than adults. Our results show that the availability of small refuges provided by polychaete reefs enhances crab settlement, but, then, due to a decrease in the number of refuges as size increases, produces a demographic bottleneck during recruitment. Thus, independent of settlement intensity, enhanced survivorship in the smallest size classes due to refuge is not transmitted to larger size classes. This is likely one reason why stock-recruitment relationships may not hold in species that use shelters during both recently settled and juvenile life stages. These results provide a good example of why habitat enhancement programs need to incorporate a comprehensive evaluation of the species ontogenic ecology to avoid class size-specific bottlenecks.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Over 15 000 coral recruits were counted on settlement plates from three mid-shelf reefs and six fringing reefs in the northern section of the Great Barrier Reef during two summers (1986 and 1987) and one winter (1987). The density of coral recruits on some settlement plates from a fringing reef was up to 4.88 cm–2, the highest value ever reported. Mean density of recruits was greater on fringing reefs (81.1 recruits/settlement plate) than on mid-shelf reefs (15.6 recruits/settlement plate), but there was greater spatial variation in abundance of recruits between the fringing reef sites. Other differences between the mid-shelf reefs and the fringing reefs were that different taxa were dominant, and that settlement orientation differed, with mid-shelf recruits settling preferentially on horizontally oriented surfaces and fringingreef recruits preferring vertical surfaces. Of the three midshelf reefs, Green Island reef recorded the highest recruitment rate for each of the two summers, despite having a depauperate adult coral population following predation by the asteroidAcanthaster planci. This suggests that coral larvae frequently travel between reefs. In contrast with an earlier study, there was no consistent difference in abundance of recruits between forereef and backreef locations. Overall, the results indicated great spatial variation in the availability of coral larvae, both on the scale of whole reefs and within-reef habitats.  相似文献   

Daytime sampling of mangrove and seagrass (Halophila/Halodule community) habitats every 7 wk at Alligator Creek, Queensland, Australia, over a period of 13 mo (February 1985–February 1986) using two types of seine net, revealed distinct mangrove and seagrass fish and crustacean faunas. Total abundance of fish and relative abundance of small and large fish also varied between habitats and seasonally. Post-larval, juvenile and small adult fish captured with a small seine-net (3 mm mesh) were significantly more abundant (4 to 10 times) in the mangrove habitat throughout the 13 mo of sampling. Mangrove fish abundance showed significant seasonality, greatest catches being recorded in the warm, wet-season months of the year. Relative abundances of larger fish (captured in a seine net with 18 mm mesh) in the two habitats varied throughout the year, but did not show a seasonal pattern. At the same site, small crustaceans were significantly more abundant in the mangroves in all but one dryseason sample. Similar comparisons for three riverine sites, sampled less frequently, in the dry and wet seasons of 1985 and 1986, respectively, showed that in general mangrove habitats had significantly more fish per sample, although the relative abundance of fish in mangroves and other habitats changed with season. Crustacean catches showed a similar pattern, except that densities among sites changed with season. Fish and crustacean abundance in mangroves varied among sites, indicating that estuaries differ in their nursery-ground value. The juveniles of two commercially important penaeid prawn species (Penaeus merguiensis and Metapenaeus ensis) were amongst the top three species of crustaceans captured in the study, and both were significantly more abundant in the mangrove habitat. By contrast, mangroves could not be considered an important nursery for juveniles of commercially important fish species in northern Australia. However, based on comparisons of fish catches in other regions, the results of the present study indicate the importance of mangroves as nursery sites for commercially exploited fish stocks elsewhere in South-East Asia. Contribution No. 378 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

We used microsatellite genetic markers to investigate adult population structure and the formation of a new year-class in Sebastes mystinus (blue rockfish). Since S. mystinus may live as long as 45 years and reach reproductive age at approximately 5 years, the adult population may contain as many as eight generations of reproductive adults. We investigated whether the juveniles of the 2000 year-class and the adult population were genetically homogeneous along the California coast. We sampled approximately 100 juveniles from three sites, two sites along the Monterey Peninsula (Carmel and Monterey) in central California and one at Fort Ross in northern California, and approximately 50 adult S. mystinus from five sites throughout the population center. The adult sampling spanned approximately 700 km from the northern Channel Islands to Fort Bragg. The juveniles showed significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies among distant locations and genetic homogeneity among adjacent locations. In contrast, the adults showed genetic homogeneity over large distances (San Miguel Island to Fort Bragg), indicating little limitation of gene flow in this region. Allele frequencies of juveniles differed from adult samples and in some cases reduced genetic diversity indicative of sweepstakes recruitment (small sample of the adult reproductive potential). The genetic structure of the 2000 year-class suggests that despite a genetically homogenous adult population, settled juveniles can be genetically heterogeneous along the California coast. The results also suggest that the adults, with several year-classes, are capable of maintaining a panmictic population despite the genetic distinctiveness of individual year-classes.  相似文献   

For marine organisms, decoupling between the planktonic larval stage and the benthic-associated juvenile stage can lead to variable patterns of population replenishment, which have the potential to influence the effectiveness of marine reserves. We measured spatial and temporal variability in larval supply and recruitment of fishes to coral reefs of different protection levels and tested whether protection level influenced the relationship between supply and recruitment. We sampled pre-settlement larvae and newly settled recruits from four reefs (two reserves and two non-reserves) in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, USA. Replicate point measures of larval supply over 14 months and 17 monthly measurements of recruitment varied significantly among months and sites. Sites with the same protection level had significantly different patterns of larval supply as well as larval and recruit diversity, but recruitment magnitude differed only by protection level, where densities were greater at reserves. Differences in larval supply among sites included two particularly large peaks in larval abundance at one site, possibly associated with the observed passage of small-scale oceanographic features. To examine whether relationships between larval supply and recruitment varied by protection level, we selected one species that was present in both the light trap samples and the monthly recruitment surveys. Recruitment of the bicolor damselfish Stegastes partitus was significantly and positively related to larval supply at three of the four sites thus, protection level did not influence this linkage. Since local variability among sites can lead to spatial differences in population replenishment, characterization of larval supply and recruitment to potential marine reserve sites may help to identify optimal locations in a region and contribute to more effective reserve design.  相似文献   

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