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芦山地震后,中国住房与城乡建设部和中国地震局联合组织成立专家组,对雅安市重要的公共建筑及部分民居开展了应急评估工作,对574栋应急评估建筑的震害进行了统计分析。总结分析了砖木结构、砌体结构和框架结构的震害特征,得到了不同年代建筑的破坏比及各类结构在不同烈度下的破坏比和中小学建筑破坏比。分析表明:经过抗震设计的房屋的抗震性能明显优于非抗震设计房屋;钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震性能优于砌体结构,进而优于砖木结构。中小学房屋的抗震性能较好,优于建筑平均水平;农村自建老旧房屋是抗震薄弱环节。采用隔振技术的建筑具有较好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

以福建省砖混房屋为研究对象,研究了福建省房屋的区域特点,并定性的对其进行了建筑区域特征分区。然后,结合具有普适性特点的汶川地震区砖混房屋的易损性矩阵的处理结果,探讨了福建省砖混房屋具有区域特征分区特点的易损性分析方法,给出了福建省各地区砖混房屋的易损性矩阵。此方法的提出,对于福建省各个不同地区的城市防灾减灾规划、建筑物的抗震加固改造及有效减轻地震经济损失和人员伤亡等都有重要意义。  相似文献   

某单层空旷砖混结构礼堂已使用多年,为保证安全,适应功能变化,对该建筑进行了抗震鉴定,并提出了抗震加固措施。通过建立有限元分析模型,计算结构4种不同工况的振型和自振频率,结果表明:(1)空旷砖混结构的纵墙变形不协调,不能共同工作;(2)耳房的存在能增加房屋的刚度和整体工作性能;(3)增设壁柱能显著提高空旷砖混结构的刚度,在很大程度上改善结构的整体性能;(4)在外纵墙上开设洞口,引起刚度降低,但降低的幅度较小。为验证有限元分析模型的有效性,对改造后的结构进行了动力特性测试,测试结构与模拟结果吻合较好。本文的研究成果,可为在役空旷砖混结构的地震反应分析与抗震加固提供科学依据,为此类房屋的建造和改造提供技术参考。  相似文献   

2022 年 9 月 5 日,四川省泸定县发生了 6.8 级地震,对泸定、石棉、汉源等地区的农村建筑造成严重影响。为了分析农村建筑的震害,对评估烈度为Ⅵ~Ⅸ度区域 12 个乡镇 35 个地点的农村建筑进行了现场调查,总结了砖砌体结构、木结构、石结构和生土结构的典型震害特征,并对 4 种结构的震害等级进行了统计和分析。结果表明:砖砌体结构房屋的严重破坏及倒塌占比为 4.2% 和 3.3%,且与构造措施有很大关系,未经正规设计且缺乏构造措施的砌体结构出现屋面破坏、局部甚至整体倒塌,但设有构造措施的砌体结构房屋保存较好;木结构建筑整体受损较轻,但由于本次泸定地震的竖向作用强烈,木屋盖破坏较为严重;石砌体结构和生土结构房屋,发生严重破坏和倒塌的比例较高,严重破坏占比分别为 7.2% 和 5.1%,倒塌占比分别为 10% 和 7%,破坏最为严重。山体滑坡、落石等次生灾害对建筑造成不同程度的损坏,是此次泸定地震的特征之一。针对此次泸定地震的破坏特征,建议农村建筑落实抗震措施,引入适用的新工艺;灾后恢复过程中,以房屋震损程度评估为基础,重建与加固相结合;同时,建议注重农村规划、选址的研究,降低地震次生灾害破坏;应当进行抗震科普宣传,加强农村工匠培训。  相似文献   

对于目前我国广大农村既有的村镇住宅来讲,大多都是结合当地的传统习惯,就地取材,由当地的建筑工匠建造的,其结构形式简单,如常见的土墙承重房屋、砖土、石土混合承重房屋、木构架与生土墙混合承重房屋、石结构房屋、砖砌体房屋等;所用材料大多都是就地取材,如生土、窑砖、石料、木料等.因为农村住宅建设受当地经济、建筑技术水平的限制,往往只注意上部结构的建造,而不重视房屋地基的处理,因此,地基不均匀沉降是广大农村村镇住宅常见问题.  相似文献   

为进一步掌握江西村镇既有房屋的抗震能力现状,基于已有抗震调查资料及初步分析结果,以3栋典型房屋为例,开展了弹塑性有限元分析。针对1栋现存的2005年九江-瑞昌地震中受损的典型砌体结构,分析其震害特点,并对其进行弹塑性有限元分析,通过与实际震害对比,验证了有限元模型的有效性,并对早期江西村镇房屋的抗震性能进行了论述。在此基础上,对该结构增设圈梁构造柱以及改变砂浆强度,分析其对砌体结构抗震性能的影响;分别选取1栋江西典型村镇砌体结构和框架结构,进一步开展有限元分析,并结合调查数据及震害预测结果,对江西村镇既有房屋的抗震性能进行了分析。结果表明:2005年九江-瑞昌地震后江西村镇房屋的抗震性能有所提高,所调查的江西村镇既有房屋基本满足当地的抗震设防要求;增设圈梁、构造柱及适当提高砂浆强度可有效增强砌体结构的抗震性能。  相似文献   

