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中国海洋经济发展潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代以来,随着我国海洋经济的迅猛发展,海洋资源退化和海洋环境恶化已成为制约海洋经济可持续发展的"瓶颈"。因此,研究探讨海洋经济发展的潜力对于制定未来一段时期内我国海洋经济可持续发展战略具有重要意义。本文从海洋经济发展潜力的概念出发,以海洋资源分类为基础,综合考虑产业发展潜力和海洋环境生态损害造成损失,以较为合理的方法评估了我国海洋经济发展的潜力。海洋经济发展潜力是指海洋资源用于海洋开发和利用方面的潜在能力,具体计算时,应为海洋资源总价值扣除生态环境灾害造成损失后的价值。收益还原法是评估海洋经济发展的潜力的基本方法,对于不同的海洋资源潜力的评估采用的具体方法不同。本文分别核算了海洋渔业、海洋交通运输业、海洋石油天然气业、海洋盐业、滨海旅游业以及国际海底区域海洋经济的发展潜力,同时评估了未来我国海洋环境污染和海洋灾害的损失价值。结果表明:我国海洋经济发展潜力在199 737.16-320 335.57亿元,平均值为214 150.1亿元。  相似文献   

基于MaxEnt模型荔枝在中国的潜在种植区预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
荔枝是典型亚热带常绿果树,其果实被称为"水果之王",在国内外水果市场上占有重要的地位。分析荔枝在中国的潜在种植区,为荔枝扩大生产提供科学依据。基于132个分布点和22个环境变量,利用MaxEnt模型模拟荔枝在中国的潜在地理分布并检测其主要影响因子及其阈值。结果表明:MaxEnt模型预测荔枝潜在生境分布的精度高。对预测结果贡献较大的环境因子是最干季度降雨量、全年平均温度、最冷月份最低温、温度季节性变化和最暖季度平均温度,其适宜的取值区间分别为60~110 mm、21℃~24℃、7.5℃~14℃、31℃~37℃和28℃~30℃。适宜分布区域主要在四川的东南、重庆的西南、广西的中南部、广东和福建的沿海地区、海南的北部、台湾的西北部及贵州的西北和西南部分等。中度区域是以上这些高分布值区域的向外扩展。同时,云南中南部分地区、西藏靠近印度边界林芝地区及湖北、湖南、江西及安徽的零星地区也进入该分布值。不同省份适宜区面积由大到小依次为广西广东重庆四川福建海南台湾云南贵州;中度适生区依次为云南广西四川广东贵州福建重庆海南台湾。以上信息反映出荔枝在我国的潜在地理分布范围,同时,除传统广西、四川、广东、福建、海南、台湾和云南外,贵州和重庆等适生区和中度适生区也是扩大种植区域。  相似文献   

In the current study,the ecosystem services(ES)of conventional and organic rice paddies in Wannian,Jiangxi Province,China are investigated.First,the ES at the field level under organic and conventional paddies were investigated.Total economic value of ES in organic rice paddies was 30093.08yuan RMB/ha per year and that of conventional rice paddies was22 793.31 yuan RMB/ha per year.The total indirect value of ES was 14 813.7 yuan RMB/ha per year in organic rice paddies and12 424.56 yuan RMB/ha per year in conventional ones.There were significant differences between organic and conventional rice paddies for the economic values.Then,this economic information was used to extrapolate and to calculate the total and indirect value of ES from rice paddies in Wangnian.The total and indirect economic values of ES from conventional rice paddies in Wannian were6791 million and 3702 million yuan RMB per year respectively,and the total and indirect economic values of ES from organic rice paddies in Wannian were 1311 million and 646 million yuan RMB per year.If half the area had being converted to organic farming in Wannian,the total and indirect economic values of ES from conventional rice paddies were 3397 million and 1851 million yuan RMB per year,and the total and indirect economic values of ES from organic rice paddies were 5794 million and 2852 million yuan RMB per year.Finally,the total economic value of ES in rice paddies in Wannian was demonstrated through geographic information system techniques.  相似文献   

中国低碳城市关注度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过文献计量和社交大数据挖掘的方法统计到包含"低碳"和"城市"的文献共8 574篇,新浪微博51 081条。利用文献代表学者对于低碳城市的观点,利用新浪微博代表公众对于低碳城市的关注度,分别统计文献和新浪微博中城市出现频率以及关键词出现频率并进行分析。结果表明与低碳城市相关的文献和新浪微博从2010年开始增长,2013年达到峰值,2014年后略有回落。文献和新浪微博中出现频率最高的前30位城市基本一致,城市出现频率与城市行政地位和政策支持力度高度相关,另外文献和新浪微博中均未统计到的城市还有3个。词频统计结果表明:公众和学者对于低碳城市认知相差较大,学者更关注低碳城市建设和经济之间的关系,以及低碳城市对环境的影响程度。公众对于低碳城市的关注角度主要是从日常生活出发,更偏向于把低碳城市理解为低碳生活。建议政府进一步加大低碳城市的宣传力度,通过调整政策加大对非低碳试点城市和欠发达城市的扶持力度。并出台低碳城市的考核细则和评价标准,进一步理顺低碳发展与经济建设和环境保护的关系。  相似文献   