关于如何减轻我国村镇居住建筑地震灾害的建议   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文在考察了我国七省、市近200个村、镇后指出,我国农村正在兴起一个居住建筑更新换代的高潮,但是几乎所有的村镇建筑都忽视对地震的预防,没有进行必要的抗震性能设计。如果全国村、镇房屋抗震性能低下的隐患如不加以迅速纠正,在未来可能的地震中必将造成极其惨重的损失。为此呼呈政府领导应该重视这一现实,并迅速抓住目前这一村、镇建筑大发展的时机,全面实行抗震设计,消除隐患。  相似文献   

某工程位于昆明市,主体结构高153.1m,为型钢混凝土框架-剪力墙核心筒体系。建筑总高度超过了《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》中规定的B级高度,为提高结构的抗震性能,该工程采用消能减震技术控制结构的地震反应,对消能减震结构进行了设计,确定了消能器附加给结构的阻尼比值。为给结构设计提供可靠的参考依据,采用PERFORM-3D软件,对设有非线性粘滞阻尼器的该结构进行罕遇地震作用下动力弹塑性时程分析,评估该结构的整体性能及其构件的屈服情况,结果表明该消能减震结构基本能达到预期抗震性能目标。  相似文献   

介绍了汶川8级地震中砌体结构房屋的震害情况,归纳分析了砌体结构房屋在地震中的震害特征及其原因,总结出了砌体结构抗震"选材合理、整体设计、注重细节、确保质量"的总体原则,提出了采用"高宽比"来设计窗间墙的宽度、房屋底层中部加设圈梁的建议,讨论了采用隔震技术、墙体开缝耗能、"隐形构造柱"和"捆绑"抗震、设置减震缝及耗能砂浆抗震技术来改进砌体结构抗震性能的新途径和新方法,最后对砌体结构的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

玉树7.1级地震学校建筑震害分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年4月14日青海省玉树县发生了Ms7.1级地震,造成了大量学校建筑的严重破坏甚至倒塌。通过对玉树地震学校建筑震害的调研,进行了不同类别建筑结构震害指数与破坏机理的研究。研究结果表明,震害指数由低到高的结构依次为混凝土框架结构、实心砖混结构、砖木结构、空心砖混结构和土木结构。混凝土框架结构要严格按照强柱弱梁的抗震概念进行设计,加强填充墙与框架柱的连接;实心砖混结构、空心砖混结构应设置构造柱、圈梁、预制楼板拉结筋,增强房屋抗倒塌能力;空心砖混结构还要在砌块内腔配置足量的钢筋,提高砂浆强度;土木结构、砖木结构应从建筑材料、构造措施等方面予以加强。要研究适合当地特色的新型结构抗震体系,提高结构的抗震性能。  相似文献   

汶川"5.12"Ms8.0级特大地震造成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡。大量的民居房屋遭到了破坏。针对汶川地震灾区典型民居结构——砖混结构和底框架结构,通过震害描述介绍了其破坏形式,并按构件从基础到屋面依次分析了震害特征及结构破坏机理。最后对民居房屋建筑的建设提出了设计与施工方面的建议。  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3-4):240-257
Rural settlements, especially in developing countries, are disproportionally vulnerable to natural hazards due to both biophysical and social vulnerability. Building hazard-resistant houses requires a thorough understanding of hazards and institutional and financial resources. However, it is equally important for planners and policymakers to know how rural residents make the tradeoff between various housing attributes when provided with the resources such as low-interest housing construction loans. In this study, we use a choice experiment (CE) to examine rural households' preference for earthquake resistance when building houses. A total of 300 households from randomly selected villages in central districts of Guilan Province in Iran were recruited for a CE study in which they had to choose between a number of houses that differed in terms of the required construction loan, resistance to earthquakes, size, and exterior and interior designs. Our results show that the average resident preferred larger houses with better exterior and interior designs to more earthquake-resistant houses, and is willing to spend more on these attributes than earthquake safety. These results indicate that rural households are willing to receive loans to improve their houses but that this does not translate into more earthquake-resistant houses.  相似文献   

Bates FL  Killian CD 《Disasters》1982,6(2):92-100
This paper reports on what has happened to earthen structures in 26 Guatemalan communities studied over a 4-year period since the 1976 earthquake. The data were obtained from three waves of personal interviews with 1472 randomly sampled household heads. The results show that adobe, which was the primary housing material before the earthquake was heavily damaged in that event. As a consequence the number of adobe structures and of other earthen structures has been drastically reduced. The people of Guatemala individually and because of agency housing programs have abandoned adobe as a building material and turned to concrete block and wood. Surviving earthen structures have not been improved substantially and remain with largely the same structural features as before the earthquake. The greatest improvement is in the use of comer posts or columns in the walls but most of these are made of untreated crude logs or lumber, subject to rot and termite damage. Little information on aseismic housing seems to have spread either within the earthquake area or in the unaffected areas surrounding it. A program to spread information on how to use adobe in aseismic designs needs to be conducted along with one to assist citizens to aquire the resources necessary to improve the earthquake vulnerability of houses.  相似文献   