中国绿色生态空间研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于加强生态文明建设的理论基础研究,推进全国主体功能区规划的持续深化,提出并重新界定绿色生态空间的概念,进一步从经济学供需角度,将绿色生态空间划分为3个二级指标:生态空间国土密度、生态空间人口密度、生态空间经济密度,并依据二级指标将全国各省区绿色生态空间大小进行排序(不含香港、澳门),运用灰色相似关联度分析、Q型层次聚类分析和经济社会发展相关性分析展开研究。研究结果表明:各省绿色生态空间供需状况存在较大差异,生态空间人口密度(相对生态空间经济密度)与国土密度变化规律更相似,绿色生态空间和经济增长、人口增长之间不存在明显相关关系。全国主体功能区规划是建立在以资源环境为基础的科学分类标准之上的,但也存在着各规划区域内经济社会发展水平不平衡的问题,经济发展、人口增长与生态资本的增长和环境的改善并不同步。建议实施生态绿色新政,加强绿色生态空间的科学研究,注重全国主体功能区的合理规划;树立生态文化观念,建立生态文明制度;强化生态建设投资;推动相关政策支持。  相似文献   

CO2捕集与封存是减缓气候变化的一种关键的碳减排选择方案。将CO2注入油藏作为一种碳埋存方式引起广泛关注。作为判断某一国家、某一区域或某一具体储层是否适合CO2地质封存开展的重要依据之一,有必要在规划碳捕集与封存(CCS)项目前,对潜在的封存库进行封存潜力评估。本文在已有可公开的地质资料的基础上,评估了中国陆上216个油田实施CO2地质封存的潜力,并与相关研究结果进行了比较。结果表明:在满足埋存深度大于800 m的筛选条件下,当假设我国陆上油田全部用于CO2-EOR时,CO2封存潜力约3.6 Gt;当陆上油田全部视为废弃油藏处理时,CO2理论封存潜力约4.6 Gt。其中,东北和华北地区油藏封存CO2潜力巨大,占陆上油田CO2封存总量的60%以上;同时这里CO2集中排放源分布密集,排放源和封存地间的匹配性良好,可以减少CO2运输和封存成本。在这两个地区可以优先考虑实施油藏封存CO2项目。  相似文献   


Today, the overuse of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and high N loss result in serious nitrate pollution of water and deter the sustainable development of agriculture and social economy. A recently developed site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) can reduce fertilizer-N use while preventing the yield from falling. In this paper, we raise the question of fertilizer N application in rice production through a survey of farmers' practice of fertilizer N in 18 villages of four provinces. The average rate of N application for rice production in the 18 villages was 190 kg/ha, and 76% to 100% of the total fertilizer N which was applied within 10 days after transplanting resulted in lots of nitrate leached into water. Furthermore, we tested the effect of SSNM through farmer participatory trial. The SSNM technology maintained rice yields with significantly less fertilizer N and there was no increase in labor input, as much as 31% fertilizer N were saved with the SSNM technology. Finally, the paper points that extension and further research of the SSNM technology should be an effective method to deal with the contradiction of population, food and nitrate non-point pollution of water resource and promote the sustainability of agriculture.  相似文献   

Fish consumption is considered as the primary pathway of human methylmercury (MeHg) exposure. However, recent studies highlighted that, rice, rather than fish, is the main route of human MeHg exposure in Guizhou, inland China. China is considered as the largest anthropogenic source of mercury (Hg) emission in the world, which has led to serious environmental Hg pollution. But there are no comprehensive studies regarding this environmental health problem to evaluate human Hg exposure and associated health effects. This study aimed to estimate daily MeHg intake and health risk in 7 provinces in southern China, and to assess the relative contribution from rice and fish consumption. The average levels of total mercury (THg) and MeHg in rice samples were generally low at 10.1 ng·g 1 and 2.47 ng·g 1, respectively. But a total of 36 rice samples (12.7%) had THg concentration exceeding the national limit (20 ng·g 1). Generally, rural population had significantly higher Probable Daily Intakes (PDIs) of MeHg than urban population from rice consumption and its relative contribution to MeHg exposure increased significantly from coastal to inland area. The averages of PDIs of MeHg were 0.020 μg·kg 1·d 1 and 0.028 μg·kg 1·d 1 for urban and rural population in southern China, respectively. Despite the serious environmental Hg pollutions in China, the general population in southern China had low risk of MeHg exposure. But rice is an important route of human MeHg exposure in southern China, especially for the rural population in inland area. The findings indicate that rice consumption should be considered when evaluating MeHg exposure in rice eating population in southern China.  相似文献   

Today, the overuse of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and high N loss result in serious nitrate pollution of water and deter the sustainable development of agriculture and social economy. A recently developed site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) can reduce fertilizer N use while preventing the yield from falling. In this paper, we raise the question of fertilizer N application in rice production through a survey of farmers' practice of fertilizer N in 18 villages of four provinces. The average rate of N application for rice production in the 18 villages was 190 kg/ha, and 76% to 100% of the total fertilizer N which was applied within l0 days after transplanting resulted in lots of nitrate leached into water. Furthermore, we tested the effect of SSNM through farmer participatory trial. The SSNM technology maintained rice yields with significantly less fertilizer N and there was no increase in labor input, as much as 31% fertilizer N were saved with the SSNM technology. Finally, the paper points that extension and further research of the SSNM technology should be an effective method to deal with the contradiction of population, food and nitrate nonpoint pollution of water resource and promote the sustainability of agriculture.  相似文献   

中国能源利用的环境安全及其评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保障能源利用条件下的国家环境安全。通过比较环境安全评价和传统环境评价,提出环境安全度这一环境安全的定量指标。建立中国能源利用的环境安全评价体系。评价结果表明。中国以煤为主的能源利用结构对大气环境造成的压力是巨大的。如果不采取任何措施.无论是二氧化硫还是氮氧化物的排放在2010年和2020年都是不安全的。因而.必须制定能源环境协调发展的环境安全战略。制定相应的能源环境协调发展的政策.依靠科技进步削减能源环境污染。动用经济手段促进能源可持续利用。确保国家环境安全。  相似文献   

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