对目前我国房屋建筑中一种最为广泛应用的结构形式房屋——多层砌体房屋进行震害预测分析研究,简要介绍六种常用的多层砌体震害预测方法,易损性概率分析法或称为半经验半理论法、强度判别法、延性系数判别法、模糊类比法、人工神经网络法和结构理论计算法,在详细调查房屋基本情况的基础上,综合考虑以上几种方法,提出相应的震害预测的分析方法。对郑东新区砌体房屋进行震害预测,做出该地区的震害矩阵,并给出该地区砌体房屋在地震作用下的破坏程度及相应震害面积。  相似文献   

针对不对称大底板多塔楼隔震结构体系,通过建立地震响应的动力分析简化模型,推导出不对称大底板多塔楼隔震结构体系地震作用下的运动方程。对一实际的不对称大底板多塔楼隔震结构进行地震响应仿真分析,探讨塔楼质量偏心率和塔楼质量比对结构周期比、位移比和层剪力比的影响。结果显示,不对称大底板多塔楼隔震结构扭转角主要由隔震层产生;与不隔震结构相比,不对称大底板多塔楼隔震体系的扭转角减小,可取得较好的减震效果;塔楼与底板的位置分布和质量分布会影响体系的扭转效应和减震效果,应尽量使塔楼的质心与底板质心重合,塔楼质量分布均匀,以减小结构的扭转效应,提高减震效果。  相似文献   

台风灾害是浙江省的主要自然灾害之一。根据实地考察数据与分析资料,通过对沿海现有农房防灾能力分析,指出了造成部分农房避灾能力薄弱的原因,然后从农房防御强风能力建设、农房防灾减灾保障体系、农房规划建设管理体系、农村避灾安置场所建设、农房救助体系等方面探讨了构建农房防灾避险体系所要采取的应对措施。  相似文献   

从围护结构节能与防火一体化思路出发,提倡钢筋混凝土结构保温一体化建筑体系和砌体结构保温一体化建筑体系;尤其主张在我国建筑工业化全面升级的基础上大力开发与推广保温型混凝土预制装配化技术,统一建筑模数,实现标准化与多样化;针对预制装配化保温型混凝土在梁、构造柱等容易出现的冷、热桥问题的部位,创新式提出以相变储能材料与建筑结构相融合来提高建这些部位的热工性能,减少温度梯度;从系统上做到保温与建筑同寿命、免维护、工序少,工期短、耐火等,从而真正实现低碳,构建建筑围护结构节能防火一体化建筑体系。  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of post‐disaster housing recovery is critical to enhancing understanding of the process and improving the decisions that shape it. Nevertheless, few comprehensive empirical evaluations of post‐disaster housing recovery have been conducted, and no standard measurement methods exist. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of housing recovery in Punta Gorda, Florida, United States, following Hurricane Charley of August 2004, including an overview of the phases of housing recovery, progression of recovery over time, alternative trajectories of recovery, differential recovery, incorporation of mitigation, and effect on property sales. The assessment is grounded in a conceptual framework that considers the recovery of both people and place, and that emphasises recovery as a process, not as an endpoint. Several data sources are integrated into the assessment—including building permits, remotely sensed imagery, and property appraiser data—and their strengths and limitations are discussed with a view to developing a standardised method for measuring and monitoring housing recovery.  相似文献   

Earthquakes are a major cause of displacement, particularly in developing countries. Models of injury and displacement can be applied to assist governments and aid organisations in effectively targeting preparedness and relief efforts. A stratified cluster survey was conducted in January 2008 to evaluate risk factors for injury and displacement following the 15 August 2007 earthquake in southern Peru. In statistical modelling, seismic intensity, distance to rupture, living conditions, and educational attainment collectively explained 54.9 per cent of the variability in displacement rates across clusters. Living conditions was a particularly significant predictor of injury and displacement, indicating a strong relationship between risk and socioeconomic status. Contrary to expectations, urban, periurban, and rural clusters did not exhibit significantly different injury and displacement rates. Proxies of socioeconomic status, particularly the living conditions index score, proved relevant in explaining displacement, likely due to unmeasured aspects of housing construction practices and building materials.  相似文献   

How should one measure the recovery of a locale from a disaster? The measurement is crucial from a public policy and administration standpoint to determine which places should receive disaster assistance, and it affects the performance evaluation of disaster recovery programmes. This paper compares two approaches to measuring recovery: (i) bouncing back to pre‐disaster conditions; and (ii) attaining the counterfactual state. The former centres on returning to normalcy following disaster‐induced losses, whereas the latter focuses on attaining the state, using quasi‐experimental design, which would have existed if the disaster had not occurred. Both are employed here to assess two housing recovery indicators (total new units and their valuations) in Hurricane Katrina‐affected counties (rural and urban). The examination reveals significantly different outcomes for the two approaches: counties have not returned to their pre‐disaster housing conditions, but they do exhibit counterfactual recovery. Moreover, rural counties may not be as vulnerable as assumed in the disaster recovery literature.  相似文献   

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